Talia Carmichael Unbound Reaction

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A Totally Bound Publication

Unbound Reaction

ISBN # 978-1-78430-119-4

©Copyright Talia Carmichael 2014

Cover Art by Posh Gosh ©Copyright July 2014

Edited by Rebecca Douglas

Totally Bound Publishing

This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination

and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or

places is purely coincidental.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form,

whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of

the publisher, Totally Bound Publishing.

Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Totally Bound

Publishing. Unauthorized or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil

proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.

The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs

and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator

of the artwork.

Published in 2014 by Totally Bound Publishing, Newland House, The Point, Weaver Road,

Lincoln, LN6 3QN


This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This

story has a heat rating of Totally Sizzling and a Sexometer of 2.

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Talia Carmichael

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Book four in the Prentiss series

When someone sees all that he is, they can delve deep within his soul, and there is no hiding from what

the heart desires…

Kendall Weston thinks living in Prentiss is a welcome change from his past. He enjoys

working for his former boss in a law firm as his assistant, yet there is one thing that is

messing things up. When he took the job, no one said anything about four-legged demons

that could crush him with their big legs. He’s not getting on a horse, no matter what anyone

said. At his supposed lesson, he has his argument all ready for the reason he can’t ride a

horse. That is until he meets a man who knocks him for a loop. The man looks so solemn, but

the sparkle in his gaze makes Kendall want to see how he would look if he smiled.

Thomas Ward takes over the lesson for the man who is obviously out of place. There is

something he can’t define that draws him to the man. Kendall’s sharp wit and humor draw

him in even more. Thomas is more comfortable with horses than people, but Kendall is

different than any man he has ever been attracted to. To get Kendall, he’s going to have to

soothe the skittish man as he does his horses—with lots of steady touches and soft words,

then he will let Kendall have his way before holding on for the ride of his unbound reaction.

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To my family, who have believed in me from the very beginning. Thanks for your support.

Trademarks Acknowledgement

The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following

wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

Infiniti QX60: Nissan Motor Company

Tango and Cash: Warner Bros.

The Transporter: 20


Century Fox

Stetson: John B. Stetson Company

“You will be assimilated” (Star Trek): BBS/Paramount

Google: Google, Inc.

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Chapter One

“You can at least say you came to make an attempt to learn to ride.” Kendall Weston

clenched his hand on the steering wheel of his Infiniti QX60, fighting the urge to turn on the
ignition and leave. “Paxton is a reasonable man and you can explain that no way are you
getting on a four-legged demon that could crush you with their big legs.”

With those words, the fear filling Kendall receded to a more manageable level. He

glanced out of the windshield of his parked vehicle at the GTPM Stables where he was
supposed to learn to ride. Paxton Lawson, one of the co-owners of the place, would be
teaching him. On his drive here, as he’d passed the scenic views of Prentiss, he’d appreciated
having made the move to Texas to accept the job. At first, Texas had been a big adjustment
after living in New York. But having lived here for as long as he had, Kendall thought he was
adapting well. He had a job he loved and a little apartment that was within walking distance
of where he worked. Also, he was now driving—it was a necessity since they went to visit
many of the ranches they served.

Now he was here to do another thing that had been deemed a must—learn to ride a

horse. Kendall and Lucian ‘Luc’ Russell—his boss—had been stalling on actually learning,
but Windsor Broadhurst, the other partner of the law firm that employed Kendall, had made
it clear they needed to do it. Windsor’s partner, Paxton, had offered to teach Kendall months
ago and Kendall had kept coming up with excuses. Today those excuses had run out and
now he was here on the ranch.

GTPM Stables was on a portion of the land that made up the MGR Ranch. He’d heard

of the MGR Ranch, which was one of the five biggest spreads in Prentiss, but hadn’t been
there until today. Kendall could admit he had been avoiding coming here so he wouldn’t
have to learn to ride.

“Stop stalling and get out of the car and make your explanation then you can be on

your way.” Kendall opened the door and got out.

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The scents of the ranch filled his nose and he smiled that he’d gotten used to it. Hell, he

now found it to be a soothing scent. Yeah moving here was a great thing. Now to get out of
possible death-by-horse and I’m good.

He closed the door then slid his hands into the front pockets of his jeans as he strode

toward one of the riding rings. From the description he had been given, he knew where
Paxton had his stables. Kendall headed that way, noticing the men and women coming and
going as they worked on other things. They all waved or greeted him in some way and he
did the same, but none questioned him being there. He found that curious. Finally he arrived
at the ring and he stood at the rails, staring at a horse in the enclosure. It was breathtakingly
beautiful and frightening all at once as those powerful legs moved as the horse ran. It shook
its luxurious mane and stomped the ground before taking off again.

“Hell no, I don’t ride anything that has more legs than I do.” Kendall turned to leave,

not caring if Windsor was mad he didn’t get a lesson, or even about giving his reasonable
explanation to Paxton.

He walked into what felt like a brick wall and his breath whooshed out of him as he

stumbled back. Hard arms caught him, pulling him close. His gaze followed those arms to
the man they belonged to. Kendall stared into the sexiest dark brown eyes he’d ever seen.
God, I’ve always been a sucker for eyes. They are a mirror into the soul. From his gaze, I can tell he is a
man who is strong, kind and has a wicked streak.
His shaft started to harden. The man released
Kendall and stepped back slightly.

“Kendall Weston.” The man’s deep voice with a tinge of a British accent surprised


“I’m going to give you your lesson.” The man’s stoic expression made Kendall want to

know what was hidden behind it.

Kendall studied the tall, lanky, muscular man in the pale brown, short-sleeved shirt,

which had a few buttons opened at the collar. He continued his perusal, taking in the black
jeans and scuffed cowboy boots. Kendall focused on the man’s captivating face and had to
hold back a moan—the ridges and angles made him want to explore each line with his
tongue. Curly red hair fell around the rancher’s face, shaded under a cowboy hat. Kendall

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met his eyes and although the expression or look hadn’t changed, he sensed he’d amused the
man. Come on and smile at me.

“You’re not Paxton.”
“Nope.” The man studied him solemnly. “I’m Thomas, his son.” He held out his hand.
“Oh, you’re the one that is a horse whisperer like your dad.” Kendall bit his lip, not

believing he’d said that.

“Maybe,” Thomas replied.
Again, Kendall had the impression he had amused him, although Thomas didn’t show

anything in his expression to make him know he had.

“Ready for the lesson?”
“I thought Paxton was going to show me?”
“He’s busy today so I’m doing the lesson.” Thomas was brusque. “Let’s go.” He

touched Kendall’s arm, guiding him away from Paxton’s stable.

Kendall’s thoughts scattered at his touch and he had to remember to breathe. When he

did inhale, the scent of man, sweat and horse all blended together enticingly. Kendall
stumbled as lust overcame him. Thomas smelled as good as he looked and Kendall was
having a hard time trying not to grab and kiss him. At the uncharacteristic thought, Kendall
winced and silently cursed his lack of control.

Fuck, what is wrong with me? I don’t just fall into insta-lust with anyone. I’m careful and

deliberate when I do decide to get involved with someone. He glanced at Thomas and it was then
he realized the man was shortening his strides to match Kendall’s. They were the same
height, but being befuddled, Kendall was walking slower than normal. Kendall increased his
strides and Thomas again adjusted his. Kendall stared at the powerful motion of his thighs
and gulped. He licked his lips, wanting to see Thomas from behind so he could watch his ass
as he moved. With another stumble, Kendall dragged his mind to recalling how to walk,
since he didn’t want Thomas to think he was a bumbling idiot. He prayed Thomas wouldn’t
comment on his lack of gracefulness.

“Maybe since you are having such problems walking around the ranch in your

sneakers, you should wear boots next time.”

Mortified, Kendall rolled his eyes then grinned wryly before meeting Thomas’ gaze.

“The sneakers aren’t the problem. It’s my lack of attention.”

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“Why aren’t you paying attention?”
“Damn, why’d you have to ask that?”
“Because what you stated obviously led to curiosity as to what has you not paying

attention.” Thomas shifted to hold Kendall’s hand.

Kendall’s distraction increased at the sensation of Thomas’ calloused hand holding his.

Earlier, when Thomas had touched his arm, he hadn’t registered that his palm and fingertips
were rough. He looked down and stared at their intertwined hands. Thomas’ skin was sun-
kissed, from what Kendall figured was due to hours outside, compared to his own paler
hand. Thomas’ long fingers had Kendall imagining all sorts of things he would do and how
the calluses would feel wrapped around his cock. He shivered, biting back a moan.

For God’s sake, what is wrong with me? Get a grip, Kendall. Thomas can get a grip on you and

that would be awesome. Ughhhh, I am losing my mind. Kendall scowled at his uncontrolled
thoughts and his erection softened.

“Huh? What?” He dragged his gaze away and met Thomas’ again.
“I’m waiting for the answer.”
“What question?”
“About what has you distracted.” Thomas’ expression stayed stoic, but Kendall noticed

the amusement lighting his gaze. “Do you have a problem keeping a thought in your head?”

