

ISUfree throw kills Salukis, 89-86

Rv (iMrff CMtak Sporu f-ditar

Dernck Mayes put up a prayer shot for the Illinois Sute Redbirds Wcckiesday niRht. and it was answered He missed U*- 'urnaround shot as he fell away with just four seconds left against the Salukis at Horton Fieldhouse at Norrral.

H»s prayer. howewer. wasn*t over. Sjuki guard Wayne Abram* fouled the Kedbird guard on the piay It was Abrams' fiftn foul. so he was out. but morę importantiy. it gave Mayes iwo free shots

The first bounced off the hoop no good. hut the second rołled around the nm and lunked in to break an 86-tw tie and lead Illinois State to an 89-86 victory before a screaming crowd of over 7,ono.

It was a hrartbreaking losa for the Salukis. who were sluggisn throughout most of the eon test In fact they were down by as many as 15 points three different bmes in the first had. and by as many as 12 tn the second haif.

But with five .ninuies left to go. SIU came roaring back fron. an 82-71 deficit to score 11 unanswered pointa and eat three precious minut es off the clock

Mili Huggins. who led all acorers with 23 points. tut two free throws to cap the streak. Huggins has not mtssed in 23 attemDls from the Ime

Aft er endto-end action. thanks to assorted missed shots by both teams. Mayes hit a 20-foot jumper Barry Smith waś fouled on the way back downcourt bv ISfs 7-0 center Joe Galvin. The Eldorado native knotted the score at 84-M with two free shots.

Kedmro lorward l>el Yarbrough came back and was fouled by Smith 10 seconds la ter. and he. too. hit his free shots to give the Hedbirds the edge. 86-84

With 3» seconds left. the Salukis refused to die Abrams fed Gary Wilson with an impressive alley-onp pass undernea th and Wilson slammed the bali home to tie things once again.

Thrn it was Ume to pray for Mayes and Co His prayers were answered with the free throw with four seconds rrmaming. and Wilson fi red a high pass downcourt to Jar (iuitt that never madę >1 ll rui Om «rorrtwrd mnd wmtt auł at bounds Co pve IS*J :be bali and the gamę.

(>aivm hit two finał free throws to ice

the cake. 8M8

The Salukis had lost their second straight and third óf their last four games. The heartbreak of it all » the fact that all three losses have been decided in the fmai seconds •*The gamę was of the same makeup as our other two losses." Satuki Head Coach Joe Gotti red aaid afterward "We surrender a big lead and are forced to come back and play catch-up '* Gottfned. who s team dipped to 3-3 on the voung season, was happy with the wav SIU came back after being toully dommated through most of the gamę "We took it nght down to the wire and bed it up with 32 securds left.** he said of the big comeback. Łut then he talked about some of the negaUre things the Salukis did eariy in the gamę ••We didnt play Intense enough tonight—especialły on defense.” he sa d "We didnt have pressure on Ihir cutside shooters. Mayes and (łon) Jones are good shooters-they *re the best guards we re gone up against. * Maves and Jooes pumped in 21 points each to lead the hedbirds. and Ca)vio added 15 Yarbrough was toupn on the bnards. but he was eq»;alJy tough on offense with 20 points.

Abrams had 18 points a'id Witom. w no was virtually shut down in the first half. added 15 Charles Moore came off the bench and once agam played steadily with eight points and some eluten rebounds But he and Abrams. who led the Salukis with mnr boards. couldn t do it aO.

Illinois State outrebounded the Salukis m the gamę by a 38-25 margin and was red hot on offense in the first half as it shot 60 prreent from the field The Salukis didnt shont too badly. 52 procent, but they had to bot tle back to get withm si* points at halftime. 40-34 Gottfried said the Salukis dtdn't use the man full-court defense well in the first half. but with their backs to the wali late m the gamę. they went with the full-court once agam out of "desperation. We had our backs to the wali. the Sałuki coach said. "We Ad a pręt ty good job of hurrying them.’*

He said the Salukis dicki't do a good )ob aa Om boanS»

"It m a problem for us.” he said oi getbng the offensire and defensiw rebounds.

*»«■* W tke mm u u*

Billikeas. 8I-7S. (Staff pkata ky

Ml’*» Al Graal swata away a 8t Usb skat. wkłle Ckarłea Moare <43>

Leading Off

A    I    0Ka llnm. RI4a.

Bi Cierry Blisa Staff Writrr

hockey teams with best seasons ever

" 1 "" " Ml — —1 ■ ■ - ■ ■    ■    ■ ■■■ i

Basketball tickets atailahle

Stats reward

Rv Gerrs BHn Staff Wriler

lt is almost two weeka sińce the w«>men's field hockey team retumed from EUensburg. Waah. as winners— well. aImost winners. The sixth place fimsh at the AIAW tournament can slili he considered part of a wirmtng season for the siickhandlers. It was .i cfimatic ending for a team that was the best ever in SIL htstory—«U under 10-year a en tor Julee Hitler.

Tuesday. the finał season &t«tist>cs came out iut both the rarsity ani j..war varsity, and it is easy to see why both teams have to be regarded as the most powenul ever. That doesnt mean statistics always tell the whoie story -they often don’t—but in the case of the vars«ty and JV. they tell mach of the suctess both teams enjoyed.

Of course. the most important statistics to come out were the teams* finishtng records The v*r»ity closed its best season with * 77-6-3 mark. Huwever. the JV can be considered as havmg a even bet ter mark than the vansity. finishmg their best year ever at KMM

Leading scorers for both teams were Heien Meyer for the v»nsity and Feg Kielsmeter for the JV. Meyer had an outsti-ding season. finishing ber colk*g»ate career with 44 goais Ot those 44 goais. 19 came in post-season competitKm. She also led the team in shots on goal with 299. She b SltTs alł-Ume leading scorer. netting 128 goais in four years ~a record that wiU probabfy stand for sortw? time. Kiełsmeier seems to have a bnght futurę ahead of ber. scoring si* goais to lead the JV tłus season

Brtoda Bruckner led the varisity in assists. gathenng nine for the year. She also was the second highest scorer on the team. netting just about half of Meyer s total with 22 goais—10 commg in post-season play Se.uor Chris fcvoo was the P09W 28. Oo«ly fgyp»*on. Owramber 7. 1978


third highest scorer with 15 In all. th-Salukts had a total of 112 goais while alłowmg the oppasition to score ordy 31 bmes The JV allowed ordy three goais to be scored against them an amazing slatistic.

Defensuely. sophomore goaiie Kenda Curmingham had ner second autstanding season on the vansity. setting a record for the most shutouts ever by a SIL* goalie. Cunmngham registered 20 blanka with si* of li. commg in post-season competition. 5-he tumed a«ide 159 of 190 shots or. 83.7 percent JV goalie Missy W iejaczka recorded 13 shutouts for 1978.

Among all tlie statistics for this year’s yaraity team. 'J>«rre is one that s . 1s out the most. That statistic ts the 1*. jp- record that the vartsity nas recorden under III ner That savs a lot about the

coach and. ir. generał, the field hockey team.

Right now. fllner is confronted with probably one of her tougher tasks in her K> years at the hockey hełm—replacmg five starters Tom this year*s sr(uaa However. she feełs confident that some players 00 the junior varsity can step nglit in to take the piace of the departing Meyer. Evon. Ann Yerderber. Moe AHmendinger and Jud> Seger.

She indicated that the most łikeły canidstes to step up from the JV right now to fili those spots are Kielsmeir. Donna Bianford. Cathy Lampe and Dee Stuli. łOelsmetr and Bianford will most likeły rep lace Seger 111 ner said. whiie

Lampe and Stuli wiU probabfy fili the spot* left open by Yerderber and AHmendinger Also the coach indicated that Karen McHale will most hkeiy rep lace Meyer

Huwever. fllner is not too worried about replacmg the offensive fi repów er that Meyer and Evon provided m their four years at SIU. "We got three good scorers coming back in Brenda. Fły 1 Karen Roberta i. and Mary Gilbert and Ml looking to Brenda to be the offensive leader next year.** she said. Huweeer. she also added that the biggest problem will be "to find an outsending link" to replace Evon—who was

Students havent been flor king to the Arena Ticfcet Office to grab up the many tickets that r^mam -or the Sałukts' besketb? li contests against Wisconsin-Milwaukee Saturday. and Northern Illinois an Monday.

Both games begin at 7.35 p m.. hut tickets are going too slow. Tickets g:>on sale two days pnor to each bo:ne gamę at nooo each weekday ,mLu 4 3u pm. Fans can abó parcha.^ tickets the day of the gamę from * ,vm on.

outstanding In her own right.

That "outstanding’* link might be w the persor of Bruckner a younger sister. who is playiig hockey at a junior college and will be transfenng to SIU next season Or it might come m the person of someooe ebe. who lllner hopes to reeruit. "Right now. I just have a few na mes. but I haven't looked at anyooe.*‘she said. ‘‘We have a strong oucleus commg back.**

As far as coaching ber best team ever. fllner can now rela* aocnewhat and enjoy ber "most satisfying season."

‘The team fit each other and complemented each other real well." lllner said *Indivdually. wc were not that good. We had aa outstanding team. but no mdivdual stars Our weak spot was iack of speed in the backfiełd. but we compensated well with sbekwork and posibomng **

And the futurę?

"My first goal right now is far us to continue to dom ma te the State and repea’ as regional champums." Whi- h can only mean morę wc.*thwhile statistics to look lorward to.

After 12 30 p m Saturday. tickets can be purchased at the south bo* Office oniy for both men s i.ames.

Tickets for both games will be available Thursday. Knday and Saturday Speaking of Saturday. it will be a busy day for Saluki sporu The men s junior varsity basketball team will play Soulheastem Ulmocs in a 2 30 p m pime. followed by a w-omen'% basketball gamę against l nico l’nivers:ty.


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