Talia Carmichael Best Laid Intentions

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A Totally Bound Publication

Best Laid Intentions
ISBN # 978-1-78430-291-7
©Copyright Talia Carmichael 2014
Cover Art by Posh Gosh ©Copyright October 2014
Edited by Rebecca Douglas
Totally Bound Publishing

This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination
and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or
places is purely coincidental.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form,
whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of
the publisher, Totally Bound Publishing.

Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Totally Bound
Publishing. Unauthorized or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil
proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.

The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs
and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator
of the artwork.

Published in 2014 by Totally Bound Publishing, Newland House, The Point, Weaver Road,
Lincoln, LN6 3QN


This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This
story has a heat rating of Totally Simmering and a Sexometer of 2.

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Talia Carmichael

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Book six in the Impressions series

Taking a risk and going after what he wants leads a man to the most pleasurable of results…

Taylor Noble decides to take a chance on pursuing Savage. Savage makes him crave but
Taylor knows that anything beyond the physical would be foolish. He has too much on his
plate for a relationship. But he can have a good time… After all, there’s no way Savage
would want more. And Taylor certainly doesn’t either… Yet, as he gets to know Savage,
Taylor finds himself questioning his plans for fun with no strings.

From their very first meeting, Savage Griffin is drawn to Taylor. There’s something Savage
cannot define that’s so different when he sees, thinks or talks to Taylor. Knowing Taylor is
interested gives him the opportunity to explore more about this man who has captured his
attention. Savage plans to take advantage of it. Each and every moment—sexual and
platonic—brings him closer to Taylor, who captures all his senses. Now it’s just a matter of
convincing Taylor that what they share goes way past the physical to the emotional. Yes,
emotions are messy but Savage is ready, willing and able to get Taylor to change his best laid
intentions and make some new plans.

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To my family, who have believed in me from the very beginning. Thanks for your support.

Trademarks Acknowledgement

The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following
wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

A-Team: Universal Television
Transformers: DreamWorks Studios
Police Academy: Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.
Flintstones: Hanna-Barbera Productions, Inc.
Uno: Mattel/Microsoft Game Studios

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Chapter One

“Come on, bro. You’re just going to make arrangements to give guitar lessons.” There

was a pause then. “Not like you have the hots for the man you’re about to make plans with.

Oh no, this is all about teaching the kid. Hmmm… What’s the name of the man you’re

supposed to talk to?”

The laughter that followed made Savage Griffin roll his eyes and wonder when he

would learn to not give his friends opportunity to tease him. They were merciless. The group

with him all knew who Savage was there to see—they had razzed him enough about it, too.

He had no idea why he’d even let them come along.

“Fuck you.” Savage glared at his twin brother, Kasper, then flipped him the bird for

good measure. He also included the other men in the gesture as he said, “Fuck all of you.”

“Now, now, no need for a potty mouth. You’ve been hanging out with Niall too much.”

Roarke McBride grinned and slung his arm over the shoulder of his partner, Niall.

Niall lifted an eyebrow. “I’ll have you know that Savage has been teaching me to swear

in different languages, since you won’t. It’s fascinating that all of you learned the languages

of the various countries you toured in. But what I find most interesting is that there are so

many ways to curse.” Niall chuckled. “As soon as Savage figures out a way to politely say I

want to fuck you blind and make you call me yours, we can all go back to the house and chill.

Wait, scratch that. You assholes are not invited to the house. Not after what you all did to help

this one.” Niall slapped his hand on Roarke’s chest then bared his teeth at the rest of them.

Savage looked at the others then back at Niall. They all laughed at the disgruntled look

on Niall’s face. His band mates and Savage had returned after their last obligations that had

taken them out of Hollisville, their new permanent home. A few days ago, since Niall was at

work, they had put the plan in action to make him batty.

“Hey, we were just being good friends to our buddy. He wanted to give you a

surprise,” Kane, the band’s drummer said. “It was our duty to help out.”

“Yeah, he was giving you a beautiful gift.” Paul wiped an imaginary tear from his eye.

“It was so touching.”

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“My wife would have loved it if I had done such a selfless thing for her.” Ral sniffed

then blinked, as if holding back tears. “She even said so when she was helping.”

“There was nothing we wouldn’t have done to make this come to reality.” Kasper

smirked. “Yeah, you need a better security system.”

“Someone was supposed to set that up, but hasn’t.” Niall glared at Kasper.

“I’ve been busy. I’ll take care of it now that I have the time.” Kasper snickered. “Admit

it. You loved the gift.”

“Of course he loved it.” Savage snorted. “He’s gonna have material to make his

sculptures for weeks… Hell, months even. Maybe now we can all get one of Niall’s

wonderful sculptures for our houses. Oh by the way, there are loads more of the CDs hidden

around your house, as well as Roarke’s, for you to still find. Happy hunting.”

“You know you all could have just brought me boxes of the CDs of your group that I

hate. You didn’t need to spread the CDs all over my house for me to find. I’ve been finding

them in the most odd places. Really, in my toilet tank, plastic sealed so the CDs weren’t

ruined? You guys really have too much time on your hands.” Niall rubbed his fingers over

the bridge of his nose. “And I know you, Savage, were the one who somehow rigged it so

every time I go near anything that can play music—or my TV—it comes on blasting that

awful music. I hate all of you assholes. And I will have my revenge.”

Savage was relieved the attention was off him and the man he was planning to see.

Savage and all the others laughed. It had been epic watching Niall lose his shit over finding

CDs littering his foyer when he’d got home. They’d taped it and had a memento to share

with their family and friends. They had even followed him as he found more and more all

over the house. Savage had particularly loved it when the player in the kitchen had come on

and Niall had taken up a butcher’s knife and threatened to cut the cords of the CD player.

He’d rigged it, and Savage knew it would bug Niall, figuring out how he’d done it. They had

indeed become great friends since Niall had become partners with Roarke. He and Niall both

spoke geek and could talk for hours about tech stuff, knowing the other got it. His friends

liked to say they were of a hive mind when it came to anything tech.

Roarke was the one who’d set that plan in motion. He got a kick out of Niall’s reaction

to their music since their third album. Hell, they all did. Savage chuckled as he thought of

how vocal Niall was about it, and they all respected Niall for not trying to blow smoke up

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their asses and say that he liked it. Even after Niall had become involved with Roarke, Niall

still kept firm to his hate of their music after the album Niall liked to say made him want to

gouge his eyeballs out.

“Come on, baby. You know you can’t get revenge on us,” Roarke said.

Savage exchanged glances with the other men before he focused on Roarke. Roarke

winked and Savage stifled a laugh. Roarke knew what he was doing would only make Niall

more determined to get payback on them—Roarke was counting on it. He wanted Niall to be

distracted at least for another few days. Savage nodded. As he watched the men, Savage

wanted what they had. They teased each other, and their love for each other was tangible.

Even when Niall was vocalizing his aversion to some of the music from their group,

Renderings, it was still evident to see the care they had for each other.

Why all of a sudden am I longing for a happy ever after? Savage had no idea why, but he did

know when this feeling had started. It had been around the time they’d moved to Hollisville

to settle down after deciding to retire from touring. They would still perform and record, but

most concerts would be stateside, with only a limited few scattered abroad. He for one was

grateful that there would be no more world tours. It was fun but tiring, and he was ready to

slow down. Although it had taken him longer than expected to get through all the

obligations that had made it necessary for him to travel these last few months, now they were

done. He could focus on things he’d made promises about in Hollisville.

“I’d sleep with one eye open, if I were you,” Niall said, crossing his arms over his chest.

“Enough about Roarke’s pending demise.” He elbowed Roarke, who just chuckled. “We’re

here for Savage, who I think is finally ready to stop being shy, which we all know he is not at


There was a murmur of agreement from all the other men. Savage rolled his eyes.

“Now can we get going with this? I have a house I need to search to find all those CDs

you all hid.” Niall studied his nails. “As for Roarke’s place, I’m thinking he’s on his own

there. Until the CDs are gone, we can stay at my place.”

“Both houses are our place. We live together, no matter where we sleep. So what is

yours is mine and what is mine is yours,” Roarke said in a haughty tone, and lifted an

eyebrow. It was such a perfect imitation of Niall.

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Savage chuckled as did the others. Niall stared at Roarke then used the same inflection

in his voice and mannerism he was known for, as Roarke had just done.

Niall gave a small smile. “True we live together, but in times like this when there is ear-

paining music involved that you and these yahoos planted, it’s now your place and my place.

So until you remove all the shitty music from your house, it will be yours. Once you do, then

I’ll claim it as mine again. Besides, it’s not gonna be a hardship for you to stay at my place.

It’s not like you haven’t taken up residence there anyway. We spend more time at my place

than yours.”

“True, but maybe you’re right—keeping stuff separate would be a good thing. I still

have my place and you yours. Space is good to have,” Roarke said in a sly tone.

Niall scowled then focused on Savage. “What the hell are you waiting for?”

“Don’t get snippy with me,” Savage retorted. “The man you want to knock out is right

there.” He pointed at Roarke.

“Oh no he isn’t.” Niall balled his fist. “It’s you. Now let’s get this show on the road.”

Niall shrugged off Roarke’s arm and strolled toward the front door of Noble’s. Through

the windows, Savage could see the record store was busy as he’d heard it usually was. The

band being here wouldn’t cause a stir because no one knew they were back and usually

when they were not in the persona they used on stage, people tended to overlook them.

“You better catch up with Niall before he tells Taylor that you want to jump his bones,”

Roarke suggested.

“Shit, he’d do that, too.” Savage hurried after him.

Niall opened the door to the store and went in, before closing it behind him. Savage

sped up, yanked open the door then entered. Savage smiled at the music that was playing—it

was a band they’d toured with a couple of times and were friends with. He glanced around

but didn’t spot Niall or even Taylor. The music suddenly changed and Savage laughed.

“Fuck, I hate you too, Taylor,” Niall said.

Savage pinpointed his location by his voice. He followed it, going around the corner of

a shelf to the new music aisle.

“Now, Niall.” Taylor Noble, the owner of the music store was grinning widely. “I knew

you’d want to know I had some more of Renderings’ music. Album three through the last

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one is here for you. The new album will be out in a few weeks, and I’ll have that for you,


“Fucker. You just want me to spend money.” Niall smiled evilly. “But you know what?

After the shit Roarke and his friends pulled, they will be buying your stock of music for those

albums.” Niall turned and glared at Savage then snapped his fingers. “Give me your credit


Without a word of protest, he took it out and handed it to Niall.

“Taylor, this is Savage. Savage, this is Taylor. Taylor, Savage has something he wants to

ask you.” Niall pushed past him and muttered low to Savage, “I set it up, now get in there

and ask him out. Don’t make me come back and do it for you.”

Niall went around the corner and Savage heard, “Roarke, Kane, Ral and Paul, give me

your credit cards, I have shopping to do. But first, I need to go turn off this racket.”

The men’s laughter came, as Niall cursed and muttered. Slowly it faded as they walked

away. Soft chuckles made Savage glance at Taylor. The sensuous sound made Savage want

to kiss him deeply. Taylor’s ice-blue eyes twinkled and dimples bracketed his lush, full lips.

The urge to kiss Taylor increased and Savage stared at his mouth before he turned his

attention to the rest of him. Everything about Taylor intrigued him. From his strong,

masculine features and a nose that crinkled when he was thinking, to his brow, which

furrowed when he was considering a response, and his cheeks that got that delightful flush—

as they had now—when he was teasing or up to something. Even for the short time Savage

had seen Taylor in that one interaction, he’d gotten to know things about him. He hadn’t

been able to look away from the man who was so kind and sexy, but didn’t know it. Taylor

pushed back his shoulder-length black hair from his face and Savage watched Taylor’s

fingers playing through the strands, longing to have them touching his chest then lower.

“God, I love it when Niall comes to visit. It’s so much fun to get him riled.” Taylor

chuckled again. “Also, he adds to my bottom line when he buys up all of Renderings’ music

from album three to later.”

“And you give him a huge discount on his purchases.” Savage slid his hands into the

pockets of his jeans. “How’d you know he would be here?”

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“Yeah. The entertainment of Niall is worth it. Jenny texted me he was coming. Said that

you guys were up to something and left the woman folk behind. She’s curious about what it

is.” Taylor titled his head to the side. “It’s great to see you, Savage.”

“You, too.” Savage smiled wryly. “I know I had to keep postponing Davey’s lessons,

but I’m here now to set them up.”

“He’s been excited since you last spoke and told him you were done with what you had

to do.”

“I feel bad he’s had to wait.” Savage shrugged. “I ha—”

“He understood that you made promises. I do, too.” Taylor smiled. “And you’re here

now to keep your promise to him.”

“Yes.” Savage wanted to say more, but found he couldn’t.

He didn’t want to mess things up. In that moment it dawned on him why he had the

longing for someone in his life—the man before him was the cause. Savage didn’t want to

explore why that was. He’d thought all he wanted from Taylor was a date that would

possibly lead to sex—hopefully some really great sex. Now it seemed like his libido wanted

one thing and his head another.

“The dates and times you both discussed are good with me. I’ll bring him by then and if

for some reason I can’t, Jenny volunteered to bring him.”

“Okay.” Savage blew out a breath. “I—”

“Also, I wanted to ask you something.” Taylor licked his lips.

“Okay.” Savage decided to wait to ask him out.

“This has nothing to do with your teaching Davey”—Taylor was referring to his little

brother who he was now the legal guardian of, since their parents had died in a car

accident—“to play the guitar. I want to make sure we’re clear on that.”

“Sure.” Savage agreed, confused and curious as to what he was leading up to.

“Okay, good then.” Taylor bit his lip then said, “Are you free for dinner and a movie on


Savage blinked, surprised that Taylor had asked him out. “Is this a date or thank you

for teaching Davey?”

“Didn’t I just say that this has nothing to do with Davey?” Taylor scowled.

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“Yep.” Savage chuckled. “But I wanted to get that cute furrow that you get between

your brows.”

“Cute!” Taylor groaned. “That’s the kiss of death. Puppies are cute. A man does not

want to be known as cute.”

“I didn’t say you were cute. I said that your frown was cute.” Savage smirked. “And

yes, I’ll go out with you. So what time are you picking me up for our date on Saturday?”

“I need to work that day, so would about eight o’clock work?” Taylor asked.

“That works.” Savage took a small step toward him. “And just to be sure you

understand… To me, you’re a sexy man who I want to get to know really well.”