“Why does that feel like your roundabout way of asking me if I am flaky?”
“If I wanted to know that I would ask. I don’t mince words. Wastes time when you

could get a straight answer with a direct question.”

“Okay. I’ll make note of that.” Kendall thought of the lesson. “Although this will be the

only lesson you will give me so I will make sure to keep it straight.”

Thomas didn’t respond to what he’d said, instead he prompted, “Are you going to

answer my question? And if you again ask me ‘what question’, I’m going to think you are a
flake who can’t keep a thought in your head and who is clumsy. Or that you are deliberately
trying to not answer.”

“The first time it was because I didn’t remember what you asked. I was distracted by

something else. And don’t ask because I won’t tell you. This time if I had asked ‘what
question’ I would be doing the latter—trying to get out of answering.”

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“Do you always have to ask questions?”
“It’s the way you get to know things. Why, don’t you ask questions?”
“Not so many. Where are we going?”
“You just asked a question,” Thomas pointed out.
“Smart ass.” Kendall snorted. “It was a legitimate question since we have been walking

for a little while.” He glanced around at the area—no one was in sight. “And since you seem
to have taken me to someplace where there aren’t others around, it makes me wonder if you
have nefarious plans.”

“Nefarious?” Thomas stared at him, surprise on his face.
“Yep. Using my stellar vocabulary to let you know I’m not a flake.” Kendall grinned.
Thomas blinked then stated softly, “Kendall, you are turning out to be quite a surprise.”
“Good. I like to surprise people.” Kendall pursed his lips. “And to answer your earlier

question, I wasn’t paying attention because you are a distracting man, Thomas Ward.”

“Why’d you say my whole name?”
“Again with the questions.” Kendall shrugged, feeling silly. “Because I felt like it and

wanted to know how it would feel to say it. Hey, does anyone call you Tommy?”

“Not if they want to keep their teeth,” Thomas said then growled.
“Okay. Note to self, don’t call him Tommy unless you want to hear that sexy growl.”

Kendall widened his eyes then nodded vigorously.

“You’re making fun of me.” Thomas scowled.
“Hell yeah.” Kendall grinned and squeezed his hand. “But it’s so you can smile. Do you

ever smile, Thomas?”

“That’s a question.”
“Which you will answer,” Kendall said cheerfully.
“Bossy man.”
“Sometimes.” Kendall laughed. “My boss would say all the time, but it is only to keep

him in line. Otherwise I’m a pussy cat.”

“I’m thinking more of a wilder, untamed cat from the jungle with long-ass claws you

use if thwarted.”

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“You did not just say that. Why didn’t you just call me a specific type of cat?” Kendall


“Because I don’t think any would suit you specifically, but you would have

characteristics of each. Territorial like a tiger, speed like a cheetah, feel like you are king of
jungle like a lion, a stalk-and-ambush predator like a jaguar and… Do you want me to

“I’m wondering if I should let you because this is a fascinating view into me.” Kendall

was amazed at Thomas’ description, which was spot on except for one thing. “I wonder at
the jaguar reference, though. I don’t stalk and ambush anyone.” Although at this point, looking
at you, I might have to rethink that and take you down to have my way with you. Behave, Kendall,
don’t scare off the nice man.

“I didn’t mean in the traditional sense of a stalk-and-ambush predator. I figure you use

people underestimating you and then make a point of pointing out the error of their ways to
close in like a predator and take them down with words, if necessary. Or if you feel they
don’t need to be taken down, you change to a leopard’s way of thinking and adapt as needed
for your environment or situation.” Thomas stared, unwavering.

Kendall thought of what he’d stated then realized Thomas had indeed nailed the

essence of who he was. “Well, fuck me, Thomas, you just took all the mystery of who I was
from our interaction. How the hell did you even know that about me?”

“I’ve heard Windsor and Paxton mention things about you. Also I’m good at reading

people, and meeting you solidified what I had started to figure out about you.” Thomas
stopped by an enclosure close to another stable.

“Makes me wonder what they said about me. And I still don’t know how you could

come to such conclusions by just meeting me. We’ve barely spoken to each other.”

“It’s not the quantity, but the quality of what you said.” Thomas lowered his gaze to

Kendall’s lips, then lifted it. “And I’m enjoying listening to you speak, Kendall Weston.”

“Now you’re the one who is saying my whole name.”
“Because I also felt like it and wanted to know how it felt,” Thomas replied.
“Since we met, I keep feeling like you are amused by me, but you don’t show it. Do I

need to ask my question again?”

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“Unlike you, although I’m distracted too, I do remember the question.” Thomas

winked. “I do smile.”

“Well, I’m waiting for it,” Kendall said.
“Can you handle it?”
“Arrogant man.”
“Of course.”
Kendall chuckled. “Most people would act humble or deny it.”
“That’s good for most people,” Thomas said solemnly.
“I’m going to have to keep on my toes with you.” Kendall squeezed his hand again then

realized what he was doing and went to withdraw from his hold. “I think you’re many steps
ahead of me and I’ll have to be on my game to keep up. Why aren’t you releasing my hand?”
he said in exasperation.

“Toes are nice, but even if you are on them it wouldn’t work. I’m a planner and

although your coming here today and my seeing you is unexpected to me, by the time I see
you again I’ll have a plan.” Thomas smiled a slow, devastatingly sensual grin. “I’m not
releasing your hand because I feel like keeping it for a while.”

“God, I really couldn’t handle your smile.” Kendall stared, dazed at the power of

Thomas’ smile. His heart raced and his cock went instantly hard. “Stop smiling at me before
I…” He bit his lip, not stupid enough to finish his statement.

“What?” Thomas demanded.
“I plead the fifth because I don’t want to incriminate myself.”
“You sound like a lawyer.”
“I work for a lawyer, so you pick up a few things.” Kendall smirked then looked

deliberately at his hand. “You might feel like keeping my hand for a while, but it’s attached
to me so…”

“I know. Keep the hand, keep the man.” Thomas’ eyes twinkled.
The combination of his smile and look in his gaze made Kendall warm all over. A hot

breath blew on the back of his neck and Kendall jumped, skidding forward into Thomas. He
caught Kendall as he made an oomph sound when he knocked into Thomas.

“Whoa.” Thomas chuckled. “It’s just Filmore coming to say hi.”

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Kendall, eyes wide, gulped and put his hand over his heart. “I didn’t hear anything

then this hot breath came on my neck. Oh, God, I swear my heart stopped.”

“Distracted again.” Thomas grinned. “I like being a distraction. Before you freak out

again, Isis is going to say hi too. She likes to tug on your clothing.”

“What? Tell her not to do that.” Kendall stiffened.
A nicker came then a tug on his shirt sleeve made him look down. Kendall gasped,

staring at the beautiful black horse that was holding onto his sleeve. It made a neighing
sound then nudged him and he pushed against Thomas. Thomas shifted, bracing his legs
apart and holding him. Another horse’s head appeared, this one bay-colored. Kendall stared
as the animals seemed to study him.

“What do they want?” Kendall demanded, trying to inch away, but Thomas was

blocking his escape.

“For you to pet them.” Thomas’ amusement was in his voice this time. “Come on now,

Kendall. Pet my horses.”

“Don’t use that whisperer voice on me,” Kendall said, smacking behind him at Thomas’


“How’d you know that’s what I was doing?”
“Because your voice went all silky and soft like you were trying to get me to do what

you wanted.” Kendall glared at Thomas. “I’m not r—”

“Earlier you mentioned fucking you, but that will wait until we date first.”
“What? I didn’t—” Kendall frowned as he remembered what he’d said. “You’re taking

that out of context.”

“Yes, but it is still relevant.”
“Stop trying to distract me. I’m no—”
“What would be the first date we should go on?”
“I have to get a riding lesson on a horse that will possibly kill me and you’re asking me

on a date?” Kendall put his hand on Thomas’ forehead. “Are you sick? Or high or

“Nope.” Thomas pulled down Kendall’s hand off his head and held that one too.

“Come on, let’s ride and you can think about it.” He stepped back, starting to lead him
toward the stable.

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“Stop.” Kendall dug his heels in. “I’m no—”
“I’m thinking a nice dinner at my house and watching a movie would be a good date.”

Thomas kept pulling him along without any problem. “What movies do you like?”

“Anything that has stuff that blows up in it. If it also has fast cars then I’m in heaven.

That’s my weakness.” Kendall scowled when he answered without thinking. “Wait, you’re
distracting me.” He stopped. “Your house for dinner and movie? You could be an ax
murderer for all I know.”

“I’m not, I assure you.”
“So an ax murder would say.” Kendall shook his head. “I’m not going anywhere near

your house—”

“Too late.” Thomas nodded to his left. “That’s my house.”
Kendall stared at the sprawling ranch-style house.
“It’s two levels and I’ll give you a tour when you come for dinner. And I have a great

movie library with lots of blow them up movies. Have you ever seen Tango and Cash?”

“Are you trying to entice me with movies?” Kendall glared at him. “How’d you know

Tango and Cash is my favorite movie?”

