Computers In Teaching

Computers perform complex tasks in a very short limę.

3 staees:

a)    behavioural stage: (1960s - 1970s) drill-and-practice metliod was used, repetitive language skills, Computer viewed as a mechanical tutor that never grew tired

b)    communicatiye stage: (1970s - 1980s) computers should focus morę on using forms than on the forms themselves; response to behaviourist stage

ci integratiye stage: integrates individual skills of language and technology morę fully into language teaching


-    offer interactive learning

personalized instruction, considerable flexibility in handling different types of materiał

-    cannot effectively conduct a free dialogue

CAI Computer Assisted Instruction - use of a Computer in a teacliing programme (to check their progress, to indicate correctness of answer).

C ALL - Computer Ąssisted Language.Learning


■    users can work independently

■    programs respect tlie individuality of the leamers (they can make frequent clioices willi many options)

■    leamers can analyse pattems in language

■    they are morę interesting

■    adjusted to the leamers’ levels

■    unlimited types of activities

■    providing with Computer literacy

■    leamers are not corrected, judged, watched

■    leamers have privacy

■    computers have no “days ofP’

■    Computer is patient


■    wasting time by identifying letters on tlie keyboard

■    learners work in isolation, no communication with others

■    mainly reading and writing skills

■    computers don't provide real communicatiye exchanges

■    tiring to read from tlie screen

■    don’t provide a sense of cooperation

■    false conversation can frustrate the leamer


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