ANNA sum09 USA73

ANNA sum09 USA73

Skali lewi Irtęfmcdiiitf

FIN1SHED MEASUREMENTS Burt 33 (38. 44. 49)784 (963. HI S. I245)cm langth KM (2T 22.22Vif/S2 (S4 V 56. S7)cm Upper arm 13 (1S. 16.I7J733 (38.40143)cm


Gedifri ‘AyaU* (meckumweight yam) 51% vńcose. 27% polyamklt 22% fcnen; 99yd/90m. l*«/50g

•    Cotor 102267kiwi: 12 «34.1SH. 17 .)o//)S0(40C. 4S0. SCOJg; 693 (792.891.990Jyd/630 (720.810.900)m

•    ite G-6 (4mm) crochet hook

•    5»ieX)(6mm)ne«dles

•    Si« X3 (6mm) arcular needk. I6740cm Icng

•    SMch marker CROC HET NOTES

Please notę Arrows on schematics show direction of work.

Shell pat Work xcordmg to chart A. Numbers on right side of chart indicale RS rows. nunbets on left móc of chart indcate WS rows. Beg with sts bcfore the first arrow. rep sts bet ween arrows. then work sts afte- second arrow Werk to row 7. then rep rows 2 tl*ougfi7foi shdlpat.


1 pat rep and 8 rows • 2K‘x477xl0cm in steli pat.


Lace pat Werk accordrtg to chart 8 Nurrber on nght side of chart indcates RS row. nunrber on left side of chart ndKates WS row Beg wtth 1 sr before first arrow. rep 2 sts bet arrows. end with I st after seccnd arrow. Work row 2; then rep rows I and 2 for lace pat.


11V4 sts and 16 rows = 4* /10cm in lxe pat


Body Beg at top «Jge of bod)' and werkmg toward hem. with crochet hook. ch 74 (86.98.110) Work in shell pat as foli Row 1 (RS) v in 7nd ch from hook. ch 5. skip neit 3 ch. rep 12 sts bet arrews 5 (6. 7.8] limes end sc in next ch. ch S. skip nert 3 ch sc m Usl ch—18 (19. 20. 21) ch-S %». Tien. Cont to foli chart through row 7. then rep rows 2 through 7 until ptece measures W/3SScm from beg fisten off Bodke Tjm body so RS is fxmg and bottom Ips of beg ch are at top. Wrth needles. p«ck up and kSO (S8. 66,74) sts evr*nfy spaced arross Work m Ure pat as foli Row 1 (WS) V (sehrage st). -cp 2 sts bet arrows to last st. end pi (setage st) Cent to foli chart through row Z then rep rows land 2 untłbod*ce measures 6Vł (7h. 8.8^)*/16.S (19.205.215)cm hon beg B-nd off all stsloosełypwise.


Work as for back until bodke measures 3 (4. 4/i. S)*/7.5 (10.115.125)cm. Shape neck as foli: Work to center 10 (K>. 12.12) sts. foin anether bali of yam. bind


•    OWOtW.9W.9V

off center X) (10. IZ 14) sts. work to end. Workmg both sides at once. bind off 3 sts at cach neck edge once. then 2 sts once; then dec 1 st from each neck edge eeery row tw»ce-l3 (17. XX 24) sts each side Work eeen until piece measures same length as back to shoulder Bmd off each side loosely pwtse for shoUders SLEEVES

Lace border 3cg at top edge cf border and workmg toward hem. with crochet hook. ch 62 (74.86, 86) Work »i shell pat as fol: Row 1 (RS) Sc « 2nd ch from hook. ch S. skp ne«t 3 ch rep 12 sts bet arrows 415.6. 6) Times, end sc in next ch ch S. skip next 3ch sc ei Ust ch-17 (18 19.19)ch-5 Ips Ti*n. Conl to Wl chart through row 7. then rep rows 2 through 7 until piece

measues 2V5cm frem beg. Fasien off Upper >l«ev«

Tum euff so RS ts faong and bottom Ips of beg ch are at top. With needles. pick up and k4C (46 48.52) sts ewnly spacee across. Work n lace pat as fo I Row 1 (WS) Pl (sehage st) rep 2 sts bet arrows to Ust st. end pl (sehrage st) Cont to foli chart through row Z then rep ruws I and 2 until piece measuies 9 (9.10.11)723 (23. 2S5. 28)cm from beg. Bind off al sts loosely pwise.


Błock p«ces to measurements Sew shoulder seams Neck edginf With RS facrg and circuUr needle. pek up and <54 (54.58.58) sts eventy spaced around entire neck edge. Jon and pmfor beg of rnds Purl 1 md: krat I md Neit md *P2tog, yo. rep from * around PuH 1 md: krat 1 md Bind off afl sts loosely kwise Set n slecves Sew s^e and slerk seams.


I '\

i F>oV


t t

crochet symbols key

• * chan (ch)    ** * slip stitch (sl st)    \- half double crochet |hdc)


■ “••i    5

*•■** * * i * * **■** *•■*’ *’■* *    *■’{

’■    >**"*■    j

** **■** **i*’ * ’ i * * * ‘ i * * * * i * * *'i*1


♦=double crochet (dc| i = single crochet (sc)    t = treWe crochet (tr)

1 sc n direction of arrow    ( tripłe trełske crochet (ttr)

A c luster (cl) Work each st to por nr where 2 Ips rem on hook. >o and drew through all Ips on hook-2 dc cl madę

A ckuter (cl) Work each st to point where 2 Ips rem on hook. yo and draw through ali Ipson hook-Jdcd

V = ki speofed stitch work. 2 dc V= (ldc.chl.ldc) '^'=(2 dc. chi. 2 dc) O * (dc2tog)    ^ • 3 dc in specified st ^ • 4 dc In specihed st

'W' - 7dc n specdied st A = 3dc d workedoeer 2 sts

72 Anno Surnmcr 2C09


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