połączenia z telewizją kablową, z nauczaniem lub podróżami wirtualnymi, z zakupem elektronicznym.


1.    P. B a r k e n Electronic libraries - uision of the futurę. „The Electronic Library” 1994 Vol. 12 nr 4 s. 221-229.

2.    E. Chmielewska-Gorczyca: Cechy środków zapisu i przekazu informacji. W: Bibliologia dyscypliną integrującą. Warszawa 1993 s. 353-366.

3.    Cyberspace. First step. Ed. M. Benedikt. Cambridge 1993.

4.    G. C. Dal t.o, M. C a b r i n i: HyperLib. A prototype of a cognitive graphical user interface. W: The virtual library. 1T* Library Systems Seminar. Graz 1993 s. 224-228.

5.    Encyklopedia of Computer science. 3 ed. Ed. A. R a 1 s t o n, E. D. R e i 11 y. New York 1993.

6.    The evolution of library automation. Management issues and futurę perspectives. Ed. G. M. P i t k i n. London 1991.

7.    Ch. Hurt: Building thefoundations ofVirginias Virtual Library. „Information Technology and Libraries” 1995 Vol. 14 nr 1, s. 50-53.

8. D. K o h 1: OhioLINK: vision for the 21* century. „Library Hi Tech" 1994 Vol. 12 nr 4 s. 29-34.

9.    A. L o o m i s, D. F i n k: Instruction: gateway to the virtual library. W: The virtual library. Vision and realities. Westport 1993 s. 47-69.

10.    C. Petten ati: What is a uirtual library. W: The virtual library. Graz 1993 s. 146-163.

11.    B. von W a h I d e, N. Schiller: Creating the virtual library: strategie issues. W: The virtual library. Westport 1993 s. 15-46.

12.    J. A. Youngen Mrtual support: evolving technical services. W: The Mrtual Library. Westport 1993 s. 71-86.



The library automation started in sixties with the creation and distribution of bibliographic records on magnetic tapes and continued to develop with the creation of automated catalogs converted then from the printed form to Online public access. Further developments were focused on making OPAC both morę user friendly and morę flexible with elaborate index searches. The next decade was marked with the first automated central catalogs of library networks and beginnings of the automation of acąuisitions, circulation and interlibrary loans. The rapid growth of the Internet opened the catalogs and other information sources for access from virtually anywhere in the world. Simultaneously, electronic documents emerged changing the role of libraries with the new functions of online access to the documents over the netwoork without the need of visting thw library building itself.

The “virtual library” differs substantially from the ordinary library both with the intemal procedures and usage pattems. It seems that the libraries will evolve gradually into virtual ones. The main functions of the virtual libraries will be:

—    allowing users to access information sources — both local and remote — anytime and from anywhere with the help of a personal Computer and information netwoork;

—    integrate bibliographic search with full-text document delivery;


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