Subject Index
ABCs of observation, 80-81
Abstinence, 416, 419
Acamprostate, 418
Acedia (sloth), 9
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), 270-272, 345, 346. See also Human immunodeficiency virus
delirium in, 536
as divine punishment, 10
highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), 271
and immune system, 269
and intravenous drug use, 405
prevention, 290-292
psychological factors in, 271-272
San Francisco Model of prevention, 291
and stress, 264
Actigraph, 327
Actus rea (physical act), 571
Acute onset, 7
Acute pain, 279
Acute posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 156-157
Acute stress disorder, 157, 192
Addictions. See also Substance-related disorders
causes of, 69
Addington v. Texas, 566, 568
AIDS distribution in, 290
and alcohol use, 113, 397, 412-413
attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), 223-224
bipolar disorder, 219
body dysmorphic disorder, 187, 188
common developmental disorders, 507
conduct disorder, 224
conversion disorder, 184
depression study, 106
dissociative disorders, 199
eating disorders, 304, 308, 311, 319, 320
juvenile offenders, 452
masturbation by, 347
mood disorders, 222-224, 232, 239, 246
obesity, 321, 324
OCD, 164
panic disorder, 138
pedophilia, 374-376
seasonal affective disorder (SAD), 221
sleep disorders, 328
smoking and anxiety disorder study, 127
smoking by, 114-115
social phobia, 152, 154
substance use in, 412, 413
suicide, 224, 250, 251, 252, 254, 255, 256
Adoption studies, 111
antisocial personality disorder, 448
schizophrenia, 485-486
substance abuse, 410
suicide, 253
Adrenal glands, 48-50
Adrenaline, 48, 49
AIDS distribution, 290
attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), 509
combined treatment study for panic disorder, 143-144
comorbidity of anxiety and mood disorders, 129
with Down syndrome, 530
dysthymic disorder, 215
eating disorders, 319
Framingham Heart Study, 278
major depression study, 40-41
mood disorders, 222, 232
obesity in, 300, 321, 324
schizophrenia, 491, 499
sleep disorders, 338
smoking and anxiety disorder study, 127
smoking by, 114-115
survivors of childhood sexual abuse, 160
Western Collaborative Group, 278
Advanced sleep phase type, 334
definition of, 62, 63
flat or blunted, 477-478
inappropriate, 478
Affiliative behavior, 65
African Americans
and alcohol use, 103, 397
body dysmorphic disorder, 188
caregivers in dementia, 551
and chronic fatigue syndrome, 282
problems, 402
coronary heart disease, 279
dementia, 548
dissociative trance and possession disorder, 195
eating disorders, 307
and fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), 396
hypertension, 275, 276
IQ tests, 76
MMPI-2, 83
mood disorders, 222, 225
obesity, 322
panic disorders, 139140
psychopathy, 450
and schizophrenia, 484485
sleep disorders, 328
suicide, 250
TAT, 83
and violence, 566
vitamin B deficiency, 103
Age and sleep problems, 103
Age of onset, 6, 15
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), 578
Aggravated assault, 157
Agitation, 14
Agnosia, 539, 541
Agonists, 51
effects, 488-489
substitution of, 416-417
Agoraphobia, 135. See also Panic disorder
development of, 136-137
AHRQ. See Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
AIDS. See Acquired immune deficiency syndrome
AIDS-related complex (ARC), 271
Akinesia, 496
Alarm reaction, 48-49, 53, 61
Alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), 396
Alcohol-related injuries, 421
Alcohol use disorders, 394-398
alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), 396
breath analyzer test, 394
clinical descriptions, 394
Collaborative Study on the Genetics of Alcoholism, 410
DSM-IV-TR alcohol intoxication criteria summary, 394
effects of, 394-396
fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), 396
progression of, 397-398
statistics on abuse and dependence, 397
statistics on use, 396-397
withdrawal delirium or delirium tremens (DTs), 390, 395
Alcohol withdrawal delirium, 390, 395
Alcoholics Anonymous, 413, 418-419
Alcoholism, 289, 393
by adolescents, 113
and African Americans, 103
binge drinking, 103
causes of, 69
and dementia, 395
in the elderly, 225
genetic factors in, 39
inherited vulnerability to, 40
in Latin America, 67
and men, 65
and sexual dysfunctions, 364-365
and sleep disorders, 328
and suicide, 254
Allegiance effect, 105
Alleles, 40-41
Alogia in schizophrenia, 477
Alolphine, 417
Alpha-adrenergic receptors, 53
Alpha waves, 88, 231
Alternative community care, 567
Alters, 196, 197
Altruistic suicide, 253
Alzheimer's disease, 114, 225, 538, 540, 541-543. See also Dementia
aphasia/apraxia/agnosia, 541
causes of, 546-548
cognitive deterioration in, 542
and cognitive reserve hypothesis, 543
DSM-IV-TR criteria summary, 541
and formal education, 543
genetic factors in, 547
idea density, 541
PET scan of a brain with, 542
and sleep disorders, 328
sundowner syndrome, 541
testing for dementia in, 542
Amenorrhea, 304
American Association on Mental Retardation (AAMR), 527, 528
American Journal of Psychiatry, 13
American Law Institute test, 570, 571
American Psychiatric Association, 13
American Psychological Association, Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct, 118
American Society of Plastic Surgeons, 190
Amitriptyline, 240
Amnestic disorder, 552-553
Amniocentesis, 531
Amok, 194-195
in schizophrenia, 489
use disorders, 400-401
Amygdala, 46, 47
Amyloid plaques, 547
Amyloid protein, 547
Anabolic-androgenic steroids, 212, 408
Anal sex, 345
Analgesics, 405
Analog models, 99
Analog settings, 80
Anandamide, 407
Anatomy of Melancholy (Burton), 12
Anger and the heart, 6364, 264, 279
Angina pectoris, 277
Anhedonia, 210, 222, 226
in schizophrenia, 477
Animal magnetism, 17
Animal phobia, 146, 147
Animal studies
on anxiety disorders, 124
baboon stress physiology, 266-267, 268
classical conditioning, 270
in learned helplessness, 233
on narcolepsy, 332
nongenomic “inheritance” of behavior, 42
pain study in rats, 284-285
on serotonin, 54
substance abuse, 411
Anomic suicide, 253
Anorexia nervosa, 299, 303-305. See also Eating disorders
associated psychological disorders, 305
binge-eating-purging type, 304
clinical description, 304
drug treatment for, 316
DSM-IV-TR criteria summary, 305
medical consequences, 304-305
psychological treatments for, 318-319
restricting type, 304
strategies to attain weight gain, 319
ANS. See Autonomic nervous system
Antabuse, 418
Antagonist treatments, 417
Antagonistic effects, 488-489
Antagonists, 51
Antibodies, 269
Anticonvulsants, 243
Antidepressants, 55
for generalized anxiety disorder, 134
for mood disorders, 240-243
for panic disorder, 141-142
for social phobia, 154
Antigens, 269
Antimotivational syndrome, 406
Antipsychotic drugs, 54
commonly used, 496
for schizophrenia, 489-490, 495-497
Antisocial personality disorder, 431, 434, 435, 444-452
the brain and psychopathy, 449
Cleckley/Hare criteria for psychopathy, 446
and conduct disorder, 445, 447
cortical immaturity hypothesis, 449
developmental influences, 450
dyssocial psychopathy, 446
fearlessness hypothesis, 449
lifetime course of criminal behavior, 451
prevention, 452
psychological and social dimensions, 449-450
psychopathy and criminality, 446-447
and somatization disorder, 179
and substance abuse, 393, 414
treatment, 451-452
underarousal hypothesis, 448-449
Anxiety/depression/excitement continuum, 267-268
Anxiety disorders, 123-171
animal research on, 124
biological contributions, 126-127
and bulimia nervosa, 303
causes of, 126-129, 170
comorbidity, 129
and depression, 229
and eating disorders, 314, 315
fear, 125
and hyperthyroidism, 79
an integrated model, 128-129
panic, 64, 125
psychological contributions, 127-128
social contributions, 128
treatment, 170
types of, 171
Anxiety sensitivity index, 141
Anxiolytic drugs, 398
Aphasia, 541, 544
Aphonia, 180
Apraxia, 541
Arbitrary inference, 235
ARC. See AIDS-related complex
Arrhythmias of the heart, 279
Arterial insufficiency, 364
Asian Americans, 328
alcohol use in, 397
body dysmorphic disorder, 188
dementia in, 548
eating disorders in, 307
and panic disorders, 139
and phobias, 148, 152
sleep disorders in adolescence, 328
vulnerability to coronary heart disease in, 278
Asperger's disorder, 522-523
Assertiveness training, 288, 551
Assessing psychological disorders, 74-89. See also Diagnosing psychological disorders; psychological testing
ABCs of observation, 80-81
behavioral assessment, 79-81
clinical assessment, 74, 75
clinical interview, 76-79
key concepts, 75-76
mental status exam, 77-79
neuroimaging, 86-87
neuropsychological testing, 85-86
physical examination, 79
psychophysiological assessment, 88-89
semistructured clinical interviews, 79
Association studies, 112, 113
Associative splitting, 472, 473, 478
Astrology, 11
Asylums, 16
Ataques de nervios, 138
Atomoxetine, 511-512
Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), 400, 507, 508-512. See also Developmental disorders
and bipolar disorder, 223-224
causes, 510-511
clinical description, 508-509
DSM-IV-TR criteria summary, 509
echolalia, 507
statistics, 509-510
treatment, 511-512
Attribution, 58
Augmentative communication strategies, 533
Autistic disorder, 507, 518-522. See also Developmental disorders
causes, 520-522
clinical description, 519-520
DSM-IV-TR criteria summary, 519
echolalia, 519-520, 521, 523
and failure of parenting, 520-521
and IQ, 520
medical conditions associated with, 522
peer friendships, 524
and self-awareness, 521
statistics, 520
treatment, 523-525
Autohypnotic model, 200
Autoimmune disease, 270, 271
Automatic functions, 46
Autonomic nervous system (ANS), 44, 48-49
Aversion therapy, 420
Aversive treatment, 417-418
Avoidant personality disorder, 459-461
Avolition, 477
Axons, 45
B cells, 269
Barbiturates, 398
Bariatric surgery, 305-306, 322, 324
Basal ganglia, 46, 47
Baseline, 108
Battered wife syndrome, 571
BDD. See Body dysmorphic disorder
BDMPEA (Nexus), 408
in assessment, 77
in emotion, 62
Behavior modification procedures, 289
Behavior of Organisms, The (Skinner), 27
Behavior patterns, 264
Behavior rating scales, 81
Behavior therapy
in ADHD, 512
for bulimia nervosa, 317
Behavioral and Cognitive science. See Cognitive science
Behavioral assessment, 79-81
Behavioral compulsions, 162
Behavioral family therapy, 498
Behavioral geneticists, 39
Behavioral inhibition system (BIS), 127, 377, 449
Behavioral medicine, 264, 265
Behavioral model, 24-28
classical conditioning, 24-26
criticism, 28
operant conditioning, 26-28
rise of behaviorism, 26
Behavioral rehearsal, 461
Behaviorism, 17, 26
Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt Test, 85
Benzodiazepines, 14, 52, 56, 127, 398
for generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), 133-134
for panic disorder, 141-142
for sleep disorders, 334-335
Beta-adrenergic receptors, 53
Beta-blockers, 53, 364
for social phobia, 154
Beta-endorphins, 404
Beyond Freedom and Dignity (Skinner), 27
Binge drinking, 103, 421
Binge eating, 322
Binge-eating disorder (BED), 305-306. See also Eating disorders
and obesity, 322
psychological treatments for, 318
Binges, 299
Biochemical imbalances, 50
Biofeedback, 88, 285-286
Biological dimensions
anxiety disorders, 126-127
autism, 522
autistic disorder, 522. 524
in chronic pain, 281-282
in dementia, 546-548
