096 Casea Major Night With A Dom

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Night With a Dom


 2012 by Casea Major

ISBN: 978-1-61333-244-3

Cover art by LFD Designs

All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of
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Published by Decadent Publishing Company, LLC

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Also by Casea Major

One Knight in Brooklyn

A 1Night Stand Story

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Night with a Dom

A 1Night Stand Story


Casea Major

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Much love to my critique partners. Many of whom are also my best friends. Thank you,

ladies for your encouragement, insight and general camaraderie in an otherwise lonely


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Night With a Dom


Chapter One

Melody Manning’s fingers flew over her keyboard. She hustled in a

concentrated effort to finish the end of the quarter analysis and get the hell out of


Her boss, Adam, ducked his head in her door. “Mel, I need you in my office in

five with the Imperial numbers.”

The Imperial numbers? She’d finished that account with her former boss

before he’d left the firm. It had been their special project, and one of the most

profitable in company history.

Jeez. Didn’t Adam know it was one in the afternoon on New Year’s Eve and

everyone else had left for the day? A pang of loss shot through her chest. Maybe

he knew she had nowhere special to go. Her shoulders sagged, and her chin

dropped to her chest. No time to wallow, Mel. Get the man his numbers.

As his footsteps receded, she rolled her eyes and muttered under her breath,

“Who does he think he is? Nick Palmer, slave driver extraordinaire?”

In truth, her new boss, Adam Rodgers, conducted business in no way like the

previous one. Unless a big campaign was coming out and he needed additional

market analysis, Adam encouraged her to have a life away from the firm. He not

only allowed her to leave the office at a reasonable hour, he expected her to. She

snorted at the cruel irony.

In the last six months, she’d had all the personal time she could have wanted.

Too bad it had come a few weeks too late. She gulped down the guilt while she

pulled up the Imperial Oats file.

Her instant message flashed, and her pulse quickened. Only one person used

IM with her. Pushing aside the urge to open it, she printed the report then stared

at the screen. Why should she be scared? Taking a breath, she checked the

message. JRivers. A lump formed in her throat. Why would he be instant

messaging her on New Year’s Eve?

Hey, Mel, just wanted to tell you before you found out from friends that I’m

getting married. I figured you’d be working and get this message. Ann and I are

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announcing our engagement tonight at my parent’s party.

More crazy irony. The party she’d missed last year because of her job would be

the same party where he announced his engagement to the new girlfriend. She

choked back a sob.

I’m happy, Mel. I want you to be, too. Don’t work so hard.

She grabbed the report off the printer and headed down the hall. Her hands

shook. Married.

She barely stayed the floodgates as she entered Adam’s office. Glancing up at

the picture behind his desk, she sank into a chair in front of him. He’d hung a

large inspirational photo—Positive Attitude—with a picture of the Egyptian

pyramids. At least it covered the unsightly hole put there by their former boss

during some angry rant.

“Hey, Mel—” Adam tilted his head and frowned. “What’s wrong?”

His concern broke her dam of control. Waterworks and hysterical ramblings

spewed from her. “My ex-boyfriend is getting married. I have no life, even though

I have the time now—because you let me have a life, unlike some crazy fuck who

never used to let me leave the office until all of his outlandish requests were

finished.” She sucked in a ragged breath and started another tirade. “It’s my fault.

I pushed the best guy in the world away and—surprise—he found someone else to

love.” She dropped her head in her hands. Am I PMSing or what?

Adam stepped around the desk. His strong hand squeezed her shoulder. “Mel,

no one understands more than I do what an ad exec sacrifices to win in this

business. And it only gets harder the higher up you go. You do what you have to

in order to get ahead. Rachel nearly left me two years ago when I worked under

Palmer. He was a demanding ass. But I learned a lot from him, and so did you.

You’re the youngest senior analyst in the firm’s sixty-year history. That doesn’t

come without a price.” The handsome man sat next to her and placed a Kleenex

in her hand. “This was a hard lesson to learn. Not only are you hurt, but you also

feel guilty. You need to come to terms with your guilt so you can move past your

heartache. Take these next four and a half days to figure out who you are and

what it is you want.”

“How am I supposed to do that in four days?”

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He patted her hand. “I’ve seen the depression in you for the last six months.

I’ve thought about giving you a leave, but wondered if that would do more harm

than good. You need an epiphany. Something that will get to the source of your

guilt and help you overcome it.”

That sounded reasonable, but where could she find that epiphany on a holiday

weekend? “Oh, let’s just go pick that up at Wal-Mart, why don’t we?”

He placed a gentle finger under her chin and smiled. “Look, this is not advice I

would usually give a woman, but in this case I think it’ll help you—”

She narrowed her gaze. “At this point I’ll try anything. Out with it.”

“Go get laid. And I mean good and laid. Have a nice, relaxing time with some

guy who will rock your world and take your mind off things.”

The Executive VP of market analysis and demographics just told me to get

fucked. What the hell?

He rummaged through his desk. “Do you remember Ernie over in accounting?

Well, he swears by this service. Of course he lives in Maryland now, but this

woman set him up with his wife. He came back changed. Ah, here we go.” He

pulled out a business card and handed it to her. “Maybe this woman can help you,

too. But whatever you do this weekend, I order you to leave the laptop here.”

“Yeah, right.” She fingered the embossed rectangle. 1Night Stand, Madame

Evangeline. Let a 1Night Stand change your life. Then she schlepped back to her

office with the card in hand. Adam meant well, but she wasn’t the kind of girl to

have a one-night stand.

She plopped into her chair and stared at the business card. No phone number

or address. Only a website and email. She typed in the internet info. A beautiful,

fully interactive website appeared. Apparently some kind of matchmaker goddess

like that woman on E! Television, Eve found matches for the most unlikely pairs.

Humph. I wonder if she can find the counterparts to the orphaned socks in my

laundry, too?

Pages of testimonials, happy couples, and beautiful locations filled the screen.

Why couldn’t she do this? She had her Christmas bonus, and thanks to the first

quarter numbers with Palmer, it was substantial. At least the asshole had done

something for her besides ruin her life. Rumor had it he was starting his own

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company and running it out of his home to be closer to his family. Glad he got to

keep his homelife intact while her life got flushed down the crapper.

Rubbing her face, she sighed. “I can’t do this. It’s ridiculous.”

She needed to go to home and spend the long weekend watching depressing

Nicholas Sparks movies and drinking her six bottles of wine from Christmas.

Apparently none of her friends knew her anymore, so they’d gotten her booze, the

generic workaholic gift. If she drank all that wine, she might end up an alcoholic.

Shit. What kind of epiphany was that going to get her?

The light on her instant message bar blinked. Her stomach churned.

JRivers. Her teeth cut into her lower lip, and the metallic taste of blood filled

her mouth.

Sorry to bother you again. I forgot to ask. Would you like to take Snickers?

Ann is allergic to cats and I can’t keep him. I thought I’d give you first right of

refusal. I can bring him by any time this weekend. Just let me know.

Large teardrops fell into Mel’s lap as she braced her head with her hands.

Jason loved that cat—she did, too. He’d had him since college, and now because

of their split, he had to give up Snickers for that idiot—Ann.

Why did people have to give up so much? Compromise what was good in their

lives? Jason had stayed with her while she’d worked herself into a promotion and

out of his heart. Then he left.

