Configure aduanced CPU settings Module Uersion:01.04
Hanu factur er: I nt e 1
Brand String:Intel(R) Core(TM) CPU
Freąuency :2.93GHz
BCLK Speed :133MHz
Cache LI :256 KB
Cache L2 :1024 KB
Cache L3 :8192 KB
Ratio Status:Unlocked (Min:09. Max:22)
Ratio ftctual Ualue:22
CPUID :106E5
Sets the ratio betueen CPU Core Clock and the FSB Freąuency.
NOTĘ: If an inualid ratio is set in CMOS then actual and setpoint ualues nay differ.
C1E Support Hardware Prefetcher ftdjacent Cache Linę Prefetch Max CPUID Ualue Limit Intel(R) Uirtualization Tech
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