kompendium IV VI

Kompendium gramatyczne
z ćwiczeniami dla uczniów
klas IV VI szkoły podstawowej
Doskonałe, systematyczne przygotowanie
do sprawdzianu szóstoklasisty
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Grammar plus Unit 1 and Unit 2
Przeczytaj objaśnienia gramatyki
Unit 1
w ramce.
Przeczytaj objaśnienia gramatyki
w ramce.
Forma przecząca
Forma skrócona Forma pełna
I m not I am not eleven.
Form skróconych (I m, You re itd.)
używamy zazwyczaj wtedy, kiedy
He isn t He is not
rozmawiamy i piszemy do kolegów
She isn t She is not German.
i koleżanek. Formy pełne (I am, You are
It isn t It is not
itd.) stosujemy w bardziej oficjalnej
You aren t You are not
We aren t We are not French.
Forma twierdząca
They aren t They are not
Forma skrócona Forma pełna
I m I am ten.
Popatrz na tabelkę i przeczytaj poniższe
zdania. Czy są prawdziwe (') czy
He s He is
fałszywe (')?
She s She is British.
It s It is
9.00 9.30 10.00
You re You are
We re We are Polish.
They re They are
MONDAY English Maths Music
Uzupełnij zdania, używając form  m,
 s i  re.
TUESDAY Science Sport History
1 I m Tessa. 2 They
1 English is on Tuesday. %
3 It 4 We
a snake. friends.
2 English and Science are at nine o clock. %
3 Science and History are on Monday. %
Unit 2
4 History is at half past nine. %
Napisz słowami podane godziny.
5 Music is at half past ten. %
It s nine o clock. It s half past ten.
Popraw niezgodne z prawdą zdania
z ćwiczenia 3.
% English isn t on Tuesday. It s on Monday.
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Grammar plus Unit 3
Przeczytaj objaśnienia gramatyki Przeczytaj treść poniższych zaproszeń.
w ramce. Napisz pytania i krótkie odpowiedzi.
How old are you? I m
How old is he? He s ten.
How old is she? She s
When s your birthday?
When s his birthday? It s in June.
When s her birthday?
Napisz pytania i odpowiedzi.
1 Jack / ten?
1 When s your birthday?
Is Jack ten? Yes, he is.
It s in
2 his party / Sunday?
Is his party
2 How old is she?
3 Laura / eleven?
She s
4 her party / two o clock?
3 he?
5 Jack and Laura / twelve?
4 her birthday?
Przeczytaj objaśnienia gramatyki
w ramce.
a / an
Przed rzeczownikami, których pierwsza
Przeczytaj objaśnienia gramatyki
głoska jest spółgłoską, stawiamy
w ramce.
przedimek a.
a snake a horse a cat
be  pytania i krótkie odpowiedzi
Przed rzeczownikami, których pierwsza
Am I ten?
głoska jest samogłoską, stawiamy
Is he
przedimek an.
Is she eleven?
an ant an elephant an ice cream
Is it
an otter an umbrella
Are you
Are we twelve?
Postaw znak ', jeśli przedimka użyto
Are they
prawidłowo, lub znak '  jeśli
Odpowiadając krótko w formie
nieprawidłowo. Następnie popraw błędy.
twierdzącej, zawsze stosujemy formy
1 a rabbit %
Odpowiadając krótko w formie przeczącej,
2 a English boy % an English boy
zwykle stosujemy formy skrócone.
3 a orange %
' Yes, I am. ' No, I m not.
Yes, he is. No, he isn t.
4 a vet %
Yes, she is. No, she isn t.
5 an birthday %
Yes, it is. No, it isn t.
6 a apple %
Yes, you are. No, you aren t.
Yes, we are. No, we aren t.
7 an American girl %
Yes, they are. No, they aren t.
8 a sandwich %
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I m
I m
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Powtórzenie materiału
Grammar plus Revision 1 Units 1-3
Prawda (3) czy fałsz (7)?
Uzupełnij poniższe zdania, używając
form z ramek.
What s the time?
 m  s  re
It s three o clock. n
 m not isn t aren t
2 She ten.
1 They Polish.
It s ten o clock. n
It s half past two. n
It s half past twelve. n
3 I French 4 We eight.
It s five o clock. n
It s seven o clock. n
Popraw niezgodne z prawdą zdania
z ćwiczenia 3.
5 He twelve. 6 I nine.
2 It s half past ten.
n n
Uzupełnij zdania, używając przyimków
on, at i in.
1 My birthday s August.
2 English is Tuesday and Thursday.
Napisz pytania i krótkie odpowiedzi.
3 Sport is ten o clock.
1 Tessa girl? Is a
4 Science and History are Friday.
Is Tessa a girl? Yes, she is.
5 Maths is half past two.
2 you Are British?
6 My friend is ten. Her birthday s
3 July? in birthday your Is
Wstaw przedimek a lub an.
1 an umbrella
4 Sam Max and Are boys?
2 white rabbit
5 twelve? you Are 3 green apple
4 orange
6 Olive cat? Is a 5 English boy
6 sandwich
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Grammar plus Unit 4
Przeczytaj objaśnienia gramatyki Przeczytaj objaśnienia gramatyki w ramce.
w ramce.
can / can t  pytania i krótkie odpowiedzi
can / can t
Form can i can t (= cannot) używamy, gdy he
chcemy powiedzieć o tym, co potrafimy she skate?
i czego nie potrafimy robić. Can it swim?
you ski?
Formą skróconą can t posługujemy się
w rozmowie z kolegami i koleżankami
oraz w innych nieoficjalnych sytuacjach.
Forma twierdząca
Yes, he can.
She dance.
It can sing.
No, you can t.
You swim.
Popatrz na tabelkę w ćwiczeniu 2. Napisz
Forma przecząca
pytania i odpowiedzi dotyczące Adama.
1 whistle
Can you whistle? No, I
She can t dance.
It (= cannot) sing.
2 draw
You swim.
Can you
3 read music
Popatrz na tabelkę. Uzupełnij zdania,
4 skateboard
używając can i can t.
5 swim
Mary Adam Dan
Popatrz na tabelkę w ćwiczeniu 2.
Odpowiedz na poniższe pytanie.
'' '
I can draw and I can whistle.
' ' ' I can swim but I can t skateboard.
Who am I?
'' '
Co potrafisz robić? Postaw znak ' lub '.
' ' '
Następnie napisz dwa zdania.
'' '
swim % ski % drive a car %
1 Mary whistle.
dance % ride a bike % skateboard %
2 Dan skateboard.
I can swim but I can t ski.
3 Adam swim.
I can dance and I can ride a bike.
4 Adam and Dan draw.
5 Mary and Dan read music.
6 Adam skateboard and read music.
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Grammar plus Unit 5
Przeczytaj objaśnienia gramatyki Napisz zdania zgodne z prawdą.
w ramce.
1 brown eyes / blue eyes
He hasn t got brown eyes.
has got  He / She / It
He s got blue eyes.
Za pomocą form has i hasn t got możemy
opisać wygląd, wskazując jego
charakterystyczne elementy.
2 small ears / big ears
Forma twierdząca
She  s got brown hair.
It (= has got)
Forma przecząca 3 orange hair / blue hair
She hasn t got brown hair.
It (= has not got)
4 red nose / yellow nose
Uzupełnij zdania, używając form  s got
i hasn t got.
Przeczytaj objaśnienia gramatyki w ramce.
has got  pytania i krótkie odpowiedzi
Has she got black hair?
3 it
he he
Yes, she has. No, she hasn t.
it it
Napisz pytania i krótkie odpowiedzi.
1 snake / small eyes?
Has a snake got small eyes?
Yes, it has.
2 monkey / hands?
3 rabbit / big ears?
1 It hasn t got a long neck. It big
2 It legs. It hair.
3 It a long neck. It
4 ostrich / four legs?
four legs.
4 It a long neck. It
5 crocodile / hair?
5 It four legs. It big
6 It big teeth. It hair.
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Grammar plus Unit 6
Przeczytaj objaśnienia gramatyki w ramce. Napisz zdania, używając form  ve got
i haven t got.
have got  I / You / We / They
1 I / short hair '
Formę has got stosujemy w 3. osobie liczby
I ve got short hair.
pojedynczej (he/she/it), a formę have got 
2 we / curly hair '
w pozostałych osobach (I/you/we/they).
We haven t got
Forma twierdząca
3 you / glasses '
I  ve got short hair.
(= have got)
4 we / brown eyes '
She  s got blue eyes.
It (= has got)
5 they / curly hair '
We  ve got glasses.
6 you / big ears '
They (= have got)
Forma przecząca
I haven t got short hair.
Przeczytaj objaśnienia gramatyki w ramce.
(= have not got)
have got  pytania i krótkie odpowiedzi
She hasn t got blue eyes.
Have I
It (= has not got)
Has she got blue eyes?
We haven t got glasses.
it dark hair?
They (= have not got)
Have we
Uzupełnij zdania, używając form  ve got
i haven t got.
I have.I haven t.
he he
1 I fair hair.
Yes, she has. No, she hasn t.
I brown eyes.
it it
I glasses.
you you
we have. we haven t.
they they
2 We fair hair.
Uzupełnij pytania i odpowiedzi.
We dark hair.
Następnie napisz literę odpowiadającą
We glasses.
danej osobie.
BILL Have you got long hair?
ANN No, I haven t.
3 I long hair.
BILL glasses?
I curly hair.
ANN Yes,
I glasses. BILL pink glasses?
ANN Yes,
BILL You re !
4 We long hair.
JOE glasses?
SUE Yes,
We glasses.
JOE short hair?
We dark hair.
JOE an orange T-shirt?
SUE Yes,
JOE You re !
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Grammar plus Unit 7
Popatrz na obrazek przedstawiający Przeczytaj objaśnienia gramatyki w ramce.
Jacka i jego rodzinę. Następnie
This / That / These / Those
przeczytaj poniższe zdania. Czy są
Zaimków this (liczba pojedyncza) i these
prawdziwe (') czy fałszywe (')?
(liczba mnoga) używamy w odniesieniu do
ludzi i rzeczy, które są w pobliżu nas.
Zaimków that (liczba pojedyncza) i those
(liczba mnoga) używamy w odniesieniu do
ludzi i rzeczy, które są dalej od nas.
1 I ve got a mother and a father. %
2 I ve got two sisters. %
This is my little brother.
3 I haven t got a little brother. %
That s my big brother.
(= That is)
4 I haven t got a pet. %
5 I ve got a grandmother. %
6 I ve got a big sister. %
7 I ve got one brother. %
Popraw niezgodne z prawdą zdania
These are my parents.
z ćwiczenia 1.
Those are my grandparents.
% I haven t got two sisters.
Napisz zdania, używając wyrazów z ramek.
% this that these those
dog skates mum friends bag
Narysuj swoją rodzinę. Napisz o sobie
dwa zdania w formie twierdzącej oraz
dwa w formie przeczącej.
I ve got three sisters.
I haven t got a little brother.
1 This is my
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Grammar plus Revision 2 Units 4-7
Powtórzenie materiału
Prawda (') czy fałsz (')? Napisz jeszcze trzy zgodne z prawdą
zdania o potworze.
1 A parrot can talk. %
1 ears It hasn t got ears.
2 A boy can whistle. %
2 a green body
3 A fish can t swim. %
4 A crocodile can skate. %
3 two legs
5 A horse can t run. %
6 A girl can count. %
4 a blue head
7 An ostrich can t fly. %
8 An elephant can skateboard. %
Napisz pytania i krótkie odpowiedzi.
1 Max got Has glasses?
Popraw niezgodne z prawdą zdania
z ćwiczenia 1.
Has Max got glasses?
% A fish can swim. No, he hasn t.
2 you Have got hair? long
3 Tessa Has got snake? a
Napisz pytania i krótkie odpowiedzi.
1 elephants / swim?
4 got brother? you Have a
Can elephants swim? Yes, they can.
2 you / talk?
5 got hair? dark Sam Has
3 Tessa / sing?
6 Dooby teeth? got Has
4 snakes / skate?
5 a boy / swim?
Napisz zdania, używając zaimków This,
That, These i Those.
6 people / fly?
1 This is my cat.
Popatrz na obrazek. Uzupełnij poniższe
2 dog.
zdania, używając form  s got i hasn t got.
1 It s got four arms.
2 It three eyes.
3 sisters.
3 It big teeth.
4 It white hair.
4 skates.
5 It three feet.
6 It a red nose.
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Grammar plus Unit 8
Przeczytaj objaśnienia gramatyki w ramce. Popatrz na fotografię w ćwiczeniu 2.
Napisz pytania i krótkie odpowiedzi.
There is / There are
1 a bed
Form there is i there isn t używamy
Is there a bed? Yes, there is.
z rzeczownikami w liczbie pojedynczej.
2 two TVs
Form there are i there aren t używamy
Are there two TVs? No,
z rzeczownikami w liczbie mnogiej.
Forma twierdząca
3 a snake
There s (= There is) a desk.
There are two books.
4 a table
Forma przecząca
There isn t a TV.
There aren t three windows. 5 two bears
Popatrz na fotografię. Uzupełnij zdania,
używając form There s, There isn t, There
Podpisz obrazki przyimkami z ramki.
are i There aren t.
under on next to in
1 in 2
1 There s a TV.
2 two windows.
3 a computer.
Prawda (3) czy fałsz (7)? Popraw
niezgodne z prawdą zdania.
4 a cupboard.
5 two chairs.
6 four pictures.
7 an elephant.
8 two bookcases.
Przeczytaj objaśnienia gramatyki w ramce.
There is / There are + pytania i krótkie
Odpowiadając krótko w formie twierdzącej,
1 The cupboard is next to the bed. n
zawsze stosujemy formy pełne.
Odpowiadając krótko w formie przeczącej, 2 The shirt is under the cupboard. n
zwykle stosujemy formy skrócone. in the cupboard
Is there a bed?
3 The book is on the desk. n
3 Yes, there is. / 7 No, there isn t.
4 The bookcase is under the window. n
Are there two chairs?
5 The bag is in the cupboard. n
3 Yes, there are. / 7 No, there aren t.
6 The bed is next to the picture. n
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Grammar plus Unit 9
Przeczytaj objaśnienia gramatyki w ramce. Przeczytaj objaśnienia gramatyki
w ramce.
Present simple  I / You / We / They
Present simple  pytania i krótkie
Czasu present simple używamy, mówiąc
o czymś, co jest zasadniczo prawdziwe, na
przykład o tym, co lubimy lub czego nie Wyrazu do używamy w pytaniach z I, you,
lubimy. we, they.
:&ż you
Do like ice cream?
II they
You You
Odpowiadając na pytania w czasie present
like chips. don t like eggs.
We We
simple, używamy formy do lub don t.
They They
Yes, do. No, don t.
Popatrz na tabelkę. Napisz zdania,
they they
używając form like i don t like.
Uzupełnij pytania i odpowiedzi.
1 Do you like ice cream?
pizza hot dogs salad Yes, I do.
2 oranges?
John :&żż
No, I don t.
Clare ż:&:&
3 bananas?
1 I like pizza.
2 I don t like
4 apples?
5 eggs?
6 chocolate?
Napisz zdania przeczące.
1 I like cheese. I don t like cheese.
2 They like eggs.
3 We like salad.
4 They like fish.
5 I like chips.
Napisz dwa zdania o rzeczach, które
lubisz i których nie lubisz.
I like bananas but I don t like oranges.
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Grammar plus Unit 10
Przeczytaj objaśnienia gramatyki w ramce. Przeczytaj objaśnienia gramatyki
w ramce.
Present simple  He / She / It
:&żPresent simple  pytania i krótkie
He He
Wyrazu does używamy w czasie present
She likes water. She doesn t like eggs.
simple do tworzenia pytań i odpowiedzi
It It
z zaimkami he, she i it.
Popatrz na tabelkę. Czy poniższe zdania
Does she like orange juice?
są prawdziwe (') czy fałszywe (')?
Odpowiadając krótko na pytania w czasie
present simple, stosujemy formę does lub
doesn t.
he he
Yes, she does. No, she doesn t.
it it
Jim ' ' ' '
Bill ' ' ' '
Uzupełnij dialog, używając wyrazów
w nawiasach w odpowiedniej formie.
Lucy ' ' ' '
Anna ''' '
1 Jim likes milk and orange juice. %
2 Bill doesn t like tea. %
3 Anna likes tea but she doesn t like
coffee. %
BOY This is my dog. His name is Rex.
4 Lucy likes milk. %
GIRL Does he eat (eat) meat?
5 Bill doesn t like orange juice. %
BOY Yes, he 2 . He
6 Lucy likes tea and coffee. %
(eat) dog food too.
7 Anna likes orange juice. %
GIRL (drink) milk?
BOY No, 5 . He doesn t
8 Jim doesn t like milk. %
(like) milk.
GIRL (like) water?
Popraw nieprawdziwe zdania
z ćwiczenia 2.
BOY Yes, 8 . He
(like) water.
% Bill likes tea.
GIRL I like your dog!
BOY He 10 (like) you too!
Ustal właściwą kolejność zdań.
% Then eat your sandwich.
% Then put the butter on the bread.
Popatrz na tabelkę w ćwiczeniu 2.
Odpowiedz na poniższe pytania.
% Now put the bread on top.
He / She likes tea and orange juice, but
% Then cut the cheese.
he / she doesn t like milk. Who is he / she?
% First, cut the bread.
% Then put the cheese on the bread.
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Grammar plus Revision 3 Units 8-10
Powtórzenie materiału
Popatrz na obrazek. Napisz zdania, Uzupełnij dialog.
używając form There s, There isn t, There
JACK Do you 1 like pizza and chips?
are i There aren t.
ANNA Yes, 2 .
JACK I :& pizza but I
ż chips.
ANNA Do you 5 orange juice and
JACK I :& orange juice but I
ż milk.
ANNA I :& milk but I
ż orange juice!
1 a bed There s a bed.
JACK I :& toast but I
2 two chairs
ż bacon.
ANNA Yes, I :& toast but I
3 lots of books
ż bacon!
4 a computer
Uzupełnij zdania o Annie.
1 Anna likes pizza, chips, milk and toast.
5 a bookcase
2 She doesn t like or
3 Jack
Jeszcze raz popatrz na obrazek
w ćwiczeniu 1. Uzupełnij poniższe zdania
przyimkami z ramki.
4 He
under on next to in
1 The TV is on the desk.
5 Anna and Jack like but they
2 The bookcase is the bed.
3 The bed is the window.
Uzupełnij puste miejsca, wstawiając
4 The books are the bookcase.
wyrazy w nawiasach w odpowiedniej
Napisz pytania i krótkie odpowiedzi
BOY Have you got a pet?
dotyczące obrazka z ćwiczenia 1.
GIRL Yes, I ve got a mouse.
1 desk
BOY I 1 like (like) mice! 2 he
Is there a desk? Yes, there is.
(eat) cheese?
2 two beds
GIRL Yes, he 4 . He 5
(like) cheese. He 6 (like)
toast and cereal too!
3 an armchair
BOY he 8 (drink)
GIRL Yes, 9 . He 10
4 lots of books
(drink) milk and water.
BOY he 12 (like)
GIRL No, he 13 (like) bananas.
5 a window
BOY I 14 (like) bananas. They re
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Grammar plus Unit 11
Przeczytaj objaśnienia gramatyki w ramce. Popatrz na tabelkę. Popraw poniższe
Present simple
Czasu present simple używamy, mówiąc get up go to school watch TV go to bed
o czynnościach, które wykonujemy
codziennie. Tim
You get up She gets up
We It
1 Sue gets up at seven o clock.
You have toast She has toast
Sue doesn t get up at seven o clock. She
We It
They gets up at half past seven.
2 Tim gets up at eight o clock.
You watch TV She watches TV
We It
3 Tim and Sue go to school at eight o clock.
You go She goes
We It
4 Sue watches TV at half past five.
Uzupełnij zdania o Johnie, używając
właściwych form czasowników
5 Tim goes to bed at half past eight.
w nawiasach.
I 1 get (get) up at
7 o clock. I 2
(have) a shower every Przeczytaj objaśnienia gramatyki w ramce.
day. I 3 (eat)
Present simple  pytania i krótkie
toast and jam for
breakfast. My brother
you Yes, I do.
Do read?
(have) cereal. My mum 5 (like)
they No, they don t.
cereal too. I 6 (brush) my teeth and my
he Yes, he does.
Does read?
hair. Then I 7 (go) to school. My little
she No, she doesn t.
brother 8 (play) at home with my
mum. After school, I 9 (do) my Popatrz na tabelkę w ćwiczeniu 4. Napisz
pytania i odpowiedzi.
homework. My brother 10 (watch) TV.
He 11 (go) to bed at half past seven. I 1 Tim / get up / at seven o clock?
(go) to bed at half past eight. Does Tim get up at seven o clock? Yes, he does.
2 he / go to school / at eight o clock?
Przeczytaj objaśnienia gramatyki
w ramce.
Present simple  forma przecząca
3 he / watch TV / at four o clock?
You don t read. She doesn t read.
We It
4 Sue / have breakfast / at half past seven?
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Grammar plus Unit 12
Przeczytaj objaśnienia gramatyki w ramce. Jeszcze raz popatrz na terminarz
w ćwiczeniu 2. Dopasuj poniższe pytania
go / play / do
do właściwych odpowiedzi.
Mówiąc o różnych dyscyplinach sportu,
1 When s swimming?
często używamy innych czasowników.
2 What time is ice skating on Sunday?
Z nazwami dyscyplin, które są zakończone
na -ing, używamy czasownika go.
3 Who plays badminton on Friday?
go horse riding
4 When s horse riding?
go swimming
go ice skating
5 Who plays football?
go cycling
6 When s tennis?
Z nazwami dyscyplin, w których używa się
7 What time is judo on Wednesday?
piłki, stosujemy czasownik play.
play football
% It s on Saturday.
play tennis
play basketball
% Sam.
play ice hockey
% It s on Thursday.
play volleyball
play badminton
% It s at half past three on Tuesday.
Z innymi nazwami dyscyplin sportowych
% It s at half past twelve.
używamy czasownika do.
% Dad.
do judo
do gymnastics
% It s at six o clock.
Przeczytaj objaśnienia gramatyki
Popatrz na terminarz. Uzupełnij
w ramce.
poniższe zdania.
go swimming?
Monday Friday
Yes, I do.
Do you play tennis?
Sam / football / 4.00 Dad / badminton /
No, I don t.
do judo?
Dave / tennis / 3.30 Saturday
Napisz pytania i odpowiedzi.
Lucy / horse riding /
1 basketball / Adam?
Lucy / judo / 6.00
Thursday Sunday
Do you play basketball, Adam?
Mum / swimming / Dave / ice skating /
' Yes, I do.
8.00 12.30
2 gymnastics / Kim?
1 Sam plays football on Monday at four
Do you , Kim?
o clock.
' No, .
2 Dave tennis Tuesday
3 swimming / Anna?
3 Lucy judo
4 Mum swimming
4 badminton / Tim?
5 Dad badminton
5 judo / Emma?
6 Lucy
7 Dave
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Grammar plus Unit 13
Przeczytaj objaśnienia gramatyki Uzupełnij zdania mówiące o tym, co w tej
w ramce. chwili robisz, używając form  m i  m not.
1 I read .
Present continuous
Czasu present continuous używamy, gdy 2 I sitt on a chair.
chcemy powiedzieć o tym, co różne osoby
3 I wear shoes.
robią w tej chwili.
4 I wear a hat.
I  m (= am) swimming.
5 I eat an ice cream.
She  s (= is) eating.
6 I writ English.
Uzupełnij poniższe opisy. Użyj
We  re (= are) reading.
czasowników z ramki oraz, jeśli to
konieczne, formy isn t lub aren t.
Uzupełnij zdania, używając wyrazów
z ramki.
eating playing water skiing
swimming sleeping wearing
1 She s swimming. 2
2 They re
3 He s
an ice cream.
swimming eating wearing drinking
4 She s a hat.
reading playing sitting
1 She s swimming. She isn t playing in the
5 She s
2 They in the sand. They
6 He s
3 She a green swimsuit.
She a blue swimsuit.
4 He on a chair. He
a book.
Przeczytaj objaśnienia gramatyki w ramce.
5 He a banana. He
Present continuous  forma przecząca
I  m not (= am not) drinking.
6 She a pink T-shirt. She
isn t shoes.
She isn t (= is not) playing.
7 He shorts. He
You water.
We aren t (= are not) drawing.
8 She in the sea. She
a book.
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Grammar plus Revision 4 Units 11-13
Powtórzenie materiału
1 Lucy goes swimming on Tuesday.
Uzupełnij zdania o Mike u, używając
czasowników z ramki.
2 Tim on Monday.
watch doesn t like get up have
3 Dad at seven o clock.
go play does
4 Mum on Wednesday.
On Saturday, I 1 get up at eight
5 Tim at the weekend.
o clock. I 2 cereal and
6 Tim on
orange juice for breakfast.
at half past four.
My brother 3 cereal.
He has toast. Then we 4
Odpowiedz krótko na poniższe pytania.
to the park. We 5 football. In the
evening, my brother 6 his 1 When s horse riding? on Sunday
homework and I 7 TV.
2 Who goes ice skating?
3 What time s badminton?
Uzupełnij pytania dotyczące Mike a,
używając form Do lub Does. Następnie
4 Who does judo?
napisz krótkie odpowiedzi.
5 When s gymnastics?
1 Mike / get up / seven o clock?
6 What time s swimming?
Does Mike get up at seven o clock?
No, he doesn t.
Popraw poniższe zdania.
2 he / have / orange juice / for breakfast?
1 2
3 his brother / like / cereal?
4 the boys / go / to the park?
3 4
5 they / play basketball?
6 Mike / watch TV / in the evening? 1 They re skateboarding.
They aren t skateboarding. They re playing
2 He s playing in the park.
Popatrz na terminarz. Następnie
uzupełnij zdania.
Monday Tim gymnastics 4.00
3 She s dancing.
Tuesday Lucy swimming 5.00
Wednesday Mum badminton 6.30
Thursday Tim football 4.30
4 They re cycling.
Friday Dad judo 7.00
Saturday Tim ice skating 3.00
Sunday Lucy horse riding 11.00
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Grammar plus Unit 1
Read about Adam. Circle the correct Write sentences.
My name 1 s /  m Adam and
1 He s wearing a green shirt.
I 2 m /  re eleven years old.
I 3like / likes basketball and He hair.
skateboarding. My favourite
sport 4is / are football. I 5has
got /  ve got a sister. I 6hasn t got / haven t got
a brother. My sister 7are / is twelve years old.
2 She trousers.
She 8has got / have got curly hair. She 9like /
She hair.
likes animals but she 10don t like / doesn t
like snakes. She can 11play / plays the piano.
Answer the questions.
Look at the table. Complete the
1 Is Adam ten years old?
sentences with  s, hasn t, have or haven t.
No, he isn t.
2 Does he like football?
Yes, he does.
Anna ''''
3 Has he got a brother?
Ellie ' '''
Lucy ''' '
4 Is his sister eleven?
1 Anna s got paints.
5 Has she got straight hair?
2 Ellie and Anna got a guitar.
3 Lucy got a bike or paints.
6 Does she like snakes?
4 Anna and Lucy got a skateboard.
5 Ellie got a bike.
7 Can she play the piano?
Read and answer the question.
She s got a skateboard, but she hasn t got a
Match the sentences with the children.
bike. She s got a guitar, but she hasn t got
Who is she?
Write about you.
My name s
A I m years old.
My birthday
1 He s wearing a red sweater and
a blue hat. %
I eyes.
2 He s got fair hair. %
I hair.
3 She s wearing a pink T-shirt and
I like
a blue skirt. %
I don t like
4 He s got glasses. %
My favourite colour
5 She s got dark hair. %
I can
6 He s got brown hair. %
I ve got
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Grammar plus Unit 2
Read the grammar box. Write sentences.
1 Lucy / wash up
Present simple
Czasu present simple używamy, gdy mówimy Lucy always washes up.
o codziennych czynnościach.
2 Adam / clean his room
Forma twierdząca
I/You/We/They get up at six o clock.
He/She gets up
3 Lucy / ride a bike
I/You/We/They have lunch at one o clock.
He/She has lunch
4 Lucy and Adam / feed the dog
I/You/We/They go to school at nine o clock.
He/She goes to school
Forma przecząca
5 Adam / wash up
I/You/We/They don t get up at six
He/She doesn t get up o clock.
