Terry O'Reilly Western Pleasure

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Western Pleasure

By Terry O’Reilly

Published by




for more information.

Copyright 2012

Terry O’Reilly

ISBN 9781611522556

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Cover Photo Credit:


Used under a Standard Royalty-Free License.
Cover Design:

J.M. Snyder

All Rights Reserved

WARNING: This book is not transferable.

It is for your own personal use. If it is sold,
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prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

No portion of this book may be

transmitted or reproduced in any form, or by any
means, without permission in writing from the
publisher, with the exception of brief excerpts
used for the purposes of review.

This book is for ADULT AUDIENCES

ONLY. It contains substantial sexually explicit
scenes and graphic language which may be
considered offensive by some readers. Please
store your files where they cannot be accessed
by minors.

This is a work of fiction. Names,

characters, places and incidents are solely the

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product of the author’s imagination and/or are
used fictitiously, though reference may be made
to actual historical events or existing locations.
Any resemblance to actual persons, living or
dead, is entirely coincidental.

Published in the United States of


* * * *

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Western Pleasure

By Terry O’Reilly

“The economy sucks, man.”
Tyler Steele nodded his agreement at his

best friend Barney’s assessment. Barney had
lost his job at the local car dealership. He had
been in charge of truck and trailer sales.

“Tell me about it,” chimed in Zeb, another

of Tyler’s friends and owner of Zeb’s Westside
Saddlery. “Business is down over ten percent.
No one’s buyin’ horses and those that have ’em
can’t afford to buy tack any more.”

Tyler sighed as he sipped his beer. His

business too was slow. He was a horse trainer
and in the past two years his twenty stall barn
had gone from full to fifty per cent occupancy.

“Yep,” he drawled. “No one wants horses

trained right now and the ones I got trained are
cuttin’ back on showin’. Don’t know what I’m
gonna do.”

The three men sat commiserating one

Friday night at the Stampede, a local country

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western bar. The live band played “Good Time”
and several folks were out on the floor line
dancing to the song. The men at Tyler’s table
agreed the song wasn’t reflecting their current
mood. Not one of them had the slightest
inclination to get up and join the dance. That
suited Ty just fine as he usually refused any
invitation to join the line dance.

“Well, Ty,” Zeb offered, “you could give

lessons. Ever thought about that?”

“Yeah, I thought about it. I ain’t taught

beginners fer God knows how long. I don’t know
if I’d have patience with little kids and their
parents anymore. I have enough trouble with the
riders I got showin’. If they don’t win it’s all my
fault. If they do, well it’s all on them and I had
nothin’ to do with it.” He took another swig of his

“Still,” Zeb pressed on, “a man’s gotta do

what he’s gotta do.”

“Yeah, Ty,” Barney added. “At least you

got a skill you can use. I don’t know nothing’ but
how to sell trucks and trailers, and that ain’t

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happening right now.”

Tyler sighed again. Maybe Zeb and

Barney were right. Maybe he should look into
giving lessons again.

Zeb seemed to sense Tyler was thinking

about it. “Go on, put an ad up and see what
happens. You could put it on Craigslist. Who
knows, you might make out like a bandit. Folks
might take some lessons and then want to buy a
horse and then they’d need tack and you could
send ’em ta me.” He took a drink of his beer and
winked at the cowboy.

“Then they’d need a truck and trailer to

haul to shows and I might get called back to
work!” Barney added.

All three laughed.
“Well, that maybe’d work,” Tyler said

thoughtfully. “Where do I get a hold of this Craig
fella ta get on his list?”

“God, Tyler! What century are ya livin’ in?

Craigslist is like the old classified ads in the
papers. It’s on the Internet,” Barney said.

Tyler kinda shrugged and looked away,

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feeling embarrassed.

“Wait a minute. You still ain’t bought a

computer, have ya?” Zeb said with a laugh.

Barney joined in. “Come on, Tyler. We

told you a year ago that you needed a computer
if you were gonna do business these days.”

“Don’t need one,” Tyler said defensively.

He didn’t want to admit he’d tried looking into the
modern technology but had decided it was too
complicated for him. “I do just fine as it is.”

“Yeah, well, wasn’t it you that was just

sayin’ your business was off and ya didn’t know
what you was gonna do? Or was that some other
fe lla wearin’ a western shirt and a Stetson
occupyin’ yer body?”

“I don’t have a computer. Don’t see how

that’d change things anyway! There! You
satisfied?” Tyler asked with finality.

“Do you at least have a cell phone?

Barney asked sarcastically. “Then if you do place
an ad they can at least call ya. Or would you
rather they used smoke signals?” He laughed

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“Shut your face. I got me a cell,” Tyler said


Barney kept chuckling.
“Could use the computer at the library.

They’d be happy to help ya,” Zeb told Tyler as he
signaled the waitress for another pitcher of beer
for the men. “Or come over to the store. I’ll let you
use mine.”

Tyler thought about this. He knew it was

his pride talking when he refused Zeb’s offer to
help. He knew he wouldn’t go to the library either.
It would be too hard to admit he didn’t know the
first thing about computing. But he did realize he
had to do something to bring in a little more
money. He’d think about it over the weekend.
The pitcher arrived and the conversation turned
to other topics.

* * * *

By Monday Tyler had made up his mind

he’d give lessons a try; but he’d decided he
would place an ad the old fashioned way: in the

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newspaper. So after feeding the horses and
turning them out he drove his F250 into town,
heading for the business office of

The Sentinel


“Can I help you?” a pretty young woman

asked as he walked up to the counter.

