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•Dctermination of thc rescarch problem. •Formulatinga hypothesis. •Formulating a rescarch goal. •Dctcmiininc thc scooe of rcsearch. |
\ •Rccognition of thc cxi*ting state of knowledgc in intcmation.il centers/Analysis of literaturę in terms of understanding trust in intcrmodal transport scrvices. •Collccting scoondary spatio-tcmpor.il data (data cjuality is important); smali data gaps can bc suppłemented with słatistkal nvcthods. | |
•Organizing thc data set; assigning marks to eariabłes. •Dcfine the critcria for the "TRUST” and "DISTRESS" units. •Giving thc indis-iduals thc appropriatc attributes according to thc adopted criterśon. |
•I łomogcnoity fcsłińgof thc studicd unil> in a givcn łime intorv.il by ntcans of taxonometric methods. e.g. k-means algorithm.
• K thc unit* do not differ from cach othor (ono dustcr), one model can bo specificd tor all units tested.
• In thc casc whęn tho units diffcr significantly, thcn tho units shoutd bcgroupcd into sc pa rato dusters and tlić oulliers should bc scparated. A sc parafę model spcdfication should bc mado for cach cl ust er.
• Iinplementation of Generali/ed Discriminant Analysis.
•Frorn thc whole set of obtaincd data. only thosc that aro statistically significant in thc model (p value < 0X)5) should bo seloctod using thc multiplc regrosaion (slepwiso progressive).
•Yariablcs that aro not statistically significant should bcexcluded from tho model.
•Nost. thc parameters ot thc model should beeoaluated separatek for thc DISTRESS and TRUST units.
•After estimating thc model, it is important to wrify it using multidimcnsional significancc tests (induding Wilks. Pillai. KotcHing, Roy).
•Cakulation of thc dassification matrix for TRUST and DISTRESS typc units (and in total).
•Approximation of utility functions and proposmg scenarios in rdation to thc analy/cd critcria (variablcs indudcd in tho study).
•Dctermining thc dircctions of a<tivilies, important from thc point of view of thc shift poradigm. And on their basis. thc presentation of rccommcndations for thc creators of economic policy.