^Speaker koster for AnnGafT^om', Oaught

• * -    ^    • Ronm iof

AAHWGonclaye Reported

Banquet Slated Jn T.F. Church

dty gttning. md ~Crospeta. Crtoeo Bcnday for i mo md Corel bk»~ Aolurday moralną,

Dem Molmee. w ho MU dlKUoa Ihe    Mn Donald D

MwiWp program ad mcrnUr- nMim Mn. O thlp poOc^i, oemd oa Oenerał yr| L07H perr Mac Arthur* oUff !n Japan fTOa|tht menu md p’ łRf CO 104* tn charge t* rrboiMinf1 Henkrteur. ind VNHII'i eduęgtJon in Jopan II »M compr\M thd dec dualni Ib*t period tha: Japanne ^ Mrt q j WłJrrnlueo wamto u>t    ,*• m« pTog:*ir

Uinlty to rera dedrte*    An mird vlC

Ac tire tn tht AAT7W, Dem 0tfiuŁ arMi voura

Sfóleln Lacy~Cashmere

| i •    I    ^    I I - •    A | V

ls Selected for \/_ ~ • C W * ”:Vislting of U.N.    %i*\5un

JTROMZ. Aprll *~Manre: Huffman. dtagherr af Ur. BofjPgTfliUfWf * toBd-MiMetogiliggJtedahl^ta-^to^^ •ej Rowlandi. ho bero choreo;«*«• the brtdo ef D* Wajn* h-*;

caufnirr Ol Mr. ind Mn

2«s« ^isatewSSS:

5^5S£SSrW —lfcg-M>* K,"*rty

™ ***•, **,R40fl w- Ktlu' tedi*. KU* T»n. ottlcUtod *t Uw tenacey Merc «

■■ isrsrspLS&^s

- -    for tha ot Pm mapongcmi. fu.-.kH

JFmTJkJSFttU* «*• •» ««lrUbru of *Mu Uptr,

2f iLvj MU, Jtowlui4i and Mlii The brtd*. «H»n la mimifi i, Jud7 Uklłda    w*-’**

IX »nd J07« 8r*lvtr «*vł U*|,u1, w1Ul **'•*• ■1“> **1 ł    bfc/s and whlte acecHOCłe*. Bhe car.

' rru Rrid.-k ncbU trand. ited a whlU Barie topped «tui ,

-JSL.!T?h. toalnea    «>• *•***» of S** iweftuit ro»,

2^TaaV*pSal rx»ł »u Mrc.lallh ahlU Urnwn Ued wtfe rtac-tpectal reprewer.Utm. Mn Mn Tbmaiy Ro*ru - —

’B.'X Oj^mnvr rc imo««i ot the airri >idermhip meeanf Mondey rtVM et Che cbmrch Kat Kcaw. YMM2A euperto-tordenf. cendortod th# r*et-d "Olrle pnifrem" will te tht to^c of (DcuMkfl et the Me/ :* enmbły

T ^re rnvnie PeHf In rherre net iiiet glrll UIU pil !•!•*■

Etoepmf Beu-utjr" for the Mey II

Ctnyon.- bUI fly to TVji felto lropn Weehlniton «t*re ehe li iU

tendlnf the coeemor * eenferroco wlth hłr huebinć. Ehe %C diacote "The Roto of Onlmtfty Women in the 8UU enil mnu, t ei 1T W pm. Ołdoj tl UIji Ula Country

cpcnlcf ieambty unóer dlrectton ef | Mr Mrt Fłtnl Bitosnm ind Mn Rob- Kii

crt Ptxten    PA.

A spedli theae prteenUUen ota ( dub. be aede at the May M mttUną olch p— Mn Rota feyd. epeedi ćtnrtcr. l mpirwlflnf the pr*Mouuen ty I

ba*.bera ef the BptdaJ Wtrtr. ciao*

rndjvidui: avardi vtll be ^t-•ented at a Atrament reettof ta Junt and Jen# I tht lec*: aard HI —parifrtpaU In tha atarr diner luli-1 Thi.r^iy,

BcouU HI prtaer.t the epentod uaembły Jine • wlth a fla« cert*

Wry TAtoed Union maettof-Hi ~lMVoanc«d tar May lMi Abmhnnt Dietrich ward MI a will te In charff ef Ihe iiaeaWy profram

