Terry O'Reilly Tune Up

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Tune Up

By Terry O’Reilly

Published by




for more information.

Copyright 2010

Terry O’Reilly

ISBN 978-1-61152-040-8

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Cover Photo Credit:

Christian Lohman

Used under a Standard Royalty-Free License.
Cover Design:

J.M. Snyder

All Rights Reserved

WARNING: This book is not transferable. It is for your

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infringement of the copyright of this work and violators will be
prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

No portion of this book may be transmitted or reproduced

in any form, or by any means, without permission in writing from
the publisher, with the exception of brief excerpts used for the
purposes of review.

This book is for ADULT AUDIENCES ONLY. It contains

substantial sexually explicit scenes and graphic language which
may be considered offensive by some readers. Please store your
files where they cannot be accessed by minors.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and

incidents are solely the product of the author’s imagination
and/or are used fictitiously, though reference may be made to
actual historical events or existing locations. Any resemblance to
actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Published in the United States of America.

* * * *

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Tune Up

By Terry O’Reilly

Kenny Raymond wiped the condensation from the

bathroom mirror and stood looking at himself. He glanced down
at his dick, still half hard from his morning shower jack off. He
looked back up at his reflection and sighed.

“You gotta get laid!” he told the image of the handsome

blond-haired, blue-eyed young man looking back at him. “You
and your left hand are gettin’ too well acquainted.”

The man in the mirror nodded his agreement.
“Fat chance of that,” he went on as he opened the door of

the medicine cabinet and took out his shaving cream and razor.
“Not out here in Nowheresville.”

Kenny lived in a rural area of the state. He worked as a

mechanic for old man Watson at his gas station, where a couple
of two lanes intersected about a mile out of town. He had gone to
trade school in the city. He hadn’t planned on coming back to the
town where he grew up. He’d figured out he was gay in high
school. He also found out being gay in small town, redneck
America wasn’t too popular or exciting. So after getting his
certificate as a fully trained auto mechanic, he decided to stay in
the city and look for work where a gay guy was more likely to find
acceptance and all the sex he could ask for.

But fate had had other plans. Kenny’s father died. His

mom informed him at the funeral she had no means of support
since his dad hadn’t taken very good care of finances. As her
only child, he was all she had. So, back into the closet he went
and home to live with and support his invalid mother. Ben
Watson had given him a job. At least he was working as he had
been trained, sort of. He was qualified to work on the fancy new
computerized engines. About the most he was ever called on to
do out here in the sticks was change the oil on old ladies’
clunkers and adjust the carburetors on riding lawn mowers. But it
was a job, and he was grateful.

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Kenny looked at the reflection in the mirror again as he

wiped the remains of the shaving cream from his face.

“Not too shabby,” he told the grinning face looking back at

him. “You never had any trouble finding some ass back in town.
Now Mom’s gone, why the hell are you still hanging around this

His mom had died the previous winter. He sold the house,

banked the money, and had planned to move to the city once
more. But he had stayed. Old man Watson asked him to remain
until he could find a replacement at the gas station. Since Kenny
felt some obligation to the old man for giving him a job when he
needed it, he agreed. So Kenny moved to the small apartment at
the rear of the station, but this was taking longer than he had
imagined. He was restless…and horny.

Kenny pulled his sleeveless tee over his head as he left

the apartment, letting the screen door bang shut behind him.
Duke, his bluetick hound, bounded toward him from the direction
of the woods behind the station. Kenny bent and ruffed the long,
silky, black ears as the dog came to a stop in front of him and sat
down, wagging his tail furiously.

“Where you been all night, mister?” Kenny asked, holding

the hound’s head in his hands.

Duke stood and wiggled with excitement.
“Oh, I get it,” Kenny laughed. “You been over to Sutter’s

place to visit Lulubelle.”

