Figurę 1.11 Systćme de respirometrie utilisć pour mesurer le mćtabolisme des mesanges a la FER Macp&s. © Magali Petit................................................................................21
Figurę 1.12 Aile et queue dont les primaires (PI, P3, P5, P7 et P9) et les rectrices (R2 et R4) furent coupćes le long du rachis. © Magali Petit...................................................22
Figurę 1.1 Inter-seasonal variation of mass-independent BMR, Msum and ME. Data are least square means for BMR (A), Msum (B) and ME (C) controlling for year, season, sex and body mass with bird ID as random parameter. Different letters indicate significant difference between seasons.................................................................37
Figurę 1.2 Intra-seasonal changes in body mass. Data are least square means of body mass controlling for year, month, time of capture, sex with bird ID as random parameter. Different letters represent significant difference between months..........................38
Figurę 1.3 Monthly variation at the population and individual levels in mass-independent BMR, Msum and ME. Population data (black linę and dots) are least square means for BMR (A), Msum (B) and ME (C) controlling for year, month, sex, body mass and bird ID as random parameter. In B and C - dotted linę, open dots and uppercase: lst year; solid linę, black dots and lowercase: 2nd year. Different letters represent significant difference between months within a year. Predicted values calculated from LMEs (see text for details) are used to visualize data from individuals captured morę than once (grey lines)..................................................40
Figurę 1.4 Visual representation of the monthly winter increment in mass-independent BMR (A) and Msum (B) relative to summer values. Data measured in August are used as the summer phenotype reference point (August = 0%, black star, dashed linę) while maximal levels of BMR and Msum recorded in winter are considered representative of the “peak” winter phenotype (February = 100%). Monthly changes in metabolic performance (values above lines) are presented in percent of total inter-seasonal difference. Dotted lines represent BMR variations below the summer reference point....................................................................................................................44
Figurę 2.1 Reaction norms according to three scenarios. In (a) individuals express different elevations and slopes, in (b) individuals express different elevations but similar slopes and in (c) individuals express the same elevations and slopes, which reflect the population reaction norm.......................................................................................53
Figurę 2.2 Relationship between mass and sex independent BMR and the natural rangę of minimal ambient temperaturę. Residual BMR were extracted from an ANCOVA controlling for body mass and sex. Population-average reaction norm is represented by the black linę while grey lines represent reaction norms of individuals caught morę than five times.............................................................................................61
Figurę 2.3 Mass and sex independent Msum variation over the natural rangę of weather conditions. Data are residual Msum presented against (a) minimal ambient
temperaturę (min Ta) and (b) residual minimal absolute humidity. Black dots in (b) represent data collected at min Ta < 0°C, white dots at 0°C<min Ta<16°C and grey dots at min Ta>16°C (see text for details). For both panels, black lines are curves fitted by loess (smoothness = 0.85, degree = 2). Residual Msum were extracted ffom ANCOYA controlling for body mass, sex as well as residual minimal absolute