Wheelchair Opener (Style)

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Wheelchair Opener (Style)


If your set/target pauses, add "?even if was a really NICE wheelchair?"
This gets them laughing every time. If the convo goes down the humorous
you can further add to the opener by saying-
"What if it was a really old wheel chair with a
squeaky wheel?"
"You know with bits falling off it. If it was rusty
would it come between you both?"
"What if the guy was suddenly cured by
*Jesus*...would you lose interest?"
The beauty of this line is that you can keep stacking cocky and funny
responses. If the conversation hits a dead end, throw in-
"If it was an electric wheel chair would you steal
it while he slept......and take it for a joyride?"
"Would you let him roll up and take you for a spin?"
It would be so much fun....you could go on *a mini
[if you want to you can go into future projections?.]
More stacking ideas I've successfully used......>>
"What if he got worse and fell into LIFE SUPPORT...would you stay with
him....even if it was a really *NICE* life support system..!"
"---y'know state of the art...like it even had like...video games on
it to
keep your interest in case he slipped into a coma for ages?"

Incredible connection
"In fact... just standing here... talking with you... I have an
intuition... that when you connect with someone... someone you really
like... someone you're really attracted to who makes you feel that
click... right there... you know that sense of just feeling totally
drawn... like you've known this person forever... like you were meant
to know them.... a big part of it is that recognition that you can
RELAX and laugh with this person... can you feel _that_ (touch her and
achor the feeling)... is maybe how it works?"

Romance Novel
you know the other day i was talking to this friend of mine. he works
in the publishing industry and he said.. in the world. 47% of the books
sold belong to different categories like science, arts, commerce, non
fiction etc etc. But the rest 53% of the books sold are from one
cateogry.. do you know what category is that ? She will say .. blah

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blah.. "mystery.. " No Romance Novels. You know usually I am the kind
of person when some one says something interesting like that I become
very inquisitive. so i thought let me test it out and I went to this
famous bookshop and went to this shop assistant and asked where the
romance novel section is ? She looked at me strangely and pointed me to
the section which was right in front of me.. It was like really huge
section.. And I saw these books.. and i was totally confused and I
asked the assistant to suggest me a popular book and she gives me this
book and I buy it and take it home.. That night I try to read it... i
go through first few pages and it doesnt make any sense.. So, I am
already feeling so sleepy and I call up my friend and he sayd. Dude go
on.. keep reading it and it will make a lot of sense.. So I persisted
and voila.. he was right.. after reading that I could pretty much
relate to how a woman thinks and I am the kind of guy who has grown up
with lots of women around.. I was in this neighborhood.. where there
were lots of cute girls.. and i haver sister too and I thought I knew
women pretty well.. But this blew my perception.. off.. Any way the
next day I was composing this mail to my ex girl friend and after a few
minutes into the mail.. i said.. let me rephrase the whole thing and
write it in such a way that a woman wants to be heard or told.. So, I
retype the whole mail and I slept at around 2 o clock.. The next day at
7 I get a call from my girl friend and she says.. That was the most
loveliest thing I have ever received from anyone. thank you so much I
feel so much connected to you...and I was like wow.. women sure are
from Venus..

100% girl story
Once upon a time, there lived a boy and a girl. The boy was eighteen
and the girl sixteen. He was not unusually handsome, and she was not
especially beautiful. They were just an ordinary lonely boy and an
ordinary lonely girl, like all the others. But they believed with their
whole hearts that somewhere in the world there lived the 100% perfect
boy and the 100% perfect girl for them. Yes, they believed in a
miracle. And that miracle actually happened.

One day the two came upon each other on the corner of a street.

"This is amazing," he said. "I've been looking for you all my life. You
may not believe this, but you're the 100% perfect girl for me."

"And you," she said to him, "are the 100% perfect boy for me, exactly
as I'd pictured you in every detail. It's like a dream."

They sat on a park bench, held hands, and told each other their stories
hour after hour. They were not lonely anymore. They had found and been
found by their 100% perfect other. What a wonderful thing it is to find

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and be found by your 100% perfect other. It's a miracle, a cosmic

As they sat and talked, however, a tiny, tiny sliver of doubt took root
in their hearts: Was it really all right for one's dreams to come true
so easily?

