Etude de calcu! drun fuselage raonocoąue en tenant corapte de la
resistance des tóles de reeouvrement, par M. Risak. Bulletin du Service techniąue de 1*aeronautique, Bruxelles, May 1938. (Abstract Engineering, London, Sep. 1938, v. 10, no. 115, p. 290)
General instability of semi-monocodue cylinders, by E. I. Ryder. Air cormnerce bulletin, Washington, Apr. 15, 1S38, v. 9, no. 10, p. 241-46. * illus.
Contributo al calcolo delle volte sottili cilindriche, di Enrico Volterra. Annali dei lavori pubblici, Roma, Apr. 1938, no. 4, p. 316-21. diagrs., illus.
Openings in stressed-skin wings, by D. Williams. Aircraft en-gineering, London, Jan. 1938, v. 10, no. 107, p. 3-6. diagrs., illus.
A Stressed-skin problem, by W. J. Goodey. Aircraft engineering,
London, Jan. 1938, v. 10, no. 107, p. 11-13. diagrs., illus
Calculation of ioad distribution in stiffenea cylindrical shells, by H. Ebner and H. Koller. Washington, 1938. 62 p.
(N.A.C.A. Technical raemorandums no. 866) (Frorn Luftfahrtforschung, MUnchen, Dec. 20, 1937, v. 14, no. 12, p. 607-26)
Stresses in reinforcing rings due to axi&l forces in cylindrical and conical stressed skins, by K. Drescher and H. Gropler. Washington, 1938. 14 p. diagrs. (N.A.C.A. Technical metno-
ranćums no. 847) (Frorn Luftfahrtforschung, Berlin, Feb. 20, 1937, v. 14, no. 2, p. 63-70) (Abstract Journal of the R.A.S London, May 1938, p. 478)
Belastungsversuche mit e.iner versteiften kreiszylinderschale bei krafteinleitung an einzelnen punkten, von E. Schapitz und C. KrUmling. Luftfahrtforschung, MUnchen, Dec. 1937, v. 14, no. 12, p. 593-606.
On the torsion of conical shells, by R. V. Southwell. Proceed-ings of the Royal socłety of London, Nov.-Dec. 1937, ser. A, v. 163, p. 337-55. diagrs.
Torsional stability of cylindrical shells, by A. Zahorski.
Journal of the aeronautical Sciences, New York, Dec. 1937, v. 5, no. 2, p. G2-67. bibliog., diagrs., illus., tables.
Verhalten eines von schub- und druckkraften beanspruchten
plattenstreifens oberhalb der beulgrenze, von A. Kro mm und K. Marguerre. Luftfahrtforschung, MUnchen, Dec. 1937, v. 14, no. 12, p. 627-39. illus.
Sulle eondizioni del vincolo (anello drimposta) nelle cupole
sferiche a parete sottile, di Ezio Lorenzelli. Annali. dei lavori pubblici, Roma, Oct# 1937, v. 75, no. 10, p. 837-50. diagr., table.