“I’m clairvoyant,” Thomas deadpanned.
“Sarcasm will not make me come for dinner and a movie at your house. Hell, I haven’t

even agreed to a first date,” Kendall said.

“It’s only a matter of time. ‘You will be assimilated’.” Thomas grinned.
“Quoting movie lines to me is a dirty trick.” Kendall scowled.
“Are you finished stalling on your lesson?” Thomas stared at him. “Where is the man

who thinks he is the King of the Jungle?”

“You do know even though people say that, lions don’t actually live in jungles.”
“Yeah, but it sounds good.”
Kendall gripped Thomas’ shoulders then blew out a breath, looking back at the horses.

They still looked big, hulking and able to crush him. He then focused on Thomas and the
gentleness he saw in his gaze made Kendall warm.

“Okay. Let’s do this.” Kendall strode toward the stable and yanked Thomas along

behind him.

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Thomas moved quickly to keep up with Kendall’s determined strides. Surprise filled

him at Kendall’s change of attitude. When he had seen Kendall arrive earlier, he’d been
curious that the vehicle was parked for over ten minutes without anyone coming out. His
dad Paxton had mentioned that the man from Windsor’s office that he was supposed to teach
was finally coming for his lessons. When the man had exited, Thomas’ curiosity had changed
to stark need and he didn’t even know what it was about Kendall that made Thomas notice
him. He wasn’t close enough to see his face. Thomas had heard of Kendall, but he’d never
actually met him since he’d never come to the ranch, and the times Thomas had been to
Windsor’s office, Kendall hadn’t been there. Now Thomas was cursing whatever fate had
prevented them from meeting before.

Figuring the man was the one for the lesson, he’d headed to find his dad and had

offered to teach Kendall. Although his dad had been surprised, he hadn’t commented, and
had agreed to Thomas taking over the lesson. Thomas had found Kendall and overheard his
comment about horses. Thomas had no idea how anyone could be afraid of horses and the
idea that Kendall was didn’t sit well with him. To Thomas, horses made more sense than
humans. Horses let him know where they stood without duplicity. Once people connected
with them, it was easier to understand their needs, wants and desires. He glanced at Kendall,
who was still pulling Thomas along behind him, and knew he would be a fun adventure.
Much like how it was when he was working with a new horse to get it to trust him and let
him into their world.

Thomas lowered his gaze and took in the dark gray T-shirt that fit broad shoulders very

well. Kendall’s back was wide and his waist smaller, while his ass was rounded and a perfect
fit for Thomas’ hands. Thomas made a promise to worship the lush butt when he had an

“Are you watching my ass?” Kendall’s amusement was plain in his voice.
“Yes,” Thomas replied unapologetically.
“No fair.” Kendall looked over his shoulder. “I wanted to see yours.”
“Go ahead.” Thomas moved until he was in front of him, but still they kept walking,

their hands linked together.

Kendall made a humming noise then, “Yeah, so worth the wait.”

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“Thanks. Yours too,” Thomas added. “After our back and forth flirting, do you really

think you’re not coming for dinner at my house?”

“I didn’t know we were flirting until a few moments ago.” Kendall laughed. “I was

distracted.” Kendall tripped again.

“Again you stumble.” Thomas tugged him until Kendall was by his side. “Distraction is

good, but I still think you need boots. If you’re going to be riding you should wear boots.”

“I don’t have boots. I’m stumbling because my knees are so weak at seeing your ass I

wanted to fall to my knees and worship at its gloriousness.” Kendall widened his eyes.

“Damn right you did.”
“I was joking.” Kendall swatted at his shoulder.
“I know.” Thomas paused. “But the visual was such a good one I hoped it was true.”
Kendall blinked, briefly hiding his rich green gaze, then he licked his plump lips and

grinned. The dimples in his cheeks made Thomas want to lick in the groove then trail kisses
down to the adorable dent in his chin.

“I hope it will be reciprocal.”
“Of course. Your ass is a fine specimen that needs to be explored.” Thomas wiggled his

eyebrows. “But first we’re going to get said butt on a horse for your lesson.”

“Talking about my ass then lessons is a downer to the mood.”
“Which is a good thing. Riding a horse with a hard-on isn’t a fun thing at all.” Thomas

opened the door then led him into the stables.

Isis and Filmore were already waiting for them—they had come in from the attached

ring. Kendall balked then he squared his shoulders and walked up to the horses. Thomas
was proud of his gumption. The horses came to them and repeated their greeting. Kendall
gulped, but stood still. Thomas squeezed his hand then released it.

“Now that I need you to hold my hand, you let me go.” Kendall snorted. “Some help

you are.”

“I need to show you how to get the horses ready for riding,” Thomas said. “Which

would you prefer to ride?”

“I’m giving you this lesson.”

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“I know.” Kendall shrugged. “But there is no way I’m getting on a horse that costs more

than I can ever possibly think to make.”

Thomas looked at him, surprised.
“Yeah I know that they are award winning horses. Windsor talks ‘bout you all often in

the office. He is proud of all of you. Says no matter what you all say, he is not going to think
of you as his grown kids. Although he figures you all will make him lose his mind

Thomas smiled softly at hearing that. He knew Windsor was indeed proud of them and

although they had gotten off to a rocky start when Windsor had started dating Thomas’ dad,
they had settled their differences.

“We’re partial to him too.” Thomas gestured to the horses. “It’s okay, you can ride any

one of them. They are meant to be ridden and—”

“I’m a newbie. Suppose I injure the one I pick or what if the other gets jealous?” Kendall

shook his head. “Nope. Maybe I can work up to riding them, but pick me another horse.” He
pointed to the many stalls lining the stable, a few of which had horses in them. “You have
more than enough in here and outside to give me a horse to ride.”

“Yes they would get jealous, but you can ride the others when you come next time.”
“I thought you were only giving me one lesson and Paxton was to give the rest?”

Kendall frowned. “You said Paxton was busy.”

“Busy because I told him I would give you the lesson.” Thomas went to the open door

leading to the enclosed pen and whistled a distinct sound.

He turned to Kendall. “I wanted to meet you so I volunteered to give you your lesson.”
“Okay.” Kendall smiled. “Now you have, so why do you want to continue giving me


“Because I want to be the one to teach you to ride and love horses.” Thomas stared at

him. “It’ll be a way for us to spend time to together too. Now that I’m thinking of it, dinner
and movie at my house will be our second date. This lesson is our first.”

“Wily man, trying to make me agree to date you.”
“Too late.” Thomas wiggled his eyebrows again. “You’re already having a lesson so

that is agreement.”

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“For the lesson. Not for dinner and movie at your place. I’ll let you know after the

lesson.” Kendall’s eyes widened and he yelled, “Look out, Thomas.”

“No worries. Prickles will not knock me over. At least not now.” Thomas, having heard

the sound of running horse as it approached, didn’t fear it would hurt him. The dust flew up,
surrounding him as the horse stopped behind him, breathing heavily, then it knocked his hat
off. “We’re still working on his tendency of messing with my hat.” Thomas turned to the
horse and patted it on the neck. “I told you about my hat.”

The horse shook its mane and neighed.
“It seems like it’s laughing at you,” Kendall said wondrously.
“Probably is, prickly bastard. That’s one of reason he’s named as he is.” Thomas stroked

the horse affectionately. “This is Isis’ offspring. I just got him back right after I moved to
Prentiss. I’d sold him when he was first born, but his owner agreed to sell him back to me.”
Thomas faced Kendall again.

“I should have known he was related to her. She goes for things you wear too. Has he

won awards for you?” Kendall looked at him suspiciously.

“Nope,” Thomas replied.
He didn’t add that although Prickles hadn’t won awards while with him, Prickles had

almost as many titles and awards as his mom. For a moment, he felt a twinge of guilt for the
omission although, technically, Thomas wasn’t lying, since Kendall had asked the question
as he had. Also it wouldn’t matter if Kendall rode a different horse that Thomas personally
owned. All his horses were winners and from championship lineages. Kendall was correct
that the horses were expensive, but Thomas didn’t fear he would hurt or do anything to them
since he’d teach him the correct way to ride.

“Okay.” Kendall blew out a breath then slapped his hands together. “Let’s do this.”
Thomas led Prickles over to Kendall then started walking him through what he needed

to know. As he talked, he noticed Kendall was very focused on what he said. Finally he set
about showing him how to saddle the horse and again Kendall listened. When Thomas was
finished, he asked, “Any questions?”

“Okay.” Thomas guided the horse outside to the ring.

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“Don’t you need to put the rest of the horses away?” Kendall, walking by his side,


“Nope.” Thomas glanced at other horses milling at the far side of the large enclosure.

Filmore and Isis were now with the group. “They are used to people and other horses so they
won’t interfere.” He placed Prickles by the mounting block then stood waiting for Kendall.

“You’ll use this for now, but I’ll show you how to mount without it.” Thomas got up on

the horse, then stared down at Kendall. The look in his gaze made Thomas wonder what he
was thinking. “Kendall?”

