avaient produite. Ils payaient alors differents frais lies a la fa-brication.
On trouve bien plus rarement dans la grandę propriete d’au-tres branches de 1’industrie, telies que les verreries, les briquete-ries, les fonderies, les carrieres de pierre, les carrióres de pierres a chaux etc. A en juger par les matóriaux dont nous disposons actuellemenfc, on n’y rencontre aucune formę d’organisation du trayail qui s’ecarterait essentiellement de celles dont nous nous sommes entretenu prócedeinment.
14. SCHAYER ST.: Zagadnienie elementów niearyjskich w buddyzmie
Indyjskim- (Pre-Aryan Elements in Indian Buddhism). Seance
du 8 mars 1984.
1. There is a plausible assumption that Buddhism being a religion which arose outside of the Vedic social system, on a ter-rifcory which became Brahmanized relatively late, the participa-tion of pre-Aryan elements in it must have been very important, if not dominating. It is true that the Śakya tribe claimed to belong to the Yedic Gotra of Gautama, while the neighbouring tribe of Mallas held the Rishi Vasishtha to be their ancestor. However, these genealogies are not morę reliable than the origin of the later Rajputs from Arjuna and other heroes of Aryan epics ł. These are undoubtedly fanciful filiations invented for the purpose of evolving a link between foreign, un-Aryan, warrior clans and the traditions of Brahmanical ciyilization.
Nevertheless, if the thesis of the un-Aryan character of Buddhism imposes itself, it is not easy to find strong and irrefutable proofs for it. Doubts arise whether the terms » Aryan « and »un-Aryan« are at all susceptible of a satisfactory scientific definition, and also whether there exist methods and criteria which would all o w to determine the Aryan or un-Aryan origin of given myths, beliefs and customs without appealing to the intuition of myste-rious »Aryan Psyche®. Without going into details, I would like
1 Cf. E. J. Thomas, The Life of Buddha, p. 22. There is an another supposition of J. Przyluski, Le Bouddhisme, p. 19, that Buddha Gautama »tient son non de sa tante maternelle Gautaml*.