Por.pilot. PACHO IC ZYK Jan.
DNIA- 27.7.1944.
Por. naw. GĄSECKI Józef.
TkU Itlsnd at ona lima a constart tir|tt lor A.A.P. bom bar* : latierly. Ic hai not flgurad so promlnantly In tha Ofowifig by Rotend Derttt
w*r naw*. A (tw days ago. ho*aver, a Mospuico. wlth Poliih pilot and naalgator, Wf lt« bite for an attack on tha radio
łnstallatlons ac Sylt. antklpactng ck>ud coatr to icrtan Its mowamant cowardi tka cargat Irom th« conceatratad defancas
o( Helifoland ; but whan cha aireraft wn a ftw mtlaa oK tha wasthar cftaarad. and ch« Mo«qu«to traw c*pcitcd a *c»er<
patelni from tha Garman antl-slrcraft batteries Instaad. thlt »* nr Kat hsppenad na*C as related by cba pilot : " I was
conaldarlng wMt to do whan • haaay rai n-stor tr cime ak>n| . by gotag rlght down to wav«-cop kval and flylag along wlth
tha storm. I wat abla to ttraak past Małigoland vAobsarvad and to tatch the ratfco-ttacion cMenrat unprapi/ed My
target was oe tha itland o# Sylt. ard I gava rt a good płastaring wlth my cannonf." flak o pa nad up aa tha Motpuko
curnad lor Kom# : u was tlifhtly r -
damagad by fragmantt Irom..
naar misa, bot mada basa salaly
August 26, 1944]