“Okay.” Taylor moved forward to match him. “Sexy is better. In my case, I find you to

be an intriguing man and I want to get to know more about you, too. Get beyond the persona

that is seen by the public for your band.”

“I’m curious about why you didn’t ask me out when we first met—or even when we

talked, when I called Davey or emailed him.” Savage took another small motion closer.

“I thought of it but dismissed it until recently when a friend of mine came to me for

advice. Talking with him made some things become clear in my head.” Taylor matched him

once again.


“That being drawn to you and forgoing acting on it because I didn’t think we would

work, makes no sense. I was concerned that getting involved with you wouldn’t be easy. I

decided to say ‘fuck easy’ and go with what I want—you.” Taylor lowered his lids partially.

“So we’ll see where this goes. It’s probably just attraction and then we’ll get it out of our

systems and move on.”

“Hmmm… I’m good with seeing where things go.” Savage stared at his lips.

The music cut off.

Taylor chuckled. “Niall found my system. I thought I’d hidden it better this time. Let

me go check to see what Niall is up to. Knowing him, he’s wrestled CDs of your music from

unsuspecting customers. Dinner and a movie at eight o’clock on Saturday. I’m looking

forward to our date.”

“Me too.” Savage resisted touching him, knowing if he did he would kiss him. Then

that would lead to other things, and he really wasn’t into giving a show of such intimate

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moments. “But before that, I’ll see Davey on Thursday for his lesson. Will you be able to

bring him?”

“No. I have to work and don’t have anyone I can get to cover.” Taylor looked regretful.

“Then Saturday is when I will see you again.”

“Yes. See you then. If you need to change plans, let me know. You have my contact


“Yes,” Savage replied.

Taylor turned and left. Savage grinned, stifling a ‘whoop’ of excitement. He followed at

a slow pace behind Taylor. By the time he came around the corner, Taylor was already

halfway across the spacious store. He stopped by Niall then started gesturing with his hands.

“Someone got what he wanted, if that grin is anything to go by.” Kasper spoke behind

him. “So he said yes to you asking him for a date?”

“He asked me for a date.” Savage glanced at his brother.

“Yeah?” Kasper smiled then slapped him on the shoulder. “That’s good, man.”

“Yeah.” He smirked at Kasper. “Now we need to get you a date.”

“For the love of God. What is with people who start dating then feel everyone else

needs to date, too?” Kasper rolled his eyes. “I’m happy being a bachelor.”

“When was the last time you dated?” Savage tapped his finger on his lip. “I’m thinking

it was the ice age.”

“The ice age?” Kane came closer and snorted. “More like before they invented the


Savage and Kane laughed. Kasper pushed at both of them playfully.

* * * *

“I have even more CDs in the back,” Taylor teased Niall.

“Bring them out. I’ll take those, too. Not like I’m paying for them.” Niall snorted.

Taylor chuckled then glanced toward Savage. The dark purple of his hair fell in silky

waves, framing a face that belonged to a decadent angel or devil, according to what mood

someone was in. The waist length hair was Savage’s trademark, along with the piercings on

his eyebrow, above the bow of his lips and up his ears. Each member of Renderings—the

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group Savage was the guitarist for—had their own distinct style. In Savage’s case, the hair

coupled with piercings and his penchant for wacky T-shirts gave insight into a man who was

laid back and didn’t give a crap what anyone thought of him. There had been many times

when the media had commented on Savage’s lack of caring to what they thought of them, as

well as his band mates. It was one of many things that endeared them to their fans. They

made music from their heart and soul, not what was considered the ‘in thing’ at the moment.

Savage glanced toward Taylor and although he was too far away to see his rich green

eyes, Taylor knew they were intense. That was another thing Savage was known for—the

intense focus that was visible on his face when he shut all else out to the music. Many times,

Taylor had wondered what it would be like to have that focus on him—have Savage look at

him with the same expression he had when he played his guitar. Taylor knew that wouldn’t

happen and he didn’t expect it to. Savage was full of life, while Taylor was just…normal.

Taylor had obligations that he knew eventually would get in the way of anything beyond a

little fun with Savage. It was as he’d said to Savage—the discussion he’d had with his friend

had made him decide to take a chance and grab the opportunity to have a good time.

“So I decided to shit rainbows out my ass,” Niall said.

“What?” Taylor looked at him, frowning.

“Ahhh…so now I have your attention. You’ve not been listening to anything I’ve said.”

Niall rolled his eyes. “I assume your lack of attention is from Savage asking you out and you


“Savage was gonna ask me out?” Taylor looked at the man again.

He was talking with his brother Kasper. Although the men were twins, with the things

Savage had done to his hair and his piercings, they were different. Kasper’s hair was blond,

which Taylor assumed was the natural color of Savage’s hair. Their features were the same.

From stories he’d read about the band, Kasper had tattoos, although with what he was

wearing, Taylor couldn’t see them. Kasper, as the head of the security, was not on stage but

he was considered a member of the band by the fans as well as media.

“Yeah, he was.”

“I asked him first, I guess.” Taylor kept staring at Savage.

“You did?”

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“No need to sound so surprised.” Taylor turned and shoved at Niall playfully. “I can be


“Not from what I’ve seen.”

“I should be offended by you saying that.” Taylor crossed his arms over his chest.

“It’s true. Would a charming man torture one of his best customers with that atrocious

music playing whenever he came by? And this man who is being tormented is also a friend.”

Niall smirked.

“A charming, astute businessman would indeed play the music said man hated so said

man would buy it. That would add to his bottom line.” Taylor wiggled his eyebrows. “So

let’s get you checked out, one of my best customers and good friends, so my bottom line will

be happy.” He took the CDs left on the shelf and headed to the area he usually used to ring

out people’s purchases.

“Bottom line, my ass.” Niall fell into a step beside him. “You take the money I use to

keep buying up these CDs and donate it to the kids’ center. That’s a great thing to do.”

“They need funds, since it is hard these days to get donations.” Taylor shrugged.

“It’s the reason I also let you sucker me into buying the CDs,” Niall said. “Although this

time the funds will be spread among the band members.”

“Sucker? Please, I don’t need to sucker you into anything.” Taylor laughed. “I just love

when you come in so I can have entertainment.”

“I’m so glad to be entertaining to you,” Niall replied in a snotty tone.

“Yep, that’s the other reason, too. You get all uptight and I just want to fuck with you.”

“God, you and Savage are perfect for each other. He tells me the same thing all the

time.” Niall set the CDs on the marble surface.

“He’s right.” Taylor lifted the wood then went behind the counter before closing it

before walking to the register. “So do you want me to have these delivered as usual?”

“Nah… I’ll let the guys work and take them now.” Niall blew out a breath. “They need

something more constructive to do than plant these atrocious CDs around my house.”


“Yeah, let me fill you in.” Niall leaned against the surface then said, “These assholes

decided it would be funny to fuck with me, so they…”

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As he rang Niall up, Taylor listened about how the men had planted CDs he hated all

over his house and Roarke’s. He laughed as Niall gestured what he did and they did. Soon

he had him checked out then led the way as he guided Niall and the others back to his

storeroom for the rest of the CDs. The men took them then left one at a time until only

Savage was left.

“See you Saturday,” Savage said.

“Okay.” Taylor bit his lip. “I’m looking forward to it. Remember, if you can’t make it,

let me know.”

“I’m looking forward to it, too.” Savage stared at his mouth. “And I will definitely

make our date.” It was a promise.

Taylor licked his lips and Savage’s eyes darkened. Drawn to him, Taylor took a step


“We can’t.” Savage groaned. “If I touch you now, I won’t stop.”

“I don’t see a problem with that.” Taylor moved closer.

“I want to get to know you first then let things progress.” Savage took a step back.


Savage pivoted and left. Taylor watched his rapid retreat and smiled. Seemed like being

around him made Savage’s control shaky. Taylor was going to have a great time making it


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Chapter Two

You should be at work. Taylor wiped his hand on his jean-clad leg as he stared at Savage’s

door. He’d intended to be at work, but that had changed.

“I’m nervous,” Davey, his brother said.

Taylor glanced at him and Davey was studying Taylor with intense blue eyes, a serious

expression on his face. Taylor’s heart clenched as he saw so much of himself and his dad in

Davey. Since his parents’ deaths over a year ago, he was now Davey’s parent. At first, it had

been daunting that he was in charge of his then nine-year-old brother. He’d always teased

his parents about the big age gap between him and Davey. He’d almost been out of college

when they’d announced they were having a baby. From day one he’d loved the little brother

he never expected to have. Now it was only Davey and him. Although they had cousins,

there were only a few of them he was close to, and Taylor knew whatever happened to

Davey fell on him.

“You like music and he likes music, so you’re good.” Taylor went to ruffle his hair, but


Davey was turning eleven in about two months and he’d started asserting more of his

independence. After their parents had died, Davey had clung to him, especially on his tenth

birthday when the loss of their parents had still been so fresh in their minds. But as time had

passed, Taylor was grateful and glad that Davey had started to become the old, outgoing and

friendly boy he knew. Yet with Davey getting older, Taylor wasn’t so sure he was

comfortable with him growing up.

“I do.” Davey blurted out, “Aren’t you nervous, too? You love the group’s music as

much as I do. And now we’re being taught by him.”

Taylor knew who the ‘him’ was. Savage. Davey had barely been able to stand when

Taylor had first started to teach him to play guitar. They had bonded over it and now they

played together often. They would talk for hours about who their favorite musician was, as

well as those bands lacking great guitar players. Savage was one of those they viewed as in

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the way-beyond-the-scope category—someone who others tried to live up to or wanted to

work with.

“Remember what Aunty Jenny said.” Taylor was grateful one of his best friends had

been there for them. Jenny was always in Taylor’s corner, no matter what.

“That Savage is just a man like any other man. He’s a human being,” Davey repeated

what she’d told him numerous times. Davey smiled and his stiffness receded, then he was

his lively self. He hopped slightly, grinning. “It was nice of Aunty Jenny and her friend

Angie to watch the shop while you came to my first lesson.” Davey glanced at him slyly.

“You like him and are going out with him.”

“What? How would you know that?” Taylor sputtered.

“I heard Aunty Jenny and Angie talking.” Davey wrinkled his nose. “They were

giggling and whispering things too low for me to hear everything.” He pouted.

“Davey, what have I told you about listening to conversations that have nothing to do

with you?” Taylor crossed his arms over his chest and glared at him.

“Not to do it. But”—Davey didn’t look contrite, instead he jutted his chin—“someone

needs to look out for you. And that’s me since…” His voice wavered then firmed. “It’s just us

now. If Mom and Dad were here, they would invite Savage over to make sure he is good

enough for you.”

In that moment, Davey looked so much like Taylor and his dad that Taylor’s heart once

again ached for his loss.

“Oh, Davey.” Taylor cleared his throat. “I’m the one who is supposed to do the looking

out for you.”

“And me for you. You might be my big brother, but you have sucky taste in men.”

Davey gave him a look.

Taylor’s breath caught at how close Davey’s expression was to their mom’s. It had been

her usual look when she was trying to make him talk to her about what was bothering him.

Taylor could never figure out how she had known whenever he did have something

weighing on his mind, but she would know then she’d give him that look. Before he knew it,

he was spilling the beans and felt so much better afterward. In this instance he resisted, since

it was coming from his little brother.

“What?” Taylor scowled. “How would you even know that?”

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“Mom and Dad.” Davey bit his lip. “I listened to them that day in the car. They thought

I was asleep. They were talking about how they wanted you to find someone who would

love you for you. That the ones you have brought around that you were dating weren’t good

enough for you. That they tried to change you instead of love you for who you are.” Davey

studied him then. “It’s my job now to make sure you find someone who will nurture you and

love you for you. Mom and Dad aren’t here to do it, so I’m doing it.”

At the stubborn tilt of Davey’s chin, Taylor didn’t know what to say. He held back a

sigh. It had been on his mind that maybe getting involved with Savage wasn’t such a good

idea after all. If things went wrong, it would affect not just him, but also Jenny, since she and

her husband worked with Savage. If his mom was alive, she would have known something

was bothering him and given him that look to get him to talk. Taylor couldn’t even disagree

with what Davey had overheard from their parents. He did tend to find men who wanted

him to be different than he was. There’d been a few guys that he’d thought he’d be with

long-term, and had introduced to his parents and Davey, but it hadn’t worked out.

Eventually they had all, for some reason or another, wanted to change him. One had wanted

him to dress more suavely and speak, in Taylor’s opinion, more snottily. Another wanted

him to give up his store since, in his ex’s opinion, it wasn’t a viable or appropriate business.

To this day, Taylor had no idea why the man would think that. If Taylor had been inclined to

debate it with him, he’d have shown him his books—he was making a profit at his business.

Yeah, he wasn’t rich but he had enough to live comfortably. And Taylor loved what he did.

That above all else was important to Taylor.

Still another ex had understood his desire for his business but had wanted to change the

way he ran it. That ex had been a successful businessman and run his own business—he

knew tricks he’d shared with Taylor. Some he had liked and implemented, but it was the last

suggestion that had made Taylor know they wouldn’t work out. He’d wanted Taylor to

renovate his business to get rid of the less desirables that came in. When Taylor had, out of

curiosity, asked who those were, his ex had said the college students, retirees and those who

wouldn’t even buy anything, just came to listen to free. Taylor had just tuned out.

As a lover of music, to Taylor it wasn’t all about the money. He loved sharing a new

song with someone who had an appreciation of music like he did. And yes, many might not

have money for it, but that was one of the reasons he had a bargain section where he slipped

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in some new albums marked down very low so those who couldn’t afford much could get

the music. The college students loved it and those who had little income did, too. It was why

he made sure the retirees had a discounted section, too, which would cater to their limited

income and gave them a discount. Music and love of it, in Taylor’s opinion, shouldn’t have

any limits to someone getting it. He did his part to share the love of music.

Taylor focused back on Davey. Love filled him and he squatted so he was eye level with

Davey. “How about this, buddy, I’ll let you look out for me if you promise to stop listening

in to others’ conversations?” He gave him a stern look. “You know Mom and Dad didn’t like

you doing that. And I’ve told you more than enough times to not do it.”

Davey’s expression changed. “I’m sorry, Tay. I won’t do it, but adults have the best


“How would you know they do?”

“Because they always stop talking when I come near or enter a room. That is when I

know it is good or something they don’t want me to hear.” Davey pouted. “The only way I

can hear is when I listen in and they don’t know I am.”