Duke let out a crooning bark.
“Don’t you go gettin’ yourself and me in trouble by

knockin’ up that there fancy poodle of theirs. Can’t imagine what
bluetick poodles would look like and Mrs. Sutter would have both
our hides. She thinks that dog of hers is gonna be best in show

Duke sat again, cocking his head to one side as if

seriously taking in all Kenny was saying.

“Well, at least one of us is gettin’ his rocks off,” Kenny

laughed as Duke got up and crooned again.

Man and dog walked around the corner of the gas station

garage. Watson was already there, as usual, and had opened the

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two bay doors. Now he was out turning on the gas pumps and
reading the gauges. He raised his head as Kenny came into view.

Ben waved and called out, “Mornin’, son. Gonna be a hot


“Yes, sir, think you’re right,” Kenny replied. “Gonna get me

and Duke a bita breakfast and I’ll be right out.”

“No hurry. Ain’t but one oil change and grease job lined up

for the day.”

Kenny sighed and nodded as he ambled over to the

convenience store part of the operation. Another borin’, do
nothin’ day,
he thought. He looked back over his shoulder at the
older man. Bet he was kinda a hot guy when he was younger.

Kenny felt a tightening in his groin, then said under his

breath, “Man, you gotta get laid! He could be your granddaddy.”

“Hey, Kenny, what’s up?” came a bright, happy voice as

he entered the store.

He could smell the fresh coffee brewing and felt his

stomach growl. “Hey yourself, Sally,” he said to the matronly
woman behind the counter working on getting things ready for
the customers. “Can a couple of starvin’ guys get some

“Sure thing. Donuts was just delivered, coffee’s brewing,

and I just put the hot dogs on the spits.” She indicated the glass
enclosed rotisserie where a half dozen franks slowly revolved in
the glow of the infrared heat lamps.

“Thanks, Sal,” Kenny said, going to the beverage case

and grabbing an orange juice.

He returned to the counter, opened the rotisserie, and

gingerly pulled two hotdogs off with his fingers. He put them onto
a plate, which he sat on the floor for Duke. They disappeared in
less than two seconds. The hound sat and looked up at his
master expectantly.

“That’s it, bub. You ain’t supposed to have people food in

the first place. You got your bowl back at the house.”

Duke whined and headed for the screen door. With a

disapproving look over his shoulder, he pushed it open with his
nose and headed off in the direction of the apartment.

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“Pretty smart old boy,” Sally said.
“Too smart,” Kenny replied, pouring himself a coffee and

grabbing a couple of donuts. Putting his breakfast in a cup
carrier, he started to leave. “You have a good day, Sally. Thanks
for the breakfast.”

“That ain’t a proper breakfast for a fine, strappin’, young

man like yourself,” Sally returned. “You oughta have a wife to fix
you a proper one, as well as take care of you in other ways.
Know what I mean?” she added with a wink.

“Well, I guess you gotta point. I sure could use someone

to take care of me.” Kenny returned the smile. In his head he
added, But it sure wouldn’t be no woman.

Sally continued her campaign. “Say, there’s a social at the

church this Sunday night. Good food and good folk. I’m sure
Luanne Grimely will be there. You ain’t seen her since high
school, I bet. You’d be surprised at how she’s filled out.”

“Thanks, Sally, but I think I’ll pass.” You bet she’s filled

out. I seen her uptown about a month ago. Wooee! Oink oink!

When Kenny got back to the garage, Ben Watson was

talking with Ethel McGee, who had brought in her car for the oil
change. They turned to him as he walked in.

“Mornin’,” Kenny said to the pair.
They returned his greeting.
“Just let me get this breakfast down and I’ll get right to

work on your car, Missus McGee,” Kenny said, setting his OJ
and coffee down on the work bench and taking a bite out of one
of the donuts.

“There ain’t no hurry, Kenny,” Ethel replied. She turned to

Ben. Slapping him on the shoulder, she said, “That how you take
care of your help, Ben Watson? Why, that boy needs
nourishment. Big man like that needs a proper meal.”