“Yes ma’am. I’d like to put an ad in the

paper,” Tyler replied.

“Sure thing.” The woman smiled, reached

under the counter and brought out several sheets
of paper. “Here are our rates. As you can see the
longer the ad runs the cheaper it is overall.”

Tyler looked over the rate sheet. He

decided the long-term ad would make more

“This form is for what you want to say. You

pay by the word as well as the run time of the ad.
If you have any questions, just let me know.”

She smiled again. Tyler thanked her and

she went back to her desk.

He stood looking at the form. He hadn’t

thought ahead of what he would say; but to save
a few bucks he’d keep it short and sweet. He
decided to add a little line at the end to make it

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more interesting and to show Barney and Zeb he
wasn’t all that out of it. After writing the ad he
came to the section where the advertiser chose
a category.

Jobs wanted. No that’s not right. I got me

a job.

Help wanted. I ain’t lookin’ to hire


For sale. Ain’t sellin’ nothin’. Well, sort of

I am.

Items Wanted. Don’t want nothin’ ‘cept


Services. That might be good. But this

could be fer things like house cleanin’ and
caterin’ and baby sittin’. Naw, don’t think so.

Dang, I don’t know which one to check.

Tyler looked up. He was going to ask the

young woman which category riding lessons
would fit in, but she was busy on the phone and
was sitting with her back to him. He sighed and
looked at his watch. He’d best be getting back to

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the barn. He had some work to do with a couple
horses, and he wanted to get it done before it
got too hot.

He looked at the form once more and

checked personals.

Just then the young woman hung up the

phone and came back to the counter. “All set?”

“Yes, ma’am, I think so,” he replied.
She quickly checked the form, counted

the words and calculated the fee. Tyler paid her
and was on his way. As he got into his pick up
and started driving off he thought,

Wonder why

she gave me that funny look when she was
checkin’ the form? Ain’t she never heard of
nobody givin’ ridin’ lessons afore?

* * * *

Gordon Burkhart sat in front of his

computer. He was reading an email from his
friend Tim in New York City.

Hey, man. How are things in Hicksville?

he read.

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Gordon had recently moved to the

Midwest from Manhattan where he’d been an
assistant claims manager in a large national
insurance firm. The firm was cutting back on
personnel and Gordon—along with many others
—had been shuffled around the country to
smaller offices. He was lucky his seniority had
kept him from getting a pink slip.

Bet there isn’t a lot of action. Your trusty

right hand is going to get a lot of exercise.

Gordon finished reading the letter and


It’s not exactly Hicksville. The population

is about 100K, but you’re right, it isn’t swinging
either. No gay bars and after checking the net
not a single ad for anyone looking to hook up
within a hundred miles. Yep, the trusty old right
hand is getting a workout all right.

After finishing the letter he sighed and

clicked SEND.

Shutting down the computer for the night

he flipped on the television. There was nothing
there that held his attention either. The local

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programming and he hadn’t checked on satellite
TV as yet.

Oh well. At least I have a job,

he thought

as he turned off the tube, went to the bathroom
and got ready for bed.

He crawled beneath the sheets, his right

hand made it’s way down to his crotch for its
nightly workout. Images of bodybuilders,
construction workers, and military men rolled on
the screen of his mind. A picture of a tall,
muscular cowboy in tight Wrangler jeans and
plaid shirt open to the waist with sleeves rolled
up exposing massive biceps appeared.

Gotta be some way to find someone like

this to…

Gordon groaned and let the thought go

as his dick erupted.

* * * *

The next morning Gordon picked up a

local newspaper along with his coffee on his way
to work. He went into his office and shut the door.

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After a review of the messages his secretary had
left on his desk he opened the paper and
browsed through the news as he sipped his
coffee. Working for a company that insured many
of the folks here about, keeping up with the
goings on of the town was important.

After reading an article about the fortunes

of the local high school football team he was
about to put the paper aside when a thought
struck him.

Check the personals. Yeah, why

not? Could be the guys here still put
themselves out in the old fashioned way.

Flipping to the back of the paper, he found the

Let’s see, personals, personals. Ah,

yeah, here we go.

The first two ads were men looking for

wives. One wanted a woman who could cook.
The other didn’t care if she could cook as long
as she was a stunning beauty.

Oh my God!

Gordon thought. The third was a woman looking
for a golden retriever to breed her poodle, Sally,
in hopes of producing golden doodles—profits to
be shared.

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Ah, maybe Tim was right, Hicksville.
Hmmm, what’s this?

The next ad caught

his eye.

Interested in riding lessons? Beginner to




Available any time of day. Happy to give you
the ride of your life.

The telephone number followed.






thought. He wrote the number on a piece of
paper and put it in his pocket. His first
appointment was due in a few minutes. He’d call
the number later.

* * * *

The first chance Gordon had to call was at

lunchtime. He got the paper with the number out
of his pocket and punched it into his cell phone,
leaned back in his desk chair and hummed as
he counted the rings. After four he thought maybe
the ad was just a crank posting, but then a deep,
sexy voice said, “Hello?”

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Wow, now this


have possibilities,

Gordon thought as he felt a tingle in his groin.
“Hi. I’m calling about your ad in the paper for…
uh,” Gordon smiled, “riding lessons.”

“Oh, yeah…um…sure. Thanks for callin’.

Would ya be interested in lessons fer a kid or
adult?” the deep voice continued.

“You give lessons to kids?” Gordon asked

in surprise.