She blew her nose and dried her eyes. God, I’m acting pathetic. Adam was

right. She needed to get laid. “I’m the youngest junior executive in the history of

this firm. I work hard. Why shouldn’t I play hard?”

Maybe that miracle-working Madame Eve could help her. She needed to try. If

Eve found her a one-night stand for the weekend, she’d consider it fate. If not,

she’d take Snickers and mourn the best guy in the world marrying someone else.

After pulling up the site, she filled out the new client form.

What kind of lover am I looking for?

Her stomach flipped with the thrill of finding someone new. Not the time to be

shy. She needed someone strong-willed. Otherwise, she’d run right over him.

Definitely someone hot and handsome. A devious grin reflected back at her from

the computer monitor. A man with a little kink could be just the spark to reignite

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passion in her life. As she pressed enter on her request, a sigh of desire escaped

her. I need to get laid worse than I thought.

After sending the email, she slipped into the hall. The whole office appeared

deserted in favor of the holiday weekend. Taking a quick trip to the restroom then

checking her mail slot which sat empty, she headed back to her office to gather

her things.

Cal, the janitor, vacuumed the large rug in the company lobby. He shut off the

Hoover when he saw her. “Haven’t seen you ‘round much since ole’ Palmer left.”

The tall man grinned, revealing a shiny gold tooth that gave him an endearing


She smiled back. “Yeah. The new boss isn’t so…demanding.” Or as


A flash of sympathy played across Cal’s features. “Is that what it is? I thought

you and Mr. Palmer got along pretty good.”

“Sure we did. We had that wonderful slave/master rapport that all good

relationships are built upon.” Objectively she had to admit a certain magnetism

flowed from Nick Palmer. Charisma, even. But she preferred the upbeat kindness

of Adam.

Cal chuckled like he knew something she didn’t.

She narrowed her eyes at him. “Spill it?”

He shook his head. “Ain’t nothing. I just miss your company in the evenin’, is

all. But, Mel, you keep that chin up. Things are gonna work out. It’s gonna be a

brand new year of possibilities. You’ll see.”

She shrugged. “Thanks, Cal. You get finished here, and go celebrate with that

jewel of a wife. Treat her right.”

He waggled his eyebrows. “Oh, I always do that.”

Mel smiled as she rounded her desk to shut down the laptop and pack it up.

Her email light blinked. Probably just spam. But she couldn’t resist the urge to


Madame Eve. Oh, God, she responded.

Ms. Manning,

I received your request and have a fully vetted client who is interested in

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meeting with you tonight. This is a highly irregular occurrence, but he finds

himself alone on New Year’s Eve.

After reading your requirements, I immediately considered a match with this

particular gentleman. He is a Dom and enjoys the harder side of intimate

relations, which could be very therapeutic to a woman in your circumstance.

In addition to him being what I believe is the appropriate lover for you, he

also lives in the Northern California area. I can reserve a room at the Castillo

Resort in Sonoma Valley for this evening.

Let me know immediately if this is of interest to you.

Mel typed a message with antsy fingers and pressed send. Five minutes later a

response came:

Your stipulations are met. A limousine will pick you up for your evening at

six o’clock.

Electric excitement coursed through her veins. Her breath quickened. A real

live Dom. Holy shit! What had she gotten into? The thought had her wound up

tighter than a five-dollar Rolex from Chinatown. Desire radiated between her

legs, and her behind prickled in anticipation. Discipline. Though her body said,

“Yes, yes,” her mind screamed, “No!”

Bondage and discipline. Definitely not ideas she generally associated with

herself. But the darker side of sex had always intrigued her. Enough to make her

moist just thinking about it. Not that she’d believed she would act on those

desires. But as this opportunity presented itself…it seemed as if fate had taken a

hand. To deny that rite of passage —whatever it was—would be to deny

something that had always lurked inside but eluded her.

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Chapter Two

Mel stared out the window, watching the hills of wine country roll by. Straight

rows of grapevines trussed to white stakes sprawled as far as the eye could see.

Even in the middle of winter, the beautiful scenery filled her vision, though the

barren vines reminded her of the empty life she tried to fill. She smoothed down

the hem of her little black dress. It still had the tags on it when she’d pulled it

from the hanger. The same dress she’d meant to wear to Jason’s birthday party

that past summer. The same one that never made it from her closet because when

she’d finally arrived home three hours late, all the guests had gone, and Jason

was packing his things.

A band of grief and guilt tightened around her chest. To wear that dress, along

with the brand new lacy bra and panties she’d bought to go with it, signified the

whole reason for this evening.

She stifled a giggle at the thought of the only man who had seen her wearing

the intimate items. A week before the party, she’d run out to Nordstrom’s on her

lunch hour. Later that evening while working on some idiotic analysis for Dragon

Boss, she’d decided to try the delicate items on in her office.

In typical tyrant fashion, Palmer barged in without knocking and got an eyeful.

His fine Hugo Boss pants had tented like a Ringling Bros. show. She laughed out

loud at the memory of his stunned face flushed with embarrassment. Whether

from seeing her half naked or his strong reaction, she couldn’t tell. For the only

time in their entire working relationship, he stuttered and stalked from the room.

She went home early that night.

Neither of them had mentioned the incident. He’d found her attractive? Her

breath hitched in her throat. Thinking she’d put a chink in his armor of

professionalism gave her an indescribable thrill. A few short weeks later, she took

a week’s vacation to move into a new apartment without Jason, and Palmer had

left the firm in what the staff at Shelton and Bowles deemed an early retirement.

She wiggled her bottom against the leather of the seat. The soft lace of the

panties brushed against her ass, and she tensed. Would Mr. Happy New Year be

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as appreciative of her choice of underwear as Palmer had been? Would he

appreciate what was in them? God, Adam was right. I need a good orgasm to

put the past behind me and start anew.

The car picked her up precisely at six, which had barely given her enough time

to shave the important places, wash her hair and find something to wear. But just

a few short hours after contacting 1Night Stand, she was on her way to meet her


The limo pulled up to a beautifully manicured estate set on the eastern vista of

an old winery. The tiled fountain and circular cobblestone drive gave the

appearance of an old Spanish mission. She climbed the steps of the large stone

manor, tension coiling tighter with each step.

She glanced at her watch, and a sigh escaped her. Had Jason already

announced his engagement? Her heart sank like the setting sun, but the clip of

her lick-me stilettos tapping across the stone foyer cemented her resolve. He was

getting married; she was getting laid. Really laid.

Arrayed in dark muted earth tones, the elegance and sophistication pleased

her, and she swept her gaze across the thick carpet of the large open room. A

small bistro served several guests, while others milled around in floor-length

evening finery. Elegant streamers with gold and black balloons decorated the

front desk, and champagne chilled in silver-bucketed stands while tuxedo-clad

waiters served the libations.

She bit her lip as she glanced down at her tight black sheath. The small sequins

sparkled in the ambient light. Let the celebrations begin.

As if reading her mind, a tall man with dark hair strode toward her. “Are you

Ms. Manning?”

“Yes. I am.” She smiled, mildly impressed he guessed her identity.

“You look ravishing this evening. I am Gabriel Alba. Welcome to the Castillo

Resort and Vineyard of Sonoma Valley.”