I/You/We/They don t have 6 Lucy and Adam / listen to music
lunch at one
He / She doesn t have o clock.
Read the grammar boxes.
I/You/We/They don t go to
Spójrz, jak mówimy o tym, co lubimy
school at nine
i czego nie lubimy robić.
He/She doesn t go to o clock.
I like dancing.
She loves singing.
Complete the sentences.
He doesn t like getting up early.
They hate playing tennis.
play have has don t get up meet go
1 On Saturday, I don t get up early.
I like swimming and playing football.
I don t like washing up or cleaning windows.
2 I cereal for breakfast.
I love skating but I don t like skiing.
3 My brother toast.
4 After breakfast, we to the park.
Write sentences about Lucy.
5 We our friends.
1 getting up early washing up
ż ż
6 We football or tennis.
She doesn t like getting up early or
washing up.
Read the grammar box.
2 cycling playing tennis
:& :&
Przysłówki częstotliwości
She cycling playing tennis.
Przysłówków częstotliwości używamy, aby
powiedzieć, jak często wykonujemy jakąś
3 singing dancing
:& ż
4 cleaning her room cooking dinner
ż ż
Write sentences about you.
I always clean my room.
1 and
I often feed my pet.
Wyrażenia How often ...? używamy, aby zapytać
2 I or
o to, jak często ktoś wykonuje jakąś czynność.
How often do you wash up?
3 I but
We always wash up.
How often does your sister wash up?
She never washes up.
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Grammar plus Unit 3
Read the grammar box. Write questions
and short
Present continuous
Czasu present continuous używamy, gdy
chcemy powiedzieć, co w obecnej chwili
1 Dad / play / the guitar
robią różne osoby.
Is Dad playing the guitar? Yes, he is.
Forma twierdząca Forma przecząca
I  m sleeping. I  m not sleeping. 2 Tessa and Dad / dance
Are Tessa and Dad
He He
No, they
She  s eating. She isn t eating.
It It
3 Tessa / eat
You You
We  re cooking. We aren t cooking.
4 Olive and Tessa / watch / TV
They They
Correct the sentences.
5 Dad / sit / in an armchair
Complete the phone conversation. Use
the present continuous.
LUCY Hi, Ellie. It s Lucy here. 1
1 He s writing.
you 2 (do) your homework?
He isn t writing. He s
ELLIE No, 3 . I m in the park with
2 They re singing.
LUCY you 5 (play)
ELLIE No, we 6 . We 7
(eat) ice cream. What 8 you
3 They re playing football.
LUCY I 10 (clean) my room.
ELLIE Where s your brother?
LUCY Adam? He 11 (play) his
saxophone. Listen! It s terrible!
Read the grammar box.
Present continuous  pytania i krótkie
Read the grammar box.
Present continuous  pytania
Am I dancing? Yes, I am.
z zaimkiem what
No, I m not.
Is he sleeping? Yes, he is.
What  s she
No, he isn t.
What are you
Is she sleeping? Yes, she is.
No, she isn t.
Is it sleeping? Yes, it is.
Read the conversation in Exercise 5.
No, it isn t.
Write questions and answers.
Are you singing? Yes, you are.
1 What are Ellie and Jess doing ? (do)
No, you aren t.
They re
Are we singing? Yes, we are.
No, we aren t. 2 What Lucy ? (do)
Are they singing? Yes, they are.
3 What Adam ? (play)
No, they aren t.
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Grammar plus Revision 1 Units 1-3
Powtórzenie materiału
True (') or false (')? Read the conversation. Complete the
sentences about Charlie with always,
often, sometimes or never.
JESS How often do you wash up?
CHARLIE My mum washes up!
JESS How often do you clean
your room?
CHARLIE On Friday and Monday.
JESS How often do you feed your
pet mouse?
CHARLIE I feed him on Monday, Tuesday,
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,
Saturday and Sunday!
JESS How often do you play football?
CHARLIE I play football on Tuesday,
Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
1 Charlie often plays football.
1 Mum and Dad are eating dinner. % 2 He feeds his pet mouse.
2 Sam s brushing his hair. % 3 He washes up.
3 Tessa s doing judo. % 4 He cleans his room.
4 Jenny s sleeping. %
Look at the table. Complete the
5 Olive s looking at a mouse. %
sentences with like, likes, doesn t like or
don t like.
Correct the false sentences in Exercise 1.
Jess Charlie Anna
1 They aren t eating dinner. They re
' ''
' ''
' ' '
' ' '
1 Jess cycling.
Write questions and shorts answers.
2 Charlie and Anna skiing.
1 Is Dad cooking ?
3 Charlie skateboarding.
Yes, he is.
4 Charlie and Anna cycling.
2 Mum and Dad watch TV?
5 Anna playing football.
Complete the sentences with and, but or or.
3 Sam sing ?
1 Jess doesn t like skateboarding
4 Is Jenny wear yellow trousers?
2 Anna likes skiing she doesn t
like cycling.
5 Tessa danc ?
3 Charlie likes playing football
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Grammar plus Unit 4
Read the grammar box. Read the grammar boxes.
Present simple i present continuous
Present simple Present continuous
Czasu present simple używamy, gdy chcemy
powiedzieć o typowych, codziennych
Do I eat? Am I eating?
czynnościach. Czasem present continuous
he he
posługujemy się wtedy, gdy mówimy o tym, co
Does she work? Is she working?
robimy w chwili obecnej.
it it
Present simple Present continuous
you you
Forma twierdząca
Do we play? Are we playing?
I work. I  m working.
they they
He He
She sleeps. She  s sleeping. Krótkie odpowiedzi
It It
Present simple
You You Yes, I do. No, I don t.
We play. We  re playing. Yes, he/she/it does. No, he/she/it doesn t.
They They Yes, we / they do. No, we / they don t.
Forma przecząca Present continuous
I don t work. I  m not working. Yes, I am. No, I m not.
Yes, he / she / it is. No, he / she / it isn t.
He He
Yes, we / they are. No, we / they aren t.
She doesn t sleep. She isn t sleeping.
It It
Write questions and short answers. Use
You You
the present simple or present continuous.
We don t play. We aren t playing.
They They
Circle the correct words.
1 The dog usually runs /  s running in the
1 2 3
2 We always get up /  re getting up at seven
1 Fluffy / usually / eat fish?
o clock.
Does Fluffy usually eat fish?
3 The boys don t do / aren t doing their
Yes, she does.
homework now.
2 Fluffy / sleep / now?
4 I often play /  m playing football on
Wednesday. Is
5 Look! Sam eats /  s eating an ice cream.
6 My dad doesn t work / isn t working now. 3 Fluffy / climb / a tree / now?
Complete the sentences.
aren t playing  m watching go
works  re skateboarding  s lying Write the missing word. Match the
questions and answers.
1 My dad usually works on Friday, but
What Do Can Where
he in bed today. He s sick.
1 Where do black bears live? Fruit.
2 I usually to bed at nine
2 do they eat? Yes, they do.
o clock, but I TV now.
3 they sleep in winter? Yes, they can.
3 The girls tennis now. They
4 they climb trees? In North
in the park.
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Grammar plus Unit 5
Read the grammar box. Look at the map in Exercise 2. Write
questions and short answers.
There is / There are
1 Is there a toy shop?
Formy there is i there isn t stosujemy
Yes, there is.
w odniesieniu do rzeczowników w liczbie
pojedynczej, a there are i there aren t  2 an airport
w odniesieniu do rzeczowników w liczbie
3 a shoe shop
Forma twierdząca
There s (= There is) a bank.
There are two cafs.
4 two museums
Forma przecząca
There isn t a school.
There aren t two supermarkets.
5 two cafs
Look at the map. Write sentences with
There s, There isn t, There are or There
aren t.
Read the grammar box.
caf shoe shop toy shop bus
Przyimki next to, opposite i between to
przyimki miejsca. Określają one, gdzie
znajdują się osoby, rzeczy i miejsca.
Look at the map in Exercise 2.
The bank s next to the library.
Hill Street
The toy shop s opposite the park.
cinema park
The restaurant s between the museum
and the cinema.
Look at the map again. Complete the
sentences with next to, opposite or between.
1 The bank s opposite the park.
Queen Street
2 The toy shop s the shoe shop.
bank library supermarket
3 The library s the
supermarket and the bank.
4 The museum s the bank.
5 The caf the swimming pool.
1 cinema There s a cinema.
Look at the map again. Complete the
2 zoo There isn t
3 two parks
New caf right left
4 museum
1 A Excuse me. Where s the shoe shop?
B Turn right and go along 1New Street.
5 two cafs
Then turn 2 , and go along Hill
Street. It s on the 3 . It s between
Read the grammar box.
the 4 and the toy shop.
There is / There are  pytania i krótkie
right next to left right
Is there a park? 2 A Excuse me. Where s the museum?
Yes, there is. / No, there isn t. B Turn left and go along New Street. Turn
Are there two swimming pools? and go along Queen Street.
Yes, there are. / No, there aren t. Turn 2 into Old Street. It s on the
. It s 4 the restaurant.
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New Street
Start here
Old Street
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Grammar plus Unit 6
Read the grammar box. Read the grammar box.
Dopełniacz  s Czasowniki can i can t
Dopełniacza  s używamy, gdy chcemy
Czasowniki can i can t możemy
powiedzieć, że coś do kogoś należy.
zastosować, gdy mówimy o tym, na co
Stosuje się go w odniesieniu do
mamy czyjąś zgodę lub na co jej nie mamy.
rzeczowników w liczbie pojedynczej oraz
You can have a pizza.
nazw własnych.
We can t go to the beach on Sunday.
It s Mum s hat. It s Tim s bike.
O zgodę na coś możemy poprosić
Zaimki dzierżawcze
w następujący sposób:
Aby powiedzieć, że coś do kogoś należy,
Can I go to the cinema?
możemy również użyć zaimków
Yes, you can. / No, you can t.
dzierżawczych: my, your itd.
my your
Write questions and short answers with
It s his house. It s our house.
can and can t.
her their
1 I / visit my friends '
Zaimka whose używamy wtedy, kiedy
Can I visit my friends?
chcemy zapytać do kogo należy jakaś rzecz.
Yes, you can.
Whose is this backpack?
2 Jack / go to the cinema '
Complete the conversation.
No, he
whose Anna s your Sam s your My
3 the girls / have some ice cream '
TEACHER Is this your pencil case, Ellie?
ELLIE No, it isn t. It s .
SAM No, it isn t! pencil
case is green. It s .
ANNA Oh! Yes, it is. Thanks.
Read the grammar box.
TEACHER And is this backpack?
Regularne i nieregularne formy
SAM That s Ellie s!
liczby mnogiej
ELLIE No, it isn t. I haven t got a backpack.
 s plural hat hats
TEACHER Is it backpack, Anna?
house houses
ANNA Oh, yes, it is. Thanks again!
 es plural tomato tomatoes
bus buses
Read the grammar box.
 ies plural butterfly butterflies
Czasowniki must i mustn t
Formy nieregularne liczby mnogiej
Czasowników must i mustn t używamy
man men
wtedy, gdy mówimy o obowiązujących
child children
przepisach i zasadach.
mouse mice
' You must take your litter home.
' You mustn t walk on the flowers.
Write how many.
Complete the rules with must or mustn t.
In your English lesson:
1 There are three lorries.
1 You must do your homework.
2 You stand on your chair.
3 You eat in class.
4 You listen to the teacher.
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Grammar plus Revision 2 Units 4-6
Powtórzenie materiału
Complete the sentences. Use the present Complete the table.
simple or present continuous.
singular plural
1 The children usually play (play) in
the park on Saturday, but today
man men
they re watching (watch) TV.
2 I (do) my homework now and
my sisters (play) in the garden.
3 My dad usually (sleep) on
Saturday morning, but today he
4 Josh (go) swimming on Tuesday
and he (do) judo on Thursday.
5 The cat (eat) fish now, but it
usually (have) cat food.
Complete the sentences with next to,
between or opposite.
bank shoe shop library Complete the sentences with must or
mustn t. Then match.
Old Street
caf bookshop toy shop museum
1 You mustn t make a fire. %
1 The shoe shop s the bank.
2 You stay on the path. %
2 The bookshop s the toy shop
3 You keep your dog on a lead. %
and the caf.
4 You pick the flowers. %
3 The library s the toy shop.
4 The toy shop s the bookshop
Write questions and short answers with
and the museum.
can and can t.
5 The swimming pool s the
1 Sam / go to the museum '
Can Sam go to the museum?
Yes, he can.
Complete the questions and answers.
2 the children / play in the park '
1 Whose jacket is this?
It s Dad s.
3 the boys / watch TV '
4 Jenny / have some sweets '
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Hill Street
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Grammar plus Unit 7
Read the grammar box. Complete the sentences.
1 It s the first letter of the
Wyrażanie propozycji
Aby coś zaproponować, możemy użyć
alphabet. A
zwrotu Let s ... lub What about ...?.
2 It s the month of the
Let s have a party.
year. December
What about a picnic?
3 It s the day of the
Za pomocą poniższych zwrotów możemy
week. Wednesday
się zgodzić (:&) lub nie zgodzić (ż) z czyjąś
4 It s the letter of the
alphabet. I
:& Good idea!
What a good idea!
5 It s the letter of the
That s a great idea!
alphabet. B
ż That s boring.
6 It s the month of the
No, I don t like ...
year. June
Complete the conversation.
Write the dates.
What idea a make Let s
1 Christmas Day December 25th
great about boring
2 Your birthday
JACK It s Charlie s birthday tomorrow.
3 Your friend s birthday
Let s have a party!
4 Halloween
ANNA That s a 2 idea!
5 The first day of the year
ELLIE Let s 3 cheese sandwiches!
6 The last day of the year
JACK No, Charlie doesn t like cheese.
Write questions and answers.
ANNA What 4 jam sandwiches and
a cake?
windy and cold raining hot and sunny
ELLIE Good 5 ! Let s buy a present too.
1 What s the weather like?
JACK about a book?
It s hot and
ANNA No! That s 7 .
ELLIE What about a skateboard?
ANNA What 8 good idea! Charlie loves
Read the grammar box.
Liczebniki porządkowe
1st first 12th twelfth
2nd second 13th thirteenth
3rd third 14th fourteenth
4th fourth 15th fifteenth
5th fifth 16th sixteenth
6th sixth 17th seventeenth
7th seventh 18th eighteenth
8th eighth 19th nineteenth
9th ninth 20th twentieth
10th tenth 21st twenty-first
11th eleventh 30th thirtieth
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Grammar plus Unit 8
Read the grammar box. Write sentences with There s, There isn t,
There are, There aren t, some and any.
