.    C-4 Times-News. Tmn Fałs. Idaho Thgrsday. Mf 2. 1972





Andrus, hydro group dispute damag


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Nampa man bound over for DUI trial

CALDWELL — Robcn Dale Archutt was Icgally dnmk when lic o.isbed inlo a pic kup Junc IH ncar Melba, killing ihrcc farm wofkcn, jii Idah.i Stale Police officcr IcMificd.

Archurt. 22. of Nampa. wa% bound ovcr for irial m 3rd District Court on Ibrcc ćounts of vchicular m.m\laughter after trooper Edward Robertson *aid his hlood-alcoltol conlcnl was lwice the legał limit after ihc accidcm.

Canyon Couniy Magistrale Daniel Ekmann on Tbcsday scheduted ArdunS arraigntncoi July 17.

According to police repom. Archart wax.iravcling ;K least 96 mph when be ran a stop sign and struck a pickup carryiog 11 migrant farm workerw at the inicfseclion of Idaho Highw.iy 45 and Mclmont Road ncar Melba. .

ACLLJ wants śchools to consent to ban

REXBURG — Tlie American Civil Liherlics Union has asked llic Madison Schnol District board to sign a conunit dcccec bunning prayer ul gruduanon ccrrmonicv

—If-thc beardjyfosc^rihc-AULU    revirc-ti łnwMHMF4tk*l4i»-

"cćrcmon*v ’ .'V 7-pending a dcetsion by Ac U.S. Supremę Coun in a related Khode KLtnd cavr. The courl ndcd 5-4 last week (hal prayer al graduaiion ccrcmonics is uncunstit uli otul.

•    The ACLU'% Stevc Pcvar. Denvcr. vaid the lawsuil was fited on belwlf

of iwo Madison Couniy familie*. wbosc idcntitics łuvc hcen protcctcd. to stop gradiiaiiott prayer and a number of alkgcd prąci ice* violating the separation bet w cen church and sute.    j%

•    Ali the issoes werc resobed exccpt graduation praycV.

School Dojrd Chjirman John Bagfey >aid Ihc bcurd has noc diurussed the niling. and referred qoest»ons to JKtrkt atlomey Scott Mamu. Idaho Falls.

Court: Abuse not justification for crime

, BOISE —* For, the seeond limę this wcck. Ihc Idaho Coun of Appcals has rcjcctcd nn-fcppcnl attcmpiing to justify criirto Ort the basis thal the defendant was subjccted to abuse as a chiW.

The court on Wednesday unanimously uphcld the conviction and pr ison lenn of 20 ycars to liifc ordered for Salvndor A. Mart mc/ in an Ada County casc. He was convictcd of rapc. seeond dcgrcc kidnapping and forcibk* scxual pcuciMiion with a forcign object.

In a pre-scntcnce report. Martincz nttributcd his actions to bis cbildhood exposure to pomograpby and physfcal and scxual abuse.

In a Jecision written by Judge Roger Swanstrom. the court said it doc% not doubt thal the child abuse incidents “werc precursors to his own aduli bchavior..." Nocrthclcss. it camtoi be said ihat Martincz* .paM.juscifie^.hia cnmea. thc.ccufl. sud____


hydroclccirtc prpject on Fali Rivcr in gasłem IiLta> _say an cngincęńng shidy-tndicaics lessdamage iluji originaliye^pcciedVfófn"aJuri II'blówÓuiiiuLacnt' ihousands of tuns of din and rock inlo iIk streaitt.

. The sponsoring Morys^k Hydro Panncr.s. Idaho Falls, >cnc om a Stalcmcrn Wednesday mimciii/im: llic damage csiimalc. aod promismg •fuli correct i ve action and ensironmcnul miligation*" lo get tlie $15 raillion projcd lock on track Gov. Cccii Andrus wasn‘l huying it. -I can‘t agrtc wnh ihc materiał thal I luve scen ...wlicre they * uy ihc habiur has not bccn signiflcamly impaitcd.’* the gosernor said. MEvęryhody over Ihere. sportsmen. enginccrs and citizcns alike. my it's dcvnstating lo llic Fali River.** .    •

'Thafs just a prclnninary invctfigalion and I liopc iticy will do morę. But I donT think ilie project eser will be restarted. if tlicre’s anyilrtng we cali »Jo lo stop It.- llic govcmor said.

Ida-West. a suhsidiary cif lda!n> INiwcr Co.. K co owner of Marysvi||c Hydro Purtners with Ks^lmrg ilcYclfipiŁr,Grjnl DurLscht^ The hydro orotcct

—WmLaaopped.uimyduiclyw,. Andrus said hc knows of al tekst one I and ehe Federat Energy rtsidcra who won't agree. He said ihc man went

his fasonie fishing hole on Fali Rivcr al>d gol j single strikc all iUy. a puny fish gf abouc ni

inches. •    ■ p--

•|t lookcd likc Ihe fish*s sides had be sflndpapcred.** Ihe govcmor said ihc fishe rcpońcd.

