Th# luropean CommMion annooncaó a pr oposa! Tof a resned Energy Partormaret ot •UkJlrigi D1ecOv1 <f P80) to be part ot the Energy tftaency htcktęt eipected to be pubkshed m OctotKi 2014. Th»s pro1H3rt an opportunlty to ewohre and to strengthen requ»»emefrtt « the curraot werwon oT the ŁPBO wfttch woutd reswłt In htgfter energy tayngs and rnduced COi emtsslons trom the tector Some etsentisl ctwtget tt<|etted beto1. conduded Erom JW’l e1tensive 'Oiatrch madę these pau years1:
• Indudmg an unambtguous long-term wtuon for buttdłngs the EU bulkfcng itoci shoułd meet high ettlcteocy and /ero carbon standard1 by 2050.
• SnmuUBnj hlgher and deepet energy renovanor ritft ot the current bułiding rtock. wtth the necessary arteneon to techno! and economłc foasMMy, Health and comtert issues.
a) The requtfementł tor puatthed e>pe'tt ara harmomted across Member States;
b) The certiher ncedi to be phywcalh pretm! omtte (tor new bu1Mtr1s as a pan ot a •erihcahon proceu)
c) The quabty check ot EPCs a Urf^.henmJ and harrnon«ed.
d) Digital toołs are used for qoakrf checks ot the EPC dana. such as p»auUb»iti chedu In a cafcUatton software arwtfor the EPC rogom
• Enuirtng that Kiture buHdtng1 are tmart and Inter tor.nected wtth the energy system
• Addresstng the problem ot tuet powerty acnm the EU
with a careftrfly designed and mora eftoctwe pol<c> landscape
- Reform the cost-opttmal methoóologf and ratę 1nso fui comidtntKtn other benehts (energy secisfty. empiorment acatton. reduced alr polio Don. neatth and corrttort) of better bwtUmg performance
- In Energy Porlomanca Cerrhcates (EPCs). Member States shouid enwre that. etter aka
for a Mi
Introduong further compUance and ouałtty atturante (masom: