Lecture Seven

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History of English Language Area

Lecture Seven



century: The Age of Reason

May 31 Historia 15
June 2 Kultura ok.16
Oba są ustne i trudne.
Za tydzień : listy osób

Foundations of modern Britain.

The Succession: The Beginning of the Hanverian Dynasty
The Act of Union (Scotland)
The Jacobites Risings
Political life at home: The rise of Cabinet Government
The rise of the commercial class, the rise of Novel, The Industrial Revolution
Foreign policy: Overseas Expansion

The Restored Stuart Dynasty
-Charles II (1660-1685)
-James II (1685 -1688)
-William of Orange and Mary
-Anne (Pregnant 18 times, give birth to 5 children, 4 died in infancy, 1 some time later_

Act of Settlement 1701 → It specified who would inherit in case of Mary and Anne's childless
death. The throne would go to DUN DUN DUN Sophia, electress of Hanover or her Protestant
Sophia was a granddaughter of James I and a decent protestant woman.

Hanoverian Dynasty
George I (1714-1727) -Not very happy of the fact
George II (1727 -1760)
George III (1760-1820) -first of the kings happy to become the king of Britain
George IV (1820 – 1830) -Prince Regent during George III
William IV (1830-1837)
Victoria (1837 - 1901)

All wars are waged outside the country
Brits become leaders of the slave trade, slave trade becomes the foundation of British Economy

Glorious Revolution: 1688
Scotland after 1660
-a deadline to pledge an oath of allegiance January 1



MacDonald clan missed the deadline by five days. The most important members of the clan were
butchered (Glencoe Massacre). The Scottish parliament declared it the act of murder RUINING
FOREVER relations between Britain and Scotland.

Darien Scheme: the project that was supposed to help the scots rebuild their sense of national
identity. Willian Paterson was the leader. The decided to build a trading post in Isthmus of Darien in
Panama. They wanted to monopolize the trade in area. Pirates said that this area was good to live,

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there was a mild climate, friendly natives, fertile lands etc. Pirates Lied.
Every Scot invested money into it.
1698 – the first ship (carrying Bibles and Combs( they were told that natives like Combs) sails to

British seeing that Darien Scheme failed epicly (diseases and stuff), banned to help Scots in
Panama. After Scots escaped Brits offered to pay off scots debts if they would sign the Act of

1707- The Act of Union with Scotland Scots retain some control over their country (Banking, Law
and Education)

The Jacobites Risings
-Latin Jacobus – James
-People who supported James Edward Stuart and his return to the throne
Two Risings
-1715 – It was too late. George I got used to England and English got used to him. He appointed
people to rule England in his stead
James Edward Stuart + Maria Clementina Sobieska, grandaughter of John III Sobieski
Epic Fail
Charles Edward Stuart – great grandson of John Sobieski
-Charles Edward Louis Casimir Silvester Severino Maria Stuart (Bonnie Prince – The hero of the
He was in France, thus a secret symbol of secret societies was a toast over a bowl of water.


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