Regulatory Curntnission. _i\hicli lNcn>ejl ii. Iias issuciTh Mopunrk onter.

Maryssille IKdro Partner^ ii li .i s rtred projccl" chpincer .Sncensott and Associates Consulting Enginccrs. Idaho Falls. mul lias liircd CII2M tlili to coniplcte Andrus tlKwoik

ll s.iid CH2M Hilfs stmlics iMilicaletl ilut sccpjgc Innu the old M;irysvUte canul crodcd dut umtcr tlie pensnvk. wliieb CoMapsed and causcil llic eunal uash4Hii Mln generał, ii ap|icars ilur m snlikicm concem for llic lughly crosise. th*njd.ist»c snils at tlie pnriect sile nas the aptytcni canse of Ihe accidcfiL"* Cl I2M tlili •said- **ConMmclion

Jon Ochi of Idaho Falls. chairman of Friends tlie Fali Rivcr. said Ihc dismissal of Soranson k| posiitve step. Bul hc noted Uiat hc and othi environmcntalist\ had repeatcdly wamed of tl erosion problems and werc ignoird.

Ochi said lic's skcptical of the report of littl damage.

••Pcoplc who usc the river regularly tell me tl spawning habitat has bcen scvcrcly impactcd.” said.

Michael Elliot. CII2M Hit! division manager Boise, said hc’* confidcni the comp.nny can finii tlie projcct and protecf the river.

-It is achicvablc to make it correct.*' hc said.



1990 (tf Mxl prayer* ai-MihoolgraduoUOn.l The bwuiit Jus bcCn on hołd pcndinc a

—designed to protlucc 9.1 megawatis of cleclticiiy. ' cnough io supply the needs of 5.700 łmenes.

It is lo divcn the fiow of Fali Riv*r al anyiisiing irrigation disersion dam ihroush an esisung hut expanded imgation canal for j.-J miles. Ihe pfojcct ^inefudes a powtr plant and a 1.25-mik* undergnuaid pcmtock.

On Junc 11. tons of dirt ;md rock went inlo Fali River aficr the Marysville Canal bed failctl and sent water gushing down the parrially coinpleied pcnstock tnmeh.

sc«|ucncing dccisions, tucklilling conipaeiMui. and inspcction proccdurcs

also afipear to koc contributed lo llic acckłcot."    ^

_Kjlm.ihv.io. vkv    j

--I donT bclievc li*s a good projcctnow.

Co., saij UWiu Cli2M.HilLwo> liircd hecauM?.-*‘We leli we iKedol n limt wiih hiiKMler liiohigicahand

icilutw.d esperti^e lo ics^ahlish eimfidencc in the

prufcct **

OI2M llill is ao iiiicfiiiimn.il cnginccring firm kiscd ni OrcgiHi.

“Hic prirlirnin.it\ iiiscMigaiions by CH2M llill suggest thal cnvironiiiciii.il iinoacts nwy noi be as seserc as initialls remmecl." Runyan said. "ll appears thal aquaiic ‘habitat has not bccn sigiuTkancly inipactcif"

said. “What we can do arul will do if nccessary ask the courts for an injunction againsi Ida-Wcsl. sec thal ihcy do oo< start any corutruction until si limc as all engincenng is completed. all the sludi havc bccn corapletcd and th’e mc\s has bccn cle; up and mitigated for.

*That can'l be done in a casual penisal of thi rivcr by an cngincer in a vcry short period of time. hc said.    “~

Committee narrows BSU presidential field

BOISE (AP) — The commitcec scrccnmg applications for ihc ncw president of Boi w: Stale Univcrsity has furrowed the field to 11 candkbtes. all men.

Former prcsidcni John Kciscr w.is fired by tlie Board of Education łasi Scpicmbcr. after board members _contended hc didn*t kccp the Imani

jCommissioner spent $4,700 to oust Opp

CALDWELL —"She wasn*l ninning for Office herscif. bot Canyon County Commissioner Jan Vinsóń spent moce tban $4.700 to help unscai fcllow Commissioner Walter Opp. according to financial disetosure reports.

Vinson. of Caldwell, said Tucsday thal sin: fcli ibc money was well spent.

*T didn t likc tlić Itarassmenc. the meiUal abuse ;ind the foul nanieś I was bcing callcd publicly,** Vinson said.

Opp was defcatcd m the May 26 OOP primary elcction. fimshing last in a ftcld of Ihrce candklaies. Sute Sen. George Vancc unscatcd Opp aml Nampa businessman Nocl Halcs fiuishcd seeond.