And so, when there came a momentary lull in their conversation, the boy
said to the girl, "Let's test ourselves - just once. If we really are
each other's 100% perfect lovers, then sometime, somewhere, we will
meet again without fail. And when that happens, and we know that we are
the 100% perfect ones, we'll marry then and there. What do you think?"

"Yes," she said, "that is exactly what we should do."

And so they parted, she to the east, and he to the west.

The test they had agreed upon, however, was utterly unnecessary. They
should never have undertaken it, because they really and truly were
each other's 100% perfect lovers, and it was a miracle that they had
ever met. But it was impossible for them to know this, young as they
were. The cold, indifferent waves of fate proceeded to toss them

One winter, both the boy and the girl came down with the season's
terrible inluenza, and after drifting for weeks between life and death
they lost all memory of their earlier years. When they awoke, their
heads were as empty as the young D. H. Lawrence's piggy bank.

They were two bright, determined young people, however, and through
their unremitting efforts they were able to acquire once again the
knowledge and feeling that qualified them to return as full-fledged
members of society. Heaven be praised, they became truly upstanding
citizens who knew how to transfer from one subway line to another, who
were fully capable of sending a special-delivery letter at the post
office. Indeed, they even experienced love again, sometimes as much as
75% or even 85% love.

Time passed with shocking swiftness, and soon the boy was thirty-two,
the girl thirty.

One beautiful April morning, in search of a cup of coffee to start the
day, the boy was walking from west to east, while the girl, intending

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to send a special-delivery letter, was walking from east to west, but
along the same narrow street in the Harajuku neighborhood of Tokyo.
They passed each other in the very center of the street. The faintest
gleam of their lost memories glimmered for the briefest moment in their
hearts. Each felt a rumbling in their chest. And they knew:

She is the 100% perfect girl for me.

He is the 100% perfect boy for me.

But the glow of their memories was far too weak, and their thoughts no
longer had the clarity of fouteen years earlier. Without a word, they
passed each other, disappearing into the crowd. Forever.

A sad story, don't you think?

lateral thinking joke ( wats this??)
A teacher asks the class. "3 birds sitting on a tree and a hunter
shoots one of them how many of them will remain ???" Student says
"None, because the moment they hear the gun shot they will fly away"
Teacher says "No wrong.....2 will remain on the tree but I like the way
you think.." Student says "Ok let me ask you a question.. 3 women
eating ice cream cone in a ice cream shop... one of them is biting, the
other sucking and the third one licking.. which one of them is married
????" Teacher says "The one who is sucking... " Student says "No....
the one who is wearing the wedding ring... but I like the way you

Discovery channel ( r u talkin abt the pattern or is it a routine??)
You: "You know, I saw the most interesting show on the Discovery
Channel last night. They were interviewing people who make their living
designing attractions for amusement parks like Magic Mountain and
Disneyland and Universal Studios. Wouldn't that be a cool way to make a

Her: "Yeah! That sounds so interesting."

You: "Well, anyway, they were talking about the elements that make up
the ideal attraction (sp). They said there are 3 parts to the ideal
attraction. First, when you EXPERIENCE the ideal attraction, you FEEL A
STATE OF HIGH AROUSAL. The ideal attraction makes your heart beat

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faster, and your breathing gets faster and you just FEEL THAT AMAZING
RUSH all over."

Her: "Yeah!"

You: "And then they said that another part to an ideal attraction is -
it's fascinating. You just FEEL SO ENTHRALLED that you want to TAKE
THIS RIDE (point to your pecker!) multiple times; as soon as you GET
OFF you want to GET BACK ON again."

Her: "Yeah!"

You: "And they said, finally, the most important element, is a sense of
overall safety. That even though the attraction make look a little
dangerous, you're CERTAIN YOU'RE SAFE... you FEEL SAFE because you
realise nothing bad can really happen, so that allows you to FEEL

Two and half weeks
Do you believe in spells
Wheel Chair

Is she always like this
Nose wiggles
Real Hair
Real nails

I am looking for an indian girl friend (havent field tested this..)

