Roleplay 10(11)

background image




Do you live a healthy life? Describe.


Tell us about the last time you had a health problem.


Do you think smoking should be allowed in public places? Why


give necessary information

medicine: how often /

chemist’s –

The examiner begins by saying: ‘What’s the problem?’

The candidate has a health problem.

problem – how long?

what ate there? When pain started?

what did you

must buy medicine, take it 3 times a day, cost about £12

chemist’s –

You begin by saying: ‘What’s the problem





Do you live a healthy life? Describe.
Tell us about the last time you had a health problem.

you think smoking should be allowed in public places? Why

You are on holiday in England.

You have a health problem.

pain/stomach – since wedding – Saturday

give necessary information

medicine: how often / cost?


The examiner begins by saying: ‘What’s the problem?’

You’re a doctor.

The candidate has a health problem.

how long?

there? When pain started?

what did you do about it?

must buy medicine, take it 3 times a day, cost about £12

– across the street

y saying: ‘What’s the problem?’


you think smoking should be allowed in public places? Why (not)?

The examiner begins by saying: ‘What’s the problem?’

must buy medicine, take it 3 times a day, cost about £12


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