USA Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO)
Norway's PGSASA affiliate in England, PGS Exploration (UK) Limited, has misrepresented legał and protected public interest disclosure (whistleblowing) under English law to be criminal defamation in Thailand. PGS Exploration (UK) Limited is both registered and physically located in England and as such is obligated to uphold the laws of England.
PGS Exploration (UK) Limited has misrepresented their legał authority and jurisdiction to include the Kingdom of Thailand as well as the Federal Courts of the USA (e.a.. Harris County. Texas) without license through an imposed compromise agreement which was signed by me to stop criminal litigation. I believe this compromise agreement is Ulegał and unenforceable. PGS Exploration (UK) Limited is misrepresenting the breadth of their legał jurisdiction and authority into the US Federal Courts as an intimidation tactic to unduly influence a US Citizen into silence and unlawfully take away his right to accuse criminals.
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