“Huh?” He blushed then stared at Thomas. “Okay, I got it.”
“What are you thinking?”
“Nope, not telling you.” Kendall gestured. “Get off Prickles so I can get this lesson


“I’ll have to convince you.” Thomas did as he bid then held the reins for him. “This is

how you mount with the block.” He demonstrated then gestured to Kendall. “Now you try.”

“All right.” Kendall got in place. “Now, Prickles, you’re bigger than me and I know you

can crush me without a thought. Please bear with this inexperienced newbie who thinks he
has the right to ride you. Don’t kill me,” he whispered.

“Kendall, he won’t kill you,” Thomas said gently.
“Hush, this is a conversation between me and Prickles.” Kendall glared at him playfully

then focused on Prickles. “So do we understand each other? Good. Don’t make me look like a
yutz in front of Thomas, either. He’s sexy and I do want to date him so please make sure to
maintain my rep as a wild jungle cat, but not one kind, since I am so complex that I have a
few types.”

“I feel as if you’re teasing me,” Thomas said.
“Yes.” Kendall chuckled then sobered. “I’m getting on now.” He quickly did.
Impressed, Thomas smiled up at him. “There, you’re on a horse and you didn’t die.”
“Not funny, Thomas.” Kendall smiled, pleasure on his face. “I am on a horse. That was

a great lesson.”

“Uh-uh. The lesson isn’t over,” Thomas said. “Hold on. We’re moving.”
He tugged on the reins gently and Prickles headed off.

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“Thomas.” Kendall stiffened and breathed loudly. “No one said anything about

moving. That should be lesson twenty.”

“Why would it take twenty lessons to get you to ride?” Thomas held back a chuckle,

trying to understand his reasoning.

“So Prickles can get used to me.”
“He’s already used to you.”
“Don’t use logic with me.” Kendall sighed then looked around. “I’m riding.”
The awe and fear in Kendall’s voice made Thomas smile. It was an exhilarating and

frightening feeling, getting on a horse for the first time.

“Yes.” Thomas nodded. “And soon you’ll be able to ride without me leading you

around, then we can go for rides around the breeding operation and the ranch. It’ll be fun.”

“Riding for fun.” Kendall shook his head. “I don’t know about that.”
“I’ll convince you.” Thomas winked.
“Why am I thinking you’re a very convincing man?” Kendall chuckled. “Oh, by the

way, what day and time do you want to cook me dinner and have that movie?”

“How about Saturday?”
“So long.” Kendall’s disappointment was plain.
“That way you don’t have to rush off, since you have to work in morning,” Thomas

replied. “Besides, by then, with you coming for lessons every day, we’ll be up to date six.”

“Every day?” Kendall frowned. “I didn’t agree to every day.”
“As your teacher, I say to get you up to speed in riding, it will take daily instruction.”

Thomas stared, letting him know his intention of getting to see him every day.

Kendall’s breath caught. “Okay.”
“Good.” Thomas continued with the lesson.

* * * *

By the end of the hour, Kendall was brushing down the horse and sported a wide grin.

“I can’t believe I rode a horse and didn’t get killed. I’ll have to tell my boss so he can do it

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“I heard he’s having Windsor’s brother teach him.” Thomas’ lips twitched at the

thought. Kaden Broadhurst was an imposing man and Thomas had heard of the
cantankerous relationship he had with Kendall’s boss.

“Maybe. Luc is resisting having lessons.” Kendall snorted. “Like I was. I figure that

soon he and Windsor will have a fight about it.”

Thomas had met Lucian and had been around him a few times, but didn’t know him

that well. “Who do you think will win?”

“Luc. He’s stubborn and usually gets his way.”
“I think neither Luc nor Windsor will win the fights since it will be taken out of their

hands. My money would be on Kaden.” Thomas chuckled. “When he gets fed up enough
about Luc procrastinating, he will come get him and then Luc will learn about someone else
having their way.”

“I haven’t met Kaden yet. He’s been in and out of town.”
“He’s been busy finalizing some deals on things for his ranch. Once that’s settled, Luc

better be ready for him.” Thomas would love to be a fly on the wall when Kaden went to Luc
about his lessons. Kaden had a temper and didn’t like bullshit.

“Luc can handle him.”
“Once you meet Kaden, tell me that.” Thomas let Prickles loose. “Let me walk you to

your SUV. Next time you can come park here instead of by Paxton’s.”

“Okay.” Kendall slid his hands into his back pockets. “What time would be good to

come for lessons?”

“What time would work for you?”
“Windsor said since I needed to learn, that Luc can do without me for the last two

hours of the work day. So with driving time and if you let me change out of my work
clothing here, I can be here by four o’clock. Would that work for you?”

“You can change when you get here. Sure, that would be fine.”
They walked back the way they had come and when Kendall’s Infiniti came into view,

Thomas was disappointed he would be leaving. At least he would see him tomorrow.

“So, four o’clock I will be here for my lesson. How do I find you?” Kendall opened the

door and stood, looking over the doorframe at him.

“Text me.” Thomas waited until Kendall took out his cell then rattled off his number.

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“Take mine too, in case you can’t make the lesson.”
“I’ll make it.” Thomas didn’t take out his cell.
Kendall rolled his eyes then pressed a button on his cell. Thomas’ cell rang and he

retrieved it, looking at the screen. He looked up and lifted an eyebrow.

“There, now you have my number. You make it difficult for a man to subtly make sure

you have his number so you can call him.” Kendall disconnected the call. “Save my number
and call me if you choose to. If you want to chat about random things or to discuss your
innate curiosity that makes you ask questions.”

He slid into the driver’s seat then started the car before lowering the window. Thomas

leaned down, gaze locked with his dark green eyes.

“See you tomorrow.” Kendall lifted his hand, waving. “Bye.”
“Tomorrow.” Unable to resist, Thomas stroked the few strands of Kendall’s brown-

blond hair that had come loose. The mid-back length braid was behind him and Thomas
resisted pulling it forward. “I like your braid. I have a way I do my own so it doesn’t come
loose. Our dad taught us.”

“Really? Mine comes loose more often than I’d like, so you can teach me.” Kendall

slanted his head into his touch. “You’re making it difficult for me to leave, Thomas.”

“Good. You’re making it difficult for me to let you.” Thomas brushed the strands away

from Kendall’s face. “If you can get my braid loose, then I’ll teach you how to do yours like

“That sounds like a challenge.”
“It is.”
“Challenging me is a bad idea. I hate to lose.”
“Good. I want you to win.” Thomas smiled. “Because then it will be fun when you

braid your hair like mine and I try to get it loose.”

“When I asked you if you ever smiled, I didn’t know what I was in for.” Kendall licked

his lips. “That smile is dangerous to my control.”

“Control is overrated.”
“Maybe.” Kendall sighed. “I really need to go.”
“Tomorrow,” Thomas promised.
“Tomorrow,” Kendall returned.

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Thomas stepped back and Kendall reversed out of the space then honked his horn

before he left. Sliding his hands into his front pockets, Thomas stared at the disappearing
taillights of the vehicle carrying the man who had just put his world off-kilter.

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Chapter Two

Thomas turned away then stopped when he saw his brothers. Blayne stood with a

smug smile while HC had his arms crossed over his chest, a devilish grin on his face. Thomas
didn’t know how much they had seen, but he knew the best way to get them to not say
anything was to distract them.

“Don’t you have some work to do?” he said to Blayne then to HC, “Or something to


“Nope.” Blayne glanced at HC. “You?”
“Nope.” HC shrugged. “I find I have all the time in the world. Especially seeing as our

usually level-headed brother has been struck by a bug.”

“What sort of bug is it?” Blayne tapped his finger on his lip. “I know, a love bug. It bit

him right on his butt.”

“I think it’s someone else’s ass he wants to bite.” HC pointed to his lip. “You have

something right here.”

“What?” Thomas touched his lip.
“Drool.” Blayne chuckled. “From the way you were salivating over Kendall, you need a

towel for the drool.”

“Fuck you.” Thomas flipped them off and walked toward the stable where his dad had

been earlier.

Blayne and HC fell into place on either side of him and walked with him.
“Kendall is cute,” Blayne said. “Every time I’ve seen him in Windsor’s office, I

wondered if he would be a good fit for Gibson.”

Thomas stopped. “What? Why?”
“They would look good together and they have a similar wit where they keep people

on their toes.” Blayne glanced at HC. “Wouldn’t you think so, HC?”

“Yes. The two of them when they talk have such chemistry.”

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“How is it that you both seem to know him so well?” Thomas frowned. “And I’ve only

heard of him, but never met him ‘til today. You’re wrong, by the way, Gibson and he
wouldn’t match.”

“We know him because unlike you, we go into town often and drop by Windsor’s office

to say hi. So we got to know the people who work for him,” Blayne replied.

“When you go to town you get in and out for what you need. You don’t take time for

social niceties. And coming from me, that says a lot.” HC shook his head.

“I do go into town and occasionally stop at Windsor’s office.” Thomas frowned. “Hell,

I’m his assistant’s favorite.”