“But you’re not going to do that anymore, right?”

“Right.” Davey nodded enthusiastically then smiled.

Taylor was suspicious of his easy compliance and knew he’d have to address it again.

But for now he focused on what he had said earlier.

“Just a point to clarify what I mean by looking out for me. I mean like cleaning up your

shoes so I don’t trip over them and break my neck. Or not leaving your game on the couch

where I can sit on it and hurt my butt. And you eat all your vegetables.”

“None of those has to do with looking out for you. You’re just trying to get me to clean

up after myself and eat veggies.” Davey looked at him suspiciously.

“Yep. But it is also looking out for me. Your shoes have it in for me. I swear, they leap

from wherever you put them and try to trip me up—since you keep telling me you put them

away. And your games, too.” Taylor widened his eyes. “They magically appears on the seat

where I am about to sit then hurts me when I sit on them. And since as you have told me so

many times you put those away too. Then darn those vegetables… They keep multiplying on

your plate, even though you are eating them. Isn’t that what you told me?”

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“Sarcasm, Tay. Really!” Davey sniffed. “I’ll have you know all of those things are true.

That’s my story and I’m sticking with it.”

Taylor blinked at the familiar way he’d said it and words of Jenny’s husband, Ral.

“Buddy, you have been hanging out with Ral too much.”

“Uncle Ral is fun. He’s teaching me to give people a look and make them squirm

without me saying a word. Uncle Ral says they blurt out all sort of things when you get the

look just right.” Davey laughed.

“Oh God…” He rubbed the bridge of his nose. “I need to talk to Ral.”

“He said to tell you it wouldn’t matter if you did. A man should know how to use the

look effectively. And I’m old enough now.” Davey winked.

“He’s corrupting my nice little brother.” Taylor sighed. “What am I to do?”

“Go with it.” Davey patted him on the shoulder, a look of sympathy on his face then he

smirked. “I could always have Niall teach me to make the ornaments he does. He uses these

chemicals that are so cool. They glow with color.”

“No,” Taylor stated firmly. “No playing with chemicals.”

“It’s not playing. It’s a scientific way to rid the world of music that should never be

heard.” Davey had Niall’s snotty tone as he spoke about Renderings—music he hated—

down pat.

Taylor chuckled. “Oh God, you need to say that to Roarke and the others. I just want to

see their faces.” Then he sobered, saying sternly, “But still, no chemicals for you.”

“Can I at least watch Niall melt down the CDs and make them into stuff?” Davey

moved closer, giving him an innocent look. “From a safe distance, of course.”

“Sure,” Taylor replied, although he was suspicious of the way he’d worded it.

“Cool.” Davey patted his shoulder again. “I’m ready for my lesson with Savage now.

Then Niall said he was doing the melting starting today, so I can go there.”

Now Taylor relaxed—he had been maneuvered by Davey. Davey had already had a

conversation with Niall and had just needed Taylor to agree. Taylor shook his head. Niall

and Davey had bonded over their mutual dislike for Renderings’ music after their third


“Okay.” Taylor hugged Davey then kissed him on the cheek. “Remember what I told

you about the lesson.”

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“Listen to Savage and don’t insult that thing.” Davey wrinkled his nose.

Taylor laughed.

“What thing?” Savage asked.

Taylor jerked upward then, off balance, he fell back. Savage’s muscular arms caught

him then righted Taylor before turning him to face Savage. Taylor hardened at the first look

at Savage. Savage’s loose T-shirt with a wacky saying and his sweats looked good on the

man. His hair was piled in a high ponytail. Glancing down, Taylor stifled a smile as he

spotted his bare feet. From the fan sites, Taylor knew Savage preferred to be barefoot—if he

could, he would do that on stage too. Instead, Savage compromised on stage. No matter the

temperature, sandals were the extent of his footwear since he didn’t go barefoot while

performing. There hadn’t been a reason listed as to why he didn’t.

“Easy there.” Savage grinned.

“How long have you been there?” Taylor demanded.

“Do you really want to know?” Savage’s eyes twinkled.

Taylor tried to recall all he and Davey had discussed. Horror filled him at the idea that

Savage had heard about his bad taste in men.

“Hi, Savage.” Davey hopped. “Are you ready to teach me?”

Savage winked at Taylor before glancing down at Davey. “Sure, Davey, just head on in

through the house. Make a left just before the end of the hall into my studio.”

“Okay.” Davey picked up his guitar case then rushed inside.

“Walk, Davey,” Taylor called, as he stepped to the side to see past Savage.

Davey slowed then glanced over his shoulder, smiling. He walked then went down the

hall and just before the end he made the turn Savage had said. Taylor noted that further

down the hall there was another corridor. Taylor lifted his head then met Savage’s gaze.

“I’m glad you made it.” Savage’s smile widened. “I’ll have to remember to thank Aunty

Jenny and Angie for covering the store.”

“They were matchmaking,” Taylor said. He figured they had called to let Savage know

he was coming instead.

“Probably.” Savage moved closer to him. “But in this case, I like it. Earlier I was

thinking about our date and that it’s too far away. I was gonna ask Jenny to let me drop

Davey off to you after the lesson. But you’re here now, so…”

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“So…I…” Taylor didn’t know what to say without sounding like a dweeb.

“Really, really wanted to see my hot bod?” Savage wiggled his eyebrows. “Maybe you

want to kiss me and jump me, too?”

“You are so modest.” Taylor snorted, rolling his eyes. “You’re the one who wants to

kiss me.”

“Yes.” Savage breathed.

Taylor gulped, staring at his mouth. He took a step closer.

“Tay?” Davey called.

Taylor jerked and glanced down the hall. Thankfully Davey was still in the room.

“Later,” Savage said.

He willed his cock to go down before they joined Davey. On second thought… Taylor

tugged on his T-shirt to make sure it covered his erection. Taylor licked his lips as he nodded.

“Don’t do that.” Savage groaned.

Taylor glanced up at Savage questioningly.

“It only makes me want to kiss you. Follow your tongue’s path with my own.”

“We can’t. Davey would see,” Taylor said weakly then swallowed hard.

The ache for Savage only increased and he held in a shiver of need. This wasn’t doing

anything to make his erection go down. He glanced down and although Savage’s T-shirt was

loose, he imagined he was as hard as Taylor was.

“Don’t do that either.” Savage sighed, rubbing his hand along the back of his neck.

“Your glancing at my dick is not helping me calm down before we go to join your brother.”

“Sorry.” Taylor smirked.

“Yeah, yeah, sure you’re sorry. Not. Okay, time to give Davey his lesson.” Savage

stepped back and turned, then paused. “By the way, I’m gonna break your streak of dating

sucky men.”

He walked away. Taylor’s eyes widened then he hurried after him.

“You were eavesdropping.” Taylor frowned. “How?”

“Security system. The area has sensors and I knew when you pulled up, then went to

the cameras and saw it was you.” He shrugged. “I came to the door and I was curious what

you two were talking about, so I turned the sound for the camera on so I could hear.

Technically, it wasn’t eavesdropping.”

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“There is no ‘technically’ about it. It was eavesdropping.” Taylor narrowed his eyes.

“For God’s sake, don’t let Davey know. I’m trying to get him to not listen in on people’s

conversations without them knowing it.”

“I heard that, too.” Savage chuckled. “I don’t think the clarification you made will


“Probably not.” Taylor laughed. “Davey is stubborn, just like I am.”

“Note to self—remember Taylor is stubborn.” Savage led the way down the hall. “Hey,

I can protect you from the evil shoes that have it in for you, or those games that love your

ass.” Savage leered. “They better not hurt it, since I have plans to eventually get up close and

familiar with it. As for the veggies, you are on your own with that one.”

Savage grimaced and it was so much like Davey’s when he’d said vegetables were

yucky that Taylor laughed.

“Oh no, not another veggie hater.”

“Oh I like some veggies, but many are just plain ugghh.” Savage shuddered. “For

example, Brussels sprouts are just…no. Can’t even think of them.”

“I don’t like them either.”

“Whew.” Savage wiped his forehead. “For a minute there I was wondering if I’d have

to cancel our date. Anyone who likes Brussels sprouts is loony.”

“Niall likes Brussels sprouts.” Taylor recalled him saying so. He didn’t remember how

it had come up in conversation, though.

“See, that’s exactly my point. My brother, Kasper, does, too.” Savage clucked his

tongue. “I keep telling him, liking Brussels sprouts and some of the other things he does

makes him the weird twin. But he says I’m the weird one. Go figure.”

“Sounds like things Davey says to me about what makes us different.” Taylor chuckled.

“He thinks it’s weird I like your music, even after the third album.”

“See, I knew I liked you for a reason.” Savage went into the studio.

He stopped so suddenly that Taylor ran into his back. A soft whoosh went out of Taylor

and he instinctively grabbed Savage to keep his balance. The firmness of the muscles under

his hands made Taylor bite his lip. He whimpered then silently cursed as his waning erection

went hard again.

“Davey,” Savage said softly.

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At the tone, Taylor looked past his shoulder and his eyes widened as he saw that Davey

stood near.

“Davey, what did I tell you?” Taylor stepped from behind Savage.

“Not to insult this thing.” Davey gestured at the console and glared at it. “It messed up

the music. Niall said so.”

“For you and Niall, but many other people love Renderings’ music.” Taylor tried to not

laugh as Davey inched closer to the machine. It was like he was trying to sneak up on it.

“They have no taste,” Davey stated decisively, then stopped. He crossed his arms over

his chest. “I don’t understand why I can’t insult it. It’s an inanimate object with no feelings.”

“Yes, but who made Gertie?” Taylor glanced at Savage, who was silent by his side.

Savage met his gaze, his eyes twinkling. Taylor’s heart swelled. He’d heard Savage was

sensitive about the equipment, but he wasn’t angry at Davey for getting near Gertie.

“Savage.” Davey blew out a breath then said, “It’s good you made it, but why’d you

have to mess with Renderings’ sound. The new stuff makes my ears hurt.”

The exasperated tone made Taylor lose it. He laughed until tears flowed down his


“He sounds just like Niall.” Savage rolled his eyes then focused on Davey. “I tweaked

Gertie and although Niall still doesn’t like the music we do with her, it doesn’t make him as

crazy. Well…he’s crazy, but not because of the music.”

Taylor snorted, but didn’t say anything about that.

“Okay. I haven’t listened to your new album yet. Niall is testing it for us. He’s the

guinea pig, so I don’t have to suffer pain in my ears.” Davey smiled.

“Little man, you’re hurting my feelings.” Savage went over to Davey.

“Humph, your smile says different.”

“Dude, are you like a hundred or something? You sure as heck don’t sound like a ten

year old.”

Taylor chuckled. People were always saying Davey spoke and acted older than he was.

Davey had always been that way and Taylor was used to people wondering about it.

“I’ll be eleven in two months.” Davey smiled. “Soon I’ll be a teenager and God help

Taylor then. Teenagers are a pain in the ass with all the hormones and stuff.”

“Who’s been telling you that?” Taylor demanded.

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“Roarke.” Davey shook his head. “He and Niall were sharing about being teenagers

and boy, they got into some trouble.”

Taylor held his breath as he asked. “What else did they share about being a teenager?”

“What I said.” Davey watched him, narrow-eyed. “Is there something else that happens

when you’re a teenager?”

“Umm…nothing at all.” Taylor recalled his own teenage years and the hormones—

about the time he’d discovered sex.

Savage coughed. Taylor glanced at him then glared as he saw his grin. He figured

Savage was thinking the same thing he was.

“That’s the tone when adults are not saying something because I’m too young.” Davey

sighed. “I can’t wait until I’m old like all of you, so I can know all the cool stuff.”

Taylor turned his attention to Savage and they laughed. Davey looked at them weirdly

and shook his head.

“Adults are weird.” Davey turned and went over to where he had set down his guitar

case. He knelt and opened it.

“Thanks for not getting mad at Davey about Gertie,” Taylor whispered to Savage.

“My Gertrude can take insults if Davey wanted to insult her. It’s not like Niall hasn’t

insulted her often enough.” Savage shook his head. “Him and his super hearing.”

“Davey has that, too.” Taylor gazed toward his brother. He was sitting on a stool and

starting to warm up. “I know you’re protective of Gertie.”

“I am, but only with grown men or women. I love making them jump when they get

near Gertie.” Savage laughed. “It’s fun watching them scramble to get away from her. But

kids…they are more curious, and once I show them all the bells and whistles, they lose

interest. I bore them with the technical stuff until they are eager to get away.”

“That’s sneaky. I bet you bark at them for getting near Gertie.” Taylor chuckled. “It’s

also devious that you make the kids lose interest by giving them the details of Gertie. I would

suggest you not do that with Davey. He’s not that easy to bore. He loves tech stuff. We both


“Hmmm…maybe I’ll give you both a rundown of Gertie soon.” Savage reached out and

took his hand, squeezing it before letting it go. “Let me go get this lesson started. Hey, next

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time, bring your guitar so you can play with us. Davey did say you taught him and were

really good.”

“Umm… Davey is biased.” Taylor wasn’t about to say whether he was good or not. To

someone of Savage’s caliber, Taylor was an amateur.

“From what I’m hearing about what you taught him, he’s good. I can only imagine you

are, too.” Savage cocked his head to the side, a contemplative look on his face. “Were you

ever in a band?”

“I was, in junior high to high school.” Taylor debated a moment then admitted,

“Actually, we still have the band. We have a regular night once a week where we get

together and play at one of my band mate’s pub. People come to see us and it is usually

packed those nights.”

“Now I definitely want to hear you play. When is your next performance?”


“Savage, I’m ready,” Davey said.

“We’ll discuss this again,” Savage said then went to Davey.

Taylor was grateful that Davey had called Savage. He didn’t know why he was so

reluctant to tell Savage when he and the band played. It wasn’t a big deal. Niall and the other

guys he hung out with, who Taylor also knew and was friends with, had come to see him

before. Niall had also brought family of his friends, too. Niall had even commented that

Taylor didn’t make his ears hurt. Coming from Niall, that was a huge compliment. Yet he

was hesitant to have Savage there. Taylor pushed it aside to examine later. He turned,

spotted another stool and pulled it over before sitting to watch the lesson.

“Let’s see what you can play. How about trying the guitar riff from Chaos.” Savage

smiled at Davey.

“That’s on your third album.” Davey groaned. “My ears are gonna hurt.”