He held out his arm in a gentlemanly fashion. She absorbed his compliment

and took his arm, feeling more feminine than she had in months.

“I will show you to your room now. Once you’re comfortably settled, you may

join Dominic in his room for drinks.” His green eyes sparkled with a hint of

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Dominic. The name Madame Eve had called him, too. She’d been in such a

whirl she’d forgotten to ask for his last name. What would he look, smell or taste

like? She would know soon. Very soon.

She tried to throttle the alternating waves of excitement and terror rolling over


Gabriel guided her to a large suite of rooms with a tiled balcony overlooking

the vineyard. She stepped out to the veranda. The sun had set below the horizon,

but bright copper and red flamed in the sky.

She’d hardly had time to think about what she planned, let alone come to

terms with it. Don’t over ponder. Just indulge. The evening air chilled her skin,

and she stepped inside.

She set her toiletries on the bathroom counter and brushed through her hair.

Examining herself in the mirror, she eyed her body critically. Hope he likes busty

brunettes with blue eyes. Then she turned around. Craning her head back over

her shoulder, she lifted her skirt. Only one or two noticeable cellulite dimples.

The lace of the thong rubbed her tailbone. An image of a large hand smacking her

bare ass filled her mind. She gasped and clamped her legs together.

Was she really ready for a spanking? Her eyes fluttered closed. She’d always

found the idea of a spanking erotic and had actually tried it once with Jason. But

it just hadn’t been in him to slap her hard enough. He’d said he hated the thought

of hurting her. The whole experience left her disappointed, wanting more.

She shivered. But this Dominic, she felt pretty certain, would have no trouble

hitting hard enough. At least if she completely embarrassed herself, she’d never

have to see him again. And thank the gods I don’t know him. But tonight she’d

get to know him, wouldn’t she? Intimately.

Erotic thoughts swam in her mind. She pictured him as slightly older, but fit.

Strong and forceful. Her cheeks burned at the thought of the special request she’d

made. Her sex twitched. Madame Eve made it a point to say he had no issues with

her requests, although Mel couldn’t imagine a Dominant would have any

inhibitions when it came to sex. She reapplied her lipstick and headed to Room

1467 down the hall.

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When she reached the door, she stopped short. Sweat moistened her palms.

She pulled her parched tongue from the roof of her mouth, and her sphincter

clenched so tight she feared it might chew through her new underwear. Her hand

trembled as she knocked.

“Enter,” a deep voice rumbled.

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Chapter Three

Mel sucked in a breath, and opened the door. The darkened room flickered

with the light of at least a dozen candles. She squinted as she walked in. The smell

of incense and roses wafted in the air. Her sight adjusted, and the darker shadows

of the space became visible. She scanned the scene.

In the middle of the room sat an oversized bed covered in black velvet and

satin. Her arms and legs quivered. A roughly-made wooden table stood with two

straight-backed chairs in the corner, and a tray of appetizing food waited.

She stood frozen, anticipating his appearance. Uneasiness stole over her, and a

shiver ran up her spine. Was he hiding? She began to turn—

“Do not turn around, Miss Manning,” his voice whispered against her ear.

She jumped at the husky sound but didn’t move away.

He ran his hands across her shoulders and trailed his fingers down her bare

arms. “Are you frightened, kitten?”

She tingled at his simple, but intimate touch. The heat from him radiated

against her back though he never made contact with it. Although she couldn’t see

him, his presence filled the room, and the walls seemed to shrink at his closeness.

“I’m a little scared. I’ve never done anything like this before, but I guess you do—”

His finger glided up her shoulder to press against her lips, and his soft rebuke

halted her rambling. “Silence.”

Her eyes fluttered closed. Pleasure and fear mingled in her mind and over her.

She wanted so badly to turn her head and look at him, but his commanding

presence told her she shouldn’t.

The spicy masculine scent of him filled the air, and his moist, heavy breath

washed waves of delight down her neck. “During this portion of the evening you

will only speak when asked a direct question, and you will address me as Sir.


Concentrating on his words, she strained to hear him over her pounding pulse

but nodded. In the dim light of the candles, her chest rose and fell rapidly.

Excitement and fear zinged to her extremities and every place in between.

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“There’s nothing to be frightened of.”

He trailed his tongue from her earlobe down to her nape. She gasped and

tensed her shoulders as he nipped and sucked the sensitive skin on her neck.

Goose bumps covered her from head to toe. Her nipples hardened and throbbed.

The mystery of him enticed her as much as his touch and scent.

He slid his hand slowly over her stomach. She melted back against him, the

heat of him wrapping around her, instant, carnal and very real. Throbbing need

pulsed between her legs, replacing the chill of fear.

“I’m going to remove your dress.”

“Okay.” The word whooshed from her. Her head spun and she swayed, almost

losing her balance. Is this really happening? His velvet baritone held a familiar

lilt she couldn’t place, but surely if she’d heard that sexy sound before, she’d

remember. Right then, she was so aroused it could be her high school boyfriend

and she wouldn’t know—or care.

“Okay, what?”

She tensed at his rebuke. “Okay, Sir.”

“You have enough discipline coming this evening for past transgressions, Miss

Manning. Let’s not complicate matters by increasing their number. All right?”

“All right, Sir.” She sucked in a breath at the mention of punishment. What

would he do to her? She had stipulated mild discipline, but what did that mean to


He moved his hands from her abs upward, smoothing his palms across her

breasts, grazing her nipples with every finger as he passed over the fabric of her

dress. A long breath blew from her lips, and liquid desire gushed between her


He trailed his fingers to her back and unzipped the dress, allowing it to fall to

the floor with a whisper. The cool air of the room played across her bare skin. The

vulnerability of her position built a pressure in her stomach not unlike the

apprehension she suffered before her yearly employment evaluation.

Pulling her back against his bare chest, his arms slipped around her waist, his

hands splaying across her flesh and grazing the lace of her bra. His touch

scorched her skin and desire for more flooded her. She ran a hand over his

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forearms. The fine masculine hair stood at her touch, and he sighed into her ear.

A solid mass of muscle supported her back. His touch seared like magic. What

did he look like? If he could make her feel so sexy and aroused, did his

appearance even matter?

“You’re lovely. A beautiful woman. Why don’t we sit while you still can?” He

chuckled and led her to one of the chairs.

Standing behind her, he spoke, “Tonight I’m the giver. You’re the receiver. I’m

in control.” Clearly seeking her affirmation, he clasped her shoulder and hovered

over her.

She nodded.

“If at any time you need the scene to stop, you can use a safe word. Once the

safe word is used, the act will be terminated. Use the word at your discretion. It

should be an expression that can’t be construed in any other way but to mean


He shifted behind her, and she tried to see him from her peripheral vision.

“What word do you choose?”

Mel said the first nonsexual thing that came to mind. “Imperial Oats,” hastily

adding, “Sir.”

Silence lingered, and though she couldn’t see his face, she wondered if a smile

spread across it.

“All right. The evening will be divided into two parts. The first being discipline.

The second being desire. Miss Manning, do you suppose discipline to be


“No, Sir. I guess not.”

“Good. Then you understand discipline is to elicit a response, and it won’t

always be pleasant.”

She faced forward, but the muscles in her neck burned to turn her head. Just

to get one good look at the man.