eating disorders, 313-314
in gender identity disorder, 351-352
mental retardation, 529-532
mood disorder causes, 228-231
sexual dysfunctions, 363-365
in sexual orientation development, 348-349
in substance-related disorders, 410-411
Biological tradition, 11-15
consequences of, 14-15
Grey, John P., 13-14
Hippocrates and Galen, 11-13
syphilis, 13
treatments, 14
Biological treatments, 5, 14. See also Drug therapy
for dementia, 549-550
for substance-related disorders, 416
Bipolar disorders, 211, 216-221. See also Mood disorders
bipolar I disorder, 217, 219
bipolar II disorder, 217, 219
cyclothermic disorder, 218, 219
depressive episodes, 216
DSM-IV-TR criteria summaries, 218
longitudinal course specifiers, 219
manic episodes, 216
onset and duration, 218-219
rapid cycling pattern, 219-220
and schizophrenia, 471
seasonal affective disorder (SAD), 220-221
and X chromosome, 112
BIS. See Behavioral inhibition system
Blind sight, 60
Blindness, 12, 180
Blood-injury-injection phobia, 2, 24, 145, 149, 150
case study, 2, 34-37
Blood pressure, 53
Bloodletting, 12
Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), 186-191
causes and treatment, 189-190
clinical description, 187-188
DSM-IV-TR criteria summary, 189
and obsessive-compulsive disorder, 190
plastic surgery and other medical treatments, 190-191
statistics, 188-189
Body image perception, 304, 308, 311, 314, 315
Body mass index (BMI), 300, 301
Borderline personality disorder, 22, 434, 452-455
and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), 455
and early trauma, 454
and PTSD, 454, 455
suicide in, 453, 454
treatment, 455
Bradykinesia, 544
Brain, 44
biochemical functioning of, 39
Broca's area, 476
left and right hemispheres, 48
lobes of, 48
and psychopathy, 449
and schizophrenia, 476-477
Wernicke's area, 476
Brain circuits, 50, 51
Brain damage
and ADHD, 510
and autism, 522
and delirium, 536
and dementia, 538, 544
Brain function
images of, 87-88
in obsessive-compulsive disorder, 54
Brain-imaging techniques
in ADHD, 510
in autism, 522
in learning disorders, 517
in schizophrenia, 490
Brain pathology, 12, 14, 15, 17
Brain seizures, 14
Brain stem, 45, 46, 47
Brain structure, 45-48
images of, 86-87
influences on, 29
interactions of psychosocial factors with brain structure and function, 56
psychosocial influences on brain structure and function, 54-55
“rewiring” the brain, 150
and schizophrenia, 490-492
Brain surgery, 14
Brain tumors
and delusions, 79
and dementia, 544
and hallucinations, 79
Breathing-related sleep disorders, 326, 332-333
Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale, 81
Brief psychotic disorder, 482
Briquet's syndrome, 177
Broca's area, 476
Bromides, 14
Bulimia nervosa, 299, 300-303. See also Eating disorders
associated psychological disorders, 303
clinical description, 302
drug treatment for, 316
DSM-IV-TR criteria summary, 302
medical consequences, 302-303
psychological treatments for, 316-318
purging and nonpurging types, 302
purging techniques, 302
Cabin fever, 221
Caffeine, 337, 390
Caffeine use disorders, 404
Calcium channel blockers, 243
Cancer, 272-274
and denial, 289
and immune system, 269
psychosocial influences on, 272
and stimulus generation, 25
Cannabinoids, 407
Cannabis sativa, 406
Capgras syndrome, 474-475
Cardiovascular problems, 274-279
coronary heart disease, 276-279
hypertension, 275-276
Cardiovascular system, 48
Caregivers, 549, 551
Case study method, 101
Castration anxiety, 21
CAT. See Computerized axial tomography
Cataplexy, 332, 335
Catatonia, 471, 472, 479
Catatonic immobility, 479
Catatonic type of schizophrenia, 480
Catecholamine, 53
Categorical and dimensional models in personality disorders, 432-433
Catharsis, 18, 19, 160
Caudate nucleus, 46, 47
Causation, treatment, and outcomes, 7-8
Cause and effect, 7, 55
CBGT. See Cognitive-behavioral group therapy
Center for the Study of Culture and Medicine, 67
Central nervous system (CNS), 44-45
Cerebellum, 46, 47
Cerebral cortex, 46, 47, 48
Cerebral hemispheres, 231
Cerebral vascular accidents, 274
Cerebrovascular disease, 551
Charles VI, the Mad King, 9-10, 12
Checking rituals, 163
Chemical castration, 380
Chemical imbalance, 34, 69
Chemical transporters, 40
Chemotherapy, 25
Child abuse
and dissociative identity disorder, 198-200
Munchausen syndrome by proxy and, 182-183
Childhood disintegrative disorder, 518
adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse, 160
aggression in, 116-117
Asperger's disorder, 522-523
attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, 223-224, 400, 509
cancer in, 274
Children's Apperception Test, 83
common developmental disorders, 507-517
compulsions in, 163
conduct disorder, 224, 445, 447
control studies, 127-128
conversion disorder, 184
delirium in, 537
depression, 114
with developmental disorders, 534
dysthymic disorder, 215
eating disorders, 308, 311, 312
functional communication study, 109
with generalized anxiety disorder, 134
injuries, 290
juvenile offenders, 452
and learned helplessness, 234
and marital problems, 102
mental retardation, 525-535
mood disorders, 222-224, 239, 246
obesity in, 324
obsessive-compulsive disorder, 164
panic disorder, 138
pedophilia, 374-376
pervasive developmental disorders, 517-525
posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 156, 158, 159
in poverty, 237
real memories and false and DID, 200-202
resilient, 68
and schizophrenia, 484
seasonal affective disorder, 221
sense of control, 238
separation anxiety disorder, 146-147, 150
sexual abuse of, 454
sleep disorders, 328, 329-330, 336, 337-338
social phobia, 152, 154
Society for Research in Child Development, 118
suicide in, 251, 254
China, 115
AIDS in, 271
binding girls' feet, 189
koro, 175
mental health care in, 67
Pa-leng and frigo phobia, 148
smoking in China, 292
suicide in, 252
Chorea, 545
Chromosomal influences in mental retardation, 530-531
Chromosomes, 38
Chronic course, 6
Chronic fatigue syndrome, 282-284
Chronic negative emotions and coronary heart disease, 278-279
Chronic pain, 279-282
biological aspects, 281-282
endogenous opoids, 282, 283
gate control theory, 281-282
gender differences in pain, 282
operant control of, 281
psychological and social aspects, 280-281
and sense of control, 280
suffering in, 280
Chronic posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 156157
Cigarette advertising, 413
Cingulate bundle (cingulotomy), 166
Cingulate gyrus, 46, 47
Circadian rhythms, 220, 231, 233, 239
and mood disorders, 230-231
sleep disorders and, 326, 333-334
Circuit parties, 409
Civil commitment, 563-569. See also Criminal commitment
alternative community care, 567
authority for, 564
changes affecting, 566-569
civil commitment laws, 564
criteria for, 564-566
grave disability, 564, 566
involuntary commitment, 564
liberal era, 564
neoconservative era, 564
parens patriae, 564
police power, 564
public hospital system, 564, 567
reforms in, 567
sexual psychopath laws, 568, 569
transinstitutionalization, 567
and violence, 565-566, 568
voluntary commitment, 64
Classical categorical approach, 90-92
Classical conditioning (Pavlov), 24-26
Classification issues, 15, 90-92
Cleckley/Hare criteria for psychopathy, 446
Client-centered therapy, 24
Clinical assessment, 74, 75
Clinical description, 6-7
Clinical efficacy (internal validity), 579, 580
Clinical interview, 76-79
Clinical practice guidelines. See Patients' rights and clinical practice guidelines
Clinical psychologists, 5
Clinical replication series, 579
Clinical significance, 100, 101
Clinical utility (external validity), 479, 580
Clinical versus statistical significance, 100
Clomipramine, 190
for OCD, 165, 166
Clonidine, 418
Clozapine, 54
for schizophrenia, 489-490, 495, 496
Cluster A personality disorders, 437-443
Cluster B personality disorders, 443-459
Cluster C personality disorders, 459-464
Cocaine Anonymous, 419
Cocaine use disorders, 401-403, 412
clinical description, 401-402
statistics, 402-403
withdrawal from, 79
Codeine, 404
Cognition in emotion, 62, 63
Cognitive-behavioral group therapy (CBGT), for social phobias, 154
Cognitive-behavioral model, 24. See also Behavioral model
Cognitive-behavioral treatment (CBT), 7
for body dysmorphic disorder, 190
for bulimia nervosa, 316, 317
in chronic fatigue syndrome, 284
in conversion disorder, 185
exposure and response prevention, 55, 190
for generalized anxiety disorder, 134, 135
hypochondriasis, 177
in somatization disorder, 180
Cognitive disorders, 535-553
amnestic disorders, 535, 552-553
delirium, 535, 536-538
dementia, 535, 538-551
DSM-IV-TR label, 535
Cognitive errors, 235
Cognitive factors in substance-related disorders, 412-413
Cognitive reserve hypothesis, 543
Cognitive science, 15, 57-60
conditioning and cognitive processes, 57-58
learned helplessness, 58-59
learned optimism, 59
prepared learning, 59-60
social learning, 59
and the unconscious, 60
Cognitive slippage and schizophrenia, 478
Cognitive theory of emotional disorders, 235
Cognitive therapy for panic disorder, 142-143
Cognitive vulnerability for depression, 235-236
Cohort effect, 113
Cohorts, 113
Collaborative Study on the Genetics of Alcoholism, 410
Combat, 157, 158, 201
Communication impairment in autistic disorder, 519-520, 523-524
Communication skills, 498
Community mental health movement, 14
Community reinforcement approach, 420
Comorbidity, 94, 95
Comparative treatment research, 105-106
Competence to stand trial, 574, 575
Component treatment in substance-related disorders, 420-421
Comprehensive System (Rorschach inkblot test), 82
Computer simulations and dementia, 59
Computerized axial tomography (CAT), 86, 87
Concurrent validity, 76
Conditioned response (CR), 25
Conditioned stimulus (CS), 25, 59, 140
Conditioning and cognitive processes, 57-58
Conduct disorder
and antisocial personality disorder, 445, 447
and bipolar disorder, 224
Confidentiality, 78-79, 563
Confound, 98, 99
Construct validity, 92
Content validity, 92
Context and meaning, 232
Contingency management, 420
in anorexia nervosa, 303
and biofeedback, 285, 286
in bulimia nervosa, 302
and chronic pain, 280
and eating disorders, 314
and the elderly, 132
and learned helplessness, 58-59, 233
perception of, 127-128
and stress, 266-267
Control groups, 99, 104-105
Controlled drinking, 419
Controlled use in substance-related disorders, 419-420
Conversion disorder, 180-185, 263
causes, 184-185
clinical description, 180-181
comorbidity, 183
DSM-IV-TR criteria summary, 181
related disorders, 181-183
statistics, 183-194
treatment, 185
unconscious mental processes, 183
Conversion hysteria, 173
Conversion symptoms, 178
Convulsions, 14
Coronary heart disease, 276-279
and anger, 63-64, 264, 279
and chronic negative emotions, 278-279
Framingham Heart Study, 278
and the Stanford Three Community Study, 292
type A behavior pattern, 277-278
type B behavior pattern, 277-278
Western Collaborative Group Study, 278
Correlation coefficient, 102, 103
Correlation methods, 102-104
Cortical arousal, 448
Cortical immaturity hypothesis, 449
Corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF), 127, 159, 239, 266
Cortisol, 50, 230
Cosmetic surgery, 188
Cotard's syndrome, 475
Counseling psychologists, 5
Countertransference, 23
Course, 6, 7, 15
Covert sensitization, 378, 420
CR. See Conditioned response
