Masturbacja Poradnik Jacking Off Tips cz 2

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Jacking Off Tips 2006

An Archive Page of Viewer

Masturbation Technique and Method Suggestions

from the Site

-- January 3, 2006

My Method

I know we all have different ways to stimulate ourselves by
playing with our peniss. Over the years I have used many of the
methods listed but currently I use this one method most of the time
with some combination of the full grip method up and down on the
the penis.

I'm cut 6 1/2 and tend to masturbate daily. I use lube (vaseline). I'm
53 and a long time masturbator. I use the full grip method with my
penis lubed with vaseline and rub my penis back and forth like the
action of a washing machine. This method gets me hard, keeps me
hard for extended masturbation and I can step up the speed or slow
it down depending on the expected result. Also I can change to the
more traditional up and down full grip if desired.

I find this method great for edging and masturbating.

-- January 6, 2006

Using a round pillow

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This is the best technique I have enjoyed. We use a round pillow
usually watching TV or reading. Just do one thing! Make a hole in
it around and remove the cotton or sponge it has and then use 2
pillows with a bra strapped on it and fluffy clothes filled instead of
real boobs. Then cover it up with a gown or a nighty. Ur virtual
woman is ready for sex. Squeeza the boobs with ur hands and fuck
her with ur penis. Just try it out!

-- January 7, 2006

stop n go

i like to my thumb on top and other four fingers on bottom and go
and just before you are about to ejaculate then stop and put your
hands behind your head. Then when you start to get soft then
restart go about 3-5 times then finish her off. It makes more cum
come out.

-- January 9, 2006

Foreskin Ring

For those who are uncircumcised and blessed with a long foreskin
(like myself!). Without touching the shaft of the penis, use the
thumb & forefinger to rub the foreskin back and forth over the
head of the penis. This method usually results in the release of a
significant amount of pre-cum prior to intense ejaculation. For
uncircumcised men this is a basic masturbation technique and does
not require the use of lubrication. If you are circumcised, lubricant
is necessary.

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-- January 9, 2006

towel and plastic bag

get two bath towels. put one in hot water. real hot. ring out then
fold in half long way. take plastic bag like the one the daily paper
comes in. lay across towel. then roll the towel up. not to tight. you
can insert round object like broom handle to keep the towel from
wrapping to tight. After towel is rolled up take open end of plastic
bag and fold back over end of towel. fill with you favorite lube.
take other dry towel and wrap around wet hot towel. put it into a
bucn of pillows. Insert you pennis. wowow just like the real thing!

-- January 12, 2006


I like to lay on my back during masturbation. As I begin to get
close to ejaculation, I like to bend my knees and put the heels of
my feet together. When I start to get very close, I start to move my
knees up and down; this increases the sensation of my orgasm
quite intensely to the point where I need to stop. Hope I described
this well.

{Also, your model is doing a fabulous job demonstrating all the

-- January 12, 2006

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tampon masturbation

Get a unopened tampon, the bigger the better. Open up the
packaging. Insert the tampon into your butt and then mastrbate like

-- January 13, 2006

Rub between the thighs

This works best while lying on your back or sitting slightly
upright. Place 2 or 3 fingers between half way, and the base of
your penis. Slightly move your thighs apart, then push the penis
down gently, and close your thighs around the penis. Make sure
you only push your penis down so far that even when your thighs
are closed, it can 'spring' back up on its own. Once you practice
you can build up rhythm. When ejaculating try holding the penis
down and opening and closing your thighs.

-- January 14, 2006

Re. Condom with Friend's Cum in it Dec

This method is probably guaranteed to excite most of us, but do
bear in mind that such close contact with someone else's semen
could result in the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases,
including HIV/AIDS.

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-- January 14, 2006

Banana Split

This Technique is where you take a banana and slightly peel it.
Measure the banana peel about and inch longer than your dick and
cut off the access peel. Then you should scrape out most of the
banana (leave a little at the bottom it makes great lubrication. You
should still have a little access peel left that cups your balls. It feels
like a real vagina!

-- January 14, 2006

Masturbation with Pantyhose technique

My wife's nylon socks, directly from her feet, both goes on my
penis like a condom. Being a feet addict, the odour additionally
turns me on, but it can be used by non-feet lovers as well. The
odour must not be very smelly (half a day used socks on my wife's
feet in a normal footwear is the best) but must have that specific
scent of a woman's foot. When I am about to cum, I just pull the
sock down the shaft of the penis so that the top is pressed by the
sock only, and watch the sperm protruding through the sock. This
is an excellent method for a long masturbation (it can last over one
hour if I do not use rubbing the penis, but only the socks' pressure
by pulling it down the shaft. The orgasm is very intense. I do not
use any lubrication, it is not necessary becuse socks are usually not
moving over the penis, but mainly applying the presure. Even if I
let the sock rub the glans during this type of masturbation, it is not
painful (but penis and sock must be dry).

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-- January 14, 2006

Masturbation without hands

I sit comfortably in an armchair and my legs are on the coffie table.
Balls are pressed a bit on the armchair's seat while the erected
penis is stimulated exclusively by rhytmic squeezing and relaxing
the pelvis muscles and anal sphincter while the breathing is deep.
Stimulation by porn photos is needed to reach good erection
without using hand, usually I use not more than 2-3 nice photos. I
usually hold a stimulating photo of a nude girl in my hands and do
not pay attention at all what is going on in front i.e. I do not look at
my pulsating penis, but at a photo.

This can last very long (45 minutes to 1,5 hour) and it is good to
have few days pause since the last ejaculation. It is very good to
preapre yourself for a very strong orgasm in the course of few days
prior to final act, by stimulating your brain before falling to sleep -
by touching your penis, and, thus, masturbating, but knowing to
stop before it gets too far. By doing this for 5-6 days without
ejaculating, and then on the 7th day the use of this technique until
the orgasm occurs leads to this that the penis literally explodes and
sperm may find its way to the most unexpected places quite far
away from you... First 4-5 sperm squirts are really strong, and I
would say, much stronger than when it happens after using
classical masturbation methods which involve use of hands. You
can prolong the masturbation by simply reducing the sphincter
work, and then continue after few minutes in the same tempo (10 -
15 time per minute normally, and when you decide to experience
the final extasy, the frequency should be highly increased, up to
100 - 150 sphincter squeezes/relaxing in a minute (you do not need

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to count).

The most important thing is that after the orgasm, when penis
becomes softer (yet it is always much harder after this than after
regular masturbation or a normal sex or felatio by a female
partner), it should be immediatelly continued with a hand jerking
technique for few minutes, very energetically, and achieve what I
call a second male orgasm within approximately 5- 6 minutes.
Sometimes my partner is doing this to me, or she simply continues
with the felatio (which is even better) which can last, again, very
long before final shot. So this is a very good combination of
masturbation and immediate oral or manual stimulation without a
need to rest or pause. Felatio after this type of masturbation is
much better to me than felatio only, because women usually does
not like to give a continuing felatio, especially if one ejaculates in
her mouth, so the sex ends soon after ejaculation, and I would
always like to have it sucked longer. In this way, sperm remnants
after no hands masturbation are only stimulating for a woman to
give felatio, and it is sometimes very, very long and always
incredibly good.

In case of my wife and myself, usually after this I give her a
cunnilingus, and while doing this I may become ready again for a
normal intercourse and so let her have her orgasm with my penis in
her vagina. And a vagina stimulated orally can do a hell to a penis
already very sensitive because of the previous experience. All this,
however, need a lot of time, so saturday night is the best time to
get into this.

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If my wife is around, then no pornographic pics are needed at the
beginning, it is allowed that she makes my penis hard by touching
it or simply I look her while she masturbates, so this is a good
technique for simultaneous masturbation.

-- January 15, 2006


take 2 or more Pellows and put them side by side on the bed or
location of your choose and thrust your penis in between the
pellows and keep pumping it will simulate intercourse.

Or you can take 2 pellows and put them side by side and put your
erected penis in between the pellows and pump the Pellows.

-- April 12, 2006
Kegel Motion

I discovered this in parochial school class as a high-strung
adolescent and it still works where privacy is an issue. sit or lie
down, fully clothed, nonchalantly reposition the penis for comfort
and unobtrusive erectness. Without forcing an erection, begin a
Kegel muscle movement at the base of the penis - the same feeling
as when finishing urinating - find the number of squeezes that get
you going. Stop. Begin again and continue this until ejaculation. In
most cases, I've had a non- erect ejaculation while controlling the
contortions of ecstasy. While none are the wiser the relaxed feeling
spreads and a stupid grin usually ensues. This procedure is also
recommended for prostate problems so I've been doing preventive
maintenance while privately enjoying myself in public. The

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messines can be controlled with a condom while anticipating when
and where.

-- April 14, 2006
ohh yeah

hold the base of your erect dick with your weaker hand. then with
your stonger hand get your first and second finger an rub the
underside of your dick vareing the speed

-- April 14, 2006
Wearing clothes while jacking off

Best thing to do while jacking off is putting on a black leather
jacket and looking tough, it'll make you so horny...and make sure
you touch your dick with the leather jacket sleeve...anything will
work a varsity letterman jacket with leather sleeves, suede and
lambskin will work too...just make sure your dick is feeling all that

-- April 16, 2006
Cum Taster

This technique is for when you want to taste your cum. Sit facing
towards a wall,legs straight out. Then, start putting your legs
parrallel with the wall,so your butt cheeks are touching.Jack off in
any SAFE way you can till you cum. It might take a few times
though...seeing as you need to actually hit your mouth!

-- April 16, 2006

Curl up a sock to form a donut hole (a long sock is best). Make

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sure you are lubed up and insert your penis into it. Move it up and
down as you lay on your back and you'll cum in no time. Have
some napkins near by so your penis doesn't get sticky.

Once you're done with the sock, put it in a bag to wash later (make
sure you do it soon or stains will quickly form on the sock). Hide
the bag somewhere (for those at risk of being found out) but be
prepared to have the smell of sperm in your room if it stays there
too long. To solve this, you should put the bag with the sock in a
closed box.

This is a great technique to do as you are getting undressed/dressed
or in your bed.

-- April 16, 2006
Camera required

I find the biggest turn on is simply to have a digital camera handy
(capable of movies too), and film myself working with my dick -
from different angles and positions. Just filming it is a turn on,
putting it on the computer and playing it back full screen is even
better. The better Sony Ericsson phones are good, they work in low
light condition, and transfer by blue tooth direct to computer. (As I
share the computer, and worry about someone picking my phone
up, I delete everything after.... but who cares!? the pleasure is in
taking the pictures each time.)

-- April 16, 2006

First start jacking off with one hand or two until you are almost to
the point of no return . Then start using one hand and use the other
to rub the space just under your testicals. Rub as hard as you wish.
It feels wonderfull

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-- April 17, 2006
I feeeeeeeeel your vagina...err ass

This is a great technique. What you do is take a T-shirt that you do
not need, and some vaseline. On the bed, or in the bathroom floor,
or on a bathroom rug, roll your t-shirt, so it looks like a snake.
Then connect the ends to make it look like a donut. Adjust it to the
width of your penis,and make the shirt walls tall, for a deeper push
with your penis. then, in the insides of your vagina put Vaseline on
the sides. Then Lay on the floor/bed with your penis in the t-shirt
hole, then put your hands on the sides of the donut shirt, and
squeeze to make it fit, or tighter on your penis. Start fucking, and
put your hands closer on the shirt to make it tighter, for a better
feeling. Make your penis head feel the sides of the shirt. In the
beginning, fuck up and down slowely, but when you get excited,
start to extremely fucking it hard up and down fast and hard. It
feels good when you say stuff like: Oh ima vagina fuck you so
hard, even if you dont want it! and stuff like that, as if you are
raping the person

-- April 17, 2006
Relentless Cummer

TO DRINK AND NOT GET DRUNK! You should lie on your
back with your legs straight up, pointing towards the sky. then just
jerk off normally and this way you can get every drop of your cum
(and pre-cum) in your mouth. I love the taste of precum, it is truly

-- April 17, 2006
Double Orgasm

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I usually have two orgasms with this technique. I use the regular
full fist method but as I stroke, each time I reach the base of the
head of my penis I add a twist so that there is more friction at the
head. Also, the entire time I'm stroking I tighten anus muschels.
Then as I reach orgasm, I stop stroking as soon as I start to shoot
cum. Then after about 4 spurts or so, I start stroking again which
very quickly leads to a follow up orgasm. It's awesome. Getting the
timing right it tricky. Sometimes if I wait too long before resuming
the stroking, I miss the second orgasm. No worries though, since I
did have one orgasm. And there's always next time to try for two.

-- April 18, 2006
panties gusset

I have been doing this for nearly 30 years now. Sometimes, the
cotton gusset in ladies panties is not sewn up at both ends. I have
found that this more often occurs with silky type panties which can
add to the fun. My favorite is to put my erect penis into the the
open ended gusset,ie between the cotton guset and the front of the
panty (which usually provides a nice tight fit), and using both
hands, grab either side of the gusset and pull it up and down the
penis. Alternatively, you can masturbate as you do normally
coming without withdrawing from inside the gusset. The silky side
can be used on the top or underside of the penis for different

-- April 18, 2006
Pillow on the top

This technique causes my largest cum loads ever. After the penis is
errect, lay on your back with your knees spread and slightly flexed.
Use both hands and rub the edge of a pillow up and down the shaft
of your penis. With your penis flat against your stomach, the

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sensation is very much like intercourse with a woman on top.
Thrusting the pelvis, working your legs and thighs adds to the
experience. As you feel yourself getting closer to the climax,
switch roles. With your knees slightly bent, raise both legs up into
the air; as a woman would do in spread eagle missionary position.
Continue to work the pillow. Keep the head of your penis just
exposed beyond the edge of the pillow. Climax with your legs still
raised freely in the air. This can explosive!

-- April 18, 2006
double hand ring

hold your penis like a cup with two hands then using the (wenis)
skin inbetween thumb and pointer finger rub the head. Vary for
different experiances (-_-)

-- April 19, 2006

place the rim of the underwear below ur penis to make the forskin
be pushed up and down by the underwear as ur rub it against th bed

-- April 19, 2006

While your penis is erect start fingering your ass at the same time
while jacking off to get a GOOD feeling!

-- April 19, 2006
slow and gentle stroking

The most enjoyable and relaxing method I have found is to sit

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straight up in a chair ...cover my penis with baby oil (keep it handy
for constaint reoiling..remember, the little guy can get sore) and
gently and slowly rub up and down the full length of the shaft and
the head in a circular motion...taking about 2 seconds for up and
return to base. I keep this up (and my penis which is hard all the
time) for about 15 minutes. Then I stroke straight back and forth
for several 5 minute cycles of slow (1 to 2 seconds up and 1 to 2
seconds back to base) and fast (maybe about 4 complete strokes
per second). About this time.25 to 30 minutes. my penis wqill
become semi hard....but more sensitive to the
masturbation.Generally, it takes only about 5 minutes of the slow
masturbation rotation before penis is hard again. I just continue the
routine. Generally for 1&1/2 to 2 hours before the need to cum
becomes very pressing in my balls. Then I just stroke away until
cumming.Do not do this and not cum. Believe me it feels great
both in the mind and on the penis.

-- April 20, 2006
Ideas for technique videos

I think it would be a fantastic idea for your technique videos to
show the guy cumming. I use the videos for some visual
stimulation while I masturbate and that would definetly put me
over the rop to a great orgasm.

-- April 20, 2006
hot stuff

you will need a large box of kitchen matches and a candle. first
you get naked and then you strike the matches under your penis
about 3 to 4 inches below it. It should feel warm and will tikle a lot
you will get very very hard. You keep striking them harder and
faster holding them as close as you can tolerate. rub your penis in

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your hands every few matches. the harder you strike them and the
faster the better it feels. you can strike two or three together that
feels good too. you can place the striking area of the match box
against your balls while rubbing it in yopur hands. you will cum
very hard. this works even better if some one else can light the
matches for you such as a girl or another male. this is very kinky
and very erotic. if the matches don't help then you can light the
candle and masterbait over the flame and or you can drip the hot
wax onto your penis. (caution) wax can get very hot don't burn
yourself use only parrifan wax candles as they burn a little les hot
and the wax will not leave any burns

-- April 21, 2006
Ankle Wankin

This is a good thrusting masturbatory technique. Assume a position
similar to the 'Squat and Spurt' position, but with your feet
together. Place the glans of your erect penis between the two
achilles tendons of your ankles. You may need to hold your penis
down and in place with one hand/finger. Thrusting toward your
toes creates an intercourse type movement as your penis slides
between your ankles(beneath the balls of your feet yet above your
heels). It will generally take one hand to stabilize your penis
between your ankles as you are bouncing/thrusting. This technique
will require lubrication, takes a bit of balance, and may need a bit
of practice. The ejaculation and orgasm are all worth it though.

-- April 23, 2006
alone oral

the basic idea is to suck your own penis. this is hard for ost people
because they are not flexable enough but if u strech every day for
like an hour you'll get there. I like to this when I am in the bath
tub(during a shower). while sitting in the tub cross your legs. lean
back so that your legs are on the wall of the tub then push your

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shoulders off the wall behind you while thrusting your penis
towards your face to get a satifying suck!

-- April 24, 2006
Rubber Mackintosh

My Masturbation concerns jerking off in a Rubber
Mackintosh/Raincoat I like my erect penis against the rubber. I
place my hands in the rubber lined pockets and feel my penis until
I cum. I am naked in my Rubber Mackintosh.

-- April 24, 2006
Tasting your own Cum

I like to go take a nap in the afternoon and stroke my penis and
balls and play with my nipples for about an hour. Till I have built
up a incredible load. Hopefully my wife will hear my moans and
come up and watch me. She then says you have been a bad boy
and you will have to shoot all of that hot cum in your mouth. What
you don't get in your mouth you will have to lick up. This is a lot
of fun!!

-- April 24, 2006
Use an Aneros prostate massager

It's not traditional, but I use an Aneros prostate massager for an
incredible ANAL orgasm. My whole body shakes... it's crazy.

-- April 26, 2006
No Hands Thigh method

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Kneel on solid surface. Apply lube to your erect penis and the area
inside the thighs that the penis will contact. Now squeeze the penis
between the thighs and begin to move your pelvis back and forth/in
and out so that the penis glides on the lubricated surface of the
thighs. This will produce a sensation very similar to vaginal
intercourse and will produce an ejaculation within a short time. It's
really hot to watch this technique in a mirror or on video. Look ma
no hands! I would like to see this added to your video techniques.

-- April 28, 2006
Latex .... feels superb

Buy a latex glove the one which doctors use.. Lube it up with
shampoo ... Then jerk off with that on using any method

-- April 28, 2006
The head rub

What you do is get a blanket. Then you want to lay under it. Then
you put your penis head right up to the blanket and put your hand
on top of the blanket and on top of the head. Then move the palm
of your hand in a circular motion not applying a lot of pressure but
that is your choice. You should start to feel a great sensation.

-- April 29, 2006
Mink coat

I once had a Chinchilla fur that I used. It was an awesome
sensation.Grip it lightly and move slowly...

-- April 30, 2006
Watch the orgasm

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Being in my mid 50's I think I'm addicted to masturbation. I love to
feel my hand move on my rigid penis, watch the skin move up and
down as the veins stick out while massaging my balls. As soon as
my erection begins I sprinkle baby powder all over my shaft. Then
I sit up in bed and slowly stroke my hard on as I feel the tight hard
ridges while my hand moves up to the head to give it a slight
squeeze. In a few minutes my penis is throbbing so I begin to
switch hands and change speeds as I jack off with a firm fist
sending waves of pleasure through my newly shaved prick and
nuts. Before long small drops of clear sperm ooze out of my
quivering penis head which I continually wipe off with a kleenex.
When a large sticky drop appears I catch it with my finger and put
it on the tip of my tongue. I love to taste my sperm. If I jerk off
with just two fingers and a thumb I can watch the cum drops move
slowly down my stiff dick and onto my balls and it is great to
squeeze my balls when they are covered with cum. A big turn on
as I stroke my meat is to use a well lubed middle finger to
penetrate my asshole and experience the tingling sensation as it
moves up my ass. Then I slowly remove this finger and insert my
index finger and move it up and down my ass keeping rhythm with
my jacking off hand. Now I'm ready for two fingers as my asshole
tightens when both violate the opening and move deeper and
deeper sending intense pleasure into my pulsating penis bringing
me to the edge of a massive orgasm. I love to watch my cum shoot
out and will stand in front of a full length mirror with a dark towel
on the floor, firmly grip my prick, and jack off rapidly. When the
orgasm begins I take my hand off my penis so I can watch the
white milky cum spurt out as my dick jerks up and down, my
knees grow weak, and waves of pleasure explode. Just before the
climax stops I put my eager hand back on my vibrating rod and
jerk off hard and fast which prolongs the sperm flow and feeling.
After the orgasm stops my penis will stay rigid for a minute or two
so I love to get some cum off the towel and smear it on my
disappearing hard on. Last, I will lick the sticky mess off my

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fingers and eagerly await for the next opportunity to jack off.

-- April 30, 2006

find another guy who wants to masturbate with someone. naked,
go into a shower or a tub and decide who will masturbate who. the
person being masturbated stands in front of the masturbator. the
masturbator works up an erction and then shoves his penis in your
butt while he jacks you off. this is DOUBLE YOUR
PLEASURE!!! your masturbator gets pleasure from the anal
interaction. lots of fun!!

