PKti wtt M »w»rS»<l tnd MIoj itinc. thwn by U>« NKghbołhood OUll OclUcIłlcIlŁ 8chu!U «U1 Jud** Iha mttt. Any- eJt*. fc»tur» ulkj ind demon- . notsE. AsrU J* tfs-rrćłr\! ono tottiaM m»y enut piło m Ui« mueu fcj Lloyd MeArthur, Wtyno C^ j ciuł hM »ppm*d conUK. - -- BtUś *nd3Wph «matn. Entti.
Th* afttroson taulon will be*tn | Ulnmeął wUl lnolude r«dL->ja, mu- H Ma cUtm t|fłtn8t the 8»lt UXl
~AY~TTO JłTTT n~ tTK>Oda > irtKŁlnM »M * —--.P-p<iUuł r.-ff.^ry fty P.
4how. pM-ŁAWng democucrtltón *nd Ho»* draowtrilkm j Ormcwoer •# a faro la Elmort
Iwo ikJU. ont a cotoedy. *Thimb u Jąi **>• naU«»al alocan. “TbjMri i c ounty.
a Dcorfcrob." the other a panto-lhoma bcUda tworrowi aorld. U ah« charftd Ihat cooapanj mn-mlm«, -Tb* Lamp Wal OuL~ K*- I canXl oa wlth lh# h^p ind had dtmtfed Iurge portioaa
fN&Mfc mili ba aarrad. Tb# pub-iu*t «f ^ Th*lof her crtłp iftcr «h* ha«f firm
Mc to lat** to attood. Ufa. Harry i tanów aą«k-ioof obierrtnc* tode-1 |h#« p*rm^Xo to iay a pip* EaUr»|tr ii jmblklty chalrman for the Buhl ropd*.
Mra TWtsOoU wól proU* aa mlat-rrai of ceremonie* at lh* fUer ev*m
on Tharaóiy. Tht prccrarr. will fea-turt « KlkJWf. b; jntmbwe ef
and icquiint nomomaa&a eiui-t&i ----- ilONOREO . _
WormtUoB u>d homewtog Mu- :o\HO STATE COLLEGE. Poci-etóooii tdyonUjca to be obutatd Aprll 2S-Mlliord 'Keeoeł.
throogh ueocUtlon wlth groujM In Lrti D*!or« Kenłchtod. Ru-
Uv*łr o«m dUuwu..........pert *ho wlU be-gnwtoAUd drca-
- j Idibł SUM eolk** wlth honce* ln
An cotrlch can krep paca wlth a (Jon*. v*re amoof 13 uudmU hen-ful bcoo. ored at a ficulty dlnner rrcmtiy.
ored at a faculty dlnner recoatiy.
ill AfternooirPlahned in Obsmance Of National Home Demonstration Week
Piana horo baon mada fcc a fuli The wtok-fcc* ichodulo ttaru •ftcmocm ohaerranco of KaUoral wlth May 2. óuL*TMd aa Chureh Homo rep:oaatratlon a«k to bo day. Oc MonfilT"md Wedneaday. coodiKtod at tho rvnr hlfh achool ip«da! broadcaaU hatt beon ar-•udUorlum ln filer on Tłmraday. ranted mrer all threo local radio >j4y e - • * ittUccj. atreailnf thu yoar a thomo
Aa oter-a‘1 eommltUo met ln tho of -botur waya fcc betUr daw-offlco of Kccenco SchtMr. county The rartoua hocno demomtratlMr tona deroonjlraUoo afcnt, to dlo- cocn^!U«a and other m«r.bm wiU cum piana parUetpito ln tho bn^deaau
Mra. Paul Halnllno k fonora! WTadow dlopUya will appear at chalrman of tho eaat eod arna for tho Idaho Power company and Otoo tho werk i acUHUea. wtth Un Ro- Boek-jUrt. aa well u tho publlc U-tead Modem and Mra Cif ford! tnrf. Tho book itoco and Kbrary Thompooc. uiuunu. Othor coun- .ćl^aye wUl feature booka. wlth a dl mombm worklng with the ccm-f^aJ ono of chi^fron o Cooka la mlttoo lachióo Mra. H. A. ChUdm. tho ynmil* deputmrnt of tho B-filer, coucdl prtaSdant: Uri. Leland tcary. -
A. lianom. Ura Aida A. Knudaoo. Buhl arra *no» wlth Mm. H. Z Mra John TumbuU. Urn Cocll Cocptot aa ceoecal chalrman. wfll Brown. Un Pre<l Montgooiary and iUft a compleU <Uy of adldtloa
[Tlijy know ihat the' brewers of budweiser [»Mt nothlnjj but tho cream of tho oop— tad pay accordlnfcly. You Just can’t brew Budwdwr wlth anything but superior ln-lf«dl«nt».,. ćhoicest-hópe, rIc^and bcst
w can you age Jt in jlg tlme. After thf*^ kw completea the convenrional a^clnft irgoes througli a second fermen-and aftelng. Only then does It bc-cooe Budwdser-wlth the fragrance and
w-dlstinctlł-e tasto that you find only
•n Budweiser.
tad btre's your bonus. You enjoy:
I- A beer with oli-natural carbonatlon all the tlme.
. 0,}c bccr produccd by the costllcst
hewin^ ahd agelng process on Earth.
Ibt one beer that has pleascd morę peo-I than any other beer ln hlstory.
and fWb Gake Mixas
">|tllRtBUSCHa,|N'Ca> IT; 10 UI S * ' N E W A R K lOSAHOILEI
• "■ • •
1T8 REALLY TRUKI Ciuch Cake Miies and many otlner fine fbods contain egj» —
that aro fresher than the eostly eggs you have to add to partlj'-prepared calca tnttm -After juetrn fewhoura from.the pęgt, these cggo en^adtmtifioally prooewed toJcatp them moming fresh and flavor pure. Thon Cinch master-blenda the egga wtth «tr» gn milk and all other highest ąuality ingrediente into ą smootb, uniform cake mit Cijtch
ia 10096 comp!eto-you add only wator. So-Cinch aavei you at leaat. 10/ ln eggi-or Ił ln milk-on every coko you make. For finer, lighter, mpre luBdoua cakea than'anv other mix, now try new roRMuw oinoh cake mel
• ‘ •—•»!.« r- — ^ * • - m. • u_ Av>r •/
r 4 Delicious Flauom White, Spice, Gćlden, DeviVs
• r;