“I’m really not inta kids. Ta be honest I’m

more comfortable with adults.”

Gordon shook his head and chuckled.

“This would definitely be for an adult…me.”

“That’s fine,” the voice continued. “Are you

a beginner or do ya have some experience?”

“Oh, I’ve had a good deal of experience.

Been…ha ha…riding for years.”

“Okay, that works for me, too. In fact I

prefers guys with experience. Any particular
ridin’ skills you’d like to work on? By the way I
only do western ridin’. If you’re interested in other

“Western is fine.”

This guy sure gets into

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this charade of the riding lessons thing.

“ Um.”

Gordon bit his lip. “I really like bareback. But I
don’t know if you’d be into that?”

There was a pause at the other end of the

line. Then the sultry voice said slowly, “I do some
bareback, but I don’t know about that. Even with
some ridin’ experience it’s usually best for me to
start using the right equipment…just for yer own
protection, ya understand. After I got to know ya
some and checked out yer background in the
saddle, well maybe we could talk about
bareback. That okay with you?”

Gordon smiled again, his dick hardening.

“Better safe than sorry, I guess.”

“Right, don’t wanna take no chances.

Uh…just need some information. Wanna give
me your stats so I can be sure I got the right size
mount for ya?”

This was getting more interesting all the

time. Between the sexy voice and the nature of
the questions Gordon was getting turned on.
“Well,” he began, “I’m about six-one, weigh one
eighty-five. Workout pretty regular so I’m in good

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shape.” He was about to add that he had a
seven inch, thick cock and pretty big balls, but
the voice interrupted.

“That’s sounds good. Hate givin’ lessons

to someone who’s real outta shape. Makes it
pretty hard to get into correct ridin’ position and
then they don’t have the stamina to last very

“I know what you mean,” Gordon

answered. “You can be sure I got the stamina
and the staying power. I could ride for a couple of
hours easy.”

“Well, the lessons will be an hour long.”
“Couldn’t we make them last longer?

Gordon asked with a smile. “I like a long ride.”

“Well, to tell the truth, most folks are pretty

well tuckered out after one a my lessons. An
hour’s usually the best. My name’s Ty Steele by
the way. And yours…”

“Ya got a last name, Gordon? I like ta

have that fer ma records.”

Gordon didn’t like giving out his last name

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when he first met someone. Even though he was
out, he found it best to fly a bit under the radar
until he got to know the person. But since Ty had
been forthright he answered, “Burkhart.”

“That spelled with a ‘u’ or a ‘e’?” Ty


What the fuck difference does that make

for a hook-up?

Gordon thought, but said, “a ‘u’”

“Thanks. Now how about time? I’m free

‘most anytime. What’s your schedule like?”

By now Gordon was ready to go as soon

as possible. The sexy voice and role play had
him horny and hot. “I can make it anytime you

“Well, let’s see, don’t have no one comin’

in fer trainin’ tomorrow. How about two tomorrow





enthusiastically. Then a thought occurred to him.
“Do you have lots of folks coming in for training?”

“Not as many as I used to have. Been a

bit slow lately. If it’s references you’re interested
in I can give you some names?”

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“No, no, I was just curious. Ah…do you

ever do group lessons?” Gordon wasn’t above a
ménage every now and then and this guy was
doing a good job of revving up his libido.

“Once in a while if everyone is on the

same page skill-wise. But I prefer one on one.
Can really get into the lesson better that way,
work out those intimate details of technique. Get
people in a group and somebody usually gets left
out and then feelin’s get hurt.”

Gordon shuddered. “I’m liking what I’m

hearing more and more,” he said. “How do I find

“The address is 2205 Bronner Road. You

need directions?”

“No, I have a GPS. Ah…how will I

recognize you?”

Ty laughed. “Well, first off, won’t be

anyone here at that time but me. But even if there
was I’d be the only six foot four cowboy around.
And oh yeah. You got boots? I require all my
riders to wear boots with a heel.”

Gordon let out a long breath and adjusted

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himself in his pants. “I do have boots, Ty,”
Gordon lied. Images of him and the yet unknown
cowboy naked except for their boots flashed
through his mind. He would stop and get some
cowboy boots the next day. “See you tomorrow
then, Ty.”


Gordon. Lookin’ forward to

gettin’ you in the saddle.”

“Me, too, Ty, me, too!”
“Just need yer phone number in case fer

some reason I have ta cancel.”

Gordon took a deep breath.

God, please


“I sure hope that doesn’t happen. I’m


looking forward to the lesson.”

Tyler responded, “Doubt that it will, but ya

never can tell.”

Breathing a sigh of relief, Gordon gave Ty

his phone number, and the men said good-bye.
Immediately after hanging up the phone, Gordon
called his secretary and had her cancel all his
appointments for the next afternoon.

* * * *

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For Gordon the morning of the day of his

date to meet Ty couldn’t have gone slower.

He checked his watch every ten minutes;

he checked the clock on his computer in
between. When his secretary brought a pile of






applications for coverage into his office for him
to approve he about had a fit. But somehow he
got through it all. He changed from his business
suit to a pair of jeans and a tee shirt in the men’s
room and was able to leave work even earlier
than he’d planned.

Gordon had programmed Ty’s address

into his GPS the night before so he knew
approximately how long it would take to get to
him. He was a little surprised, it was a longer
drive than he’d anticipated.

He’d looked up places to buy boots and

found the town had two: Zeb’s Westside
Saddlery and Dave’s Western Store. Since the
latter was in the direction he’d be driving,
Gordon decided to stop there. When he walked

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in through the door, a bell jingled announcing his
arrival. The smell of leather assailed his nostrils
and a thrill of anticipation shot directly to his
cock. Rows of saddles greeted him, some plain,
some accented with silver. As he stood
surveying the scene, he felt something brush
against his leg. Looking down he saw an orange
tabby cat, purring loudly, rubbing his calf in

“Hi there, Mister,” he said, bending down

to give the cat a scratch. The cat purred louder
then walked to the counter, jumped up and lay
down, tail twitching, regarding him with regal
feline detachment.

Gordon walked between the rows of shiny

saddles admiring the craftsmanship. In back of
the store were shelves displaying boots: cowboy
boots and more cowboy boots. Gordon
scratched his head. He never had expected to
see so many varieties of western footwear.

“Can I help ya?” came a deep, pleasant


Gordon turned to see a smiling, rather

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handsome older man walking down the aisle
toward him. He wore jeans and a flannel shirt,
had a stainless steel Indian feather earring in
one ear, and a silver chain around his neck. The
man had a pure white goatee and pale blue eyes
that were shaded by a beat-up old straw cowboy
hat. Gordon—while not especially attracted to
mature guys—had to admit this older cowboy
might just have been worth his time to check out
if he hadn’t already made plans.

“I’m looking for a pair of boots,” Gordon

said, returning the man’s smile.

“Well, here they are,” the man said with a

sweeping gesture that took in the several rows of

“You buyin’ ’em for ridin’ or just


Gordon chuckled. “Riding.”
“What kind a riding are you gonna do?”
Gordon chuckled again and felt his dick

respond to the images the man’s question
caused to flash through his mind. “I’m not quite
sure, to be honest.”

The man gave a soft laugh, raised his hat,

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rubbed his shaved head, and said, “Would you
b e thinkin’ of show ridin’, ranch work or just
pleasure ridin’?”

“Definitely pleasure ridin’—er…riding, “

Gordon replied, the images in his head growing
stronger, this time with the man in front of him
replacing those of Ty. “I’m going for my first
lesson today.” He could feel his cock plumping
as he spoke.

“Okay,” the man said. “I’m Dave, by the

way.” He held out his hand.

“Gordon,” Gordon said, accepting Dave’s


“Follow me.” Dave led the way around a

couple of rows of shelves on which were
displayed several kinds of boots. “Here ya go.
The top shelf has some heavy-duty work boots.
But since you’re not gonna be spendin’ all day in
the saddle…”




Gordon mentally


“…these here in the middle should do ya

pretty well.”

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Gordon looked over the selection. With

Dave’s help he chose a pair of black boots with
the deep heel he remembered Ty had
suggested. They had a plain, rounded toe and an
oak leaf pattern on the calf shaft. Gordon left
them on after trying them for size and put the
sneakers he had worn to the store into the box
the boots had been in. As he walked with Dave
to the front counter to pay, the man asked, “You
think ya might want a hat to go with them boots?
Would kinda complete the picture.”

“That’s a great idea,” Gordon said, the

fantasy of him with Ty dressed only in hats and
boots causing his cock to react even more.

“Right over here then,” Dave said, leading

the way.

Once again the variety of styles caught

Gordon by surprise. Dave seemed to sense this
and offered, “You’ll probably want straw rather
than felt. It’s cooler, less expensive and usually
does fine fer everyday pleasure ridin’”.

Gordon nodded and in a few minutes had

selected a Resistol All Around. As with the

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boots, he decided to wear his purchase. They
continued their walk to the front counter.

“Who’s givin’ ya yer ridin’ lesson?”
“I answered an ad in the paper,” Gordon


“Maybe I know ’im?” Dave asked,

nudging the sleeping cat so he could swipe
Gordon’s credit card. “Move over, Bub. You
better get on mouse duty and earn your keep.”

The cat stood, stretched, gave Dave a

derisive stare, jumped lightly down off the
counter, and walked away, his tail twitching.

Swiping Gordon’s card, Dave said, “I

know most of the folks that ride around here.
What’s his name?”

Gordon hesitated, not wanting to out

someone. “Uh…Ty… Ty Steel.”

“Ah, yeah, Tyler. Fine young man. I been

out ta his place ta ride a few times myself.”

“Really?” Gordon said in amazement.
“Yep. You ain’t gonna find no better

teacher anywhere in these parts. I always enjoy
myself when I gets the chance to go ridin’ with

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’im,” Dave said, giving Gordon a wink and
handing him the receipt to sign.

Gordon was surprised that Dave was

being so open about his


with Ty. He was

about to pursue the conversation when the bell
on the store’s door jingled and two women





boomed to the new arrivals. “Be with ya in a jiffy.
Thanks fer the business,” he said, addressing
Gordon again. “Hope ya come back again
sometime.” He nodded and extended a hand to
Gordon a second time, smiling broadly. “Hope
you have a good time with Ty.” Another wink

Gordon returned the smile, the wink and

the handshake with just a bit extra pressure. “I’m
sure I will. Maybe I’ll stop by and let you know
how it went,” he said.

“I’d like that. Well, bye for now then,” Dave


“So long,” Gordon responded. As he left

the store he pondered his good fortune at

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coming upon both Ty and Dave in his new
hometown. Maybe his trusty right hand would be
getting a bit of a rest.

* * * *

Back in his SUV, as Gordon followed the

directions given by the female voice on the GPS,
he noticed they were rather quickly leaving the
city and entering a semi-residential area.
Gordon leaned back and sighed. He was
enjoying his drive. Back in New York he hardly
ever used his car as the traffic was so heavy and
parking cost an arm and a leg. Myrtle Margaret,
as he called his GPS unit, directed him onto
Bronner, which turned out to be a rural gravel
road. He passed a sheep farm, and several
residences with acreage, a couple with horses
pastured in their yards. Finally Myrtle Margaret
said, “Arriving at Ty Steel on left.”

As he turned into the long sweeping drive

he saw a line of horse trailers parked to one
side, on the other and beyond were well-

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groomed pastures each with a number of horses
in them. Making a right turn, he pulled up in front
of a gray-green barn. The large door was open
and a pick-up loaded with bales of hay was
parked just inside. He pulled to a stop. Two dogs
came running up to the vehicle from somewhere:
one a scrappy looking gray and white terrier
type, the other a black and tan hound. Both were
wagging tails furiously and making a hell of a
welcome racket.

Oh my God!

he thought,

Ty really is a

horse trainer and he thinks I’m here for a real
riding lesson. You horny jerk!

he chastised


Always thinkin’ with your dick’s head

instead of your brain.

Gordon had never been on an actual

horse in his life; the only ones he’d ridden were
on carousels. In fact, if he were honest, he was
scared of the large animals. Shaking his head
and cursing his stupidity, he put the SUV in
reverse and prepared to get the hell out of there.
Just then something changed his mind
completely. Coming out of the barn was a bare-

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chested vision of masculinity that made
Gordon’s mouth water and put his cock on high
alert status. He shifted back into park and
watched as the smiling man walked toward him,
lifting his black cowboy hat and mopping his
brow with a red handkerchief.

“Go on, you two,” the vision said to the

dogs. “That’ll do, Maverick,” he said, reaching
down and ruffling the smaller dog’s ears. He then
turned to give affection to the other dog. “Sparky,
that’s enough from you, too.” The hound fell

God, let this be Ty!

Gordon thought,

forgetting in his rising passion that this guy
thought he was here to get a real riding lesson
on a real horse, not the lesson Gordon had been
planning on.

The man was tall and muscular. Broad-

shouldered and narrow-waisted, he exuded
sexuality with every stride. His biceps—one with
a barbed wire tattoo—bulged invitingly. His deep
chest was shrouded in thick black hair that
glistened with sweat. The lush pelt descended in

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a perfect pattern to disappear into the man’s
jeans that were slung low on his hips. His dark
brown eyes smiled a greeting as he approached
Gordon who was sitting transfixed in his vehicle.
The man’s handsome face, with its scruffy day’s
growth of beard, made Gordon fairly melt with
desire. He opened the door and nearly fell out of
the car.

“Hey, whoa there,” the deep voice Gordon

remembered from the phone conversation said.
“Don’t want to lose ya afore ya get yer lesson in.”
Gordon was steadied by a strong arm on his
shoulder. “I’m Ty. You must be Gordon.”

Gordon nodded dumbly. Then, realizing

he had to say something, babbled, “Uh…nice
spread y’all got here,”

Nice spread y’all got here!

Who’s this idiot that’s taken over my mouth?

“Yep,” Ty responded, still smiling. “I’m

pretty proud a her. Look, yer a might early. I was
hopin’ ta finish stackin’ this hay I fetched this
mornin’ afore ya got here. But if ya just gimme a
minute ta shower and put ma shirt on…”

Oh please don’t!

Gordon thought.

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“…we’ll get Kruzer outta the pasture and

get ya up in the saddle.”

Gordon noticed the two dogs were sitting

patiently, one either side of Ty as if waiting to be
acknowledged. Taking advantage of them as a
distraction and to give him time to think, he bent
and scratched each pair of canine ears in turn.
As he did, he said, “No, that’s fine. I’ve got the
time. You go ahead and take your shower.”


wouldn’t mind hopping in there with you if you
had no objection,

his mind continued his

unspoken thought.

“Thank ya for yer patience. Come on inta

the observation lounge. Ain’t much goin’ on in the
arena fer ya ta watch but Sparky and Maverick’ll
keep ya company. It won’t take me but a minute.”

“Take your time. I’ll be waiting,” Gordon


I’d wait for you all day,

he thought.

Ty picked up his shirt as they walked

through the barn and past the truck with its load
of hay. The mixed smell of hay and horse manure
assaulted Gordon. Both inviting and repugnant at
the same time, the olfactory sensation reflected

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his emotions. Ty was more attractive than
Gordon could ever have hoped and he wanted to
spend as much time with the cowboy as he
could. Yet in order to do that he’d have to face
his fears and get up on a horse. As Ty preceded
him up the ramp into the barn, the sight of the
man’s shapely ass clinched the deal. If it took
riding a horse to be near this cowboy, then
Gordon would do it.

The men walked down the aisle-way

between the empty horse stalls. Ty turned and
apologized for not having them cleaned as his
hired hand was off that day and Ty had to go
‘fetch’ hay.

“I usually like to make sure ma clients get

a good impression when they come out.”

“No problem,” Gordon replied.

If they had

any sense at all, one look at you and that’d be
all the impression they’d…

“Right in here,” Ty said and opened a

door, letting Gordon through ahead of him.

The room he entered was spacious.

There were couches and lounge chairs arranged

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in rows facing a large observation window. On
the other side was the indoor riding area, empty
at present but soon to be the location of
Gordon’s first lesson. His heart fluttered.

