77- Numismatickb Oddćleni Narodniho Musea v Praze. Une des vitrines dc l’cxposition Traiwailhs dr monnaies, sources dc coimaissance histo-riqne, dćpartement dc la numismatiquc, Musćc national, Praguc. Partie d’un important ensemble de monnaies d’or decouvcrtcs a Kosice cn 1955. Lc fond noir dc la vitrinc met en relief la bełle matiere des monnaies. L’ćtiquetagc donnant dc breves descriptions est de coulcur creme avec tcxte imprimć en noir. Chaque vitrinc comprend un agrandissement photo-graphiquc (18/1) dc la pićcc la plus caracte-ristiquc. Les spćcimcns du monnayagc hongrois sont sćparćs des specimens transylvaniens, tchćques et autrichiens' par un c.\cmplairc dc 1’etude consacree a cettc decouvcrtc.
77. Exhibition Numismatic Fitids as a Sotirce of History, Numismatic Department, National Muscum, Praguc. One of the showcases. Part of a big find of gold coins madc in KoSice in 1955. The black background sets off the bright metal, whilc the summary descriptions are printed in black on crcam-colourcd labcls. Each showcase contains a photographic cnlargc-ment (18/1) of a typical specimen. The specimens of Hungarian coins are separated from the Transylvanian, Czech and Austrian coins by a copy of the study describing the find.
by Emanuela Nohejloya-PratoyA
Bobinie, en Morwie et en Sitisie, relevć de toutes les trouvaiłles faites dc 1780 a 1955 sur le territoire des pays tcheques de la Rćpublique. Trois volumes ont paru de 1955 a 1957; le quatrićme est actuellement sous presse.
La cooperation des travailleurs scientifiques du Musće de Slovaquie a Bratislava et de rAcadćmie des Sciences slovaque est organisće de faęon analogue: un cata-logue des monnaies trouvees en Slovaquie est en preparation.
Outre le Recueil de travaux mumsmatiqiies de rAcadćmie des Sciences tchćcoslovaque, une revue bimcstrielle dirigće par le Dr Kareł Castelin sous le titre Journal de ntwtis-matiąue et destinće a la publication d’articles scientifiques et educatifs de moindre ćtendue est publiće 4 Prague par la Socićte numismatique tchćcoslovaque, laquelle reunit environ i 200 membres en contacts ćtroits avec les musees centraux et regionaux.
Presque toujours reerutes dans le personnel scientifique des musees, les charges dc cours de numismatique des universitćs tchćcoslovaques donnent, dans le cadre de Penseignemcnt de l’histoire, des cours obligatoires de numismatique gćnerale ou tchćque (eventuellement slovaque) et des cours facultatifs speciaux consacrćs a la numismatique celte, antique et orientale ou A certains de ses caractćres au moyen age et aux temps modernes.
L’interet porte par la jeune gćneration dc collectionneurs et d’ćtudiants a la numis-matiquc mćrite d’etre souligne. Le nombre des travaiłleurs prćparant une carriere scientifique dans cc domaine spćcial et de leurs travaux est tout a fait remarquable.
(Tradnit dii tcbeąue.)
At the present timc, work on numismatics is nearly always carried out in con-junction with the museums, whose research workers undoubtedly take the lead in all fields of numismatics: documentation, organization, educational or scientific activities. Czechoslovak museums possess several outstanding coin collec-tions, the most important of which are those of the National Museum in Prague (at present one of the largest in Europę) and of the Moravian Museum in Brno (approxi-matcly 120,000 objects). The most important collection, that of the National Museum, consists primarily of Czech coins dating from the ioth century to the i9th century, a rich comparative collection of European coins, a collection of ancient and Celtic coins, and specimens of coins from overseas and oriental countries. In addition to these metal coins, it has the most complcte collection of paper money, medals, medallions and other objects existing in Europę and other parts of the world.
This numismatic institute covers every aspect of museological work, from research, conscrvation or Identification of the materiał to its usc for scientific and educational purposes. In the storerooms, the exhibits and their index-cards are placed in cellophane packets, so that each exhibit is always accompanied by its inventory number without being damaged by markings on the piece itself. They are classified geographically for each main economic and historical period, and chrono-logically in each of the geographical groups. Medals and similar objects of art are classified according to their designers.
As far as the use of the materiał for scientific and educational purposes is concerned the main approach is to arrange special permanent exhibitions, based essentially on a presentation of Czech coins within the wider context of the Bohemian medal-making art or ancient minting, etc. Sevcral special exhibitions have been organized on these lines, the most important being one entitled Niwiisrnatic Finds, as a Sotirce of History (January 1953) (fig. The first of its kind, it was based on the presenta-