Rzeczowniki policzalne i niepoliczalne
1 tomatoes
Rzeczowniki policzalne określają rzeczy,
There are some tomatoes.
które da się policzyć  1, 2, 3.
2 butter
Mają formę liczby pojedynczej lub mnogiej.
There isn t any butter.
singular plural
3 bacon
an apple 2 apples / some apples
a banana 3 bananas / some bananas
Rzeczowniki niepoliczalne określają 4 hamburgers
rzeczy, których nie da się policzyć  1, 2, 3.
Zawsze mają formę liczby pojedynczej.
5 eggs
some butter
6 orange juice
some cheese
Look at the picture in Exercise 4. Write
Write the foods in the correct list.
questions and short answers.
butter chips cheese bread
1 ice cream Is there any ice cream?
potatoes bacon apples carrots
No, there isn t.
2 tomatoes
Countable 1, 2, 3 Uncountable 1, 2, 3
3 chicken
chips butter
4 eggs
5 butter
Read the grammar box.
How much i How many
Wyrażeń How much i how many używamy
Read the grammar box.
wtedy, gdy chcemy zapytać o to, ile czegoś
Form some i any używamy w odniesieniu
Wyrażenie how many ...? stosujemy
do rzeczowników policzalnych
w odniesieniu do rzeczowników policzalnych.
i niepoliczalnych.
How many eggs do you want?
Formę some stosujemy w zdaniach
twierdzących, a any  w zdaniach
Wyrażenie how much ...? stosujemy
przeczących i w pytaniach.
w odniesieniu do rzeczowników
Rzeczowniki policzalne (1, 2, 3)
How much milk do you want?
There are some apples.
There aren t any tomatoes.
Are there any eggs? Yes, there are.
Complete the sentences with How much
No, there aren t.
or How many.
Rzeczowniki niepoliczalne (1, 2, 3)
1 How much butter is in the fridge?
There s some bread.
2 bananas do you eat?
There isn t any butter.
3 sweets do you want?
Is there any lettuce? Yes, there is.
No, there isn t.
4 ice cream do we need?
5 chocolate do you eat?
Grammar plus Unit 8
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Grammar plus Revision 3 Units 7-8
Powtórzenie materiału
Write suggestions. Write the words in the correct list.
1 ADAM Let s have a 1picnic.
LUCY No! It s 2 !
make a
eggs bananas ice cream sweets
milk lettuce chocolate chips
Countable 1, 2, 3 Uncountable 1, 2, 3
2 ANNA .
ELLIE No! It s 2 .
Let s 3 .
Write the words.
Complete the conversation.
ADAM Let s make sandwiches.
JACK Good idea! 1 there 2 bread?
ADAM Yes, there 3 .
JACK there 5 cheese?
ADAM No, there 6 , but there s some
JACK there 8 tomatoes?
ADAM Yes, there 9 .
JACK Fantastic! 10 there 11 apples?
ADAM No, there 12 , but there 13
some bananas.
Write the dates.
JACK Great! Let s eat!
1 February the thirty-first February 31st
Write questions with How much or How
2 March the fifteenth
3 July the twenty-ninth
1 cereal / in the bowl?
4 September the thirtieth
How much cereal is in the bowl?
5 May the twenty-third
2 crisps / in the bag?
6 November the eighteenth
How many crisps are in the bag?
3 cake / on the plate?
Answer the questions about Poland.
1 What s the weather like in January?
4 coffee / in the cup?
2 What s the weather like in summer?
5 chocolates / in the box?
3 What s the weather usually like on your
birthday? 6 tomatoes / in the fridge?
98 Grammar plus Revision 3
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Grammar plus Unit 9
Read the grammar box. Write questions and short answers.
1 church Was there a church?
Past simple  formy was i were
Yes, there was.
Was i were są formami past simple
czasownika be. Używamy ich wtedy, gdy 2 supermarkets
mówimy o przeszłości.
I was
3 cars
He wasn t
She (= was not)
It at school yesterday.
4 airport
You were
We weren t
They (= were not)
Read the grammar box.
Wyrażeń there was, there wasn t oraz there
were, there weren t używamy, gdy
Past simple  had
opisujemy sytuacje z przeszłości.
Had jest formą past simple czasownika have.
There was a market in the town in 1900.
Za pomocą had możemy opisać np. elementy
There wasn t a school.
wyglądu wymarłych gatunków zwierząt.
There were lots of fields.
There weren t any supermarkets.
He had a long neck.
Complete the sentences with was, wasn t,
were or weren t.
You didn t have
We (= did not have) a small head.
Write sentences about Tyrannosaurus.
' big head ' long tail ' small arms
1 It had a big head.
Read the grammar box.
Past simple  pytania z zaimkiem how
How tall was the dinosaur?
1 There was a train.
It was 1 metre tall.
2 There a market. How long was the dinosaur?
It was 2 metres long.
3 There horses and carts.
How heavy was the dinosaur?
4 There an internet caf.
It was 15 kilos.
5 There any supermarkets.
Complete the questions and answers.
Read the grammar box.
1 How tall was the animal?
Past simple  pytania i krótkie
It was about 1 metre .
2 How was the dinosaur s tail?
Was there a school? Were there any cars?
It was about 8 metres .
Yes, there was. Yes, there were.
3 How was the animal?
No, there wasn t. No, there weren t.
It was about 4 .
Grammar plus Unit 9
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Grammar plus Unit 10
Read the grammar box. Did Anna do all these things yesterday?
Write questions and short answers.
Past simple  czasowniki regularne
play with the dog '
Formy twierdzące
W czasie past simple czasowniki regularne phone Maria '
przyjmują końcówkę  ed.
cycle to the park '
play played
play tennis '
Kiedy czasownik jest zakończony na  e,
formę past simple tworzymy przez dodanie
wash up '
końcówki  d.
1 Did she play with the dog?
phone phoned
Yes, she did.
Forma przeszła nie odmienia się. Jest taka
sama dla wszystkich osób.
He played football.
Forma przecząca
Czasownik didn t stosujemy w zdaniach
przeczących odnoszących się do przeszłości.
He didn t play football.
They (= did not play)
Yesterday was Saturday. Write sentences
Read the grammar box.
about Max.
Za pomocą wyrażenia What time & ?
1 brush / my teeth '
możemy zapytać o której godzinie coś się
I brushed my teeth.
2 walk / to school '
What time did the film start last night?
It started at quarter to nine.
3 phone / my friend '
Write questions and answers. You can
4 play / football '
look at the clock on page 72 of this book.
1 Ellie / arrive home / yesterday
5 talk / to my teacher '
What time did Ellie arrive home yesterday?
At quarter past five.
6 wash up '
2 Josh and Adam / have breakfast /
this morning
Read the grammar box.
What time
Past simple  pytania i krótkie odpowiedzi
Pytania w czasie past simple tworzymy za
pomocą czasownika did. Tworzy się je
3 the English lesson / start
w ten sam sposób we wszystkich osobach.
Did he play tennis?
4 you / have dinner / last night
Yes, he did. No, he didn t.
they they
100 Grammar plus Unit 10
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Grammar plus Unit 11
Read the grammar box. Answer the questions about Charlie s
Past simple  czasowniki nieregularne
1 Who swam in the sea?
Niektóre czasowniki w czasie past simple
mają nieregularne formy. Nie da się ich
2 How many sweaters did Charlie wear?
utworzyć według żadnych reguł, a więc
trzeba się ich nauczyć na pamięć. Oto lista
3 What did Charlie s little brother make?
wybranych czasowników nieregularnych:
Present Past Present Past
4 Who slept on the sand?
break broke make made
buy bought see saw
5 What did Charlie s sister buy?
come came sink sank
drink drank sleep slept
Read the grammar box.
give gave swim swam
Czasowniki nieregularne w formie past
go went take took
simple  pytania i krótkie odpowiedzi
have had wear wore
Pytania i krótkie odpowiedzi w czasie past
Forma twierdząca
simple z czasownikami nieregularnymi
Czasownik w formie past simple ma tę
tworzymy tak samo, jak w przypadku
samą formę we wszystkich osobach.
czasowników regularnych.
W każdej osobie stosujemy tę samą formę.
He made breakfast.
Did he buy chips?
Forma przecząca
Formę przeczącą czasowników
nieregularnych w czasie past simple
Yes, he did. No, he didn t.
tworzymy tak samo, jak w przypadku
they they
czasowników regularnych.
Forma przecząca jest również taka sama
we wszystkich osobach. Complete the conversation.
He didn t go to the park.
They (= did not go)
Complete Charlie s postcard.
didn t buy made went didn t swim
MARIA We 1 went (go) to the beach yesterday.
slept didn t like wore bought swam
ANNA you 3 (swim) in the sea?
MARIA No, we 4 . It was cold!
Hi Jack
ANNA your little sister 6
I m on holiday! Yesterday we
1 (make) a sandcastle?
________ to the beach. I
________ in the sea, because it
MARIA Yes, she 7 .
was very cold! I 3________ two
ANNA your dad 9 (sleep) on
sweaters! My sister 4________
the sand?
in the sea  she s crazy! My
mum and my little brother
MARIA Yes, he 10 !
________ a big sandcastle and
my dad 6________ on the sand. ANNA you 12 (go) to the shops?
Today, my 8sister 7________ a
MARIA Yes, we 13 . My brother and my
T-shirt. I 9________ any clothes
sister 14 (buy) T-shirts.
because I ________ them.
ANNA you 16 (buy) a T-shirt?
See you soon!
Charlie MARIA No, I 17 . I 18 (buy) a
sweater! I was really cold!
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Grammar plus Revision 4 Units 9-11
Powtórzenie materiału
Complete the conversation with was, Write questions and short answers.
wasn t, were or weren t.
CHARLIE Were there any supermarkets film / start?
in your town? What time did the film start?
At twenty to six.
GRANDMA No, there 2 , but there
lots of shops.
CHARLIE there a market?
you / go out / yesterday?
GRANDMA Yes, there 5 a big market.
CHARLIE What about internet cafs?
GRANDMA No, Charlie. There 6 any
internet cafs in 1950!
Josh / get up / today?
Write the sentences in the past. Use was
or had.
the boys / go / to the park?
Complete the sentences. Use the past
simple form of the words.
1 Diplodocus is a very big dinosaur.
Diplodocus was a very big dinosaur. What a great
holiday! Today
2 It has a very long neck.
I 1 (sail) in
the sea. I
3 It is 27 metres long. 2
(not see)
any dolphins but
4 It has four legs.
I 3 (see) lots of fish. It was
very hot and sunny, but I 4 (not
swim) in the sea. The water 5 (is)
5 It is a plant-eating dinosaur.
very cold.
Complete the sentences. Use the past
2 The campsite is
simple form of the words.
Yesterday ...
Yesterday, we
1 Jack and Adam cycled (cycle) to the park.
(cycle) and
They didn t play (not play) football. They
(climb) trees.
(climb) a tree.
We 3 (not
2 Jess (walk) to her friend s
play) football, but we 4 (play) tennis.
house. They (not watch) TV.
Last night, it was very cold. I 5 (not
They (play) in the garden.
wear) two sweaters, I 6 (wear) three
3 Anna (phone) her grandmother.
sweaters and two T-shirts!
They (not talk) for one hour.
They (talk) for two hours!
102 Grammar plus Revision 4
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Grammar plus Unit 1
Read the grammar box. Complete the conversation.
TEACHER What s your 1 name ?
Pytania z zaimkami what, where,
how& itd.
JACK It s Jack Gillespie.
Wyrazów wyróżnionych tłustym drukiem
TEACHER Can you 2
używamy do tworzenia pytań.
that, please?
What s your name?
JACK Gillespie.
Where do you live? 3
TEACHER you 4 that, please?
When s your birthday?
How old are you?
TEACHER And 5 are you from?
Who s your teacher?
JACK I m from Oz.
Which languages can you speak?
Why did you come to Australia?
TEACHER ? I don t 7 . What
does Oz 8 ?
JACK It means Australia. I m not
Write questions.
British. I m Australian.
1 name / what s / your?
What s your name?
Read the grammar box.
2 from / where / you / are?
Pytania z czasownikiem have got
Have you got any brothers and sisters?
Yes, I have. / No, I haven t.
3 old / you / how / are?
Has Ellie got any pets?
Yes, she has. / No, she hasn t.
Pytania z czasownikiem can
4 birthday / when s / your?
Can you swim?
Yes, I can. / No, I can t.
5 sports / you / do / which / like?
Pytania z czasownikami do i does
Do you play football every day?
Yes, I do. / No, I don t.
6 lesson / what s / favourite / your?
Does she watch TV every day?
Yes, she does. / No, she doesn t.
Answer the questions in Exercise 2
Write questions and short answers.
about you.
1 Luke / any brothers and sisters (have got) '
Has Luke got any brothers and sisters?
Yes, he has.
2 Ellie / sing (can) '
6 3 they / play / every day (do) '
Read the grammar box.
4 you / go swimming / on Saturday (do) '
Kiedy czegoś nie rozumiemy, możemy
użyć poniższych zwrotów, by poprosić
o wyjaśnienie.
Sorry? I don t understand.
5 the children / a pet (have got) '
What does ... mean?
Can you spell that, please?
Can you repeat that, please?
88 Grammar plus Unit 1
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Grammar plus Unit 2
Read the grammar box. Complete the sentences.
Gdy chcemy wyrazić swoją opinię na jakiś me him her it you them
temat, używamy poniższych wyrazów
1 Anna is nice. I like her a lot.
i zwrotów. Zwróć uwagę na to, że niektóre
z nich mają mocniejszy wydzwięk od innych.
2 Justin Timberlake is boring. I don t like
:&:&:& I love pop music.
:&:& I like pizza a lot.
3 Ben and Tom are new boys. I don t know
:& I like the cinema.
ż I don t like sport.
4 Polish music is fantastic. I love
żż I hate quiz programmes.
5 You re nice! I like
6 I like Jack. Does he like ?
Match the sentences.
1 I love Robbie Williams.
Read the grammar box.
