Make the legs frorri two thin ropes of yellow dough 25mm (1 in) long. Join the two ropes together at the top. Make the shoes from two tiny balls of green dough.
Roli out some pink dough until it is quite thin and cut a 25mm (lin) square. Gather one edge of the square. Join the gathered edge to the top of the legs.
Make the arms by rolling yellow dough into two thin ropes 13rnm (Zin) long. Roli two tiny balls of green dough for the hands and attach them to the arms. Join the arms either side of the dress.
Make the head from a smali marble-si7e bali of yellow dough and join it to the top of the dress Make the eyes and mouth with the end of a cocktail stick. Roli a smali pink bali for the nose.
SPush some blue dough through a fine-mesh tea strainer with the back of a spoon. Join these strands to the head.
Make a pocket from pink dough and join it to the front of the dress and leave the finished doli to dry.