struktury leksykalno gramatyczne odpowiedz

Zestaw 1

  1. It was hard to travel to work by car on my own but I eventually became accustomed to it. used
    It took me a long time to
     get used to travelling on my own.

  2. Kate always expected her mother to be there for her. granted
    Kate always
     took her mother for granted.

  3. It’s time for me to learn English. I
    It’s time
     I learnt English.

  4. Tom advised me to apply for a job in Toyota. I
    Tom suggested
     that I should apply for a job in Toyota.

  5. Why do you think you are superior to other people? look
    What makes
     you look down on other people?

Zestaw 2

  1. Someone broke the window, perhaps Tim. might
    The window
     might have been broken by Tim.

  2. I used to believe he was innocent. mind
     changed my mind about his innocence.

  3. I regret telling her the truth. only
     only I hadn’t told her the truth.

  4. You ought to go to the doctor. better
     had better go to the doctor.

  5. The mechanic is repairing my car on Monday. repaired
     having my car repaired on Monday.

Zestaw 3

  1. He is extremely rich but very mean. fact
    He is very mean
     despite the fact that he is extremely rich.

  2. I haven’t talked to him for three years. time
     last time I talked to him was three years ago.

  3. I didn’t know the answer because I hadn’t read the book. would
    If I had read the book
     I would have known the answer.

  4. I’d prefer us to spend the weekend in the mountains. we
     rather we spent the weekend in the mountains.

  5. You had better not open this parcel. wouldn’t
    If I
     were you I wouldn’t open this parcel.

Zestaw 4

  1. This plane journey is a new experience for me. time
    It is the
     ......................... by plane.

  2. What a pity I invited him to the party. wish
     ......................... to the party.

  3. I’d rather you didn’t smoke in here. mind
     ......................... in here, please?

  4. It was the happiest event in my life. so
    I had never
     ......................... before.

  5. If you are not sure what the word means, consult the dictionary. up
    You should
     ......................... a dictionary if you are not sure what it means.

Zestaw 5

  1. The cat was found by Paul. who
     was Paul who found the cat.

  2. They were still swimming after one hour. been
     had been swimming for one hour.

  3. I took a camera but it wasn’t necessary. taken
     needn’t have taken a camera.

  4. They believe the criminal has had escaped abroad. believed
    The criminal
     is believed to have escaped abroad.

  5. He studies really hard and he is a very good sportsman too. does
     only does he study really hard but he is also a very good sportsmen.

Zestaw 6

  1. The moment he saw them he left. had
     sooner had he seen them than he left.

  2. I find people who talk all the time very irritating. get
     get irritated by people who talk all the time.

  3. A postman will come here soon and I want you to inform me of it immediately. soon
    I want you to let me know that a postman is here
     as soon as he comes.

  4. Everyone can see that Paul is more responsible than Tom. not
    Everyone can see that Tom
     is not as responsible as Paul.

  5. I have never heard anything more stupid than that. thing
    This is
     the most stupid thing I have ever heard.

Zestaw 7

  1. I can look after your cat when you are on holiday,” Anna said to me. offered
     offered to look after my cat when I am on holiday.

  2. Martin started to play baseball professionally as a teenager. since
    Martin has
     been playing baseball professionally since he was a teenager.

  3. The reason Sue did not try harder was that she had many health problems. from
    Mary’s health problems
     prevented her from trying harder.

  4. There is a chance that the criminal is hiding somewhere in the house. be
    The criminal
     may/might be hiding somewhere in the house.

  5. My mother rarely visits her relatives abroad. ever
    My mother
     hardly ever visits her relatives abroad.

Zestaw 8

  1. Before the accident, Peter played a lot of football. would
     would play a lot of football before the accident.

  2. I asked my aunt if I could stay at her house for the night. put
    I asked my aunt if she
     could put me up for the night.

  3. It is impossible that he killed his wife. have
     can’t have killed his wife.

  4. There was no bread left at all in the baker’s. run
    The baker’s had
     run out of bread completely.

  5. The child ignored my efforts to communicate with him. notice
    The child
     took no notice of my efforts to communicate with him.

Zestaw 9

  1. It’s a shame I’m not able to swim as well as my classmates. could
     wish I could swim as well as my classmates.

  2. Hurry up! We’ll get to the cinema after the beginning of the film. will
    By the time we get to the theatre, the film
     will have already begun.

  3. Quite by chance, Jane met Zoe in the town centre. into
     bumped/ran into Zoe in the town centre.

  4. I own this house. to
    This house
     belongs to me.

  5. If I take a job, I’ll have to move to London. mean
    Taking a job
     will mean moving to London.

Zestaw 10

  1. Brad wishes he hadn’t sold his car. selling
     regrets selling his car.

  2. Paul said he hadn’t stolen the wallet. stealing
     denied stealing the wallet.

  3. Was it enjoyable at the beach? enjoy
     you enjoy yourself at the beach?

  4. I hadn’t expected to see so many people at the concert. surprise
    It came
     as a surprise to me to see so many people at the concert.

  5. My uncle will only answer if you ring the doorbell twice. unless
    My uncle
     won’t answer unless you ring the doorbell twice.


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