“Make yourself at home.” Ty swept a hand

in the general direction of the sofas and chairs.
I’ll be right out. If ya want a pop or coffee…” He
pointed to a kitchenette area where Gordon saw
a small refrigerator, stove, and other kitchen
equipment. Then Ty went into an adjoining room,
presumably the bathroom.

Gordon sat down. Maverick, the scruffy

terrier, jumped on his lap and Sparky the hound
dog lay down at his feet.

Gordon looked around the room. The

walls were lined with ribbons and pictures of Ty
and others on horseback, apparently taken at
shows. Signs in each photo testified to the
success of the rider or the horse: Champion,
Grand Champion, Reserve Champion. Gordon
was duly impressed…and scared. He decided
he’d have to come clean. He’d told Ty he’d had
riding experience when he thought they were

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talking about sex. Now that the reality was
staring him in the face—he pictured himself on
the back of a bucking bronco through the window
of the observation room—he needed to clear up
the issue of just how much riding experience he

In about fifteen minutes Ty emerged from

the bathroom, clothed in blue and white checked
western shirt and tight Wranglers. The lack of a
bare chest disappointed Gordon, but Ty hadn’t
shaved, a fact Gordon was grateful for.

“Hi. The boys takin’ good care a ya?”
“They are, thanks,” Gordon replied,

getting up as Maverick jumped off his lap and
curled into the corner of the couch.

“Well, then, let’s get started.”
“Um…”Gordon began.
Ty looked at him, his dazzling smile

awakening butterflies in Gordon’s groin.

“I’ve got a confession to make.”
The cowboy inclined his head and raised

his eyebrows.

“I’ve never been on a horse before.”

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“Thought I remembered you said you’d

had ridin’ experience. Oh, well, shucks, that’s no
problem. But I better put ya up on Happy instead
a Kruzer. He’s a little easier for a beginner,” Ty
said, apparently not concerned at the deception.
He led the way out of the observation lounge.

Gordon followed him along with Maverick

and Sparky. Ty stopped at a rack of ropes and
picked up a lead, then proceeded out of the barn
with Gordon in tow.

They made their way down a short lane

and stopped at a red gate beyond which was a
pasture in which Gordon could see four or five
horses. Ty unlatched the gate and entered.
Gordon hung back.

Ty waited a second then said with a

chuckle, “Come on, don’t be scared. They ain’t
gonna hurt ya.”

As Gordon tentatively entered the

pasture, Ty turned, whistled, and called out,
“Happy, time to go to work.”

A reddish brown horse raised its head

and looked in Ty’s direction.

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“Come on, ya ole bag a bones. Got

someone here wants ta learn how ta ride.”

The horse ambled slowly toward them.

The closer it got the more nervous Gordon felt
about actually getting on and riding. When the
animal got to the men Ty reached out and
rubbed its neck and snapped on the lead.

“That’s a good ole boy,” he said

affectionately. “This here’s Gordon. He’s a
newbie so y’all take good care a ‘im.”

Gordon smiled nervously.
“Go on, you can pet ’im. He ain’t gonna

bite ya. Happy’s a sweet old guy. He’s never lost
a rider yet, have ya, buddy?”

Gordon reached out and tentatively

stroked the horse’s muzzle. It was soft and
velvety to his touch. Gordon took a deep breath
and smiled at Ty.

“There, ya see, that weren’t so bad now

was it?”

Gordon swallowed and nodded. But the

size of the animal now that it was close still
unnerved him.

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Ty led the horse to the barn with Gordon

and the dogs following. He had to admit, despite
his nerves, he was enjoying being with this sexy
cowboy. Just watching his masculine walk and
seeing his demeanor increased his desire to be
around him.

Once they got to the barn Ty tied the

horse in an open-ended stall he referred to as a
groom stall and began to brush Happy, all the
while explaining the procedure. Gordon listened
politely but couldn’t shake either the dread of
actually getting up on the horse’s back or the
disappointment that he wasn’t going to get to
ride the cowboy instead.

However, when Ty got out a saddle and

started to put it on the animal, for some reason—
Gordon never could figure out why except, in
addition to his fear of horses, it had something to
do with being horny and in the presence of such
a hot man—he acted on an impulse and said,
“Actually when I answered your ad…it was in the
personals, you know?”

“Yeah?” Ty stopped what he was doing

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and turned back to Gordon. “I couldn’t figure out
where ta put it, so I put it there. What about it?”

That explains it

, Gordon thought.

“Because it was in the personals I thought it
was…” He stopped.

“Was?” Ty prompted.
“Was for a different kind of ‘riding’.”

different kinda ridin’?” Ty looked

puzzled. “What other kinda ridin’ is th…” Then his
eyes opened wide and he exclaimed, “Oh mah
God! Ya thought I meant…I mean…ya thought
we was gonna…” He laughed. “Well don’t that
beat all.”

Gordon nodded and said, “I’m sorry I

misunderstood. I feel like a real idiot.”

“Well now, no need to be sorry. It was a

s i m p l e misunderstandin’.” Ty replaced the
saddle on the rack and took a step toward
Gordon. “No need to feel like an idiot neither. I’m
the one should feel like that. I put the ad in the
personals. Shoulda asked where an ad for ridin’
lessons should go.” He took another step. “Ta be
honest with ya. I wasn’t into giving lessons

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anyway…just doin’ it ta make a little extra cash.
But I’m kinda glad, now I met ya, that I made that
mistake.” He put his hand on Gordon’s shoulder.
“I ain’t opposed ta them other kinda lessons ya
thought I was talkin’ about.”

