Raport i List Ściąga II

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Dear Mr Brown,- formal letter-apology

I am writing to you to apologise for the disgraceful conduct (haniebne zachowanie) of a member of our staff (personel) towards you on Saturday April 23rd. I realize how much this have upset (zdenerwować) you, and I hope that we can resolve the matter agreeably (zgodnie).

Due to (z powodu) my absence at the time, I was unable to (nie byłem w stanie) apologise to you in person. However, I always take such incidents extremely (nadzwyczaj poważnie) and, following your letter of complaint (pisemne zażalenie), the member of staff has been severely reprimanded (surowo skarcony). You can rest assured that ( może byc pan pewny że) he will be treating (traktowanie) our costumers quite differently (odmiennie) in the future.

I hope that this incident will not deter you from (zniechęci/odstraszy od) using our store (sklep) in the future. In an attempt (usiłując) to make up for (nadrobić) the inconvenience caused, we are sending you a complimentary gift (gratisowy upominek).

Your sincerely,

Mariusz Berlicki

Dear Mr Brown,- formal letter-apology

On behalf of (w imieniu +gen) Sunrise, please accept my sincere (szczere) apologies for your dissatisfaction with your Caribbean holiday in February.

Due to (z powodu) a computer error we were forced to change (my byliśmy zmuszeni zmienić) our accommodation at the last minute to what we had been led to believe was a hotel of equally (równie, równo) high standard. Sadly, (niestety) it was not until later that we discovered the hotel in question did not meet the requirements demanded of Sunrise Travel accommodation.

As a long established (ustalonej reputacji) travel company, we are well aware of (uświadomić sobie że) the upset that can be caused by problems experienced while on holiday. For this reason we would like to offer you a weekend for two in Paris at a top-class hotel as compensation.

Once again, our sincerest apologies for the inconvenience caused.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Your sincerely,

Mariusz Berlicki

Dear Belinda,- informal letter-apology

I'm writing to say how sorry I am (jak jest mi przykro) for my son's bad behaviour last week. I know how upset you were (jak zdenerwowana byłaś), and I thought I'd write to you to try and sort out the problem (rozwiązać problem).

Because I wasn't there when you called round, I didn't realize what had happened straight away ( zaraz potem), but when I got your letter, I promise you that he got properly told off. You can be sure ( możesz być pewna) he'll never speak to you like that (tak jak) again (nigdy więcej).

I hope what happened won't put you off (zniechęcać) coming round to our house again. I'd like to make up for (nadrobić) my son's behaviour by inviting (przez zaproszenie) you to dinner on Thursday so that (żeby) he can have the chance to say how sorry he is himself (jak przykro jest mu).



17 Kowalskiego Street 53

08-521 Dęblin



Trans-Globe Tours

Victoria Square

London SW1 6VC

16th November 2004

Dear Sir/Madam-list o pracę

I am writing to response to your advertisement for tour guides in the “Men” of 10th November 2004.

I am thirty-one years old, from Hrubieszów in south east of Poland and I am unemployed. I would like to visit the world and see interesting places and improve my English or other languages. I can read, write and speak fluently in English, French, German, Italian and Russian a little.

I have experience of working as a guide for the travel agency in Poland for three years. I am an enthusiastic, hard working and communicative person. I like working with people and I have also good interpersonal skills - I love talking with people, I have good sense of humour and I am interested in other countries and cultures too.

Thank you for considering my application. If you would like to see my detailed qualifications I enclosed my CV.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Mariusz Berlicki

17 Kowalskiego Street 53

08-521 Dęblin



Box 450

Hotel PLC


16th November 2004

Dear Sir or Madam -list o pracę

I am writing to apply for the job as a porter which you advertised in “The man” magazine on the 20th December 2003.

I am thirty-one years old, from Hrubieszów in south east of Poland and I am unemployed. I would like to spend half a year in England to earn some money and improve my English. I can read and write in English a little, but I want to practice spiking and listening.

I have experience of working as a porter. I have worked as a porter in the “Grant Hotel in Warsaw in Poland. I like working with people and I can clean rooms very well.

Could you please send me more details about the salary and conditions? For example, how many hours a day I have to work? And would it be possible for me to go to English classes?

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully.

Mariusz Berlicki

Zwroty do listu o pracę

I am writing in response to your advertisement in today's “The Men” for a journalist based in Geneva.

As you will see from the enclosed CV, I studied journalism and modern languages at University College, London, and went on to do (robiłem dalej) a master's in journalism at Queen Mary's College, London.

I consider myself (uważam siebie za) the ideal candidate for the job because I have all the relevant experience (odpowiednie). In my present job I am in charge of Eastern Europe publications for Intertec Publishing. Before this, I worked for the BBC World Service, at first covering (relacjonowanie) Mexico and Argentina, then Europe. I have traveled widely (dużo) in South America and Europe. In my present job I frequently go to Japan on business (w interesach) . I speak French , German, and Spanish fluently.

I am an enthusiastic (entuzjastyczny) and hard-working person. I am good at organizing people and can meet deadlines.(jestem dobry z organizacji I potrafię spełniać w nie przekraczalnym terminie )

I look forward to hearing you from you In the near future.

Yours faithfully.