-- April 30, 2006
Latex Gloves

You need a cardboard, or better a PVC, tube about 8 long and 3-4
in diameter, a plastic shopping bag with handles and 2 or 3 latex
gloves. Cut the bottom out of the bag. Fill the gloves with hand-hot
water and tie them so that the water can't escape. Put the handles of
the bag through the tube so that they project out of the other end.
Place the gloves in the bag with the fingers pointing downward.
Use the handles to draw the gloves up into the tube until only
about 1/2 still projects. Lube up and insert your penis into the nest
of hot fingers and pump away. you need to get everything prepared
before you fill the gloves as they cool off fairly quickly. The
feeling of those hot fingers and even hotter palms of the gloves is

-- April 30, 2006
the quick cum

first grab a sock and roo up part of it so ther's just a pouch of area

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on the bottom then put a papertowel in the sock and get your penis
erect next put the sock over the erect penis and grab thepenis with
one hand and the testicles with the other then start rubbing your
penis and cumwill shoot right on the papertowel and then just
throw it away

-- May 1, 2006
water bottle

get 2 water Bottle's and fill them up with warm water. Then put
them together nd insert your penis between them like a sandwich.
Then just rock back and for like you having sex. The 2 bottle's will
fell just like a virgina. BE CARFULL NOT TO USE KETTLE

-- May 1, 2006
Water Wings

Take a pair of kids' water wings, the kind they use when they are
swimming. Blow them up and use some glycerine, and you'll have
the best masturbation session of your life! The feeling is so sweet
that you'll be pumping up all summer long.

-- May 1, 2006


While stroking your erection with your dominant hand, stroke your
scrotum very lightly with only the fingertips of your other hand.
the sensations are exquisite! An explosive orgasm is only a few

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strokes away. Hope you enjoy my favorite, Danny in GA

-- May 2, 2006

I find that most guys would have a relationship with their cum if
they knew how. While you are jacking off it may seem like a good
idea to sample your cum when you have finished. But when you
finish, it isn't as appetizing as you thought. The solution: when you
masturbate, save your cum in a small cup or shot glass then put it
in the freezer. The next time you are hot and horney and you ready
to masturbate, take the cum out of the freezer and take it with you.
After a few strokes and the feelings are rising and you are thinking
about your cum, pour the contents of the cup or shot glass on to
your tongue. Alow it to defrost as you stroke. (NOTE: you will use
this vessel again when you cum this time). Roll it around in your
mouth... gargle with it. The joy is SO erotic you will almost
explode when you cum and it tastes pretty good after you have
done it a few times. As you cum, refill the shot glass or cup for the
next session. You will be one of the lucky ones that has a
relationship with his cum.

-- May 2, 2006
Underwater jets

Underwater jets on our pool sweep (two)could be pointed at the
sides of my penis. By moving them up and down opposite sides of
my penis and varying the distance, I can maintain a continuous
orgasm almost indefinitely. My balls withdraw beyond the base of
the penis. When I can't hold any longer, I put the head of my penis
above the surface, and it shoots several feet into the air. Even if I
keep it just below the surface, it shoots several inches out of the
water. My wife has joined me, and we take turns doing each other.

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Sometimes we watch each other do it, and other times we do it to
each other at the same time. An un believable ORGASM every
time, especially when coming together.

-- May 3, 2006
More on underwater jets

Yesterday I submitted a piece on underwater jets directed at the
penis. My wife saw it and suggested I tell the whole story. We
found that after a long session with the jets, resulting in a huge
ejaculation, my prostate was so drained that it had only one
ejaculation left in it without adequate time to recover. However, I
was able to achieve an erection and stimulate it to orgasm while
controling the timing of the final ejaculation. My wife, always
trying new things, got in the pool with me and started stimulating
my penis. She had become very good at this, and kept it going for
well over half an hour before I lost my load. By this time she was
quite horny, having had no physical stimulation herself, so she
invited me to bed. She was so hot that I had no problem attaining
an erection. Only seconds after entering her I was having a
continuios orgasm. She directed me to do what she wanted until
she had a huge orgasm Then we changed position until she
achieved another orgasm. I don't know how many times we did
this before she asked if I was ready to ejaculate. I said was ready
anytime, so we timed it to coincide with her final orgasm, and had
the most mind blowing mutual orgasm ever. The whole session in
the bedroom lasted almost two hours. We have never had better
sex. Since then we have developed many variatons on the theme,
all of the extremely satisfying. Needless to say, we couldn't do this
every day, but do it as often as we can. We even put a jacuzzi in
the house with special attachments, so we could do this all year.

-- May 4, 2006

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The Super Screw

This one is really simple. All that you have to do is to take two
pillows you don't mind getting cum on, then lay one on top of the
other. Then you lay down on them with your erection one the
pillows. You can guess whay you do then,. . . THRUST!!!!!!! In
case you are using pillows you use then when you feel an orgasm
coming then tense your PC muscle or quickly pull the pillows out
from under you. If you do this then make sure you are on a
hardwood or vinyl floor, NOT CARPET. This way it is easier to
clean up.

-- May 5, 2006
Shower Time

Reading about the Bath Tub technique reminds of me of my fav
one, Shower Time.

For best results you may want to remove the shower head, then
adjust the water stream & temp to your liking and then let the
water work its magic. I love to let the firm stream of water hit my
glans. oh wow, wonderful pleasure. sometimes i'll do it standing &
sometimes i'll end up in a squatting position while the water hits
me. and this always results in a hands-free orgasm too.

-- May 5, 2006
exotic pillow fuck

the best way to do this is to lie in bed with your boxers pulled
down to your ankles. at night, the sensation feels alot better when
its dark. get a pillow and roll it up tight then put a plastic baggie
over your dick and slowy insert it into the pillow, once you get to
climax, go hard and finish!

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-- May 6, 2006
Bottle bonanza

ok its hard to do but find a bottle opening big enough for your
penis and get it lubed up (vaseline is best) then put it in and thrust
you can even fill it with fluids first if it apeases to you

-- May 6, 2006
Riding on the pole

Fast,you need to find a pole object (ex:broomstick,Iron
pole,tube,baseball bat,pitchfork,etc)and put one end on the
table.Second,find a thick towel or bedquilt,and put it on the pole(to
be a saddle).Next,you can start to ride on the pole (like witch
riding broom).And then your penis will feel so comfortable and
exerction,finally attend orgasm! This kind of Masturbation are
safe(because of having saddle to protect your penis),and will cum
very much semen!So try it!

-- May 7, 2006

Sit on the toilet so your testicles are hanging just outside the front
of the toilet ring so it puts pressure between the testicles and the
anus. Masterbate how you feel comfortable, you may wish to use a
rocking motion'

-- May 7, 2006
Talcum Fun

With my back-hand I dust a small amount of talcum powder on my

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penis and stroke it with my fingers and thumb at first to get a good
hard on. After the hard on I jack it anyway I desire. The powder
will slip down to my balls and makes a wonderful sensation when
massaging them. When ejaculation is near I use a small shot glass
to collect the cum, sometimes eating it then or saving it to freeze
and use later.... Happy Jackin guys!!!!

-- May 8, 2006
Loose Masturbation Quick Ejeculation

You have to start off realy hard. Then do the basic masturbation,
but use no force for about 30sec.-60sec.. Then when ever you
ready give the penis stimulation and you'll soon ejeculate.

-- May 9, 2006
Lying on front using hand

This technique is quite difficult to describe! Lying on front with
erect penis resting in hand, rub penis against leg with a rolling
motion. As orgasm approaches use fingertips to move frenulum up
and down which results in ejaculation into hand. Semen then can
be easily swallowed if that takes your fancy

-- May 9, 2006

Lube Required! Take forefinger and thumb of right hand. Close
them to about 1/2 in. to 1 in. depending on how big you are ;).
place hole on top of glans, around the hole. Use pelvis to thrust
penis into the hole. -Never have had anal sex, but this is what ive
heard it has felt like.

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-- May 10, 2006
Tissue Wrap Rub

When you achieve at least partial erection, roll a few layers of
kleenex or toilet paper around your penis, making sure the head is
covered by folding the end. Toilet paper works best because it is
fast, adjustable for size, and can be done in a single, continuous
motion while holding the roll, like taping the blade of a hockey
stick. The tissue can be wrapped as tightly as desired for a
sensation of pressure, especially around the base of the penis. (The
pressure sensation can be enhanced at the base by adding a penis
ring or a simple elastic band.) Be sure to use plenty of tissue. Then,
put on your briefs or shorts and simply use any variation of the
boxer shorts rub technique (#10) to achieve orgasm. The purpose
of this technique is twofold: to avoid making a mess with the
ejaculate, and to be action ready while concealing the fact in
public. First, this technique allows you to masturbate in bed and
fall asleep without having to worry about cleanup until you wake
up. Eject and forget. In fact, this allows for you to do it hands-free
in bed by lying on your stomach with your penis sandwiched
between your lower abdomen and the bed, and moving your hips in
a humping motion. Second, I have worn such a wrap under my
pants while in public for extra excitement, and masturbated
surrepticiously in a restaurant/theatre corner if no one was looking
my way. In public, this works best with a combination of briefs
and loose fitting, softer fabric pants as opposed to boxers and tight
fitting jeans; briefs because they hold the wrap in place better if
your penis loses erection while waiting for the right opportunity,
and loose pants because it allows more movement and sensation
with each stroke, while concealing the bulge better. Clean up is
then a snap, since the tissue has absorbed the load; just squeeze the
whole wad as you pull it off and that will wipe off any remaining
mess. The advantages of this over simply using a condom are that
condoms will leak when the erection subsides, and tissue will
minimize the feeling of wetness after the ejaculation, allowing one

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to sleep or carry on in public. You may also find that you enjoy the
sensation of a wrapped penis under your pants in public or while
you sleep. -Hijackoffer

-- May 10, 2006
ass fingering

u can do it in the shower or on the bed, requires some lubrication..
put the lubrication over your ass and slowly insert.. while make
your penis hard.. as u get harder press finger deeper into your ass..
preferrable use the thumb, feels better.. u can do this sitting up of
against the wall in the shower.. stroke as u move your hip back and
front .. its a wonderful sensation..

-- May 10, 2006
Fluffy Best Friend

This technique requires a small purchase. You need to go to any
store that sells bean bags. Select a fairly large size with no cloth on
the outside, all of it needs to be the slick plastic material. When
you get home, find the zipper, unzip it enough to fit your erection
in. Then gently zip it back up where it is barely in contact with
your penis, NOT sqeezing it. Then you lay on top of it and thrust
away until you cum. Have fun!!!!!!!!!!

-- May 10, 2006

take a banannah make one slice down the middle, take the
banannah out and use the banannah peel as you shuff your penis in
and out of it while holding the peel w/ your hand. No lub. is
required because the banannah does that for you.

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-- May 14, 2006
Pillowcase wrapping

This is a technique I used to use when I was in high school. (I'm
nearing retirement now, and can't do this any longer.) Take a
pillow case, fold it lengthwise twice, so that it is about 4 inches (10
cm) wide. Wrap this as tightly as you can around your erection.
Kneel on a bed with your butt on your heels. Tuck your wrapped
eraction between your thighs and squeeze it between your legs as
tightly as you can. Now, by raising a lowering your butt, and
adjusting the pressure, try to get your penis to snap up and down
between your legs. It takes a bit of practice, but keep going until
you either ejaculate or your legs give out. Coming this way was
one of my favorites.

-- May 15, 2006
anal masturbation

my technique is to put my middle finder up my anus and begin
rubbing my prostate slowly at first but with continuing speed,
while vigrously masturbating. this seems to stimulate my penia and
give me a HUGE orgasm. maybe some pictures or videos on this
site about some of the suggestions would be good!

-- May 15, 2006
anus stimulation

this is the most erotic sensation. when you are jacking off with one
hand put the other han into your anus this will give you a strong
erection and you will be able to feel the sensation up your ass after
some time you will have a good amount of sperm coming ouy

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-- May 15, 2006
No Hands

I finally managed to make myself cum without touching my penis
or genitals with anything, (or touching them to anything!) I relaxed
on the couch in the dark, and dropped my shorts so my penis and
balls were just up in the air. Then I started to fantasize,
remembering the feelings and trying to be very aware of what
everything felt like when I jerked previously. I've done this before
and gotten so horny, that I ended up using my hands in the end, but
this time, I refused to give in. It took about three hours, and one
time I pumped with my hand surrounding, but NOT TOUCHING,
my penis, just to give me a visual stimulation. Then I felt a build
up - that feeling you get just before you cum - that lasted about
fifteen minutes, very slowly building!! Then BOOM! I shot about
four or five feet, and it just kept coming. Amazing! I havn't tried it
since, but when I'm in the right mood I know now that I can do it!

-- May 15, 2006
cum in your mouth

lie on your back and masterbate till your close to orgasm. think
about how good it would feel to suck your own penis to orgasm,
then raise your legs up over your head and bring your legs down so
as to bring your penis toward your mouth get your penis as close to
your mouth as you can then continue masterbating till you shoot
your hot warm cum into your waiting mouth.

-- May 17, 2006

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Sitting in a nice warm bath get a shower hose a get it running with
cold water and hold it against your balls and masturbate in any way
you want

-- May 17, 2006
Bubblepack Sensation

Into a can or container measuring rouhgly 6 - 1/2 high by 2-1/2
diam. thread a piece of one inch bubblepack about 11 x 8. Puncture
the excess and fold back over can top, securing in positon with
rubber bands. Lube the tube and you're on cloud nine. As with any
personal item,keep clean after repeated ecstasy. Most effective
item I've ever seen, and cheap. Can holds chocolate flavored long
cigar: shaped cookies. Goood Luck!!

-- May 17, 2006
Summertime BLooze

I live in an area with watermelon farms, but you can adapt this
with a store-bought one. several of us horny guys sneak into the
farm on the weekends, each find a nice plump, juicy specemin,
thats good and warm from sitting in the sun,you can get a few uses
out of it. and carefully cut a round Plug in the watermelon, slightly
bigger around than our hard horny manhood. carefully remove the
Plug and have your way with the melon, the warm insides of the
melon feels like a hot tight vagina, when you've spent your load,
carefully replace the plug, If the melon is still on the vine, it will
heal and no one is the wiser. ususally in the course of a summer,
we can hit them all. If you use a store bought, be sure to set it in
the sun for a while before trying. (guess you could use a chilled
one for variety) The hardest thing about this tecnique is keeping a
straight face at BBQ's where watermelon is served. (bet you're
going to carefully examine the next watermelon you buy for scars

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-- May 18, 2006
Pipe bomb

This is a great device I made when I was horny and I had a 11/2
piece of PVC pipe.I got a cap and sealed off a 10 length then
sanded the other end to a very smooth finish.When I had my
erection greased up I inserted into the pipe,it was a tight fit but
with the lube I jammed it balls deep.I found that twisting had some
pleasant results and pumping it produced a great suction that felt
like it was pulling the cum from me.The suction sounds where
delicious and soon I had a prolonged knee buckling orgasm. I
would highly advise anyone adventuous to give this try.

-- May 19, 2006
Glans and Frenulum Rub

For this technique you will need to lay on your back naked and
make your penis erect. Pull your foreskin back with one hand
(usually the oposite hand you would normally masturbate with).
Hold the penis with this hand at the base, ensuring that the foreskin
is held comfortably taught. With your other hand, use either lube
or spit to lubricate your fingers and gently rub the frenulum and
front of your glans to find a sensitive area. keep rubbing in a
motion that is comfortable to you. You may wish to alternate tehh
spedd in which you rub your penis to increase climax or pleassure.
Continue to rub until you feel the ejaculation climax apporaching,
speed up the rubbing to acheive ejaculation. Tips: Re-apply
lube/spit to ensure lubrication is kept up. Depending on what feels
more sensitive for you, you may wish to rub more or less of your
glans to increase pleassure. Usually there is a part of your stretched
foreskin that is more sensitive and is found just at the top of your

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shaft. Play with different positions of your rubbing hand to
alternate the experience. (an addtion to your ahnd making the
sensation, try this in the bath laying down with a warm shower
pulsating on the same area, turn the shower pressure up and down
to chanhe the experience) Have fun ;)

-- May 19, 2006
Panty Masturbation

Wearing a pair of panties. Full, up to the hip, nylon briefs and
stroke yourself thru the panty matrial ejeculating into it. WOW

-- May 19, 2006
finger tips

firsty produce as much precum as possiable rub your precum into
your glands then with your fingers and thumb out straight move
your hand up and down just jacking off your glads and tip this will
resault in cuming into the palm of your hand I then enjoy eating it
no waste

-- May 21, 2006
Stop Go

I discovered this method when I was about 13 yrs. old.

I get it hard and then relax the penis. I stroke four times and
stop,four times and stop, four times and stop--I do this perhaps 40
times. Finally I can stand it no more and have to blast really fast--
the ejaculation is very large and goes a long long ways--so be
careful where you do this. In the last few blasting strokes the penis
gets extremely hard--You will have a feeling you have never had

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before. I am 76 years and this is the only way I can get off now.

-- May 21, 2006
at class

Put a tight underwear,place youre penis in a vertical postion so
when it gets erect, then put your pants or jeans what ever and when
you are at class scool, with a full erection with youre right hand
under the table only begin to rub it up and down it will fill great
and no one will know what are you doing under the table Note:
When youre olmost to ejaculate ask permition to go to the rest
room and finish

-- May 22, 2006
Tissues Are Your Friend

I find this technique not only gives intense orgasms, but if you can
get the timing right they can last for quite a while. With a little
herbal stimulation it's incredible, although I obviously don't
recommend that anyone do anything that is illegal or is against
your personal beliefs.

Slumping in a chair or sofa works best, but sitting up in bed and
slouching down a little will give you the right angle. Do what you
usually do, but make sure you have a box of tissues handy. When
you start getting close, put a couple of sheets across your belly
right in front of the root of your penis for quick cleanup. I like to
create some sort of bump/barrier near the base of the penis, as
sometimes the ejaculate can get loose - you'll understand better
once you try it.

When you are close, stroke down to the base of your penis with
your dominant hand, then take an extra sheet of tissue and

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SLOWLY and LIGHTLY draw it toward you as it drapes over the
head of your penis. The idea is to stimulate the opening of the
urethra that swells during orgasm with the tissue. The portion of
the tissue that has already gone over the head will keep the
ejaculate from spraying all over the place, if you like things a bit
messier you can skip the dropcloth tissue, but expect a lot of semen
so put a towel under you if you like the upholstry. Again, the idea
is to create a subtle sensation, there are about a kazillion nerves in
this area and a little goes a long way, so slow and light is the way
to go.

I've also tried terry towels, but not any seriously silky fabric as I'd
rather not ruin the material. Different grades of tissue will produce
different results, I recommend trying a few different types out. I
prefer a softer grade, no lotion, although that's for allergy reasons.

Once you get this technique down, you can also use your fingers
clutching the base of your penis to press down on the top of the
shaft in a rhythmic motion, a bit like playing trumpet but with
slower and more deliberate motions. You can also press the area
between your sac and shaft to create more intense sensations,
although most of these techniques are more common.

Using this technique, I am able to occasionally have an orgasm
WITHIN an orgasm, and once I managed three. While there isn't
any additional ejaculate with the internal orgasm, it can make the
peak last for anywhere from 30 seconds to a minute or more. I've
never timed them, but when you're thinking you can't stand much
more I figure you've gone about as far as you can go. ;-)

As always, exercising a bit of self-control and limiting your
masturbation generally results in better orgasms.

-- May 21, 2006

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From female point of vu

I am 36 and divorced. I started masterbating aboaut a month after
my divorce. I had never done it before--I was married at 15 in W.
Virginia. We were married almost 28 years. I had a few
relationships, but none seemed to measure up.

One evening after watching a late movie on HBO, I felt horny. I
was in my nightgown sitting on a recliner. I felt myself. I
accidently touched my clit. I am not very knowledgeable--I finishe
most of the 9th grade. I didn't know it called a clitoris then.
Anyway I touched while spreading my lips and it sent an electric
shock through me. I gently touched it again and then again. Soon I
was kind of tapping on it like one would do a pencil on the desk. It
got better and better. I went faster and faster--I exploded. It was far
better than all the years with my husband.

The next night I got off work and took a bath and went right to
bed. I woke up at 1:00 in the morning and clicked through the
movies until I found one with actual sex in it. I watched the two
perform--just for a few second glance I saw his penis--it was realy
large. I had never seen anything like it. It was like a cucumber.
That gave me an idea. I went to my ex-husbands stuff that he had
left behind. I found a condom. I got a cuke out of the fridg and put
the condom on it and then lubed it with vaseline. I started slow and
then speeded up--it was fantastic. I got my first full climax. All the
others through the years were climaxes alright, but nothing like
this. I did it again.

After a year or two of this I bought a vib dildo- -now I can't hardly
wait to get home. I bought some DVD pornos at an adult video
place and I watch and use my vib. WOW! If I could only find a
guy that is hung like my dildo.

I only have to watch it on weekends. My 18 year old son lives in

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apartment with friends. He works split shift on weekends and he
pops in without kocking on weekends. Scares the heck out of his
mom sometimes. So weekends and my vib are taboo.\ Francine

-- May 24, 2006
do it with wife or girlfriend

my wife and I like to create new ways to masturbate and watch
each other. she loves to watch me pleasure myself and I enjoy
seeing her face when I orgasm. the other night, we were sitting on
the couch watching TV, I slipped my shorts and shirt off and
started playing with myself in front of her. her long blond hair
turns me on, so I stood beside her and wrapped my penis in her
hair and pumped it in and out. I gave her a new conditioner! what
makes the orgasm great is when she inserts a finger in my butt as I
jerk off for her

-- May 24, 2006
Between the matress and boxspring

Much like the couch masterbation but between boxsprin and
matress, hands free.

