


Die Fuelle der Moeglichkeiten wird mit einem Blick auf die Beispiele der Antiken sehr deutlich. Man kann aber zu den gaengigsten Formen die V-T-Y-Bindung ueber dem Fussruecken zaehlen.

Abschliessend moechte ich Sie noch darauf hinwiesen, dass eine ausfuehrliche Dokumentation des Fundes im Saalburg-Jahrbuch 86 erscheinen wird.


Vigdis Vingelsgaard and Annę Lisbeth Schmidt, The National Museum of Denmark


At the Ethnographic Department of the National Museum of Denmark we have a big collection of Eskimo costumes and artifacts. Ethnographers like Knud Rasmussen and Peter Freuchen bought a great deal of it on the 5th Thule expedition from 1921-1924, about 15000 items.

Since October 1985 and up till now we have been working on the removal of insecticides from some of this materiał. Parallel - with this we have conducted a registration of the condition of the collection, and it is these projects we are going to tell you about.

During the 50's and 60's different types of insecticides were used at the National Museum to stop insect attacks in some of the storerooms, or used as a preventive agent in others. It was oonsidered just a routine job for some of the employees to give the objects a dash of something like DDT or Naphtaline every half year.

Among conservators this was not seen as a problem until 1983. Part of the Eskimo collection was to be moved to new storerooms, and in that connection the objects were to be cleaned for museum dust by means of pressurized air and vacuum cleaning.

One person became suspicious about the brown dust which was raised by the air pressure. A sample of dust was taken to the Gonservation Laboratory and analysed. Gas chroma-tography showed the dust to contain DDT, and the work was stopped immediately.

Three things resulted from this discovery:

1 . The ethnographic collections were examined for the presence and concentration of insecticides.

2. The Health and Safety Committee for the Museum madę some


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