FANRPAN Policy Brief


April 2016

Stemming Aflatoxin in the Groundnut Chain in Sub-Saharan Africa

A^tScri    Wł l**r**n. V«v,    *M W-,


Groundnut (A/och* hypoęoeo Ll a tropical food «op is a rkh source of mufbple nutrienti with asiociated health beneftts Amon* others. consumpboo of good ąuakty groundnuls helpi to reduce the rók of cancer and obeiity, boosti mcmory. combats depretiion. prcventi ieveral cardiowaicular duordon. and treati hemophilia and other btood related diiorden ISanden et al, 2000; Roi. 2010; V.nvon and Cai. 2012. AJlen. 2008; K** et al, 2008) Mowever. the preience of aflatoum, po nonom and cancer-causing compoundi that are produced by certain pathogcnkc molds (mamły Asptręttkn flowi and A poroutKirt) compromne the hcahh lafcty and nutntional value of the crop thereby artecbng the marketability of groundnut*. Thts policy brief hai been speciffcally prepared to highl^ht the importance of aflatoains oo human health and trade in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). It contertualke*. (•) the preharyeit and poit harwit factori that influence the prohferation of moldi and aflatoodn contamination in groundnut! in the SSA region. (a) dhcuises feauble prevenhon and management itrategies and (in) preienti recommendationi.


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