Cravings, 413
Creativity, mood disorders and, 226
Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease, 546
CRF. See Corticotropin releasing factor
Criminal behavior, 417
lifetime course of criminal behavior, 451
and psychopathy, 446-447
Criminal commitment, 569-575. See also Civil commitment
American Law Institute test, 570, 571
burden of proof, 574
competence to stand trial, 574, 575
Defense Reform Act of 1984, 572
diminished capacity, 570, 571
Durham rule, 570, 571
duty to warn, 574
guilty but mentally ill (GBMI), 572-573
the insanity defense, 570-571
Insanity Defense Reform Act, 570
malingering, 575
mental health professionals as expert witnesses, 574-75866
M'Naghten rule, 570, 572
not guilty by reason of insanity (NGRI), 571, 572, 574
therapeutic jurisprudence, 573-574
violence, 575
Criminal intent, 571
Criminalization of the mentally ill, 566-567
Criterion validity, 92
Cross-cultural research, 115-116
Cross-dressing, 350
Cross fostering, 42
Cross-generational effect, 114, 115
Cross-National Collaborative Group, 214
Cross-sectional designs, 113
Cross-tolerance, 417
CS. See Conditioned stimulus
Cultural bias
cognitive disorders, 543
diagnosis of schizophrenia, 484, 494
ethnic minorities and violence, 564-565
intelligence testing, 76
MMPI, 83
Thematic Apperception Test (TAT), 83
Cultural factors, 64-67. See also Social factors
and ADHD, 510
and AIDS, 272, 291
in alcohol abuse and dependence, 397
in Alzheimer's disease, 543
attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, 510
body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), 189, 190
chronic fatigue syndrome, 282
in chronic pain, 280-281
conversion disorder, 184, 185
and coronary heart disease, 277, 278
cross-cultural research on the five-factor personality model, 433
in dementia, 548
in dissociative disorders, 192, 195, 198
eating disorders, 299, 300, 307-308
in expressed emotion, 494
and gender identity disorder, 351
global incidence of psychological disorders, 67
hypochondriasis, 175-176
international rate for major depression, 237
major depressive disorder, 214
mental retardation is socially defined, 527-528
in mood disorders, 222, 225-226, 236-238
in obesity, 322, 323
panic disorder, 138-139
and paraphilias, 377
in prevention of substance abuse, 421
Cultural factors
psychosocial treatment for physical disorders, 284-293
in PTSD, 159
research across cultures, 115-116
schizophrenia, 484-485, 494
in schizophrenia treatment, 500
sexual dysfunctions, 365-367
in sexuality, 348, 367
in sleep disorders, 328, 330
in substance-related disorders, 413-414
in suicide, 252, 254
thresholds for abnormal behavior, 115-116
trance or possession disorder, 195
Cultural reference group, 93
Culture of Narcissims, The (Lasch), 458-459
Cushing's disease, 230
Custodial care, 17
Cyclothermic disorder, 218, 219
Cyproterone acetate, 380
Cytomegalovirus and autism, 522
D-amphetamine, 511
Dangerousness, 565-566
DARE program, 421
Daytime sequelae, 327
and grieving process, 215-216
leading causes of in U.S., 263
Defective genes, 38
Defense mechanisms, 20, 21, 23
Defense Reform Act of 1984, 572
Deinstitutionalization, 14, 498
and homelessness, 566, 567
Delayed sleep phase type, 334
Delirium, 536-538
clinical description and statistics, 536-537
DSM-IV-TR criteria summary, 537
prevention, 537-538
treatment, 537
Delirium tremens (DTs), 390
Delta waves, 88, 139
Delusional disorder, 481-892
somatic type, 188
Delusions, 13, 14, 77
and brain tumors, 79
of grandeur, 13, 77, 471, 474, 479
of persecution, 13, 77, 472, 474, 479
in schizophrenia, 472, 474-475
Dementia, 224, 225, 266, 538-551
and alcohol, 395
Alzheimer's type, 538, 540, 541-543
caregivers in, 549, 551
causes of, 546-548
characteristics of, 545
classes or types of, 541
clinical description and statistics, 539-541
and computer simulations, 59
due to other general medical conditions, 544-546
prevention, 551
substance-induced persisting dementia, 546
testing for, 542
treatment, 548-551
vascular dementia, 543-544
Dementia praecox, 471, 472
Dementia pugilistica, 548
Demons and witches, 8-9
Dendrites, 44
Denial, 20, 288-289
Dependent personality disorder, 461-462
Dependent variable, 98, 99
Depersonalization disorder, 192-193
Depressants, 393, 394-400
alcohol use disorders, 394-398
sedatives, hypnotic, or anxiolytic substance use disorders, 398-399
Depression, 64
and anxiety, 229
cognitive vulnerability for, 235-236
grief and, 215-216
and hypothyroidism, 79
and norepinephrine, 45
and serotonin, 45, 50
and sleep disorders, 328
Depressive attributional style, 234
Depressive cognitive triad, 235
Depressive disorders, 212-216. See also Mood disorders
clinical descriptions, 212
double depression, 212-213
dysthymic disorder, 212, 215
major depressive disorder, recurrent, 212
major depressive disorder, single episode, 212
onset and duration, 214-215
Depressive episodes, 216
Depressive personality disorder (proposed), 437
Derealization, 191-192
Descriptive validity, 76
Designer drugs, 401, 408-409
Desipramine, 418
Despair, 22
Development across the life span. See Life-span development
Developmental critical period, 36
Developmental disorders, 506-551. See also Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder; Autistic disorder; Delirium; Dementia; Learning disorders; Mental retardation
amnestic disorder, 552-553
Asperger's disorder, 522-523
cognitive disorders, 535-553
common developmental disorders, 507-517
pervasive developmental disorders, 517-525
prevention of, 534
Deviation IQ, 84
Dexamethasone suppression test, 230, 248
Dhat (India), 175-176
Diabetes, 263
Diagnosing psychological disorders, 74, 75, 89-96. See also Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR)
classification issues, 90-92
reliability, 92
validity, 92
Diagnosis, 14, 15
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR), 4, 74. See also Diagnosing psychological disorders
Alzheimer's disease criteria summary, 541
amnestic disorder criteria summary, 553
amphetamine intoxication criteria summary, 400
anorexia nervosa critera summary, 305
antisocial personality disorder criteria summary, 445
attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder criteria summary, 509
autistic disorder criteria summary, 519
avoidant personality disorder criteria summary, 460
background and history, 92-93
binge-eating disorder (BED), 305
bipolar II disorder criteria summary, 218
body dysmorphic disorder criteria summary, 189
borderline personality disorder criteria summary, 453
bulimia nervosa criteria summary, 302
caffeine intoxication criteria summary, 404
cannabis intoxication criteria summary, 406
catatonic type of schizophrenia criteria summary, 480
cocaine intoxication criteria summary, 402
conversion disorder criteria summary, 181
criticisms of, 94
cultural and social considerations, 93-94
current trends, 95-96
cyclothymic disorder criteria summary, 218
delirium criteria summary, 537
delusional disorder criteria summary, 481
dependent personality disorder criteria summary, 462
depersonalization disorder criteria summary, 193
dissociative amnesia criteria summary, 194
dissociative fugue criteria summary, 194
dissociative identity disorder criteria summary, 196
dysthymic disorder criteria summary, 215
eating disorders in, 299
factitious disorders criteria summary, 183
fetishism criteria summary, 372
gender identity disorder criteria summary, 352
generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) criteria summary, 131
hallucinogen intoxication criteria summary, 408
histrionic personality disorder criteria summary, 456
hypoactive sexual desire disorder criteria summary, 357
hypochondriasis criteria summary, 175
labeling, 94-95
learning disorders criteria summary, 513
major depressive episode criteria summary, 211
manic episode criteria summary, 212
mental retardation criteria summary, 527
narcissistic personality disorder criteria summary, 458
nicotine withdrawal criteria summary, 404
obsessive-compulsive personality disorder criteria summary, 463
opioid intoxication criteria summary, 405
orgasmic disorder criteria summary, 360
pain disorder criteria summary, 186
panic attack criteria summary, 126
panic disorder criteria summary, 137
paranoid personality disorder criteria summary, 438
pedophilia criteria summary, 375
personality disorder clusters, 433
physical disorders, 263
planning process for fifth edition, 4-5
posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) criteria summary, 158
psychological factors affecting medical condition, 263
reliability of diagnoses, 575
schizoid personality disorder criteria summary, 440
schizophrenia criteria summary, 475
schizophreniform disorder criteria summary, 481
schizotypal personality disorder criteria summary, 442
sedative, hypnotic, or anxiolytic intoxication criteria summary, 399
sexual arousal disorder criteria summary, 358
sexual dysfunction categories, 355-356
sexual pain disorder criteria summary, 361
sexual sadism and sexual masochism, 374
sleep disorders descriptions, 326
social phobia criteria summary, 152
somatization disorder criteria summary, 178
somatoform disorders, 173
specific phobia criteria summary, 145
substance abuse criteria summary, 390
substance dependence criteria summary, 392
substance intoxication criteria summary, 389
trance and possession disorder criteria summary, 195
voyeurism and exhibitionism critera summary, 373
Diagnostic issues in substance-related disorders, 393
Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) and borderline personality disorder, 455
Diastolic blood pressure, 275
Diathesis-stress model of gene-environment interactions, 40-41, 199
and mood disturbances, 232, 233, 239
DID. See Dissociative identity disorder
Dietary restraint, 312, 315
Dimensional approach, 91
Dimensional models in personality disorders, 432-433
Dimethyltryptamine (DMT), 407
Diminished capacity, 570, 571
Directionality, 102-103
Discrimination training, 523
Disease conviction, 175
Disease model of dependence, 413, 419
Disinhibition exercises, 369
Disintegrated experience, 192
Disordered eating patterns, 322
Disorder of thought content (delusion), 474
Disorganized speech, 478
Disorganized type of schizophrenia, 479-480
Displacement, 20, 189
Dissociation between behavior and consciousness, 60
Dissociative disorders, 191-203
depersonalization disorder, 192-193
dissociative amnesia, 193, 199, 201
dissociative fugue, 194-195, 199
dissociative identity disorder, 195-203
dissociative trance disorder, 195
and somatoform disorders, 173
Dissociative identity disorder, 195-203
biological contributions, 200
causes, 198-200
characteristics, 196
clinical description, 196
DSM-IV-TR criteria summary, 196
faking DID, 196-198
and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 199-200
real memories and false, 197, 200-202
statistics, 198
suggestibility, 200
treatment, 202-203
Distant Mirror, A (Tuchman), 8, 9, 10
Disulfiram, 418
Diuretics and bulimia nervosa, 302
Divorce, influence of genes on, 41
DMT. See Dimethyltryptamine
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), 37, 38
Dominant genes, 38
Donepezil, 549
Dopamine, 45, 50, 53-54
and mood disorders, 230
in schizophrenia, 45, 50, 53, 488-490, 595
Dopaminergic system, 410
Dorsal horns of the spinal column, 281
Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and schizophrenia, 491
Double bind communication, 493
Double-blind control, 105
Double-blind experiments, 17
Double depression, 212-213
Double spiral, 38
Down syndrome, 524, 530-531
Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution (Atkins), 323
Dream analysis, 22, 23
Drug-seeking behaviors, 390
Drug therapy, 5. See also Biological treatments
in Alzheimer's disease, 549
in bipolar disorder, 218, 219
for body dysmorphic disorder, 190
in chronic fatigue syndrome, 284
for dementia, 549
development of, 14
in DID, 202
eating disorders, 316
for hypochondriasis, 177
for mood disorders, 240-243
and neurotransmitters, 50
for obesity, 324
for OCD, 165-166
for panic disorders, 141-142
for paraphilias, 380
for PTSD, 161
for schizophrenia, 495-497
for sexual dysfunctions, 370
and sexual functioning, 364
for sleep disorders, 334-335
for social phobia, 154
in somatization disorder, 180
stimulant medication for ADHD, 511-512
and stress-reduction programs, 288
Durham rule, 570, 571
Durham v. United States, 571
Duty to warn, 574
Dynorphins, 404
Dyslexia, 48
Dysmorphophobia, 187
Dyspareunia, 361
Dysphoric manic episode, 211
Dyssocial psychopathy, 446
Dyssomnias, 326. See also Sleep disorders
Dysthymic disorder, 212, 215
Eating disorders, 299-325. See also Anorexia nervosa; Binge-eating disorder; Bulimia nervosa; Obesity
causes of, 309-316
cross-cultural considerations, 307-308
developmental considerations, 308
dietary restraint, 312, 315
early weight concerns, 320
increase in, 299-300
mortality rate in, 299
socioeconomic status, 300, 306, 307
statistics, 306-307
treatment of, 316-321
types of, 299-308
Echolalia, 519-520, 521, 523
Ecstasy, 401, 408, 409
ECT. See Electroconvulsive therapy
Educable mental retardation, 528
EEG. See Electroenceph-alogram
Effect and cause, 7, 55
Effect in assessment, 77
Effect size, 100
Ego, 19, 20
Ego and the Mechanisms of Defense (Freud, Anna), 21
Ego psychology, 21
Egopathy, 445
Egotistic suicide, 253
Elder abuse, 551
cognitive disorders in, 536
delirium in, 536-537
dementia in, 540, 551
disorders in, 67
generalized anxiety disorder in, 132
hypochondriasis in, 175
mood disorders in, 224-225
personality disorders in, 434
and positive attitudes, 59
and schizophrenia, 484
Senior's Apperception Test, 83
sleep disorders in, 328-329
and sleep problems, 103
and social networks, 264
suicide in, 225, 250-251, 255
Electra complex, 21
Electric shock, 14
Electrocardiogram, 327
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), 14, 230, 243-244
in schizophrenia, 495
Electrodermal activity, 88
Electroencephalogram (EEG), 88, 89, 231, 285, 327
Electrolyte imbalance in eating disorders, 302-330, 305
Electromyograph, 327
Electrooculograph, 327
Emergency reaction, 48-49, 53, 61
Emotional stability in the five-factor personality model, 432
Emotions, 61-64
anger and the heart, 63-64
components of, 62-63
definition of, 62, 63
fear, 61
fight or flight response, 61
and psychopathology, 64
research on, 62-63
suppressing, 64
Empathy, 24
Employment, 499
supported, 533
Endocrine system, 48-50
and mood disorders, 230
Endocrinological disorders, 263
Endorphins, 282, 405
Enkephalins, 282, 404, 405
interaction of genetic and environmental effects, 39-41
and mental retardation, 529
Environmental factors in sexual orientation development, 348-349
Environmental manipulations, 43
Environmental treatments for sleep disorders, 335-336
Enzyme deficiency (Sly disease), 534
Epidemiological research, 103-104
and conversion disorder, 184
and schizophrenia, 14
Epinephrine, 48, 49
Episodic course, 6
Epstein-Barr virus, 282
Equifinality, 68, 69, 228, 414
Ergotism, 407
Erotomanic subtype of delusional disorder, 481
Erotophobia, 365
Essential hypertension, 275
Estrogen, 48, 351
Estrogen-dependent neuronal system, 282
Estrogen replacement therapy and Alzheimer's disease, 543
Ethical guidelines, Society for Research in Child Development, 118
Ethical issues. See Civil commitment; Criminal commitment; Patients' rights and clinical practice guidelines
Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct, American Psychological Association, 118
Ethics in research, 117-118
Etiology, 7
Eve (MDNA), 408
Event-related potential, 88
Evil eye, 65
Evil spirits, 9
Evoked potential, 88
Exhibitionism, 372-373
Exorcism, 9, 10, 11
Expectancy effect, 412-413
Experimental psychologists, 5, 25
Experimental research, 104-106
Expert witnesses, 574-575
Explicit memory, 60
Exposure and response prevention, 55
Exposure-based treatments
exposure and ritual prevention (ERP), 165, 166
for panic disorder, 142
for social phobia, 154
for specific phobias, 150
Extrapyramidal side effects, 496
Expressed emotion, 493-494
Expressive language disorders, 515
External validity, 98, 99
Extinction, 25
Eye-tracking, 487
Eye-tracking technology, 519
Facial agnosia, 539
Factitious disorder by proxy (Munchausen syndrome by proxy), 182-183
Factitious disorders, 182
DSM-IV-TR criteria summary, 183
False Memory Syndrome Foundation, 201
False negatives, 86, 87
False positives, 86, 87
Familial aggregation, 111
Families and schizophrenia, 493-494
Family studies, 111, 228
Family therapists, 5
Fatal familial insomnia, 327
Fatalistic suicide, 253
Fear, 61
in anxiety disorders, 125
Fearlessness hypothesis, 449
Feingold diet, 510
Female orgasmic disorder, 359-360, 369
Female sexual arousal disorder, 358
Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), 396, 529
Fetal brain tissue, 549
Fetishism, 372
FFS. See Fight/flight system
Fight/flight system (FFS), 61, 125, 127, 265, 279, 449. See also Alarm reaction.
Fixation, 21
Flashbacks, 155, 160. See also Posttraumatic stress disorder
Flat affect, 477-478
Flight of ideas, 211
Fluoxetine, 52, 190, 242, 316
Flurazepam, 335
Fluvoxamine, 190
fMRI, 88. See also Magnetic resonance imaging
Forebrain, 45, 46, 47
Formal observation, 80
Formalized suicides, 252
Foster care, 524
Fragile X syndrome, 531-532
Framingham Heart Study, 278
Fraternal twins, 39. See also Twin studies
studies of, 111-112
Free association, 22, 223
Fright disorders, 65
Frigidity, 358. See also Sexual dysfunctions
Frigophobia, 148
Frontal lobe, 48
Frotteurism, 372
Functional communication training, 108-109
Functional genomics, 410
GABA. See Gamma aminobutyric acid
Galantamine, 549
Galen, 12
Galvanic skin response, 88
Gamblers Anonymous, 4223
Gambling disorder, 571
Gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA), 45, 52, 53, 56, 127
and alcohol, 395
for panic disorder, 142
GAS. See General adaptation syndrome
Gate control theory, 281-282
GBMI. See Guilty but mentally ill
Genain quadruplets, 486
and ADHD, 511
and AIDS, 272, 291-292
alcoholism, 410
and Alzheimer's disease, 543
Asperger's disorder, 522
attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), 509
autistic disorder, 520
in bipolar disorders, 219, 220
and chronic fatigue syndrome, 282
cross-gendered alters, 196
and dementia, 540
and depression, 225
developmental disorders, 515
dissociation identity disorder in, 198
and eating disorders, 299, 300, 310-311, 319
learning disorders, 514
marital relations and mood disorders, 236
and mental retardation, 530
and mood disorders, 236-238
mood disorders by, 222, 229
mood disorders in women, 236-238
and pain, 282
and personality disorders, 434-436, 457
and psychopathology, 65
schizophrenia and, 483
and sexuality, 346-348
and sleep disorders, 328
and suicide, 251-252
and vascular dementia, 544
Gender bias
assessment, 435
criterion, 435
in diagnosing personality disorders, 13, 434-435, 457, 462
and MMPI, 83
women and violence, 564-565
Gender identity disorder, 345, 350-354
causes, 351
definition, 350-351
DSM-IV-TR criteria summary, 352
incidence of, 351
treatment, 353
Gender ratio, 6
Gene-environment interactions, 39-41
and antisocial personality disorder, 448
diathesis-stress model, 40-41
reciprocal gene-environment model, 41
Gene mapping, 39
Gene therapy, 534
General adaptation syndrome (GAS), 265
General paresis, 13
Generalizability, 99
Generalized amnesia, 193
Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), 130-135
causes, 132-133
clinical description, 130-131
DSM-IV-TR criteria summary, 131
integrative model of, 134
statistics, 131-132
symptoms, 131
treatment, 133-135
Generalized biological vulnerability, 128, 129, 132, 133
in specific phobia, 150
Generalized psychological vulnerability, 128, 129, 140
and PTSD, 159
in specific phobia, 150
Genetic factors. See also Heritability
in ADHD, 510
in Alzheimer's disease, 547
antisocial personality disorder, 447-448
autism, 522
and eating disorders, 313
in hypersomnia, 331
in learning disorders, 515-516
mental retardation, 529-530
in mood disorders, 228-229
narcolepsy, 332
in obesity, 300, 322
schizophrenia, 485-488
in sexual orientation development, 348-349
in sleepwalking, 338
in substance-related disorders, 410
Genetic linkage, 112, 113
Genetic markers, 112, 113
Genetics, 37-43
genes, 37-38
interaction of genetic and environmental effects, 39-41
new developments in, 38-39
nongenomic “inheritance” of behavior, 42-43
reciprocal gene-environment model, 41
and research across time, 110-119
Genital surgery, 353
Genotypes, 110, 111
Germ theory of disease, 13
GHB, 409
Gila (Malaysia), 115
Ginko biloba (maidenhair), 549
Glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor, 549
Globus hystericus in conversion disorder, 181
Glutamate, 490
Gonadal glands, 48
Grandiosity, 458
Grave disability, 564, 566
Grieving process, 215-216
Group experimental designs, 104
Group versus individual in societies, 225
Guilty but mentally ill (GBMI), 572-573
Gynecomastia, 353
HAART. See Highly active antiretroviral therapy
Hallucinations, 13, 14, 77
and brain tumors, 79
in schizophrenia, 472, 474, 475-477
Hallucinogen use disorders, 406
Hallucinogens, 393, 405-408
DSM-IV-TR hallucinogen intoxication criteria summary, 408
LSD, 407-408
marijuana, 406-407
Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Battery, 85, 86
Hashish, 407
Headaches, psychophysiological assessments, 88
Health, factors influencing, 263-270
Health psychology, 264, 265
Health risks in obesity, 300
Heart attacks, 277
Heart disease
and anger, 63-64, 264, 279
and immune system, 64
Heart rate, 53
Heaven's Gate, 253
Hebephrenia, 471, 472, 479, 480
Helper T cells, 270
Herbs, 14
Heredity, 12. See also Genetics
Heresy, 9
Heritability. See also Genetic factors
of blood-injury-injection phobia, 149
of intelligence quotient (IQ), 39
of mood disorders, 229
of somatization disorder, 179
Hermaphrodites, 350, 353
Heroin, 404, 405, 412
Heterosexual sex, 346
Hierarchy of needs, 24
Highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), 271
Hindbrain, 46, 47, 53
Hippocampus, 46, 47, 159, 230, 266
Hippocratic Corpus (Hippocrates), 11-12
alcohol use in, 397
ataques de nervios (panic disorder), 94, 138
body dysmorphic disorder, 188
and chronic fatigue syndrome, 282
eating disorders in, 307
mood disorders in, 222, 225
obesity in, 322
schizophrenia in, 500
sleep disorders in, 328
specific phobias in, 148
suicide in, 250
Historical context, 1-32
Histrionic personality disorder, 435
HIV. See Human immunodeficiency virus
Hoarding, 163
Homeless people, 14, 17
and deinstitutionalization, 566, 567
and schizophrenia, 479, 498