Vinsoo contnhutcd S3.370 to the Committee to Drop Opp. according to a canip.tign financc report filed.with lite sceretary of statc‘s olficę Insi weck as rcijuircd by Idaho law.


•LAPWAl — CapwiiiN ncw school supcrinlcndcni says fosicrinj; a uruficJ ipiril in ihc N« Perec Resenalion community is his lop pnority.


łligh School for two yca^was chosen unanimously Mooday by the^ Lapwni School Bo«rd to repl.*ce-RohcruSubou

fully auvtsc3 on wtul Boise Stale was doing. Kciscr was-paid Ihruugli ehe end of.his contracl. and.will be a-bisiory professor in ihc upcoming school >ear.

The Board of Education rcccivcd 152 .tpplications for the joh. and a scrccning committee narrowed the field to 30. hcfocc meeting this week to cm Ihc lisi lo II.

Kaybura Barton. cxcculivc dircstor for the Board of Education. said the board will spend July chccking rcfcrcnccs and meeting With all II eundidates. -

Then the fmal lisi will hc fcduccd lo abowi fivc candidalcs, who will hc mvited to Jloisc after tlie school ycar * —Moits    campus groops can purticipalc

—iiv«lK.MnrervicwsrB«mtwi    ^ - -—

'The iimctahlc Cfllh for a ncw president lo hc installcd by thc firsl


comc stMmcr if the ncw* •president is ahlc lo make onangcnieiils.

The lisi ot candidates. all nl mliom -


Eugcnc NL^Hugbcs. ptestdenl «»l

N«irtkm Ari/imjai l byv|jll

Fredrick J. Dobrey siec pcmtrsi t.*f

esiended nimcMl) srrsiiYs JO»l piufcsw*

i4 hiunry. \Va%huigi«M» S«.łk* lriusefsM).

—IL-ŁayJloopejLru».k-».Juiu»dluUui— academic affjirś. Unncnin ••! Miwiwippi.

— Mcmii J. Lessley. ske 'chamel*»Tfuf acjJank jITjm' .nul dcart of ihc f i    •

kbn4, l/nocrsils of (\4 mmU> ji <


G. D*vid Follick .nini|* pr^koi. Siali Unłserstis of New York. College al (•ortLuuJ.Ncu Ytil John M. Ifirtchinson. uMmm^uwn ol Ingher eilucalHifi. Momanj udem ol

h»Klicr cdova?Hw«. I Kkr.j

John M. Yott. pr*»»itst utul % kr

prcsiilcfM lor 4i'4ilciiiie jllaifs. ihe Ur.ocfMU ol AUKanu-l lufMw iBc

Joseph W. Cox. preMdcm S^mihcfn OrrgtNi Stale CuUcgc. Ashland. < hc Robert E. Glcnncn. picMikm. I:ip|«»aia Stale Unhcisil). I:tiqw«n.i. Kun    . * —

Charles P. Ruch. piososi and oir


C0clinvsn uTOffiri rmrrmtrr Kirbmond:— Va

. Robert C. Shirlcy.    Inisciwi) _

»»ł S*mlvfn r*»kr,nt«. ISicWi*

Social security numbers on lićenses to- vanish

BOISE f AP) — From now ihruugh the end of the year. I^etipfc applylng for new*dnvcr'5 ikenses in Idatio liavc 4 choicc whelher they want their Social Security numbers used-Dn the Ikcnse.

After nc.xi Jan. I. they havc no choicc. Licenses will rcccivc u con»putcrrgeric7atcdrciinc;digil number. Fonycars. all Idaho. . drivcr’s licciTcs havc uscd the |vrs4Hi‘c Social Security number as on edentifymg number.

A ncw stale faw went into cffccl Wednesday. The largislaturc h.inncd the usc of Social Security numbers on lieenses. Lcgislators conicnded ihcy can be uscd for Ulegał acccss to bank accounts or financial rccords which usc the Social Security mim ber for


"Changing the drivcr's licensc . rtumbers-gradually raakcsnl"" considerably easier on Ihc public.** said Janc Cavincss. drivcr scrviccs manager for the stale Department of Transportation. "Raohcr Ihan evcryonc having to get a new number at oncc. The* motorists will be issucd a number as they apply for a new or rcncwcd • driver’s Ikensc.”

Motorists still musi providc tlie agcncy wnh their Social Security number. for intemal use only. It*s against the law to disclosc it.

Under another ncw driver's licensc law. anyonc whose Idaho licensc has bcen expired morę dian one year will be requircd 10 pass the written test before getting a new licensc.

Jury awards $463,102 in



Sobotta. w ho is laking a onc-ycar kavc of abvcfK*ev i> working as assistant superintendent in tlić Wapato School Disirkt in Washington.