“I’m not turning on Gertie. It’ll be just the guitars and us for now. I promise.” Savage


“Okay.” Davey frowned then started to play.

Taylor clenched his hands. Although Davey and he had played the song numerous

times, Taylor was still anxious. The guitar piece in that song was a difficult one. He knew

Savage wasn’t trying to make Davey feel bad for not playing it, but testing what he knew. As

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Davey practiced, Taylor grinned widely, pride coursing through him. Savage glanced at him,

his eyes narrowed. Taylor didn’t need to know what he was thinking to know Savage was

speculating that if Davey could play that, Taylor had to have taught him. When Savage

turned his attention to Davey, Taylor breathed out. Taylor relaxed on the high-backed stool

and watched them.

Savage called out another song and Davey switched to it. He looked even more

impressed. Savage moved closer, picked up his guitar then started to play, too. He gave

Davey directions on corrections to his finger placements for sounds then nodded as he

adjusted. Taylor relaxed even further. He was very pleased that Davey was having this

opportunity. He admired Savage so much and learning from him would be a great memory.

Taylor listened and his fingers itched—he wanted to play with them. He shook his head at

that. He was here for Davey, and Savage was teaching him.

As the duo in front of him segued into another song, Taylor sat back, enjoying the

music as it washed over him.

Savage played, his attention split between Davey and Taylor. The look on Taylor’s face

made Savage swallow hard—he was grateful that the guitar across his lap covered up his

revived erection. Damn, Taylor was sexy and Savage couldn’t wait for their first official date.

As he continued to play, Savage wondered where Taylor would take him for dinner. Since

Taylor had asked, Savage hadn’t even wondered if he would be planning their date. He’d

have a chance next time and if Savage had his way, there would be many more dates.

He focused on Davey and showed him some changes to his fingers. Davey was an

accomplished player and Savage figured Taylor, who had taught him, had to be very good.

Really good. He’d noticed Taylor’s hesitation in telling him where he performed. Savage made

a mental note to ask Niall. He really wanted to hear Taylor play. And he would also make

sure to mention to Davey to ask his brother to play with them sometime. Savage wasn’t

above asking his little brother so Taylor would agree. For now, he returned his attention to

enjoying playing with Davey, who was a sponge, soaking up any information he got. He

chuckled as Davey smiled.

After a while, Savage glanced at the clock and was surprised to see an hour had passed

already. The time had flown and he was looking forward to the next session.

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“Okay. That’s good for today.” Savage studied Davey. “Practice what I showed you and

next time we’ll work on that, and maybe I’ll even teach you something from our new


“Okay. I guess I had better tell Niall to hurry and listen to it so I can know if I can too.

That way I can know some of what we will be playing.” Davey stood and went to put away

his guitar.

“Humph. Niall will love our new album.” Savage snorted. “He’s just being stubborn

about listening to it to irritate Roarke.”

“Of course.” Davey closed his case then rose to face Savage. “That’s the fun part.”

“You’re like a mini Niall.”

“Nah, he’s a big me.” Davey smiled then laughed.

Savage chuckled. “I think Niall’s smart mouth is influencing you.

“He’s been like that since he was younger,” Taylor said.

“Mom used to worry when Taylor and I went out that our smart mouths would get us

in trouble.” Davey’s smile was sad briefly then he said, “May I use the bathroom?”

“Sure. It’s just out the door and round the corner. Second door on your left.” Savage

rose before setting his guitar on the stand by his chair.

“Thanks.” Davey went past his brother.

Taylor patted him on the shoulder and said something too low for Savage to hear.

Davey nodded then went out of the room.

“What did you tell him?” Savage slid his hands into the front pocket of his jeans.

“Oh…that he did well. We’d practice when we got home.” Taylor shrugged. “Since this

was his first lesson, we’re sort of celebrating and he gets to pick what we have for dinner


“And what did he choose?”

“Anything but Brussels sprouts.” Taylor smirked.

“Smart boy.” Savage strolled toward Taylor and Taylor looked him over.

Savage liked the appreciation he saw in his eyes, as well as the lust. He stopped before

Taylor and stared at his mouth.

“Date on Saturday. I wonder if we should wait that long.”

“Me too.” Taylor grimaced. “But I’m busy until then. I have to work and Davey…”

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“No need to explain.” Savage placed his hand in Taylor’s. Pleasure filled him as Taylor

laced their fingers together. “We all have obligations. Saturday it is. Also, I’m asking you

now for date two.”

“What if our first date sucks?” Taylor teased.

“Then we’ll have to keep having more dates until we have one that doesn’t suck. I’m

willing to make the sacrifice.” Savage winked.

“I bet you are.” Taylor chuckled. “What if it is fabulous?”

“Same thing if it is sucky. Except we keep dating until it is stupendous, or any other

words that mean great, awesome or so on. My motto is you keep doing something until you

get it right. And again, I’m willing to make the sacrifice.” Savage sighed. “It’ll be a hardship.”

“You are so full of shit.” Taylor laughed.

Unable to resist, Savage moved closer and tugged Taylor to him. He settled against him

so naturally it was like they had been doing this forever. Savage drew in a breath—the fresh,

rich scent he equated with Taylor filled him and Savage held back a moan.

“I know, but you’re up to handling me.”

“Yeah.” Taylor’s voice was deep.

Savage wondered how Taylor would sound as he took him. He wanted to hear the hitch

in Taylor’s breathing as he slipped deep within Taylor—watch Taylor break apart as they

had sex.

“So many dates to get it right, no matter if it is sucky or awesome. We’ll be dating


“Are you asking me or telling me?” Taylor lifted an eyebrow.

“Whichever will get you to agree.”

“Good answer.” Taylor leaned his head closer.

Savage licked his lips in anticipation and moved to meet him.

“Taylor, I’m ready to go to Niall’s,” Davey said.

Taylor jerked and went to pull away but Savage held him. Kissing in front of Davey

wasn’t something they would do—at least for now. But he’d be damned if he wouldn’t be

close to him with Davey around. He’d heard their conversation outside and planned to not

be another one of those men who wasn’t good for Taylor.

“Niall’s? We’re not going to Niall’s.”

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“But you said I could watch him melt the CDs.” Davey came and stood beside them. He

looked between them curiously but didn’t seem bothered.

“I didn’t know you meant today.”

“Yeah. I texted him when I went to the bathroom and he said he was doing some today.

He was having a treasure hunt to find some CDs that Roarke planted around the house and

said I could help find them then help melt them.” Davey hopped. “So can we go?”

“Okay.” Taylor glanced at Savage then pulled away.

This time Savage let him. Taylor held out a hand and Savage placed his in Taylor’s,

smiling that he had reached out to him.

“Can you come with us?” Taylor asked.


“Cool.” Davey grinned then raced to his guitar and retrieved it. He headed for the door.

Savage and Taylor strolled behind him.

“Well, we get to spend more time together.” Taylor stroked his finger along Savage’s



In the hall they stopped and faced each other. Savage lowered his gaze, studying

Taylor’s lips again.

“Are you guys coming?” Davey called from down the hall.

They glanced at each other then went to join him. They were silent as they caught up to

Davey then went to the front door. Savage grabbed his keys from the hook over the table

closest to the exit then went outside with them. He didn’t bother with shoes.

At the base of the steps, Davey rushed ahead and Taylor called, “Walk.”

He slowed but was still moving fast. Savage chuckled.

“He’d run everywhere if he had the chance.” Taylor shook his head. “God, if I had half

his energy I’d get so much done.”

“I agree. To be young and bright-eyed again.”

“Nah, I like my age, just want the energy so I can do much more. The days seem to go

by so fast then at the end of them, I’m wiped.”

“And some days you just want to shut out the world and have some alone time,”

Savage said.

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“Yes.” Taylor smiled. “Hey, changing the subject, but earlier when I saw you, you were

barefoot, like you are now. I recalled that you once said in an interview you prefer being

barefoot but couldn’t on stage. I wondered why you don’t go barefoot on stage?”

“When we first started out, I did. We used to play so many places, and so many were

dives. At one of the shows, someone threw glass on the stage and I didn’t see it. Got my feet

cut up and have a scar from it. So, to be safe, I don’t go barefoot when we perform in front of

an audience.” Savage shrugged. “I go barefoot whenever I can when not performing.

Practicing and so on. Before we hit the stage, when we are doing sound check, I’ll do that.

But then before we get on stage, I put on my sandals.”

“That’s another thing. How do you wear sandals, even when it is cold?”

“I’m hot blooded.” Savage smiled slyly. “You’ll find that out when we get close.”

“Hot blooded, huh.” Taylor pushed his shoulder against Savage’s playfully. “Good to


They continued to chat about random topics as they walked. Davey was ahead of them,

moving fast as he headed down the street to Niall’s. Soon they were at Niall’s door and

Savage glanced at the breezeway that connected Niall’s house to Roarke’s. The men had

intermingled their lives and Roarke was so happy. Savage was glad for one of his best

friends. Davey rang the bell. The door opened a second later and Savage figured Niall had

seen them coming on his security. Kasper had done as he’d stated he would and had gotten

Niall a new system. He’d put a rush on it and had completed it yesterday.

“Let’s go hunting,” Niall told Davey before he glanced at Taylor and Savage. “Roarke is

in the sunroom. The rest of the band is here too. I wondered where you were, Savage, since

you all seem to have a hive mind and pop up together.” Niall narrowed his eyes. “I still don’t

forgive you all for planting those CDs in my house.”

“Understood.” Savage grinned.

Although Niall was annoyed, it would be worth it in the long run.

“Humph. Taylor, do you really want to date this ear killer?”

“I happen to like all their music.” Taylor tugged on his ear. “It doesn’t hurt my ears.”

“Do you see what I have to put up with?” Davey sighed. “My brother, and he doesn’t

know sucky music when he hears it.”

Savage chuckled.

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“It’s just you and me, buddy, against these music Neanderthals.” Niall nodded

vigorously. “Now come help me find these CDs to rid my house of them.”

“Yeah.” Davey set his guitar case down by the entry table.

Niall and Davey headed off. Savage entered and Taylor followed. Holding his hand,

Taylor led the way to the sunroom. The rest of his band mates, Kasper, and the wives of two

of the band members were there. Savage went over to the women.

“Thanks for minding the shop for me,” Taylor said.

“No problem. We left as you stated, when the next shift came on.” Jenny nodded. “It

was a busy day.”

“You do good business.” Angie leaned forward. “I was checking out your website and

have some suggestions to upgrade it.”

“Really?” Taylor frowned. “What is wrong with it? I have a company that does it for


“Well, they are a rip off then. They aren’t using the site to the full potential.” Angie

shook her head. “If you want, I’ll have your site changed then I have a friend who does web

design who can take over running the site for you from whoever you are using.”

“Ummm…” Taylor glanced at Savage.

“Go ahead and talk with them.” Savage squeezed his hand then let go. “I’ll go talk to

the guys.”

“Okay.” Taylor sat on the chair by the women.

Savage went to his band mates and his brother.

Kasper smirked when he walked up. “Looking really cozy with Taylor.”

“And we still need to find you a date.”

“Give it a rest.” Kasper flipped him off.

Savage chuckled and dropped to sit on the couch. He glanced at Roarke sprawled

across from him. Roarke kept looking toward the door.

“Niall hasn’t found it yet?”

Roarke looked at him, shaking his head then frowned. “He’s been acting odd. Sort of

distancing himself from me. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.”

“It was,” they all said.

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“Since he was so slow in finding it, I put it someplace he won’t miss it.” Kasper leaned

closer to Roarke.

“What did you do?” Roarke scowled. “Where di—?”


Niall’s roar made them all wince.

The sound of rushed footsteps preceded Niall into the sunroom. He paused by the

doorway and glared at all of them before focusing on Roarke.

“Fucking with my house and planting all those CDs is one thing, but messing with my

computer room is off limits.” Niall turned to Savage. “I don’t know how you rigged it so

music plays wherever there is a player for it but get rid of it. Now.”

Roarke went to rise.

Niall pointed a finger at him. “Sit the fuck down.” Niall took a deep breath.

“I got all the CDs out of your office.” Davey came into the room. “I put them in the box

like you showed me you do. But this one is weird. It has something lumpy on it so I brought

it to you.”

“Put it in the box.” Niall turned to Davey.

“No!” they all yelled.

Niall turned and glared at them. “Don’t say anything to me.”

“Niall,” Roarke said gently as he stood, “I—”

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Niall crossed his arms against his chest.

“Me? You’re the one who is acting weird.” Roarke advanced on Niall.


“Shut up, Niall.” Roarke held out his hand to Davey. “Give me the CD, Davey.”

Davey went over and gave it to him then he went to sit by Taylor. Taylor hugged his

brother. He was staring between Roarke and Niall with a confused look on his face.

“I don’t want your sucky music,” Niall said.

“This one you want.” Roarke held out the CD.

Niall backed up, shaking his head.

“Take the fucking CD, Niall,” Roarke yelled.

Niall narrowed his eyes then snatched the CD out of his hand. “Fine. I’m just going to

melt it. “

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“I bet you won’t.” Roarke’s tone was smug.

“I bet I will.” Niall glanced at the CD then his eyes widened and he lifted his head to

look at Roarke.

The shock on his face made Savage stifle a laugh. It had worked.

Roarke dropped to his knee. “Will you marry me, Niall?”

“All these CDs planted in my house was your plan to ask me to marry you?” Niall

glanced back at the CD then at Roarke. “Hell, Roarke, you could have at least used music I


“Hey, I needed some fun out of it.” Roarke smirked.

“Fucker,” Niall said fondly, “I thought when you said we needed space you wanted


“What?” Roarke snorted. “As if I would ever leave you. You’re an ornery pain in my

ass but I love you. I’ll always love you, Niall.”

“I love you, Roarke.” Niall scowled. “But I can’t let you ask me to marry you.”

Savage’s heart clenched. When they’d gone over all the possible reactions Niall might

have, they’d never thought Niall would say no.

“What? You’re turning me down?” Roarke’s voice was rough.

Niall turned and left the room. Shocked, Savage couldn’t believe Niall had just walked

away like that. He stood and the rest of the men did too, going to Roarke who still was on his

knee. Savage’s heart clenched again at how lost Roarke looked. They all touched his shoulder

but there were no words Savage could say. He noticed that the rest of the men also didn’t

have anything to state. Silently, Savage stood there along with the others as the time ticked

by. Confused the others hadn’t come to join them, Savage glanced up then stared at the

women and Taylor with Davey by his side. He frowned at the gleeful expression on all their

faces. The group by the couches rose and came toward them. Suddenly, Niall returned and

with him came his buddies Enrique and Braden, along with their partners, as well as Ash

and Kincaid. The women, Taylor and Davey met the others and they stood before the group.