Dork girl, Brat girl, powerpuff girls

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Attraction, DHV, IVD
Ring finger
3 animals
Gay cats
Palm reading
Bad ass kid
Best Friends Test
Strawberry Fields
Sexual predators

Rapport, tust and comfort
Trust test --- to check for the comfort and kino initiation
Incredible connection
Romance Novel
Jokes, lateral thinking joke,
100% girl story
Discovery channel
Natural Woman
Truth game
How I good at dancing
Accident Story

Kino games
Thumb wrestling
Teaching dance

Triangular gazing
Deep Eye contact
Evolution Phase Shift
Would you like to kiss me
How good are you at kissing in a scale of 1 to 10
Girl friend test
LMR destroyers


Opinion Openers:
Tounge Ring
Crazy things to do
Louis Vuton
Would that make you more/less attracted to a guy?

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Who cheats more
Help friend get out of trouble

Situational Opener:
Hold my drink (Are you a thief?)
Fake purse
True Religion (guys jeans?)
What kind drink should I get?
Grab my ass?
EC: Claw and point
Hate my friends
Thats not how you order a drink
Funny photo (guys -- TWINS!!)

Disarm Bitchy:
OMG thats so cute- you are like a little attack kitten!
Is she always this unbearable? Uptight?
Do you know Karate? (Snowboarding etc good balance)

Fluff I:
Where are you from?
What are you drinking?
Where do you guys like to go out?
What do you guys do?
Do for fun?
What made you come here tonight?
Is this a good place?

I bet you are a total goody two shoes
nice nails are they real?
You blink alot
Those shoes look comfortable
Grammas shoes
Did you USED to work out at the gym?
BLING BLING - You have a lot of jewlery on
Don't get out much do you?
Sweaty/dry hands

Kino I:
Ring read
Hand size
Thumb war
How tall (stand close)
Differnt Handshakes

False Disqualifier

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We would be toxic together
Little sister
All the good girls live far away
Too much of a nice girl for me
Im high maintanence
We should find a guy for you

Mirroring (BL & Tone)
Eye contact (triangle)
Trance Words

Hoops I:
Hold my drink?
Guess how old I am?
You tell me first
Do a little spin for me

Fluff II:
Adventurous? Place of Sex?

How do you guys know each other?

Thats okay, he can keep you company

Sexual Predator (Stop being so attracted to me!)
Taco Bell
Asian girls can't dance

Starberry Fields
4 Questions
Ring routine
Trust Test
Lying Game
5 languages of love

Nude beach
Stampede (Sally its me)
Jelous Cat (Norman)

Studies & Info:
Who cheats more? M/W
How to make someone fall in love with you
Hair up/Hair down

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3 Smiles
Core values

Come keep my company while I get a drink
Come meet (help me find) my friends
Give cellphone
I'll show you asians can dance
Somewhere quieter (or sitdown)
Share sectet
Piggy back
Wanna be my GF?

Tell me three things to get to know you better
Your first impression really sucked
Need: Ambition, intelligence, easy going, laughs, FRISKY adventure

Leader of your group
Deep thinker
Socially calibrated
Animated (Glow)

Kino II:
Hair grab
Piggy back

Role Playing:
Photographer Model

Social genius


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-End on high temperature
-We should keep in touch (pause pause) -- say by to EVERYONE
PLEASURE meeting you.
-#minute close.
-Take her phone

Branding Her:
1. Sexual Predator
-Organ whose sole purpose is satisfaction
-Women cheat more (& 1 in 10)
-Women choose (chase)
-I am not some piece of meat
-Stop being attracted to me
-Waiting to disarm me and then pounce

2. Tough girl (The man)
-Attack Kitten
-Walk me home,hold the door
-Bring home the bacon
-Me as a househusband
-Sugar momma
-Protect me
-Am going to sleep with the pool girl

3. Innocent girl
-Go to church
-Boys are gross
-Boys have cooties
-Set you up with a nice boy!

4. Boring Girl
-Couldn't keep up to me
-Too young for you
-Can't hang out


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