“After your discipline, you can forego desire if you wish.” He leaned over and

whispered in her ear. “Or you can partake of my passion that will—I assure you

bring you to completion.” Her already hardened nipples throbbed painfully as his

lips feathered over her ear.

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He stepped in front, towering over her.

Goose bumps rose over her arms as she took in the sight of him. Simple black

dress pants with a black leather belt met her at eye level, along with a healthy

bulge that expressed his enjoyment of the evening thus far. She drew her gaze up

from his hips, past his trim waist and abs. The golden muscles of his shoulders

and chest rippled in the flickering light. He flipped the other chair around and sat

backward in it, resting his powerful arms over the top. Her mouth dried at his

supreme form. But her sight fixed in intrigue over his face.

A black silk mask like Zorro’s completely covered him from his nose to the top

of his head and tied like a scarf in the back. Small amounts of dark hair and

sideburns escaped from under the sides, and piercing gray eyes stared intently at

her. Familiar eyes that—

“There will be three parts to the punishment tonight. One, you will lower

yourself over my lap, and I will spank you with my hand.” He leaned forward in

the chair and licked his ruby red lips. Had he been eating strawberries?

“Two, you will strip and be bound to the bed by these silk ties.” His stormy

gaze pierced her, his voice a soft growl. “Are you familiar with this technique,

little kitten?”

“Not personally, Sir. But I think I understand the concept.” Something familiar

and forbidden about him danced on the edges of her mind. If she just had a

minute to think, she could figure it out, but she had to concentrate on what he


“After tonight you certainly will.” He held strips of soft black fabric up for her

to examine. She took them and slid them through her fingers. Visions of her

naked and restrained on the bed while he teased her swam in her mind, almost

drowning her. He cleared his throat. She shook the thoughts away and handed

the ties back.

“I believe you’ve made a special request this evening. Is that correct?” A sly

smile spread over his face.

Her clit throbbed. “Yes, Sir.”

“And what is that request?”

Shit. Her face flamed. He was going to make her say it. Out loud! She took a

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shaky breath. He continued to stare, unrelenting. She ducked her face and

mumbled, “I requested oral sex, Sir.”

“Then we’ll use bondage time for that.” The vibrations of his hushed voice slid

over her, touching private places. “Be warned, little kitten, when the time comes,

you will speak.”

Oh, God. Ready to give him free reign, she’d almost climaxed right there in the

chair. Lust flowed from him in rolling waves that crashed like magma into her.

Then she saw the paddle. A lump formed in her throat, and her butt tensed. Heat

flooded her cheeks—both sets.

He smacked the supple leather against his palm, the sound cracking through

the quiet room. “This is my thou-shalt-not paddle. It has the ability to reach a

person’s innermost thoughts.”

He passed it to her. Her hand shook as if she had Parkinson’s when she took it.

She lightly tapped the bonded leather against her palm, the sound as fearsome as

the sting. Yep. That would hurt like a son of a bitch with the slightest amount of


“During the third part of your discipline, you will truthfully answer my

questions or receive this paddle on your bare bottom until you do.”

Her mind twisted with fear. What would he want to know? How much pain

could she withstand before she spilled her guts? Then again, she didn’t really

have anything to hide.

“Tears, screaming, and wiggling will not save your behind, Miss Manning.

Only the safe word or complete release will stop the paddling.”

The soft sound of his voice did nothing to mask the harsh reality of his words.

Dread snaked down her spine, but she’d signed up for this. Hell or high water,

she would press on. He held out his large hand. She handed the paddle back to

him. Her stomach knotted, but her clit continued to tingle. So did her ass.

Without warning, he pulled her up from the chair and took it for himself. She

gasped at the suddenness and his firm grip. Seating her sideways on his lap, he

cradled her head and slowly leaned in for a kiss. The hard mass between his legs

pressed into her bottom. She was panting before he even neared her lips, but

when their mouths met, electricity coursed through her like a circuit of harnessed

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power. The buzz hummed through skin, muscle, and bone as his warm lips

insisted on having their own way. Deep and lush, his kiss engulfed her senses. A

velvet hand trailed along her hip and down her thigh, holding her securely with

the other arm.

She sighed into his mouth and laced her arms around his neck, pulling her

flush with his chest. His heart beat fast and strong against her, and he moaned.

Dominic ended the kiss and nuzzled her hair. “I look forward to hearing you

purr, little kitten. Do you want to experience that pleasure tonight?”

“Oh. Yes. Sir.” Desire burst into flames, scorching her. How could she get any

hotter? She wanted him immediately.

The straight line of his nose became visible as the candlelight illuminated his

mask in a soft glow. With his face so close, the smooth texture of his lower cheek

and jaw revealed he’d shaved recently. Cupping her hand at his neck, she pulled

him toward her so she could connect in another kiss.

He twisted his head from her fingers and pierced her with the steel gray stare

that peered down all too familiarly. She dropped her hand and her gaze and

gulped, trying to place those eyes.

“Do you have any questions?”

“Why are you masked, Sir?”

“It’s easier to find relief in anonymity than with someone you can identify

with.” His voice still husky, he reverently cupped her breast, stroking the nipple

with his thumb. “When your punishment is over, I’ll fuck you into another


His words crashed into her like erotic bullets. Throwing her head back, she

blew out a loud sigh. Her head spun, but there was something her muddled mind

was missing.

“Any other questions?”

She slowly shook her head. “No, Sir.”

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Chapter Four

Dominic helped Mel up from his lap, and she stood between his legs. Shyness

overcame her. She dropped her gaze to the floor.

“Why are you in need of punishment, little kitten?”

His soft tone contradicted the harsh reality soon to come and she had to strain

to hear. Her sex twitched, and her breath caught. “I’ve skewed my priorities and

messed up my life. Because of my demanding job, I’ve forgotten those who are

most important to me—my friends, family and ex-boyfriend who left me, Sir.”

He sat tall and straight as he drummed his fingers on her hips. “And what do

you intend to do about this bad behavior?”

“I hope to reorganize my life so I can spend quality time with those I love.

Including drinks once a month with my best friend, calling my parents once a

week, and never again missing a previously planned engagement because of my

job, Sir.”

He nodded once. “There is still the current outstanding balance to settle,


“Yes, Sir.” A spanking. More wetness drenched the lace of her panties.

“Then let’s get on with it. Bend over my lap.”

The authority of his deep voice sent ripples of fear and excitement from her

butt cheeks and over the rest of her.

She swallowed hard as his strong hand guided her across his thighs. His

erection dug into her hip. At least she knew he was turned on, too. Difficult to tell

by looking at the stern set of his jaw. But his firm cock told the story.

He smoothed his hand over her behind that lay bare except for the thin string

of her thong. “Spread your legs.”

Always a whisper. She parted them slightly, and he slipped his fingers

between the folds slickened with desire. He lightly circled her clit. Pure pleasure

rippled through her. She moaned and arched off his leg with her palms flat

against the floor.

“Kitten. You’re so ready for me, aren’t you?”

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“Oh, yes.”

He landed a sound blow squarely across her ass, his fingers, coated with her

arousal, leaving a wet band. And then another smack. “Yes, what?”

Snapped out of her lust by the loud crack and the painful slap, she flinched.

“Yes, Sir.”

Maneuvering her like a doll, he placed a forearm over the small of her back at

her waist, tucking his fingers snugly under her hip, effectively locking her in place

with her bottom in prime position for a thorough spanking. Her toes barely

touched the floor. He smoothed the other hand over her ass.