Thtra wC: be no Aatsrday nlfht dancca for Che ne*t fev arna, the

-Soćiety Planning J —To-Bu>l Machinę,

•fmd « purduj# of a t»Hn< machina lor tht church Relief m-dtty roo® at thek Mcoday w&l cemłaUoa meeUnd Mn L T aoreruwn. precMe&t. aondoeted ba wmtiŁg. Place wen dtorrtoaert for proetdiac a chwch Ubraiy. A hiłf-day week Btettaf HU be heM May XI. A te*e ef thar.U waa |tv5ra Mn Łolf JCkae wbo demmaintod wwtrlnc al the Aprtł wort saeUnc The flne: tarołory toeaoo ef tv# arari HU be prtsKtod al IN Ttoeoday.

Twin Falls OES Conducts Meet

Marian Martin Patte«-n •



Patlern $039:    Hałf at we H%.

lito. 11%. MS. »*». MH. »ae lii drra*. 4li yarde M-lnob Ubrk. boiero, 1% yartta.

ThU t»*ylo-u*o patiem gam pcrfoci IU.. Cotnptolc. IllutUttod ttw chart łbowa you enry Mep BcikI Udrly-m# cemi tn wini for Uito paUorto-todd I nuto for racie ntlern for Ul-claaa mathag Bend la.Marin MatUii. cara of Ttoam-Hrwo. |*u*rn Dept. P. O. k>* CT40. Ctikago 90. tU. PflaM ywar mmt, •ddreiM. kooi; alw. otyte mntarr.

Myen heord *cr* work by •eteril Mdefroocn. «u aitZ-TT ;ł    U.'i*-

Bimtoi o# the Mt*-    Wtóre .TS2? °*

MfŁ ftulh Oortu reported on ihf'triic* firek*    ' *ult    «c?S

rrewt .’Wfi«r. *rrvrd br the łodje | The brlde', rwfhrr .    a ZI***-

Circle Members

Bcgi'vv-'g Stuciy    lj; * T.fi-

' ,. '-'JMiHn^Rl

jj JK 1

*------- * r f

V ••/..■'. ‘    '    •    ,    j ) F a


ptini    HIBHbI11 ijMBBPPĘI

c^uJt    Uv book ^ The pere cAtbaere Mole for epreof md naw M •

Thot The Wwid VUy ICnow “ Mn H J* •H^b ker# • "^dit, Mp

Don*-i tU* iu in chirje of Che i * diytlm# **4 tnoln* roapABMa md to aMfepr^ed fee Hor we*r.

toamt. ind *poU en Koree *nd Ł^r j > ■-    ■     ■    ■■    ■     "    " ""

United Sutei Mr* Dr! Plnkitonll ^    /^ « / v    -f i

pCayed the vtddfcf muKe and btcl-irotmd moak.

'£™Sj Care of Your Children feKTi Ł-5SSSS5

sirrs.;.." r?x se: ^ii™ - ., „., ^

Tht d^oikne wrt |Um by Mn. to tell me Out I in-iNiCfhm nin a fod one becomea juat a^a M H TYfotk ____

..r&iSBr. inT"O^^S^Ay tgt iK» radV> afggH TM R.AiMni tncoifHhanEhtonnr^ ; v>i FMll-The KiUMde Ktlp^i ck* rato Uiinktur fro« the t»ok. "Lan-1 tumed on dartne etody hour. -X| becaute the mled. beto* occuptod by Tu^^. e^fftUń ******    - -"    ^ ^L!t

IU nwt Miy 8 trtUi Mri Oeor«t mm in AcUon * Bhe tleo |it( the «ork botur when tht radio la potne t**Jy. doea no* refiełtr/he cear.lnf łk<Un» of lho buetotae dWW M ±^l JM: cd^y be HAMtoerb operne pcayer Mn Mym cw- ind X donl piank you fce iaymc 1 of th«    The radl/ aadIch*^TV    I

U enURaŁmecL- “    ^ ‘ duettd 1 ihor. bjuneea mortinc fd-l that becatoe rem mt parenu ooot betur remain ei^ot to ddMy hmr    ^ «[ ^X haj    btet>    edkeud

*    ♦ •    Jowln« the to*** The Crotip vO!td| toC U be on whm Itn dotnt h«ne. I ket bolh theet^T the pww    ***** ~ 2*

