I never used to take drugs. [Nigdy iiie brałem narkotyków] - nieformalne I used never to take drugs. - formalne.
DUwaga: Pamiętaj, że forma used to + infinitive ma inne znaczenie niż forma be used to +
I Complete the sentences with an appropriate form of used to.
When I was a child I_drink a lot of milk, but now I hate it.
When (you)_attend a dancing class?
When my brother was studying he_ come home very often; we
_see liim once or twice a year.
In my previous job I_do all the bard work but now Pm a manager and
it’s me who give commands.
When my daughter was a newbom, she_ery a lot. People say tliat
she is still very calm child.
When my brother was a child he_eat a lot of junk food but
now he is a vegetarian and he leads a healthy life.
T ranslate:
1. My mother used to bakę an apple pie every Saturday.
2. She used to go to the cinema every Monday.
3. He used to be a good studenL
4. Rachel used to play tennis when she was a child.
5. I used to hate Cris but now I like him.
6. Lucy used to be fat when she was younger.
7. When I was yaung 1 used to cheat during tests.
8. She used to smoke but now she doesn’t.
9. I didn't use to do my homeworks.
10. Did you use to work so hard before you joined our company?
1. Kiedyś paliłem paczkę papierosów dziennie, ale przestałem dwa lata temu.
2. Zwykłem jeździć do pracy samochodem, ale teraz biorę autobus.
3. Kiedyś było w tym mieście kino, ale teraz juz nie ma.
4. Kiedyś miała naprawdę długie włosy.
5. Kiedyś wydawało mi się to proste, ale dziś wiem, że jest to bardzo trudne.
6. Ten pokój to nasza sypialnia. Kiedyś był naszym pokojem gościnnym.
7. Tom grał w tenisa, gdy był dzieckiem.