2 I like Australian music a lot.
Przysłówki częstotliwości
3 I like Kylie Minogue.
Przysłówków częstotliwości używamy, gdy
chcemy powiedzieć, jak często wykonujemy
4 I don t like Britney Spears.
jakąś czynność.
5 I hate rap music.
% It s brilliant!
% He s fantastic! sometimes
% It s awful.
I often watch films. I never watch cartoons.
% She s boring.
Gdy chcemy powiedzieć, jak często coś
% She s good.
robimy, możemy również użyć wyrazu every.
I watch TV every da y.
Write sentences about people and things
I watch films every week.
you like and don t like.
Wyrażenie How often ...? stosujemy, gdy
1 :&:&:&I love
chcemy zapytać o to, jak często ktoś wykonuje
jakąś czynność.
2 :&:&I like a lot.
How often do you watch documentaries?
3 :& I like
Gdy mówimy o czynnościach, które zazwyczaj
4 ż I don t like
wykonujemy, używamy czasu present simple.
5 żżI hate
Write sentences about Ben.
Read the grammar box.
How often do you watch & ?
Zaimki w funkcji dopełnienia
N never? S sometimes? O often?
ED every day? EW every week?
Kiedy zaimki pełnią w zdaniu funkcję
1 cartoons ED
dopełnienia, niektóre z nich zmieniają swą
2 films EW
formę. Na przykład I przybiera formę me,
3 music programmes O
he zmienia się w him. Zaimki w funkcji
4 sports programmes S
5 the news N
dopełnienia stawiamy po czasowniku.
Max likes me.
Remember! I watch but he watches
podmiot czasownik dopełnienie
1 He watches cartoons every day.
Max likes him. Max likes you.
Max likes her. Max likes us.
Max likes it. Max likes them.
Grammar plus Unit 2
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Grammar plus Unit 3
Read the grammar box. Complete the sentences about Greg. Use
the present simple or present continuous.
Present simple i present continuous
1 Greg does lots of different things on the
Czasu present simple używamy, gdy
mówimy o tym, co ktoś robi zazwyczaj.
2 He at five o clock every day.
Czasem present continuous posługujemy
się wówczas, gdy mówimy o tym, co ktoś
3 The vet sometimes to the farm.
robi w chwili obecnej.
4 Greg on the farm today.
My dad usually works in London. But
5 Greg and his brother to the
today he s working in Oxford.
market now.
Present simple Present continuous
(usually) (now)
Read the grammar box.
I work I m working
I don t work I m not working
Przedimki a, an, the
He sleeps He is sleeping
A i an to tzw. przedimki nieokreślone.
He doesn t sleep He isn t sleeping
Przedimka a lub an używamy wtedy, gdy
mówimy o jednej spośród wielu osób lub
They play They re playing
They don t play They aren t playing
My dad s a doctor at the hospital.
(= jeden spośród wszystkich lekarzy
Circle the correct words.
w szpitalu)
1 My little brother watches /  s watching TV
My mum s an English teacher at our school.
(= jedna nauczycielka spośród wszystkich
no w.
w naszej szkole)
2 My mum works /  s working in a hospital
The to tzw. przedimek określony.
on Tuesday and Thursday.
Przedimka the używamy wtedy, kiedy
istnieje tylko jedna taka rzecz lub osoba.
3 I usually sleep on Saturday morning, but
today I do /  m doing my homework. We went to the zoo yesterday.
(= w mieście jest tylko jedno zoo)
4 The children usually do / are doing Maths
Przedimka the używamy także wtedy,
on Tuesday, but today they re doing Music.
kiedy mówimy o konkretnej osobie lub
5 My friends always play / are playing rzeczy, którą zna zarówno ten, kto o niej
mówi, jak i ten, kto słucha.
football on Saturday.
The teacher s really nice.
Complete the sentences about Greg. Use
W poniższym zdaniu użyto przedimka a,
the present simple or present continuous.
mówiąc o bilecie po raz pierwszy. Za
drugim razem użyto przedimka the,
My name s Greg and I m a farmer. I 1do (do)
ponieważ zarówno ten, kto mówi, jak i ten,
lots of different things on the farm. I kto słucha, wie, o jakim bilecie jest mowa.
We bought a ticket. The ticket cost Ł5.
(get) up at five o clock every
day and I 3 (feed) the animals. I
Complete the sentences with a, an or the.
(work) hard all day. Sometimes
1 My brother wants to be a pilot.
the vet 5 (come) to the farm. She
2 cook at our school is really good.
(help) the sick animals. Today,
3 My mum s Maths teacher.
I 7 (not / work) on the farm. I
4 She went to hospital yesterday.
(drive) to the market. I m with
5 We watched interesting
my brother. We 9 (talk) about the
programme last night.
farm. We always 10 (talk) about
6 Dad made cake today. cake
the farm!
was delicious!
90 Grammar plus Unit 3
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Grammar plus Revision 1 Units 1-3
Powtórzenie materiału
Complete the questions. Then match the Complete the sentences.
questions and answers.
him her them it
1 What s your name?
1 Coldplay are a British band. I love .
2 do you spell that, please?
2 Ben is a new boy. Do you know ?
3 old are you?
4  s your birthday?
3 Maths is interesting. I like .
5 are you from?
4 Madonna is American. I like a lot.
6 you live in a house or a flat?
5 The boys are in the garden. Can you see
7 you got any pets?
8 often do you watch TV?
6 This song is great. Do you like ?
% It s on August 12th. % It s Marek.
Complete the sentences about Mary
% Poland. % I m twelve.
and Joe.
% Yes. I ve got a dog. % M-A-R-E-K.
% I live in a flat. % Every day.
Write questions and short answers.
Use the present simple.
1 they / go to school / in Britain '
1 Mary 1 works (work) in a hospital every
Do they go to school in Britain?
day. But she isn t a doctor. She s a cook.
No, they don t.
She 2 (make) lunch for all the
doctors and the nurses. Mary s at work
2 she / speak / Japanese '
now. But she 3 (not cook) now.
She 4 (wash) up. There s always
a lot of washing up!
3 he / play tennis / every day '
4 you / live / in Poland '
2 Joe 1 lives (live) in Hollywood. But he isn t
an actor. He 2 (clean) swimming
Write sentences about Amy.
pools. His clients are very famous. They
(have) very big houses. Joe s at
love like like & a lot
work now. But he 4 (not clean).
don t like hate
He 5 (swim) in the pool!
1 :& Kylie Minogue
Complete the sentences with a, an or the.
She likes Kylie Minogue.
1 I want to be an actress.
2 żżeggs
2 We went to health centre yesterday.
3 ż snakes
3 My sister is mechanic.
4 You have interesting job.
4 :&:&:&chocolate
5 teacher in our class has got dark hair.
6 He s American boy.
5 :&:&pop music
7 hospital is near my house.
Grammar plus Revision 1
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Grammar plus Unit 4
Read the grammar box. Complete the sentences.
Czasowniki can i must
1 small / big
Czasownika can (i jego formy przeczącej  His jacket is too small.
can t) używa się, by wyrazić na coś zgodę It isn t big enough.
(lub jej brak).
You can go and meet your friends now.
You can t play computer games now.
2 short / long
Can you wear sunglasses in your school?
His trousers are
Yes, you can. / No, you can t.
Czasowników must i mustn t (= must not) They aren t
używamy wtedy, kiedy mówimy
o obowiązujących zasadach i przepisach.
3 young / old
You must put on special clothes.
She s
You mustn t take photos.
She isn t
Czasowniki can t i mustn t mają podobne
znaczenie. Możemy użyć obu z nich, gdy
mówimy o tym, czego nie wolno robić.
4 dangerous / safe
It s
It isn t
Read the poster. True (') or false (')?
Swimming Pool Rules
Children under 8 must be with an adult.
Read the grammar box.
No children under six years old.
Udzielanie wskazówek
Wskazówkę w formie twierdzącej
Adults with children under five years old.
rozpoczynamy od czasownika
No food or drink. No mobile phones.
w bezokoliczniku, pomijając wyraz to.
Climb down the rope.
1 Seven-year-old children can go in the
big pool.
Complete the sentences.
2 You mustn t take mobile phones in the
3 You can drink cola in the pool.
4 You can t take sandwiches in the pool.
5 Five-year-old children must be with an
1 2 3
adult in the big pool.
Read the grammar box.
Too i enough
4 5 6
Wyrazów too i enough używamy wtedy,
kiedy nie jesteśmy z czegoś zadowoleni
up into across down off along
albo coś jest nie w porządku.
Wyrazu too używamy w odniesieniu do
1 Climb up the rope.
form twierdzących czasowników.
W zdaniu stoi on przed przymiotnikiem.
2 Climb the rope.
He s too young.
3 Walk the path.
Wyrazu enough używamy w odniesieniu
4 Walk the path.
do form przeczących czasowników.
W zdaniu stoi on po przymiotniku.
5 Jump the bridge.
He isn t old enough.
6 Jump the water!
92 Grammar plus Unit 4
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Grammar plus Unit 5
Read the grammar box. Write questions and short answers about
Past simple
1 Jess / go to the beach / yesterday?
Czasu past simple używamy wtedy, gdy
Did Jess go to the beach yesterday?
mówimy o wydarzeniach, które miały
miejsce w przeszłości.
Do czasowników regularnych dodajemy
2 she / go in the sea?
końcówkę -ed.
play  played work  worked
Każdy z czasowników nieregularnych ma
inną formę. Trzeba się ich nauczyć na
3 she / fall in the sea?
get  got have  had
Zapamiętaj, że forma past simple jest taka
sama dla wszystkich osób.
4 her dad / break his leg?
He wanted an ice cream.
They didn t want
5 they / drink in the caf?
Did he want an ice cream?
Yes, he did. No, he didn t.
they they
Read the grammar box.
Why ... ? / Because ...
Write the past simple form of these
Wyrazu why używamy po to, by zapytać,
irregular verbs.
dlaczego ktoś coś robi lub zrobił.
1 swim swam 5 have
Gdy podajemy powód, używamy wyrazu
2 go 6 buy
Why did you leave the beach?
3 wear 7 leave
Because it was cold.
4 fall 8 eat
Put the words in the correct order to
Complete the conversation. Use the past
make questions. Then answer the
JESS I 1 went (go) to the beach yesterday
1 Jess a Why wetsuit? did wear
with my mum and dad.
Why did Jess wear a wetsuit?
ANNA What 2 you 3 (do)?
Because it
JESS We 4 (hire) a boat.
ANNA you 6 (go) in the sea? 2 her did Why dad leg? hurt his
JESS Yes, we 7 . But it was very cold,
so I 8 (wear) a wetsuit.
ANNA you 10 (like) it?
3 the go did they to Why caf?
JESS Yes, but Dad 11 (not like) it! He
(fall) off the boat. He hurt his
leg, but he 13 (not break) it.
ANNA you 15 (go) home?
JESS No, we 16 . We were thirsty, so we
(have) a drink in the caf.
Then we 18 (eat) some fish and
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Grammar plus Unit 6
Read the grammar box. Write true sentences about you with ago.
Use the words in the boxes.
Przysłówki sposobu
had breakfast got up went on holiday
Przymiotniki określają rzeczowniki,
started school went to the cinema
a przysłówki określają czasowniki.
Przysłówki opisują to, jak dana czynność
years weeks days minutes hours
jest wykonana.
The door opened slowly. I went on holiday two years ago.
Przysłówki regularne są zakończone na -ly.
Przymiotnik Przysłówek
slow slowly
careful carefully
Jeśli przymiotnik jest zakończony na -y,
wtedy zamieniamy tę końcówkę na i oraz
dodajemy ly.
happy happily
Read the grammar box.
Complete the sentences. How ...?
Zestawiając zaimek how z innymi
1 My dad sings noisily (noisy) in the bath.
wyrazami, możemy zapytać o różnego
2 The man walked (slow) along
rodzaju informacje.
the road.
How much is a ticket? (koszt)
3 I wrote the letter (careful).
How many rooms are there? (liczba)
4 The children played (happy) in
How old is the museum? (wiek)
the garden.
How long does the film last? (czas)
5 The teacher talked (quiet) to
How high is the building? (wysokość)
the class.
6 The boys ran (quick) into sea.
Complete the questions. Then answer
Read the grammar box.
Past simple z określeniem ago
Czasu past simple z określeniem ago
używamy wtedy, gdy chcemy powiedzieć,
jak dawno coś się wydarzyło.
Today is Friday. I saw the film on
Wednesday. I saw it two days ago.
It s 2010. My mum lived in London in 1990.
She lived in London twenty years ago.
1 How much is an adult ticket?
Rewrite the sentences with ago.
2 shows are there?
1 It s July now. We went to the museum in
3 does a show last?
June. (month)
We went to the museum one month ago.
2 It s Tuesday. We went to the caf on
Saturday. (days)
We went to the caf
3 It s 2010. I started school in 2003. (years)
I started school
4 It s ten o clock. Max went to bed at nine
o clock. (hour)
4 It s 2010. is the tower?
Max went to bed
5 is the tower? metres
94 Grammar plus Unit 6
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Grammar plus Revision 2 Units 4-6
Powtórzenie materiału
Circle the correct word. Complete the conversation.
1 You must / mustn t BEN I 1 went (go) to the mountains
eat or drink. yesterday with my brother.
TOM What 2 you 3 (do)?
BEN We 4 (want) skiing lessons. We
love skiing but we re not very good!
2 You can / can t take
TOM you 6 (take) your skis?
a camera.
BEN No, we 7 (hire) our skis there.
TOM you 9 (like) it?
BEN Yes, I 10 . It was fantastic! But my
brother 11 (not like) it. He
3 You must / mustn t 12
(fall) over and 13 (hurt)
wear a special hat.
his arm. Then he 14 (hit) his
TOM Oh no! 15 you 16 (go) to
the hospital?
4 You can / can t wear
BEN No, we 17 (not go) to the
hospital. He 18 (be) OK. But we
(be) very cold and hungry. We
(go) to a caf.
TOM What 21 you 22 (eat)?
BEN I 23 (eat) a hamburger and my
Complete the sentences. Use too and
brother 24 (have) a pizza.
Answer the questions about Ben and his
big / small brother.
It s too big.
Why did they go to the mountains?
It isn t
Why did they go to the caf?
dangerous / safe
Complete the sentences with ago.
It s
Last Monday was three days ago.
It isn t
1 Last Tuesday was
2 Five o clock this morning was
Circle the correct word.
