Lekcja 8 Assessment Center

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Lekcja 8: Assessment Center



Lekcja 8: Assessment Center

Jeśli zostaniesz zaproszony na spotkanie rekrutacyjne mające formę Assessment Center, nie panikuj! To zwykle
ostatni etap selekcji kandydatów i samo dojście do niego to już sukces i wyróżnienie. A więc, pozwól sobie na
chwilę dobrze zasłużonej dumy, a potem zapoznaj się z opisem tej metody przedstawionym poniżej

If you are invited to a recruitment meeting which takes the form of the Assessment Center, don't panic! This is usually
the final stage of the selection of applicants and the very fact of making it there is already a success and a distinction.
So, bask for a moment in the well-deserved pride, and then read the following description of this method.

Assessment Centres originated in the times of World War II to select officers. Nowadays, they are used especially by
large companies that have developed their own standards of staff recruitment. Moreover, they are considered to be
one of the most reliable methods of competency testing, with their efficiency as high as about 90% percent. So how is
it done?

Before the Assessment Center session, the employer defines the key competencies that will be the basis for
evaluation by the assessors and that are necessary for the job. The tasks to assess these competencies that may
appear during the Assessment Center vary greatly. One of its components is a job interview. Others include case
studies, simulations involving identifying yourself with a particular role in a given situation, psychological or
knowledge tests. Tasks can also be individual or interactive. In the latter case, the participant may be accompanied in
the roleplay either by assessors acting as actors or other participants of the session.

Assessment Center sessions usually take a long time: all day, or sometimes even two days, and they are carried out
in a group, which means that the candidates meet their competitors to the post for which they are applying face to face
- usually six to eight people. The sessions typically are started with a presentation of the schedule. But while the
candidates should be informed about the organisation of the session, they are never provided details on the content
of the tasks and on the nature of competencies that are to be tested in order to rule out any staged behavior of the

Assessment center recruitment makes it impossible or even inadvisable for candidates to prepare. In fact, the most
common mistake they make is trying to predict what competences will be sought after by the employer and adapting
their behavior accordingly. Rather than focusing on presenting yourself in the best light possible, rather focus on good
performance of the tasks.

Tekst pochodzi z portalu Gazeta.pl -


© Agora SA


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