-- May 24, 2006
The BEST Female Masturbation

I have a dildo that is shaped like and feels like a penis. I put a good
amount of baby oil on the head of it and a small amount on the
shaft. I sit on my bent legs on the floor and position my dildo
under me as if I'm riding a man. I move up and down with the head
rubbing my clit. It makes me SO wet and it feels oh so good. This
feels like you are getting oral sex and is constant stimulation to the

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clit. When I feel myself about to cum, I stop and put the dildo
inside me and ride it until the feeling leaves. Then I start rubbing it
on my clit again. I stop and start as many times as I can until I can't
handle it anymore. (I usually can only stop about 3 times.) Once I
am ready to cum, I keep rubbing my clit harder and harder with the
head of my dick and I cum so hard. If my boyfriend is home, I
have to bite something to stop from screaming. I think I'm going to
do that when I get home now. Whew!

-- May 25, 2006
Pantyhose method

Put a knee high over your penis. Put on a pair of pantyhose
(preferably non control top). Lay on bed and hump the bed. It
works really well with satin sheets.

-- May 25, 2006

I like to jack off with only my 'pinky' and my thumb. It may take a
while to 'Ejaculate', but it provides an nice, log, fun experience. I
also like to use my full hand, but not as much.

-- May 26, 2006
Flick it

Hold your erect penis near the base with your dominant hand. Hold
your other hand palm down over the head, so it's not quite touching
the glans. Now with the hand on the penis, swing it back and forth
so it just rubs on the palm and fingers of the other hand. Make sure
the fingers of the rubbing hand are very slack and relaxed, and
you're only just brushing against them with your penis head.

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You may want to have sessions of this interspersed with normal
fist pumping. When you switch back from the flicker technique
you will feel a lovely tingling in your glans. When you cum the
sperm will go all over the place, so do it somewhere where you can
clean up easily.

This technique feels really great in the shower, with the water
cascading over your fingers and knob. Enjoy!

-- May 26, 2006
Its my style

I have a circumscised penis. My favorite position is to gently
massage the lower part of the glans. Sometimes I use a paintbrush
wetted with water at the base of the glans. It gives a better

-- May 26, 2006
Marathon Masturbation

I have only about three orgasms per week, but that's plenty. I
masturbate a lot more though-- several times per day. I love both!
My method enables it to be quite fulfilling. The thing is this: If you
want to do marathon masturbation, you've got to skip some
orgasms during some sessions; because after an orgasm (or two),
the whole show is over. Learning to make the journey as enjoyable
as the destination is the key to unlimited sexual pleasure. With
practice, orgasm becomes optional and can be omitted altogether
from a given session with no sense of disappointment. To prevent
myself from giving in when I feel it coming on, I plan ahead. I
decide before I start jacking off whether I'm going to cum or not,
and I stick to it.

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At this time, I'm only sexually active with myself, so it's important
to get the best out of masturbation.

-- May 26, 2006

hold penis skin tightly stretched down to the base of penis.
ejaculation happens shortly (motionless cumming). great visual for
the girls with camera/video recording-strong erections too

-- May 27, 2006
Cut vs Uncut

For all your techniques, would would be REALLY useful is the
difference it makes for a cut vs uncut penis. There's no doubt that it
makes a big difference, because cut/uncut penises respond to
stimulation in different ways. It wouldn't even be going to far to
have two demonstrations, one for cut, another for uncut!
Editor's Notes: Unfortunately, no matter how many times we
count up all the staff members and models around here, we
keep on coming up with a total of only 1 guy. In other words,
this is just someone's research documentary website on
masturbation. This isn't a company or corporation or anything
like that. So, I'll have to put that request on the waiting list for
a while.

-- May 27, 2006
Best Technique

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By far the best masturbation technique is Pair Masturbation. It is
best to do this with a brother or cousin so it doesnt feel gay. All
you need to do is sit side by side with them, each of you put on a
glove and jack the other person. It is by far the best ejaculation
ever. When I first did it I felt like I had died and gone to heaven. If
either you or the other person feels that its weird, just close your
eyes and pretend like the other person is your girlfriend or a really
hot girl you like. I promise that you will have FANTASTIC

-- May 28, 2006
Ball Thrusting

Make a Fist. Lubricate your fist. Stand at the edge of your
bathroom sink. Begin to thrust your erect penis into your lubricated
fist. As you thrust forward let your balls gently bump into the edge
of the sink. Adjust your speed of the thrusting forward to your taste
as you enjoy the sensations produced deep within your testicles
with each thrust forward imagine you are thrusting your balls
agasit your partner's (female or male) buttocks. Adjust the speed of
your thrusting and letting the sensations in your balls build until
you cannot stand it any longer. Enjoy your orgasm which will
beh=gin deep within your testicles and last qualitatively much,
much longer and feel almost like a real sexual intercourse orgasm.
It is the closest best orgasm to real sexual missionary intercourse I
have experienced.

-- May 29, 2006
rubber glove

lube a rubber glove, place it in a sock put the whole thing between
two pillows and fuck away. I have had many strong ejaculations
jacking off this way.

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-- May 31, 2006
Pillow Plastic Pleasure

Take plastic packing pillows for shipping products and fold them
over tape them together and lude the middle. Now place it on a
table or bench and insert your penis and thrust in-out. While gently
pressing down on the plastic pillows and watching the action.After
orgasm cleanup is easy.

-- May 31, 2006
Lube Technique

Be very careful with this one. A lot of lube needed here. On small
step latter, Spread a cloth, lube your anus and penis while pulling
your member under your anus opening. Sit on it while leaning
slightly forward.The anus opening touching the penis head. Gently
rotate buttock around the head without sitting full weight down on
the head and wow...orgasm. The lude prevents any abrasive
occurrence. Try it, it works.

-- June 1, 2006
Orbital Method

Not recommended if you wish a long, drawn out orgasm. Grab an
orbital sander (minus the sandpaper), switch it on and place the
vibrating plate against your penis. This creates a most intense (and
quick) orgasm. See how long you can hold your penis against the
plate once you have ejaculated. To add a little more excitement, do
it outside fully naked.

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-- June 2, 2006
one finger pleaser

Well I have tried this technique myself twise and it always works. I
use only my index finger when my penis is erect and I massage my
penis just right under where you have the connection of your
foreskin and your penis in other words right between the v part of
your penis it takes some time but it works because its the most
sensitive part of your penis and the outcome it great. give it a try.
you can use lubrican or no lubricant at all because of the fact that it
takes A while the orgasm is amazing and it follows with a huge
explosion of cum it's the best way to get rid of blue balls.

-- June 2, 2006
Frenulum Rubbing

I have just had the most intense spurting cum. I took my hard penis
and pulled the foreskin back as far as possible. I am a really wet
guy and drip lots of pre-cum. I just rubbed the triangle of skin
under the penis head. The pleasure was mind blowing and it took
me about 15 minutes of edging until I just had to cum. It felt so
intense and the spunk spurted and spurted in a really thick rope. I
usually just spurt or dribble not fun when your balls are as hairy as
mine but this was an amazing ejaculation.

-- June 3, 2006
The Chair

Sit on a no arm computer chair cross wise and spread your anus
with your testicles and penis hanging down.You are facing forward
with a slight lean. Now massage you testicles with one finger
rubbing pass your anus opening. Be ready to unload hard.

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-- June 3, 2006

Artificial Orgasm

This is dangerous and is to be done only at your own risk. Costs a
bit as well .Get a handheld TENS unit like they use at the
physiotherapists office, or you can get Dr.Ho's unit. But I payed
$30 for my GeneralElectric unit. The contact pads connect with
little plugs a few inches from the pad. I remove the pads and end
up with 2 electrodes that can fit into my urethra. I usually stimulate
myself for about a half hour before so my hole is good and lubed
with pre-cum. Make sure the wires, electrodes, and your hands are
very clean. You should use rubbing alcohol on the wires to prevent
infection. You could get a bladder infection if you do make
everything completely clean. Men usually dont get bladder
infections, so you don't want to have to try to explain what you did
to your doctor. --- I feed one of wires slowly in my urethra, about
3 inches. Then I feed the second one in, making sure to stay a
couple inches away from the other electrode. Only then do I turn
the TENS unit on, very low, just so I can feel where they are. I
feed the wires slowly in, about 9 inches for me (may differ for
you). You need to experiment a lot with the positioning, but when
you find it, you can turn it up to a strong pulse. I am just guessing,
but this electronic muscle stimulator must cause the prostate to
spasm as it does during an orgasm. It is incredible! I have had the
feeling of a real orgasm for almost an hour. Remember, you must
go slow and gentle. Slowly raise the level on the TENS unit too.
Enjoy this one!


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Editor's Notes: Just when you though you had seen it all...
somebody goes and gets out the "electrodes"!

-- June 3, 2006
2-handed squeeze

I enjoy wearing a penis ring, then lying on my back and start
stroking slowly. As I get harder, I encircle my balls at the base of
my scrotum, squeezing gently at first. I lube my left hand and penis
excessively,,, sometime urinate a little to add to the wetness. While
pushing my penis against my abdomen with my left hand perfectly
still, I use my right hand to masturbate,, actually stroking and
squeezing my balls... this moves my penis against my unmoving
left hand.. squirt lube (synthetic or natural) as needed for an
explosive orgasm!

-- June 5, 2006
Hand Hard Screw

First get up to your status, lube if you choose. Unless you like it
rough, get on a soft surface. It is sort of like the kneeling or sitting
on your heels technique, BUT .. spread your knees farther apart.
Place your hand on the ground out in front of you. Place you penis
in your hand,, & THRUST AWAY !!! You can do any motion you
wantt!! It is sometimes quick .. but ALL WORHT IT !!!If you
need or want, lean foward to get more of the motion.

-- June 5, 2006
Plunger Pleasure .......

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When I am REALLY HOT & HORNY I will sometimes use a
plunger. I don't know if you guys will think about this, but ! MAN
! it feel GREAT ! .. I start by rubbing & stroking my hard and
bulging penis. When I am ready I put some vaseline on the handle
end of the plunger. I get it fixed between two objects so that it is
tightly fastened. I lay on my back, and scoot till it's in my anus. I
move up & down & around, circular motions, and whatever else I
can do . The sensation of it being inside of me makes me want to
cum instantly, but I hold off. I let it g deeper into me until the
sensation is just too great to keep in any longer. My penis is ragin
with cum & fixing to explode all over the place.Then it finally
cums.. I jizz all over my belly & chest. The sensation of the
plunger is still there & I am left there trembling on my back with
my juices splurged all over me. IT IS GREAT !!!

-- June 5, 2006
two handed fingers only job

This is especially useful for older guys who don't have an erection
immediately. Stroke your flacid penis until it begins to show some
life. Place two fingers from each hand on the bottom side and both
thumbs on the top side, your fingers and thumbs meet together.
Slowly stroke both hands together as you feel your erection
firming up. Keep at it until you are fully aroused. You have the
option of continueing in this manner until you climax, slow and
steady pays off in the end. You will feel the tingle growing and
then you cum. If you may feel you want to achieve it faster so shift
to the full hand method. You will have to hold your erection tightly
and increase the speed until you feel the old familiar tingle then
you cum. Either way it feels great.

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-- June 6, 2006
slippery masturbsting

for this technique, go into your shower or bathtub and get your
whole body wet. then cover your entire body with soap or my
personal favorite, some sort of a fragrent body wash for women.
the scent of a good body wash excties me! then get into your
favorite masturbation position and do your thing, but for the best
experience, maximize the contact of your body parts so you feel
the lube more. it can be pretty pleasurable!!!

-- June 8, 2006
Nipple stimulation

When I was 17 years old I discovered that, after an ejaculation, it
was nearly always possible to get another erection immediately by
stimulating my own nipples the same way I had been shown how
to get my girl (or boy)friends ready for sex.

Now that I am a widower, I usually masturbate when getting ready
to sleep at night and also frequently when I wake up next morning.
This follows the same pattern as my wife and I had during the 40-
odd years of our married life. By both of us nearly always being
completely naked when at home, we were usually ready for sex
most of the time and she could always get me erect whenever she
felt the need to get an orgasm.

-- June 8, 2006

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backward pump

With an all most erect penis use one hand to hold it down while
standing up. Then with your other hand with some lubercation
(optional) start from the glan of the penis and stroke up with as
much pressure wanted. This technique can be difficult but the
stilmulation is great.

-- June 9, 2006
Simple but great

Have tried many of the techniques on your site, all good, but can't
beat the simple wank. Get undressessed, lay down and very slomly
caress inner thighs and groin, (not touching balls) when semi hard.
raise the penis to pull the balls taught and again very slowly
carrsess scrotum, I then slowly start jacking off using finger and
thumb of one hand over the penis head; (to imitate a mouth) whist
gripping the shaft in the other hand and stroking in tandem

-- June 11, 2006
Hot Pocket

Warm up a cheese filled Hot Pocket for 20-30 seconds in the
microwave. Cut off the end with a knife and push your finger
down the center to make a hole for your penis. Insert your penis for
a warm sensation. They don't call it Hot Pocket for nothing.

-- June 13, 2006
Hands free chill

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Take a shirt and fold it in to a rectangle. Put lube in the freezer for
about 2 minutes. Then, put a LOT of lube on the shirt and wrap it
around your penis and lay on your stomach on a bed or the floor
and thrust.

-- June 13, 2006

simple take a back masagure and put it near the head of the penis.
you don't need to use any lub, but u can if u prefer. I do this
technique while watching a porn movie.

-- June 14, 2006
completing the action

The various methods shown are great, however, it would be much
more interesting if orgasms and ejaculation for each was shown
after a few minutes of display for each. After all, the whole
purpose of masturbation is to achieve orgasm. The techniques
seem incomplete and disappointing for lack of this climax.
Strongly advise that you add this feature to the presentation

-- June 15, 2006
Warm floaties with water

This one is thebest yet. I know you all claim that, but try this one
and you don't want anything else. It's a variation on the Child
Floaties one. The best child floaties are not the triangle shaped but
the square ones. Compare them and you'll see what I mean. What
you need to do (this is tricky but weel worth it) fill the floatie with
water. I did it by drinking from a glass and squirt it in the floatie

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with my mouth. It takes some time but the floatie becomes heavy
and has a stronger feel. This will make the sensation a lot better
than an airfilled floatie. And for the grand finale, put the floatie in
the microwave for about two or three minutes. Watch out! Don't
make it too hot, you might burn your loved one. But if you'll find
the right tempature and place to stick the warm, soft and heavy
floatie, it's thebest sensation you'll ever had!!!!

-- June 15, 2006
hard and fast

lie on your back on someting confortable and tence all of the
mussles in your body and your dick then just jerk off as fast as you
can the orgasm may not be that great but ate build up is great if
you try and hold back as long as you can. you can also see how fast
you can cum as well I have managed 37 seconds

-- June 15, 2006
Angora addiction

It all started out because my wife wore an Angora sweater and my
dick slid up inside it when she kneeled down to give me head. I
moaned so that she grabbed and massaged it between her breasts.
Wonderful What works best is a soft Angora sweater folded inside
out and then folded in half. Or a pair of Angora gloves for a hand
job. The sweater can be put in a couch like posted previously but
remember to pull out.

-- June 16, 2006
full on great sensation

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right this one is very basic but gives you the best sensation needed!
first lay on your back after stroking the penis to make it erect and
lean your legs against a wall you may notice that your penis has
gone in because your leaning get a toilet roll holder and lean this
against the wall. shove it up your ass and move backwards and
forwards whilst doin the best masturbation method you know,
great sensation!

-- June 17, 2006
Better than a woman

Take a condomn and place a generous amount of lotion inside. Put
it on your erect penis. Fold one pillow in half and place on the bed.
Lay your penis on pillow. Place another pillow on top of penis and
other pillow. Place the weight of your body on pillows and imatate
intercourse. I have been with a dozen women and this feels better
that sex with any of them.

-- June 17, 2006
rolled towl with rubber glove

Get a rubber latex glove, and a bath towl. Fold the towl in half
lengthwise. Get a flashlight or something long about the size of
your penis and put the glove over the end. This is to hold space as
you role the towl around the glove. Roll it tight and tie it up with a
belt or rope. Now slide the flashlight out and you have a rolled
towl with a hole with a rubber glove. Add some lube and place
towl between the mattriss.

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-- June 18, 2006
the funnel tunnel

Wrap a 2 inch diameter, lenght about 25 cm, piece of bike tube
around a pvc-sock,diameter 50- 60 mm.You have a comfortable
airroom around the base of your penis now. Place a pvc-endstop
with screwable cap on the other opening, eventually fix it with a
hose clamp, to create a flexible vacuumroom.If you want to use it
as a vagina, take a piece of tube as long as a snake that lies under
and besides you. Open and close her mouth for breathing...,and the
desired pressure/sucking, while you go, and...take time, slow
down... You can start with a piece of tube of about 22 cm, turn
inside out both ends some centimeters, lube, eventually place
elastic bands around where the head and corona can use some
more pressure. See the contours or your erected member that walks
in the tunnel and goes through the funnel. I use the same technique
with the pipe insulation description, you can find elsewhere in the
technique series. If you fix the hose clamp tight around the top of
the foam, without the pvc piece, you do not feel the eventual
obstacle of that piece. You do not need the snake then. A short
piece of foam with enough space up is enough.

-- June 20, 2006
sockem boppem

buy a childs set of inflatable boxing glove the round ones are the
best. Inflate to desired hardness. Lube up hole where the hand is
suppose to go and lay down on it and hump away. Awesome

-- June 21, 2006
backhand rotating

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A little bit like the backhand circular, in this technique the hand
doesn't change shape. Best done sideways in bed. The arm create
the up-down motion, while the wrist create a back and forth
rotating motion, resulting in a o shape movement. Unlike the
regular fist-full technique, this technique doesn't have any down
time, the head if constently stimulated, resulting in a unique
pleasure. The back of the head is basically being stimulated by the
palm at all time in a circular motion. ( I hope this is clear enough )

-- June 22, 2006
In the Middle

This technique is easy and mind blowing. What you do is make an
okay sign with your index finger and thumb around your penis.
Then, you position the sign about a thumb's width away from the
glands.Then you move it really fast but barely at all. Don't move
your hand up and down the shaft, just stay close to that one place.
The build up is amazing and the orgasm is mindblowing.

-- June 22, 2006
Shower massage

A tip from my old GF: Buy a shower massage thingy (it's a sort of
shower head on a hose, and replaces the old shower head; don't
buy a cheap one that will fall apart). Any technique that involves
the shower or tub will probably work better when you can have the
hot (or cold) water right where you want it (into your crotch from
underneath is good). And it's useful for cleaning the tub afterward.

-- June 24, 2006

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The Soap

I used soap when I first started. It gives the most wonderfull
sensation, but it does hurt later on. Feel free to try for your self.

Also, jacking off in the tub/shower saves cleanup time, u just wash
it off right there.

-- June 26, 2006

first make an okay sign with your preferred hand(I prefer my right
hand)and then add your middle finger to the okay sign. Keeping
your other fingers out of the way gently tighten the three fingers to
a desired pressure on the foreskin(works best if you have at least a
1/2- 1 of skin)and move the skin up onto the head and then down
as far as possible.This may take a bit of can move it
fast for a SUPER intense,quick ejaculating orgasm or move slow
for lots of long-lasting PLEASURE.(I prefer moving at a rather
slow pace and occasionally speeding up for a pleasure peak)
*NOTE* if you tighten up your thigh and leg muscles and hold a
lungful of air for a while, it's really powerful

-- June 26, 2006
Palmala's vagina

I like to do this one in the bathtub. Fill the tub with slightly warmer
than comfortable water as you might be here a while. get your
penis and preferred hand as well as your index and middle finger
of the other hand wet then put some soap on the wet hand and
fingers. Wrap your hand around your dick and take the fingers
from your other hand and wrap them around the bottom end of
your fist making them gently squeeze your penis. Then move your

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hand and fingers up and down your penis. It feels SO REAL!
NOTE-you may think your two fingers aren't doing a whole lot,
but take them away and you'll find out how much they were
contributing to the sensation

-- June 27, 2006

I have found a way that takes a little time. I find it fun to do and
easy. You can lubricate if you want to or if the underside of your
wrist isn't soft. 1st get in the sitting upright postion . 2nd take the
underside of your wrist and put it to the head then take the other
hand and hold your penis by the base. 3rd go up and down w/ the
u'wrist 4th slowly get faster NOTE: YOU MUST HAVE A GOOD

-- June 27, 2006
Enema Masturbation

I find that taking a enema and holding it while jacking off giva a
super climax. My favorite way to do it is to take about two quarts
of a strong warm coffee solution. I use a douche nozzle and work it
in and out while the solution flows in stroking my prostate, with
the other hand I slowly stroke my penis until I am full. I then sit
and hold the solution while slowly stroking my penis until I nearly
reach orgasm, then stopping. I wait until the need to evacuate the
enema becomes strong and crampy and then repeat the stroking.
With luck I can retain the enema and tease my penis to near release
for nearly a half hour. Finally I wait for a strong cramp and then
frantically pump myself to a huge and powerful ejaculation. After
expelling the solution I then masturbate slowly to a second orgasm.

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-- June 27, 2006
soft toy grind

buy a large or average size furry toy(teddy bear) place it on belly
of a stool or bed.grab his legs together and insert penis between
them tighten or loosen leg grip as required.this is fantastic as a
stimulaton technique

-- June 28, 2006
Try shaving cream for lubricant

The best lubricant I have ever used is shaving cream.Spread a
generous amount over your balls and penis. Massage the balls with
the cream while stroking yourself. The sensation produced by
stroking off with thick shaving cream is awesome.

-- June 30, 2006
Choose the rite sex toys


I have written an article and I wondered if you would consider
publishing it? The article addresses the problematic issues
surrounding the selection of adult novelties and how attitudes have
change, but not enough to protect the consumer wasting money on
inadequate marital aids. Please take the time to read my article and
get back to me about the prospect of you publishing it.