Niall stared at Roarke then put his hands on his hips. “You might have made a plan to

ask me to marry you, but I have my own plan. And this time I’m doing the chasing.”

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It dawned on Savage what that meant. Roarke had gone after Niall full force and had

done all the chasing. He smiled, pleased that Niall was doing it this time. Niall nodded

decisively then.

“One, two, three.”

“My heart is open wide.”

Savage smiled, hearing the chorus of Carnal Renderings. He was shocked at how well

Niall sang it. The others with him swayed in the background and gave him back-up vocals.

Savage laughed delightedly as on the right, Kincaid slid across the floor along with Ash then

on the left Braden and Gregory—his partner—did the same. The rest spread out then they

started to dance. Savage focused on Taylor, who moved so sensuously he wanted him now.

“Marry me, Roarke,” Niall said.

Roarke stood, a huge smile on his face. “Oh my God, Niall. I love you.”

“Are you gonna answer me or what?” Niall gave Roarke his patented haughty look.

“Yes.” Roarke went to him and hugged him tight.

They all cheered and rushed to the men. Savage glanced at Taylor as everyone

congratulated the newly engaged men. In that second, it hit him why he was as he was with

Taylor. He wanted what Niall and Roarke had with him. They hadn’t dated officially but

since that first meeting then all the conversations when he called Davey and spoke with

Taylor after, he was already invested in Taylor and wanted him by his side.

I’m going to make it a reality. I will have you as mine, Taylor. Now he just had to convince

Taylor they were meant for each other.

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Chapter Three

“You really shouldn’t be here,” Savage muttered to himself as he stared at the front of


He slid his hands into his jeans pockets. He’d just seen Taylor yesterday. After they’d

congratulated Niall and Roarke, it had been a celebration and Savage hadn’t gotten to spend

much one-on-one time with Taylor.

With everyone there and Roarke’s huge family coming

by, it had been crazy. Now he was at Taylor’s store today, even though he would see him the

next day for their date. Yeah, it hadn’t been a good idea. Taylor was working and didn’t need

him there. Savage turned then took a step but came to a stop as he met Taylor’s amused gaze.

“Hey.” Savage didn’t know what to say to excuse why he was there.

“Hey, I’d ask what you were doing here but I figure you were coming to see me.”

Taylor lifted the bag he held. “I just got some lunch.”

“Oh, I’ll let you get to it then.”

“Don’t make me drag you into my store to have lunch with me.” Taylor held out his

hand. “I have enough we can share then I have to get back to work.”

“Okay.” Savage stepped closer and took his hand.

Taylor led him toward the store. “What do you have to do today?”


“Good. Then maybe you wanna stay and help me in the store? You can man the

counter. That way you can take off your shoes, if you want?”

He nodded. That sounded good to Savage.

* * * *

“Let me get this straight.” Kasper paced before him. “You went to his store and you all

had lunch then he put you to work. That sounds nice.”

Savage rolled his eyes. Kasper didn’t get it, but to Savage it was nice. It had been so

beyond nice. It had been fun. It hadn’t been about what they’d been doing, but about

spending time together. Savage had spent the rest of the day at the store working by his side.

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They’d teased, laughed and he’d loved it. Taylor had pointed out the regulars of the store

and had introduced him. Although some had recognized him, they’d been cool about it. All

in all, the day had been wonderful.

“And you all are still going on the date today?” Kasper stopped before him.

“Yes. He’ll be here in a few minutes.” Savage stretched then looked at his brother.

“Which you already know. Why are you here, Kasper?”

“To threaten Taylor not to hurt you,” Kasper said it so nonchalantly, Savage almost

missed the undertone of the threat.

“Really? Why would you do that this time and none of the others when I dated


“Because I can tell this time is different.” Kasper sat beside him. “You’ve been different

since you met him.”


“You more than like him.” Kasper smiled gently. “Do you remember when Mom used

to say that for her and Dad, it was love at first sight?”

“Yeah.” Savage remembered all the stories their parents had shared of how they’d met

and fell in love instantly then built a life together.

“Well, people may say it doesn’t happen but from our parents, we know it does. How it

can last.” Kasper slapped him on the shoulder softly. “And I have a gut feeling that will be

you and Taylor in a few years.”

“Then why threaten him?” Savage stared at his brother.

“Just in case I’m wrong. You know me. I always make plans for various contingencies.”

“Yep. That’s you over thinking stuff, as usual.” Savage pushed his shoulder against his


“I know I need to shut my brain off.” Kasper pushed back at him.

The doorbell rang and Kasper rose. “I’ll get the door. Give my threat on the way out.”

“Don’t scare him away,” Savage said.

“No promises.” Kasper left the room laughing.

Savage stayed where he was. He knew it was no use to try to talk Kasper out of what he

had planned to do. Savage heard the murmur of voices but not what was said. Soon the front

door closed and the sound of steps approaching the living room came. Savage glanced

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toward the doorway and Taylor appeared. He paused in the entrance and held up the bag

he’d brought with him.

“Movies and dinner.” Taylor smiled.

“Wait. I thought we were going out?” Savage sat forward.

Taylor came closer. “At first I was going to take you out but this morning I thought of

people recognizing you at the store yesterday, and I realized maybe it would be best for us to

do this in one of our homes. That way I can find out where and how it is best for you to go

out, since you could be recognized.”

“Oh…” Savage was surprised he’d thought of that. “I usually just wear a hat or shades

and that works. But it is good to also plan an escape in case of any overzealous fans.”

“Okay. We’ll discuss that then for future dates.” Taylor set the bags on the center table

then sat beside him.

“Okay. I’m glad you are thinking ahead. We need to make sure to keep working toward

making either our sucky or great date better.”

Taylor laughed. Savage joined him then he gestured to the food.

“What have you got?”

“I stopped by my buddy Ellis’ place and picked up some food,” Taylor said.

“Wait, Ellis? Is that the owner of Alcott’s?”

Taylor nodded.

“Ash knows him too.”

“I know.” Taylor reached for the bag. “Are you hungry?”

“Yep. What movies do you have?” Savage picked up the other bag.

A-Team, all the movies out for the Transformers, and all of the Police Academy movies.”

“I like them all. Haven’t seen Police Academy in a while.” Savage pulled out the DVD

with multiple movies on it. “Let’s start with this.”

“Good.” Taylor took out the containers. “I wasn’t sure what you liked, so I got some

chicken, meat and fish so you could choose.”

“I’m flexible.” Savage rose and went to put in the DVD. “How’s Davey?”

“In heaven. He’s spending the night at Jenny’s and Ral’s. I just hope Ral doesn’t teach

him anymore supposed things he needs to know as a man.” Taylor chuckled. “He’s

perfecting the look to make you sweat, so you can tell all. And he’s good at it, damn it.”

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Savage chuckled and picked up the remote then returned to sit by his side. Taylor

placed the food on the table, spreading it out before he opened the containers. The fragrant

aromas made Savage’s mouth water. Taylor moved off the couch and sat on the floor by the

center table. Savage joined him and picked up the chicken, sliding some onto his plate.

“Davey is a good kid.”

“Yeah, he is.” Taylor put some meat on his plate then reached for the rice.

“You’re doing a great job with him.” Savage looked at him. “He’s a great guitar player.

And that makes me think you are too. When is it you play at this pub of your friend’s?”

“Let’s get the movie started.” Taylor handed him the rice.

Savage frowned as Taylor changed the subject, but did as he asked. As the movie

started, he placed more food from the many containers on his plate and so did Taylor. Then

they started to eat. While they did, they watched the movie and talked. Soon the food had

been consumed and they focused on the movie. Savage placed his hand on Taylor’s leg and

Taylor leaned against him.

“I love this part.” Taylor chuckled as the cadets pulled a prank on their training officer.

“He’s a putz.”

“Yes. Yes he is.” Taylor snuggled against him. “I love watching them evolve through all

the movies.”

“Me too,” Savage replied. “We’ll just have to watch them all, as well as others you


“We can’t do them all tonight,” Taylor said.

“Nope, but we have many dates to come.”

“Yeah.” Taylor smiled. “I have a big movie collection.”

“Me too.” Savage wiggled his eyebrows. “Many more dates.”

“Many more.” Taylor leaned closer.

Savage met him. Taylor pressed his lips on his and Savage made a ‘hmm’ before he

opened. Taylor swept his tongue inside Savage’s mouth. Savage shifted, bringing their

bodies together. He shook as they touched, wanting bare skin. Taylor stroked his tongue

along the inside of his mouth and Savage held him, kissing him. He clenched his fist against

his back, moaning. Taylor withdrew, staring at him with glazed eyes. His wet lips made

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Savage lean forward and kiss him thoroughly once again before he withdrew then studied


“And we’ll share many more of those too.” Savage cleared his throat. “Practice that


“Is that what they are calling it now?” Taylor teased.

“I have no idea what they call it.” Savage wrinkled his nose. “We can call it whatever

we want to.”

“Practice it is, then.” Taylor rested his head on Savage’s shoulder.

Savage kissed the top of his head then settled in to watch the movie. He kept glancing

between the screen and the man by his side.

I could get used to this.

* * * *

Savage finished ringing out the customer. “Here you go, Manny.”

“Thanks, Savage.” The older man smiled. “You’ve become a regular fixture around here

the last few weeks. Maybe it’s time for me to ask your intentions toward Taylor.”

The familiar twinkle in Manny’s gaze matched those of many of the regulars who came

to Nobel’s. They had all at one time or other asked a variation of what Manny had. The

patrons were protective of Taylor. Being here so often, Savage had come to know a lot of

them. Know more about Taylor. The man loved sharing his joy of music. Savage respected

him for making it easier for those who didn’t have much money to get music and still keep

their pride. Savage had seen how the patrons enjoyed the bargain bin Taylor had, which

Savage knew wasn’t typical at all—there were new releases there along with other music.

He’d even seen Taylor put stuff there based on the clientele he knew was coming in. It said a

lot about the person Taylor was that he did things like that. It was one of the many things

drew Savage to him—his kind heart.

“All honorable,” Savage said his usual.

“That’s good, but I hope you have some dishonorable things planned,” Manny replied

softly. “That boy needs to relax. He always gets so tense just before he plays at the pub.”

“When is that?”

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“Tomorrow night.” Manny looked speculative. “He hasn’t told you when or where it

is? I wonder why that is?”

Savage wondered that too but didn’t say anything. “See you the same time on

Tuesday.” Manny came into the shop every Tuesday and Friday. With today being Friday, he

wouldn’t be back until next week.

“Yep.” Manny took his bag then said sternly, “Make sure you get that man to relax.”

“I’ll try my best,” Savage said.

Manny nodded then left. Savage sat on the high-backed stool behind the counter and

placed his bare feet on the rungs. A glance around the store and he noted it was the usual

winding down before they closed. He thought of their plans after—they were going to his

place for some food and more movies. That had become a regular thing for them. Taylor

would come to his place—sometimes along with Davey—and they’d spend hours relaxing

and watching movies. At times when it was just him and Taylor, they kissed and got close to

each other. But they hadn’t had sex yet. Savage didn’t want to push Taylor. Instead, he

wanted Taylor to get to know him before they went to that level. Call him old-fashioned, but

he wanted more from Taylor. He didn’t have a clue how the man felt. Taylor came into view

as he walked beside his two friends Terrance—who owned the store Westfall Games &

Teasers a few doors away—and Ellis. Savage smiled as the men playfully pushed each other.

The camaraderie between the men reminded him of the closeness he had with own friends

and band mates. He spotted the bag Ellis was carrying and figured it was their dinner. Ellis’s

had become a regular place for them to get food. Taylor looked up and he smiled. Savage’s

heart raced at the expression. The men approached then Taylor came behind the counter to

join Savage. Taylor kissed him gently and Savage slid his arms around Taylor’s waist,

deepening the kiss.

“Awww…you look so cute,” Terrance made a cooing noise.

Savage looked at him and Terrance smirked. Savage knew the man liked to tease.

“So, Savagestone, how are you today?” Terrance called him by the nickname he had

dubbed him with.

When he had found out Savage went barefoot, he’d said he was like the Flintstones, so

he’d added it to the end of Savage’s name.

“Good.” Savage studied him. “Where is it?”

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“Where is yours?” Terrance leaned against the counter.

Savage picked up the item he’d placed below the counter earlier. He held up the CD

between two fingers and watched Terrance. Terrance’s eyes lit up and he grinned then put

his hand in the inner pocket of his jean jacket and took out the handheld game. They

exchanged items and Savage looked down at the game, smiling in glee.

“I can’t believe you did it. When you emailed me yesterday and said you did, I was

sure you were playing with my emotions.” Savage rubbed his hand along the game.

“And you were playing with mine for this collector’s edition of your second album.”

Terrance clutched the CD to his chest. “If I had known before that you had such an Uno

addiction, I would have built you an exclusive game before.”

Savage had mentioned he loved the game in passing when he and Terrance had been

talking. Before he knew it, they’d been making plans for Terrance to make him a game with

features of various Uno games made by all the developers but adding Terrance’s twist to it.

As a thank you, he’d offered Terrance a copy of a hard-to-find CD of the band.

“The two of you are such nerds.” Ellis set the food on the counter.

Savage picked up another CD and held it out. Ellis looked at him surprised.

“Thanks for keeping us fed.” Savage winked. “If I didn’t exercise, I’d be fat from all the

great food you make at your bistro.”

“Umm…it’s nothing. I like to cook and don’t get to do it as often as I used to with

running things for the bistro.” Ellis flushed and took the CD. “Wow, I didn’t expect this.”

Savage had been surprised when Taylor had mentioned Ellis was making their meals

himself instead of letting the usual chef do it. Taylor had assured him that Ellis was getting a

kick out of cooking for them. Ellis still created the dishes they used at his business but didn’t

get to do the actual cooking since he was so busy at the business end of things, except once a


“Come on, Ellis,” Terrance said. “Let’s go listen to our CDs. Oh, Savage, I have the

game set to cycle with new stuff, like I do with all the games I make.”

“Really?” Savage was excited. He’d heard of Terrence’s games doing that but didn’t

know he’d be able to do it with his Uno game.