“Well, now, Ethel,” Ben laughed, “seems to me, by the

look of him, he ain’t wastin’ away none.”

“Just the same, he oughta have a good, home-cooked


Ethel walked over to where Kenny had seated himself on

a stool by the workbench and was sipping his coffee. “Now my

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niece, Mary Sue Blakely over in Pinkerton, she can cook up a
storm. Weren’t you friends with her brother, Stan?”

“Yes, ma’am, I was,” Kenny replied, feeling his dick tingle

thinking of the mutual jack off sessions he and Stan used to
share in the hay mow of the Blakely’s barn.

“Why don’t you get in touch with Stan? And while you’re at

it, get reacquainted with Mary Sue. She ain’t married yet, you

Jeeezuz Christ, twice in one mornin’. Thanks for the

advice, ma’am; I surely will look into that.” When cows fly and
hell freezes over.

Kenny finished his donuts, juice, and coffee and went to

work on Ethel’s old Ford Fairlane. She continued to hover
around him, talking about the weather, goings on in town, and
mentioning Mary Sue in every other sentence. Kenny just
nodded and yes ma’am’ed politely as he worked.

In about a half hour, the job was done, and Ethel was on

her way. Kenny busied himself rearranging the tool bench which
he did everyday to pass the time. When he got bored with that,
he went to stand in the doorway of one of the bays and catch
what little breeze there was.

Kenny was considering sneaking off to the apartment for a

quick wank as he idly watched the cars come up to the
intersection and stop at the stop sign.

He sighed. I can’t take this much longer. I’m horny as hell,

and with everyone in town trying to marry me off…well,
something better happen real quick.

No sooner had the thought evaporated into the

shimmering air rising from the hot pavement that a shiny, black
and red Harley turned off the highway and onto the blacktop of
the gas station. It had silver panniers and dual exhausts. It was
being driven by the most handsome guy Kenny had seen in a
long time, and it was headed straight for him.

At first Kenny thought it was a daydream come from his

thinking of a moment earlier. But when the bike came to a stop
and the leather-clad Adonis swung his leg over the seat, killed
the engine, and stood the bike on its stand, Kenny knew it was

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really happening. He did his best to hide the bulge he knew his
instant hard-on created in his jeans. Thank God he had decided
to wear briefs that morning.

“What can I do for you?” Kenny asked, knowing exactly

what he’d like to do.

The biker—clad in leather fringed chaps that cupped his

ample family jewels perfectly and a leather vest open to the waist
that framed his full, hair-matted chest and rippling abs—took off
his helmet. He had a black bandana tied on his head. His eyes
were pools of dark liquid, and his handsome face was capped to
perfection by a two-day growth of slightly salt and pepper
stubble. In his ears were curved wire earrings with spearhead
tips. When the man spoke, Kenny was sure he was gonna cum
right then and there.

“Had ‘er tuned up over in Laughton but she seems to be

runnin’ a little rich. Think you can check ‘er out and adjust that for

Kenny just stared at the man. He had heard him, but it

was like his voice had completely immobilized him. He was trying
his best to respond when Duke came around the side of the
building. Immediately the biker squatted down and began to
ruffle the coon hound’s long ears and speak to him in a deep,
resonant baritone. The act of squatting accentuated even more
the abundant package he displayed before Kenny.

He looked up at the mechanic. “What’s his name?”
“Duh,” was all Kenny could manage.
“Duh?” the leather clad vision asked.
“Uh…no…” Kenny fought for rationality. “Duke.”
“Nice to meet you, Duke,” the biker said, turning his attention

to the dog before rising to face Kenny. “Makes me miss my little
girl. She’s a Jack Russell. I call her Harley…after the bike.”

Kenny was struggling to come to his senses. “Cool, yeah

after the bike…yeah…cool.”

“Well, do you think you can…?” the biker asked, raising

his dark eyebrows and gesturing toward the motorcycle.