3 My birthday was
1 Swim across / off the river.
4 I had my last lunch
2 Walk into / along the path.
5 I started English lessons
3 Dive up / into the lake.
Complete the How questions.
4 Climb off / up the tree
1 How old were you on your last birthday?
5 Jump into / off the bridge.
2 is a train ticket to Warsaw?
Write the adverbs.
3 does your English lesson last?
4 (in metres) is Sydney
1 careful carefully 4 sad
Harbour Bridge?
2 happy 5 quick
5 children are there in your
3 easy 6 quiet
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Grammar plus Unit 7
3 who / they / visit?
Read the grammar box.
Present continuous w odniesieniu do
Czasu present continuous możemy używać 4 what / Jack and his family / do?
w odniesieniu do zaplanowanych
wydarzeń w przyszłości.
Możemy stosować następujące określenia
czasu odnoszące się do przyszłości:
Write questions and true answers.
tomorrow next week next Saturday
next month next year
1 you / visit / friends / next week?
Forma twierdząca i przecząca
Are you visiting friends next week?
I  m
 m not
2 you / go / to the cinema / next month?
She flying to London next week.
isn t
We are
3 you / fly / to Australia / tomorrow?
They aren t
Pytania i krótkie odpowiedzi
Are you going to basketball club tonight?
Yes, I am. / No, I m not.
4 you / go / to school / next Monday?
Is she driving to Sydney next month?
Yes, she is. / No, she isn t.
Are they walking to school tomorrow?
Yes, they are. / No, they aren t.
Read the grammar box.
Complete the conversation. Use the
present continuous for future.
Wyrażanie próśb
Poprosić grzecznie o coś możemy
JACK Are you 2 going (go) on holiday
w następujący sposób:
next month?
MAX Yes, we 3 . We 4 (go) to Paris.
I d like a ticket to Oxford, please.
JACK you 6 (fly)?
I would to forma pełna, jednak w języku
MAX No, we 7 . We 8 (travel) by
mówionym zwykle używamy formy
skróconej: I d.
JACK you 10 (visit) friends?
Zapytać o dodatkowe informacje możemy
MAX Yes, we 11 . We 12 (meet)
w następujący sposób:
them at the station.
Would you like a single or a return?
JACK You re so lucky!
What time would you like to travel?
MAX Why? What 13 you 14 (do)
next month?
Complete the conversation. Use  d like
JACK We 15 (cycle) round Britain. I
(to) ... and Would you like (to) &
hate cycling!
LISA I 1 d like to travel (travel) to London
Write questions and answers. Use the next month.
present continuous for future.
MAN (go) by bus?
1 where / Max and his family / go?
LISA No, I 3 (travel) by train.
Where are Max and his family going?
MAN What time 4 (leave)?
They re going to Paris.
LISA I 5 (leave) in the afternoon.
2 how / they / travel?
MAN a single or a return?
LISA I 7 a single, please.
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Grammar plus Unit 8
Read the grammar box. Complete the sentences.
Stopień wyższy i najwyższy
Gdy chcemy porównać dwie osoby lub rzeczy,
używamy przymiotników w stopniu
wyższym. Zwykle do krótkich przymiotników
dodajemy końcówkę -er. Przed długimi
Paris is drier than London. Warsaw is
przymiotnikami stawiamy wyraz more.
the driest.
Maria is taller than Anna.
English is more interesting than Maths.
Gdy porównujemy trzy lub więcej osób
bądz rzeczy, używamy przymiotników
w stopniu najwyższym. Zwykle do krótkich
przymiotników dodajemy końcówkę -est
i powstały w ten sposób wyraz poprzedzamy
przedimkiem the. Przed długimi
Max is Sam. Jack is .
przymiotnikami stawiamy wyraz most.
Everest is the highest mountain in the world.
Science is the most interesting lesson.
Krótkie przymiotniki
Przymiotnik Stopień Stopień
wyższy najwyższy
small smaller the smallest
The cat is the mouse. The
cold colder the coldest
dog is .
young younger the youngest
Kiedy przymiotnik jest zakończony na -e,
dodajemy jedynie końcówkę -r i -st.
nice nicer the nicest
Kiedy przymiotnik jest zakończony na -y,
wtedy y zamieniamy na i.
dry drier the driest
Maria is Anna. Lisa is .
easy easier the easiest
Czasami przed dodaniem końcówki
Complete the questions. Use the
podwajamy ostatnią spółgłoskę.
superlative form.
big bigger the biggest
important / foods big / city long / river
hot hotter the hottest
high / mountain hot / months
Długie przymiotniki
interesting more the most
interesting interesting
Fantastic Facts
popular more popular the most
1 Q What s the longest river in Poland?
A The Vistula. It s 1,014 kilometres long.
Complete the sentences. Use the
2 Q What s in Britain?
comparative or the superlative form.
A Ben Nevis in Scotland is 1,344 metres high.
1 New York is bigger (big) than London.
3 Q What s in Europe?
2 Maria is the nicest (nice) girl in our
A Moscow  about eight million people live there.
4 Q Which are in Italy?
3 English is (popular) lesson in
A July and August  temperatures can be 30C.
our school.
4 It s (dry) today than it was
5 Q What are in the world?
A Wheat, rice, maize and potatoes
5 Water is (important) drink in
the world.
6 Wildlife programmes are
Grammar plus Unit 8
(interesting) than sports programmes.
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Grammar plus Revision 3 Units 7-8
Powtórzenie materiału
What s Jack doing tomorrow? Write Complete the table.
Adjective Comparative Superlative
happy happier the happiest
To do tomorrow
get up at nine o clock
email some friends
cycle to the park
play football with Tom
visit Sam and Ben
go to the cinema
Write two sentences each time. Use
1 He s getting up at nine o clock.
comparative and superlative adjectives.
Lisa s older than Sophie.
Answer the questions about you.
Alice is the oldest.
1 What are you doing after school tomorrow?
I m
2 What are you doing next Saturday?
3 Who are you eating with this evening?
4 Where are you going tomorrow?
Complete the conversation. Use  d like
(to) ... and Would you like (to) &
CARL I / travel / to Oxford / tomorrow big
I d like to travel to Oxford tomorrow.
MAN what time / you / travel
CARL I / leave / in the morning
MAN you / a single or a return
OK. ?
CARL I / a return
, please.
MAN That s Ł20, please.
98 Grammar plus Revision 3
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Grammar plus Unit 9
Read the grammar box. Read the grammar box.
Going to  forma twierdząca i przecząca Going to  pytania i krótkie odpowiedzi
Wyrażenia going to używamy wtedy, gdy Is he / she
mówimy o planach na przyszłość going to see the film?
i o zamiarach. Are you / they
I  m Yes, he / she is. No, he / she isn t.
 m not Yes, you / they are. No, you / they aren t.
She  s going to travel.
Write questions and short answers.
It isn t
1 Lisa / be / a film star '
Is Lisa going to be a film star?
We are
They aren t
Yes, she is.
2 Lucy and Ellen / live / in New York '
Read Lucy s plans. Write sentences.
My plans
go / university /
3 Jake / go / to university '
travel / round
4 Anna / have / a big flat '
be / a doctor
have / a big house
5 Harry and Josh / travel / round the world '
1 She s going to go to university in New York.
She isn t going to go to university in New York.
She s going to go to university in London.
Read the grammar box.
2 She s going to be a dentist.
Określenia czasu
Z wyrażeniem going to możemy stosować
następujące określenia czasu:
3 She s going to travel round Australia.
next (Christmas / summer /
Saturday / week)
the day after tomorrow
when I (leave school / go to university)
4 She s going to have a big flat.
Write sentences about you.
1 What are you going to do the day after
I m
Write sentences about you.
2 Where are you going to go next summer?
Before I go to university / get a job ...
I m going to
3 What are you going to eat next
After I go to university / get a job ...
I m going to
Grammar plus Unit 9
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Grammar plus Unit 10
Read the grammar box. Write sentences about your family.
My brothers have to empty the bin.
Have to  forma twierdząca i przecząca
Czasowników have to i has to używamy
My dad doesn t have to cook.
wtedy, kiedy mówimy o czymś, co
koniecznie trzeba zrobić.
Form don t have to i doesn t have to
używamy wtedy, gdy jakaś czynność nie
jest konieczna.
I have to
don t have to
She has to wash up.
Read the grammar box.
It doesn t have to
Have to  pytania i krótkie odpowiedzi
Do I have to cook lunch?
We have to
They don t have to he
Does she have to feed the dog?
czasownik have to ma podobne znaczenie
do czasownika must. you
Formy przeczące don t have to i mustn t Do we have to empty the bin?
mają zupełnie inne znaczenia. they
You mustn t answer the phone I do. I don t.
= nie wolno ci odbierać telefonu.
he he
You don t have to answer the phone she does. she doesn t.
= jeśli chcesz, możesz odebrać telefon, Yes, it No, it
ale nie musisz tego robić.
you you
we do. we don t.
they they
Look at the table. Write sentences.
Ben Jack Max
Write questions with have to. Then write
clean his room ' ''
true short answers.
cook lunch ' ' '
wash up vacuum your room
email a friend ' ' '
empty the bin cook
wash up '' '
1 Ben has to clean his room and email a friend.
1 Do you have to wash up?
He doesn t have to or
2 Jack
Answer the questions about the boys in
Exercise 2.
1 Who has to clean his room? Ben
2 Who has to cook lunch?
3 Who has to wash up?
100 Grammar plus Unit 10
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Grammar plus Unit 11
Complete the Read the grammar box.
Czasowniki could i couldn t
MILLIE Did you 2
Czasowniki could i couldn t to formy
(have) a good
przeszłe czasownika can.
Form could i couldn t używamy po to, by
powiedzieć, co potrafiliśmy lub czego nie
ELLEN Yes, I 3 (have) a great weekend.
potrafiliśmy robić w przeszłości.
I 4 (go) to the park with my
MILLIE you 6 (play) tennis?
She could
ELLEN No, we didn t! We 7 (not play)
It couldn t speak English when I was six.
tennis and we 8 (not have) a
picnic! We 9 (listen) to some
ELLEN Yes. There was a great band in the
park. My mum and my brother
Look at Ben s notes. Write sentences.
(not like) them, but I 11
(love) them. What did you do?
MILLIE Oh, I 12 (visit) two friends on
Saturday. We 13 (watch) a film
FIVE ...
and 14 (eat) some pizza.
play football '
Complete the questions about Ellen and
play the guitar '
Millie. Then answer them.
Who What Where When How
swim ' run very well '
1 Where did Ellen go at the weekend?
use a computer ' speak French '
She went to the park.
When he was five ...
2 did she go with?
1 He could play football.
3 did they do there?
2 He couldn t
4 many friends did Millie visit?
5 did she visit them?
Write about two things you could do and
two things you couldn t do when you
Write two sentences about what you did
were five.
and two sentences about what you didn t
do last weekend.
I could ride a bike.
I went to my friend s house.
I couldn t speak English.
I didn t clean my room.
When I was five, ...
Grammar plus Unit 11
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Grammar plus Revision 4 Units 9-11
Powtórzenie materiału
Look at the table and write sentences. Complete the conversation. Use the past
Use going to and not going to. simple.
ADAM What 1did you do (you / do) at the
Lucy Sara Emma
vet '''
JOSH I 2 (go) to London on
teacher ' ''
dentist '''
ADAM (you / go) with your
mum and dad?
(Lucy) vet / dentist
JOSH No, I 4 . I 5 (go)
1 She s going to be a vet.
with my big brother. We 6
2 She isn t going to be a dentist.
(visit) the Tower of London and we
(see) a film. What about you?
(Sara) teacher / dentist
ADAM Oh, I 8 (not have) a good
(Emma) vet / teacher
ADAM Well, my mum 9 (buy)
three tickets for a music festival.
JOSH That s good!
ADAM Yes, but my friend was ill. So, we
(not go).
Complete the questions. Then write true
short answers. JOSH That s bad!
ADAM Yes. I 11 (watch) TV all
1 visit friends next weekend?
weekend. It was really boring!
2 go to school
Answer the questions about Josh and
the day after tomorrow?
1 Where did Josh go?
He went to London.
Write sentences about what Jamie has to
2 Who did he go with?
do and doesn t have to do.
wash up '
3 What did they do?
1 He has to wash up.
clean his room '
2 He doesn t have
4 How many tickets did Adam s mum buy?
empty the bin '
5 Why didn t Adam go to the festival?
vacuum the house '
6 What did he do all weekend?
email a friend '
Complete the sentences.
Complete the sentences about you.
1 When I was two, I could
At home ...
but I couldn t
I have to and
2 When I was eight, I could
I don t have to or
but I couldn t
102 Grammar plus Revision 4
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Klucz odpowiedzi
str. 2 str. 6 3 This is my bag. 4 Those are my
iends. 5 These are my skates.
2: 2  re 3  s 4  re 2: 1  s got 2 hasn t got, hasn t got
3  s got,  s got 4  s got, hasn t got 5  s Powtórzenie materiału
1: 1 It s six o clock. 2 It s half past
got,  s got 6  s got, hasn t got
twelve. 3 It s eleven o clock. 4 It s half 1: 2 ' 3x 4x 5x 6 ' 7 ' 8x
past four. 3: 2 She hasn t got small ears. She s got
2: 4 A crocodile can t skate. 5 A horse
big ears. 3 He hasn t got orange hair.
3: 2 ' 3 X 4 X 5 X can run. 8 An elephant can t skate-
He s got blue hair 4 She hasn t got a red
4: 3 Science and History aren t on Mon- nose. She s got a yellow nose.
day. They re on Tuesday. 4 History isn t 3: 2 Can you talk? Yes, I can. 3 Can
5: 2 Has a monkey got hands? Yes, it
at half past nine. It s at ten o clock. 5 Tessa sing? Yes, she can. 4 Can snakes
has. 3 Has a rabbit got big ears? Yes, it
Music isn t at half past ten. It s at ten skate? No, they can t. 5 Can a boy
has. 4 Has an ostrich got four legs? No,
o clock. swim? Yes, he can. 6 Can people fly?
it hasn t. 5 Has a crocodile got hair? No,
No, they can t.
str. 3
it hasn t.