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The Problems with choosing a Vibrator

More and more people are using sex aids to spice up their sex
lives, whether they are in a relationship or single. This is due to
changing attitudes towards sex and masturbation that has slowly
been occurring. The media has played a large part in this change as
television programmes and films become more erotic depicting
more graphic scenes. Newspapers and glossy magazines publish
the sleazy low-down on the most intimate parts of celebrities lives
to quench our thirsts for dirty details.

Of course back in the 70’s Alex Comfort was telling us how to
improve our sex lives in his groundbreaking illustrated sex manual
‘The Joy of Sex’. Nowadays we have sexsperts advising us, such
as the Australian sex therapist Tracey Cox. These sexsperts urge us
to find ultimate sexual fulfilment, they tell us that it is our human
right to have amazing sexual experiences, and we strive to reach it.

However, using vibrations for sexual fulfilment isn’t a new
innovation. The Victorian doctors used machines to deliver
vibrations to ladies intimate areas to cure them of hysteria. Small
hand held massagers later became available for self-treatment at

Currently the market is flooded with vibrators, in an array of
shapes, sizes and styles, and each one claiming to be the best and
the most powerful. Have you seen how many online adult stores
there are? Millions of vibrators are sold every year; it’s a
multimillion-pound industry.

So how do you go about choosing a sex toy?

Despite our attitudes changing, they haven’t changed enough for
society to talk openly about sex toys on an intimate level – which

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toys we have used, how they performed, whether the vibrations
were strong enough and so on.

Tracey Cox suggested that we follow our noses. To test the
effectiveness of a vibrator, switch it on and rest it on the end of
your nose. If the vibrator makes you feel like sneezing when its on
your nose there a good chance it will make you feel like orgasming
when its touching your most intimate parts. Of course this assumes
your brave enough to go to a high street sex shop – let alone to ask
the sales assistant if you can test a product out on your nose.

Its so much more convenient and anonymous to make adult
purchases via the Internet. However, online the literature produced
for individual sex aids is usually written by manufacturers or adult
novelty retailers. Obviously this literature is going to say how
wonderful their product is, after all they want to sell the product to
you. Although some retailers do publish customer’s reviews and
emails about toys they have bought and used. Which is great and
offers some impartial advice. However, would they similarly
publish advice warning people against buying a particular product?
Test it out for yourself and write a review for them to post about a
sex toy you have bought and found not to be orgasmic.

Because of this confusing information available to us, it is very
hard to know what will make us sneeze or doze off.

There is an impartial information website that offers independent
advice about adult products. The sex toy reviews are honest and
frank and some times hilarious; ordinary members of the public
write them. The difference with these reviews is that the website
doesn’t sell sex toys, it makes money from advertising – so they
can afford to publish all

Reviews, favourable or otherwise.

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There are currently over 300 reviews at Sex Toy Testers with new
reviews being added each month. There are generally three reviews
of each product; this offers a balanced review. Obviously there’s
different strokes for different folks. But it does mean that you can
read three different reviews of the same product – It’s like getting
three points of view from three intimate mates. They actually let
you know if it made them feel sexy, some even report the number,
and type of orgasm the sex toy achieved. You can even join the site
and pass on your pearls of wisdom to others.

Buying Sex Toys and Marital Aids need never be haphazard again
with honest advice now available, after all you wouldn’t go out and
buy a new car without reading up on it and finding out which was
the best with the greatest performance would you?

Written by


-- June 30, 2006
Two pillows

I like to wrap my penis losely with toilet paper then get two soft
pillows stalked on top of each other. Then put them on the corner
of the bed and put my penis between them and have a back and
forth mention like having sex. Don't put a lot of weight on the
pillows to free up the motion. The sprem will be in the paper with
easily clean up.

-- June 30, 2006
hours of pleasure

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the best masturbation sessions are when you can take a really long
time to pleasure yourself. i've often spent whole days getting
myself erect and stroking my penis almost to the point os cumming
then letting go and continuing maybe an hour or so later, doing this
throughout the day. by the end of the day i've worked up a huge
load of cum. I recently had a continuous wanking session of about
four hours, using several different methods, again bring myself just
to the point of orgasm then stopping for long enough for my penis
to go soft and my balls to hang loose. I usually do some stretching
exercises before I start because a good masturbation for me is like
a good workout. I like to start standing up naked and use a slow
full fist grip whlie running a lubed finger over my anus. I think the
best way to achieve penetration is to stimulate the anus to the point
where it feels like it needs to pull something inside. when I cen
insert my finger effortlessly I know i'm on the next level of
arousal. then I lie down and use the mushroom, campfire and a
reverse full fist grip. I always lube my penis and the reverse grip
works best if the movement comes from the wrist rather than the
elbow. then I like to get into the butt-resting- on-heels or squat-
and-spurt positions, again continuing with the reverse fist and also
making it a 3-point stimulation, putting some lube on the tips of
my thumb and middle finger and circling my nipples. in this
position I get the most intense sensations through my anus, penis
and nipples as I either massage my penis or thrust it into my fist.
most times I comtinue this way until i'm ready to cum then revert
to a regulat full-fist grip, but often i'll finish off by lying on my
back, flipping my legs over so my penis is above my face and
pumping away until I shoot my load of semen over my face and
into my mouth. by this time i've built up a big load and I love when
it sprays all over me.

-- July 2, 2006
while your pants are on...

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you're in a situation where you are sitting in a public place. Miami
Beach, for instance, women often strip and lay on the sand, with
their breasts and genitals out in the open air. you see them and you
have an erection(its only natural). not brave enough to strip off
your pants, your only means are to masturbate in your pants. move
your penis so that its head faces your pockets(preferably on the
side of your writing hand. now, form your hand into a 'duck's bill'
and massage your penis. orgasm....

-- July 4, 2006

I am a veteran masturbator who has been at it for 58 years, the last
29 of those for hours every day. Over the years I have tried almost
every technique imaginable, most or which are well described
here. I found that now I have pretty well gone back to the ones I
started with in my early years of masturbating, although if I do find
something different I try it. My suggestion is: Don't get stuck on
using one or two techniques, try them all. Variety is the spice of
life, and you will enjoy your jacking off more if you try different
ways of doing it.

-- July 5, 2006

I love to fill up a bath tub full of warm water. Then I lay in it on
my left side. I raise my right leg and push it against the wall as
high as I can reach. Then masturbate regularley underwater.

-- July 5, 2006

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I lay on my bed facing the ceiling. Then I put a pillow under my
legs. I get a long sitck or a turkey baseter and stick one end of the
baseter in my anus and the other against the pillow. I rub my body
up and down the bed pusing the baster in my but while

-- July 5, 2006

I put my dick up to a jacuzzi jet in my bath tub, and if the pressure
is low enough, shove it into the little hole.

-- July 5, 2006
Belly Rub

Before penis becomes hard lay down on floor,bed,lounging chair
ect. Put penis under stomach. Then rub foward sidways or circular.
You can grab your penis and do it that way but I recomend not to.
You can use lubrication but I advise other wise. I ejaculate very
fast. I use it as a warm up.

-- July 5, 2006
one finger

Required: FORESKIN Do whatever to get pre-cum to lube head of
penis (enclosed in foreskin) when wet, insert a finger between
penis head and foreskin.Move finger around penishead and up &
down, round & round = whatever you need to become excited.
GREAT sensation!! cum messy.

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-- July 5, 2006
backhand pump

Laying down on a bed or couch, grab your penis with one hand
like you are standing up and taking a piss, then using the back hand
technique start from the tip of your penis(glans)and work your way
up you penis towards your scrotum, this technique might take
practice and may require some luburcation, but will stimulate you.

-- July 5, 2006
Table Pleasure

This masturbation technique is similar to the Table Hump
Technique. The first thing you probably want to do is set a blanket
or cloth or towel around your legs, and just let it hang there. Next
you put your penis over the blanket/cloth/towel/ whatever (and
make sure it hangs down) and push it against the edge of the table.
Now, this usually works best if you don't have an erection right
away. Now all you really do is sort of a pelvic thrust upward
against the table. It may take awhile to get it, but once you get the
pleasure feeling, you should have a nice ejaculation. (After all that,
I suggest you grap your penis and squeeze up and down to get the
last remaining stuff out.) Last, you can take the
blanket/cloth/towel/whatever and wash it before it starts to smell
up the room.

-- July 5, 2006
Floor Pleasure

This type of masturbation is a little strange, but rewarding in the
end. It is very similar to the HANDS-FREE PELVIC GRIND

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technique, but you do it on the floor. You should start out with a
towel (at least, that's what I use, and it works the best) and set it on
the floor. (I usually find that a rug floor is the best) This is so you
don't mess up the floor. Then what you do is lay down face first
and set your penis either upward or downward. (I find downward
much better) This works best if you have something to read or to
look at while you do it. Then all you do is push it up and down,
almost in a way like humping. Eventually you will ejaculate and it
will feel good. I think this not an easy way, so it may take a little

-- July 6, 2006
Penis engulfing ejaculator tube technique

This is a great technique to get you off and cum alot quickly. It
requires using a toilet paper roll preferably empty and lubricating it
with a thick product such as vaseline. Take the empty toilet paper
roll and lube it up with alot of vaseline. Lube up your penis
generously and put the toilet paper tube over it. If possible insert it
to the base and begin stroking. You will be coming before you
know it. You can use also a toilet with the seat over the tube to
give you more stimulation. I know you will blow a huge load as if
you were inside an vagina, anus or mouth (Note: This only works
with guys that are not thicker than the opening of the tube. I cannot
use this technique as I am too large and get too hard when I cum.).

-- July 8, 2006
pillow hole

take a pillow u dont use and cut a hole in and then insert dick and it
feels just like sex

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-- July 8, 2006
Thumb and index finger and baby powder

Make a circle out of your thumb and index finger and put baby
powder liberally on your fingers and erect penis. The baby powder
enables you to move your circled fingers back and forth across the
coronal ridge of the glans vigorously without getting it sore. Add
more baby powder as needed. The ejaculation you get will be very
intense and powerful. I like to watch in the mirror as I stroke it and
cum. I am circumcized, but I think this technique can be used on
uncut penises if the foreskin is held down with the other hand,
exposing the glans.

-- July 8, 2006
The full masturbation

I totally loved the intercourse technique that I decided to post my
fave technique.

Put alot of lube on your penis and hands(both)

Next, starting from the bottom, slide it up to the head. Then do it
with the other hand. It feels so good, especially if you're cut. It
might hurt a bit at first, but you'll love it. The orgasm is good, too.

-- July 9, 2006
Four fingered flutter

My personal preference is to grab the base of my penis and flutter
the fingers of my other hand over the tip of my penis in a rapid
motion. I usually do this without the aid of lubrication. I
discovered it while jacking off with a childhood freind and still

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prefer it today.

-- July 12, 2006

get in boxers and basketball shorts only. stand at the corner of your
bed, bend over so that your hovered over the bed with your hands
holding yourself up. then start pushing your penis into the bed
itself, this is great cuse you can get your legs around the edge of
your bed and so the bed sticks out a little past your balls.

you can have so much fun with this, fucking your bed with
everything you have is amazing, your penis gets so incredibly hard,
and then if you want you can take off everything and contiue with
nothing on, cumming everywhere


-- July 12, 2006
Train masturbation

When travelling in a sleeping coach, grab your penis with one hand
(or with the interlock technique) and let the movement of the train
do the rest! Suerb!

-- July 12, 2006
anus rub jacking off combo

I like to use the position where you lay on your back with your legs
in the air and knees bent. I jackoff regularly until I produce a little

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pre-cum. I take some of the pre-cum with my finger and rub in a
circular motion around the rim of my butthole (make sure your butt
is clean) while I continue to jackoff using a lubricant. When I am
about to ejaculate I stick the finger with the pre-cum in my mouth
and suck it with my eyes closed not necessarily imagining its a
penis but if that's what floats your boat then so be it...the
combination of rubbing the butthole and jacking off feels good
together...its a turn on for me maybe you'll enjoy it too

-- July 15, 2006
Kleenex Rub

This one is very pleasurable!! 1)Take a soft Kleenex tissue. 2)Fold
it so its long lengthwise. 3)Start moving it up and down side to side
along the backsied of the penis.Tip: rub the tissue on the head of
the penis. It makes you cum a far distance!Though it sounds weird
but it feels sooooooooo good!!

-- July 16, 2006
Moist pillow

I have a very soft and sexy pale blue pillow that I only use for
humping, so I don't need to avoid staining the pillow. I often hump
the pillow sitting on the edge of my bed with one end tucked under
my butt and the other end vertically between my legs so I can rub it
against my boner and thrust into it by rocking my butt to and fro.
While humping the pillow I let little squirts of pee and precum into
it - a moist pillow feels much better than a dry one and the squirts
feel like dozens of ejaculations and greatly enhance my sexual
pleasure. Sometimes my pillow humping session can last for hours
as I have learned to edge several times and thus prolong the
pleasure. I also try several other positions: lying on my back with
knees bent and pulling the pillow back and forth between my legs

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and squeezing the pillow with my thighs to apply pressure to my
shaft, standing with the pillow tucked in my underwear like a giant
diaper, lying face down with the pillow under my pelvis and
thrusting, or straddling the pillow on my bed and thrusting deep
into it.

Instead of just rubbing the underside of my penis against the pillow
I like to dig my penis really deep in the lovely softness of the
pillow, and I also like to watch myself in a mirror: the tip of my
penis popping in and out the pillow as I plow it is a very sexy sight
and makes me really horny. My pillow always gives me the best
orgasms, and I really love to shoot my load onto it. I don't usually
bother to wipe my load off the pillow, because the crusty stains
disappear with time and old cumstains on the pillow actually turn
me on.

-- July 18, 2006
Eyeglass case

Check out eyeglass cases- the flexible leather or rubber amterials
kind, not the hardshell. Turn it inside out so the smooth outside is
now the inner lining. Lube up well and check the fit. You might
keep several (clean well between use) for variations in tightness.
You can choose different textures for new sensations. You will
find yourself staring at other peoples eyeglass cases after a while.
Vary stroke technique. As close to the real thing as it gets.

-- July 19, 2006

U know, I;ve always wondering how to make my orgasm even
more intense and pleasurable. First, get a ring and put it round your
penis, this will hold the penis and the nuts together. Get a used

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condom and wet it. Put much lubricant inside the condom and also
your erected penis, then put on the condom to your penis. Rub it
harder and harder. It is good if you can have others to practice this
masturbation technique so that their sound like oh, yeah, oh no I
can't hold it. Fuck it harder. and stuff like that can help arouse your
sexual desire.

-- July 22, 2006
Panty Sperm

You gotta try this! Get yourself a black knee high stocking and slip
it over your penis so that the toe is on the head of your penis and
the rest cover your balls. Next, get a pair of lacey pink granny style
panties and put them on. The lacier, the better. Now grab your
penis outside the panties and play awhile. Soon, you won't be able
to stand it, so grab your penis and masturbate with the knee high
on your hard on. Gently now, just sliding your hand on the nylons
will give you the best results. Tease yourself from cumming as
much as possible. Soon, you'll explode in the knee high and all
over inside the panty. But your not through yet... As soon as you're
done cumming, take the panties off and slide the sperm soaked
knee high off your now limp shaft and keep it near. Next... put on
the laciest bra and slip you have, then the soiled pair of lacey pink
grany panties and the darkest Pantyhose you have. If you have
another pair of lacey pink granny panties, put them over the black
pantyhose. Take the semen soaked knee high, put it in your mouth
and start sucking it dry from the toe. Try not to cum right away if
you can help it. Now you have made another load of your sweet
sperm to enjoy in those wonderful pink panties. I can do this 3
times a day. But then, I really, really enjoy the taste of my sperm!

-- July 22, 2006

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Going to Heels

I was in bed once, jacking off with my girfriends' panties when she
walked in to get something and caught me just as I was cumming.
She gave me a scolding, went to the closet, got one of her high
heels and made me hump it to embarrass me. I was embarrassed
for a while, but once I got hard, she strapped the heeled shoe tight
around my penis. She held the shoe while I humped away. I shot
the largest load of sperm in her shoe than I did her panties.
Afterwards, I had to lick all the sperm off her shoe and her panties,
which I did'nt mind, then eat her out while she was menstruating
while she made me masturbate in her other shoe. For doing this,
she licked the second shoe that contained my sperm. She wears
these shoes to work, and whenever I feel like a good masturbation
and the shoes are in the closet, I'll grab the shoes and hump both
shoes in one session, and lick them clean, even when she is'nt
around. And when she is home, I'll bring them out, and hump them
just to let her know I still masturbate in her panties.

-- July 24, 2006
pillows in plastic bag

Get a couple of pillows and put them one on top of each other, then
put them in a plastic bin bag, you may want to tie up the end of the
bag to stop the pillows coming out if you hump hard. Then get on
top of them with an erection, and hump them by thrusting up and
down on them, it sometimes works better with lube. When you've
jacked off all the cum will go on the plastic bag, which also adds to
the feeling by making it more slippery, best of all you can get your
friend to jack off all over it first and get him to leave his cum on it,
which can make the feeling even better when its your turn.


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-- July 26, 2006
Pillow Humping Variation

A great variation on the pillow-humping technique is using a plush
toy instead. Older stuffed animals might make you itchy, but newer
and silkier toys make for the best sensations. The plush toy can be
positioned as shown in the original photo, but can also be lain
down on a bed or couch for a more realistic humping simulation. I
don't reccomend coming on the toy for cleaning reasons, but it's a
great way to jumpstart your masturbation session.

-- July 27, 2006
masturbate with nylon panties

I take a pair of nylon panties wrap the crotch around my penis and
pump it up and down until I shoot my semen into the panties.
When your pumping your penis part of the panties are carressing
your balls. The feeling is teriffic. I've been doing this technique for
many years I own several pairs of panties that I wear and then use
to masturbate with them.

-- July 27, 2006
sink soft

First, lube up your penis, not too thick because you will slid more
than intended. Second, turn on some kind of steam releasing
object(this makes you sweat, which raises the intensity of the
ejaculation.) Then, you place your testicles on the sink(it can be
cold so make sure can stand that particular sensation). Your best
bet is to use the basic masturbation technique, but you can switch it
up according to your pleasure. Also, if you wold like stick your

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finger up your anus do so. To get the full sesation, move in a snake
like motion. This technique may need a little practice. It's clean
because the semen squirts into the sink. Bend over for a feeling
that's the best.

-- July 28, 2006
mattress hump

put a little bit of lube into condom, place condom on your erect
penis, take a plastic bag and place the bag between the mattress
and boxspring. place your penis with condom on and stick it in the
bag and rest the mattress on top and start humping. for more
pleasure add more pressure to the top of the mattress, this is a
hands free masturbation and felt incredible!

-- July 29, 2006
husbandwife together technique

I like to have my husband lie on his back, then I sit on his stomach.
I sit against his dick and hold on with both hands. Any technique
will work. As I masturbate him, I masturbate myself since I'm
sitting so close. It's great to be in control of both our orgasms, and
we can manipulate it so that we orgasm together. It's wonderful.
And no need for lube - certainly enough of the natural lube
provided by the woman on top!

-- July 30, 2006

Ok.Start by putting a towel on the floor (to soak up any mess) and

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kneel on the towel with your legs spread out so that the distance
between each knee is about 10-20 centimeters wider than your
shoulders. then lube up your dick so its really slick! then form a
'telescope' with your hand and slide your erect dick in and out of
your 'telescope' hand. If done correctly the technique will bring
you to orgasm in about 30 seconds. Tip: if it doesnt work try again
with your legs wider apart

-- July 31, 2006

First: start with getting your erection going, then, once you have a
good erection, take some vaseline(usually found in your bathroom)
and rub it on your hard penis and balls, then, either use the most
common teqnique(number 1 on the list) or the mushroom. also,
vaseline is easy to get, and makes a great lube, you can use it with
any teqnique requiring lube. (ejaculation takes from: 30s-1m with
mushroom, about 35s with number 1 teqnique)

-- July 31, 2006
Armoflex tube

Buy a 1 3/4 diameter pipe insulation at Home hardware store or
plumbing supply, non-split insulation made from foam rubber. Cut
off desired length and lubricate well. Can also be glued at one end
to create intense sucking sensation.

- August 1, 2006
taste your milk

Hello! I want to share this jacking off technique with all of you
because it makes you masturbate again even if you had done it

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before!! Well this technique consists in ejaculating ( trying to keep
semen in your hand or in any container)using the technique you
prefer. Once you have collected your semen, pour a little in in your
face, then in your belly and massage using your semen as a
massage cream. Then collect it again and put it your mouth! just
feel the flavor of semen in your mouth. If you like the flavor just
swallow it, and if you don´t, spit it out. If you have more semen,
use it as a lubricant and start masturbatinh again. Another exiting
option is to take some semen, put it in your anus and massage it.
(For males who like to, semen can be a good lubricant while
penetrating the anus!!!) I hope you try and enjoy this technique and
get really EXCITED

-- August 9, 2006
Vulcan Grip

If you gently squeeze the base of the penis between your ring and
middle fingers on your left (or right if your inversely
coordinated)hand laying your hand out flat in a v-like formation
that much resembles the Vulcan Live long and prosper hand
gesture, then with the to palm of your opposite hand gently rub
against the head of the penis on the side closest to you in only
UPWARD strokes(don't stroke back downward, release the hand
and then stroke upward again and release and upward again sort of
gently tickling the senstitive nerves of your Vulcan gripped
penis)and just continue this process and not only will you have a
longer masturbation session, but you will have an incredible
euphoric sensation tickling the head of your swollen, sensitive,
Vulan gripped manhood. Some might recommend the use of
lubrication for this method but I found that it is actually more
enjoyable without.