“Ah…yeah…sure thing.” Kenny turned to the workbench to

get a screwdriver and surreptitiously adjusted himself in his jeans.

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When Kenny came back with the tool, the biker smiled

and shrugged his shoulders.

“I’m kind of embarrassed to ask…I know it’s a simple job,

but tools and I just don’t seem to get along.”

I got me a tool I’d surely like to teach you to get along

with, Kenny thought, letting himself briefly fantasize just how he’d
like to acquaint this man with the ‘tool’ fighting for freedom
against the fabric of his jeans.

“We all got our own special talents,” Kenny said, coming

back to stand beside the man and bike. “I bet you got a lota
things you’re real good at.” He stared intently into the deep, dark
eyes. Then he looked away and blushed.

The man laughed softly. It tickled Kenny to the core. “I

gotta use the john,” the biker said.

“Uh…yeah. It’s on the other side of the buildin’. Don’t

need a key.”

“Thanks,” the man replied before turning and walking


Kenny stared open mouthed at the retreating figure. A

short ponytail hung down from under the bandana, and the most
beautiful ass that had ever filled out a pair of jeans undulated
away from him. Kenny shook his head, rearranged himself in his
jeans once more, and went to work on the bike.

It didn’t take long for Kenny to finish adjusting the air fuel

mixture. He stood waiting for the Adonis to return, admiring the
gleaming machine, running his hands along the saddle,
imagining the beautiful ass that had graced that very seat just a
few short minutes ago.

He had no idea how long he stood there when Sally came

out of the store. “Customer says he’s been waitin’ to use the john
for fifteen minutes, but somebody’s in there. I let the guy use the
ladies’ room in the store. You wanna go see if there’s somethin’

Kenny swallowed hard. “Sure, Sal.”
He walked around the corner of the building and stood

outside the door. He leaned against it and listened.

“Damn!” came a muffled voice from the inside.

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Kenny wrapped lightly on the door. “Uh…everything okay?”
There was silence for a second, and then the door opened.
“Geez, man…this is embarrassing. I can’t get my chaps

zipped. You think you can help me out here?”

Kenny let out a whistling breath between his teeth.

“Uh…uh…yeah. Yeah, sure. Be happy to.”

“Great,” the biker said, taking hold of Kenny’s hand and

pulling him inside the small restroom. He shut and locked the
door. Turning to Kenny, he said, “These tight custom chaps are
mandatory for the image, but man…” he looked down at the
chaps and grabbed the fringe, pulling it out to the side. “They are
a bitch to get on by yourself.”

Kenny nodded dumbly and turned his gaze to the chaps.

They were buckled around the biker’s tight waist, but the legs were
unzipped—one was partially started, the other completely open.

“If you pull the two ends together, I’ll zip,” he said,

gesturing, and Kenny got the idea.

Glad that Ben had added cleaning the bathrooms to his

list of duties, Kenny sank to his knees. He grabbed the ends of
the chaps and pulled. The biker man bent and tugged on the
zipper. Kenny could feel the muscular thigh beneath his hands.
The mechanic felt his cock hardening, his breath catching in his
throat. He didn’t care. It had been so long since he had touched
any man except himself; he was gonna enjoy this little bit of
man-to-man. With relative ease the zipper gave way, and the
biker was able to zip it all the way to his ankle. That put his
upside-down face within centimeters of Kenny’s.

He spoke softly. “Since we’re gettin’ to know each other

this intimately…” he said, laughing.

Kenny’s dick twitched within the confines of his briefs.
“…I guess we ought to introduce ourselves. I’m Jonas.

Jonas Daniels.”

“Kenny Raymond.”
“Pleased to meet you, Kenny Raymond,” the inverted

Jonas declared with a smile.

“You, too,” Kenny replied, smiling back.
Jonas stood. “How about trying the other leg?”

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Kenny nodded enthusiastically.
“This will be a bit trickier. Gettin’ the zipper started is the

worst part. If you give my thigh a good squeeze, I should be able
to get it goin’.”

“No problem,” Kenny replied with a grin, relishing the

intense feelings of arousal emanating from his throbbing dick

Kenny knelt beside Jonas’ left leg, reached across, and

squeezed the firm flesh of the right thigh with both hands. God, it
felt good, so good. He leaned his head against the left leg. He
could smell the leather and the man at the same time. The effect
was intoxicating.

“I think you need to squeeze a little higher up,” Jonas said.
“Higher, move your hands up higher.”
Kenny obeyed.
“Higher, squeeze harder,” Jonas commanded.
Kenny moved his hands up, until with one hand he could

feel the curve of the beautiful ass he had watched saunter away
from him earlier. With the other he pressed against the ample
basket that had been framed so perfectly by the chaps they were
struggling with now. As he pressed against that basket he
realized Jonas was hard…as hard as he was. Kenny shuddered
as a thrill of realization swept through him, Shit, he’s enjoyin’ this
as much as I am.

Just as that thought hit him, the zipper connected and

Jonas said, “Now pull.”

Kenny reluctantly lowered his hands and pulled the two

ends of the chaps together. The zipper slid all the way to the
bottom of the chaps. Jonas stood up. Kenny remained on his
knees, looking up into the handsome bearded face smiling down
on him. Kenny moved his gaze to the bulging denim just in front
of his mouth. He felt a gentle pressure on the back of his head.
He looked up again.

“Go ahead…it’s okay,” said the deep baritone that felt like

a hand stroking his cock.

Kenny pressed his mouth on the mound of fabric before

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him. He reached around, grabbed the muscular cheeks of that
beautiful ass, and kneaded them with all his strength. He chewed
and kneaded, satisfying his deep desire he had for man-to-man

“Here, let me,” Jonas said, his voice tender, sensual and

urgent at the same time. He reached down and started to unzip
his fly.

“No,” Kenny said. His voice was equally as tender.
“No?” Jonas sounded dismayed.
“Not here.” From somewhere deep inside him, Kenny felt

he wanted this to mean more than just a quick tryst on a bathroom
floor. “I live behind the station. We’ll go there.” He stood.

Jonas took him in his arms and kissed him. Kenny had

never been kissed by a man. All his previous encounters had
been just oral and anal. He had fantasized about it, thought it
would be something he would want. It was heaven. He leaned
into the kiss, parting his lips, allowing Jonas’ tongue to enter his
mouth. He sucked that tongue and licked its smooth underside.
Then he probed it with his own, creating an intimate dance
between the two organs.

When they parted, Jonas said, “Lead on, McDuff.”
“Huh?” Kenny asked, not understanding.
Jonas laughed gently, a sound that stroked Kenny’s soul

once more.

“Show me where to go,” he said.
“No one knows I’m…uh…gay, so you go around back, all

the way around the station. The door’s on the back of the
garage. I’ll meet you there in just a minute.”

Jonas pulled Kenny into his arms and kissed him again.

When they parted, Kenny smiled at him and felt a surge of warm
affection flow through his body, something he had never felt
before in any sexual encounter.

The two men stepped out into the sunshine. Kenny

pointed the way to the back of the establishment. When Jonas
disappeared around the corner, Kenny turned and, adjusting his
dick in his jeans, walked to the convenience store. He stuck his
head inside.

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“Hey, Sal?”
“Yep?” came the reply.
“It’s pretty quiet. I’m gonna go to my place and take a little

snooze. You okay with that?”

“Sure, Kenny. Where’s the guy with the bike?”
Shit! The bike! It’s still in the bay! “Uh…it needed a little

more work than I figured at first. So he called a friend and left it
here to be worked on.”

“Didn’t hear no one come in,” Sally said indifferently.
“Uh…well, he’s gone so…” Kenny fumbled.
“Okay, then. I’ll call ya if I need ya.”
“Thanks, Sal.” Then Kenny had another panicky thought.

“Where’s Ben?”

“He’s gone uptown to the bank, then home for lunch. Said

he won’t be back today. Said you should close up.”

Relieved, Kenny thanked Sally again.
“Hey, no problem. Have a nice nap.”
Kenny walked on past the open bays, nodded to a

customer gassing up at one of the pumps, looked fondly at the
Harley sitting where he had left it, and went around the corner to
his apartment. At the door he hesitated, savoring the
anticipation. Finally he was going to have sex with a man…right
here in Podunk, USA. Life was good.

Kenny walked into the living room. It was empty. He

panicked momentarily and then remembered he’d just seen the
Harley in the garage. Looking down at the floor, he saw the vest.
Just beyond that was a pair of black boots, then the chaps they
had just struggled to get on. Jeans followed next, and finally a
pair of leopard bikini underwear just outside the closed bedroom
door. Kenny picked up the briefs and pressed them against his
nose and mouth. He chewed them, kissed them, and inhaled
their scent.

Pushing the door open, Kenny saw a naked Jonas lying

on his stomach on the bed. Duke was stretched out next to him.
Kenny smiled.

“Hope this is what you had in mind,” the biker said,

looking up at his host.

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“You bet it is,” Kenny said, walking toward the bed, sliding

his jeans off his hips as he did. He sat on the edge, took off his
shoes and pushed the jeans to the floor. Duke’s tail thump-
thumped the bed.

Kenny looked at the man’s beautiful body that lay next to

him. Jonas had taken off his bandana. He was bald except for a
close cropped fringe of hair ending in that short ponytail. The
effect was perfect.

Letting his gaze sweep Jonas’ body, Kenny took in the

muscular, V-shaped torso. He lay his hand on the back of Jonas’
thick leg and gazed at the gorgeous ass covered in a light
coating of short, black hair. Kenny took a deep breath. He felt his
cock strain against the white cotton briefs.

Jonas rolled onto his side and opened his arms. Kenny

looked at the chiseled chest and the ridged stomach with its
dense mat of hair culminating in a thick, tangled triangle. Rising
out of that nest was a wide, uncut cock. Just that quick glance
made Kenny’s mouth water. Below he could see two massive
balls. He immediately knew he couldn’t fit both in his mouth at
once, but he also knew he was going to try. Kenny ordered a
protesting Duke to the floor.

Shifting his gaze to Jonas’ face, he took a deep breath and

sank into the man’s embrace. This was different…different from
anything he had ever experienced before. In the past it had all
been raw sex—get as much as he could, cum, and go on his way.
Jonas held Kenny tenderly, kissing him, pressing his body against
him. Jonas seemed to relish every sensation, every touch.

“Hey, Kenny Raymond,” Jonas said, “you are one

beautiful man. I could really fall for a guy like you.”

Kenny felt a thrill go through his body. I could really fall for

a guy like you. The words ricocheted off the walls of his mind. He
had never contemplated man-to-man sex as an act of falling for
someone. That phrase meant love. Was that what Jonas was
saying…that he could fall in love with him?

“You are so fuckin’ beautiful,” Jonas was continuing as he

kissed and caressed Kenny’s face and neck.

Kenny just breathed in this new experience and

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surrendered to the arousal that engulfed him.

Jonas slowly began to kiss, lick, and suck his way down to

Kenny’s chest. His tongue slid like silk over the smooth, hairless
chest. He came to a nipple. “Oh, God,” Jonas moaned as he
took the hard nub in his mouth, sucking, biting, licking.

Kenny felt electricity shoot to his throbbing, hard dick. He

thought he was going to cum just from that stimulation alone.
Then Jonas shifted to the other tit. Again came the ministrations
that drove Kenny wild with pleasure, desire, and feelings he had
never associated with man-to-man sex. He ran his fingers over
Jonas’ head and whispered his name.