The Lapwai School Buard has#faccd somc strifc. including bcing qucstioncd by somc patrons about ihc safdy of ll< KhOOts. and havfing aUcgatiuns of racisin levclcd at ihc high school pńncipal. Stesen Jones. jArho.łus.smcc.rcsigncd._'___

G i 1 Bert, t^‘ocWagree‘roc)gbates


Jury rules strippers bared their buns

CO^UR d*ALENE — A Ist District Court jury has rulcd małe striftwrs cxposcd their bultocks dunng a performance at Cocur d'Alcnc’s Atnum tur last ycar.

Tlić vcrdict camc Tucsday in the misdccrqanor trial of Jackic J. Cameron.    _

#’Carocróa. 60. was charged wTUTlhrec mTsden>ćanor\1obtionenfxtate iKjuor laws, accusing him of allowing nule danccrs to barć iIkit bultocks. cxposc their gcttitaK and pcrmil women to touch them.

He was found guilty of allowing the donccr* lo cxpow: their buttocks. Magistrale John Luster dismissed the other two chargcs. saying city altumcy Stcvc Frampion failed to sliow sufTicicnt cvidcncc lo warrant them.

Sco u ts, Itat elio-sNows in cash court case

COEUR d*ALENE — The Post Falls Eaplorcr Scouts and ihc Matę arc al odds ovcr who owns S 10.000 found alongsidć n county mad, bul ncither side showed up in court to arguc their cases.

The no-shuw Monday docs not mcan cithcr camp is rclinąui.shing it% Claira to the cash. said Corcy Cartwright. altumcy for the Idaho Department of l^iw Enforcement.

Attomey Mikc Vcrbillis. counsel for the Post Falls Explorer Scouis Posi 2(M. was out of cown and could not be reachcd for commcnt.

BOISE (AP» — Congrcssional Itopeful Rachel Gilbert is ihrowmg down the gaunllcT. challenging ■DcirnKTiilic-Rep.-Lany LaRocco 10. a serie s of fotir debatęs.

The Im Congrcssional District Jneumbeni uys be wiirdcbatc. hut has not indicatcd how oflcrt.

*T will crawl on my hands and knees to Lewiston on (Idaho) llighway 55 lf#l can get him lo debatethe former Rcpuhltcan

legislator saiil Tucvlay.

fh.it highway only cxtend% m»rth to New Mcoifows. Iiowewr.

*Wc’rc"piTi%ToTlv'KMcr Wh.it *< up in the air is whcn.^luJrc and how.** said Martin l*ctcr\i*it. l^iKoccn c.unpjign manager

She is cal ling for pchałeś in Bihs%* chi Aug. 5: Caldwell-Nampa. Aug. 25; Moscow. Sept. .2: and*Cocm d/Mcnc. Senflri.

BOISE (AP) -- A 4th District~ Cmirf jury lias awarded" a .former. Insurance salcsmutt S463.I02 on his lawsuil elaiming thal his company lired him hccause of his age.

James R. Ifcrwig. who was 56 when foreed into rctircinent by his company. Aid Association for T.uthcrn n>. *filed an age discriminalioii law\uit elaiming thal the company diii not act in good faith when it foreed him out.

A 4th District Court jury retumed a 4iiunim«His verdict for Herwig last week.

He was rcprcscnccd by Jim Jones.

former Idaho attomey generał.

Thg jury awardcd Herwig

-. I

$168.102 for lost eurningś and $295.000 for futurę lost carnings. Among other things. tl ruled thal the company violated the ogc discrimination laws under the Idaho' Humań Righla-Act.-

Herwig joined ihc company as a salcsmnn in 1970 and hos lived in Idaho sińce 1971.

Hc said after \9/: year*. lic was foreed out. evćn lhough his sales and job performance met company expectation.

ćam mm hreworks

I|T Ground TSappy,- /.-iLightnlng. TŚmalJLTankJWhistllng jMornln . 1 Bloom. iFestivai Flash    \^70c iGator i^^Glory^

i ! Flowers 1    T.i . v#*i 7*V

T I POO..TSC    |    Q v|    I    '    W* 1

★ ! °-^^!^sł50 B    i \ J:f



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: >•..* - rvł« >rt*

Compded from wije reports

Boise man dies

NORTII FORK (AP) — A Boise man was killcd when his car plunged 220 fcet into the Salmon River Canyon. Lemhi County Shenff Davc Coli said. ^

Randall D. Sager. 41. died al ihe iccnc of tlie occident Tucsday.

The sherifT said Sager was dhving on U3. Fonrst Scrvicc Road 30 aloog ehe Salmon Rivcr when his car lcti ihc road. rolled ond dropped inlo the canyon.



fttm 10am ta Cpm

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tr mc

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uwn oh» «»

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13x0 Kimberly Road By Eddy*a Bread H«Ip send th• girls to vo1l*ybalt camp.

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i "A







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