Name of the course: MACROECONOMICS

Course codę: 14.311171 AI08 1

Name of the unit giving the course: Department of Macroeconomics

Name of the field ofstudy: Economics and IT applications

Form of studies: Full-time Bachelor

Education profile: academic


Year / semester 1/1

Course/module status: Field of study

Course/module language: english

Form of the course







Number of hours



Course/module coordinator

dr Lech Próchnicki, lproch@mikroplan.com.pl

To acquaint the student with the basie concepts and models of modern Goal of the course/module    macroeconomics, explaining key processes and relationships in the economy and

_their deyelopment by means of formal methods.

In terms of knowledge: the student knows the generał economic phenomena in economy.

Course reguirements

In terms of skills: the student has the ability to see cause and effect and the ability to use matematic knowledge.

In terms of competence (attitudes): student can work together in a group, has a habit of learning and acguiring current economic information

Course content

Form of the course - lecture

1. Fundamental of macroeconomics

2.    Economic equilibrium in short and long run economy

3.    The lobor market and unemployment

Economic growth and growth policy

5.    The monetarny system and monetary policy

6.    Inflation

7. Private and public aggregate demand

8. International trade versus foreigin demand

Interest ratę versus aggregate demand - IS model

10. IS-LM model and macroeconomic policy in short run economy

Form of the course - classes (exercises)

1. Introduction to economy

2. Circle flow - eguilirium interactions beetwen economic agents

3. Meassuring Economic Product (output, incame); social wealth;

4.    Unemployment

5.    Financial market


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