The biker didn’t stop there; he laved his way down the

hard, firm stomach to the fringe of soft, nearly white pubic hair.
Kenny’s hard prick, tall, slender, oozing pre-cum, rose to meet the
hungry mouth that swallowed it to the base. Kenny was nearly ten
inches long. How Jonas managed to fully take in that organ was
beyond Kenny’s imagination. But he did, over and over from tip to
base, burying his face in the scant nest of blond hair.

Then Jonas knelt between Kenny’s legs and raised them,

grasping Kenny’s ankles. He took both Kenny’s nuts in his mouth
and rolled them on his tongue. He licked the space between
them and Kenny’s ass, and finally plunged his tongue into the
puckered, pink hole. Kenny nearly bucked off the bed.

He could feel Jonas’ cock trace the crack of his ass, feel

the wet, slippery pre-cum coating the groove. He braced himself
for the penetration he expected was coming. He had always
been a top, but he would bottom for this man if that’s what Jonas
wanted. Kenny didn’t know what he was supposed to do. He
held his breath and waited.

“No, baby. I’m not gonna top you,” the rich deep voice

said as its owner bent and kissed him. “That’s your job.”

Jonas rolled off to one side and pulled Kenny on top of

him. “I’m yours, sweet man. Do with me as you want.”

Kenny kissed him. As he did, he pressed his chest against

the deep, firm, hair-shrouded nipples. Quickly, caressing and
kissing along the way, he slid down until he grazed on the lush
growth of hair at the base of the thick cock. He took the

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throbbing organ in his mouth, pushing back the foreskin as he
did. He had never had a dick this big in his mouth before, never
wanted so badly to make it part of him. He rolled Jonas on his
side and curled his body around so that his chest pressed
against the firm ass cheeks, Jonas’ legs on either side of
Kenny’s head. Jonas reached down and stroked Kenny’s cock
and caressed his balls.

Kenny felt Jonas coming close to shooting, so he backed

off. He lowered his mouth until he was nuzzling the ample balls.
First he sucked one, then the other, trying to take them both in
his mouth but failing. He settled for kissing and caressing them,
trying to show his appreciation, admiration and, yes, affection.

Kenny rolled Jonas completely over on his side. He lifted

Jonas’ leg and chewed and licked his ass, his crack, the pucker.
Over and over he licked, probed, kissed, his cock throbbing,
demanding union.

Finally when he couldn’t stand it any longer, he shifted

position just as Jonas cried, “God, Ken, I need you. Fuck me.”

Spooning from behind, his chest pressed against the

biker’s muscular back, Kenny pushed the tip of his dick against
the entrance to Jonas’s body. Briefly he thought, Rubber. He had
none. He hadn’t needed any since coming back home. Shit!

It was as if Jonas had read his mind.
“On the bedstand,” Jonas said hoarsely. “I put one there.”
Kenny looked and saw the foil package. He reached for it,

tore it open, and rolled its contents onto his lengthy cock. Good
thing Jonas had provided a Magnum.

Kenny slid himself into Jonas. When he had impaled his

mate to the base of his long, hard cock, he lay still, letting Jonas

“Fuck me,” the biker said in the tender, gentle, deep voice

that spoke to Kenny’s soul.

And he did. It was heaven. Sensations and emotions

Kenny had never felt in all the casual sex he had had in the city
swept over him. For an eternity, the men soared in union with
one another.

Finally, when he could ward it off no longer, Kenny

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moaned, “I love you, Jonas,” and climaxed over and over into the
latex barrier that kept his sperm separate from the man’s
begging body.

When Kenny was spent, they lay still with bodies entwined

for several minutes. Then he pulled out. Jonas turned over onto
his back. Kenny bent and took the biker’s rigid cock in his mouth.
With demonic speed, he brought Jonas to an intense orgasm,
relishing the taste of the cum that filled his mouth and dribbled
down his chin.

