Zmiany w strukturze pici i wieku ludności
AHajiM3 CTpyKTypbi B03pacTa MMeeT 6ojibiiioe 3HaneHne ajih 3HaK0MCTBa o tom, KaK b GyflymsM 6y^yT CKjiaAbiBaTbCH pe3epBbi pa6oneti cwjibi. JXo 1960 r. He cjie^yeT o^KMASTb 6ojibiiiMX M3MeHeHMH b 3T0M oSjiacTM, a TOJibKO nocjie 1960 r., Kor^a riOA-pacTyT nocjieBoeHHbie KOHTMHreHTbi — Tpy^OBbie pe3epBbi cwjibHO yBejiMHaTCH. npw-neM ocoSeHHO SjiaronpnHTHO ohm dynyT npeACTaBjiHTbcn Ha BOCCoeAMHeHHbix 3eMJinx.
Ilep. B. MwxoBCKoro
Population problems, particularly those concerning the sex and age structure, have for long interested geographers. The far-reaching practical importance of such problems draws p-articular attention to them in a sysitem of planned economy.
On the basis of the 1946 and 1950 censuses, it is possible to attempt to define the changes occurring in the sex and age structure of the population of Poland. During this period, there was everywhere an increase in the proportion of males, especially notable in Silesia, Pomerania and the Mazurian region, i. e. in the di-stricts where Polish immigration was particularly high, and concurrent with German emigration (Fig. 1). The proportion of the population of pre-productive age (0 to 17 years) fell somewhat in the old territories, and in the Opole and Mazurian regions; the same proportion increased in the western voievodships (Fig. 2).
The situation was otherwise in the productive age-group (18 to 59 years), the proportion of which increased particularly in the region of Opole, Mazury, Silesia and Pomerania (Fig. 3). The proportion of old people in generał showed a decline, especially in the Western Territories (Fig. 4).
In analysing1 the age structure according to the state in 1950, three population regions may be differentiated: (a) the old territories; (b) the Mazurian and Opole regions; (c) the remaining Western Territories (Fig. 6) The first region comprises the voievodships of Warsaw, Bydgoszcz, Poznań, Łódź, Katowice, Cracow, Rzeszów, Lublin, and parts of Białystok and of Gdańsk. A typical age-pyramid for this region is shown at Figurę 7. The pyramid in figurę 10 is typical for the Mazury—Opole region. The third region comprises the voievodships of Wrocław, Zielona Góra, Szczecin, Koszalin and the border counties between the voievodships of Gdańsk and Olsztyn, and Olsztyn and Białystok. A typical age-structure is given at Figurę 11.
The analysis of the age-structure is of great importance for the futurę develop-ment of available labour reserves. Up to 1960, these should show no important changes, but after 1960, when the numerous post-war age-groups begin to maturę, the supply of labour will increase greatly, the most advantageous development being in the Western Territories.
Translated by Zofia Wrzeszcz
Autor złożył artykuł w redakcji w r. 1956. Niestety z przyczyn od niej niezależnych publikacja uległa 2-letniej zwłoce. (Red.).