II etait precise que, dans chaque pays, la responsabilite du choix parmi les diverses Communications appartenait au Comite National interesse.
Celui-ci avait reęu au meme moment un quota bien precis concernant le nombre des Communications a soumettre; ou ce qui revenait au meme, le nombre total de pages de sa contribution, sur la base de quatre pages en moyenne, du format des Comptes Rendus de Londres par commu-nication. 250 Communications etaient prevues au total. Dans ce chiffre, superieur de 70 Communications a celui de Londres, il etait tenu compte de 1’essor continuel pris dans le monde par la Mecanique des Sols, ainsi que de 1'inscription de nouveaux pays a la Societe Internationale.
♦ *
A la datę specifiee (lcr mars 1960), le Comite d’Organi-sation reęut pourtant des divers Comites Nationaux, non pas les 250 resumes auxquels il s’attendait, mais plus de 350.
II fut donc oblige de demander des sacrifices a un grand nombre de Comites Nationaux. Ceux-ci firent preuve effec-tivement de beaucoup de cooperation et du lcr aout 1960 au 15 novembre 1960, 276 Communications parvinrent au Comite d’Organisation qui en retint 269.
For each country, responsibility for the choice of Papers was placed with the National Committee concerned.
The National Committees all received at the same time a definite quota of Papers to be submitted ; or — which comes to the same thing — a total of pages allowed for all articles sent through them. This was done on a basis of four pages per article on average, the pages being the same size as those of the Proceedings at London. Two hundred and fifty articles in all were expected to come in. This number (70 articles morę than were printed at London), was decided upon, taking into account the continual growth throughout the world of the science of Soil Mechanics, as well as the enrol-ment of new countries in the International Society.
♦ *
By the datę given (Ist March 1960), the Organising Committee had, however, received from the National Committees, not 250 summaries as they had expected, but morę than 350.
A large number of National Committees had to be asked, therefore, to cut down on their submissions. There was a good deal of co-operation in this, and between the lst August 1960 and the 15th November 1960, 276 Papers were received by the Organising Committee. Two hundred and sixty-nine were accepted.
Comptes Rendus
L'impression des Comptes Rendus fut confiee a la Maison Dunod, 92, rue Bonaparte, le Secretaire General assumant la tache de secretaire de redaction.
La datę de publication du Volume I avait ete fixee au ler mai 1961; le Volume II devait sortir un mois plus tard.
En fait, 1’impression du Volume I ne fut terminee qu’a la fin de mai, celle du Volume II le 20 juin. Les causes de ce retard sont les suivantes : de nombreux auteurs ne s’etaient pas conformes aux directives du Bulletin n° 1. 11 en resulta une abondante correspondance concernaht les textes et les figures.
De plus, et surtout, les Communications presentees en anglais par des auteurs dont cette langue n’est pas la langue maternelle durent etre revues. Cette revision fut effectuee a Londres, sous 1’egide de la Societe Internationale et de la Societe Nationale Britannique, par un seul ingenieur, M. R. Hammond, qui eut une tache considerable. Qu’il trouve ici l'expression de nos remerciements.
* *
Le premier volume contient les 146 Communications des Sections 1, 2, et 3A. Le deuxieme contient les 123 Communications des Sections 3B, 4, 5, 6 et 7 ainsi que les Rapports Generaux.
Dans le troisieme volume sont inclus :
— le resume du Programme;
— la listę des Congressistes et des hótes d'honneur;
— le texte integral de la discussion telle qu’elle s’est deroulee dans chaque Section, les complements a la discussion presentes par ecrit et finalement, le Proces-Verbal des seances du Comite Executif.
Ces trois volumes reunis comptent 1 772 -f- 417 = 2 189 pp.
Maison Dunod, 92, rue Bonaparte, was charged with the printing of the Proceedings, the General Secretary taking on the job of Editor.
The datę of publication for Volume I was fixed as the lst May 1961, and Volume II was expected to be ready a month later.v
In fact, Volume I was not completed until the end of May, and Volume II until the 20th June. The reasons for the delay were the following : A number of authors did not comply with the instructions given in Bulletin I, and this meant a good deal of correspondence concerning the texts and illustrations.
Also, and especially, the articles presented in English by writers for whom English is not their native language had to be revised. This was done through the International Society and the British National Society, by one engineer, M. R. Hammond, who had an enormous task to do. We take this oppor-tunity of offering him our sincere thanks.
♦ *
The first volume contains 146 contributions to Sections 1, 2, and 3 A. The second includes the 123 contributions to Sections 3 B, 4, 5, 6, and 7, and the General Reports.
The third volume contains :
— A Summary of the Pprogramme ;
— A list of the members of the Conference and guests of honour ;
— The complete text of the discussion which took place in each section ; the complements to the discussions presented in writting ; and, finally, the minutes of the Executive Committee meetings.
The three volumes together make up 1 772 4- 417 = 2 189 pages.