“No. I’m her favorite,” HC protested.
“It’s me.” Blayne smiled. “She tells us all that. She likes the way we look and that we

are entertaining and drive Windsor nuts.”

Thomas smiled, remembering Kendall had said something similar.
“That smile. He’s thinking of Kendall.” HC poked him in his side.
“How’d you even know that?”
“It’s this sappy grin thing that Blayne does too when he thinks of Morgan,” HC said,

referring to Blayne’s partner.

“Hey.” Blayne sighed. “I can’t even dispute that. At least when I think of my partner I

get a nice smile whereas when you think of Drake you do that.”

Thomas laughed at the scowl on HC’s face. “Yeah, he gets that befuddled, ‘I don’t know

how I ended up in a relationship with him’, look.”

“Stop it.” HC growled.
“For now,” Blayne said then focused on Thomas. “Right now, it’s more interesting that

our bro Thomas here is befuddled by Kendall. I still think he and Gibson have chemistry.”

“He and Gibson don’t have chemistry.” Thomas frowned.
“Me and who don’t have chemistry?” Gibson—his friend and Morgan’s brother—said

behind them.

Thomas turned to him and walked up to him. “You and Kendall.”
“What about Kendall?” Gibson’s eyes widened then he grinned. “Oh, you and Kendall.

When did that happen?”

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“It hasn’t yet.” Thomas glared at his grinning brothers then Gibson. “Seems like you

might have chemistry.”

“Of course we have chemistry.” Gibson smacked his lips then laughed. “You’re letting

Blayne and HC yank your chain. Kendall and I have become friends. That is all, and we
bonded over our common obsession.”

“No!” Thomas exclaimed in mock horror.
“Yep. He loves Jason Statham too.” Gibson studied him. “Wait, with your slight British

accent, he could be imagining you as him.”

“No wonder he loves movies that blow things up and have fast cars. He’s thinking of

The Transporter.” Thomas smirked. “I’ll have to make sure to watch that with him. I bet he
gets horny when he watches it.”

“He does,” Gibson replied. “Anything with Jason makes him hot.”
“Why would you know that?”
“Hello, we have a fellow obsession and have watched the shows together.” Gibson

pointed at himself.

“Have you done anything about the horniness?”
“Hell no.” Gibson grimaced. “That would be like doing you.”
They shuddered in distaste together. Thomas relaxed, knowing that Gibson was just

friends with Kendall. He turned to his brothers and shoved them both playfully then headed
off again. They all followed him then came adjacent to him as before, with Gibson by
Blayne’s side.

“So what ya going to do about Kendall?”
“Make him mine,” Thomas replied, not having any doubt what he wanted.
“There’s our brother who knows what he wants and goes after it.” Blayne slapped him

on the shoulder.

“Kendall won’t even know what hit him.” HC shoved his shoulder against Thomas’.
“Thomas, this time you have met your match. Kendall isn’t one to be easily led.”
“I don’t want to lead him. I want him to be as wild as he seems to be. But let me come

along for the ride.” Thomas smiled. “You don’t break the spirit of a horse, you adapt so you
can get a connection and become a partnership.”

“For God’s sake, Kendall isn’t a horse, Thomas,” Blayne said.

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“I know that.” Thomas shrugged. “But the same concept applies. Kendall will let me

close, but he will shy away.” Thomas lowered his lids, imagining what would happen when
he did.

“Oh boy, I know that look.” HC laughed robustly then smacked Thomas on the

shoulder. “If he balks, you plan to tire him out and make him realize he is yours.”

“You do know humans don’t react like horses,” Gibson pointed out.
“I know that.” Thomas chuckled. “That’s what makes this with Kendall so interesting. I

have no way of knowing what he will do, but I will enjoy the ride. The fun is in the
adventure of it.”

“Giddyup.” Blayne waved his hand in the air and jumped up and down then neighed

and took off.

“I prefer two wheels and metal. Vroom, vroom.” HC revved again then took off after


Thomas stared at Gibson. “Are you going to act foolish too?”
“Humph, I’ll have you know I don’t do foolish.” Gibson whooped then ran to HC.
HC lifted him then slung him to his back, still making revving sounds.
Paxton came out of the stable and walked over to Thomas. “What is going on here?”
“Your sons are not acting their age.” Thomas clicked his tongue. “I have no idea where

they get it from.”

“You do know I know you well enough not to believe you.” Paxton shook his head.
“Dad, I’m going to keep giving Kendall lessons,” Thomas said.
“I know.”
He looked at his dad questioningly.
“I figured from earlier when you told me you were giving the lesson that you would

continue doing it. You had this look.”

“What look?”
“The one that I had on my face when I met your daddy. My friends had taken a photo

at the same time and I have it showing my confusion about this man. I didn’t know at the
time he would be mine.” Paxton’s smile was brief and sad, then it softened, becoming
radiant. “The one I had when I realized Windsor was the one for me. The one your brothers
each had when they knew they had met their mate.”

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“I have no way of knowing if he is the one.” Thomas paused. “Not yet.”
“But you feel it in your gut.” Paxton put his hand on his shoulder. “Of all my sons,

you’re the most like your daddy. You go with your gut and to hell with any doubts.”

“But I don’t want to be hurt.” Thomas averted his gaze. “Like you were when you lost

Daddy.” Thomas gulped thinking of their daddy—Adam—who had been Paxton’s husband.
Together they had adopted him, Blayne and HC. They had been so happy until tragedy had
struck and Adam had died.

“Life isn’t promised to anyone,” Paxton said softly. “I lost your daddy and I still think

of him and mourn him. Even if I knew how things would turn out, I wouldn’t change a
moment with him for anything in the world. I was then lucky with Windsor and to love him
as much as I loved Adam. I’ve been lucky to have two phenomenal men in my life to share it
with. Each moment is precious and you have to enjoy it.”

Thomas thought of what he said and nodded. “I’m going to take it slow.”
“If you think you can.” Paxton smiled. “When you have your sights set on something,

you get very intense and focused, with full steam ahead.”

“Not this time,” Thomas said firmly.
“Come on, Thomas,” Blayne yelled.
Thomas looked at the men having fun then at Paxton. “Thanks, Dad.”
“You’re welcome, son.”
Thomas hugged him then yelled before he ran to Blayne. He picked him up and jogged

around with him in his arms. They passed HC and Gibson revving then they started to race
to see who was faster.

“What the hell are they doing?” Morgan strode up, Drake with him.
“Acting like crazy folks,” Drake drawled. “Told you city folk were crazy.”
“Fuck you, Drake!” HC called.
“Love ya too, Rhinopine,” Drake returned.
HC went over to Drake and kissed him deeply.
“Hello, I’m still on your back. I don’t need to be this close to Drake and you kissing,”

Gibson said.

“Get down then,” Morgan suggested.

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“HC is holding my legs and he has a grip on them.” Gibson grunted then fell off HC’s

back. “You could have warned me you were letting go.” Gibson smacked HC on the leg then
rose, brushing dust from his ass.

“Thomas, bring Prima Donna here,” Morgan said.
Thomas did as he said, setting Blayne before him. Blayne glared at Thomas, pushing

him then smacked at Morgan. “What’d I tell you about calling me that?”

There wasn’t any heat in his words. Morgan hugged him and smiled. Blayne smiled

and rolled his eyes. Thomas went to stand beside Paxton, then noticed he was texting.

“Who are you talking to?”
“Windsor.” Paxton finished, putting his cell away. “I took a video of you being nutty

and sent it to him.” Paxton put his hands on his hips. “Hey, you two, they are my sons, stop
groping them.”

“Paxton, you do the same thing with Windsor when you get near him.” Gibson

laughed. “You can’t keep your hands off him either. People in love are so weird.”

“Yeah,” Thomas said shaking his head.
“You shouldn’t say anything,” HC said. “From your touching Kendall earlier, you’re

going to be just as bad.”

“Am not,” Thomas said.
“Are too,” HC retorted.
“You two act like you’re two,” Blayne said. “Come on, babies.”
Thomas looked at HC then they yelled and ran at Blayne. He took off laughing.
“Paxton, I don’t know how you did it when they were younger. They must have been

hell raisers,” Morgan said.

“Definitely.” Paxton laughed. “But they have good hearts and Adam as well as I knew

when to rein them in. Dealing with rowdy horses came in handy.”

Thomas stopped along with HC and Blayne. They turned on Paxton. “Hey, we’re not

horses,” Thomas protested.

“I’m too pretty to be a horse.” HC flipped his hair and smirked.
“You wish you were. I’m the pretty one. You’re more ornery.” Blayne snorted.
“Don’t get sidetracked,” Thomas said. “Paxton just called us horses.”

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“And you said earlier you were going to get Kendall to trust you like a horse would,”

Gibson said.

“That’s different.”
“How?” Gibson said.
“See, Gibson, I knew there’s a reason you are my favorite.” Paxton patted Gibson on the

shoulder. “Nice Gibson.”