4: 2 hasn t got 3 hasn t got 4  s got
2: 1 When s your birthday? It s in April.
str. 7
5 hasn t got 6  s got
2 How old is she? She s eleven. 3 How
2: 1  ve got haven t got  ve got 2 haven t
old is he? He s ten. 4 When s her birth- 5: 2 It hasn t got a green body 3 It s got
got  ve got haven t got 3 haven t got  ve
day? It s in July. two legs. 4 It hasn t got a blue head.
got haven t got 4 haven t got haven t
4: Is his party on Sunday? No, it isn t. 6: 2 Have you got long hair? Yes, I
got  ye got
3 Is Laura eleven? Yes, she is. 4 Is her have. / No, I haven t. 3 Has Tessa got
3: 2 We haven t got curly hair 3 You ve
party at two o clock? No, it isn t. 5 Are a snake? Yes, she has. 4 Have you got
got glasses. 4 We ve got brown eyes.
Jack and Laura twelve? No, they aren t. a brother? Yes, I have. / No, I haven t.
5 They haven t got curly hair. 6 You
5 Has Sam got dark hair? No, he hasn t.
6: 3 X an orange 4 ' 5 X a birthday 6 X
haven t got big ears.
6 Has Dooby got teeth? Yes, he has.
an apple 7 if 8 '
7: 2 That s my dog. 3 Those are my sis-
Powtórzenie materiału
1. BILL: Have you got long hair? ters. 4 These are my skates.
1: 2  s 3  m 4 aren t 5 isn t 6  m not
ANN: No, I haven t. str. 10
2: Are you British? Individual answers.
Have you got glasses? 2: 2 There aren t 3 There isn t 4 There s
3 Is your birthday in July? Individual
5 There are 6 There are 7 There isn t
answers. 4 Are Sam and Max boys? / Yes, I have.
8 There aren t
Are Max and Sam boys? Yes, they are.
Have you got pink glasses?
5 Are you twelve? Individual answers. 4: 2 Are there two TVs? No, there aren t.
Yes, I have. You re D!
6 Is Olive a cat? No, she isn t. 3 Is there a snake? No, there isn t. 4 Is
there a table? Yes, there is. 5 Are there
2. JOE: Have you got glasses?
3: 2X 3 ' 4X 5X 6X
two bears? Yes, there are.
SUE: Yes, I have.
4: 4 It s twelve o clock. 5 It s half past
5: 2 on 3 under 4 next to
five. 6 It s half past seven.
JOE: Have you got short hair?
6: 3 ' 4 X The bookcase is next to the
5: 2 on 3 at 4 on 5 at 6 in
SUE: No, I haven t.
window. 5 ' 6 X The bed is under the
6: 2a 3a 4 an 5 an 6a
JOE: Have you got an orange T-shirt?
str. 5
str. 11
SUE: Yes, I have.
2: 2 can t 3 can t 4 can 5 can t 6 can
2: 2 I don t like hot dogs. 3 I don t like
JOE: You re C!
salad. 4 I don t like pizza. 5 I like hot
4: 1 Can you whistle? No, I can t. 2 Can
str. 8
dogs. 6 I like salad.
you draw? Yes, I can. 3 Can you read
1: 2X 3X 4X 5 ' 6X 7 '
music? Yes, I can. 4 Can you skate-
3: 2 They don t like eggs. 3 We don t
board? Yes, I can. 5 Can you swim? No,
like salad. 4 They don t like fish.
2: 3 I ve got a little brother. 4 I ve got
I can t.
5 I don t like chips.
a pet. 6 I haven t got a big sister. / I ve
got a little sister.
5: Dan
4: Individual answers.
3: Individual answers.
6: Individual answers.
6: 2 Do you like oranges? No, I don t.
3 Do you like bananas? No, I don t. 4 Do
5: 1 This is my dog. 2 That s my mum.
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you like apples? Yes, I do. 5 Do you like She watches TV at half past four. 5 Tim onTuesday. 4 Dad 5 (on) Monday 6 (at)
eggs? No, I don t. 6 Do you like choco- doesn t go to bed at half past eight. He five o clock/5.00
late? Yes, I do. goes to bed at nine o clock.
5: 2 He isn t playing in the park. He s
str. 12 6: 2 Does he go to school at eight swimming (in the sea). 3 She isn t
o clock? No, he doesn t. 3 Does he dancing. She s singing. 4 They aren t
2: 2x 3 ' 4x 5x 6 ' 7 ' 8X
watch TV at four o clock?. Yes, he does. cycling. They re walking.
3: 4 Lucy doesn t like milk. 5 Bill likes
4 Does Sue have breakfast at half past
str. 18
orange juice. 8 Jim likes milk.
seven? No, she doesn t.
1: 2  m 3 like 4 is 5  ve got 6 haven t
4: Anna
str. 15
got 7 is 8 has got 9 likes 10 doesn t like
6: 2 does 3 eats 4 Does he drink 5 he
2: 2 Dave plays tennis on Tuesday at 11 play
doesn t 6 like 7 Does he like 8 he does
half past three. 3 Lucy does judo on
2: 3 No, he hasn t. 4 No, she isn t. 5 No,
9 likes 10 likes
Wednesday at six o clock. 4 Mum goes
she hasn t. 6 No, she doesn t. 7 Yes, she
swimming on Thursday at eight o clock.
7: 6 Then eat your sandwich. 2 Then put
5 Dad plays badminton on Friday at
the butter on the bread. 5 Now put the
half past seven. 6 Lucy goes horse rid- 3: 2C 3A 4C 5A 6B
bread on top. 3 Then out the cheese.
ing on Saturday at nine o clock. 7 Dave
1 First, cut the bread. 4 Then put the 4: 1 He s wearing a green shirt. He s got
goes ice skating on Sunday at half past
cheese on the bread. brown/ short hair. 2 She s wearing blue
trousers. She s got fair/ short hair.
Powtórzenie materiału
3: 4 It s on Saturday. 5 Sam.1 It s on
5: 2 haven t 3 hasn t 4 have 5  s
1: 2 There aren t two chairs. 3 There are
Thursday. 6 It s at half past three on
lots of books. 4 There isn t a computer. 6: Lucy
Tuesday 2 It s at half past twelve.
5 There s a bookcase.
3 Dad. 7 It s at six o clock.
7: Students own answers
2: 2 next to 3 under 4 in
5: 2 Do you do gymnastics, Kim? No,
str. 19
I don t. 3 Do you go swimming, Anna?
3: 2 Are there two beds? No, there
2: 2 have 3 has 4 go 5 meet 6 play
No, I don t. 4 Do you play badmin-
aren t. 3 Is there an armchair? No, there
ton, Tim? Yes, I do. 5 Do you do judo,
4: 2 Adam sometimes cleans his room.
isn t. 4 Are there lots of books? Yes,
Emma? No, I don t.
3 Lucy never rides a bike. 4 Lucy and
there are. 5 Is there a window? Yes,
Adam often feed the dog. 5 Ben some-
there is.
str. 16
times washes up. 6 Lucy and Adam
4: 2 I do 3 like 4 don t like 5 like 6 like
2: 2 playing 3 eating 4 wearing 5 water
often listen to music.
7 don t like 8 like 9 don t like 10 like
skiing 6 sleeping
6: 2 She likes cycling and playing ten-
11 don t like 12 like 13 don t like
4: Individual answers.
nis. 3 She likes singing but she doesn t
5: 2 She doesn t like orange juice or
like dancing. 4 She doesn t like clean-
5: 2  re playing, aren t wearing 3 isn t
bacon. 3 Jack likes pizza, orange juice
ing her room or cooking dinner.
wearing,  s wearing 4  s sitting, isn t
and toast. / Jack doesn t like chips, milk
reading 5  s eating, isn t wearing 6  s
7: Students own answers
or bacon. 4 He doesn t like chips, milk
wearing, isn t wearing 7  s Wearing,  s
or bacon. / He likes pizza, orange juice
str. 20
drinking 8 isn t swimming,  s reading
and toast. 5 Anna and Jack like pizza/
2: 1 He isn t writing. He s reading.
toast but they don t like bacon.
Powtórzenie materiału
2 They aren t singing. They re dancing.
6: 2 Does 3 eat 4 does 5 likes 6 likes
1: 2 have 3 doesn t like 4 go 5 play
3 They aren t playing football. They re
7 Does 8 drink 9 he does 10 drinks
6 does 7 watch
playing table tennis.
11 Does 12 like 13 doesn t like 14 don t
2: 2 Does he have orange Juice for
4: 2 Are Tessa and Dad dancing? No,
breakfast? Yes, he does. 3 Does his
they aren t. 3 Is Tessa eating? Yes, she
str. 14
brother like cereal? No, he doesn t.
is. 4 Are Olive and Tessa watching TV?
4 Do the boys go to the park? Yes, they
Yes, they are. 5 Is Dad sitting in an arm-
2: 2 have 3 eat 4 has 5 likes 6 brush
do. 5 Do they play basketball? No, they
chair? No, he isn t.
7 go 8 plays 9 do 10 watches 11 goes
don t. 6 Does Mike watch TV in the eve-
12 go
5: 1 Are 2 doing 3 I m not 4 Are 5 play-
ning? Yes, he does.
ing 6 aren t 7  re eating 8 are 9 doing
4: 2 Tim doesn t get up at eight o clock.
3: 2 does gymnastics 3 does judo
10  m cleaning 11  s playing
He gets up at seven o clock. 3 Tim and
4 plays badminton 5 goes ice skating
Sue don t go to school at eight o clock.
7: 1 What are Ellie and Jess doing?
6 plays football, Thursday
They go to school at half past eight.
They re eating ice cream. 2 What s
4 Sue doesn t watch TV at half past five.
4: 2 Tim 3 (at) half past six/ 6.30
Lucy doing? She s cleaning her room.
Oxford University Press www.oup.com/elt
3 What s Adam playing? He s playing cream? Yes, they can. What a good/That s a great
his saxophone.
8: 2 There are two tomatoes. 3 There (2) 1 Let s watch TV 2 hot/sunny 3 play
Powtórzenie materiału are three cats. 4 There are four mice. tennis
1: 2X 3 ' 4X 5 ' Powtórzenie materiału 2: second, third, fourth, fifth, sisxth,
seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh,
2: 1 They aren t eating dinner. They re 1: 2  m doing, are playing 3 sleeps,  s
cooking (dinner). 2 He isn t brushing working 4 goes, does 5  s eating, has
his hair. He s washing his hair. 4 She 3: 2 March 15th 3 July 29th 4 September
2: 1 next to 2 between 3 opposite 4 be-
isn t sleeping. She s watching TV. 30th 5 May 23rd 6 November 18th
tween 5 opposite
3: 2 Are Mum and. Dad watching TV? 4: Student s own answers
3: 2 Whose kite is this? It s Tessa s.
No, they aren t. 3 Is Sam singing? Yes,
3 Whose hat is this? It s Jenny s. 5: Countable 1,2,3, eggs, bananas,
he is. 4 Is Jenny wearing yellow trou-
4 Whose shoe is this? It s Sam s. sweet, chips Uncountable ice cream,
sers? No, she isn t. 5 Is Tessa dancing?
milk, lettuce, chocolate
4: butterfly-butterflies bus-buses
No, she isn t.
house-houses mouse-mice duck-ducks 6: 1 Is 2 any 3 is 4 Is 5 any 6 isn t 7 Are
4: 2 always 3 never 4 sometimes
sandwich-sandwiches woman-women 8 any 9 are 10 Are 11 any 12 aren t 13 are
5: 1 likes 2 like 3 likes 4 don t like
5: 2 must D 3 must A 4 mustn t B 7: 3 How much cake is on the plate?
5 doesn t like
4 How much coffee is in the cup? 5 How
6: 2 Can the children play in the park?
6: 1 or 2but 3and many chocolates are in the box? 6 How
Yes, they can 3 Can the boys watch TV?
many tomatoes are in the idge?
str. 22 No, they can t. 4 Can Jenny have some
sweets? No, she can t. str. 29
2: 2 get up 3 aren t doing 4 play 5  s
eating 6 isn t working str. 26 2: 2 was 3 were 4 wasn t 5 weren t
3: 1 works,  s lying 2 go,  m watching 2: 2 great 3 make 4 about 5 idea 6 What 4: 2 Were there any supermarkets? No,
3 aren t playing,  re skateboarding 7 boring 8 a there weren t. 3 Were there any cars?
Yes there were. 4 Was there an airport?
5: 2 Is Flu sleeping now? No, she 4: 2 twelfth 3 third 4 ninth 5 second
No, there wasn t.
isn t. 3 Is Flu climbing a tree now? 6 sixth
Yes, she is. 6: 2 It had a long tail. / It had small
5: 2 Students own answers 3 Students
arms. 3 It had small arms. / It had a
6: 2 What do they eat? Fruit. 3 Do they own answers 4 October 31st 5 January
long tail.
sleep in winter? Yes, they do. 4 Can 1st 6 December 31st
they climb trees? Yes, they can. 8: 1 tall, tall 2 long, long 3 heavy, kilos
6: 1 What s the weather like? It s hot
str. 23 and sunny. 2 What s the weather like? str. 30
It s raining 3 What s the weather like?
2: 2 There isn t a zoo. 3 There aren t 2: 2 I didn t walk to school. 3 I phoned
It s windy and cold.
two parks. 4 There s a museum. 5 There my iend. 4 I played football. 5 I didn t
are two cafs. str. 27 talk to my teacher. 6 I didn t wash up.
4: 2 Is there an airport? No, there 2: Countable 1,2,3, potatoes, apples, 4: 2 Did she phone Maria? Yes, she did.
isn t. 3 Is there a shoe shop? Yes, carrots 3 Did she cycle to the park? No, she
there is. 4 Are there two museums? didn t. 4 Did she play tennis? Yes, she
Uncountable cheese, bread, bacon
No, there aren t. 5 Are there two cafs? did. 5 Did she wash up? No, she didn t.
4: 3 There s some bacon. 4 There aren t
Yes, there are.
6: 2 What time did Josh and Adam have
any hamburgers. 5 There aren t any
6: 2 next to 3 between 4 opposite breakfast this morning? At twenty past
eggs. 6 There s some orange juice.
5 next to seven. 3 What time did the English
5: 2 Are there any tomatoes? Yes, there
lesson start? At twenty-five to eleven.
7: (1) 2 left 3 right 4 caf (2) 1 right
are. 3 Is there any chicken? Yes, there
4 What time did you have dinner last
2 left 3 right 4 next to
is. 4 Are there any eggs? No, there
night? At quarter to seven.
str. 24 aren t. 5 Is there any butter? No, there
str. 31
isn t.