HAOCRMAN-The W*ntne So- to oponeor a r«r«ery hour durtne aort “    I be eraMed Why IK* adjuet PTJdy    r    w*    „    1    ^

►ty of Chrteiton Eenkt «ttl hoM <fn*xh aervkee. for chlM/tn of prt- Tm oorry Co be *aU net.- but T ‘ time to the prefr»m wanted?    ^ h^,. IfL*    f

•ort day at the tonrth May I tehoe^ a«e. TVy atoo roted to order am rather uaed !o that Itak no* the whok MtentkA ean be detoted    *«**" lT^ a)^tv    fak    SS    nlnM#    Itt Wili

th potłuc k tomtllM The ffoup a aodd «ap for the eto*.    after. wmy year. rpent wlth ehr.-|lo tht mattee to haad    ^ft,ł00 il ^    ^    “    *WfW    ii i

UHMJW95I    ^ •    a1 - 1

•prinf hal ocriea'. *wmn«n fnctud- j    ĄK^f fi

ed Mn Ucninl W.fh. prttUei!;    ITWl Uljl

Vara Renuine. ooit hamoroui.J    *    ^    ^

and Mn O torf# Kaaton. meet    0    <

ucton. ^ w wniiam Kc^;    ĆAUfft^n #

kina. Caator.. W. B SUAflMT. wa-‘    AMrVll j i

bera ef the refreahaaffit commlUet

A to) aaatoUnr wtth refmhmeitfi •    ^

••nir ** 1 rjmT7 DA BOWASPBW.-J HŁIri^fA

Peteraon antortałned 34 fuata for' an mabf of fimta at a aorprtot (

birthdey perty for Dra Bland and

Bsrttora Knlfhton flaturday at kle;    Os

home Ooetoi lnc^dtd Coleen Canrp-    M>a ll,T f0CM

beli. Klmberły. ind Ma/jorte Men-    MUitoD ot MAM

•er and Bob Morrtoon. Ttoto Palto |    JK?3??


! l-he KoAfkaUdtn ehib HU mcel IU IN pn rndty «Uh Mn. Mellon Kitinger. Tb U cali HII be add-Ing uit to trerydiy food* Mr»-ben ue aabed to biinc a rueat

to . Bu #--

The Amtrvcan War Mothen atfl hołd a aort day at the homt of| Mn Harry Barry at 10 a et rnćey Memhcra ara aekrd to fcrtr-r ku-eon. Chrred and a aick tonęli

jxiliary Plans Meet Delegates

, Tht Ro-Joumty toorhton wtlł bo of the Dtubtod Araeitem Vettram • I^T.    'TZZTlEi 110 aŁuaj    10 •onwu,,n* “

htłd ot 1 pA Baturday in the w« be oetocUd at the May 10 men-    fcwl>    ^ wroot and the aoootr It k InmU-

I Rottraon hotel ban^et rooma Ing of the T*tn ftlU DAV auiIUary , w# me    *#d 1K.1    , ikUĆ ^    ^ tottr fc*

Reamotiona may bo obUinrd fro* AnooupcnŁem of the comtnUon • tm2!i7^ ?!’ ^ itwflfC!

,Mrt RumtU Cunntafhaa. phone at Ooeur d Atone Jme U-lf va.    ~ Ul 1 *m ***** 0141 ^ to beat

1 ^    ^ ot an aoilUary mteling'1    f0f ^ ** <** «» the roo«.

to    to    to    da? riOor Un t 1# ir-ti-w,___1OP^11-    toonaeri.    a    eitlly    iltnckd    Ayie* ap (he «v.nd and tn the eptrit

BUHL—The Magie V. flty Irto a- apjot^ c^iJn X£ ™ U    *" ™    ~    ^

cięty łunchecei wUl be atned ta the chi    J?r1    ^ ume Wt trt Incltned    vrt v. —a .(.»V ar

iTTYi    mm    ' TZ*    2?mnuf. wert    Mn. [ ty    naturę, to Ukt    the    taaltgL    tar    ^ •— • —*• **** •*

Mooao tooge rooeyj    hert    at    12 Id    ABet    Proearr. Balrrco, »nd    Urt    .    I►Mia»w 0» rmti wm p.u. -a

PA. Baturday. Rraerialiocia aUy be 1 Ptoyd Roblneon Ttota h u    pMmmnteeg **J ond uniom we eara m». imw." \-**m .    ••*