Homosexual arousal patterns, 350
Homosexuality, 346
attitudes about, 347
cultural aspects of, 348
male eating disorders, 312
and AIDS, 272
and learned helplessness, 234, 235
Hormones, 48, 49, 265
Host identity, 196
HPA axis (hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenalcortical axis), 50, 56, 159, 230, 265, 266, 270
Human genome project, 110-111
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), 270, 271-272. See also Acquired immune deficiency syndrome
and dementia, 538, 544
as divine punishment, 10
and intravenous drug use, 405
Human nature, 22, 24
Human nervous system, 43-44
Human potential movements, 24
Human Sexual Inadequacy (Masters & Johnson), 368
Human sexual response, 355
Humane care, 15, 16, 17
Humanistic psychology, 24
Humanistic theory, 24
Humanistic treatments, 7
Humoral immune system, 269
Humoral theory of disorders, 12
Huntington's disease, 490, 538, 544, 545, 548
Hydrocephalus and dementia, 544
Hyperactivity, 224
Hypertension, 263, 274-276
psychophysiological assessments, 88
and relaxation techniques, 286
Hyperthyroidism and anxiety disorders, 79
Hypnagogic hallucinations, 332
Hypnosis, 17
in dissociative identity disorder, 202
Hypnotic drugs, 398
Hypnotizability, 200
Hypoactive sexual disorder, 356-357
Hypochondriasis, 173-177
benefits of being sick, 177
causes, 176-177
clinical description, 174-175
DSM-IV-TR criteria summary, 175
statistics, 175-176
treatment, 177
Hypofrontality, 490, 491
Hypomania, 230
Hypomanic episode, 211, 217
Hypothalamus, 46, 47, 49, 314, 333
Hypothesis, 97
Hypothesis testing, 245
Hypothyroidism, 230
and dementia, 544
and depression, 79
Hypoventilation, 333
Hypoxyphilia, 374
Hypsarrhythmia and autism, 522
Hysteria, 12, 18, 173, 175
Hysterical neurosis, 173
ICD-10. See International Classification of Diseases
Id, 19
Idea density, 541
Ideal weight concepts, 209-310
Ideas of reference, 77, 442
and body dysmorphic disorder, 187
Identical twins, 37. See also Twin studies
studies of, 39, 111-112
Illness phobia, 175
Imaginal exposure, 160
Imipramine, 52
for mood disorders, 240
for panic disorder, 141
for sleep terrors, 338
Immune response, and stress, 266, 268-270
Immune system, 268
and endocrine system, 48
and heart disease, 64
disorders of, 263
Immunoglobulins, 269
Impacted grief reaction, 216
Impairment in psychological disorders, 3
Implicit memory, 60, 61
Impotence, 358. See also Sexual dysfunctions
Impulse-control disorders, 422-424
intermittent explosive disorder, 422
kleptomania, 422-423
pathological gambling, 423-424
pyromania, 423
trichotillomania, 424
Inappropriate affect, 478-479
Incest, 375
Incidence of disorders, 6, 7, 103
Independent Living Skills Program (UCLA), 498, 499
“Independent” personality disorder (proposed), 462
Independent variable, 98, 99
AIDS in, 271
dhat, 175-176
Individual attention, 17
common developmental disorders, 507
mood disorders in, 222
sleep disorders in, 337
Infectious diseases in dementia, 538
Informal observation, 80
Information transmission in specific phobias, 149
Informed consent, 117-118, 577, 578
Inhalants, 408
Inhibited orgasm, 359-360
Injury prevention, 289-290
Inpatient facilities in substance-related disorders, 418
Insanity defense, 570-571
Insanity Defense Reform Act, 570
Insidious onset, 7
Insight, 18
and schizophrenia, 478
Insomnia, 231
and caffeine, 404
Institutional review boards, 118
Insulin coma therapy, 495
Insulin shock therapy, 14
Insurance companies, accountability to, 5
Integrative approach. See Multidimemsional integrative approach
Intellectual functioning in assessment, 77
Intelligence quotient (IQ), 38, 84
and autistic disorder, 520
definition of, 85
deviation IQ, 84
heritability of, 39
tests for African Americans, 76
Intelligence testing, 84-85
Interaction of genetic and environmental effects, 39-41
Interactions of psychosocial factors with brain structure and function, 56
Intermittent explosive disorder, 422
Internal validity, 98, 99
International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10), 92-93, 94
Internet addiction, 424
Interoceptive avoidance, 137, 138, 142
Interpersonal psychology, 238
Interpersonal psychotherapy for bulimia nervosa, 317
Interpersonal relationships, 66-67
Interrater reliability, 76
Intersexed individuals, 350, 353-354
Intrapsychic conflicts, 20, 21
Introjection, 22
Introspection, 25-26
Inverse agonists, 51
Involuntary commitment, 564
Ischemia, 277
medicine and religion, 116
and obsessive-compulsive disorder, 164
Jackson v. Indiana, 574
Alzheimer's disease in, 543
body dysmorphic disorder, 188
eating disorders in, 300, 308
family model of treatment, 116
hara-kiri, 252
obesity in, 322
shinkeishitsu and taijin kyofusho (social phobia), 152, 190
Jealous subtype of delusional disorder, 481
Jet lag, 330, 333
Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 191
Kansas v. Hendricks, 569
Ketamine, 409, 490
Killer T cells, 270
Kleptomania, 422-423
Koro (Chinese cultures), 175
Kuru (New Guinea), 548
Kyol goeu (Cambodia), 139
l-dopa, 54, 230, 489
La belle indifference, 181, 184
Labeling, 94-95
Lanugo, 305
Large fibers (A-beta fibers), 281-282
Law of effect, 27
Learned alarms, 129
Learned helplessness, 58-59
in mood disorders, 233-234
Learned optimism, 59
Learning disorders, 512-517. See also Developmental disorders
causes, 515-516
clinical description, 513-514
DSM-IV-TR criteria summary, 513
statistics, 514-515
treatment, 516-517
Left hemisphere of the brain, 48
Legal issues. See Civil commitment; Criminal commitment; Patients' rights and clinical practice guidelines
Lesbians, 348
Lesch-Nyhan syndrome in mental retardation, 530
Leukocytes, 269
Level of behavior change, 107, 108
Liberal era in civil commitment, 564
Libido, 19
Librium, 14
Life span development, 22, 28, 29, 67-68
equifinality principle, 68, 69
Lifelong goals, 22
risky, 264-265, 289
sedentary, 322, 324
Light therapy
for circadian rhythm disorders, 335, 336
for seasonal affective disorder, 221, 231
Limbic system, 46, 47, 127
Linear models, 34
Liposuction, 190
Lithium, 243, 248
Lobes of the brain, 48
Localized amnesia, 193
Longitudinal course specifiers, 219
Longitudinal designs, 114-115
LSD, 401, 407-408
Lunatics, 11
Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery, 85, 86
Lymphocytes, 269, 270
Lysergic acid amide, 407
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 86, 87, 88, 197
Maintenance of sameness in autistic disorder, 520
Major depressive disorder
comorbidity with anxiety, 129
study on diathesis-stress model, 40-41
recurrent, 212
single episode, 212
Major depressive episode, 210
criteria, 91-92
DSM-IV-TR criteria summary, 211
Malaria, 13
Male erectile disorder, 357-358, 359, 369
Malingering, 181, 198, 575
Mania, 64, 210-211
Manic depressive disorder. See Bipolar disorders
Manic episode, 3, 216
DSM-IV-TR criteria summary, 212
Manie sans delire, 445
Manipulating a variable, 104
Mantra, 286
Marijuana, 406-407
amotivational syndrome, 406
DSM-IV-TR cannabis intoxication criteria summary, 406
medicinal uses for, 406-407
Marital relations
and child problems, 102
and mood disorders, 236
Marker genes, 487-488
Marriage therapists, 5
Mass migration to urban areas, 66
Masturbation, 346-347, 369, 370
Mathematics disorder, 513
Mature age, 22
MDMA, 401, 408
Meaning and context, 232
Medical conditions in autistic disorder, 522
Medical treatments for sexual dysfunctions, 370-371
Medicine man, 65
Medina v. California, 574
Meditation, 286, 288, 365
Medroxyprogesterone acetate, 380
Medulla, 46, 47
Melancholy, 9
and stress, 9
Melatonin, 220, 231, 334
in cognitive disorders, 535
delirium, 536
in dementia, 539
implicit and explicit, 60, 61
real memories and false and DID, 200-202
Memory B cells, 269
Memory wallets, 550
alcohol rehabilitation, 398
and alcoholism, 65
antisocial personality disorder in, 179
and eating disorders, 306, 310311, 312
homeless, 566
panic disorder in, 138
and psychopathology, 65
sexual practices in, 345-346
sleep disorders in, 326
specific phobias in, 150
unprotected gay sex, 290291
Mens rea (mental state), 571
Menstruation cessation, 304
Mental compulsions, 162
Mental health care
in China, 67
in the United States, 67
Mental health counselors, 5
Mental health professionals as expert witnesses, 574-75, 866
Mental hospitals, 14, 16
Mental hygiene movement, 16-17
Mental illness as legal concept, 565
Mental retardation, 525-535. See also Developmental disorders
causes, 529-532
clinical description, 527-528
DSM-IV-TR criteria summary, 527
statistics, 528-529
treatment, 532-534
Mental status exam, 77-79
Mescaline, 407
Methadone, 404, 417
Methylphenidate, 335, 511
Microsleeps, 327
Midbrain, 46, 47
Migraine headaches, 288
Mild retardation, 528
Mild tranquilizers, 52
Milieu treatment, 497
Mind, structure of, 19-20
Mind emptiness, 192
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI), 83-84, 575
Minor tranquilizers, 14
Miraculous cures, 11
Mixed manic episode, 211
Mixed sleep apnea, 333
African Americans, 83
Native Americans, 83
M'Naghten rule, 570, 572
Modeling and observational learning, 59
Moderate retardation, 528
Modifying behaviors to promote health, 289-293
Molecular genetics, 39
Molestation, 375
Mongoloidism. See Down syndrome
Monoamine oxidase (MAO)
for mood disorders, 240-241
for social phobia, 154
in assessment, 77
definition of, 62, 63
Mood disorder causes, 228-240
biological dimensions, 228-231
cognitive vulnerability for depression, 235-236
gender, 236-238
an integrative theory, 238-240
learned helplessness, 233-234
marital relations, 236
negative cognitive styles, 234-235
psychological dimensions, 231-236
social and cultural dimensions, 236-238
social support, 238
stressful life events, 231-233
Mood disorder treatments, 240-250
combined treatments, 247
drugs, 240-243
electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), 243-244
maintenance treatment, 247
preventing relapse, 247-248
psychological treatments, 244-246
transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), 244
Mood disorders, 62, 208-261. See also Bipolar disorders; Depressive disorders; Mood disorder causes; Mood disorder treatments; Suicide and bulimia nervosa, 303
defined, 209-212
major depressive episode, 210
mania, 210-211
prevalence, 221-222
structure of, 211-212
substance induced, 79
Moral insanity, 445
Moral principles, 20
Moral therapy, 15-17, 326, 497
Moral weakness in substance abuse, 413
Morphine, 404, 405
and eating disorders, 299
and obesity, 321
MRI. See Magnetic resonance imaging
Multiaxial system, 93, 96
Multidimensional integrative approach, 7, 28-29, 33-72
behavioral and cognitive science, 57-60
cultural, social, and interpersonal factors, 64-67
dimensions in, 34, 35
emotions, 61-64
genetic contributions, 37-43
life-span development, 67-68
neuroscience contributions, 43-57
one-dimensional versus multidimensional model, 34-37
Multimodal Treatment of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Study, National Institute of Mental Health, 512
Multiple baselines, 108, 108-110
Multiple personality. See also Dissociative identity disorder
Multiple personality and schizophrenia, 472, 474
Munchausen syndrome by proxy, 182-183
Muscle relaxation, 286, 288
Mutism, 181
Myocardial infarction, 277
Myocardium, 277
N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptors, 490
Naltrexone, 417