-- August 10, 2006

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Hand Suck

Place your hand that you masturbate with around your penis and
firmly hold it in place. Then take your other hand and lay it on top
of the head and close it in, laying it down on your other hand. Now
make sure that your hands are forming a small covered hole and
move your hands up and down. Later it will begin to feel like
someone is giving you a blowjob. Lube makes it feel more like a

-- August 11, 2006
Baggie under the mattress

Get a snack size zip lock bag. Carefully cut off one end being
careful NOT to cut off the end of the zipper. Open the zipper side
pour in a couple of drops of lube, cooking oil, whatever. Squish it
around to spread it. Put a little of it on the head of your penis.
Insert erect penis into cut end. Zip closed. Now insert under
mattress or under chair or sofa cushion and hump away. Or, lay
face down on sofa and insert bagged penis in the crack between
sofa pillows, using one hand to carefully place penis so it slides
under the cushion under your stomach. If humping your bed, it
helps if you have a large mirror you can position to watch your
butt move back and forth

-- August 11, 2006

You need a vibrating multitool and a kwiktwist. Depad both ends
and tight them with largest screw. Turn on at the level you like.

- August 11, 2006

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It's good to give yourself a facial every now & then. On your back
push your back up with your hands until your legs are above you.
Your penis is right in front of your eyes. With the exicitment you
will cum pretty quickly, all over your face. If you like keep your
mouth open and taste your own cum. You can then take a look in
the mirror or take some pictures of your handy work.

-- August 11, 2006
Imaginary bj

Fill your bathtub with warm water. Cold water is usually too
uncomfortable to perform this technique. Lay in the tub until you
are good and relaxed, then start masturbating, letting your balls
bounce in and out of the water. After you get good and excited, lay
on your side in the tub with your penis fully immersed in the water
and start jacking off slowly, then quickly. It is usually a good idea
to make your balls go in and out of the water, not staying in just
one place. PLEASE make sure that your face is not in the water so
that you don't drown... Once you start jacking off in the water, it
should feel like you are getting a blowjob if done correctly. I prefer
to use the full-fisted technique, being that it covers my penis the
most out of all the techniques. When you get pretty close to
orgasm, lay on your back again to avoid getting your cum in the
water. Then masturbate 'til the very end.

-- August 14, 2006
Gripping Beer Can Holder VaginaAnus

Use a neoprene beer can holder - the type that is made of 3 mm
scuba wet-suit neoprene. Cut a whole the size of your shaft in the
bottom. Put on a condom and insert into the hole (a little lube

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inside the condom is a good idea). You can enter from either end
for diferent sensations. Use between pillows, under your belly or
wherever. If you cut a few slices radiating out from the hole it can
stretch open more easily and give a more elastic grip. For a tighter
fit you can put a sock over the condom, or for perfection, put the
whole lot inside a neoprene wine cooler (the type with the zip
around the neck), do up the zip and pump away!

-- August 14, 2006
Penis on heals of feet

Get an erection. be bare feet. sit on the edge of your bed. place
your foot on the bed. rub the head or entire shaft of your penis on
the heal of your foot. as the precum accumulates rub your penis on
your foot. the feeling if sensational. ejaculate on the bottom of
your foot.

-- August 15, 2006
fruit fk technique

I like to take a wet piece of fruit - say a cantelope or orange - then
cut a penis sized hole all the way through the fruit. This technique
is best done with fruit that is room temperature. After hollowing
out the fruit, place your hard penis into the fruit and slide it back
and forth over your penis. You can also slip the fruit between the
cushions of your couch and screw away. You will cum like never
before. After you are done cumming, cut the fruit open and enjoy a
sweet friut and cum dessert. Enjoy!

-- August 16, 2006
A High Chair not what you think

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Before you begin get to the point where you can maintain an
erection for as long as 10-15 seconds without actually having to
touch a the penis at all.

The type of chair for this venture requires, almost certainly, not the
kind a child would use. Get any chair; the higher the better. (BE
the chair in, what else, a usually public area of the house.

This is the part where already having an erection comes in handy.
The natural euphoria combined with the unusual location, and
elevated location creates a certain exotic effect.

I recomement comeing on the floor, use something to spare the
embarement of erupting a big one ang then totally forgeting about

* If you are't famular with masterbating standing up; dont do this.
Common sence says that falling from a structure that is not stable
may result in, (but is not limited to) broken bones, bloody noses,
head concusion, or even SPINAL INJURIES. Be Careful Up
There. *

-- August 17, 2006
Foreskin Play

I like to stimulate the small piece of skin which attaches the
foreskin to the penis - the harder the better!

-- August 18, 2006
Thong Masturbation

Get a ladies thong n turn it inside out, most thongs should have a

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inner pouch at the front on the inside, put the thong over a pillow
and insert your penis as if it was a vagina and thrust as if you were
having sex, cum inside of this pouch. ( for extra pleasure put a
lubricante inside the pouch)

-- August 21, 2006
Water Exercise for pages



Purchase a shower head that is on a three foot flexible hose and
with an adjustable head for different water flow. With the water
temperature adjust warm, move the showerhead so that the flow
will hit underside of your penis, scrotom and your anus. By
moving it from anus to the glans of the penis and baack will highly
stimulate yourself. Continue this exercise until you cannot stand it
anymore and finish off with the hand if necessary.

-- August 23, 2006

Get it HOTT

while jacking off, use a hair dryer to blow warm air over your
package. Heat feels really good down there and greatly sensitizes
the area, making for an incredibly intense orgasm.

-- August 24, 2006
coton panties

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Get coton panties and put them over your dick and pull them down
tight over your dick. Then just masterbate it so feels good to put
your load it the panties.

-- August 24, 2006
Humping facedown on floor wearing bikini underwear

I always hump facedown on wooden floor I have been doing this
technique for along time and the best technique I have been using
also rubbing my boner against the floor feels great after you came.

-- August 26, 2006
hand sock

I find a great way not to make a mess while ejaculating and
increasing the sensation while masturbating, is by using a sock! I
take a simple sport sock (the ones made of thickish cotton, that
come half way up the leg) and cut it open 2 inches, just above the
elastic band. When masturbating, I lubricate my penis with Baby
Oil Gel (which is thicker and feels on me like woman's juices).
Then I slide the sock on my erect penis and slide my hand inside
the hole and pound away... The great thing is that, on top of
keeping the cum inside, the cotton (which is slightly rough on the
inside of the sock) gives me additional stimulation during the jerk
off! I used to use this a lot when I was a kid, to avoid making a
mess in bed and still be able to jerk off before falling asleep and
again in the morning before school. I still use it once in a while
when my wife has her period and I am in a mood in the morning
before work... don't want to have to change the sheets every

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-- August 26, 2006
Shower sensation

Make sure you install a shower with a long hose in your bathroom!
My wife and I discovered this technique while traveling to Italy
this summer. All the showers there are like telephones, so you can
position it over your head or unhook it and use it to sprinkle your
body. The best feeling was when i placed the head of the shower in
between my thighs, just below my testicles, with the water
sprinkling in the direction of my gland. While the water was
massaging my balls, I pounded away at my penis with added
sensation: AMAZING! My wife also tried it on her vagina for
added pre-sex stimulation. As soon as we got back from the
vacation, we had our shower changed at home!

-- August 28, 2006
The Sling or Loop Method

This one needs a little explaining, but it's fantastic! It's the BEST
method I've found to get me shooting a BIGGER load FURTHER
than ever before and make my orgasms last a lot longer. I use a
singlet (or vest in UK). Grab one of the shoulder loops and pre-
stretch it to make it narrower so that you can place it between the
base of your penis and beginning of your sac. Pass the rest of the
singlet back between your legs and with your hand from under
your butt pull the loop away from your penis (toward your butt)
and wedge the loop frimly between your butt cheeks. I'm uncut and
this method forces the foreskin right back while pulling my balls
back toward my butt crack. At the same time the tightness there
massages my perineum. With this method, it's best to keep your
legs together (although you can have them apart slightly, it's less
intense though). If you thrust forward and hold this position, it will
heighten the tightness of the loop pulling your balls back and will
make your penis look a lot longer than usual - and hotter! While
you are thrusting forward and holding, you can quickly (or slowly)

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tighten and release the muscles at the base of your penis and
behind your sac (kegels), this'll make the feeling much more
intense. If you practice kegels your penis muscles will develop and
your dick will flex and bob up and down each time you crunch
your muscles down there. This can be a real turn on in itself! I've
got a toned body and love to watch myself in a mirror using this
method. Because of the tightness around my penis and balls and in
my perineum, I usually don't have to touch my penis at all and
instead can be using my fingers to grind and pinch my nipples at
the same time as flexing my chest muscles etc! Tightening your
thigh muscles also adds to the pleasure. Keep this going for as long
as you can until you have a gigantic explosion! Sometimes I'll use
one hand to pinch my nipples while stimulating just below the
head of my dick with thumb and two fingers (or whole hand) while
pressing forward and/or humping. I always end up squirting 6 or 7
feet with this method whether I'm touching my penis or not. The
kegel movements (crunching) really add a lot to the sensations and
makes the head of your penis want to explode. As you get more
practiced (and believe me, you'll love to practice!), you'll find your
penis twitching more and more and getting more responsive. It will
get easier to cum just from alternating quick and slow kegels with
the continued pressure from the loop pulling at your ball sac.
Depending on the material your singlet is made of, you might need
to adjust the tension so that the sensation remains tight enough to
be a turn-on. You have to keep it tightly wedged between your butt
cheeks so that when you thrust forward your dick can really feel
like it's jutting out and strong. Bumping and grinding movements
are also good variations.

-- August 28, 2006
Female Orgasm immitation

Hey, this is alittle off the jacking off subject, this is approximately

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how a female climax feels: 1)Drink ALOT of liquids, 2) Next time
you wana pee, withhold it for a bit untill you want to really bad
that you have sensations in your bladder area when you suck your
stomach in, 3)Make sure your penis is flacid (not erect) 4)Grab
your dick hard enough to close urethral passage, 5)Finaly relax,
make sure YOU DO NOT let yourself pee just yet, don't force it,
relax. The more you relax the better, at first you might not feel
much but with practice it's perfect, the reason for this is because
urine is forced out by the bladder, and urethral passage is blocked,
which causes your prostate to epand causing great sensation. I
found I get extraordinary sensation, which pretty much almost
makes me scream and black out, especially if I think about one of
my sexy strait friends ;-).... Try it, it will take practice but soooo
worth it!


-- August 28, 2006

Firstly strip naked, plaster your whole body with Cooking Oil this
gives an instant and wonderfully slippery erection, wrap your hand
around the entire length of your penis and slide up and down, delay
an early cum by removing your hand, then begin again, this way
you can reach the point of no return 6 or 8 times - which is
absolute heaven, finally ejeculate your gorgeous semen into a wine
glass and sip slowly, top up with urine or more semen - a fantastic

-- August 28, 2006
Floor Rub

Lay down on the floor without an erection. Position yourself with

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hand by bringing the forskin over the head of the penis. Then using
your elbows and knees thrust your pelvis back and forth on the
floor. The penis should be massaged by the forskin and the floor.
This results in a messy egaculation if you dont stand up and get out
before you cum.

-- August 31, 2006
Table Corner

Before you start, stand at the corner of a dining table. Let your
penis and balls rest on the table. Now start masturbating. When
you have an erection, move your pelvis back and forth so that the
corner of the table are between your legs.

-- September 3, 2006
Handsfree Pillow Crouch Technique

This is my most regular technique.

I put a pile of firm pillows (I use around 4) on the floor in front of
a mirror and I place another mirror behind me at the right angle so
that I can see the action.

I cover the pillows with a towel and spread some girlie magazines
or pictures out in front me. Then I put on I nice condom (I collect
them and have many different types) and crouch on my knees so
that my penis is between my stomach and the pillows. Then I start
to slowly rock my hips back and forth - pushing my penis up and
down while I look at either the pics or myself in the mirors either
front on or - from the rear.

I keep this up for about an hour getting close to orgasm then
stoppping and starting again. I like nipple simulation so sometimes

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I also rub both of them gently with my little fingers all the while
watching the action.

When I'm ready to cum I take a vibrator with lots of lube and push
it into my bum. Then I crouch down and rest the vibrator on the
floor partially inserted.

Now comes the good part - each time you push up against the
pillows it feels great but even better on each downstroke the
vibrator gets pushed into your bum and massages your prostrate
and - you can see it going in and out in the mirror.

The final orgasm is mind blowing as I slow down everything to
almost a stop and watch the tip of the condom as the beautiful
cloud of semen bursts into it and covers my glans. Ohhh - I'm
exhuasted just writing about it.

Additions/variations (I have soooo many) include:

Putting either a fan or a hairdryer in front or behind me to
warm/cool me depending on my mood.

Putting on a pair of tights (I'm always trying different types) as the
nylon rubbing against my skin turns me on.

Sometimes I video myself and watch it during the next session. If
posible I try to cum at the same time as I do on the video. My new
camera/phone is great fot this.

Sometimes I re-use a condom from a previous session by keeping
it fresh in the fridge. With each thrust the semen gradually starts to
leak out round the base and it's perfume wafts around me and
really turns me on.

Sometimes I keep the semen (in the fridge) and in the next session

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put it in my mouth (usually towards the end) - then I swallow it
just before or as I cum. Finally I sometimes cut the tip of the
condom off so that when I cum I can see the semen spurt onto the

I think that's enough to keep you busy - I hope you all enjoy.

-- September 5, 2006
water wings technic

You can buy the inflateable water wings used when teaching
young swimmers and when blown up make a very nice
masturbation device,and you can make it as tight or as loose as you
wish,you can also use Lubrication if you wish and you can use it
by putting it between the cushions on your couch or between the
mattress and base of your bed, it can grip your penis as tight as you
want,or it can be used by simply holding it in your hand and
moving it up and down. I find it very satisfactory and can be
cleaned and used over and over again.

-- September 6, 2006
Big Boner.

This technique works best when you are naked. Arouse yourself so
you have an erection. Now fing some fabric, an old tee shirt riped
in half or as i like to use a sock. Rool the fabric so it is aprox the
width of sock. Now you mush tie the sock so it covers your balls
and penis, to do this place your balls midway across the sock and
lift the two ends above and tie above the penis. You will notice
your erection gets stronger due to the slight restriction of blood
flow, the tighter you make the knot the harder the erection, the
lokger the masturbation and so the more pleasurable the
ejaculation! Wank mormaly with sock tied on, and enjoy!

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-- September 8, 2006
Balloon Masturbation

I used to do this a lot as a teenager. I used to always look forward
to parties because I could always take balloons home with me. Or
just buy uninflated toy balloons from a party favors/
supplies/department store. Inflate a balloon until it is firm. You
may want to experiment with different sizes, shapes and rubber
qualities. Place it gently on a stool or the edge of the bed. Rest
your groin area on the firm rubber support, and grind. Be careful
not to burst the balloon. Your semen should ejaculate all over the
place. This technique requires a good sense of balance and may
require some practice. An alternative technique would be to rest
your anus on the balloon balancing yourself on your two legs. The
balloon's rubber should be touching the sensitive skin area between
your anus and scrotum. Use your hand to do a regular masturbation

-- September 8, 2006
Glass Ball Version 2

Use the glass ball technique. Put a glass/cup almost full of warm
water on a toilet seat. Masturbate your favorite way till you are
having those small orgasms. Stand over the cup and squat down till
your balls touch the warm water. Keep jacking off while doing
this. It feels like a warm mouth/tongue licking your balls and sends
you to a great orgasm.

-- September 8, 2006
sockem bopper ball

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Get one of those sockem bopper balls at a local toy store. Lube the
hole of the ball with lubricant then insert your erected penis into
the ball. and hump you can lay on the bed or stand against the wall.

-- September 9, 2006
Water Balloon Masturbation

Inflate a water balloon (an ordinary balloon will do) with warm
water. Place the balloon on the steps of a swimming pool or in a
jacuzzi. Sit on it with the body pressure mainly between the
scrotum and the anus, straddling the balloon between the inner
thighs. Slowly move backward and forward as if riding a horse.
Your penis should become erect. Continue grinding. Start a regular
hand masturbation technique. Enjoy the pleasurable sensation of
the firm warm rubber and water rubbing against your pubic-anal-
inner thigh area. Be careful not to burst the balloon prematurely.
After ejaculation, the balloon may be deflated and reused, or if you
wish, burst it inside or outside the pool or jacuzzi.

-- September 9, 2006
Lubricated Condom Masturbation

Open a condom packet. Unroll the condom and add lubricant
inside. Wear over the erect penis as regularly instructed. Use
various hand masturbation techniques. Enjoy. After climax and
ejaculation, simply remove the condom from the penis, tie it at the
end, and dispose of it properly.

-- September 9, 2006
Rugby Ball Masturbation

Use a firm rugby ball for this technique. Rub lubricant over your

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scrotum-perineum-anus-inner thigh area. Straddle a rugby ball on a
stool. Ride it like a horse. When penis becomes erect, start a hand
masturbation technique. Enjoy. This technique may also be
combined with the Lubricated Condom Masturbation Technique
explained above. Savor the sensation. After ejaculation, be sure to
wash the rugby ball in soap and warm water.

-- September 9, 2006
Inflatable Rubber Life Saver Ejaculation

Inflate a (black) rubber life saver. Turn it upright and place on a
stool. Straddle the lower part of the life saver between the inner
thighs. (You will have to position the life saver at an angle so that
your body can sit comfortably. You may also lean your head
against the upper part of the life saver). Ride it like a horse. Enjoy
the pleasure. Climax and ejaculate. Afterwards, be sure to wash the
rubber with soap and warm water. This technique may be
especially convenient during family outings to the beach or a

-- September 10, 2006
Nipple Flippin

This may be used with any procedure where either hand is not on
the penis. ---While jacking use the free hand to flip your nipples
alternately and realize the sensation of direct connection to your
penis and balls.

-- September 10, 2006
barefoot orgasm

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This may require some extra flexibility, but I use it often. It
provides variation, plus I love to feel hot cum shoot on my bare

First, strip naked and barefoot, and using your favorite lube, lube
your penis and the space between your ankle bones and heels.

Get you penis hard and squat down with your feet together. The
closer together the better, but you should at least get your heels
together. You will then have a space between your ankles and
heels to insert your erect penis. Depending on your flexibility,
balance, and coordination, you may need to hold on to something
to maintain balance.

When your penis is in place, begin pumping it. You probably will
need one hand to hold your penis in place, at least until you
become proficient. I used to put just a few fingers on top of my
dick to hold it in place.

The orgasm I experience is a bit different, sometimes more intense
due to the muscular tension needed to keep in position, and as
mentioned, the sight and feel of cum shooting on one's feet and
toes can be extra erotic.

-- September 11, 2006
Anus stimualtion while jacking off

Try this, take the thumb make him wet an dput it in your anus, now
masturbate with your rother hand. Move your thumb in cirkel in
your anus or fuck your thumb, u will get an orgasme you will
never forget. Have fun K.Style

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-- September 12, 2006
Water on the glans

In a jacuzzi, put your glans next to a water jet and move your penis
back and forth so that the jet runs along the coronal ridge of the
glans (the reddish raised area at the bottom of the glans). You will
have an especially powerful ejaculation.

-- September 28, 2006
Use of Slip or skirt and Knickersd

Wear a silky slip and knickers and let your penis emerge fron the
top of the knickers. Use a couple of pillows and a rolled sock to
receive your results. If you can get a mirror to see your bum
moving with the knickers etc .. lovely

-- September 28, 2006
Two hand slap method

Try this sitting in a chair or otherwise only semi-reclined. (All the
better to watch it!) I always like to do some mental stimulation
(fantasies) or visual stimulation (porn) first. Lube your penis, lube
both palms (I like Jergens Original Almond scent). Using both
hands, alternating quickly, slap your penis, bottom to top, gently
slap it, whack it aganst tummy, keep doing it, nicely lubricated, the
sensation is great, the feeling is little different, and it gives a great

-- September 29, 2006
Tantric Cucumber

I peel the end of a cucumber (just the end) with a potato peeler. No

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need to take all the skin off. Insert it into a lubricated condom.
Place the cumber between seat cushions of a sofa so it is standing
up erect. Squat over the cucumber until it inserts into your anus.
Take care to do it slowly as the anus has two sphincter muscles and
the inner one takes time to relax and dilate (best done after you just
had a dump or if you can evacuate the bowels using water via
shower hose or similar). So in the squatted position, and with the
cucumber inserted apply some deep heat (or other muscle
penetrating pain relief) - not too much as this has a
warming/burning sensation. When you get over the initial smarting
the feeling is great. While watch a porno or fav girly mag with
girls ass sticking up in the air, slowly do the business. At the same
time riding the cucumber penis. It does not have to go too deep as
the prostate is vry close to the rectum but the sensation will be felt
immediately. When you cum, stand up kerking with either hand
and fucking your ass with the other. You will stop with your own
penis hand first but keep it going with the other, as further
climaxes follow. I got this method from a tantric masseur who used
her rubbered gloved hand up my ass while jerking my best friend.
If you want to delay the whole event, only use the tantric
cucumber. Your squatting movements will be similar to those of a
woman bouncing ontop of you while you laid back and enjoyed it.
Why use a cucumber? It is firm enough to withstand insertion and
pliable enough not to cause damage (unlike hard manmade
articles). I later tried this on my girlfriend inserting a cleaned
completely kinned cucumber in her vagina while I backdoored her,
she laid on her back with legs around her neck and I lifted her ass
up while I knelt and 'prayed'. Sadly she is no longer my girlfriend,
but I still have her used panties to put over my head to sniff while
enjoying my self by myself.

