Wykorzystanie precyzyjnych elementów retencyjnych w złożonych pracach protetycznych ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem wymagań estetycznych pacjentów



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Lista piśmiennictwa dostępna jest także w formie elektronicznej na stronie www.edentico.pl. 0

was diagnosed in both patśents. Preparatory orocedmes were pe'fo'med such as scaling, root olaning and closed curettage. A stable condition of peńodonta tissues isabso utey necessary in case of making combned works with the use of orecise retention elements owlng to the distributon of masticatoty forces affecting supporting teeth [8]. Ensuring a ver-tical transfer o‘ forces reduces the component of horzontal forces which are harmful for the perodontium.

In the two clinlcal cases. connected p’Osthetic crowns with the use of precise retention elements were panned, aongsde a casp-free skeletal denture. Splinting of the teeth using oermanent restorations ensured dstriPution of ocdusal forces on a Pigger numoer of olocked teeth, which significantiy imp'oved the biomechanics of utilised restoratons and inc'eased the durability of the reconstruc-tion [7], As a consequence. mastcatory forces are transferred in a mo'e physiological man-ner and are less destructive for the sup-00’ting teeth. the per odontium and the Pone base '91.

With the aoplicatlon o( an Er:YAG ablative aser in the first of the presented cases, the gingivopasty p'Ocedure was carried out with the aim of elongatng the dinica! cowns with simultaneous making the oer odontal pockets shallower. A soft tissue corecton madę it oossiole to improve the aesthetic effeas of the futurę prosthetic reconstructon (thanks to the harmony and proportion of the teeth in the anterior section) and to ensure bette* control of the pehodontal disease Py means of ma<ing the oer odontal pockets sna lower and faciltating the performance of ora hy-giene orocedmes [10,11]. Dur ng the oeriod of oosenratonSk this also led to the increased stability of the teeth in sockets and to tne imp'ovement of the condition of bonę tssue in a 'adioogcal picture.

In the second dmical case, afte* a tho'ough analys s of the orosthetic base and the condition of the oeriodontum. a decison was ta<en to make full-zirconia reduced crowns with ceram.c facing, with ext'a-co*onal slide attachments for the clasp-free sseletal denture. Such a solution enabled making a sat sfactory restO'aton in both aesthetic and functiona terns. Ow ng to the 'econstruction of the anteno* secton of the upoer dental arch using connected fu l-zrconia prosthetic crowns - similariy as in the afo’ementioned cases - most & ali bette* stabil sation of the supporting teeth, increased control oc the oer odontal d sease, and very good aestnetic e'fects we*e achieved. An addifonal advan-tage oc such a soluton is the fact that zirco-nium oxide is a hydroohobc mater al; nence its absorotion ocgingival fluid is 'educed and it is mo'e difficuit for bacteria to colonise it, which leads to a better condition of per odontal tissues in the patients d agnosed with chronic perodontitisor from the risk group [12].

The use of slide attachments for the skeletal dentu'e madę it possfoe to reconstruct cor-rectly - in biomechanical terms - the missing teeth in lateral sections; hence secure the function of mastication [5],

Var ous authors cannot agree in regards to the minimum numbe' o‘connected crowns for the use of orease retention elements. Connecting two dental crowns is acceptable; however, in such cases a very good condition of oer odontal tissue of the connected teeth is required [1,7]. In the cases p*esented herein, chronic oeriodontitis served as an additional facto*; hence a decsion toconnect a large* numoer of cowns needed to be madę.


At this point it is aporopriate to notce that making combined *esto*ations in the form of connected cowns with precise retention elements and clasp-free skeetai dentures an a ternative to treatment with the use of conventonal p*osthetc *estorations.They en-su*egood dentu*e retention and staoilisation. as we I as oositive aesthetic effects. Vioreove*, blocking the cowns of abutment teeth increases their stablity, allows better control over periodontopathies, and enabes a mo*e benefidal manner of transferring mastcatory forces onto the pehodontal membranę, conorrently stimulating the osseous tissue of thedenta sockets [13). Additionally, such a solution makes it possible to <eep p'ope' orał hyg ene, which is of utrrost importance in case ot per odontal d seases [6].

The authors wish toexpress th&rgratitudeto Laboratorium Protetyczne Dental Lab Wiesław Stefaniak) for making the reconstruction presented in the first cknical case, and to Laboratorium Smiles -Architekci Uśmiechu Ooanna Trybub-Chmieie/rska, Jacek Chmielewski) for making the reconstruction used in the second case

Recewed:26.012017 Revised:30.01.2017 Accepted:06.022017

Ewa Chomk MD PhD.

Aleksandr Ptach DDS,

Vioetta Szyc k MD PnD

The list of references is also available in an electronic form or www.edentico.pl. 0


Kwartalnik Stomatologa Praktyka Polish & Ergltsh Jol mai for Dentists



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