Kenny crawled up and lay on his side. Jonas turned

toward him. The two men stared into each other’s eyes. They
pulled each other close and kissed. Kenny wanted desperately to
repeat the words of love he’d expressed when the two were
joined together, but couldn’t. He wanted desperately to hear
them from this man who, two hours earlier, had been a stranger
and now was loved. But he didn’t. They just lay looking into each
other’s eyes until they drifted off to sleep.

Sometime later, they woke up.
Jonas smiled into Kenny’s face. “I guess I better be goin’.”
Kenny didn’t trust his voice. Not only had he found the sex

he’d needed, he’d found so much more. Kenny had found love.
Love he had heretofore not even considered could exist. So he
merely nodded.

They got up and dressed, Kenny once again helping zip

the tight chaps, this time with a feeling of quiet despair. At the
door, they stopped.

“This was really special,” Jonas said, taking Kenny in his

arms and kissing him.

Again, Kenny was at a loss for words. How could he tell

this man he didn’t want to lose him? That he wanted to find some
way for them to be together? But how? He didn’t know him at all,
who he was, where he lived, nothing except he had a little dog
named Harley that he missed. The only thing Kenny knew for
sure was that he loved him, loved him with a feeling of
desperation at the thought they might never see each other

“Yeah, it was special for me, too,” was all Kenny said.

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They walked out into the sunshine. Jonas stopped at the

bike. “How much do I owe you?”

“Nothin’,” Kenny answered. “On the house.” He smiled a

weak smile.

Jonas smiled back. “Thanks, man.” He clapped Kenny on

the shoulder.

Kenny’s heart melted.
Jonas mounted the Harley, put on his helmet, started the

engine, and saluted Kenny. Then he turned and, with a roar,
drove off down the two-lane blacktop country road.

Kenny stood watching until the figure of the man on a bike

disappeared around a curve in the highway. He felt something
push against his hand—Duke.

He dropped to his knees and buried his face in Duke’s

warm neck. Kenny fought the tears that demanded release. He
had only cried twice in his adult life that he could remember—at
the funerals of his parents. Now here he was—fighting to control
himself over the sudden realization that love existed between
men, and the pain at its equally abrupt loss.

For the rest of the afternoon, Kenny wandered around the

garage aimlessly. His mind was a jumble of thoughts and
emotions. But he knew something now he hadn’t that morning
when he had looked at the tousled hair in the mirror. Men could
love one another. It didn’t just have to be sex. There was more.
And someday, somehow, he would find that. Once he got out of
here, that is. No one could find that kind of love here in

Kenny took a deep breath. He closed the bays and shut

down the pumps. Then he said goodnight to Sally as she closed
up and left. As he walked back to the apartment, he heard an

He looked up and, there, coming toward him, was a

bike—a shiny Harley, with a rider all dressed in black. Kenny
stopped and stood still, holding his breath.

The cycle came to a stop in front of Kenny. The rider got

off, walked up to him, and smiled. Kenny’s heart stood still.

“I forgot something,” the biker said.

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Kenny raised his eyebrows in question, afraid to say


The man took Kenny in his arms, kissed him and said, in

the voice that had previously touched Kenny’s very soul, “You.”


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Terry O’Reilly is a retired school teacher living a quiet life

in the Midwest with his three dogs and his horse. He began
writing several years ago at the urging of a friend and fellow
author. He has books available through several publishers,
including Amber Allure Press, Aspen Mountain Press, eXcessica
Publishing, and JMS Books LLC. Writing has become an
important part of his life, allowing him to explore his own
thoughts, needs, and feelings, as well as learn about other
cultures and eras as he researches his stories.


Founded in 2010, JMS Books LLC is owned and operated

by author J.M. Snyder. We publish a variety of genres, including
gay erotic romance, fantasy, young adult, poetry, and nonfiction.
We are an invitation-only small press. Short stories and novellas
are available as e-books and compiled into single-author print
anthologies, while any story over 30k in length is available in
both print and e-book formats. Visit us at



more information on our latest releases!


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