Narcissistic personality disorder, 457-459
Narcolepsy, 326, 332, 400
Narcotics Anonymous, 419
National Alliance for the Mentally Ill, 568
National Institute of Mental Health, Multimodal Treatment of Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Study, 512
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Project MATCH, 420
National Institutes of Health, 242, 228-9
National Resource Center on Homelessness and Mental Illness, 498
Native Americans
alcohol use in, 397
Alzheimer's disease in, 543
and dissociative disorders, 195
eating disorders in, 307, 308
and fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), 396
gender identity disorder, 351
MMPI2, 83
mood disorders in, 225, 226
Navajo tribe frenzy witchcraft, 195
Pima Indians and obesity, 322
shamans, 351
smoking in, 403
suicide in, 250
TAT, 83
Natural benzodiazepines, 52
Natural disasters and suicide, 254
Natural environment phobia, 146, 147
Nature versus nurture, 42-43
Negative affect, 227
Negative cognitive schemas, 244
Negative correlation, 102, 103
Negative effect, 411-412
Negative reinforcement in substance-related disorders, 411-412
Negative symptoms in schizophrenia, 477-478, 483
Negativistic personality disorder (proposed), 437
Neoconservative era in civil commitment, 564
Nerve cells, 45
Nervous breakdown, 157
Neurobiological procedures, 81
Neurasthenia, 282, 283
Neurobiological influences
autism, 522
and eating disorders, 314
schizophrenia, 488-492
in substance-related disorders, 410-411
Neurofibrillary tangles, 547
Neurogenesis, 230, 239, 244
Neurohormones, 229, 230
Neuroimaging, 86-87
Neuroleptics, 14
for schizophrenia, 489-490, 495-497
Neurons, 39, 44, 45
nonregeneration of, 535
transmission of information, 46
Neuropeptides, 265
Neuropsychological testing, 85-86
Neuroscience, 29, 43-57
brain structure, 45-48
central nervous system (CNS), 44-45
interactions of psychosocial factors with brain structure and function, 56
neurotransmitters, 50-54
peripheral nervous system, 48-50
and psychopathology, 54
psychosocial influences on brain structure and function, 54-55
Neurosis, 21, 23, 173
Neurotransmitters, 45, 50-54
dopamine, 45, 50, 53-54
gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA), 45, 52, 53, 56
norepinephrine, 45, 53, 56
research on, 51
serotonin, 40, 45, 50, 51-52, 56
New York Association of Psychiatric Rehabilitation Services, 499
Nexus (BDMPEA), 408
NGRI. See Not guilty by reason of insanity
Nicotine, 337
chronic exposure to, 127
substitution process treatment, 417
Nicotine use disorders, 403-404
Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, 403
Nightmare disorder, 326, 337
Nocturnal eating syndrome, 322, 338
Nocturnal panic, 139-140
Nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT), 362-363
Nomenclature, 90, 91
Noncompliance with medication, 496-497
Nondemand pleasuring, 368
Nongenital pleasuring, 368-369
Nongenomic “inheritance” of behavior, 42-43
Nonrapid eye movement sleep (NREM), 337
Noradrenergic system, 127
Norepinephrine, 45, 53, 56, 230
and mood disorders, 229-230, 239
Nosology, 90, 91
Not guilty by reason of insanity (NGRI), 571, 572, 574
NPT. See Nocturnal penile tumescence
NREM. See Nonrapid eye movement sleep
Obesity, 300, 301, 321-325
bariatric surgery, 322, 324
binge eating, 322
body mass index (BMI), 300, 301
causes, 322-323
commercial weight-loss programs, 323
disordered eating patterns, 322
drug therapy, 324
genetic factors, 300
and mortality, 321
night eating syndrome, 322
professionally directed behavior modification programs, 324
risks to health, 300
self-directed weight-loss programs, 323
statistics, 321-322
“toxic environment,” 322, 324
treatment, 323-325
weight-loss programs, 322
Object relations, 21-22
Observation, ABCs of, 80-81
Observational learning, 59
Observations on Madness and Melancholy (Haslam), 472
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), 78, 162-166, 462-464
and anorexia nervosa, 305
and body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), 190
brain function in, 54
case study, 93
causes, 164-165
clinical description, 162-163
compulsions, 162-163
DSM-IV-TR criteria summary, 163
obsessions, 163
statistics, 163-164
treatment, 55, 165-166
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), 333, 335
Occipital lobe, 48
O'Connor v. Donaldson, 566, 568
Oedipus complex, 21
Oedipus Rex, 21
Oncology, 272
Ondansetron, 417
One-dimensional versus multidimensional model, 34-37
Oniomania, 424
acute, 7
age of, 6, 15
insidious, 7
Onychophagia, 424
Openness to experience in the five-factor personality model, 432
Operant conditioning (Skinner), 26-28
Operant control of chronic pain, 281
Operational definition, 80
Opiates, 393
Opioid-releasing neurons, 410
Opioid use disorders, 404-405
Opium, 14, 405
Opponent-process theory, 412
Oral stage, 21
Orbital surface, 54
Organic mental disorders. See Cognitive disorders
Orgasm disorders, 359-361
Orgasmic reconditioning, 379
Orlistat, 324
Orthostatic dizziness, 139
OSA. See Obstructive sleep apnea
Overgeneralization, 235
Pa-leng, 148
Pain behaviors, 280
Pain disorder, 185-186
DSM-IV-TR criteria summary, 186
and anxiety disorders, 64, 125
Panic attacks, 125-126
criteria summary in DSM-IV-TR, 126
types of, 125
Panic control treatment (PCT), 142, 143
Panic disorder, 125, 135-144
causes, 140-141
clinical description, 136-137
cultural influences, 138-139
and drugs and alcohol, 137
DSM-IV-TR criteria summary, 137
nocturnal panic, 139-140
statistics, 137-140
treatment, 141-144
Panic disorder with agoraphobia (PDA), 135. See also Panic disorder
Panic disorder without agoraphobia (PD), 136, 137. See also Panic disorder
Papaverine, 370
Paralysis, 12, 178, 180
Paranoia, 471, 472, 479
Paranoid personality disorder, 431, 437-439
Paranoid type of schizophrenia, 479
Paraphilias, 345, 372-380
causes of, 376-377
fetishism, 372
frotteurism, 372
incest, 375
pedophilia, 374-375
sexual sadism and sexual masochism, 374
transvestic fetishism, 373
treatment of, 378-380
voyeurism and exhibitionism, 372-373
in women, 376
Parasomnias, 326, 337-338. See also Sleep disorders
Parasympathetic nervous system (PNS), 48-49
Parens patriae, 564
Parent training, 451
Parenting failure in autistic disorder, 520-521
Parenting influences, 43
Parietal lobe, 48
Parkinson's disease, 54, 489, 496, 538, 544
Partialism, 372
Pathological gambling, 423-424
Pathological grief reaction, 216
Patient uniformity myth, 100
Patients' rights and clinical practice guidelines, 576-580
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), 578
clinical efficacy (internal validity), 579, 580
clinical replication series, 579
clinical utility (external validity), 479, 580
evidence-based practice and clinical practice guidelines, 578-580
informed consent, 577, 578
quantified clinical observations, 579
research participants' rights, 577-578
right to refuse treatment, 576-577
right to treatment, 576
science-practitioners, 579
scientific approach, 579
template for constructing psychological intervention guidelines, 580
PCD. See Phencyclidine
PCT. See Panic control treatment
Pedophilia, 374-375
Pemoline, 511
Penicillin, 13
Penile prostheses or implants, 370-371
Penile strain gauge, 362
Penis envy, 21
Performance anxiety, 152, 365, 368. See also Social phobia
Periodic limb movement disorder, 329
Peripheral nervous system, 43-44, 48-50
Permissive hypothesis, 230
Persecutory subtype of delusional disorder, 481
Person-centered therapy, 24, 25
Personal distress, 3
Personality disorders, 430-469
categorical and dimensional models, 432-433
cluster A—odd/eccentric, 437-443
cluster B—dramatic/erratic, 443-459
cluster C—anxious/fearful, 459-464
comorbidity, 436
definition, 431-432
DSM-IV-TR clusters of, 433
five-factor model (“Big Five”), 432
gender differences, 434-436
proposed for inclusion in DSM, 436-437
statistics and development, 433-434
Personality inventories, 83-84
Personality traits, 446
Pervasive developmental disorder—not otherwise specified, 518
Pervasive developmental disorders, 517-525
PET. See Positron emission tomography
Pethidine, 404
Pets, 66
Phallic stage, 21
Phantom limb pain, 280
Phase delays and advances, 335
Phencyclidine (PCP), 409, 490
Phenotypes, 110, 111, 442
Phenylketonuria (PKU) in mental retardation, 530, 534
Phlegmatic, 12
blood-injury-injection phobia, 2, 34
defined, 3
Phobic avoidance, 136
Phototherapy, for seasonal affective disorder, 221
Physical causes of mental disorders, 11-15
Physical complaints without a clear cause, 173
Physical disorders, 68, 263. See also Eating disorders; Sleep disorders
AIDS, 271-272
cancer, 272-274
cardiovascular problems, 274-279
chronic fatigue syndrome, 282-284
chronic pain, 279-282
in the elderly, 224
psychosocial effects on, 271-284
psychosocial treatment for, 284-293
and stress, 48
Physical examination, 79
in emotion, 62
and obesity, 322-323
Pick's disease, 545-546
Pituitary gland, 48, 49, 230
PKU. See Phenylketonuria (PKU) in mental retardation
Placebo control groups, 105
Placebo-controlled trials, 117
Placebo effect, 105
Placebos, 55
Plastic surgery, 188
“Pleasure pathway” in the brain, 402, 403, 411
Pleasure principle, 19
PNI. See Psychoneuroimmunology
PNS. See Parasympathetic nervous system
Polygenic, 38
Polysomnographic (PSG) evaluation, 327
Polysubstance use, 387
Pons, 46, 47
Positive correlation, 102, 103
Positive psychology, 59
Positive reinforcement in substance-related disorders, 411
Positive symptoms in schizophrenia, 474-477, 483
Positron emission tomography (PET), 87
of a brain with Alzheimer's disease, 542
in depression, 230
Possession treatments, 10-11
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 155-161
causes, 158-160
clinical description, 155-157
with delayed onset, 157
and dissociative identity disorder, 199-200
DSM-IV-TR criteria summary, 158
statistics, 157-158
symptoms of, 156
treatment, 160-161
victimization groups, 157
Predictive validity, 76, 92
Predisposing conditions, 330
Prefrontal activity with glutamate transmission, 490
Prefrontal D1 receptors, 490
Prefrontal lobotomies in schizophrenia, 495
Preintervention research, 113
Premarital intercourse, 347, 348
Premature ejaculation, 360-361, 365, 369
Prenatal gene therapy, 534
Prepared learning, 59-60
Presenting problem, 6, 7, 15
Prevalence of disorders, 6, 7
Prevention intervention, 113
Prevention research, 113
Preventive service systems, 113
Primary gain and conversion disorder, 184
Primary hypersomnia, 326, 331-332
Primary insomnia, 327-330. See also Sleep disorders
associated disorders, 328
causes, 329-330
clinical description, 332-8
integrated model, 330
statistics, 328-329
Primary process, 19
Prisoners of war, 158
Privileged communication, 78-79
Proband, 111, 228
Professionally directed behavior modification programs, 324
Profound retardation, 528
Prognosis, 7, 90
Program of research, 116-117
Progressive muscle relaxation, 286, 336
Project MATCH, 420
Projection, 20
Projective testing, 81-83
Propranolol, 364
Prostaglandin, 370
Prototypes of disorders, 4
Prototypical approach, 91
Provocative sexual behavior, 179
PSG evaluation. See Polysomnographic (PSG) evaluation
Psilocybin, 407
Psychiatric nurses, 5
Psychiatric social workers, 5
Psychiatrists, 5
Psychoactive substances, 388-389
Psychoanalysis, 17
Psychoanalysts, 22, 23