« obUtaed from Mn Cbaatrr Noh Mn Haroto w to do a» St Paw. dM. to eonem tn te [«•««• •»» ►•••'•*« a    T» »*ui*

iTŁWjaa?^ dSSffST-S

12?#,7,A    *- s^ui?» m-- K ssswaBtaa

to to f    Offtoeri HL le nrmta*!^ .i •** ^t la the goal of all wort. ałi noty. r«ady*to^ii ctml la the rera

r\    . *r ir“j BftUrSe Mar 11 oc**ułi*l#d 41 fhf Barrly our htoh achooT studemj de poppff—lt mdl aoly a tew ihakea

.Prmprtc Tnlkpn    11    __ «to* oeed to *«nr to IB areomronl-Wr lo«heat


flfcMkJ ■óń by

Couple Honored

■ PTCrn. Apnryp^Mr md Mn Rołph Cedarholm gm a dtanar and pinochle party Biturćiy n»ming for Mr. and Mn Cermea MeK.bber. Ob. UMiraith RTd^iannimmry

Club Hostess

HANSCH. AprU U - Mn O t Brdów wu hootrae to the My 11 Pinochle c>ub Menda? armie* at her home

Mn Cert Potter ard Lena Bohrn recetrtd high ar ort pciaet and Mr* Opał 8tavrr and Mn A P. De w •m tow Mn Bulla Hughea. THn Palto, and Mn Btoter werw gurtu

I RHOHHOKR. Aprd -M —- Mn ^ Frank flhaffrr mtrtlalntd Piat ) Mątw* dub Mondiy night Mn Prank KeUey eondueted a bclgf butoneaa meetkg and fhna Ubłea of brtdge «w to play Prima wen won by Mn LntUe Pllger and Rn Pnnrto OrtwM.

DDfKRR M0*Tf0i MMLRSOS. AprU iUMa JehO I Drew. w ho prejldrd at CWF meet-, mg* 1A Bupert gundir and Mordar 1 enteruined at Buany ^inner UC , Coualn Roy • rafę OiKato were Mn Cdna Burel. Eugen# Orr. CWF tt-| tcuUYf iłcutiary;. Mn Olyda Rawa.


Sewing Machines


CONSOLtS $2.50 up

Otttnnlefd to Biltoly or wo will ind# U barto to oa one that doctl


111 Mata Are. Mrat - Twta Falto

—PhMłt HO-

ttn-n nltoiMU Karu Ucteł w tóri' tbe **** c(

Al htbw tjikfr h1i flrft gtpp. V*rtrM w^irb— brrith>«e wfth *ui?ęn*K ••Fint lUpB" irw 10 łmporUnt, b!I Ur«»ugh li^. Tltt !hr fint atrp tnward fnumrikl mrłpprndfnfg, for imUnrr. Thi* generalły-mętni openini i Btr. Inga igount and .atŁUflB*4HHkTfyulAf ^grgTTTflf dgpOBłty. Tbtl.Iil HU te? foribflirltT“r. 1n etw at tidenna. rM afe. or Tb łdHiif tdvinigrp «f anwe inve*lrrint opportuniff. Ktrplif rverltatlngly •( IfTi titfbfy Im. fnrUnkftf fniiraf. Bul firal ymi mu*l START. Why iv»f fakr (hal *finl alfp" now? Wo lt be earrr In help y«u afl thrmigh the rrarg with alł ynur


4'mMiip Uaoic Valley.Cr>Hlinunuilf Slnre I9M

ft'iSpmg...ien'il:rtiae * time for UtJCUtT pa Mdtd^A your jietuiy » dcea Jifa* ">P Hghlhurid frtgruc$oiifręfii^_

~~    ,mm *" mm.

Ckotat «fca ^i»av« al Mm iM la IW akrr forwa: f-tf-aw ,......I*

Tmki B'gi#r auli Atoourrr . Otoia Pawder CmmmcI atak freony Skle Perl«m# .... T4tot Boler wilk SaM CaUga* . D«*tUi P#a4#r wlfk Tallct Bo»*f Totr tok TottH W»if« ....

frtorWr K ieffer fr«| m4 oiMłt

1    to Uw. tn. >o

•TW15T1CK-SOLID COLOCNB ••fli Bla • kp

ulik. Ho Ml te teelef.ieaiceM f*fperiilea, ■«

cnmWing. 1^5


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