She shuddered. Her hair hung around her face, shielding her as he began a

brisk but methodical barrage on her butt cheeks. Smacking each one in

succession, he lit her ass on fire, and tears pooled in her eyes from the slow burn.

“Do you intend to reset your priorities, Miss Manning?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Do you intend to ignore your friends and family with your work anymore?”


“No, Sir.” She wiggled to free herself from the bombardment, but his arm

clamped tighter.

His pace increased, and her answers became more desperate. His hand popped

her bare flesh, abusing her butt that stung like all fucking hell. “Oww.”

“Will you forget to call your mother or father on their birthdays?” Smack.

“How did you know, Sir?”

Smack. Smack. Smack.

“Oww! Please, Sir, stop. Please stop.” Her cries filled the room. “I promise. I

promise I’ll never let work come between me and my family again.”

His flurry of strikes ended as quickly as they began, and a gush of arousal

flowed between her legs. He slid his hand across her flaming ass. Tingles shot to

the front of her core. She pressed her clit into his flexed thigh and ground against


He laughed, the cool, deep tone reverberating through her. “Behave, little

kitten.” He lifted her from his knee and handed her a Kleenex. He stroked her

behind, and with each touch, her body buzzed and begged for more. In spite of

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the pain and tears he’d caused or maybe because of them, she leaned over and

stole a quick but deep kiss. And he let her.

Pulling from her lips, his voice rasped against her cheek. “Strip.” His fingers

slid under the lace of her panties, and he stretched the fabric from her hip then

let it pop back in place.

He leaned back in his chair and watched her reach around and unhook her bra.

Seductively she lowered the straps, letting the thin lace fall free from her breasts.

He licked his lips, and his chest rose and fell sharply. Her nipples perked and

pebbled in the cool air of the room and under the scrutiny of his wolfish gaze.

His manner carried an air of maturity, but his body showed no signs of wear.

The tan skin of his shoulders smoothed over a sculpted chest with just the right

amount of hair nestled between his pectorals. He emanated masculinity, but his

reserve spoke of power in check. Physically, he embodied her every secret fantasy.

She closed her eyes, allowing the eroticism of the moment to overtake her.

He clenched his jaw and leaned forward in the chair as if about to spring. His

enjoyment spurred her confidence. Freedom pumped through her veins. Feeling

like a goddess in a striptease, she turned her back to him, slid the sexy thong

from her waist and shimmied it to the floor. She bent in half, giving him a

backside view to remember. A low growl left his throat, and his hands fisted as if

it took all his will to restrain himself. She smiled, her body humming at the


When she turned and met his gaze, her breath hitched. Her own passion

burned inside her belly. Their chests rose and fell in rapid unison. She licked her

lips. Dominic’s eyes sparkled with a devious gleam, and he stood suddenly,

knocking over the chair.

Grabbing her wrists and cinching them with the silk ties, he forced her to the

bed and tossed her on it. She gasped. Brute strength evident, he yanked her

bound hands above her head and secured them to the wrought iron headboard.

Taking two more ties, he spread her legs and bound each to its respective post on

the footboard.

He hovered over her, invading her space and making her acutely aware of her

vulnerability. The restraints didn’t hurt, but a whimper slid from her. Unaffected

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by her response, he kneeled between her legs and lowered his head to her core.

Coming within a breath of her but not touching, he whistled a steady stream of

air over her vagina. She whimpered again, but not from fear.

“Tell me what you want, kitten.”

Speak the words? A furious flush covered her from knees to head. She lay

naked and spread eagled in front of him, but the idea of opening herself up to say

what she wanted scared her shitless.

Jason had been a good man and lover, but had never allowed himself freedom

from his inhibitions. Even though he knew she enjoyed oral sex—giving and

receiving—he never liked it. He certainly would never have asked her to say the

words out loud. He would’ve been mortified by the thought.

“I’m waiting, kitten. Your pleasure is only a word away. Tell me specifically

what you want.” His whisper felt like an erotic breeze against her.

Her voice cracked. “I—I want oral sex.”

He grinned, his white teeth showing prominently in the flickering light, and

nipped the inside of her thigh. “You do?” He spoke between each wet kiss he

placed on her skin. “Well, that could mean a great many things. Give me step-by-

step instructions.”

She strained to hear the quiet words, but all thought left when he licked her

inner thigh from her knee all the way to her groin, slowly trailing his way across

quivering flesh. Divine sensations fluttered low in her body. Not only the feel of

his mouth between her legs, but also the thought she was participating in

something so forbidden thrilled her.

He drove his heavenly tongue upward to her belly button, flicking and licking

it. She arched her back, the sensuous feel of him sinking deep in her skin.

Dipping his chest and rubbing it across her mound, he laid his head near her

breast and drew her painfully erect nipple deep in his mouth.

He sucked and circled the tight bud. A shot of pleasure exploded in her. “Ahh.

God, that feels good.”

He lifted his head. “Tell me what you want, kitten.”

“Your hands on my nipples are a good start, Sir.”

He made no move but stared down at her. “And what else?”

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“Your mouth….” She turned her head from his steely gaze.

“My mouth, what?”

“Between my legs, Sir.”

“Oh. I see. Like this?” He placed his tongue on the farthest outside point of her


She gave him a half-grin. “No. More to the left.”

He went the complete opposite direction. On purpose.

“No.” Frustration laced her tone.

He frowned and paused.


A hint of a smile touched his lips as he passed over her clit. She bucked up.

“Yes. Right there, Sir.”

“Oh. Did I inadvertently find something? How fortunate.”

She throbbed. Tension wound tight and the plea spilled from her lips, “Please,

lick my pussy, Sir.” Holy fuck. She’d actually said it.

“Ahh. Now there’s something I can work with.” He lowered his head and drove

his tongue in her, slowly weaving in and out, coming ever so close to her clitoris

then backing away. She panted. The feel of him tasting her struck a vibrant chord

and her inner muscles contracted, preparing for the release of all time.

He lifted his head and spoke with mock innocence. “Is this right? Is there some

particular place and way you’d like to be pleasured? And the more enticing you

make it sound the longer I’ll give you what you want.”

With the boldness of unadulterated wanting, she pushed her inhibitions down

and tentatively spoke words she’d never uttered to another human being. “Pull

the lips of my pussy open.” I can’t believe I just said that.

“And what else?”

“Tease my clit, Sir.”

“Tease your clit with…?”

The throbbing in her clit became unbearable. “Your tongue. Ohh, God. Lick it,

circle it, suck it in your mouth, Sir.”

“With pleasure, kitten.”

He splayed her lower lips with his hand and just as she described, teased and

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tickled his tongue over her engorged bead. She drove her head back into the

pillow and lifted her hips. With every stroke, she edged closer to orgasm. She

whined and gyrated against him.

He lifted his head and looked at her. Her eyes rolled back in her head. Fuck.

Why had he stopped? He pinched her nipple with his forefinger and thumb,

rolling it back and forth. “Should I also be doing something like this?”

“Oh, yes, Sir. And please keep licking my clit.”

“For what purpose?” He lowered his head and flicked the sensitive bud, then

lifted his head again.

She moaned. “Ah. I want to come.”

