ANNA sum09 USA37

ANNA sum09 USA37


SliiII lewi Fasy

FINISHED MEASUREMENTS Pitlow is afcout 16’xtT (40x20cm)


•    24'xł6* (60x40cm) piece of wire red 2S<ount fabric (Zweigart. Art 381S/906 ‘Uigiru’. $2% cotton. 48% modli) • Viyd (25m( orange cotton or cotton/polyester fabric • fcur yelbw tanek

each 2'A' (6cm) lonf • Anchor (Coats) embror dery floss. vee loey tdow for colon and number of skero • sewing thread • 6“ (15cm) ripper • ftberfill Muffing INSTRUCTIONS

1 Clean fmish cut edges of winę fabric. fold m quarters. fmger press folds Usmg contrastmg Thread. stitch along ;okh to mark center (ar-tOM maiks centa on chart). 2 Using chart at left. start cross stitch of designs < (lOcm) from lo^a ard left edges Using 3 scrands of floss. work cioss-slitchcs om 2 thrcads (ser page 8C) No te Ordy the cołored designs are worked m cross-stitch The areas of winę red fabric are left inworfccd and serv* as the back ground. ) Weiwe n thread ends on wrorg ude of ernbroidery. Place lacedowi on soft towet press Tren fabr< to W/)'t 8 W (42i22cm) S For pflo* back. cut two 7t V/i (23x22un) pwccs c# orange fabric. Pm pieces together along one long edge. witt> n$t sides facing and raw edges emv Stitch V*' Pon) seam. leavng 6‘ (IScm) opening n centa, ^essseamopen 6 Insert per irao openng uv mg lapped application. Open npper partway Pm front to back. wth right sides facing and raw edges even. St«ch « V4‘ (2cm) seam. Tnm cor-nery tum righc side out. 8 Hanc--stitch a tassel to each corner Stuff ptllow


Sin II łeetl Intermediate


Stool is ibout QW high « 13Vk* deep * 23W

*nde (32*3Sx6C<m). embrordered area rs 33 W

*23U'(84 5*59cm)


•    1 yd (9Con) K> cosint needfcpoml rarwas (double- stranded} 41 Vf (105cm) wtde. (Zwergart. Art. 50S/40) • Anchor Tapestry Wool. as shown n edumn B of upestry wed key. page 17 (Coat v

Floss for ptllow color key

1 • med. (onąjil 297

łof skeins 1

0 « mydk tangenne 9?S


j . ItorcMBS


1 ■ Ir ocean biue IfS


* med. It. delft blue U7


E3 • h. avocado 26S



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