-- September 29, 2006
The sandwich

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This technique can be done in just about any position. Lub both of
your hands. Place one of you hands under you penis with you
fingers pointing at your ball sack. Place your other hand on top of
your penis so your fingers are pointing to the head of it. Pressing
your hands together with your penis in between then. Push your
hips back and forth as if you are having intercourse. You can try
this at different speeds. You can also rub your hands back and
forth in two different directions. I use this one all the time and i
sometimes have a hard time not to pre ejaculate. If you feel like
you are going to ejaculate. Try a stop and go stop and go method.
This is what i do and the results are mind blowing. Have fun with
this one.

-- September 30, 2006
The heated Bean Bag Technique

Masturbation is exciting and I have tried many and various ways -
The one I found best is: Put a bean bag in the microwave for 3
mins maximum. Put the warm bean bag between your legs - Feel
the warmth and then jack off in your usual way - very exciting
especially when you finally ejaculate.

-- September 30, 2006
Ejaculate handsfree

I just had a fantastic masturbation session using a lubed up plastic
bag squeezed inbetween the base of my bed and the mattress. All
naked, and hot and horny, I inserted my rockhard penis in the bag
and began thrusting in and out, applying pressure on my penis with
the mattress. The feeling in my penis and my balls was incredibly
good. I got extremely horny from the wonderful frictions on my
throbbing penis. I had a huge and very powerful orgasm, shooting
loads of hot semen out of my penis. It made me shout loudly. Try

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it, it's awesome.

-- October 1, 2006
The Finger Pod

Place your palm down on top of your penis and close your hand so
that all your fingers and the thumb are straight and equally placed
around the length of the shaft and the head is cupped in your palm.
move your hand up and down so that only the fingertips are
stimulating the head of the penis. Takes a while to orgasm but you
get a nice warm feeling into your palm.

-- October 1, 2006
Horny on your heels

I love masturbation and I practise a lot your

technique #18


my butt on my heels). As I stroke my dick in that position it gives
me tremendous pre-orgasmic pleasure throughout my naked body.
I can usually do it for 2-3 hours, on my bed, watching some hot
porn with good-looking horny guys having orgies and shooting
loads of cum. A big mirror next to my bed adds to the pleasue, I
can see myself jacking off my dick and feeling sooo good. Doing
this, I get an outrageous hard-on - from time to time, I stand up in
front of the mirror to look at my slender smooth body with my
throbbing penis pointing up in the air - very exciting.... When I
masturbate, I mostly use only my thumb and two fingers,
concentrating on my penishead, and with the other hand I apply
pressure on my perineum, under the balls. It's hilarious! Back on
my heels, I alternate between slow and fast stroking of my
penishead which by now is extremely sensitive. I don't use lube,
just to keep up the incredibly horny sensations from the frictions
on my penishead. After a lot of stop-and-go masturbation, I go to
my favourite scene in the porn movie and chose the guy I like

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most. First I play his hot and horny masturbation scene in slow
motion. By now, I use quicker and quicker strokes over my
penishead, sometimes splitting my legs as far apart from each other
as possible, sometimes pressing them against each other as much
as I can - the feeling under my scrotum and in my penis is sheer
bliss! When I'm ready to shoot, I play the same masturbation
scene, in natural speed (and with natural sound). I moan and groan
together with the guy in the movie, I masturbate my penishead
ferociously with one hand (at this point my penis is begging for
orgasm), while I use the other to massage that very sensitive point
under the balls. Keeping my butt firmly on my heels, and pressing
my legs firmly against each other (and sometimes using poppers to
add to the sexual pleasure), the orgasm starts building up to the
point of no return, and my whole body shivers from pure sexual
lust. In the end, watching my horny masturbation partner in the
movie, I open my legs, I feel the sperm in my penis as I stroke my
penishead harder and harder, and the guy in the movie and myself
explode together in a screaming and very intense orgasm, with me
shooting and spraying cum all over my bed. Sometimes I can
repeat my orgasm 2 or 3 times within 10 minutes or so, just by
remaining in the same position, with my butt on my heels and my
legs firmly against each other until the point of ejaculation, it
prolongs the horniness in the penis forever, and the following
orgasms are even more intense and delicious (it doesn't matter if
the penis isn't as hard anymore), and the amounts of semen always
a lot! Got to try, it's a must if you really want to experience the
masturbation and orgasms of your life (especially if you haven't
ejaculated for a week or so). Writing this gives me a tingling and
horny feeling in my penis, and I'll probably be up on my bed soon
again, totally naked and horny on my heels!

-- October 1, 2006
Using your thighs

If you are two horny guys who want to get off in a more unusual

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way, you can use your thighs and make it feel like you are having a
great intercourse with each other. Take off all your clothes,
masturbate yourselves and each other with any technique you like,
and work yourselves up to total erection. Lube up the inner sides of
your thighs (you may not need to do this if both of you feel real
horny). Take turns inserting your penis between the thighs of the
other partner, and pull it in and out several times. If the receiving
partner alternates between squeezing and loosening his thighs
during the intercourse, the other guy usually experiences fantastic
sensations in his penis. Me and my buddy use our thighs with each
other about once aweek, and he loves it as much as I do. We do it
either standing in front of a big mirror (awesome!) or lying in bed.
We fondle and touch and kiss each other while we do it. My
buddie usually cums first. I squeeze my thighs as much as I can
and hold him tight when he tells me he is ready (talking dirty to
each other, like masturbation talk and penis talk, adds to the
pleasure). The feeling of his ironrod thrusting between my legs is
just incredible. While we are engaged in deep hot kissing, he
explodes in a huge orgasm, moaning a lot, and I can feel him
spurting hot jizzes of semen between my legs. Then I insert my
horny dick between his legs, he squeezes as much as he can and
holds me very tight, he kisses me very deep and it's my turn to
moan and explode in an intense orgasm between his legs.
Sometimes we end up having a second orgasm, because our feeling
after the first one is still so intense our penises won't soften at all.
In that case, we usually sit up on the bed, facing each other and
locking our legs around each other. This way, we press our juicy
and throbbing boners (all lubed up from our sperm!) against each
other. We kiss and masturbate until we feel the need to shoot
again. At that point, I take both our penises in my hand, I stroke
faster and faster using the palm of my other hand to carress both
penisheads. When we tell each other we are both ready, I stroke as
hard as I can until we explode together in an unbearably good
orgasm. We spray our sperm all over, moaning loudly from the
intense feeling of horniness in our penises and experiencing deep

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sexual lust throughout our shivering bodies. Try it with your
buddie when both of you feel real horny.

-- October 1, 2006
My Usual

Hi everyone

I love jacking off and I am going to do it right now. What is
turning me on right now is the notion of sharing my sexuality with
all of you.

I have an erect penis right now and I am so turned on. I just
stopped typing to rub my penis for a half a miniute. It felt great! I
am so turned on that soem pre-cum had to be wiped off!

I use 3 fingers and sometimes my whole palm to make it feel like a

I like watching people have sex and I like watching men ejaculate

-- October 2, 2006

humping facedown on floor wearing speedos

I do notsee my suggestion that I had put in last month.

Editor's Note: There are a couple of things that may have
happened. This page fills up fast, and it becomes very long.
Therefore, we archive old suggestions on other parts of the site.
The archives can end up on one of the picture pages # 1
through # 44 or on a general archive page, the latest one being

Techniques 10

. Another possibility is that it could have been

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deleted if it is a duplicate (someone else already wrote about it)
or if it contained something that we simply didn't want to have
on the site. We are working at this time to make the archiving
of tehniques more logical so people can find what they
submitted a long time ago. We realize it is confusing, but we
never thought this site would get so many hundreds or
thousands of suggestions. You may wish to submit it agian
because we do apprecitate everyone's effort.

-- October 3, 2006
Soothing masturbation

Masturbation gives me long and wonderful ejaculations, especially
when I stroke and carress the head of my erect and hard penis. I
feel like screaming (and sometimes I do) when I shoot my semen.
After having released my sperm in an explosive orgasm, I sense
total relief in my mind and my body. If I orgasm in the evening
before going to bed, my penis gets soft afterwards but remains
quite long and very sensitive the rest of the night and the following
day. Sitting in a chair all dressed up the day after, or just walking
in the street, I still feel horny and I can feel the friction from my
briefs on my penis and balls, and sometimes I get close to orgasm.
Occasionally I spot a goodlooking guy in the subway, and I
fantasize about his body, his penis and his masturbation habits. But
I wait a couple of days before I masturbate again and before I
release another load of semen. The orgasm is always thunderous,
with the ensuing sense of total relief. It's divine, and it's healthy.

-- October 4, 2006
Bath Pillow Buddy

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Take a plastic bath pillow, nothing transparent because the friction
WILL kill your penis, and fold the two end flaps over one another.
Duck tape the top flap down to the side of the pillow and fill with
either air or, for the best sensation ever, fill it with warm water.
Pump away! Truly feels like a nice warm vagina.

-- October 4, 2006
banana peel with banana

new member and this is one kick ass site. i tried mastubating with a
banana peel around my penis and now I'm hooked, its such a
marvelous technique but to take it to an entirely next level try this.
if possible try to use a very ripe banana or better yet one that is
over ripe. prepare as instructed, slicing the fruit as shown here but
with the actual banana do this: squish it between your hands
making sure you have plenty on the hand you use most when
masturbating. with your hands coated with the banana start playing
with yourself. wow!! once nice and erect plact the peel around
your meat and enjoy. the feeling is unreal. your dick coated with
banana and the peel around your meat. its a must

-- October 5, 2006

I am not sure if this is really a technique as such, rather it is a
suggestion from someone who has masturbated almost daily for 60
years. During that time I have tried just about every technique
imaginable, most of which you can find on this excellent forum.
Try them all, and give them all a fair try. Find your favorites and
do not use just one all the time, each feels a little or a lot different.
I use several different ones, with my favorite being my thumb on

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top of my penis and 2, 3, or 4 fingers on the underside. I am not
circumcized and rarely use lubrication.

-- October 5, 2006
In the bath


-- October 5, 2006
modified oral lips simulator


Oral Sex Imitation

- Make the lips like instructed but put your

other hand on top to simulate her mouth following her soft lips
going down on you and lube up with something warm. now it feels
a little more real.

-- October 5, 2006
dildo between legs


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-- October 6, 2006
Bouncing Balls

Once erect, place your balls on the bathroom counter or a desk and
slowly bounce your balls against the counter/desk as you
masturbate, by either bending your knees up and down or bouncing
on your heels or a combination of both. As you masturbate faster,
bounce your balls faster, increasing the speed and intensity of the
bounce as you get closer to orgasm. It works best if the
counter/desk surface is cool or cold.

-- October 6, 2006
Homemade Vagina

Take a full roll of toilet paper and a rubber dish glove. Insert the
glove, finger end first into the hole of the toilet paper tube. Pull the
fingers through the hole at the other end. Fold the wrist of the
glove over the edge of the toilet paper roll. Pull the fingers at the
other end to tighten the glove in the hole so it is not bunched up.
Pour some lubricant of your choice into the opening of the glove
and lubricate your penis. Slide your penis into the hole. Sometimes
you can get it in when you are soft and let it get hard inside the
tube but if you can't, get semi-erect. A full erection may make it
difficult to insert your penis into the opening.It all depends on the
thickness of your penis when erect. You can either hold the toilet
paper role with both hands and slide it back and forth or hold it still
and thrust in and out. Alternately you can place the roll against a

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wall or the floor and thrust in and out. When you ejaculate, your
penis will throb and swell inside the tube because it is so tight and
feels amazing. If you pull out right after the sensation as the head
of your penis slides out of the glove is awesome. For added
pleasure you can turn the glove inside out so that the ribbed surface
of the glove will be wrapped around your penis in the tube. You
can also heat the lube before you put it into the glove. Make sure
you remove the glove and wash it well or throw it out right after.

-- October 6, 2006
Cold as Ice

Get an ice cube. Take off all your clothes. Take an ice cube and
melt it with water so it is smaller or rub it on various parts of your
body to make it smaller. Get an erection and masturbate using any
stroking technique. rub the ice cube in the crack of your ass and
slowly slide it up and down. Gently start to insert the ice cube into
your anus. It will be very cold on the outside of the anus but keep
at it. Once it's inside it feels awesome as u feel the coldness, the
wetness and feel it melting inside you. Masturbate until you
orgasm. You can add more ice cubes if you want, just depends on
how it feels to you and what you like. You can also wrap several
ice cubes into a face/dish cloth/tea towel, etc like you would if
making an ice pack for an ache or pain and hold it against the
bottom of your balls as you masturbate, removing it here and there
if needed. You can do both these ice techniques together or
individually. I started out with one ice cube in my ass and as I did
it more I have progressed to putting 3 ice cubes up my ass, one
right after the other while holding the ice cubes in the cloth under
my balls and jacking off until orgasm

-- October 6, 2006
cabrio drive-in

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I apply a variation of number 33 technique, the pillow humping.
Wear a piece of bike innertube at the erect length around your
penis, diameter 2 inch,lube the tube with water and insert the half-
hard one, adjust some water from above, because the liquid
evaporates soon. Lube also with your own liquid. Fold the
pillow,100% polyesther/fiberfill, so that you have a stable roll,
refold when necessary.Enter upon the roll, placed on the bed
somewhat lower than the middle,with the balls just against, but
under, the top of the pillow. While riding in your open condom, the
cabrio, you drive in the car on the bed. To stimulate the frenulum,
use a round wooden stick of about 0,5 inch diameter and place it
under the car. Driving speed can be about 100 humps a minute. Do
not be afraid of flacidity. With some experience your head will
come out of the cabrio and brings happy greetings.Wear your
cabrio also without driving. Do not lose it on the bike in town...

-- October 6, 2006
Banana Peel continued...

I would like to add to your banana peel method by saying that you
should heat the peel in the microwave for like 5-7 seconds first.
Not much longer, otherwise it's too hot. Feels more like a vagiiiina.
Yeah baby.

-- October 6, 2006

This is only for the experienced who like to adventure. I recently
discovered a new way to highten my orgasms to an incredibly
higher plateau. I masterbate 4-5 times a week and recently have
gotten bolder. It all started when this sexy latina moved next door
to me in my building...she has these great legs and a fantastic set of

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tits. Most likely a 34-36D. She had jet black straight hair, beautiful
brown eyes, and full lips that screemed Take ME! I saw her as she
came up from outside from working out. Guys, this girl is mint!
Anyways, I discovered that she doesn't speak a lick of English and
my Spanish was so sub-par the only thing I could mutter was Hola,
Coma estas? So why do I share this with you? Keep reading. She is
a 10 for sure. I can't get her out of my mind!

The other night late like 12:30am I heard a strange noise coming
from across the hallway. Half awake, I opened the door and either
she was watching some ridiculously good porn or she was getting
banged incessantly by some lucky bastard. At first I smiled and
was going to close my door but I felt my penis harden like a roll of
quarters. All I could imagine was her sexy body I had seen before.
Now keep in mind...There are 3 other doors + an elevator to my
hallway besides her's.

I decided to dare it all and lube up with some ABOLENE (the best
stuff in the world) and stripped naked standing in my doorway and
wacking off. The sounds were getting quieter so I tip toed closer as
I was still wacking off. Now I was in mid hallway and the thought
of me being caught drove my sensations even higher. I kept on
going listening to her as my hand worked even faster hearind the
sucking noises from my hand and the lube..... I was now standing
in front of her doorway completely exposed and very close to
orgasm. The moaning still continuing from in her door. Then a few
moments later I heard a Ding coming from the elevator on my
hallway. I immediately shot my load several feet across the
hallway onto the wall (about 3-4 feet away) and ran into my place.
No one was on the elevator. Some kid must have pressed the
buttons but it was the best orgasm EVER! (Oh, I did clean up after
myself too...) I will defintately do this again! The thrill of writing
this has inspired me again!

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-- October 7, 2006

I Strip down to nothing I get out all my wifes nylon underware put
it on our bed and begin trying it all on rubbing my penise as I put it
on and take it off.There is about 30 pairs of panties 5or 6
nightgowns and 3 slips I use.I will lay on my back with a mirror
turned to the bed and I can watch myself rub my penis with all of
nylon excitment,It may take up to 2-3 hours of play before the
sperm is ejected.Most of the time it is ejected into the nylon and
has to be washed before it goes back in her drawer.I will bring
myself to numerous peaks before the squirt happens.My wife lets
me rub against her when we are in bed,she usually has one of her
nylon nighties on and all ways has nylon panties on so it is fun to
move over against her and start rubbing my penis aganst her
bottom with the layers of nylon rubbing aganst each other it gets
me going pretty quick.This will wake her up and she will roll on
her back so I can kneel between her legs spread them and she lets
me rub my penis on her panty covered crotch usually Until I can
feal her moister coming through her panties.Sometime after getting
her excited I will pull the panties aside and enter her or take them
off and rub myself while watching her then enter her and enjoy her
wounderfull body.I buy all her underware.I only buy full cut briefs
and the softest material for all the things I buy.Somtime I will get 1
or 2 pair of panties clean or soiled and bring them to bed.After she
is asleep I will rub myself with them maybe put them on layered
Normally this is if she has worn a cotton night shirt to bed then
move over to her and rub against her bottom until she wakes
up.She will reach around and feel her panties on me and start to
rub me with them.If she is'nt in the mood for play she has rubbed
me with the panties till I come in them.It is fun the next day to get
them out of the hamper and sniff them with my come on the nylon
it is a wonderfull aroma.Well she is on a trip now so I have all of
her panties ect. on the bed waitng for me.And am rubbing myself
with 2 pair of black panties now.

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-- October 8, 2006
Cum on

Try sneaking to a quiet place in your house while somebody is
home , and masturbate , it feels sooo much better because its risky
and exciting about getting caught

-- October 9, 2006
Socks and Shoes

In the middle of the night, I usually like to masturbate on my bed.
First, I begin by gathering up all the supplies I am going to need,
this may include: a pair of shoes (preferably a nice pair), a pair of
socks (this should be quite long, and with a design - two stripes, a
star, etc.), and lastly a another pair of socks (this also needs to be
quite long.). Secondly, I remove all of my clothes except for my
underwear, in which I wear boxers. Now I put on the designed pair
of socks, followed by my nice pair of shoes. After, I turn of all
major lights, except for a small light, or maybe a night light - the
room must be dark, but you should be able to see yourself. Then I
get into my blanket and begin to rub my penis while wearing my
boxers. When it becomes fully erect, I pull my boxers down to my
ankles. I usually do this, then eventually take them off. I now
continue to masturbate. During this time I like to take of the
blanket and move around, exploring positions, and looking at my
body and shoes. When i am about to cum, i grab one of the long
socks from the extra pair and put it over my penis. I then rub really
quickly and I entually come. If you want more of an explosive
outcome, or outcum, i prefer you keep the boxers at your ankles,
and to put your legs up against a wall or in the air, before you cum.
I occasionally take pictures of myself and look at them, and this
also causes a huge explosion. For a more adventurous way, I

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would suggest to cum all over your self. Once I am done, i usually
clean up, take of my shoes, and dress up into a pair of boxers and a
t-shirt. Soon I will just sleep with the shoes on and the cum all over

-- October 10, 2006

I have been jacking off for years and have developed the edging
technique so well i can keep my seman flowing more or less as
long as i like without climaxing. The trick is to masturbate till you
are near to climax and stop just before you cum -sounds simple but
you have to develope a tchnique where you can actually feel the
seaman actually moving up you penis. this does take some time to
achieve and you will have pleanty ofaccidents- but keep practising
till you can let your seman dribble out the end of you penis without
climaxing.Remember you must feel the seman pushing up your
penis so you can stop your climax in time This technique is great
for partners (male/female) who like to see/feel/taste cum and you
still have hard penis and still want sex as you have yet to achieve
climax. I do some time run dry if i make it last too long but if you
wait a while you will produce more cum and the final climax it
really really worth waiting for. I have also found when i climax
without edging I produce alot more seman at least 7/8 spurts per
climax- alot of cum .

-- October 10, 2006
Pipe Cleaner Ecstasy

Thread five or six glass pony beads (go to the craft store) on a pipe
cleaner. I like the beads to be warm, so I soak them in water.
Crimp the bottom end of the pipe cleaner so you won't get poked.
Make a double-strength, circular handle for your finger at the top

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so you can use your other hand to pump your stalk and grip your
testicles. Then slide the whole thing into a narrow, uninflated
balloon. Grease it up with mentholatum and then coat it with
vegetable oil cooking spray. Gently, gently insert it into your
urethra. It's easier if you do it while you are medium hard. Then
rock and roll. If you have not jacked off in a few days, you can
literally shoot this apparatus across the room. It takes some
preparation, but is definitely worth the effort. Enjoy!

-- October 10, 2006
Mellon Masturbation

get a mellon, cantelope is best, make a hole in it the same size as
your penis, peel back the rine around the rim and go to town... no
lube or cleanup needed

-- October 11, 2006
Just Take A Break

A dudes everyody trust me just take a break from jacking off for
like 2 weaks - trust me it's worth it - I got the best wet dream ever -
for those of u who have never had one this is how u do it trust me
it works

-- October 11, 2006
Index only

Just start by rubbing the tip of your penis only with your index
finger and just before the climax tighten your ass and the sensation
is awesome!!