Psychoanalytic psychotherapy, 22-23
Psychoanalytic theory, 17-24
Anna O., 18, 20, 101
criticism of, 23
defense mechanisms, 20, 21, 23
Freud and Breuer, 17-24, 101
later developments, 21-23
psychoanalytic psychotherapy, 22-23
psychosexual stages of development, 20-21, 23
structure of the mind, 19-20
Psychodynamic psychotherapy, 23
Psychodynamic treatments, 7
Psychogenic excoriation, 424
Psychological and social dimensions. See also Psychological dimensions; Social dimensions
autistic disorder, 520-522
in dementia, 548
in mental retardation, 532
schizophrenia, 492-494
Psychological autopsy, 253
Psychological dependence, 390
Psychological dimensions. See also Psychological and social dimensions
anxiety disorders, 127-128
eating disorders, 314
and health, 263-270
in mood disorders, 231-236
sexual dysfunctions, 365
of substance-related disorders, 411-412
Psychological disorders
definition of, 2-5
genetic factors in, 39
Psychological dysfunction, 2-3
Psychological intervention guidelines, 580
Psychological testing, 81-85. See also Assessing psychological disorders
intelligence testing, 84-85
personality inventories, 83-84
projective testing, 81-83
Psychological tradition, 15-28. See also Behavioral model; Psychoanalytic theory
asylum reform and the decline of moral therapy, 16-17
humanistic theory, 24
moral therapy, 15-16
Psychological treatments
for autistic disorder, 523-524
for eating disorders, 316-319
for generalized anxiety disorder, 134
for mood disorders, 244-246
for OCD, 165
for panic disorder, 142-143
for paraphilias, 378-380
for sleep disorders, 336
for social phobia, 154
Psychologists, 5
Psychomatic medicine, 263
Psychoncology, 272
Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI), 270, 271
Psychopathology, 5-8
causation, treatment, and outcomes, 7-8
clinical description, 6-7
definition of, 5
and emotions, 64
and neuroscience, 54
scientist-practitioner, 5-6
Psychopathy, 445, 446. See also Antisocial personality disorder
Psychophysiological assessment, 88-89
Psychophysiological disorders, 263
Psychosexual stages of development, 20-21, 23
Psychosocial influences on brain structure and function, 54-55
Psychosocial treatment for physical disorders, 284-293
biofeedback, 285-286
comprehensive stress- and pain-reduction program, 286-288
denial as a means of coping, 288-289
drugs and stress-reduction programs, 288
modifying behaviors to promote health, 289-292
relaxation and meditation, 286, 288
Psychosocial treatments, 5, 15
for dementia, 550-551
for gender identity disorder, 354
for schizophrenia, 497-499
sexual dysfunctions, 368-370
for OCD, 166
in schizophrenia, 495
Psychotherapy by Reciprocal Inhibition (Wolpe), 101
Psychotic behavior, 474
PTSD. See Posttraumatic stress disorder
Purging techniques, 302
Pyromania, 423
Quantified clinical observations, 579
Quantitative genetics, 38
Quantitative trait loci, 126, 488
Randomization, 99
Rape, 157, 374
Rapid cycling pattern in bipolar disorders, 219-220
Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, 139, 231, 326, 332
Rational discussion, 15
Rationalization, 20
Rauwolfia serpentine, 14
Raves, 409
Raynaud's disease, 274
Reaction formation, 20
Reactivity, 81
Reading disorder, 513
Reality principle, 20
Reality testing
in OCD, 166
for panic disorder, 142
Rebound insomnia, 330
Receptors, 39
Receptors in dendrites, 45
Recessive genes, 38
Reciprocal gene-environment model, 41
and mood disorders, 233
in sexual orientation, 349
Reinforcement, 27
Relapse prevention
in addictions, 379
in paraphilias, 379
in schizophrenia, 484, 493
in substance-related disorders, 421
Relaxation response, 286, 287
Relaxation techniques, 286, 288
for panic disorder, 142
in assessment, 75-76, 81
in diagnosis, 92
and conversion disorder, 184
fundamental sects, 165, 184
grieving rituals, 215
and OCD, 164, 165
Roman Catholic Church, 9, 10, 11
trance and possession disorder in, 195
Religious behaviors, 4
Religious rituals, 9, 11
Religious sects, 11
REM sleep. See Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep
Repeated measurements, 106-107
Replication, 112, 117
Repression, 20, 22
Research, 97-101
across cultures, 115-116
adoption studies, 111
case study method, 101
comparative treatment research, 105-106
components of a study, 97-100
and consumer involvement, 118
correlation methods, 102-104
epidemiological research, 103-104
ethics in, 117-118
experimental research, 104-106
family studies, 111
and genetics, 110-119
longitudinal, 500
multiple baselines, 108-110
over time, 112-115
patient uniformity myth, 100
program of research, 116-117
prospective, 500
replication, 112, 117
retrospective studies, 460, 493
single-case experimental designs, 106-110
statistical versus clinical significance, 100
twin studies, 111-112, 113
types of methods, 101-110
Research design, 97-98
Research participants' rights, 577-578
Reserpine, 14, 28, 53
Residential settings, 524
Residual type of schizophrenia, 480
Respiration, 53
Retarded ejaculation, 360
Reticular activating system, 46, 47
Retrograde ejaculation, 360
Retrospective information, 114
Retrospective studies, 460, 493
Rett's disorder, 518
Reuptake, 50, 51
Review boards, 118
Reward system (REW), 449
Rheumatoid arthritis, 270, 271
Rhythm Test, 85-86
Riggins v. Nevada, 577
Right hemisphere of the brain, 48
Right to refuse treatment, 576-577
Right to treatment, 576
Risperidone, 495-496
Risky behaviors, 264, 268, 289
Rivastigmine, 549
Rohypnol, 398
Rorschach inkblot test, 82
“Runners' high,” 282
SAD. See Seasonal affective disorder
Sadistic personality disorder (proposed), 436
Sadistic rape, 374
Safety restraints, 289
Salem witch trials, 9
Salivary gland enlargement in bulimia nervosa, 302
Scheduled awakenings, 338
Schedules of reinforcement, 27
Schizoaffective disorder, 480-481
Schizoid personality disorder, 439-441
Schizophrenia, 470-505
active phase symptoms, 474
associative splitting, 472, 473, 478
background and history of, 471-472
Capgras syndrome, 474-475
catatonia, 471, 472, 479
clinical description, 474
Cotard's syndrome, 475
cultural factors, 484-485
dementia praecox, 471, 472
descriptions of, 15
developmental course of, 483-484
and dopamine, 45, 50, 53
DSM-IV-TR criteria summary, 475
and epileptics, 14
Genain quadruplets, 486
genetic influences, 485-488
gila (Malaysia), 115
hebephrenia, 471, 472, 479, 480
history of, 492, 494-495
and homeless people, 479, 498
integrative treatment approach, 499, 500
marker genes, 487-488
neurobiological influences, 488-492
noncompliance with medication, 496-497
other psychotic disorders, 480-482
paranoia, 471, 472, 479
psychological and social influences, 492-494
psychotic behavior, 474
and relapse, 484, 493
and schizotypal personality disorder, 482
smooth-pursuit eye movement, 487
statistics, 483
and stress, 492-493
and substance abuse, 393
subtypes, 479-480
symptom identification, 472-473
treatment, 494-500
Type I and Type II, 483
urban versus rural living, 66, 492
and violence, 474
Schizophrenia Genesis: The Origins of Madness (Gottesman), 485
Schizophreniform disorder, 480
Schizophrenogenic mother, 493
Schizotypal personality disorder, 441-443
and schizophrenia, 482
School phobia, 146-147
Science-practitioners, 579
Scientific approach, 579
Scientific method, 5
and the integrative approach, 28-29
and psychoanalysis, 23
Scientist-practitioner in psychopathology, 5-6
accountability of, 5
functions of, 5-6
types of, 5
Script theory of sexual functions, 367, 377
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD), 220-221, 230, 335
Secondary gain and conversion disorder, 184, 185
Secondary process, 20
Sedatives, 14
Sedatives, hypnotic, or anxiolytic substance use disorders, 398-399
barbiturates, 398
benzodiazepines, 398
clinical descriptions, 398-399
DSM-IV-TR criteria summary, 399
statistics, 399
synergistic effects with alcohol, 399
Sedentary lifestyle, 322, 324
Seizure disorders, 88, 200
Seizures in conversion disorder, 181, 184
Selective amnesia, 193
Selective mutism, 515
Self-actualization, 22, 24, 25
Self-awareness and autistic disorder, 521
Self-blame schema, 235
Self-defeating personality disorder (proposed), 436
Self-directed weight-loss programs, 323
Self-efficacy, 268
Self-esteem, 314, 316
and ADHD, 511
Self exposure in social phobia, 154
Self-help procedures for binge-eating disorder, 318
Self-injurious behavior, 80, 453
and autism, 521
in mental retardation, 533
Self-medication, 65, 411-412
Self-monitoring, 80-81
Self-observation, 81
Semistructured clinical interviews, 79
Senile or neuritic plaques, 547
Sensate focus, 368
Sense of touch in conversion disorder, 181
Sensorium, 77-78
Separation anxiety disorder, 146-147, 150
Septal-hippocampal system, 127
Septum, 46, 47
Sequential designs, 114, 115
Serotonergic system, 127
Serotonin, 40, 45, 50, 51-52, 56
and mood disorders, 229, 231, 239
Serotonin-specific reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), 52
for body dysmorphic disorder, 190
for mood disorders, 240, 241-242
for OCD, 165
for panic disorder, 141-142
for PTSD, 161
for social phobia, 154
Severe mental retardation, 528
Sex chromosomes, 38
Sex hormones, 48
Sex ratio, 6
Sex reassignment surgery, 353
Sexual arousal disorders, 357-359
Sexual arousal patterns, 350
Sexual aversion disorder, 357
Sexual desire disorders, 356-357
Sexual dysfunctions, 345, 354-363
assessment of, 362-363
causes of, 363-368
DSM-IV-TR categories of, 355-356
human sexual response, 355
orgasm disorders, 359-361
prevalence of, 356
psychophysiological assessments, 88
sexual arousal disorders, 357-359
sexual desire disorders, 356-357
sexual pain disorders, 361-362
treatment of, 368-371
Sexual fantasies, 377
Sexual molestation, 157
Sexual offenders, 568
Sexual orientation development, 348-349
Sexual pain disorders, 361-362
Sexual psychopath laws, 568, 569
Sexual revolution, 348
Sexual sadism and sexual masochism, 374
Sexual self-schemas, 347
Sexuality, 345-349
cultural differences, 348
gender differences, 346-348
myths of, 367, 368
numbers of partners, 345, 346
sexual behavior and attitudes, 346-348
sexual orientation development, 348-349
sexual practices in men, 345-346
sexual practices in women, 346
sexual response cycles, 355
Sexually transmitted diseases, 345, 346
syphilis, 13
Shamans, 351
Shaping, 28, 29, 523
Shared psychotic disorder (folie a deux), 482
Shift work type sleep problems, 333-334
Shinkeishitsu (social phobia), 152
Shock, 11
electric, 14
Shyness, 151, 152. See also Social phobia
Sibutramine, 318, 324
Sildenafil, 370
Silver nitrate, 418
Single-case experimental designs, 106-110
Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), 87, 476, 490
Sinoaortic baroreflex, 35-36
Situational phobia, 146, 147
Situationally bound panic attacks, 125
Situationally predisposed panic attacks, 125
Sleep, stages of, 139
Sleep apnea, 329, 331, 333
Sleep attacks, 333
Sleep disorders, 325-338. See also Primary insomnia
and age, 103, 224
and Alzheimer's disease, 328
associated disorders, 326, 328
chronic sleep deprivation, 325
DSM-IV-TR descriptions, 326
dyssomnias, 326
and mood disorders, 230-231
nocturnal eating syndrome, 322
parasomnias, 326, 337-338
polysomnographic (PSG) evaluation, 327
rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, 326
sleep efficiency, 327
treatment of, 334-338
Sleep efficiency, 327
