ANNA sum09 USA68

ANNA sum09 USA68

Skill lcvd Irter mediate FlNISHED MEASUREMENTS Bus« 37* {41 4Sr/95(lW.T14)Cfn length 24'V/63tir Upper trm V-//J4.Scm MATERIALS

Lana Grossa "BcIWo* (hne-weight yam) 40% cctton. 4S% wscose. 10% linen. S%pofy*midf: 1Slyd/140m IUoi/SOj

•    Color H6 red m (OM. M)oz/XI0 (350.400)g 918 (1071. lZ24)yd/840 (980. H20>m

Lam Grossa "Uwite* (l^itwegh yim);70%vńco&e.2O%fc«n.1O%polyarnne; D7ydAEm.P^/SQg

. Cek* *! red M (V*. SU)m/100(150. 150)g. 2M (411.41)^250 (375. 375frn

•    Siie 6. K> and 11 (A 6 ano 8 mm) needles

•    Sije 6 (4 mm) ckcuUr needley 16V40or long NOTFS

Carter st Worted n mds: I md. k I md; rep from *

Stoc bnette st K the RS rows; p the WS rowy

Ruffle Work accoidng to chan be Iow Numbert on njN sice of chart

■sdicate RS rowy numbers on lełt side of char indkate WS rowy Beg with

sts bc*ore f*nt orrow, rep sts bet itrowy end w>th sts after sccond ar row

Blank squares on chart represent 'no stitch* are included only to keep st

count correct. Worc rows I through 8 once.

hill-fashioned dec At beg oł row. work selvage U. k2tog. at end of row.

work SAP. sehage st.


M sts and 17 rows* 4YX)cm in St st with Bc<Mo and siie n |8mm) needles. 21 sts and 30 rows= 4"/Kkrr wrth Linare and site 6 (4mm) needks. BACK

With Belblo and site 11 (8mm) needtes cast on 90 (KX). 110) sts and work n Stsr Slup* łid*t Working full-fashoned decs dec 1 st at beg and end of row S. then every 6th row once. every 4th row 7 (9.11) t mes. every 8th row 2 (1. 0) times-68 (76. 84) sts When piece measures BW/JS cm. changę to v;e 6 (4mm) needles and Loarte and cont * St st. mc ewnly across first row as folk IC2 (4.6). * Ml k2: rep from * 31 (33.35) times morę k2 (4. 6)- W0 (HO. 120) sts Work ewi for 3kiV9im Shape armholes Bnd off 4 sts at beg of next 2 rowy then bnd off 3 sts at beg of foli 2 (2. 4) rows; 2 sts at beg of foli 2 (2.0| rows; then dec 1 st at beg and end of next row-80 (90. 98) sts When armhole measures lV/4cm. charge to si/e 11 (8mnr) needles and BHhlo and contioue in St sr. dec evenly across hrst row as foli: 11 (0. ’). *k2tog, kL rep from *25 (29.31) times more-54 (60.66) stv Work even for 6*/ttcm Brnd off alt stv FRONT

Work same as back unt.l armhole measures 4'/10cm. Skąpe neck Work to center 8 sts join another bali of yam. bmd off center 8 sty work to end Working both sides at same trne. bind off 4 sts at beg of each neck edge once then 3 sts twice-13 (16.19) sts rem on each side. When prece mrosim same as back. bard off rem sts SL£EVŁS

Win BefNo and sire 11 (8mm| needles. cast on 34 sts and work ir St sL Shape sleeees Inc 1 st at beg and enc of row 9; then ewry lOth row lwice every 8th row 51 mes—50 sts Work even ontl piece measures 17W"/44cm from beg Shape cap 6md off 3 sts at beg of ne«t 2 rowy then 2 stsat beg of ne*t 2 rows. Dec 1 st at beg and end of erery RS row 9 times then bind off 3 stsat beg of nert 2 rowy Bnd eff rem 16 sty


Błock pieces to measreements Back l> front lower edges With we 10 (6mm) needles and BelMo pici up and klll (123.13S) sts at each lower edge and work 8 rows of Ruffte pat accordmg to chart Bnd off aN sts looseły. Sleeve euffs With site W (6rrm) reedes and Bełfilo. p<k up and k42 sts at lower edge of each sfcew and work 8 rows of ruffle pat foli chart. Bind off all sts looseły Sew shoulder seams Neck edges With circular needles and Unarte pick up and k82 sts arousd neck edge Work S rnds in garter st Bnd off Set m słeem Sew sideand sleesre seams.

Ji3»*.**• JCJsyar

I r

tw |    | sr

knitting symbols key

a .................

< ■ ■■■■'_ ■■■■■■    ■ ■ ■ 7

• ■ ■■■'' ■■■■■ ■ ■ • *

* ♦, ' eeąą ' ,B,0ąB'ąe,e>

♦    ■ ■■o ■■■■ ■■4-3

1 ♦ ,ooo oo'oooo*

■ ■    ■■■ ■■’

t t


+ ■ selvage stitch. werk ir St st ■ -Itl S = pi O • yo U • Ml A p2tog

■\1 • 2*stlT Skip nert st on IN needle: working behind slopped st. kret neit st tbf. kret skpped stitch stide both sts to RH needle


www.AnruCrafts.coni firmo 67


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