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-- October 11, 2006
Captain's Chair

This technique work well if you have a large penis and testicles.
Find a captain's chair. these were popular in the 70s and have a
short back of about 14 with rungs or slats. The best dowels have
ornamentation for good stimulation. Sit on the chair backward. I
grease up my equipment with Crisco. Then I loop three rubber
bands together, use the larger brown ones, lengthwise with slip
knots. I spread my sac and put one of my jumbo egg sized balls
between the slats, then another and the penis in between, using the
spaces between four slats. This is a hands-free technique until
close to the end. So I put on the rubber bands to keep myself
between the slats until that time, looping the straps over testicle,
penis, then testicle. Pump and watch, pump and watch. Then at the
very end, I lean back and put my legs on the arms of the chair,
grabbing my penis in both hands and pump until I come.

-- October 13, 2006
zenta pleasure

You need a lycra zentaï (full unitard, with closed hood, gloves and
feet). It must be very tight, like a second skin, seamless front. The
contact of the hand on your hardon, through the lycra, is very
awesome. You can take time or not to get your ejaculation, putting
a finger on your butthole... It's so nice if you like fetishism... You
can also share your pleasure with a friend (with same zentaï)...

-- October 15, 2006
number 44 banana

Hi guys I am a married man from Ýstanbul, Turkey. I love sex
with my wife but also enjoy masturbation. The banana technique is

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excellent. The natural lubricant of the banana peel makes you feel
same as you slide in and out a vagina. The final is great to. I
suggest banana masturbation to all guys. Take care.

-- October 15, 2006
Pantyhose masturbation

If you like pantyhose then this is for you. Get a pair of sheer to
waist pantyhose (control top sucks). Put them on and rub your
penis through the hose it feels very good. Also while you are
wearing them, grab another pair of hose. Put the leg part on your
penis and wrap your balls in the pantyhose as well. Start jacking
off with your hand and with the other rub your balls. Damn it feels
good. Of course theres nothing like a woman in hose to have sex

-- October 15, 2006
Head Rub

Seriously, try this

Grasp the bottom of your shaft so that the penis is tight and stiff
and with the other hand, rub the bottom of the head with just your
fingers. All your fingertips should be rubbing the head and keep
doing so until you orgasm. If you leave your hand there, you shoot
straight into your palm.

-- October 17, 2006
banana sex

If your penis is about the width of a banana...take a banana cut off
both ends one to about width of your penis then the other a little bit

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smaller if you want to get the feeling of a butthole. Put a few layers
of duck tape around it now scoup out the inside the banana part
you eat, but be very carefull not to scoup out the skin this leaves
something for texture against your penis then lube up your penis
and lube up the inside of the banana, you might not have to lube
cause the wet skin of the inside of the banana is pretty wet, grab it
in your hand and stick your penis inside. At this point you might
have trouble if your penis is a little bit thicker then the banana but
if you push real hard if it will eventually just slip in its like
breaking in a virgin. A little tip after your done if you're kinky and
didn't use lube you can eat out the inside with sperm inside and it
tastes like banana...

-- October 17, 2006
Electro stim

Wiring yourself up to battery powered speakers and experimenting
with the locations of the probes and frequencies will send you over
the edge. Common placements of the elecrodes are in the ureatha,
over the head of the penis, at the base of the penis, inside the
rectum, and around the testicles. My favorite is an electode passed
about 8 inches inside my penis - almost to the prostate gland and
the second around my corona. Hihger frequencies tend to be more
painful to me. I reach a platau in about fifteen minutes and will
climax after about one hour of stimulation. I rarely have a spurting
ejaculation, just an ooze that is accompanied with my entire body
shaking. I suggest that you look at for more info.

-- October 17, 2006
Tissues fun

This one I tried for a long time, and still it gives me an enormous
pleasure. all you need are a few tissues your boxershort and a

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couch/bed. First get a Hardon and then put three tissues on each
other and put them around your penis. After doing this put your
boxer on again. Lie on your bed and start fucking on your bed. The
tissues give a great sensation to your penis head and it is a good
solution to make it not so messy. Meanwhile doing this, you can
grab your balls or stimulate your nipples or anus. Next thing you
know, you have had an increadible orgasm. Enjoy

-- October 17, 2006
Twist It

Rather hard to explain, but try to get this. Take a THICK
lubrication like Vasoline and slather it generously over your penis.
Then, taking it like the full fist grip, move your wrist in a back and
forth motion, and your arm up and down, so it gives the look as if
you were winding it or screwing it. Hope you got that.... And even
so, you really DO need a thick lubricant like Vasoline. Just a
warning. Enjoy!

-- October 20, 2006
Friction Hump

This works only with guys with carpet. Lay down on your stomach
on the carpet and try not to put your to much pressure on it, but
start humping. If you don't mind the mess, it is a big sensation
when you ejactulate. If you don't want to ejaculate on the carpet
then right before ejaculating grab a rag and put it under it so it
doesn't squirt it on the floor. It is a big sensation when ejactulating.
Try it

-- October 21, 2006
rimming the glans

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First lubricate the index finger and thumb of the stroking hand to
your comfort level. I sometimes use none at all but don't
recommend that for novices. Take your first two fingers of the non
stroking hand and place them on either side of your shaft and press
firmly into groin and slightly towards the scrotum. Then encircle
your shaft with the thumb and index finger of your stroking hand
right at the base of the glans. Then start stroking up and down on
the base of the glans. I find it quite pleasurable to change the
firmness of the grip and the speed of the strokes. firm and fast,
light and slow, firm and slow, and light and fast. Also with base
hand you can rub groin in small motions back and forth especially
when ready to ejaculte. If you are in for a long session this is not
recommended until you are about ready to make yourself climax.
NOTE: the base hand pressure is also helpful to stiffen up the shaft
if it is starting to go slightly flacid. Enjoy, Dave

-- October 21, 2006

After you come out of the shower Dry yourself and make sure to
dry off your balls and your penis. Then take some Goldbond
POWDER, and put some of it on your balls and then masturbate.
The Goldbond will make your balls feel really hot (but dont worry,
it won't burn you or hurt you at all) and it feels really great when
you're jacking off.

TIP: Find Goldbond max strength, it works the best and if you
don't have time to take a shower, then after putting the Goldbond
on, just put a tiny bit of water on your balls and it will give you
pretty much the same feeling.

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-- October 22, 2006
The Not Doing It technique

Eh. THe title entry was just a joke. But this was a page that I
wanted to comment on. Could you tell me where to contact the
page masters? I need to make a suggestion that has more to do with
page management.
Editor's Notes: You can make suggestions like that here if you
want. I added it to the list of things that can be done here on
the top of this page. If necessary, you can use the email address
provided on the

Submit Content Page

-- October 23, 2006
echnique 41

Do try this technique with the backhand grip! The best way to do is
staying upright and then leaning forward with angled knees - then
grip Your penis from behind Your legs and do the job... You can
vary the sensations by changing the direction in which You let
show Your penis head: from directly to the floor to almost
horizontally off from Your back (the more You stroke away from
Your body, the more You can put Your legs together, which causes
the balls to be pressed during the strokes)

-- October 23, 2006
New Technique Variation of 41 Underhanded

Do try this technique with the backhand grip! The best way to do is
standing on Your feet and leaning forward - then grip Your penis
from behind Your legs and do the job... You can vary the
sensations by changing the direction in which You let show Your
penis head: from directly to the floor to almost horizontally off

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from Your back (the nearer Your knees come to the chest, the
more Your are able to close Your legs, which causes the balls to be
pressed against them during the strokes); I'm using this technique
on the toilet with spread legs or standing backwards to the bathtub,
blowing the loads into the bowls. Another good position is
standing in the bathtub (e.g.) with one foot on the edge of it - then
grip between Your legs from behind and stroke till the explosion!

-- October 23, 2006

the first time i ever felt an orgasm was wen i was 11 i was lead in
bed with a hard on and my balls had never felt so low i began
thrusting my hips back and forth creating this huge slapping noise
the fact my brother could hear me made me even more intence i
just told him i was scatching. within miuntes i burst my first ever
hot steam cum all over the place oo it felt soooooo good. my balls
slapping my inner legs created this emence build up when i
exploded i felt in need of great rest and i didnt evn have 2 get my
hands messy.

-- October 23, 2006


this one says it all in the tittle. its my favourite technique all u need
is 2 bananas take one banana and chop one end off it make a vut
through the middel of it and take out all of the inside. next spread
the insiside of the banana over ure errect penis. slip the skin of the
banana bk over ure slipy penis. with the other banana siply spread
the rest of inner banana over it and shove it up ure tite ass with ure
left hand keep the banana up ure ass moving in and out with ure

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right hand just use the usual full fist technique with the banana peel
over it. keep this going and wen u explode u will never have felt
anything like it!!!!! :p enjoy guys

-- October 24, 2006
enjoy the explosion

Lie flat on your back using lube get your penis erect. Have a dildo
or vibrator close. As you get more excited bring both legs toward
your chest. Insert toy using lube. As you stroke your penis the
vibrating of the toy sends extreme pleasure to your prostate and
through your testicles. As you come closer to getting off push as if
you were trying to get rid of the toy. When you cum it will take it
to a whole new level. Its great Im straight and enjoy this the most..

-- October 29, 2006
horny homie

hold a fist and put your thumb between your 1st and 2nd finger.
Push your penis in the gap between your 1st and 2nd fingrs- in-
out- in-out-this is meant t represent vagial sex.

-- October 30, 2006
Watering Bowl.

I've tried this technique a couple of times and it does work. In a
normal sized bowl of your choice place warm water, temp your
choice. You can either do this one or two ways place a couple face
cloths in bowl filled with warm water. place the bowl on the floor

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the bowl with warm water and face cloths against your hard penis
while motioning your hips up and down can really get you off.
You can do this without face cloths as well. The only mess you'll
have to clean up is maybe alittle water from the bowl. When you
have cum you'll have cum in the water. It's just a technique that
I've tried a couple times and it works sometimes give it a try and
see if it works for you.

-- October 31, 2006
dildo pleasure

get a dildo with a long handle and apply KY and put it slowly up
your ass .When all the way in ,rotate it around while going in and
out . Theb apply KY to your other hand and slowly masturbate in
time with the dildo going in and out of your ass . The orgasm is
wild .. The first time I used a dildo ,I came within minutes without
even touching my penis . I wouldn't think of coming without
something up my ass .

-- October 31, 2006
The Claw

I’m not sure if this method is listed but if so here is my own
variation. Enjoy… First while your penis is still soft put on a pair
of boxer shorts and hang your penis and balls out through the fly.
Then do up the button of the fly so that your penis and balls are
gripped tightly from the base as if you were wearing a penis ring at
the base of your penis behind the balls. A hair-tie is almost as
effective but if you have both try your fly at the base of your
complete set and a hair-tie just around your balls. Then use your
left hand (I am right handed but get a much more intense sensation
from using my left), grab the middle of your penis with all your
fingers and your thumb as if you were picking something up with a

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five pronged claw. The tip of your penis should be touching the
palm of your hand and your finder-tips the only part touching the
shaft. Slowly draw your fingers up to just under your helmet and
pull up over the base of the head. This is a very gentle way to
master, is perfect for when you are soft and your can go for hours
feeling an amazingly erotic sensation without coming for hours.

When I start to get really hard I’ll usually apply lots of lube and
grad my whole penis and stroke until I spray my cum all over the
place. Genuine water based lubricant is fantastic providing you use
a fair bit of it however olive oil is wonderful too if you heat it just
a little bit but be very careful not to burn yourself. Apply a lot of
olive oil and keep reapplying it is so the you can squeeze and slid
your tight hand over your penis HARD without it feeling at dry.

-- November 1, 2006
closet floor.

I usually begin completely naked, occassionally with a pair of
converse chuck taylors on. I then go inside a closet and sit on the
floor. (This type of closet has doors that look like blinds.) Now, I
lay down and begin to jack off. I sometimes like to put my legs up
in the air. (When I am doing this, I am under hanging clothes.) For
a stronger cum, I sometimes grab a shoe and stick it between my
butt, but not going into it.

-- November 3, 2006
The Stranger

The trick is to get your stroking hand feeling numb by getting lost
of blood flow circulation. Try sitting on your hand for a few
minutes. Once you have ver little feeling in that hand, START
STROKING, it will feel like someone else is Jerking you off.....

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-- November 4, 2006
Pantyhose Baggie

I like to put on a pair of sheer-to-waist pantyhose (preferably
already worn by a woman), then put a plastic baggie with lotion in
it on my penis. I hump my bed or pillow. It feels just like a vagina,
and the pantyhose add a great sensation to my legs and balls. For
an extra special treat, I sometimes put ice cubes up my rectum
while I hump in the pantyhose.

-- November 5, 2006
the wonderful showerhead

get into a shower that has a removeible shower head and turn it to
whatever heat you want. Next have it upside down and streaming
on your balls. Then mastrubate any way you want. The orgasm is

-- November 6, 2006
Genie in the Bottle

Okay, now this masturbation technique requires a bottle of
shampoo or any kind of bottle that's bigger than your penis and
also longer. And get a bycicle inner tube and cut it just longer than
your bottle (you can get a bycicle inner tube that's smaller than

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your penis and make sure it can stretch) and you also need some
oil or gel(mix the gel with water). Now cut the bottom of your
bottle to make a hole, insert the cutted inner tube bicycle into the
top of the bottle where the cap is placed but remove the cap first
then put the inner tube in. Next make sure part of the inner tube is
seen outside of the place where you put the cap and another part of
the inner tube is seen at the bottom of the bottle then make sure
that part of the inner tube on the caps place is tied tightly on to the
sides of the caps place. Then at the bottom of the bottle, stretch the
inner tube until all the sides of the inner tube is covering the
bottom of your bottle then tie the sides of the bottle using a rubber
band or something strong enough to tie where the inner tube is,
then once it's done the bottom of the bottle should look like a
vagina once that is done make your penis get erected or look at
something that can get you erect then put the water gel (which you
mixed with water and gel) then put some of it in the inner tube then
insert your penis in the inner tube then move it back and fourth
until you ejaculate, now this why it's called genie in the bottle.

-- November 9, 2006

I usually masturbate 4 to 5 times a week, and I always try to reach
a strong orgasm, because I love to see the sperm flying in the air
directed to the floor as I watch porno movies.

The best way is to work with one hand at a time, left / right, and
alternately, from bottom to the top of the penis, and top to bottom,
especially with the left hand. When I am about to reach orgasm, I
stop, let the penis rest for a few seconds, and then I continue the
same way. Do this for about, (stop and start)at least 30 minutes (I
have already resisted about one hour !!!!), and then, when it is
completelly imposible to wait any longer, then, put two fingers
below the penis, and one above, don´t hold the head, so you can
see the sperm coming out, and... shoot your load as far as you can

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!!! It´s DEVASTATING !!!!!

-- November 10, 2006
Toothpaste not Required

At this moment while I type MY favorite way to drive my penis to
always finish by exploding the most intense, turned-on loads of
fluid wherever I happen to be pointing my penis at. Right now I
want to drink my own cum SO Bad. I am sitting here completely
naked except for a pair of socks on. As I am typing right now I am
also dragging my penis round and round, over and over across (2)
two spinning electric toothbrushes laying side by side with a slight
gap between the 2, so as I am feeling the underside of my
penishead being driven to near cum explosion stop, it starts all over
again a split second later as my frenulum starts to drag OH SO
WONDERFULLY across the second frenzied, erotic, vibrating,
spinning wheel just below my OH SO TURNED ON THIRD
MEMBER.I bring myself to near-cumplosion over and over again;
sometimes for up to 2 days straight. So that sometimes when I
finally give in to the maniacally aroused sexual state I am in by
then, I faint in ecstasy as fantastic squirt after squirt of my yummy
cum erupts out my penishead. I suggest buying 2 or 3 at the same
time, along with a large pack of AA batteries of quality
manufacture. My personal preference after thousands of hours of
exhaustive, horny research is the Oral B series of electric
toothbrush. Right now, I have one spinning as I lift my anus up and
down onto the spinning brushhead. It alone is enough to make you
blow a huge load of cum, but I am enjoying even more pleasure at
the same time. I have another one spinning on the underside of my
penis head. I have to go NOW- I am going to lift my legs over my
head and squirt my cum hopefully into my eager mouth or face.
Believe me this is some of the best sex you will ever enjoy!

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-- November 10, 2006
The Vagina Bottle

First you should experiment with bottles that have different neck
sizes... an Oasis bottle or Robinson's 4 litre bottle can be big
enough for your penis. Just remember that you want the neck to be
slightly thinner than your penis for a sensation. Then you should
clean out the bottle throughly and buy a condom or use a clean
sock. Insert your penis into the sock/condom and then insert into
the bottle. Slowly move the bottle up and down getting faster. To
create other sensations you can bend the bottle slightly or twist it.
Just remember that this technique should not hurt.

-- November 11, 2006
Walking wank

Has anybody discovered any method whereby the movement from
walking is converted into an up and down action on your penis?

-- November 15, 2006
Masterbating in the shower

For this technique you need a showerhead that is detachable and
which can be held in your hand. Take the showerhead in one hand
and turn on the shower - make sure the water isn't too hot. Hold the
showerhead under your balls and just allow the spray to caress
your balls with the warm water - you don't even need to rub your
penis or hold your balls with your free hand. You will soon find
you have a great erection and the water spraying on your balls will
feel perfect and eventually you will cum. Great alternatives are
using your free hand to vary the water temperature - take it slowly
down to cold and then slowly increase the temperature (but be

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careful you don't turn it up too hot!) and just keep changing the
temperature. Dropping the temperature to ice cold and then
increasing it will make you feel great too. Another alternative is to
allow the shower spray to caress your penis, just move your hand
up and down and the water spraying on your penis will feel
fabulous and you will have great orgasm.

-- November 15, 2006
heaven in a ladies pump

next best to a steaming women---better than most. begin with the
thought of a soft slightly curved surface gently teasing your genital
skin. lie on your back tilted up a bit. your friend may be black
patent, suede, silk, fine calf etc.when excited slowly slide your rod
into the pump until it meets the toe. open toes are even better. Any
grabbing? A touch of lube Ravel's bolero .follow the
beat. penis soft? gently wrap a silk stocking around the scrotum &
base of penis. Enjoy! many variations exist.personally the higher
the shoe quality, the greater the ride.

-- November 16, 2006
Two Handed Glans High Intensity

This is a method that focuses on maximum glans stimulation.

Start by sitting on a hard chair or other piece of furniture and
remove any rings from both hands. I perfer to do this non-
lubricated. Stroke the underside of the entire length of the penis
with all four fingers of each hand alternating hands with each
stroke. Do not pull on the penis but make sure each stroke
stimulates the glans.

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-- November 21, 2006

Lube your erection well. push it down and back between your legs,
towards your ass. sit on a firm vinyl chair. now in good motions,
ride your penis.

-- November 23, 2006
love that bed

you take a condon or a rubber glove. You but your lube in side the
glove and if needed on your penis. Yout then put your penis inside
the condom put it inside the crack of your bed and it feels so good.

-- November 23, 2006
Doorframe Pleasure

stand naked in a doorframe, facing the actual frame... reach your
hands up and grab the top ridge of the frame and start to do pull-
ups with you erection rubbing up and down the frame. the muscle
tension combined with the determination to cum made the
ejaculation the most intense pleasure i have ever felt in my LIFE.
try it... trust me.

-- November 24, 2006
The Big Diaper

You'll need a pair of briefs that are too large for you, they need to
be very loose. Sometimes you might have to stretch them out.
Then find a blanket that is light and sort of fluffy, like a feather

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comforter. Then, once naked, put on the briefs and stuff the feather
comforter into them, leaving about 1/3 of it out, (not stuffed in).
Then lay down on your back and sort of wrap the extra 1/3 around
your penis. Don't wrap it tightly, just kind of stuff your penis into
the diaper and push the excess blanket on top of it. Once you've
done that, stuff any extra blanket into the briefs. You've basically
created a plush vagina. Then put your hands on top of the diaper
and start massaging, you'll know how to do this once you're doing
it. Sometimes you might have to stop and reposition your penis,
but once you get it fixed in the right position it feels great. At
times, when it is positioned just right, you can't even feel your
penis, all you feel is the sensation which is great. You can have an
orgasm in the blanket if you don't mind it getting messy, or you
can just stop once close, and finish with your hand. Enjoy.

-- November 25, 2006
riding fun

hi fellow wankers i found this one quite good for when ur in a
hurry i think it may be a similar 1 in here somewhere but not the
same. lay on the end of your bed or a pole or the oppisite to your
bed head make sure its something that can hold your weight. start
of slow, o sorry forgot something strip down to nothing for for fun
wrap ur penisin a pair of fresh boxers or a sock or a condom then
hump away, just as u feel that rush stop pulling up self up and
down the pole or wat ever it is ur fakefucking and use ur legs to
hump it. just as u feel ur about to blow your stack hope off give
your self a few seconds and hope back on then rush it as fast as u
can urll feel ur penis push the cum out under u and u can keep
going hard as. after ur done lick the cum of ur boxers and then spit
it back on your penis for some lub, now get on ur back and put ur
legs over u and heading back behind ur head take ur jacking off
hand and put it under a leg as if someone else is doing u, get a

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picture to help u get horney and go for it, sticking ur finger up ur
anus every now and then is great drink ur cum after for something
to do, try these on nething just hump random things its fun
wanking nude on weird things tables chairs beds baths showers
pools spas. good luck my jacking off friends. From ima jerkoff

-- November 25, 2006
Letting go

The next time you masturbate, let go of your penis and try to will
yourself to orgasm when you are near.

You should be able to orgasm several times by doing this.