“Come?” He dropped back down and sucked in the glorious spot. Then just as

quickly ceased.

She puffed out frustrated breaths. “You know. Climax. Orgasm, Sir.”

“And how do you want to come?”

“With your lips on my clit and your fingers in my cunt. I want to come hard

against your face, Sir.”

He closed his eyes behind the mask. Drawing in a deep breath, he lowered his

mouth over her exposed clit and sucked more urgently. His middle two fingers

teased her opening, and she arched against him.

“Ahh. That’s it. Yes. Yes. Yes. I’m about to—”

He halted and raised his head.

“No. Don’t stop. Please don’t, Sir.” She pressed her head back into the mattress

and tried to lift her hips to his face.

“Were you about to come?” He sat on the edge of the bed.

“I’m about to spontaneously combust, Sir.”

“Mmm…that sounds good, but I think I need a drink.”

Her eyes widened. “What?” The words huffed out like she’d just finished her

five mile run. “You bastard, get back here and finish what you started.” She pulled

against the restraints.

A hard smack hit the fleshy side of her thigh. “Sir is the appropriate response.”

She gasped but then shut her mouth.

He grinned impishly and took a long, slow drink of wine. “How do you think—

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what was his name again—felt when you showed up late or didn’t show up at all?”

A lump formed in her throat at the mention of him. “Jason. His name is


“Right. Jason. You must not have loved him very much. Didn’t you say you

missed his birthday party?”

Anger ignited, and her eyes narrowed. “You don’t have any idea how I felt

about him.” I never said anything about the birthday party. Something kept

niggling her about this mystery man but chaos ruled her mind. She couldn’t

concentrate long enough to figure it out.

“Actions speak volumes Miss Manning, which is why we’re moving to the final

phase of your punishment.”

Dominic picked up his paddle and slapped it hard against his hand. Her ass

began to prickle again. He walked to the bed and laid the leather implement at

her feet as he untied them. A shudder ran over her. That thing is going to hurt.


“Roll to your stomach.” No longer teasing, the hardness had returned to his

tone. Her ass clenched, but her anger remained. He didn’t know a thing about

her. What did he think this would accomplish other than the obvious?

He piled pillows under her pelvis and hips and knelt next to her. Her ass

protruded in heart-stopping vulnerability. “Why didn’t you call him that night?”

Mel didn’t say anything. Truthfully, she couldn’t think of anything to say. Why

hadn’t she called him?

The paddle came down in a hard slap against her ass. The sting reverberated

through her. She whimpered when another landed, just as hard, and another.

Then in a voice more severe than any blow, “Answer my question.”

“I d-don’t know. I-I was working.” Her sobs echoed over the loud cracks of the

paddle that fell.

“Why didn’t you want to go home, Melody?” Smack!

“I was afraid. Oh! Please stop.” Pain pierced her bottom, but she couldn’t

answer the questions.

He paused. “Do you want to use your safe word?”

She took a breath and shook her head.

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Another crack. “Then address me properly. Why were you afraid?” Another


“Oh, God! That hurts, Sir. P-Please.”

The slaps stopped. “Tell me why you were afraid, Melody.”

“I don’t know, Sir.”


She screamed, “Okay! Okay! He was going to propose!” She buried her head

in the covers, unable to face the truth of her words or the revelation of her heart.

“You didn’t want to marry him? Why?”

The bed shook with her cries. Her voice broke. She begged, “P-Please don’t do

this, S-Sir.”

Another hard crack slammed against her. “There are only two ways to stop this

spanking. Tell me now! Why did you not want to marry Jason?” Whack!

“Because I was in love with my boss!”

She muffled her ragged sobs, burying her face in the bedding.

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Chapter Five

Dominic Palmer threw the paddle across the room in disgust. He’d caused all

of this. It was his fault she blamed herself. His fault her heart had broken.

He untied the bindings and slid them from her wrists. Then he gathered her up

in his arms, rocking her back and forth. “Shh. It’s over now. You’re forgiven.”

Her hysterical tears eased to hiccupping sighs and whimpers. He held her

tightly to his chest, and she clung to him.

“He’s married, and he’s not my boss anymore. I never wanted to admit….”

“Kitten, it’s all right.”

“I couldn’t tell Jason…. He was so good. I didn’t deserve him.”

“Melody, it’s not a matter of deserving. You were two different people, wanting

two entirely different things. That doesn’t make either one of you wrong. And had

it not happened, you could have ended up married to a guy you really liked, but

never loved, because you didn’t want to hurt his feelings. Your subconscious

wouldn’t let you make that choice.”

She raised her face and looked at him, her cheeks wet with tears. “How did you


He wiped them with his thumbs. “I didn’t. I suspected.”

“But you knew how to draw out the information….”

“I’ve administered a few paddlings in my day.” He smiled. “They have a way of

clearing the recipient’s mind and bringing the truth to the surface.”

A slight smile played across her face as he handed her a tissue and cupped her

cheek. She nuzzled into him, and the soft warmth of her eased his nerves. “We

don’t have to continue the evening, if you think you’ve had enough.”

With heavily lidded eyes, she looked up and purred, “You owe me several

climaxes. Don’t think I’ll let you off that easily.”

She pressed her lips to his, and he latched on, molding their mouths together

and taking possession of her as he’d wanted to so many times. The taste of her

tears flavored his lips, and his heart banged against his ribs. Having been in love

with her for months, could he go through with his plan? What if she rejected

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The rhythmic pull of his kiss parted her lips and he thrust inside, deep and

demanding. She yielded to the invasion. Desire shot through him, and his dick

stood at attention. Not that it had ever deflated. From the moment he unzipped

her dress and saw that godforsaken underwear—the same underwear that had

haunted his dreams for months—his cock had strained against his pants. Bracing

her shoulders, he pulled back.

“Tell me what you’re going to do to me.” The sound of her velvet voice slid over


“Let me see. First, I’ll lower my head between your legs.” She closed her eyes

and swayed into him. He suppressed a grin and continued his barrage of dirty

talk. “Spreading your silky thighs wide, I’ll lick your clit until you explode against

my face. After that I’ll take the head of my cock—”

“Okay. Okay.” Her eyes fluttered closed and she fanned herself. “Let’s do it


“In your room. I’ve had it specially prepared.” He kissed her cheek.

“Then take me to my room where you can make up for all the pain. I think you

know what I want. And if not….” She whispered words in his ear that ricocheted

in his chest and his dick twitched. Fuck!

Snatching a robe from the bath, he wrapped her in it and carried her to her


She unlocked the door with her key card, and he pushed it open with his foot.

A gasp escaped her mouth. The hotel staff had done just as he’d asked. Candles

flickered all around and rose petals covered the bed. He set her on her feet and

slipped the robe from her.

Again lifting her in his arms, he carried her to the bed and laid her like a

goddess over the red petals. She closed her eyes and luxuriated in the soft

flowers. The sight of her naked on the bed filled him in a way he never imagined.

He loved her. In their time together at the firm, her work ethic and drive

attracted him. As did her lush body and beautiful face. But her kindness shattered

his reserve, breaking through the hardness years of corporate ladder climbing

had built. No matter how gruff or foul his mood, she came with a smile and

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willing spirit to assist in any way he asked. How could he help but love her?