“Get ready to have your mind twisted. Terrance-style, of course.” Terrance waved as he

left, laughing.

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Ellis waved also then left.

“So are we on for our movie and dinner or will you be playing with your game?”

Taylor leaned on the counter beside him.

“Of course we’re still on.” Savage started the game and when it made a familiar sound,

he grinned. “This is so cool.”

“Yeah, you’re a big ole nerd.” Taylor chuckled.

“Hey, I’ll have you know, I’m a famous musical nerd.” Savage looked up at him. “We

get all the hot men and women—according to the band mate preference, of course—

throwing themselves at us.”

“I’d think Jenny and Angie would have an issue with women throwing themselves at

their men.” Taylor watched him. “And Niall would string Roarke up if he so much as even

lost his mind for a moment and contemplated anyone else.”

“What about you?” Savage was very interested in his answer.


“Can someone check me out?” a woman asked.

Taylor gave him an unreadable expression then focused on the customer. “Sure.”

He chatted with the lady as he rang her items out. After that, more and more people

came to check out since the store was closing in a few minutes. Savage put his game under

the counter and helped Taylor. Once the store was shut for the night, he went through the

familiar closing procedures with Taylor and his employees. Soon after, they were in Taylor’s

vehicle and going to Savage’s place. Savage didn’t break the comfortable silence they went

home in. When the day was done, they usually didn’t say much in the car, instead using the

time between the store and either of their homes to shift from work mode to private. Soon,

Taylor parked at his place and they exited the car. Holding his game, Savage strolled toward

his house with Taylor beside him holding the bag with the food. Their arms brushed as they

walked and contentment filled Savage. Heading up the steps to the door, he trailed Taylor as

he came to stand before the entrance. As usual, Savage stood back and let Taylor go in first

before he went in behind him. He closed the door as he set the game on the entry table in the

hall beside the food Taylor had already placed there.

“Savage,” Taylor called.

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Savage faced him. Taylor stood with his feet braced apart. There was again a look on his

face and Savage couldn’t pinpoint what he might be thinking.


“I’d have an issue with someone throwing themselves at you.” Taylor scowled. “I

shouldn’t, since I don’t have that right. I—”

“I give you that right.” Savage closed the distance.

“Okay then.” Taylor reached for him when Savage was close.

He yanked Savage against him and Savage grunted as they collided. Taylor kissed him,

cupping his ass. Need flowed through Savage and he opened for his taking. Taylor

plundered his lips, claiming him. Raw hunger made Savage’s knees weak.

Taylor stepped back and grabbed his hand. “Bedroom.”

Savage led him upstairs before going down the hall to his bedroom. Taylor didn’t say a

word and his uneven breathing made Savage so aware of him. Inside the room, Taylor

placed his hands on Savage’s shoulders. Savage stopped and moaned. Taylor drew Savage

back against his chest. He nuzzled the side of Savage’s face then kissed his earlobe. Savage

groaned and rested his head back on his shoulder. Taylor slid his arm under Savage’s and

placed his hand over Savage’s heart.

“I want you.”

“God, yes,” Savage whispered.

Taylor took off his shirt then put his hand back where it had been. The heat of the touch

against bare flesh made Savage shiver. Taylor placed his other hand against the button of

Savage’s jeans. He unbuttoned then unzipped him before he pushed the fabric down,

reaching into Savage’s boxers and taking out his erection. Savage spread his legs and settled

back against Taylor. Taylor rubbed his thumb over the mushroom-shaped head of Savage’s

erection. Savage pumped his hips, wanting more. Taylor brought his hand down along his

shaft then stroked upward before he tightened his hold and repeated the motion.

“Taylor.” Savage gasped as Taylor jerked him off.

Taylor nipped his upper arm then licked the skin. Savage leaned his head back against

Taylor’s shoulder. Taylor continued firmly stroking Savage’s cock. Savage curled his toes

into the carpet as he arched into Taylor’s touch. Suddenly Taylor stopped then turned him,

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kissing him while he guided him backward. Willingly, Savage let him. Soon he hit the bed

and tumbled down but Taylor kept standing. He gestured and Savage settled himself on the

bed, watching him. Taylor took off his shirt then his slacks before toeing off his shoes. All

Savage had only imagined was there for him to see. He watched the play of muscles as

Taylor climbed on the bed. His erection glistened at the tip and Savage wanted him inside

now. Savage reached for the bedside table drawer and took out condoms and lube. He went

back into place and held the items out to Taylor. He accepted them and set the condom on

the bed before opening the cap of the lube.

“Ease up.”

Savage did as he stated, giving him access to his ass. Taylor coated his fingers then,

watching him, slid his hand along his ass before going between the cheeks to his crease. He

circled the puckered skin then pushed in gently.

“Yes.” Savage arched into his touch, moving back on the finger inside him.

Taylor inhaled deeply. “God, you feel so good.”

He coated his fingers again then slipped in once more, this time adding another finger.

Savage rocked into the caress and Taylor continued getting him ready. He moaned as each

motion into him brushed his gland. Taylor stopped and put the condom on his hardened

shaft. He rubbed some lube over the latex then lay against Savage, kissing him. Opening up,

Savage tangled his tongue with his. The length of Taylor slid along his ass then he lined up

and stroked in. Savage hugged him tightly and met his thrust.

Taylor moved in slow, deliberate motions as he took him. Savage wrapped his legs

around Taylor and countered his rhythm. Savage groaned at the sensations that filled him,

starting with a heat in his belly.

“Taylor,” he whimpered.

“Savage,” Taylor whispered urgently.

The vibrations against Savage’s lips heightened his pleasure. He opened his mouth and

sucked in Taylor’s tongue then nipped it. Taylor pulled back and hissed then laughed. The

delighted sound filled Savage with joy. Taylor moved quicker and Savage held him close,

staring into his eyes. From the fierceness on his face and clench of his jaw, Savage guessed

Taylor was close to the edge. Savage moaned as his erection, which was pinned between

them, was tantalized along with the movement of their bodies against each other. With each

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motion, Taylor drove him higher and higher. The knot of pleasure in his belly shattered and

Savage arched as his sac tightened then he came.

“Please, Taylor.” He whimpered.

“Mine.” Taylor bared his teeth, increasing his thrusts.

Savage grunted when Taylor plunged into him faster and faster as his release washed

over him.

The glazed look on Savage’s face made Taylor stroke quicker. The hitch in Savage’s

breath pleased him and he moved urgently. Each breath brought in the scent of them and it

only added to Taylor’s need.

“Taylor.” Savage moaned and thrashed his head against the pillow.

Cupping his cheeks to still him, Taylor kissed him, stroking his tongue inside his lips.

Savage met him, groaning deep in his throat. The sound sent Taylor over the edge and he

stiffened, shaking under the force of his release. He shuddered as he came, going weak.

Falling on Savage, he nuzzled against the side of his neck. Savage purred and Taylor glanced

at him, startled.

“Don’t stop.” Savage’s voice was deep.

Curious, Taylor did the same thing again. Once more, Savage made the same sound.

Taylor continued doing it, loving the noises Savage was making. He took a moment to

dispose of the condom then settled beside Savage and pulled him so he was sprawled

partway across his body. He smoothed his hands along Savage’s sweaty back.

“We didn’t see the movie after all.” Savage yawned.

“Later,” Taylor said.

Savage made a sound of agreement then went lax. Taylor stared down at him. Savage

looked like he was already almost asleep. Taylor had gotten used to him being around and

he didn’t know what to do about that. He’d only intended to have some fun. With all his

obligations, he didn’t have time for anything serious. Hell, with his usual track record with

men, he knew it was only a matter of time before something went wrong between them.

Taylor knew better than to expect anything else to come of what they had.

Fun. Remember, that’s what this is.

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* * * *

“Come on, Taylor,” Savage called.

Taylor jumped, startled. He grabbed the popcorn and poured it into a bowl. He

discarded the package then picked up the bowl before heading to the living room. Taylor

stopped in the doorway and stared at Savage. In the last few weeks, they had been having

fun and so many other things. He went hard as he imagined all the times and places they’d

had sex. Savage was addictive and he couldn’t get enough of him. Savage looked up at him

and smiled. The expression on his face made Taylor’s heart race. He dismissed it as being

happy to see him.

“There you are.” Savage held out his hand.

Taylor went over and placed the popcorn on the center table before accepting Savage’s

hand. Savage pulled him down beside him on the couch then kissed him briefly. Savage went

to draw back but Taylor deepened the kiss. Savage moaned and opened up as he always did.

Taylor leaned back and pulled Savage over him. Savage settled between his legs and rocked.

Taylor moaned as their cloth-clad erections rubbed against each other. Taylor pulled back

from their kiss.

“In me, now.”

Savage smiled and rose. He took off his clothing then helped Taylor with his before he

grabbed the lube and condom from the box Taylor kept in the side table.

“You know, having this here with a kid in the house, especially one as inquisitive as

Davey, could lead to many questions you don’t want to answer.” Savage threw up the bottle

then caught it.

“I only put it there when you are coming over and Davey isn’t here,” Taylor said.

“Ohh, so you were planning to seduce me?” Savage wiggled his eyebrows. “You

naughty, naughty man.”

“It’s called planning.” Taylor smirked. “Besides, I know you’re easy.”

“Only with you.” Savage kissed him.

He shifted as Savage touched his thighs. Savage readied him quickly then settled over

him. Taylor clenched his hole, eager for Savage to be inside him. Savage lifted Taylor’s leg

then pushed into Taylor.

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“Yes.” Taylor moaned.

His breath caught at the pleasurable stretch. Savage moved quicker and quicker. Taylor

tightened and the sensation of being filled overcame him. Rocking against him, Taylor stared

into his gaze. The intensity in Savage’s eyes took his breath away—he looked so much like he

did when he was playing. Seeing that intensity focused on him, Taylor couldn’t believe it.

“Mine,” Savage said as he moved.

He repeated the word as he took him. It sounded like a promise and Taylor stiffened.

No, he couldn’t afford to let this go any deeper. There was Davey to consider. Even as he

thought it, Taylor knew that wasn’t the real reason. He was afraid that this time, unlike the

other times or men he’d dated, that if things did go wrong for some reason or other with

Savage, it would devastate him. His heart raced as he realized Savage had become more

important to him than he had intended.

What am I going to do?

Savage thrust deeper into Taylor, and Taylor’s thoughts scattered.

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Chapter Four

Taylor stared, not really seeing anything. His thoughts were focused inward on him

and Savage. The sex between them was good—really good. But he’d been stupid and

thought that was all it would be. The last two weeks had been an exercise in avoidance. He

knew he should walk away from Savage before either of them got hurt, yet he couldn’t seem

to. With his track record, Taylor knew it was only a matter of time before things went wrong

between them.

What does it say about you that you’re waiting for things to fail? You’re one cynical man,


“I can almost see the smoke burning from you thinking so hard,” Ellis said then flopped

down beside him. “What’s up?”

Taylor glanced at him.

“Come on, Tay. You know you want to share,” Rylon Brent, another of his friends,


He glanced at him then the other men in the room. They all had expressions of concern.

“Do I need to kick Savage’s ass?” Terrance leaned forward.

“Because you know we would.” Ellis studied him.

“And we’d hide the body too,” Zarek Matthis said idly.

Taylor glanced at him, knowing he was serious. “It’s okay, guys. Savage and I are fine.”

He shrugged. “Just thinking to figure some things out.”

“Ahhh…” Zarek lifted his glass of scotch and took a drink before he spoke again. “Over

analyzing stuff again.”

“I don’t over analyze stuff.” He frowned.

The others scoffed.

“Well, fuck all of you.” Taylor looked at each of them deliberately.

“You’re like a girl,” Rylon said, “getting all moody and stuff. Shit, ow.” Rylon rubbed

his head and glared at the woman sitting beside him. “You know you need to pull your

punches since you have fists like bricks.”

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“Ah, you say the sweetest things. But say that again and I’m gonna have to hit you

again. As the only girl here, I take offense to being equated with being moody. Guys can be

moody too. They are downright bastards when they are,” Tabitha said. “And you could at

least do your brotherly duty and defend me, Ellis.”

“Hey, I learned long ago that you can defend yourself.” Ellis smiled at his sister.

“Which you have told me loudly many, many times.”

Tabitha flipped him off. They all laughed and she huffed and leaned back. “Men.” She

watched Taylor, her eyes narrowed. “Now instead of saying he is moody, just call it like it is.

He’s being a pain in the ass. Spill what’s going on or I’ll get rough with ya.”

“Don’t hurt me, Tabby. I’m sensitive,” Taylor teased.

“Yeah, yeah, like I believe that.” Tabitha rose and went to him. She plopped into his lap

and stared at him.

Taylor glanced upward because he knew if he met her gaze, he would spill everything.

He focused on her spiked mohawk, which had orange tips today. Tabitha changed her hair

color often. He reached for the sharp edges at the top and she slapped his hand.

“No touchy.” She cupped his cheeks, forcing him to look at her. “You must be upset

about something. You know better than to mess with my awesomeness, especially when

we’re about to go on stage.”

Taylor was caught by her golden eyes. “I’m having foolish thoughts about Savage.”

Tabitha didn’t say a word. Taylor tried to not say anything.

“Like we can have more than sex,” Taylor blurted out then breathed deep. “Christ,

Tabby, can you stop watching me with your witchy woman eyes now?”

“Why? This is fun?” Tabitha clucked her tongue. “You’re so oblivious. You don’t see

what is right in front of you.”

“What?” Taylor frowned. “What do you mean?”

“We all see it but he doesn’t.” Tabitha looked at the others. “What should we do with

him, guys?”

Taylor glanced at the men sprawled around the room, not sure what they seemed to

know that he didn’t.

“Let him figure it out,” Terrance said. “It’s entertaining watching him.”

“You’re so mean.” Rylon shook his head. “This is why I prefer wood.”

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They all snickered.

“You all have minds in the gutter.” Rylon snorted. “Hello, I meant the wood I use to

make furniture.”

“We know,” they all said.

“But it was still funny, since it pertains to sex too.” Tabitha stretched. “Wood is used to

describe cock too.”

“Tabby,” Ellis cried.

“What? You all thought it too. I just said it since, as usual, Rylon egged me on to.”

“He didn’t say a word,” Zarek pointed out.

“He didn’t need to.” Tabitha waved her hand at Rylon. “He looked at me. He has this

look that makes you want to say naughty things. God, if you swung my way, I’d so rock

your world.”