-- November 26, 2006
soft foam rubber sponge

I have practiced this technique lots of times and I always get a
wonderful and richful orgasm. First, get a large soft foam rubber
sponge like the ones that are sold for washing your car, or get a
piece of soft foam rubber large enough for the lenght of your penis.
With a sharp knife or a pair of good scissors cut a hole in one of
the small sides of the sponge. The opening should be large enough
for the diameter of your penis. You can try the size with your
fingers until you feel that will fit nice and tight around the shaft of
your penis and deep enought for your penis to penetrate all the
way. Second, crack one or two eggs and extract all the egg white
(not the yoke) put it in a cup or glass and pour it inside the sponge
opening. Squeze the sponge so that the egg whites are well
distributed inside the opening. Then insert your erect penis into the
hole and start moving the sponge up and down while lightly
squezing the sponge around your penis. It feels great and almost
like if you had your penis into a real vagina. When you cut the

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opening on the sponge, usually small ripples are formed inside and
the sensation of those small ripples ridding on your penis together
with the warm egg white acting as lubricant will give you a
fabulous orgasm. Later you can just wash the sponge with warm
water and use it over and over again. Nobody will ever suspect
what you are using the sponge for.

-- November 29, 2006
What an armband


Get down to your local swimming product store. Purchase a pair of
armbands (boyancy aid for non swimmers normally placed around
the arms). Put one away in a safe place as a backup spare. Inflate
the armband and put it under the edge of your matress. Get your
pillows and place them on the floor directly below the armband
(which is under the matress)Get your favourite hand cream or
lubricant and smear it inside the armband. Kneel on the pillows
and slide your penis in. The great thing about this one is that it
feels incredibly realistic. You and let air out of the armband or
inflate it as much as possible for a tighter feel depending on taste.
When you have finished abusing your armband simply deflate it ,
turn it inside out and run it under a tap to clean it. Dry with a towel
ready for the next time.

Have fun Adam

-- November 30, 2006
The Pantie Tube

Take the carboard tube from the inside of a toilet roll and stretch a

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pair of panties, I prefer white cotton, over one end. Then with your
erect penis push up into the tube taking the fabric with you then
stroke as normal until you have the added pleasure of coming in
the panties.

-- December 1, 2006
badwrist people

hi all i have a bad wrist so naturally i own a wrist brace. i often
wank with my brace on this feels absolutley great, the feel of this
unusual fabric on my penis is so stimulating. i dont use lub but
different braces feel different.

my second technique is really fun. i own ahuge property with a
forest on it, i like to go for a run nude with my girlfriend, we no the
forest like the back of our hands so we dont get lost. we run off in
different directions and who evers finds the other person first gets
wanked by the loser. i also like to wank around the house without
getting caught the feel of being caught is so great, i cant leave any
trails either, if i cum i have to dispose of the clues and eat my cum.
i love doing things that can get me caught, i recentley ran down the
road which isnt busy nude wanking, hard but fun ducking in and
out of long grass is fun.

-- December 1, 2006
Rolling the foreskinfrenulum

Using your thumb and index finger, roll the skin just slightly below
the frenulum and glans back and forth between your fingers.
There's not much more to it than that, but it feels really good when
you cum from this technique.

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-- December 2, 2006
The Great WWW

if you have the time watch pornos and dirty pictures for 2 to 3
hours WITHOUT mastrubating. After you cant take it anymore
jack off.

-- December 3, 2006

This is similar to the Intercorse Style Masturbation w/ Couch #27.
Instead of using a plastic bag, use a 100% polyester basketball
jersey or shorts.

1. Place the jersey between the couch cushions. 2. Form the jersey
into what would resemble a hole for the penis to be inserted. 3. NO
LUBRICATION REQUIRED. 4. Place something soft on the
ground(extra couch cushion or pillow) where you will be
preforming this technique so that your kneecaps don't get rug burn.
4. Insert your erect penis into the opening of the bag. 5. Thrust
your hips and body in and out of the sofa. Thrust the shaft of the
penis in as far as it will go and then back out. 6. Use your hands to
push down on the sofa cushions to make the hole tighter or looser
(if desired).

There is less cleanup and setup than using a plastic bag with

Additional Suggestions: 1. While your TV or Computer screen has
porn on them, have your couch facing the screens while
performing this technique(depends on how tall you are and how
tall the the backing of the couch is when you are looking at the
screen because you may not be able to see the screen). 2. Have

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your favorite picture or magazine that will arouse you while you
perform this technique. You can place it on the part of the couch
where you would lay your back on when you normally sit on the

-- December 3, 2006

This technique works well and is easy to do. Make up a batch of
oatmeal (I prefer plain oatmeal from the can) and make it as
directed. Because it will probably be hot, let it sit for a bit before
using it (if you can be patient that long!) and then insert your hard
dick into it, getting some on your hands for lube and jack off with
your favorite grip. The warm mushy oatmeal feels great on your
dick and the oatmeal can get nice and sloppy!

-- December 4, 2006
Sling Shot

Wank until you have a really hard erection. Then, just under or on
the head, pinch the skin with your thumb and pointer finger. Your
fingers should slide from your fat and back together. Keep doing
this until you cum, and when you do, it will shoot everywhere.
Better have something to clean up with. The orgasm is amazing.
This can take a while, so be very aroused!

-- December 5, 2006
ball tug

when masterbating use your other hand to tug your sack down

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Lubię to!



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-- December 5, 2006
jack off

I like masterbate like this. I takemy penis and lay on my side. I
then position my penis between my thighs. Then just thrust my
hips back and forth untill climax. This is a GREAT orgasim!!!

-- December 5, 2006
gaping anus

when doing this you need lots of loob and all sorts of tools like
screw drivers and dildos. you start by inserting a smaller screw
driver in you ass with lots of lube then slowly work your way up to
a large object. when this fits comfortably you can sit straight up
and down and wack off. when you ass loosens try shoving more in
your ass with more lube and sit down and do little hops on the

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floor like you are getting humped by somebody. you will have the
biggest orgasm of your life

-- December 6, 2006
finger fucking

After you have cum several times and you penis is soft, push the
penis back up inside you. Lub your flipping finger and shove it in
pushing the head your penis in with it. Rub the head of your codk
until you cum. I find that by using clothes pins clamped on my
nipples, I gain a more erotic orgasm.

-- December 6, 2006
Electric Stimulation

Use an electrical massager of the type that give pulses of electrical
charge. Use one unit on your nipples, placing one electrode on
each nipple ( shave first ) Use the other unit with one electrode on
the base of your penis and the other on the head. You will need to
clean nipples and penis with alcohol so the electrodes will stick.
Then use a vibrating dildo in your ass sliding it slowly in and out. I
have had the most magnificant orgasms using this technique. Have

-- December 8, 2006
masturbation with husband

i so love masturbation with my husband i love it when he rubs my
body and goes down on me it just brings the best orgasam ever its
awsome and its juicy he says im a wet one.

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-- December 8, 2006
The baggy

Fill a baggy with vaseline and then insert your penis. Push your
penis and baggy into the crevaces of a sofa a start humping. What a

-- December 9, 2006
Soapy jerk

Get a bucket of water and soap, rub your hands around in the soap
and then begin to jerk. Your hands slide much better and the
sensation is unbelievable!

-- December 12, 2006
black and decker sander jackoff techinque

I have a small black and decker (7448). It uses a 1/3 sheet of
sandpaper. Use it with the sandpaper off. Stand up on a table. Put
your dick on the table and the sander above. You may want to use
a towel in the beginning because it may be to intense. Turn it on
and go straight to bliss. The first time I did this I cum in 30
seconds. I immediately tried it again in cum in 2 minutes. Good

-- December 12, 2006
Baby Shampoo

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I love to pour baby shampoo all over me and masturbate. I love the
feel of the thick syrupy shampoo all over me. I'm also addicted to
Cosmopolitan, so I quite often buy a few issues (sometimes up to
30 issues) and lay them on the ground and lay on top of them and
masturbate. I love being nude outdoors, so I have to find a secret
place in the country to run around naked with my Cosmo's - it's
very exciting for me!

-- December 12, 2006

Lay down on your bed, stomach down. grip your penis and thrust
into your hand it simulates missionary-style-sex. This is the only
method i use its the best!!!

-- December 13, 2006
Shower Technique

Remove the shower spread and make the water flow directly on the
penis. For uncut penis release the outer skin and make a to and fro
motion with ur body. It will have a blow - job effect. Keep on
doing for a while ejaculation will be done automatically and in
sufficient amount as long as you allow the water to flow on your
penis. Shen.

-- December 14, 2006

i am 60 yrs i love to wank 3-4 times a day what i do is i have
ashampoo bottle with the top cut off then i put a plastic bag in the

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bottle & some hand lotion for lubrtcantican usually last for and i
had my first wank at10 yrsan hour t have best orgasm it is the best
i have ever had and i started wankeng when t was 10trs old have
never missed a day enjoy -

-- December 15, 2006
vibro massage with panties

like many ,I like to masturbate using a vibro-massager but get the
best results if I wear a pair of tight nylon panties as well.The
massager will slide better over the nylon,and also the vibrations
seem more intense as the entire panties vibrate.when reaching
orgasm,press the massager onto the nylon at the end of your penis
and you will experience a really strong orgasm.If you like to
vibrate,try it as I am sure you will be pleased.

-- December 15, 2006
release it

something i like to do masturbate regularly and when i'm about to
cum i let go of my penis. it feels so good to cum without your

-- December 15, 2006
Feel The Rush

Ever since I was in middle school I've been experimenting where I
masturbate. I've masturbated in the boys lockeroom after gym, in
the bathroom, the woods, in the school pool, etc. By jacking off in
these weird places it's so much fun because that rush you get of
getting caught. I like to imagine that someone who I have a crush
on walks in and joins me. Also another thing to do is masturbate in

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front of people without them knowing about it. My friend slept
over my house, and since he thinks that I'm straight we slept in my
full size together, or course we we spread out. But in the middle of
the night I woke up to go to the bathroom. When I returned his
back was facing me and he was obviously asleep. So I pulled out
my penis and jerked off, imaginging him and I having sex on my
bed. It's a great way to have a good orgasm when someone is there
but doens't know your jacking off. It's another way to feel the rush
of getting caught.

-- December 16, 2006
Use Your Nipples

Something that turns me on when I jerk off is when I use my other
hand and squeeze my nipples when I masturbate.

-- December 17, 2006
Palm Over Penis Head

This method is simular to number 43, but the palm of the hand is
over the head of the penis. I use power to lube my dick, but any
liquid lube will do. Get your penis hard using any method you like.
Then place the palm of your masturbation hand over the head of
your penis with your fingers down the side of the shaft. Now
massage the head and upper shaft with your fingers in this position.
The head is what mostly get massaged. I use a penis ring to keep
my penis hard so I can masturbate for a long period of time this
way before I ejaculate.

-- December 18, 2006

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3 in One

This one combines three techniques. First ret on heels, so that they
are gently pulling your cheeks apart. Then put a sock on your penis
and start to rub. When you feel that you are bout to cum, with your
free hand grab an ics cube and squeeze your scrotum with is.

-- December 18, 2006
posing beautifully

hey guys once fully erect , stretch shaft skin as tight as you can to
the penis base & hold [tightly] . shortly the cum flies with force.
girls get your cameras ready!

-- December 18, 2006
ironing nylon undies

I think the build up is as important as the act,so I like to get worked
up by ironing sexy nylon slips,panties and brassieres whilst
wearing a pair of stockings,suspender,and heels.I love to smell the
hot nylon as the iron glides over the silky material.Afterwards I
take a bra and nylon waist slip and,seated comfortably,I place my
penis into the slip and hang the bra between my legs with one strap
either side of my penis.I begin by sliding my hand up and down
my penis outside of the slip,and at the same time pull on the bra
straps ,which causes the bra to slide up and down over my
testicles.The overall effect of the slip and bra is incredidly
stimulating and the only way I can hold off orgasm is to slow it
right down,until I cannot hold off any longer and come into the
slip.This is a lovely gentle method of jacking off which I endorse
for those with a love of women,s underwear.

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-- December 19, 2006
Honoring My Load

Semen is such wonderful stuff, it's a shame to treat it like just a
messy byproduct of a wanking session. It's the evidence of my
body's deep capacity for joy. Occasionally I manage to maintain
my resolve to swallow what I've just produced, but there are other
ways to treat it with respect. Sometimes I shoot onto a ceramic
dish and use the cum it in my artwork. I have a beautiful little
square plate with two Japanese cranes embossed under the glaze.
Cum makes a good adhesive for delicate, ephemeral materials in
collage (petals of flowers, butterfly wings, fragile handmade
papers)--I lay the material in place on the paper and then use a
watercolour brush to apply the cum, which soaks through and
bonds to the paper underneath. Occasionally the subject of a piece
inspires me to jerk off directly onto the nearly finished work. Or I
mix the cum with watercolour. Since my semen often congeals
when it first hits the air, I leave it on the ceramic dish a little while
and the consistency will reliquify. If any is left over in an unmixed
state, I'm often inspired by that time to lick the rest from the dish
rather than just wash it away. If I save semen and let it dry in a
container, adding load after load, it can be reconstituted into a thin
sepia wash. The scent is surprisingly metallic at this stage. But
then it really needs to be used and the remainder discarded--the
smell becomes really disagreeable if it dries and gets remoistened
repeatedly. And it's always a pleasure to actually incorporate
masturbation into time spent making art--letting the building
charge energize the creative work, continuing to work naked after

-- December 19, 2006
Help with playing ejaculation videos

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I would be grateful if you could provide information as to how to
view the ejaculation videos. They will not play for me.

With thanks, John Novermber 9, 1931

-- December 19, 2006
Condom and baby sock

Go out and buy some baby socks, the kind that have a thick elastic
anklet. Cut off the toe of a sock. Get a hardon, put on a condom,
then slide the sock onto your dick maybe halfway down the shaft
and go to it. The elastic anklet will grip you're penis like a virgin
vagina and you'll get off in no time. You can do this without the
condom, for a little different feel, but it's messier.

-- December 20, 2006
Toilet Paper Roll Change

Frequently I end up in the bathroom only to find that my wife has
used all the toilet paper and left an empty roll.

Yesterday I decided to make good use of it and took the empty roll
and placed it over my flaccid penis. I reached inside from the open
end and ran my finger over the head until I got erect and filled the
tube. With just my erect head now protruding from the end of the
tube, I lubed my finger and slid it between the underside of my
penis and the tube and started a fucking motion with my finger.
The pressure of the tube against my penis along with the friction
on the underside of the head of my penis had me shooting furiously
in no time.

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Now I don't mind getting stuck with the empty roll!

-- December 22, 2006

one thing i love is to go out side when it is windy or rainy and just
drop your pants and pump your load it feals great with the wind
blowing on your balls and the risk of getting caught

aswell for the adventurus try it naked

-- December 23, 2006
homemade vibrator

supplies needed: - a knife - a pool noodle with the hole through it
(u can buy one cheap from a pool store) - a handheld back

instructions: 1. cut a section of the noodle slightly longer than your
penis 2. use the knife to enlarge the hole in the noodle to just fit on
your penis 3.put your penis in the noodle 4. plug in the massager
and turn it on and place it on the end of the noodle 5.enjoy!

-- December 25, 2006
Hand fun

This I learnt when I was 5! Lay on yourr back with either and erect
penis or a flaccid. If you have a big penis like me, wear jocks or
boxers, if not, let it hang. Move both your hands over the penis in a
rapid pace. Sort of like a hand trolley. Keep going until you cum.
This method allows you to cum with a limp dick or a fat!
Afterwards, play with your cum in your pants! It feels great! I use

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to do it at least 20 times a day! It's cummalicous!

-- December 26, 2006
mast lund

I love to masturbate completely naked, infront of a mirror,
visualizing fucking my dear ones, using loud words and phrases.
Most importantly I love to use either Fresh Milk Cream (full pack
of 250ml or butter oil / cooking oil in abundance. I hate to use
vaseline, other sort of body or facial creams or soap.

-- December 26, 2006
Lund Raj

I have tried many a time fucking a frozen chicken. I first defrost
the chicken to bring it to the room temperature. the cut of the extra
fat on her ass and make a comfortable hole / passage using my two
finger. And finally insert oil or butter inside her hold and holding
the chicken my both hands, I fuck the chicken like I am fucking a
girl and shoot my load inside the chick in no time.

-- December 26, 2006
Spit Fun

What i like to do is build up a lot of salavia and spit it on my shaft
so i see it go down and all over my helmet!! Then i spit on my
helmet and rub it in..then when i cum i taste it and then spit it back
out onto my hand and rub it all over my anus.

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-- December 26, 2006
simply basic

It is best to use the headless jerking then stop jacking off before it
is about to explode!Swallowing your own cum? Is it normal?

-- December 27, 2006
the web

Take you weak hand and pull your penis skin down tight toward
your balls. Use the web of skin between your thumb and forefinger
and rub the top of the hood on your penis. You will find the
sensation is much different than a regular jacking. When you get
ready to cum, push like you are having a bowel movement. The
ejaculation is long and intense!

-- December 28, 2006

Simple just lube up with lotion or what you use then start slowly
and every time you get near a climax stop for a minute or two then
start over then in no time you will have a huge and fulfilling

-- December 28, 2006

First you must shave the penis and the balls completely clean.
Then get some lotion like gun oil and oil your penis and balls
completely with the lotion. Stroke the balls and penis with one
solid motion up and down. because of the lack of hair when you do
this it feels wonderful. And when you come it just glides over the

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penis and balls. Because of the lack of hair your hand feels so soft
on the balls as on the penis shaft. You have to try it hairless.

-- December 28, 2006
While Wearing Pantyhose

This is my absolute favorite. Borrow a pair of your wife's or mom's
pantyhose, or go and buy a pair. (I have bought my own supply of
various colors and styles.) Preferably not control top, they tend to
cling tighter making it harder to masturbate. A size larger than
normal is also sometimes good. Now put on the pantyhose. Just the
feel of your legs and penis covered in pantyhose is sometimes
enough to make you spurt. Now grasp your shaft from outside the
pantyhose, using your favorite technique. (This is why looser
pantyhose work the best.) Make sure the head of your shaft is
tightly covered by the pantyhose. Now stroke that penis with one
hand and play with your balls through the hose with the other.
With the pantyhose tight against the penis head, it will slightly
increase the amount of pressure needed to release your cum. This
only enhances the finale. Keep stroking as your cum begins to pour
through those wonderful pantyhose. There's nothing else like it!
Now go and rinse out those pantyhose until next time. FYI -
Sometimes I will wait until after several uses before cleaning the
pantyhose. The scent of the dried cum can enhance the experience
for some users.

-- December 28, 2006

I like to get a plastic sandwhich bag and put vasoline in it. I then
smush the bag around and open it insert my dick and put it in the
middle of the pillow, fold the pillow, and begin humping it like I

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would a chick.

-- December 29, 2006
shower head trick

dangle your shower head so the water shoots toward the back of
the shower and put it on jet or massage then get on your knees and
tuck your dick behind yout legs and let the water hit the top of your
dick. Do this for about 3 min and you will have the best load ever.
have fun

-- December 29, 2006

ok well it usually works best with the edge of a
counter/desk/dresser or something like that and what you do is you
just kinda lay your balls and penis onto the edge of the counter
(preferebly a kind of pointy edge) and you lean forword with your
feet off the ground and put your arms on the desk or whatevery our
using and just kinda hump it moving forward and back you may do
this woithout lube and it dont matter if you do it nude or wwith
whatever clothes on but it works great

also try picturing a really hot chick in your mind or have a pic of
naked girl

-- December 29, 2006
male version fingering

this technique is done when penis is not erect laying on your back.

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im not sure if differant sized flacid penises will maKE differance
but mine is rather small. with your non dominant hand(the one you
dont write with) use your thumb index and middle fingers to grip
base of flacid penis to hold it in place and with the index finger of
your dominant hand place it at the very tip of your penis and press
down but not too hard and start doing a quick circular motion keep
doing this until you expereince orgasm. it also some time helps if
you thrust your legs not up but out ward like a butterfly

-- December 29, 2006
Latex foam Pillow Humping

Just to add to the pillow masturbation method. Here's something
that you guys can try.

Look for the thickest, largest latex foam pillow you can find at the
store. My experience suggests that a 2 and a half inch thick latex
foam pillow will give you the bounce and softness for an
immaculate ejaculation (no pun intended). If not, use two pillows,
one above the other. The softer of the two should be the one you
place your penis onto.

Slip a smooth, satin pillow case over the pillow. You should buy a
pillow case that fits the pillow tightly so you keep the pillow
slightly condensed for more bounce. Wet the pillow over the spot
you place your penis on. Mount the pillow and push your penis
against the pillow just like how you'd hump on missionary
position. You'll feel the wetness slowly warming up and the latex
foam pushing against your penis and stomach with every
withdrawal of your hump stroke. Vary your speed, humping faster
and slowing down when you feel the urge to come. You can also
balance yourself with one hand on missionary position and use the
other to stimulate any part of the body you want. As your balls and
penis press against the pillow, you're technically also massaging
your balls to increase semen build- up. Hump the pillow till you

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come and don't stop. The sensation of your cum, the amazing
bounce of the pillow and all the wetness will be an orgasmic

For added intensity, hump two latex pillows by having one pillow
on top of another as described above. It'll give you some height
and amazing bounce that almost form-fits your penis. Feels like the
real thing.

If smell turns you on, have guys using your pillow often when their
sleeping or sweaty or even cumming on it. That way, you can sniff
the man smell as you hump once you've 'seasoned' it. Also, this
method works the best with uncut peniss. Dunno why but just
does. Have fun...

-- December 31, 2006
The Circle Grind

Lay tummy down on firm mattres. I like carpet remnant cover with
soft towel. Place the prick in center, spread legs as wide as they
can go, start to slowly grind your prick and start to circle your ass
at the same time, I suggest grind, clench and then release cheeks.
Looks great if viewed by a partner, Stop and start, releasing your
spunk when ready.


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