Mariusz Berlicki

/knowledge-wiedza/ have good interpersonal skills(qualifications)/have a genuine interest (szczere zainteresowanie)/want to see…/apply for-ubiegać się o/suitable-odpowiedni/ a variety of duties, including…/enclose-dołączać/additional- dodatkowe/in response to your- w odpowiedzi na twoje/thank you for considering (zwrócenie uwagi) my application/in addition-w dodatku PERSONAL QUALITIES: energetic and sociable/can drive a car/worked in a summer camp last year/have worked as waiters/like working with children/good at outdoor activities and sport/good cook/

Letter of thanks for your lovely birthday card - informal

The Elms

2 Victoria Terrale



February 18th

Dear Sally,

Thank you for your lovely birthday card. I haven't written sooner as I wanted to invite you round and could never find a suitable time.

We're having a small party next Friday night to celebrate Tom's return from Canada, and we would be very happy if you and Simon could join us here, around 8 p.m.

Do you come if you can. It will be quite informal.

Looking forward to seeing you.



Letter of apology for party behaviour- informal

The Elms

2 Victoria Terrale



February 18th

Dear Peter,

I'm sorry about last night. I'm afraid I must have spoiled your party and I feel really bad about it all.

I didn't mean to spoil your party, but your boss was very irritating. Please excuse me for what I said. You know how worked up I get when people talk politics. I lose all my self-control. So when he started going on about this new political scandal, I just (poprostu)couldn't keep my mouth shut. I should have kept out of it all(powinienem trzymać się z daleka od tego wszystkiego).

Sorry Peter! I just hope you will get your promotion all right. (poprostu mam nadzieję że dostaniesz awans i będzie w porządku) It was all my fault. (to była cała moja wiana). It was your guest (gość)-next time I'll behave myself, I promise!



Dodatkowe zwroty

I'm very/terrible/ extremely (ogromnie) sorry.

I'd like to apologize for …

I don't want you to feel bad about it.

You must forgive me for…

How stupid of me - jak mi głupio

What a shame!-jaki wstyd

You have to excuse me - musisz mi wybaczyć

You couldn't help it

It wasn't your fault

Forget it

Don't worry about it

Letter of apology for party behaviour- formal

The Elms

2 Victoria Terrale



February 18th

Dear Mr Miller,

I am awfully sorry for (jest mi okropnie przykro za co)what happened yesterday. I do apologize for (ja przepraszam za) my disgraceful behaviour.

I should never have started talking about politics. When your boss mentioned (wspomniał) this political scandal, I knew I would lose my temper(ja wiedziałem że starcę panowanie)- I should have kept off the subject. (nie powinienem zaczynać tematu).

Do excuse me please!(proszę mi wybaczyć) I hope this will not affect your promotion in any way (mam nadzieje że to nie będzie miało odniesienia na pański awans w żadnym razie). I know the party was very important to you and it was inexcusable of me to behave as I did (to nie wybaczalne dla mnie zachowanie jak ja postąpiłem).


Mariusz Berlicki

Dodatkowe zwroty

I am sorry to hear about …

Please forgive me for …

I really must apologize for …

Please accept my apologies for …

Sorry to have done this/for doing this

There was nothing you could have done- nie było nić co mugłbyś zrobić

Zwroty - przeprosiny- formal


Dear Mr Brown,

I am writing to you to apologise for the inconvenience caused by-piszę do pana żeby przeprosić za niedogodności spowodowane przez

On behalf of…(kogoś), please accept my sincere apologies for your dissatisfaction (niezadowolenie) with your holiday in February

I must apologise for my…

Please accept my sincerest apologise for -proszę przyjąć moje szczere przeprosiny za

How can I apologise enough for-jak mogę wystarczająco przeprosić za

I must apologise profusely for- muszę przeprosić mocno za


Due to - powodu/ sadly- niestety/ besides- oprócz tego/Regret or promise to make up for the situation- żal lub obietnica naprawienia sytuacji/I force to change- jestem zmuszony do zmiany/Disgraceful conduct- haniebne zahowqanie/ upset sb- zdezorganizować, zdenerwować/Resolve the matter - rozwiązać sprawę/extremely seriously-nadzwyczaj poważnie/severely reprimanded-surowo skarcony/in an attempt- usiłoąć to do sth/


Once again, sincerest apologies for the inconvenience caused.

I hope you will accept my apologies

I hope my apologies will be /are accept

I look forward to hearing from you.

Your sincerely,

Zwroty - przeprosiny- informal


Dear Barbara,

I am writing to say how sorry I am for my son last week I know how upset you were

I hope you will understand when I say that…

What can I say except (oprócz,poza) I'm sorry that…

I'm sorry for…/ I owe you an apology (jestem winien ci przeprosiny)/ I'm so sorry if upset you in any way (jest mi tak przykro, jeśli zdenerwowałem cię w inny sposób)/ I can't describe how sorry I am and how guilty (jak winnym) I feel


Bad behaviour/sort out the problem (rozwiązać)/properly told off (odpowiednio ganić)/be sure/put you off (zniechęcić)/ straight away (zaraz potem)/ so that (żeby)


I hope you believe me when I say how sorry I am/I can't tell you how sorry I am/I beg you to forgive me for…(błagam cię o wybaczenie za)/there is no excuse(usprawiedliwienia) for…and I hope you'll forgive me



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