“You couldn’t handle me, baby.” Rylon smiled widely.

“You have that backwards. I’m the one who would make you speak in tongues.”

Tabitha blew him a kiss.

Taylor laughed. It was the same as always. Although they flirted, he knew that none of

them would ever do anything sexual with each other.

“There is the happy man we love.” Tabitha turned to Taylor and patted his cheek.

“You’ll figure stuff out, toots. Don’t worry. Or Savage will make you realize what we all see.”

“I know it is useless to even ask you all to tell me.”

They all replied no, although it wasn’t a question.

“Some friends you are.”

“We’re your besties and you love us all. Wait, I have a tear in my eye.” Zarek lifted his

finger and wiped an imaginary tear.

“You’re so emotional.” Tabitha smiled. “Just like a man.”

“Hey, if we can’t make generalizations about women, you can’t make them about men.”

Terrance smacked Tabitha on the leg then smoothed his hand along her bare flesh, which

showed through the slit of her floor-length skirt. “Shit, Tabby, your leg is so smooth. What

did you do? Did you get a wax?”

“Keep touching me and I will jump you.” Tabitha grinned before she rose and hopped

into Terrance’s lap then bounced. “Jumping on you.”

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“Fuck, Tabby.” Terrance laughed. “Woman, you are crazy.”

“Takes one to know one.” She kissed Terrance on the lips then smirked. “Hey, now that

Taylor is all committed and shit, do you all wanna bet who will be next. My money is on you


“Wait, what?” Terrance scowled. “Hell no. I’m not next. I’ll bet it’s Ellis. He’s overdue

for someone who’ll be good to him.”

“Should we be offended that they didn’t even think of us?” Zarek asked Rylon.

“Nah, they know it’s a useless cause with us.” Rylon lifted his beer and sipped.

“Besides, knowing those two, they will plot to get Ellis a man and leave us alone.”

“Oh, God.” Ellis paled then sputtered, “No. Remember you all promised to not set any

of us up again.”

Taylor looked at him in sympathy. Terrance and Tabitha, when they got their mind set

on something, would not be dissuaded. A few years ago they’d decided they all needed to

find someone to love, so they set out to match make for everyone—with disastrous results.

“You’re right.” Zarek smoothed his shoulder-length black hair. “I like my hair just the

way it is.”

“It wasn’t our fault,” Terrance and Tabitha said together.

“That when I went to the man you claimed was a good hairdresser but it was actually a

set up? You told him I was going to ask him out but failed to tell me. So when I went there he

thought I was having him do my hair so I could work up the courage to ask him since I was

shy.” Zarek glared. “That was a big-assed lie. Poor man was so nervous he almost drowned

me then fucked up my hair. You’re lucky I have a sense of humor or I’d have scalped you


Tabitha and Terrance touched their hair.

“Does he still come into the pub?” Taylor asked.

“Yeah, he became a buddy and comes in often—usually during the day when he takes a

break from his shop.” Zarek smiled. “He’s cool, people.”

“See? That worked out. Not a love match but a friendship one.” Tabitha nodded.

“No matchmaking,” Ellis said. “Do I need to remind you of all the others that ended


“They weren’t so bad.” Terrance pouted.

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“Yeah, it was. There was the flood incident.” Ellis ticked off. “Where your match

somehow flooded Rylon’s workshop. To this day, none of us can figure out how he did it.

You better be thankful Rylon didn’t lose all the furniture he was making and had there to be


“That was two—”

“Then the—” Ellis interrupted Terrance then started to list off all the matchmaking

failures of Terrance and Tabitha.

Taylor smiled as Terrance and Tabitha squirmed but then he frowned when he recalled

what Tabitha had said. He wasn’t off the market, per se. He was just dating Savage and soon

that would be at an end.

Again with the negativity. He sank back into his thoughts. While the conversation flowed

around him, Taylor wondered when what was going on with Savage and him would end.

“Earth to Tay.” Zarek snapped his fingers in his face.

Taylor focused on him.

“Time to go on.” Zarek’s eyes twinkled.

Immediately Taylor became suspicious. He glanced at the others and saw the same look

in their gazes.

“What are you guys up to?”

They didn’t say anything, just headed for the door. Taylor went after them and soon

they were behind the curtain. He went to get his guitar and got into place. Tabitha adjusted

her saxophone then checked her trumpet, which was for when she switched instruments

later on. Terrance stood in front of the mic, rolling his shoulders. Ellis tapped his sticks idly

on the drums while Rylon smoothed his hands along the keys of the keyboard. Zarek set the

strap of his guitar over his shoulder and nodded at Taylor. They complemented each other in

how they played. The lights dimmed—the signal it was time. The curtains parted and Taylor

automatically started to play along with Zarek. He glanced at the audience then shock filled

him as he spotted Savage, who grinned and gave Taylor a thumbs up. Taylor inclined his

head. The rest of Renderings was with Savage, along with those who had been there when

Niall and Roarke had got engaged, as well as some of Roarke’s siblings. Taylor looked at his

band mates and their smug expressions confirmed to him they had something to do with

Savage being there.

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“Temptation makes me burn,” Terrance sang into the mic.

Taylor focused on the song Terrance was singing. In their band, everyone could sing

and they switched out, based on the song. Terrance was the one who wrote most of their

music. As they got into their rhythm, Taylor tried to forget Savage in the audience watching

him. He moved so he was back to back with Tabitha when she did an intricate rhythm on the

sax while Savage played matching her. Zarek came before him and they moved together in a

sensual rhythm. He grinned at his friend and bumped hips with him. Taylor glanced out and

Savage had a scowl on his face. Unsure what the look was about, Taylor returned his

attention to playing with his friend.

* * * *

When the set had been completed, Taylor came off the stage with his band mates then

waded through the crowd. Each time people shared their enthusiasm of their music, Taylor

was humbled. The pats on the back and appreciation warmed him as it usually did. Finally

they reached the tables with Savage and the others. Taylor stood back, watching as his

friends greeted the various people then teased each other. Taylor made his way to Savage

and Savage rose before moving to lean against the pillar a small distance from the group.

Frowning, Taylor approached him and as he watched Savage, it hit him—he didn’t want

things to end with Savage.

When he reached him, Taylor crossed his arms over his chest. “So you saw me play.”

“And with him.” Savage inclined his head.

Taylor looked over his shoulder and was surprised to see Zarek. He returned his

attention to Savage. His jaw was clenched and he was glaring past Taylor. At the expression,

Taylor chuckled.

“What?” Savage glanced at him.

“You’re jealous.”

“Of course. Just like you wouldn’t want anyone throwing themselves at me, I don’t

want that for you either. It would be a problem.”

“Fucking Zarek would be like if you fucked Roarke or Kane.”

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“Ewww.” Savage screwed up his face then he smoothed it out. “Okay, I get your point.

But you have to admit your friend is sexy. Hell, all of them are.”

“You’re ogling my friends?” Taylor tsked. “Shame on you.”

“I can look but I’m going home with you.” Savage slid his hands around Taylor’s waist

and drew him close.

They kissed. Taylor leaned against him and closed his eyes.

“Hey, no sucky face.” Tabitha pushed between them

“I’m going to kill you.” Taylor glared at her.

“Love ya too.” She made a moue of her mouth. “Now don’t be rude. Introduce us—at

least the ones of us who haven’t officially met your boyfriend here.”

Boyfriend. Taylor gazed at Savage and he didn’t look like he had a problem with it.

Yeah, Taylor was good with boyfriend.

“Savage, this crazy lady is my friend Tabitha. Tabby, this is Savage, my boyfriend,”

Taylor said.

Pleasure radiated from Savage as he stared at him then shifted his attention to Tabitha.

A warm glow filled Taylor and he laced his fingers with Savage’s then continued

introductions as the rest of his friends joined them. He even reintroduced Savage to the guys

he already knew. Taylor wanted Savage to know he was in for wherever this led.

* * * *

Hours later, Savage leaned back, staring at Taylor as he and his band completed their

final set for the night. When he’d gotten the invitation to come tonight from Terrance and

Ellis, he had been surprised. He hadn’t known they were part of Taylor’s band. Savage

hadn’t mentioned the band again once he’d figured out Taylor didn’t want to discuss it—he

still had no idea why. At least tonight he’d felt the distance he had started to feel between

them was at an end. The band wrapped up and came off stage. As the group made their way

toward him, Savage observed how many of the people there knew them.

“They are really good,” Roarke stated. “That second song they did had some great


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Savage knew that tone. “From what Terrance and Ellis told me, Terrance writes most of

their music—Ellis, the rest. I don’t know who wrote that song.”

“Hmmmm… I guess I’ll be having a conversation with both of them.”

He glanced at Roarke. There was a gleam in his eyes Savage recognized—Roarke was in

creative mode and would be definitely talking with the men. Savage thought of the two men

and stifled a chuckle. He wondered what mayhem the three of them would come up with.

“Night, everyone. Thanks for coming,” Taylor said.

“We’re leaving?” Savage rose.

Taylor grabbed his hand. “Yep.”

Savage was confused as to why.

“Look at his face. He has no clue why.” Tabitha leaned closer and fake-whispered,

“When you perform and get all hyped after the show, what is on your mind?”

Savage grinned. The rest of the table laughed.

“There.” Tabitha patted his side. “Now the light dawns.”

“What light?” Rylon asked.

“For God’s sake, Rylon,” Ash groaned, “don’t get her started.”

“Sex. Wild, romping, put-your-back-out sex.” Tabitha spread her hands wide. “That is

if you know how to do it right. You keep going and going.” She rocked her hips slowly and


“Tabby,” Ellis called. “God, I swear you’re getting raunchier as you age.”

“Loosen up, Elly.” Tabitha continued to move.

Savage stepped back and pulled Taylor with him. He watched, intrigued, as Tabitha

danced and a man approached her from behind. Savage stifled a grin as he recognized one of

Roarke’s older brothers. Tabitha looked over her shoulder and she lowered her lids and wet

her lips. He reached out and fingered her spiked hair.

“Oh God, he’s about to die.” Taylor shook his head. “No one messes with Tabby’s hair

when she has—”

Savage stifled a laugh as Taylor stopped.

Tabitha turned and moved closer to the man then purred before saying, “Since you

want to touch, you need to buy me a drink first. Then maybe we can have a conversation

about your touchy hands.”

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“My pleasure.” He pulled Tabitha to him.

She laughed.

“I’ll be damned.” Taylor breathed out. “Who is he?”

“A McBride. They have some sort of mojo people find irresistible.” Savage had seen it

enough times to know.

Taylor looked at him. “I prefer a Griffin—one in particular, who if he gets moving,

might just get lucky.”

“Might has nothing to do with it.” Savage led him through the crowd and lowered his

head to speak by his ear. “I know I’m getting lucky.”

“How?” Taylor asked hoarsely.

“Cause if you’re like me after you play, you’re horny as hell.”

Taylor’s shudder said it all. They left the pub and were silent as they got into Savage’s

truck then headed toward his place.

* * * *

A while later, they pulled into the drive and hurried out of the vehicle. Savage squeezed

Taylor’s ass as he went up the steps. At the door, he crowded Taylor against the surface as he

opened it. Taylor pushed back into him. He rushed Taylor inside, slammed the door and

turned Taylor into his arms.

“I love you, Taylor.”

Taylor went stiff. He opened his mouth then closed it.

“I know it’s too soon for you to feel the same, but I needed to tell you.” Savage blew out

a breath. “Tonight I finally saw that you would be open to more with me. For now, that is

enough. But be warned, I’m going to be practicing a lot with ‘I love you’ so I can get it right.

Just like us practicing our dates and kissing or so forth to perfect it.”

Taylor laughed. “You are one strange man. But I love you anyway.”

“You love me?” Savage held his breath, not daring to hope he’d heard him correctly.

“Yeah. I just figured it out earlier and was going to…well practice our dating and so on

until you realized you loved me.” Taylor chuckled. “But you beat me to it.”

“You love me?”

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“See, keep practicing,” Taylor teased.

“How can you love me?” Savage ran his hands through his hair. “I was prepared to

wait for you to grow to love me. But you love me already?”

“I didn’t intend to.” Taylor smiled wryly. “I had all the best laid intentions that we

would have some fun then eventually break up and go away with some good memories.”

“You thought of breaking up?” Savage frowned, not liking to hear that.

“Yeah. With my luck with men, I thought it was inevitable, but I didn’t count on



“You. Your sneaky way of worming your way past my guard.” Taylor scowled. “I have

no idea when I started to love you. I just do.”

“Sneaky love. I like that.” Savage pulled him close. “Just so you know, I also love

sending best laid intentions astray. I’m good at it, so if you get in your head we’re going to

break up, be prepared for me to derail that thought.”

“And I’ll look forward to it.” Taylor winked.

Savage kissed him. Taylor sank against him and Savage lifted him then turned, putting

him against the door. He braced Taylor on it then opened his pants then his own. Stepping

back briefly, he shucked his jeans and removed Taylor’s before he pressed along him again.

Then he remembered.

“Shit, protection and lube.”

“I have in my jean pocket.” Taylor kissed him deeply.

“God, I love how you are always prepared.” He knelt and grabbed Taylor’s jeans before

getting the items from the pockets then sitting back on his bent legs.

“Stay like that,” Taylor said.

He squatted over Savage and took the condom and lube. Taylor smoothed the condom

on Savage’s shaft then Taylor reached behind to his ass and readied himself. In moments,

Taylor straddled Savage and balanced then sank down onto his erection.

“Taylor.” Savage moaned as Taylor took him in.

Kissing Taylor, he held Taylor’s ass, guiding Taylor onto his cock. They moved together

and Savage was glad he was so lucky. He had a man who was intriguing and who loved him

too. Taylor clenched and Savage shivered as pleasure filled him. He rocked, groaning as

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Taylor moved with him. They exchanged kisses and soft murmurs that weren’t really any

words, just sounds of love. Savage reached between them and stroked his hand up and down

Taylor’s erection. His breathing deepened and Savage increased his motions, both on

Taylor’s cock and inside his body.

“So much,” Taylor whimpered. “So good.”