Looking down on her, he blew out a heady breath. Was he finally about to realize

his dreams to have her, to hold her, to claim her as his? He stripped from his

clothes and joined her. “As promised, I am now going to claim your pussy with

my mouth.”

He bent to suck her heavenly nipple. She moaned and smoothed her fingers

over the scarf that covered his head. He licked the sweet bud until she arched her

back. Moving to the other, he set his attentions on it, while he trailed his fingers

down to her cunt.

Sucking and pulling on the nipple with his mouth, he slid his fingers into her


“Oh, Dominic. Please taste me. I’m still throbbing.” Desperation echoed in her


His cock twitched. He spread her legs before settling between them. This time

no words needed to be spoken. All she had to do was receive. Cupping his hands

on her thighs, he worked slow, lazy circles with his thumbs over her labia and

lowered his head. God, he loved the sweet taste of her and the silky feel. He drove

his tongue through the swollen slit, savoring how his mouth slid across the soft,

hot flesh, slowly worshiping her. Licking and sucking. Adoring.

She moaned in ecstasy and pushed up against his face. Her breath came in

labored pants and her cries escalated, hovering close to climax. He slid two

fingers in her and stroked the tight channel. Circling and sucking her clitoris as

she’d requested, he stirred her until she spasmed, quaking under him. But even

as her clenching slowed, he continued to softly trail his tongue through her pussy,

lightly brushing her clit with each pass. She sporadically jerked at his touch

before she dropped her head back. “Mmm…that was the best orgasm ever.”

He moved next to her and gathered her against him. Warm flesh and

perspiration melded. His mind spun to give her pleasure. He’d provided little of

that so far, but change was coming.

Her face still flushed with the joy of climax, she reached her hands behind his

head to untie the mask. “May I?”

How would she receive him? He tried to breathe, but it hitched in his throat.

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Trembling like a goddamn seventeen-year-old, he nodded.

She pulled the tie loose. The concealment fell to the bed.

Her face paled, as if she might pass out. “Nick?” As the revelation set in, she

shoved away from him, slapping and kicking. “You bastard! You did this on

purpose!” Crossing her arms over her chest, she jumped from the bed, frantically

searching the floor for her robe.

His heart sank to the bottom of his gut. “Yes. I did this on purpose. So you

would quit blaming yourself and realize how you felt.”

“Oh, God! And you’re married.” Her face pinched. She pointed an accusing

finger at him. “You’re sick. You know that?”

“I’m not married, Mel.” He stood from the bed and approached her with

tentative steps. She found the robe and retreated. Damn it. There were no arms

open wide as he’d hoped. “I tried to put you out of my mind, but I found myself

drawn to you, forcing projects on you to keep you near me…and away from


Her jaw dropped, and she blinked repeatedly.

“The night I saw you in that underwear…God, Mel. I put a fist through my

office wall. I wanted you so badly. Thinking of you going home to him boiled my

blood.” He stopped and took a deep breath, recounting the memory. “I wanted to

force you to choose, even if only subconsciously. The night of his birthday, I gave

you that project, a reason not to go, and you took it. You’d all but said he was

proposing. When you didn’t rush home to him, I thought maybe….” He took

another step toward her. She took another step back, holding the terry cloth in

front of her.

Jerking on the robe, she snarled, “Well, I guess the joke’s on me because, as

usual, Nick, you got your way. Jason’s getting married, and I’m alone, setting up a

one-night stand on New Year’s Eve with a sick pervert.” She gestured to his

naked body as if it was an affront to her.

He flinched. “It doesn’t have to be like that.” He pulled on his pants and

continued his advance.

She backed up, finally bumping into the wall. “Shit.

Cornered. He grinned and pinned her with a hand on either side. “Please let

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me love you, Mel. Let me at least try.”

She turned her face from him.

He leaned in. “I took early retirement and started my own business doing ad

hoc consulting and graphic arts. You know I started out as a graphic artist.”

Whipping around, she glared at him. “What does that have to do with me?”

“I knew I couldn’t have you as long as I was your boss. And I was tired. Tired of

the politics, the long hours, the bullshit….”

Her features softened. “It always seemed like you thrived on the pressure.”

“I did. To an extent. Working with you put joy back in my job.” He stared at

the ceiling. “God, you could root out a market like no one I’ve ever met. You’re a

talented analyst. But then it became more. You became more to me.”

She glowered, but beneath the anger desire burned. “You think I should just

forgive you?”

He cupped her face and nodded.

“Why does everyone think you’re married? You had pictures of your wife in

your office.”

“Those were pictures of my sister. I admit I led people to believe I was married.

It eliminated gossip before it started and kept some of the prowlers away. I did

what I had to do to secure my success.” He lifted his jaw. “And contrary to your

sentiments, there are many women who would consider me attractive.” Bile rose

in his throat. Was he actually whining? Fuck! This woman has me by the balls.

“I never said you weren’t attractive.” She dropped her gaze.

He pulled her close and pressed his lips to her forehead. “I wanted to give you

a little time, waiting for you get over the breakup, but according to Cal you just

kept spiraling down in your depression.” He tightened his hold on her. “So I came

up with this idea a month ago. Asked Adam to do me a favor and steer you to

Madame Eve. I knew if I could get you here….”

She curled her lip. “You even had Cal and Adam in on this? Can I not trust


“Would you have ever admitted your feelings for me without me having to

literally beat it out of you? No. You would have wallowed in guilt and denial

forever. Even though Jason is better off. Why can’t you be better off, too?”

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She bit her lip and studied his face. Apparently, something he’d said struck a


He kept on. “I know you feel betrayed, but everything I did—I did because I

love you.” There it was. Out in the open.

“Love me? You humiliated me. You—you spanked me!” She sobbed against


He smiled and caught his tongue in his teeth. “You wanted to be spanked,

remember? I just gave you what you asked for.”

“No. As I recall, you—” she poked him hard in the chest, “—did not give me

what I wanted. Even after I so plainly spelled it out.”

“Ahh. Even after the best orgasm ever, you’re still bitter about being left hot

and throbbing? But didn’t I just make good on your specific request?” He cupped

her face. “Will you let me make it up to you again?” He bent and kissed her. “And

again?” He kissed her one more time then whispered, “Let me make everything

up to you, Mel.”

“And tell me exactly how you intend to make amends.” She narrowed her eyes

and shook her head. “Because the way I see it, we still have a score to settle,

Palmer. Where is that paddle?”

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Chapter Six

The look in her eye shot a chill through Nick. His shoulders tensed. “The

paddle is back in my room.”

“It doesn’t matter. I think I have something that’ll do.” She stepped to the

bathroom and returned with her hairbrush.

“You want me to paddle you again?”

“No.” She smiled slyly. “You’re going to drop your pants and bend over this

bed while I give you a piece of my mind.”

He gulped. “That’s not how it works, kitten.”

“If you want this kitten’s pussy tonight or any night, you’re going to pay the


His fists balled at his sides. He was a grown man. A Dominant. Almost twice

her age. He was not about….

“You know you’ve got it coming, Palmer. Let’s see if you can practice what you

preach. Or are you going to break down and cry?”

Damn the woman to hell! But she was right. If he truly wanted to make

amends and show good faith, he had to bring a peace offering. He’d known that

from the beginning. He just hadn’t realized it would be a piece off his ass. “All

right, Mel. I’ll allow this one time to make amends.”