“He is not petting me like I was a horse that did a good thing,” Gibson said.
“Yeah he is.”
“Sorry, Paxton, but that is just wrong.” Gibson stepped to the side. “Get him.”
Blayne, HC and Thomas rushed him, laughing. Paxton took off, chuckles following him

as they ran after him. Thomas smiled at his family and their craziness. As he laughed, he
thought of Kendall wanting him to smile. He wondered what Kendall was doing at this

* * * *

Kendall laughed as he again played the video that Gibson had sent him yesterday.

Thomas’ laugh was so carefree as he tussled with his brothers and dad. The four of them
went down in a pile of limbs and they tickled their dad. His laughter was loud, as was the
others’. He clicked off the video on his cell and placed it on his desk, putting his hand under
his chin as he glanced at the time in the corner of his computer. The day was dragging and he
couldn’t wait for the time he would go for his lesson. Lesson isn’t what you want to go to the
ranch to do. It’s Thomas.
Yes, he wanted to see the man.

“Turncoat.” Lucian hissed as he came into Kendall’s office.
“What?” Kendall said, turning his chair to him. “What did I do?”
“Going for the riding lesson.” Lucian sat on the corner of his desk. “You were my

cohort in resisting this asinine thing Windsor suggested we do.”

“It wasn’t a suggestion,” Windsor said as he came in.
“Now, now, Windsor.” Lucian batted his eyes. “I’m working too hard to take the time

to learn to ride.”

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“You better make time.” Windsor poked Lucian in the shoulder. “Don’t make me hog-

tie you and drag you to my brother.”

“Oh, can I watch you take the sexy-voiced devil to Kaden?” Delia Malone strolled into

Kendall’s office.

“Delia.” Lucian put his hand over his heart and pouted. “I’m so hurt that you would

want to do that. I thought you liked me.”

“Of course I like you.” Delia leaned against Lucian and patted his cheek. ”You’re my


“Delia, you tell everyone they are your favorite,” Kendall said dryly.
“Not true.” Delia smiled. “Only people I like I say that to.”
“That’s true,” Windsor said. “If she doesn’t like you she doesn’t say that. She says more

colorful things.”

Kendall, having witnessed it, nodded to concede that point. Delia, Lucian and Windsor

studied Kendall. He stared at them uneasily.

“What?” He narrowed his eyes. “Did you all plan to come in here at the same time?”
“A little birdie told me that you hit it off with Thomas,” Windsor said.
“Let me guess, it was a horseman named Paxton.” Kendall widened his gaze. “Wait,

he’s a bird? I never knew that. Where does he hide his wings?”

“Smart ass,” Delia said. “That’s why I love you. Also I know you will share some of the

sexual things you do with Thomas with me. Unlike this big lug here.” She pointed at
Windsor who was on the other side of Lucian.

“Nosy woman.” Windsor rolled his eyes.
“Hush, you two,” Lucian said. “I want to hear about Thomas. Tell me, Kendall.”
“There is nothing to tell.” Kendall shrugged. “I met Thomas and he gave me a lesson

and we are having dinner on Saturday. Just a date and nothing more.” Kendall looked at the
papers on his desk. “Unlike some people, I have work to do.”

“Well that wasn’t as interesting as I thought it would be,” Delia said.
“Come on, Delia,” Windsor said.
His tone made Kendall glance up. There was understanding in Windsor’s eyes and

Kendall didn’t know why. The two of them left.

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“I know you well enough to know a date and nothing more is you trying to convince

yourself not to care.” Lucian crossed his arms over his chest. “I also know why you don’t
want to. J—”

“Don’t even say his name.” Kendall glared at Lucian. “We’ve had this conversation

many times before. I’m over it and him. From now on, I’m not letting my heart get involved
and I’m just having fun. Maybe some really good, rip-roaring sex.”

“Kendall.” Lucian sighed. “That’s not you.”
“It is the new me. I’m a new me since I moved to Prentiss,” Kendall said.
“Drop it, Luc.” Kendall glared.
“All right.” Lucian rose and came over to him then hugged him, saying by his ear, “If

he hurts you, I will hunt him down and beat him bloody.”

“Then you’ll go to jail. You’re too sexy for jail.” Kendall laughed.
“I’ll use my sexy-voiced devil ways to get out of it.”
“You just love when Delia says that.”
“Damn right.” Lucian chuckled.
“You know, riding was fun.” Kendall tapped his side. “Maybe you should give it a try.”
“He’s making you one of them,” Lucian said.
“Them what?”
“Horse riding people.” Lucian snickered. “Before you know it you’ll want to go riding

all the time just for the hell of it. Think it is a pleasurable thing to do.”

“Come closer, I have a secret for you,” Kendall said and Lucian leaned closer. “It’s fun,

and I just might end up riding for pleasure,” Kendall whispered.

Lucian jumped up then backed away, crossing his fingers in front of him. “Get thee

back, you horse riding person.”

“You nut.” Kendall laughed. “I bet if you got on a horse you’d like it and become a

horse rider too. Embrace the joy and come over to the horse side.”

Lucian stopped before his desk. “What are the stakes?”
Noting the gleam of competition in his gaze, Kendall retorted, “When I finally buy a

house, you’ll come design and plant a garden for me.”

“Deal.” He stuck out his hand and they shook. “I miss my garden.”

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“Me too,” Kendall said.
Lucian had had a spectacular garden he’d designed and put in. He’d added to it over

the years and anyone who saw it was awed and couldn’t stop talking about it. Lucian even
had a massive picture of the garden he’d had in New York on the wall in his office facing his
desk. Another of Lucian’s hobbies was photography, and he’d taken the picture and had had
it blown up and framed. There were also a few more pictures in his apartment of the garden,
and other sights from Lucian’s travels.

“When you decide to buy a house, you can put one in,” Kendall said.
“I will. Already playing with a design. Prentiss has some beautiful sights and I’ve been

taking pictures of them.”

“You could see even more on horseback,” Windsor called as he passed the open office


“Fucking man won’t give it a rest,” Lucian said.
“And he won’t. So why not give in?”
“Because I like horses when I am on the ground, but getting on them? Nope, not

happening.” Lucian narrowed his gaze. “And no egging Windsor on to convince me so you
can win the bet.”

Kendall thought of what Thomas had said and shook his head. “Nope, not going to say

a thing.”

If Thomas was correct, then Kaden would take care of that. Lucian headed out of the

office. Kendall looked again at the time and it was still going slow. He went back to work but
kept looking at the clock.

* * * *

Kendall made the left turn to Thomas’ house and parked, then turned off the car. He

exited the vehicle and paused, thinking how just yesterday he had been so hesitant about
coming to ride. He closed the door and walked up to the house then ascended the steps. As
he reached the front door, it opened and framed in the doorway was the man who had been
on his mind all day.

“Come on in.” Thomas stepped back.

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Kendall went in then dropped his bag with his change of clothing on the floor. He

grabbed the front of Thomas’ button-down shirt and yanked him close then kissed him.
Thomas stiffened briefly then opened and Kendall stroked his tongue deep into his mouth,
pressing himself against Thomas’ body. Thomas grabbed his ass and pulled against him,
kissing him in return.

Yes, this is what I needed. Kendall sank into the sensation of their kiss, his cock hard and

aching to have Thomas. Or for Thomas to take him. He was flexible, not caring which, he just
wanted Thomas.

Thomas pulled back slightly, his gaze intense and hungry. “Wait.”
“’Cause I want full participation in this,” Thomas said softly.
“Your kissing me back wasn’t full participation?”
“Nope.” Thomas put a hand on either side of Kendall’s cheeks then said, “This is full


Kendall whimpered, knees weakening at the possessiveness and promise in Thomas’


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Chapter Three

Thomas kissed him, and Kendall expected it to be hard and untamed, but instead it was

soft and tender. He shivered at Thomas tasting him, moving closer for more. He seemed to
touch each part inside his mouth, leaving Kendall’s senses heightened. The methodical
thoroughness with which Thomas stroked his tongue inside his mouth set off a cascade of
desire within Kendall. His knees did actually go weak and he pressed more firmly against
Thomas. Thomas gripped him, holding on tight. Slowly Thomas pulled away and Kendall
blinked his eyes open, not even sure when he’d closed them.

“Go get changed.” Thomas drew a finger down his cheek. “We have a lesson to get to.”
“We could forget the lesson.”
“Nope.” Thomas smiled. “We’re going to take things slow.”
“Slow?” he echoed, not sure what Thomas meant.
“Kisses and such, but slow to build up to more.”
“Thomas.” Kendall rested his head against Thomas’ chest. “You’re killing me.” He

glanced up at Thomas.

“No one has died from unfulfilled need.” Thomas smiled wryly. “Although you might

feel like you’re going to.”

“Don’t use logic with me when I’m this horny.”
“Okay.” Thomas pushed him gently toward the hall. “The bathroom you can change in

is down the hall. First door on the left. Go get changed and I will give you a tour of my house
before we go have your lesson.”