Taylor arched into his touch then pushed back, enveloping Savage before squeezing his

inner muscles. Savage shook as goosebumps broke out on his skin. The passion heightened

all his senses and he wanted so much more. Spreading his legs, he pushed forward and

Taylor countered him. Taylor rested his head against the side of Savage’s and Taylor’s soft

exhalations filled Savage’s ear and tickled along his skin. Savage turned his head and sucked

in Taylor’s tongue, playing with it. He rubbed his thumb along the head of Taylor’s cock. The

pre-cum coated his fingers. Savage moaned and stiffened as his sac tightened. Taylor

groaned and went rigid, grunting as he came. Savage released at the same moment, moaning.

He moved, riding out his release. Taylor slumped against him, breathing hard.

Savage kissed the side of his face then said in his ear, “I don’t know if you realize it, but

that was one of the best laid intentions we’ve had yet. And I have intentions to lay you often

and to the best of my abilities for a long, long time. Practice makes perfect then repeat over

and over.”

“Again you are one strange, strange man.” Taylor laughed, lifting his head to meet

Savage’s gaze. “Anytime and anywhere, Savage.”

“I figured you’d say that. After all, you are my practice buddy.”

“Partner.” Taylor corrected, kissing him on the nose. “Practice partner.”

Savage nodded. He was good with that—partner. Taylor was his and he would keep

showing him that sometimes the best laid intentions went off track in the most pleasurable of

ways. He kissed him again and set out to get started on their practice.

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Also available from Totally Bound Publishing:

Bonds of Justice: Wicked Defense

Talia Carmichael


Chapter One

Spencer West kept his body loose and relaxed, even as the sensation of being observed

came over him again—someone was studying him quite intently. He subtly glanced around

the packed gallery and once again couldn’t find who was watching him so intensely that it

was almost like a physical touch. Spencer paused in his sweep when he spotted one of his

best friends, Mercer Nelson, who stood with Giovanni Murray, the owner of GH Gallery,

where he was for the showing. Imagine me, Spencer West, at an art show, he harrumphed. What

the hell did he know about art?

He shook his head as he continued visually searching for the person who was watching

him. As he looked, he categorized the clientele in attendance. Both women and men were

covered in expensive jewels and clothing—those he thought of as the elite and prestigious lot

who would know what art is. Then there were the bohemians, who would probably say

some obscure thing about the art but not actually say anything. The last group was the one

he was a part of—those who didn’t know or give a crap about art, but had come to show

support of a friend or someone they knew who was at the show—or possibly had been roped

into coming and not knowing what they were getting into. Spencer inclined his head toward

Dominic Rossi, another of his best friends. Dominic had a scowl on his face and was glaring

past Spencer. He didn’t have any idea what had Dominic out of sorts. Spencer would

continue his perusal of the room to find who was looking at him before he turned to see what

Dominic was staring at with that heated glare.

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Spencer lifted his glass of champagne and took a sip, grimacing at the flavor. He hadn’t

developed a taste for it. He’d rather be having a beer or a whiskey. Yeah, he could so go for a

glass of Jameson Irish Whiskey right about now. Maybe it’d help him get through the

showing. He’d promised Mercer he’d at least stay until they did the unveiling of the central

piece. Spencer stopped looking at the massive, cloth-covered painting on the wall then he

checked the time. From the schedule of events Mercer had told Spencer that Gio had planned

during the show, it would be about another hour before the reveal.

I need some hard liquor to get through this. Spencer looked at the open bar and wondered if

they would have any Jameson.

The weird sensation came over him again. He turned around and his breath caught

when he met rich blue eyes of the man across the room. They reminded him of the wild and

untamed sea. Spencer looked at the man staring at him steadily. The way the man looked

matched those eyes—his T-shirt that had some design and words on it Spencer couldn’t

make out from where he stood. The ripped, paint-splattered jeans and sandals he had on

made Spencer think he was in the bohemian category. Yet it was the way this man—‘The

Watcher’, as Spencer decided to call him—stood that reaffirmed Spencer’s belief of him as

wild and untamed. The lean man was still, yet looked as if that wasn’t a normal state for

him—that he was controlling himself and holding back his exuberant energy. Even from

where he was, Spencer was captivated by his handsome features. His hair was in sexy

disarray, ranging from gold to dark brown and framing his face like he’d just rolled out of


I wonder how his face would look after a long night of sex. Probably all soft and luscious, making

you want to take him back to bed. Spencer stiffened at the thought. It was so unlike him to even

contemplate such a thing. He stifled a chuckle at himself. It wouldn’t matter if he planned to

approach The Watcher, much less act on being attracted to him. One look at Spencer’s

brawny frame and the delicate looking man would run in the other direction. Not like

Spencer even planned to get near him. A man like that was best left alone, since he would

demand attention from whoever he was with. He glanced away. With his job, Spencer

worked long hours and was often called in, which necessitated him breaking dates or plans.

In many of his previous relationships, his partners had never understood that, then hard

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feelings would develop and the inevitable breakup would occur. He didn’t need the drama

and had been single for a few years.

Why the hell am I even thinking about a relationship, or what happens when I attempt to have

one? Spencer lifted his gaze and again met The Watcher’s eyes. He was still staring and

Spencer smiled, amused that he hadn’t even attempted to be subtle about it. Spencer marked

it up as him being curious about what he was doing there. He knew he looked out of place

and he didn’t give a shit. It finally registered that the man wasn’t alone. Spencer glanced to

the man’s left and in moments he had the man with the eerie pale gray eyes pegged as some

sort of law enforcement—Spencer was so convinced that he immediately nicknamed him The

Law. The Law inclined his head then looked beyond him and smiled wide. Spencer blinked,

not sure who he was gazing at with the expression that clearly said I’m fucking with your head

and enjoying it. A quick glimpse over his shoulder and Spencer was surprised to see Dominic

closing in on him. His face was even more thunderous than before. Spencer followed his line

of sight and when he saw The Law’s pale eyes, he wondered why Dominic was so pissed off

at seeing him. The Law met Spencer’s gaze and winked. He had to be either crazy or very

brave to mess with Dominic. His friend didn’t take shit and loved to teach people lessons

when they tried to use crap to mess on him. He made a mental note to ask Dominic who The

Law was.

Spencer looked to the right and, recognizing another man, he lifted his hand in

greeting. Treat Alexander, an EMT who worked at the same fire station as Mercer and

Dominic, returned the gesture. Treat turned and said something to The Watcher. Spencer had

been resisting glancing at the blue-eyed man again. He gave in and the man in question was

still looking. The Watcher lowered his lids, his lashes sweeping against his skin, then lifted

them, his gaze sharpening as it intensified. Spencer’s breath once again caught and he stilled.

It was like being studied by a wild animal who was deciding how tasty or not he would be.

Spencer frowned. He wasn’t used to people looking at him like that. His height coupled with

his brawn made most people leery of him. Others might be fascinated, but were cautious to

not let him see it.

Yet this lanky man was checking him out very thoroughly, without any of the usual

things Spencer would see on someone’s face. Hell, he couldn’t get a read on if The Watcher

was interested, curious or anything else. The man’s expression gave nothing away and it

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bugged Spencer to not be able to tell what he was thinking. Usually he was good at reading

people. The Watcher averted his head then he, Treat and The Law turned and walked into

one of the rooms of the gallery.

Scowling, Spencer faced the painting he’d been studying before, not really seeing it.

“What is that fucker doing here?” Dominic growled as he came to stand by him.


“Isaac.” Dominic growled again, a low reverberation.

“That man is the Isaac that Mercer mentioned you seem to have an animosity toward?

Have you introduced the man Isaac to your gene you named Isaac?” Spencer glanced at him

sharply then started to laugh.

“Yes, that’s him. And, smart ass, of course I haven’t. It’s not funny. How likely would it

be I’d meet a man who just so happened to have the same name as I named my pain in the

ass gene, and he would also be a pain in the ass? That man is… Ugghhh.” Dominic crossed

his arms over his chest, frowning.

“I wonder why he is getting under your skin. From what Mercer told us, you all barely


“He doesn’t need to speak. It’s just how he looks at you that causes a reaction,”

Dominic said.

Spencer nodded. He could concede to what Dominic had said. The Watcher who had

been staring at Spencer had indeed caused a reaction and Spencer had no idea how he felt

about that. He shrugged it off. After today, Spencer wouldn’t see him again anyway. He’d

chalk it up to a random meeting. Spencer glanced at the room The Watcher had gone into

then, catching himself, slid his hands into the pockets of his jeans. He really didn’t need to be

curious about the man. Spencer knew himself—if his curiosity was piqued then he would

keep at something until he figured it out.

“You need to chill, Dominic,” Spencer said to his friend. “Isaac didn’t do anything. It’s

all in your imagination. Yes, he did interfere in your case and that alone would piss anyone

off. Hell, I’d be pissed too, but the case was solved. And since Isaac doesn’t live in Hollisville,

you only need to see him occasionally when he comes to see Gio and Brooks. I’m assuming

that’s probably why he’s here. Aren’t they friends?”

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“I’m not sure what Gio or Brooks is to Isaac. They act like they can barely stand each

other, yet Isaac protected them.” Dominic rubbed his hand along the back of his neck. “Hell,

all of them are confusing. They are contradictory to what they do. I wish I could find out

more about them.”

“Them or Isaac?” Spencer rocked back on his heels. “Seems to me you’re more focused

on this Isaac fellow. Why don’t you just go act all nice and seduce him? Get it out of your


“I don’t want him.”

“That didn’t sound very convincing. Maybe if you say it a few times you can convince

yourself. Because you sure as hell aren’t fooling me.”

“I hate you, Spencer.” Dominic pivoted on his heels.

“You love me, buddy.” Spencer laughed.

Dominic flipped him the bird. Spencer continued to laugh. Dominic went to Mercer and

started talking. From the way he was gesturing with his hand, Spencer figured he was

complaining about what he’d said. Mercer glanced at him and nodded, letting Spencer know

he was correct. Spencer smiled and strolled over to another painting. He listened as people

discussed the piece but when he looked at it, he didn’t see the valor and all the other shit

they had said. All he thought when he looked at the painting was that the man it depicted

was interesting, colorful and powerful. It grabbed a person by the throat and made them feel.

He didn’t know about valor, but he liked it.

Moving on, Spencer eavesdropped on others as he viewed the other paintings and

sculptures throughout the gallery, which all depicted various men and women. Each time

someone viewing a piece claimed to see something or other in the painting or sculptures, he

wondered what he was missing. To Spencer, the art he looked at didn’t seem to be all the

adjectives people were using to describe them. Instead, they were something much more

primal. It was like the artist had ripped open their feelings and put them on canvas and in

sculptures. Spencer was uneasy walking through an emotional minefield of what he thought

was someone else’s personal journey. He didn’t know how anyone could open themselves

like that for public consumption. Spencer stopped before a painting that no one stood in front

of, but he didn’t look at it. Spencer glanced left and right and saw the rest of the pieces close

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to him were filled, yet no one seemed to be paying any attention to the one he was standing


Finally he gazed at the painting. Spencer went still. He drew in a ragged breath and

couldn’t put a finger on what it did to him. He was hot, angry, longing and sad, all at once.

The colors seemed to be of every shade in a color wheel. Each stroke of the brush was

another emotion that punched a person in the gut and demanded they react. The image itself

was breathtaking—the man was embedded in a large cliff and he was stepping out of the

granite, reaching for something. His head was averted, his face partially visible, yet the range

of emotion was plain to see—rage, desire and hope, all blended together. A niggle that he

should know who the man was filled Spencer. Frowning, he stepped closer but stopped, not

wanting to trip any alarms. He read the plaque—Freedom. It fit the piece perfectly.

“You look like you want to touch.” The sensual, raspy timbre came from his left.

Spencer hadn’t heard anyone approach—he’d been so focused on the painting. Even

now he couldn’t look away to acknowledge the person speaking. “I’m not sure. I can’t decide

if I want to touch it or take a lighter and burn it. It makes me…”

“Now, now, you can’t just stop there,” the man spoke again. “What does it make

you…? Fill in the blank.”

At the demand, Spencer wondered who the man thought he was, telling him to do

something. For some reason, he decided to humor him. “It makes me feel like an emotional

punching bag. Like I’ve taken some major blows but am better for it. Very deep, and I think I

like it.”

“You sound surprised.” The man moved closer. “Didn’t you like the other paintings

and sculptures in the show?”

“They were also very emotional. Makes me wonder about the artist and what hell he

lived through to come up with this. I wonder how he’d even let anyone see all these pieces

that reveal so many personal things about him. It’s either very brave or crazy.” Spencer

crossed his arms over his chest. “But that doesn’t really answer your question. The other stuff

was fine but not my thing. Now this one is…” He stared at the painting again. “Fucking


“Your enthusiasm at the painting pleases me,” the man said.

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“Why would you care?” Spencer turned and lowered his head slightly, narrowing his

eyes as he spotted The Watcher. “Hey, why were you staring at me earlier?”

“I was staring at you a lot earlier than that. It just took a while for you to find me.” The

Watcher smiled widely. “It became sort of a hide and seek for me to stare and see how long it

would take you to notice, then be out of sight so you didn’t know who it was. That is, until I

let you see me the last time. You have very great instinct and almost caught me a few times.

Are by chance in law enforcement?”

“I’m a Detective in the Hollisville Police Department.”

“Where do you work out of?”

“The Harris Street station. Why?”

“I might just come looking for you.”

Order your copy here

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About the Author

Talia Carmichael is a romantic who believes that family, no matter if it is by blood or
those you choose as family, is integral to who you are. She is an author who writes
sexy stories in a variety of genres. She believes in creating stories that encompass all
that falling in love or lust entails, from the highs of that first blush of attraction to the
lows of not knowing if you can make your coming together as a couple work, and
then finally to the acceptance of the reality of making a life together. It’s all about the

Among her books you’ll find contemporary, futuristic, fantasy, and paranormal
settings with M/M themes that will have a happily-ever-after. Her books are
passionate, intense, and real…to fill the craving.



Talia loves to hear from readers. You can find her contact information, website and
author biography at



Also by Talia Carmichael

Impressions: Reckless Behaviour

Impressions: A Tender Roughness

Impressions: Opposing Rhythms

Impressions: One Good Man

Impressions: Slow Burn

Prentiss: Ralston’s Way

Prentiss: Long Hard Ride

Prentiss: Opposites Attract

Prentiss: Unbound Reaction

The Right Choice: After the Fall

Bonds of Justice: Wicked Intentions

Bonds of Justice: Wicked Alliance

Bonds of Justice: Wicked Pursuit

Bonds of Justice: Wicked Defense

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Totally Bound Publishing


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