“You mean it?” Gordon asked, not daring

to believe his ears.

“Sure I do.” Ty looked around as if to

make sure they were alone except for the horse
and dogs. “This convince ya I mean it?”

Ty drew Gordon into his arms, tipped his

chin up and kissed him: a deep, long kiss
accentuated by his tongue massaging Gordon’s.
Gordon’s head swam with surprise and

They stood together for several minutes

kissing and pressing bodies together: Gordon’s
rock hard cock against Ty’s muscular thigh, Ty’s
against Gordon’s stomach.

“Ya still interested in them lessons?” Ty

said, still holding Gordon in his arms. “Reckon I
could show you one or two interestin’ ridin’

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“Then come on,” Ty said. “We better take

this up to the house. Never know who might
wander in here.”

“Lead the way,” Gordon replied.
Ty looked over his shoulder, “Happy, ya

got yerself the day off.” He kissed Gordon once
more then he untied the horse and led it to a
regular stall.

Ty took Gordon by the hand, led him out

of the barn, through a different gate, and up a
small hill toward a house at the top.

An idea struck him. “Ty, wait,” Gordon


Ty stopped and turned to him. “What?”
“I always thought doing it in a hay mow

would be fantastic.”

Ty laughed. “Y’all been lookin’ at too

much internet porn. A s appealin’ as a romp in
the hay looks, it ain’t all that it’s cracked up ta

Gordon looked disappointed.

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Still chuckling Ty continued, “Hay’s prickly

and dusty. Makes a man itch and sneeze. Don’t
know how them guys in the videos can stand it.
Believe me we’ll have a much better time up at
the house.”

Gordon smiled. Looking at the sexy,

hunky cowboy he knew it really didn’t matter
where they did it…as long as they did it.

“You’re the boss,” he said.
“All right then,” Ty said, giving Gordon his

gorgeous smile once more. “Let’s get this
lesson goin’! I got me a hard-on that just can’t
wait to be rode!”

They tumbled through the back door of the

house into the laundry room, kissing and groping
each other as they did. Gordon was led through
the house, each man shedding shirts and hats
along the way. When they got to the bedroom, Ty
sat Gordon on the bed and pulled off his boots.
Then he laid Gordon back, undid his belt and
grabbing the man’s jeans at the ankles, Ty slid
them off and threw them on the floor. Gordon had
worn no underwear and he lay there, his hard

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cock against his stomach, dripping with arousal.

Ty stood up. Hopping first on one foot

then the other, he removed his boots, undid his
pants and pushed his jeans and boxers to the
floor, his horse cock proudly pointing to the

Gordon let out a


through his teeth at

the sight of the huge organ and the shroud of
thick, black hair above a set of ponderous balls.
Ty leaned forward.

“Wait,” Gordon said.
“I want us to wear our hats.”
Gordon got up, left the bedroom, returning

a moment later wearing his Resistol and carrying
Ty’s hat. He gave it to Ty and sat back down on
the bed.

“Put the boots back on,” Gordon said as

Ty put his hat on.

Ty chuckled. “You got it, cowboy.”
Ty replaced both Gordon’s as well as his

own boots then stretched out over Gordon,
bracing himself on his arms. Gordon leaned

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back on his elbows.

“Ready for that lesson?’ Ty asked.
“More than ready,” Gordon replied, feeling

the intense arousal Ty was creating in him.

Ty smiled and slowly lowered himself until

his lips were on Gordon’s. The kiss was both
gentle and passionate. Gordon opened his
mouth slightly, inviting Ty’s tongue inside. Ty
obliged and settled his full weight on the smaller
man beneath him. Gordon reveled in the
welcome burden and wrapped his arms around
Ty, pressing his chest against Ty’s chiseled
pecs. The Resistol fell off and landed on the bed.
The men ground their rock hard dicks against
one another.

After a length of time, which Gordon could

not measure, Ty began to slowly make his way
down Gordon’s torso, licking and sucking chest,
nipples, arm pits and navel, until finally he buried
his face in Gordon’s pubic hair, mouthing it as if
he were a horse grazing.

Ty then continued his oral exploration,

inspecting first the groove between Gordon’s

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thighs and balls, then the space beneath them
and finally the balls themselves. There was no
doubt in Gordon’s mind Ty was an experienced,






anticipated Ty’s next move.

When Ty had fully investigated Gordon’s

scrotal area he took hold of Gordon’s cock and
with the same deliberate slowness began to lick
and trace its contours. Finally he let the organ
slip into his mouth, swallowing it to its base then
massaging the underside with his tongue.
Gordon didn’t know how long he could take this
stimulation before erupting. He held the sides of
Ty’s head, moaning softly as the cowboy
continued his ministrations.

Ty must have sensed Gordon was close

to climax for he let the man’s dick slip from his
mouth. “I got other plans,” he said simply.

With that Ty raised Gordon’s legs and

began to probe and mouthe his asshole with his
lips and tongue. Gordon shuddered and let out a
gasp of pleasure.

“Likin’ that, are ya?” Ty asked.

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Gordon swallowed, but all he could

manage in response was to whimper, nod his
head and thrust his ass forward to encourage Ty
to continue. He could feel his sphincter relaxing
and began to experience the tell-tale longing to
be filled by a man’s dick. He was breathing hard
and tried to let Ty know he wanted him inside.

“I’m….ah…I’m re…ah…I want…” he


Ty laughed softly. “Time for you to get in

the saddle and ride, pardner.”

Ty got up and pulled Gordon to his feet.