Kendall went the way Thomas pointed, but kept looking over his shoulder hoping

Thomas would change his mind. By the time he’d reached the end of the hall, he accepted
that Thomas wouldn’t—at least for now. He found the bathroom then went in and closed the
door. Kendall frowned, realizing he’d forgotten his bag by the door. He opened the door and
stopped when he saw Thomas, who handed Kendall his bag. Kendall accepted it, but
Thomas held on then pulled Kendall closer and kissed him deeply before he released the bag.
Thomas stepped back.

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“Keep kissing me like that and I’m going to say fuck slow and jump you,” Kendall


“You could try, but I’m wily and won’t be caught unless I want to be.” Thomas

chuckled and shut the door.

“Humph. I’m cunning too.” Kendall turned and looked at himself in the mirror. He

smiled a slow grin and a wicked gleam filled his eyes. Kendall started to strip, plotting how
he could out-smart Thomas to forgo slow.

* * * *

“Wily? Hell, that man is damn sneaky.” Kendall let the horse speed up to a canter and

he didn’t even feel the rush of fear.

He was focused on the last few days with Thomas. His plan to seduce Thomas had

failed miserably. The man was one slippery bastard. After their first kiss, Thomas had
touched him at random times and had kissed him. Every time he’d come for a ride, Thomas
had kissed him as well as tantalized him with touches throughout the lesson. It was
distracting as hell and each time Kendall had almost come in his pants. The only thing that
stopped him was that he wanted to be inside Thomas, or for Thomas to be inside him, when
he came.

“Focus, Kendall,” Thomas called. “The sooner we get the lesson completed, the sooner I

can show off my culinary talents.”

“Culinary talent isn’t what I want to see,” Kendall muttered.
“What did you say?” Thomas yelled from by the rail.
“Nothing.” Kendall looked at him and blinked, startled that Thomas wasn’t nearby like

he usually was. He gripped the reins and Prickles didn’t like it, jerking against them.

“Calm, Kendall.” Thomas’ tone was steady. “You’re been riding in the ring by yourself

for the last ten minutes.”

Kendall relaxed and Prickles settled. He kept riding and couldn’t believe he was doing

so well. Riding wasn’t as hard as he’d thought it would be. Although the first few days he’d
been sore, and had walked weird. He continued and his confidence built as he did. Soon he
was cantering and Kendall was proud of how far he’d come.

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“See, that’s it. We’ll be going on rides around the ranch soon,” Thomas said loudly.
“Baby steps, Thomas.”
“You’re ready,” Thomas said, coming closer.
If only you knew how ready I am. Kendall slowed the horse and he slid off. He walked

Prickles toward the stable and glanced at Thomas as he fell into step beside him. Together
they went into the open area and Kendall started cooling down Prickles and getting ready to
brush him. Kendall took off Prickles’ gear and put it away. He enjoyed every aspect of
horseback riding from getting ready to the aftermath of taking care of the horse.

“I’m going to head in to finish off our meal,” Thomas said.
“Okay.” Kendall waited and when Thomas came to him, they met halfway and kissed.
He’d gotten used to Thomas’ kisses, but the ones of greeting or when Thomas left his

presence—those were the kisses that made him the horniest. They were usually very
thorough and Thomas was deep with his caresses before he released him. When Thomas
stepped back, he touched the dent in Kendall’s chin then left. Kendall rubbed his finger over
the area, smiling. Prickles butted him with his head.

“Sorry.” He went back to working on the horse.
When he was done, he let Prickles go out into the enclosure with the rest of the horses.

Kendall leaned against one side of the open double doors and watched the horses. After a
while, he straightened then went back into the stable before leaving through the other exit.
Kendall went across the yard, pushing his hands into his back pockets as he looked around.
The beauty of the ranch always made Kendall feel good about being there. He ran up the
steps to the wraparound porch then walked to the back of the house and opened the door
that led directly to the kitchen. As he did, the delicious scent of cooking filled his nose.

“Something smells good.” Kendall closed the door and paused in front of it.
“Rosemary chicken with wild rice and corn.” Thomas smiled. “Have lemon strawberry

shortcake for desert.”

Kendall strolled over and sat at the kitchen island. “Now, I wonder how you knew all

my favorite foods.”

“As you mentioned before, I ask questions.” Thomas winked. “Called someone who

could answer some questions about you.”

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Kendall thought who it could be then laughed. “Luc! No wonder he had this grin on his

face like he was up to something. I knew that look, but no matter how much I poked or
prodded, he wouldn’t he tell me what was going on.”

“Told him to keep it a secret.” Thomas plated their food. “I’m glad he kept his word.”
“When Luc gives his word, he keeps it.” Kendall put his elbow on the counter and

placed his hand under his chin. “I like watching you cook for me.”

“I enjoyed doing it.” Thomas studied him. “Can you cook?”
“So good it will make you weep in joy.” Kendall kissed his fingers. “I’m a cooking


“Really? I’ll need to tell HC.”
“I can out-cook him.” Kendall made a come on gesture. “Bring it on.”
“We’ll have to have a competition for who is the cooking genius of the ranch,” Thomas

mused. “Abby would want in.”

“She can take part too. I’ll take all takers.” Kendall had met the housekeeper who kept

the ranch under her tight command. “I can conquer the ranch, then the world.”

“Well, before you go take over things, how about some food?” Thomas put the plate

before him then another by his side in front of the empty stool. “What do you want to drink?
I have iced tea, lemonade, soda and beer. Think there is a bottle of wine around here
somewhere. There’s tea or coffee too.”

“I’ll have iced tea.”
Thomas went and got glasses then the pitcher of tea, setting it all down. He came

around the island and sat on the stool. Kendall reached for the drink and poured for them

As he did, he asked, “How is the training going with the new horses?”
“Good.” Thomas lifted his fork and speared a bite of food. “There are some promising

horses there.”

“How do you even know that?” Kendall sipped from his glass.
“Just something innate about the horse. You can see it in their eyes.”
“I believe the eyes are a good way to gauge things about people.”
“You do?”

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“Yes.” Kendall studied Thomas’ eyes. “It’s how I know you are the man you are—kind,

controlled and with a wild streak that when you let out, people better look out.”

“You got me pegged.” Thomas chuckled.
“Yep.” Kendall ate some of the food. “Now tell me about which horses are promising.”
Thomas did as he’d asked. They chatted as they ate and while they cleaned up, before

taking the dessert to the living room and setting it on the center table facing the TV. As they
sat on the couch, Kendall crossed his legs under him. Thomas picked up the control and
turned on the TV then the DVD player.

“I thought we’d pick the movie together?”
“Not this time,” Thomas said, a small smile on his face.
“Why—” Kendall’s eyes widened then he bounced on the seat. “No way. The

Transporter. Who told you about my Jason Statham crush?”

“I heard it was more of an obsession,” Thomas said.
“Gibson had to be the one then. We share that in common.” Kendall leaned over and

kissed Thomas. “This is turning out to be an awesome date.”

“That was my plan.” Thomas slid his arm around Kendall’s shoulders.
Kendall snuggled against him. ”Then you are succeeding. Is it in your plan to let me

seduce you too?”

“Thomas,” he returned. “I want you and this slow is overrated, just like you said my

control was. I’d even forgo Jason for you.” He gestured to the screen. “I think you’re hotter
than he is anyway.”

Thomas laughed and Kendall turned his head to kiss Thomas. His moan filled Kendall’s

mouth and he shifted closer. Thomas pulled him into his lap and rocked their hardened
shafts together. Kendall pushed down, grinding on him.

Thomas wrenched away from their kiss then gasped. “Wait.”
“Not with the wait again.” Kendall growled then blew out a breath. “Damn it,


“Let’s go to bed.”
“What?” Kendall hopped up and grabbed Thomas’ hand, pulling him off the couch.

“Come on then.” He rushed them out of the living room and into the hall.

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“What’s the rush?” Thomas came along with him.
“Before you change your mind.” He went up the stairs quickly. “What made you

change your mind? Wait, I don’t think I want to know because it might make you rethink

Thomas stopped them in front of his open bedroom door. “I won’t change my mind.

And I decided to not wait any longer because I realized that waiting these last few days was
stupid. I want you and it is about time I did something about it.”

“’Bout time.” Kendall smiled. “When you change your mind, you are decisive about it.”
“Yes, I don’t go half way.”
It sounded like a warning as well as a promise all wrapped into one, but Kendall didn’t

wonder what it meant. All he could think of was getting Thomas naked. Thomas kissed him
and backed him into the bedroom. Kendall went with him, kissing him and tugging on
Thomas’ clothing. He yanked and the buttons on his shirt pinged as they came loose.

“Impatient.” Thomas kissed him briefly. “Like that.” He pulled off Kendall’s T-shirt

then went to work on his jeans.

He took Kendall’s garments off, taking his boxers with it while Kendall fought to get

Thomas’ jeans off. He finally got the button open and lowered the zipper, pushing the soft
fabric off along with Thomas’ underwear. Holding onto Thomas, Kendall kicked off his jeans
from around his ankles then Thomas did the same. They once again kissed briefly as they
moved to the bed. Thomas turned them and pushed Kendall onto the mattress.