Sleep habits, 337
Sleep hygiene, 330, 336, 337
Sleep paralysis, 139-140, 332
Sleep restriction, 336
Sleep terror disorder, 326, 337-338
Sleepwalking disorder, 326, 338
Smoking, 264-265, 289, 292, 403
by adolescents and adults, 114-115
marijuana, 506-507
maternal smoking and ADHD, 510-511
substitution process treatment, 417
Smooth-pursuit eye movement, 487
SNS. See Somatic nervous system
Social anxiety disorder, 152. See also Social phobia
Social factors, 64-67. See also Cultural factors
antisocial personality disorder, 179
anxiety disorders, 128
conversion disorder, 185
eating disorders, 309-313
and health, 263-270
in mood disorders, 236-238
in PTSD, 159
somatization disorder, 179
in substance-related disorders, 413
Social interaction impairment in autistic disorder, 519, 524
Social learning, 59, 497-498
Social learning model, 24. See also Behavioral model
Social norms, 4
Social phobia, 125, 151-155
causes, 152-154
clinical description, 151-152
DSM-IV-TR criteria summary, 152
statistics, 152
treatment, 154-155
Social predators, 444
Social psychologists, 5
Social skills, 498
Social validity, 100
Social workers, 5
Society for Research in Child Development, ethical guidelines, 118
Sociocognitive model, 197
Socioeconomic status
and conduct disorders, 445, 447
and eating disorders, 300, 306, 307
and mental retardation, 532, 534
Sociopathic personality disturbances, 393
Sociopathy, 445
Somatic nervous system (SNS), 43-44, 48-49
Somatic subtype of delusional disorder, 481
Somatic symptoms, 210
Somatization disorder, 177-180
and antisocial personality disorder, 179
causes, 179-180
clinical description, 178
DSM-IV-TR criteria summary, 178
statistics, 178-179
treatment, 180
Somatoform disorders, 12, 13, 173-191, 263
body dysmorphic disorder, 186-191
conversion disorder, 180-185
and dissociative disorders, 173
hypochondriasis, 173-177
pain disorder, 185-186
somatization disorder, 177-180
Somnambulism, 338
Special education classrooms, 524
Specific phobia, 125, 144-150
animal phobia, 146, 147
blood-injury-injection phobia, 145, 149, 150
causes, 148-150
clinical description, 144-147
DSM-IV-TR criteria summary, 145
natural environment phobia, 146, 147
prevalence of, 147
“rewiring the brain,” 55
separation anxiety disorder, 146-147, 150
situational phobia, 146, 147
statistics, 147-148
treatment, 150
types of, 145
Specific psychological vulnerability, 128, 129
SPECT. See Single photon emission computed tomography
Spinal cord, 44
Split personality. See also Dissociative identity disorder
and schizophrenia, 472, 474
Squeeze technique for premature ejaculation, 369
SSRIs. See Serotonin specific reuptake inhibitors
St. John's wort (hypericum), 242
Standardization in assessment, 76, 77
Stanford-Binet, 84
Stanford Three Community Study, 292, 292-293
State v. Campanaro, 571
Statistical data, 6
Statistical significance, 100, 101
Statistical versus clinical significance, 100
Steroids, 408
Stimulants, 393, 400-404
amphetamine use disorders, 400-401
caffeine use disorders, 404
cocaine use disorders, 401-403
nicotine use disorders, 403-404
Stimulus generation, 25
Strength of Grip Test, 86
Stress, 265-270
anxiety/depression/excitement continuum, 267-268
chronic, 269
contributions to the stress response, 266-267
and the immune response, 266, 268-270
nature of, 265
and physical disorders, 48
physiology of, 265-266
and schizophrenia, 492-493
Stress- and pain-reduction program, 286-288
Stress hormones, 50, 230, 239, 266
Stress hypothesis of depression, 243
Stress-management treatment (CBT) in hypochondriasis, 177
Stress reduction programs, 288
Stress reduction treatments and alpha waves, 88
Striatal dopamine D2 receptors, 490
Strokes, 274, 275, 543
Stroop color-naming paradigm, 60, 176
Structure of the mind, 19-20
Stuttering, 515
Subcortical dementia, 544
Sublimation, 20
Substance abuse, 389, 393
and bulimia nervosa, 303
and panic disorder, 137
and sexual functioning, 364
and Vietnam War, 412
Substance dependence, 389-393
Substance-induced delirium, 536
Substance-induced mood disorders, 79
Substance-induced persisting dementia, 541, 546
Substance intoxication, 389
Substance-related disorders, 386-422
addictiveness of various drugs, 392
causes of, 409-415
depressants, 393, 394-400
diagnostic issues, 393
hallucinogens, 393
levels of involvement, 388-393
opiates, 393
other drugs of abuse, 393
polysubstance use, 387
prevention of, 421
psychoactive substances, 388-389
stimulants, 393
treatment of, 416-422
Substance use, 389
Suffering in pain, 280
Suggestibility, 200
Suicidal ideation, 215, 227, 251, 252, 255, 256
Suicide, 250—256. See also Mood disorders
and bipolar disorder, 219
and body dysmorphic disorder, 187
borderline personality disorder, 453
causes, 252-253
contagiousness of, 254-255
and depression, 214, 215
in the elderly, 225
in Micronesia, 67
and mood disorders, 249
psychological autopsy, 253
and PTSD, 157
risk factors, 253-254
statistics, 250-252
threshold model for, 254
treatment for, 255-256
types of, 252-253
Suicide attempts, 251, 252
Sundowner syndrome, 541
Superego, 19, 20, 21
Supernatural tradition, 8-11
demons and witches, 8-9
the moon and stars, 11
possession treatments, 10-11
stress and melancholy, 9
Supported employment, 533
Suppressor T cells, 270
Suprachiasmatic nucleus, 333
Susto (Latin America), 65, 138
in dissociative identity disorder, 196
dopamine in brain circuits, 54
Sympathetic nervous system, 48-49, 64
Symptom substitution, 23
Synaptic cleft, 45
Syncope, 35
Syphilis, 11
Systematic desensitization, 26, 27, 461
Systemic causality, 34
Systolic blood pressure, 275
T cells, 269, 270
T4 cells, 270
Tacrine hydrochloride, 549
Tactile Performance Test, 86
Taijin kyofusho (social phobia), 152, 190
Tarasoff v. Regents of the University of California, 574
Tardive dykinesia, 496
Target behaviors, 80
Task analysis, 533
TAT. See Thematic Apperception Test
Taxonomy, 90, 91
Template for constructing psychological intervention guidelines, 580
Temporal lobe, 48
Tension headaches, 288
Tension reduction, 411-412
Test-retest reliability, 76
Testability, 98, 99
Testing. See Psychological testing
Testosterone, 48, 351, 370, 380
Tetrahydrocannabinols (THC), 407
Thalamus, 46, 47
Thanatos, 19
THC. See Tetrahydrocan-nabinols
Thematic Apperception Test (TAT), 82-83
African Americans, 83
Native Americans, 83
Therapeutic alliance, 23
Therapeutic jurisprudence, 573-574
Therapist-client relationships, 24
Theta waves, 448-449
Thinking in cognitive disorders, 535
Thought-action fusion, 165
Thought processes, 77
Three Faces of Eve, The, 197
Three Mile Island, 269
Thresholds for abnormal behavior, 115-116
Thyroid disorders, 79
Thyroid gland, 48
Tic disorder, 163, 515
Time-limited course, 7
Time management, 288
Time zone changes, 333
Token economy, 497
Tolerance, 390, 392, 412, 415
Torture, 10-11
Tourette's disorder, 515
“Toxic environment” and obesity, 322, 324
Trainable mental retardation, 528
Trance states, 4
Transcendental meditation, 286
Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), 244, 497
Transference, 22, 23
Transient microstrabismus, 197
Transinstitutionalization, 567
Transsexualism, 350. See also Gender identity disorder
Transvestic fetishism, 350, 373
Traumatic events and sexual dysfunctions, 365-366, 369
biological tradition, 14
types of, 7-8
Trend, 107
Triazolam, 335
Trichotillomania, 424
Tricyclic antidepressants, 52
for mood disorders, 240, 241
Triptorelin, 380
Trisomy 21, 430
Tuberous sclerosis and autism, 522
Tunnel vision, 192
Twelve Step programs, 418, 419, 423
Twin studies, 39, 111-112, 113
antisocial personality disorder, 448
dissociative disorders, 199
eating disorders, 306, 307, 313
generalized anxiety disorder, 132
in learning disorders, 516
mood disorders, 228, 229, 232-233
schizophrenia, 485-487, 492
of sexual orientation, 348, 349
of substance abuse, 410
suicide, 253
Vietnam Era Twin Registry, 112
Twins. See also Twin studies
fraternal, 39
identical, 38, 39
intrauterine, 491
Type A behavior pattern, 277-278
Type B behavior pattern, 277-278
Type I and Type II schizophrenia, 483
UCR. See Unconditioned response
UCS. See Unconditioned stimulus
UFO experiences, 332
Unconditional positive regard, 24, 25
Unconditioned response (UCR), 25
Unconditioned stimulus (UCS), 25, 27, 59
Unconscious, and cognitive science, 60
Unconscious mental processes in conversion disorder, 183
Unconscious mind, 18, 19
Unconscious vision, 60
Underarousal hypothesis, 448-449
Undifferentiated somatoform disorder, 178
Undifferentiated type of schizophrenia, 480
Unexpected panic attacks, 125
United States, mental health care in, 67
United States Supreme Court and civil commitment, 566
Unprotected sex, 346
Unstructured interviews, 79
Urban areas, mass migration to, 66
Uterus, 12-13
Vacuum device therapy, 371
Vaginal intercourse, 345, 348
Vaginal photoplethysmograph, 362
Vaginismus, 361-362, 369
in assessment, 76, 77, 81
in diagnosis, 92
Valium, 14
Variability, 107
Vascular dementia, 543-544
Vascular disease, 364
Vascular pain, 280
Vascular surgery, 371
Vasoactive substances injected into the penis, 370
Vasodilating drugs, 370
Vasovagal syncope, 34-36, 149
Vegetative symptoms, 210
Venous leakage, 364
Ventricles in the brain, 491
Vibrators, 369
Vicarious experiences in specific phobias, 148, 149
Victimization groups in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 157
Vietnam Era Twin Registry, 112
Vietnam War, 450
and PTSD, 159
and substance abuse, 412
and alcohol, 398
and civil commitment, 565-566, 568
and criminal commitment, 575
and schizophrenia, 474
Viral infection and schizophrenia, 492, 500
Vitamin B deficiency in African Americans, 103
Vitamin B1 deficiency in Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, 553
Vitamin B12 deficiency and dementia, 544
Vocational rehabilitation, 499
Vocational skills, 498
Voodoo, 65
Voyeurism, 372-373
Vulnerability, 40, 41
Walden Two (Skinner), 27
Wandering in dementia, 551
War, 157, 158
War veterans, 281
Washing rituals, 163
Wechsler tests, 85
Weight-loss programs, 322
Weight Watchers, 323
Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, 552, 553
Wernicke's area, 476
Wernicke's disease, 395
Western Collaborative Group Study, 278
Winter depression, 220
Witchcraft, 9, 65
Witches, 8-9
Withdrawal, 390
Withdrawal design, 108
Withdrawal process, 416
alcoholism in, 410
and benzodiazepines, 399
body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), 188, 189
breast cancer, 272-273
conversion disorder, 184
and eating disorders, 300, 306
generalized anxiety disorder in, 132
homeless, 566
and hysteria, 13, 173, 175
masturbation in, 347
neurochemistry in, 282
OCD in, 164
panic disorder in, 138
paraphilias in, 376, 377
personality disorders in, 434-435, 457
posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 157, 158, 159
in poverty, 237
and psychopathology, 65
with SAD, 220
sexual practices in, 346
somatization disorder, 179
specific phobias in, 150
tend and befriend, 65
Workshops for mentally retarded, 534
Written expression disorder, 513
Wyatt v. Stickney, 576
X chromosomes, 38
and bipolar disorder, 112
and homosexuality, 348
X linked disorder in mental retardation, 530
Y chromosomes, 38
Yerkes-Dodson curve, 448
Yin and yang, 148, 149
Youngberg v. Romeo, 576
Zolpidem, 335
Durand Sub-Index-117