She popped the evil implement against her palm. “Drop your pants.”

He scowled at her and turned his back to unzip his trousers.

“No, no, no. Turn around. I want to watch you bare your jewels.”

“Must you savor my humiliation?” He pulled his pants down with one quick


She seemed genuinely stunned and pleased as she slowly raked her gaze over

his more generous attributes standing in a full salute. She licked her lips. “It

seems you’re savoring a bit yourself. Does the thought of discipline turn you on?

What do they call people who can play either the part of the Dominant or the

submissive and still find pleasure?”

“A switch.” Fuck!

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She tapped her lips with her index finger. “A switch. Now that’s what I really

need to spank you with. A nice, long switch, and with all those lovely vines

outside, I bet we could find one.”

The little minx is enjoying this way too much. “Can we get this indignity over

with?” Apprehension rolled down his spine and settled in his ass.

“You’ll address me as Ma’am during your discipline.”

“Shit. You always were a quick study. My ass is in trouble, isn’t it?”

She smiled, baring white teeth. “Well, it wouldn’t be real punishment if it

didn’t hurt. Bend your luscious behind over the bed.”

Goddamn it. He hated when people used his own words against him. He

sighed and bent over. She ran her hand across his ass and the pistol fire of

passion shot through him. To have her touch him was heaven. To know she was

seconds away from—Whack!

“Shit! That hurts.”

Another wallop landed on his ass. “That hurts, what?” And another heavy


Christ. She must’ve been spending evenings at the gym. “That hurts, Ma’am.”

“I know it does and perhaps next time you try to take someone’s girlfriend—”

Smack. “You’ll think twice about underhanded—Smack—dealings and trickery.”

Smack. Smack. Smack.

He stomped his foot. “Oh, shit. Mel. Stop.”

Smack. Smack. Smack.

“This lesson will continue until you can address me properly.” Smack.

“Ma’am. Ma’am. Goddammit. That hurts.” His eyes watered from the pain.

“No amount of pleading can stop this spanking. And unfortunately, we never—

Smack. Smack. “—established your safe word.” Smack.

“Sonofabitch.” Smack. Smack. “Ma’am.”

She stopped for a moment. Is she giggling? He rose from the bed, fury

coursing through him and pain stabbing his ass like a flaming arrow. He had to

be crazy to allow a woman to beat him. He was the goddamn CEO of his own

company. Spinning around to meet her next blow, his rage softened at the sight

of her beautiful face smiling at him. She threw her arms around him and knocked

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Night With a Dom


him to the bed. “I can’t believe you let me do that. You do love me, don’t you?”

He brushed her chestnut hair behind her ear. “I love you, Mel. Can you forgive

me? Will you have me?”

“Oh, I intend to have you. All. Night. Long.” She punctuated each word with a


He pulled her up onto the bed next to him and winced as his flaming ass

caught in the covers. Based on the blows she’d landed, she hadn’t tempered her

swats by any measure. In fact, her shoulder would be probably be as sore as his

ass. Almost. He’d hit her firmly, but held back, not wanting to hurt her, only

bringing enough sting to help her release the guilt. His chest tightened and a sick

feeling hit his gut. He probably deserved more. “I’m sorry I deceived you, but I

didn’t see any other way.”

Tears sparkled in her eyes as she cupped his face. “You were a stinker, but

you’ve paid with your hide.” She leaned over him to eye his throbbing cheeks.

“Based on the shade of your ass, you’ll be feeling it a while. Besides, I needed

what you gave me.” Raising her eyebrows seductively, she smiled. “The spanking

over your knee was fun and erotic. Maybe we could do it again.”

He growled and nuzzled into her neck. “Anytime, kitten.”

She shivered. “But if I never feel the sting of that paddle again it’ll be too


She wrapped her arms around him and laid her head against his chest. He

sighed in relief. No amount of pain could’ve compared if she’d completely

rejected him.

“I do feel a sense of release, almost like I could fly.” She stared into his eyes.

“And you, kitten, are about to soar.” He leaned over and kissed her.

“Oh, Nick. I want to come again.”

He grinned and licked his lips. Reaching over her to his pants on the floor, he

pulled a wad of condoms from the pocket. They unfolded accordion style, the

length of his forearm. “I intend to use every one of these, and with each one you

will come gloriously. Is that understood, Miss Manning?”

She smiled and bit her bottom lip. “Yes, Sir.”

After rolling one on, he positioned between her legs and lowered across her,

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Casea Major


lightly pressing her into the mattress with a small portion of his weight. Brushing

her lips, he exalted in the feel of their bodies molded skin on skin. Her hands

skimmed the surface of his back and sore behind. He groaned and pressed his

lips more urgently to hers. His cock pulsed and twitched, needing relief. He’d

been hard for what seemed like hours. He slid against her pussy, rubbing the

hard bud of her clit.

She pulled from his kiss and arched her neck. “Oh, God.”

He dipped his head to suck her sweet nipple. Then with a slow thrust, he

pushed his cock into her. “Ahh. Kitten, your ass isn’t going to be the only thing

that’s sore.”

He lifted her hips and drove deep, his balls bumping against her ass. So hot

and tight. Mine.

She cried out.

He stilled, worry halting his passion. “Did I hurt you?”

She smiled. “It hurts. So good. Please don’t stop.” She thrust up and grabbed

his ass.

He winced and cried out. She grinned and panted. “See what I mean?”

The exquisite combination of pleasure and pain sent him into an uncontrolled

frenzy of fast, hard thrusts. In and out. “Oh, fuck. I’m coming….”

His groin exploded with pleasure that shot back against his ass in a million

pieces. She grabbed and pressed him deeper. He ground against her and she

moaned, a loud guttural sound from deep in her chest, so wild it shook her—and


Her pussy clenched his cock, milking their climax until they lay spent across

the bed. He rolled them together, his back landing on the bed of petals.

She sighed and swallowed loudly. “That was the best orgasm…ever.”

He laughed and tried to catch his breath. “Didn’t you say that before?”

“But it’s true. I actually heard fireworks this time.”

He raised his chest, his cock still buried hilt deep inside her. “It was fireworks,

kitten.” He bent and kissed her sweetly. “Happy New Year.”

“Oh. Happy New Year.” With sultry eyes that made him wish for instant

recovery, she gazed up at him. “I think each time with you will be better than the

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Night With a Dom



His mind and heart were settled, and he needed to take a chance. Take action.

“Then I see no reason not to make this—us permanent. Marry me, Melody.”

“Marry you?” Her eyes rounded and glistened with unshed tears.

This woman was meant for him. “You know me well enough to know I don’t

make decisions lightly. I love you and I want you. Marry me.”

“I never realized before how much I’d allowed myself to compromise with

Jason. With you I feel like I get to have everything I ever wanted— someone who

loves me, my career, and a man who fulfills all my fantasies.”

“Is that a yes?” He held his breath and studied her for any inkling of a


After what seemed like eternity, a broad smile spread over her face. “Yes, Sir.”

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Prior to becoming a writer of romantic fiction, Casea Major worked in the legal field for
a non-profit dispute resolution company for ten years. She is now a full-time mom to
three preschool children with whom she and her husband live happily...most of the time.
When she isn't chained to her laptop, she enjoys Cary Grant movies and crocheting.

You can visit Casea at:


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