2: 2 Sam s 3 My 4 Anna s 5 whose
2: 1 went 2 didn t swim 3 wore 4 swam
6 your 7: 2 How many 3 How many 4 How
5 made 6 slept 7 bought 8 didn t buy
much 5 How much
4: 2 mustn t 3 mustn t 4 must
9 didn t like
Powtórzenie materiału
6: 2 Can Jack go to the cinema? No, he
3: 1 Charlie s sister 2 two 3 a (big)
can t. 3 Can the girls have some ice 1: (1) 2 raining 3 Let s 4 pizza 5 Good/
sandcastle 4 Charlie s dad 5 a T-shirt
Oxford University Press www.oup.com/elt
5: 2 Did 3 swim 4 didn t 5 Did 6 make ing 10 talk str. 39
7 did 8 Did 9 sleep 10 did 11 Did
4: 2 gets up 3 comes 4 isn t working 2: 2 slowly 3 care lly 4 happily 5 qui-
12 go 13 did 14 bought, 15 Did 16 buy
5 are driving etly 6 quickly
17 didn t 18 bought
6: 2 The 3 a 4 the 5 an 6 a, The 4: 2 three days ago 3 seven years ago
Powtórzenie materiału
4 one/an hour ago
Powtórzenie materiału
1: 2 weren t 3 were 4 Was 5 was
5: Students own answers
1: 2 How 3 How 4 When 5 Where 6 Do
6 weren t
7 Have 8 How 4 It s on August 12th. 6: 1 How much, Ł15 2 How many, two
2: 2 It had a very long neck. 3 It was 27
5 Poland. 7 Yes. I ve got a dog. 6 I live 3 How long, two hours 4 How old, 200
metres long. 4 It had four legs. 5 It was
in a flat. 1 It s Marek. 3 I m twelve. 2 M- years 5 How high, 100
a plant-eating dinosaur.
A-R-E-K. 8 Every day.
Powtórzenie materiału
3: 1 cycled, didn t play, climbed
2: 2 Does she speak Japanese? Yes, she
1: 2 can 3 must 4 can t
2 walked, didn t watch, played
does. 3 Does he play tennis every day?
3 phoned, didn t talk, talked 4: 2
2: 1 It s too big. It isn t small enough.
No, he doesn t. 4 Do you live in Poland?
2 It s too dangerous. It isn t safe
4: What time did you go out yesterday? Yes, I/we do.
At quarter to two. 3 What time did Josh
3: 2 She hates eggs. 3 She doesn t like
get up today? At twenty-five past seven.
3: 2 along 3 into 4 up 5 off
snakes. 4 She loves chocolate. 5 She
4 What time did the boys go to the
likes pop music a lot.
4: 2 happily 3 easily 4 sadly 5 quickly
park? At five to eleven.
6 quietly
4: 1 them 2 him 3 it 4 her 5 them 6 it
5: (1) 1 sailed 2 didn t see 3 saw
5 (1) 2 makes 3 isn t cooking 4  s wash- 5: 2 did 3 do 4 wanted 5 Did 6 take
4 didn t swim 5 was (2) 1 cycled
ing up (2) 2 cleans 3 have 4 isn t clean- 7 hired 8 Did 9 like 10 did 11 didn t
2 climbed 3 didn t play 4 played
like 12 fell 13 hurt 14 hit 15 Did 16 go
ing 5  s swimming
5 didn t wear 6 wore
17 didn t go 18 was 19 were 20 went
6: 2 the 3a 4 an 5 The 6 an 7 The
str. 33
21 did 22 eat 23 ate 24 had
str. 37
2: 2 Where are you om? 3 How old are
6: 1 Because they wanted skiing les-
you? 4 When s your birthday? 5 Which
2: 2 ' 3x 4 ' 5x sons. 2 Because they were (very cold
sports do you like? 6 What s your favou-
and) hungry.
4: 2 His trousers are too short. They
rite lesson?
aren t long enough. 3 She s too young. 7: Students own answers
3: Students own answers
She isn t old enough. 4 It s too danger-
8: 2 How much 3 How long 4 How high/
4: 2 repeat 3 Can 4 spell 5 where 6 Sor- ous. It isn t safe enough.
long 5 How many
ry 7 understand 8 mean
6: 2 down 3 along 4 across 5 off 6 into
str. 41
7: 2 Can Ellie sing? No, she can t. 3 Do
str. 38
2: 3 are 4  re going 5 Are 6 flying
they play every day? No, they don t.
2: 2 went 3 wore 4 fell 5 had 6 bought 7 aren t 8  re travelling 9 Are 10 Visit-
4 Do you go swimming on Saturday?
7 left 8 ate ing 11 are 12  re meeting 13 are 14 do-
Yes, I/ we do. 5 Have the children got
ing 15  re cycling
a pet? Yes, they have.
3: 2 did 3 do 4 hired 5 Did 6 go 7 did
8 wore 9 Did 10 like 11 didn t like 12 3: 2 How are they travelling? They re
str. 34
fell 13 didn t break 14 Did 15 go 16 travelling on the/ by train. 3 Who are
2: 2 It s brilliant! 1 He s fantastic! 5 It s
didn t 17 had 18 ate they visiting? They re visiting iends.
aw l! 4 She s boring. 3 She s good.
4 What are Jack and his family doing?
4: 1 Did Jess go to the beach yesterday?
They re cycling round Britain.
3: Students own answers
Yes, she did. 2 Did she go in the sea?
Yes, she did. 3 Did she fall in the sea? 4: 1 Are you visiting iends next week?
5: 2 him 3 them 4 it 5 you 6 me
No, she didn t. 4 Did her dad break his Students own answers 2 Are you going
7: 2 He watches films every week. 3 He
leg? No, he didn t. 5 Did they drink in to the cinema next month? Students
often watches music programmes. 4 He
the caf? Yes, they did. own answers 3 Are you flying to Austra-
sometimes watches sports programmes.
lia tomorrow? Students own answers
6: 1 Why did Jess wear a wetsuit? Be-
5 He never watches the news.
4 Are you going to school next Monday?
cause it was cold. 2 Why did her dad
str. 35 Students own answers
hurt his leg? Because he fell off the
2: 2 works 3  m doing 4 do 5 play boat. 3 Why did they go to the caf? 6: 2 Would you like to go 3  d like to
Because they were thirsty travel 4 would you like to leave 5  d like
3: 2 get 3 feed 4 work 5 comes 6 helps
to leave 6 Would you like 7  d like
7  m not working 8  m driving 9  re talk-
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str. 42 3: Students own answers 5: 2 He couldn t play the guitar. 3 He
couldn t swim. 4 He could run very
2: 3 the most popular 4 drier 5 the most 5: 2 Are Lucy and Ellen going to live
well. 5 He could use a computer. 6 He
important 6 more interesting in New York? No, they aren t. 3 Is Jake
couldn t speak French.
going to go to university? Yes, he is.
3: 2 younger, the youngest 3 bigger
4 Is Anna going to have a big flat? No, 6: Students own answers
than, the biggest 4 taller, the tallest
she isn t. 5 Are Harry and Josh going to
Powtórzenie materiału
4: 2 the highest mountain 3 the biggest
travel round the world? Yes, they are.
city 4 the hottest months 5 the most 1: 3 She isn t going to be a teacher.
6: Students own answers
important foods 4 She s going to be a dentist. 5 She
str. 45 isn t going to be a vet. 6 She s going to
Powtórzenie materiału
be a teacher.
2: 1 Ben has to clean his room and
2: 2 He s emailing some iends. 3 He s
email a iend. He doesn t have to cook 2: 1 Are you going to visit iends next
cycling to the park. 4 He s playing foot-
lunch or wash up. 2 Jack has to cook weekend? Students own answers 2 Are
ball with Tom. 5 He s Visiting Sam and
lunch and email a iend. He doesn t you going to go to school the day after
Ben. 6 He s going to the cinema.
have to clean his room or wash up. tomorrow? Students own answers
2: Students own answers
3 Max has to email a iend and wash
3: 2 He doesn t have to clean his room.
up. He doesn t have to clean his room
3: CARL I d like to travel to Oxford
3 He has to empty the bin. 4 He doesn t
or cook lunch.
tomorrow. MAN What time would you
have to vacuum the house. 5 He has to
like to travel? CARL I d like to leave in
3: 2 Jack 3 Max email a iend.
the morning. MAN OK. Would you like a
4: Students own answers 4: Students own answers
single or a return? CARL I d like a re-
turn, please. MAN That s Ł20, please. 6: 1Do you have to wash up? Students 5: 2 went 3 Did you go 4 didn t 5 went
own answers 2 Do you have to vacuum 6 visited 7 saw 8 didn t have 9 bought
4: Comparative/Superlative nicer  the
your room? Students own answers 3 Do 10 didn t go 11 watched
nicest bigger  the biggest more in-
you have to empty the bin? Students
teresting  the most interesting drier 6: 2 He went with his (big) brother.
own answers 4 Do you have to cook?
 the driest more popular  the most 3 They visited the Tower of London and
Students own answers
popular wetter  the wettest more valu- they saw a film. 4 She bought three
able  the most valuable str. 46 (tickets). 5 (Because) his iend was ill.
6 He watched TV.
5: 2 London s hotter than Moscow. 1: 2 have 3 had 4 went 5 Did 6 play 7
Rome s the hottest. 3 Venus is bigger didn t play 8 didn t have 9 listened 7: Students own answers
than Mars. Saturn s the biggest. 4 Ben s 10 didn t like 11 loved 12 visited 13
taller than Tom. Luke s the tallest. watched 14 ate
str. 44 2: 2 Who did she go with? She went with
her family. 3 What did they do there?
2: 2 She isn t going to be a dentist.
They listened to some music. 4 How
She s going to be a doctor. 3 She isn t
many iends did Millie visit? She visited
going to travel round Australia. She s
two iends. 5 When did she visit them?
going to travel round America. 4 She
She visited them on Saturday.
isn t going to have a big flat. She s go-
ing to have a big house. 3: Students own answers
Oxford University Press www.oup.com/elt
Spis treści
2 Czas present simple. Czasownik to 18 Czas present simple. Forma pełna 34 Czas present simple. Zaimki
be w czasie present simple. Zaimki i skrócona czasownika to be. w nkcji dopełnienia. Przysłówki
osobowe. Czasownik have/has got. Czasownik częstotliwości. Przyimki on i at
have/has got: forma pełna przed nazwami programów, kanałów,
3 Czas present simple. Przyimki on
i skrócona. godzin i dni tygodnia.
i at przed nazwami dni tygodnia
i godzinami. 19 Czas present simple. Przysłówki 35 Czas present simple. Czas present
częstotliwości. Spójniki and, or i but. continuous. Przedimki a/an przed
Czas present simple: czasownik to be.
nazwami zawodów. Przedimki a/an
Przyimki on i at przed nazwami dni 20 Czas present continuous. Czas
i the. Czasownik modalny can.
tygodnia i godzinami. present continuous: pytania i krótkie
odpowiedzi. Zaimki pytające. 36 Powtórzenie materiału.
4 Powtórzenie materiału
Przysłówki częstotliwości. Czas
37 Czas past simple. Przyimki.
present simple. Czasownik to be.
5 Czas present simple. Zaimki
Czasownik must/mustn t. Czasownik
Czasownik have got. Spójniki and, or
dzierżawcze. Czas present simple: to
can. Too i enough. Przyimki
i but.
be. Przedimek nieokreślony a/an
wskazujące kierunek. Czasownik
21 Powtórzenie materiału modalny can.
6 Czasownik modalny can. Spójniki
and i but.
22 Czas present simple. Czas present 38 Czas present simple. Czas past
continuous. Zaimki pytające. simple. Because. Zaimki.
7 Czasownik have got.
Przysłówki częstotliwości.
39 Przysłówki opisujące czynności.
8 Czasownik have got. Zaimki
23 Wyrażenie There is/There are. Czas past simple. Określenia
wskazujące this/these/that /those.
Przyimki miejsca. Tryb rozkazujący. czasu w przeszłości. Czas present
Czasownik to be w czasie present
simple. Przedimek określony the.
simple. Czasownik modalny can.
24 Zaimki dzierżawcze. Dopełniacz
Pytania szczegółowe. Przysłówki.
 s. Regularna i nieregularna liczba
Czasownik modalny can. Wyrażenia
9 Powtórzenie materiału.
mnoga rzeczowników. Wyrażenie
too+adjective i adjective+enough.
There is/There are. Must i mustn t.
10 Forma There is/There are. Przyimki
Czasownik modalny can. 40 Powtórzenie materiału.
25 Powtórzenie materiału. 41 Czas present continuous. Wyrażenie
11 Czas present simple.
would like to. Czas past simple.
26 Czas present simple. Liczebniki
12 Czas present simple: zdania
porządkowe. 42 Stopień wyższy i najwyższy
twierdzące i przeczenia w 3
przymiotników, Czas present
osobie liczby pojedynczej. Pytania
27 Rzeczowniki policzalne
ogólne, krótkie odpowiedzi. Tryb
i niepoliczalne. Wyrażenie There
rozkazujący. Wyrażenie There is/
is/There are: pytania Some i Any. 43 Powtórzenie materiału.
There are. Przyimki miejsca.
Pytanie How, much/many. Some
44 Wyrażenie be going to. Czas past
i any, a. Wyrażenie There is/There
13 Powtórzenie materiału.
14 Czas present simple.
45 Czasownik modalny can. Czasownik
28 Powtórzenie materiału.
have to. Czasownik have got. Tryb
15 Czas present simple. On i at przed
29 Czas past simple: to be. Wyrażenie rozkazujący. Czasownik have to.
nazwami dni tygodnia i godzinami.
There was/There were.
46 Czas past simple. Czasownik can
16 Czas present continuous. Czas present
30 Czas past simple: czasowniki w czasie przeszłym. Czas present
simple. Czas present continuous.
regularne. simple. Wyrażenie be going to.
Czasownik have got. Wyrażenie There
Czasownik have to.
is/There are. Czasownik modalny
31 Czas past simple: czasowniki
regularne i nieregularne. Czas 47 Powtórzenie materiału
present simple.
17 Powtórzenie materiału.
48 Klucz odpowiedzi
32 Powtórzenie materiału.
33 Czas present simple. Czasownik
modalny can.
Oxford University Press www.oup.com/elt


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