He held him close and kissed him once more,
picked up Gordon’s hat and reseated it on his
head. Then Ty lay down on the bed on his back.
He reached for the bed stand and took out a
condom, ripped open the foil and rolled it on.
Gordon gazed at the magnificent male lying
before him: his hard horse-hung cock, the
outstretched arms, the broad smile on his
handsome face.

“Mount up, cowboy,” Ty said.
Gordon got onto the bed, kneeling as he

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straddled the horseman Adonis. Looking into
Ty’s eyes, he guided the man’s rigid tool into his
ass. Despite its size, Gordon could take it easily.
Ty let out a gasp. He slipped in and Gordon
settled until he could feel his balls nestle into Ty’s
lush growth of pubic hair. Ty reached behind and
grasped Gordon’s ass cheeks.

They were motionless for a few seconds,

then Ty started to massage Gordon’s ass, pump
and said, “Ride me, ride your stallion cowboy.
Ride me hard and put me up wet!”

And Gordon did. Coordinating the

contracting of his ass muscles to the upward
thrusts of his bronco, he rode until Ty yelled, “Oh

Ty clenched his teeth, groaned and then

roared. Gordon could feel Ty’s dick throb within

With Ty still inside, Gordon grasped his

own hard cock and began to jack it. He trembled
and made a strangled cry and spewed his cum
all over Ty’s hairy torso. When the last few drops
drained out over Gordon’s hand Ty reached up,

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took him by the shoulders, pulled him down on
top of him and kissed him.

When the kiss ended, Ty rolled them on

their sides where they lay facing each other. He
removed the condom, tied it and dropped it over
the side of the bed.

“How was that fer yer first ridin’ lesson?”

he asked with a wink.




giving Ty a quick kiss.

“Well, are ya gonna sign up fer more?” Ty

kissed him back.

“How about once a week?’ Gordon said

with another kiss.

“Could do twice a week if ya want?” Ty

smiled, continuing to punctuate their exchange
with kisses.

This time Ty didn’t get a verbal response.

Gordon rolled him over on his back, straddled
him again and kissed him, grinding his re-
hardening cock against Ty’s.

“I take it that means yes?” Ty asked,


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“You bet it does.”
“Ya got yerself a deal,” Ty said as he

rolled on a fresh condom and guided his cock
into Gordon’s ass once again. “Ride ’em,

* * * *

As was usual for a Friday night Tyler was

at his regular table at the Stampede. And as
usual he was waiting for Zeb and Barney to
arrive. He sipped his beer and listened to the
music, tapping his fingers on the table top and
smiling to himself. After about fifteen minutes his
friends arrived. They sat down at the table and
poured themselves each a glass of beer from the
pitcher Ty had ordered.

“Well, we got through another fuckin’

week,” Barney lamented. “Still outta a job and
runnin’ low on the savin’s account. And the
fuckin’ government wants to cut me outta
unemployment. But what the hell.” He raised his
glass in salute.

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The other two raised theirs as well.
“How’s it goin’ with you?” Ty asked Zeb.
“’Bout the same. Had enough customers

that I paid the bills, but one a y’all’s gonna have
to pay for the beer tonight.”

All three men laughed.
“What about it, Ty?” Barney inquired. “You

had a change a fortune that’s gonna make you
the provider of our bender tonight?”

Ty leaned back in his chair and smiled. “I

advertised fer lessons like ya said.”

“ A n d ? ” Zeb asked, pouring himself

another beer.

“And it worked out pretty damn well.” He

smiled again, reached down, and rubbed his
crotch under the table. “Got me one new client
that’s got real possibilities.”

“You gonna tell us about it?” Barney

asked. “Is the fucker rich? Gonna buy a horse?”
He looked across the table at Zeb, “Then you
can send him to Zeb fer a saddle.”

“And a truck and trailer to put Barney

back to work?” Zeb laughed and raised his glass

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to Barney.

“I’ll drink to that,” Barney said, clinking his

glass with Zeb’s.

“Maybe I’ll fill ya in sometime,” Ty

answered as the music to “Good Time” started
playing. “Right now I’m gonna dance. Come on
you two lard asses. Get yer butts up there and
have some fun.”

Ty got up. Zeb and Barney looked at each

other. “Guess that new client a yours must be
really somethin’ ta make an ol’ leadfoot like you
get up and dance,” Zeb said.

“That he is, Zeb old boy. That he is,” Ty

said, his smile deepening.

“Ya gonna keep givin’ him lessons?”

Barney asked.

“You bet I am,” Ty replied with a wink.

Then he turned and led the way to the hardwood
dance floor to join the line dance.

Barney shrugged. Zeb shook his head.

They followed Ty to the dance floor.


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Terry O’Reilly is a retired school teacher

living a quiet life in the Midwest with his three
dogs and his horse. He began writing several
years ago at the urging of a friend and fellow
author. He has books available through several
publishers, including Amber Allure Press, Aspen
Mountain Press, eXcessica Publishing, and JMS
Books LLC. Writing has become an important
part of his life, allowing him to explore his own
thoughts, needs, and feelings, as well as learn
about other cultures and eras as he researches
his stories.

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Founded in 2010, JMS Books LLC is

owned and operated by author J.M. Snyder. We
publish a variety of genres, including gay erotic
romance, fantasy, young adult, poetry, and
nonfiction. Short stories and novellas are
available as e-books and compiled into single-
author print anthologies, while any story over 30k
in length is available in both print and e-book
formats. Visit us at


for our latest

releases and submission guidelines!


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