Thomas.” He bounced on the surface, laughing.
Thomas covered him and kissed him, then reached to the side. Kendall arched his hips

against Thomas, widening his thighs, and rubbed against him. The lack of friction caused
him to grunt, then Thomas pressed him deeper into the bed, moving with him. Kendall
moaned, sliding his leg between Thomas’, and when Thomas’ upper thigh came to rest
against his sac he groaned. He rocked on Thomas’ leg, whimpering at the friction it gave him.
Thomas moved back, kneeling between Kendall’s spread knees. He held up the condom and
lube. Thomas smoothed the protection on then coated it with lube. He put some more on his
fingers then touched Kendall’s thighs. Kendall lifted up slightly and Thomas slid along the
line of his ass. Kendall moaned, shaking as Thomas touched his crease then made forays to
open him before he pushed in. Hissing at the stretch, Kendall rode his fingers, grunting.

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After playing with Kendall, Thomas withdrew his touch then lay against him and lined
himself up.

“Please,” Kendall moaned.
Thomas thrust into him in one forward motion. “Kendall.”
Arching, Kendall took him in, holding Thomas tight. He ran his hands up and down

Thomas’ back. “Move, move, move,” he implored.

Thomas stroked deep then pulled almost all the way out before slamming back in

again. He kept up the pace, repeating the same motion over and over, driving Kendall into a
frenzy. He cupped Thomas’ ass and urged him on, countering his rhythm. The glide of
Thomas’ cock inside his ass set off sensations and made his nerve endings stand on edge. His
heart raced with a sense of anticipation and need filled his body.

“Thomas, so good. More,” he pleaded.
Thomas moved faster and Kendall held on, groaning as Thomas stroked into him.

Sweat dripped off Thomas as he moved and Kendall kissed along the side of his face.
Kendall caught his ear between his teeth.

Thomas shivered and said in a hoarse tone, “Kendall, do that again.”
He did it and licked the inner shell. Thomas shook and Kendall grinned.
“Like that, do you?”
“Oh yeah,” he moaned, still thrusting deep inside Kendall. “Just like you like this.” He

punctured each word with a hard thrust.

Kendall moaned and he tightened his arms and legs around Thomas. He moved

opposite to his motions and when Thomas grunted he pressed down, clenching his ass
around him.

“Thom—as ” Kendall’s sac went tight and he shook as he came.

Thomas held Kendall as he shuddered under the power of his release. He moved faster

as Kendall clenched around him. Thomas gasped at the sensation of moving into the sweet
grip of Kendall’s body. His pleasure overcame him and Thomas shivered as his cock pulsed
with his climax. Drained, he collapsed against Kendall. Kendall brought his arms up to circle

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Thomas, and Thomas enjoyed the possessive hold. Kendall kissed his face and smoothed his

“You weren’t kidding when you said your braid holds,” Kendall mused. “Mine is all

wrecked and yours looks the same. You have got to teach me how to do your kind of braid.”

“Only if you can get mine loose when we have sex.” Thomas lifted his head. “It’s gonna

be a joy trying.”

“I love me a challenge.” Kendall lowered his lids. “And this is one I’m going to work

hard on.”

He rolled them over and kissed Thomas. Thomas opened his mouth and moaned,

knowing he would be a willing participant.

* * * *

Thomas stirred, not sure what had woken him. He sat up and listened then frowned

when he heard the distant sound.

“Thomas,” Kendall said sleepily.
“Shhh…someone is in the house,” Thomas said.
“Your family.” Kendall stretched.
“What? How did you know that?” Thomas looked at him then immediately went hard

as he stared at Kendall’s cock. The sheet was pooled just over Kendall’s thigh.

“Gibson texted me last night that they were planning to come by.” Kendall smiled.

“You were asleep. It was when I went to put away the food.”

“You put away the food?” Thomas rubbed his hand over his jaw. ”I slept through your

leaving the bed? I don’t usually sleep that hard.”

“I wore you out.” Kendall laughed then stretched again.
“Umm…why is my family here?”
“No idea.” Kendall shrugged. “They’re your family.”
“Didn’t Gibson say why?”
“Nope.” Kendall shrugged. “He only texted and when I texted back, he didn’t say


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“I’ll go get rid of them and then it’s me and you in bed for rest of the day.” He kissed


“Sounds good to me.”
A pounding on the closed bedroom door made them jump.
“Come on, Thomas, stop groping Kendall and you all come down for breakfast,”

Paxton called.

“You’re enjoying this a little too much,” Windsor said outside the door.
“Karma. My sons did it to me too. I can at least repay the favor,” Paxton said cheerfully.
“Yeah.” Windsor snickered.
“Do they know we can hear them?” Kendall put his hand on Thomas’ waist.
“They didn’t speak softly so I’d say that is a yes.” Thomas groaned. “They aren’t going


“Why do you think that?”
“Because we didn’t.” Thomas quickly explained about their coming by the first

morning after Windsor had spent the night at Paxton’s.

“You all really did that.” Kendall laughed. “No wonder your dad is enjoying this. It is

payback. Let’s go then. The sooner we do, the sooner we can get back to bed.” Kendall got
out of bed and started to dress.

Thomas rose and did the same. Once they were ready, they headed for the door.

Thomas stopped him and kissed him.

“Time to meet the family.”
“I already know your family.”
“Yes, but not as my boyfriend.”
“Is that what I am?”
“For starters.”
“Okay then.” Kendall smiled. “Let’s meet the family.”
Thomas opened the door and was surprised that no one was in the hall. He led Kendall

down the stairs and to the kitchen. In the doorway he stopped, glaring at those gathered. His
brothers just smirked while Paxton and Windsor looked unapologetic.

“I’m just here for food. HC is going to cook and I’m hungry.” Morgan took a sip of his


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“I’m enjoying the show.” Gibson chuckled. “You forgot that Sunday was at your house.

Messing with you about Kendall is a just a good byproduct.”

“Oh crap, I did.” Thomas turned to Kendall. “We usually spend Sunday together as a

family day. Cook meals throughout day, eat then watch movies. Today is my day to host it. I
totally forgot.”

“That’s okay. I’ll go and let you be with your family.” Kendall squeezed his hand.
“Stay,” Thomas said.
Kendall looked undecided.
“Yeah, Kendall, stay and have some really good food,” HC said. “Let me tempt your

taste buds.”

“Big talk, HC.” Kendall turned and faced HC. “Like I was telling Thomas just

yesterday. I can out cook you.”

“Them is some cooking words,” HC said.
“Then put up or shut up.” Kendall walked over to HC.
HC retorted then Kendall did the same. Blayne joined in and as they traded barbs

Thomas smiled, happy that Kendall fit right in with his family.

Yes, he had told Paxton he would go slow, but Thomas had realized it was silly to wait

when he knew what he wanted—Kendall. Now if he could just convince Kendall that he
wanted him in his life permanently.

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Chapter Four

Thomas brushed the horse, but his mind wasn’t on the task—he did it by rote. The

slow, steady strokes soothed him while his thoughts were anything but. All his unease
stemmed from Kendall. The man was driving him daft and Thomas didn’t know what to do
about it. In the two weeks since they’d first slept together, he and Kendall had kept their
riding lesson, and afterwards they’d spend the night together. They had fun whenever they
were together, but Thomas felt as if Kendall was keeping him at a distance.

“You’re thinking hard,” Paxton spoke behind him, startling Thomas and making his

hand jerk on the mane of the horse.

The horse shied and Thomas soothed him before he glanced at his dad. “Didn’t hear


“I noticed.” Paxton leaned against the wall putting his boot against the surface behind

him. “You seemed far away.”

“Just thinking, Dad.” Thomas went back to brushing the horse.
When he was finished, Thomas put the horse in the stall and gave it some feed before

closing the stall door and going back to Paxton. He’d moved and was sitting on a stool by the
wall looking out into the yard. Thomas squatted beside him, resting his back against the wall,
then picked up a piece of hay and smoothed it between his hands.

“The new horses are coming along well.” Paxton’s steady voice filled the silence.
Thomas instantly relaxed at the familiarity of hearing him speak about one of the

subjects Thomas loved the most—horses. He closed his eyes, taking it in as Paxton continued
to discuss the new horses then other things they had been working on. He knew that Paxton
didn’t expect him to respond, he was just waiting for Thomas to work up to what he wanted
to say. It was their way, and Thomas was grateful that Paxton knew him so well to allow him
this time.

“Yes, son?” Paxton placed his hand on the back of Thomas’ neck.

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Thomas pressed into his touch and lifted his shoulders. “I can’t take it slow with

Kendall. I’m not sure what to do about him.”

“That’s not the son I know.” Paxton squeezed the back of his neck. “When you set your

course, you know what you want. It’s just a matter of getting there. You know when you are
trying to gain the trust of a new horse, you have to let it sense you and wait it out. Be there
for it and then wait for it to let you in.”

“Everyone keeps telling me he isn’t a horse.” Thomas smiled.
“If he was, he’d be easier to understand.” Paxton let out a snort. “Men are much harder

to understand, but the same concept applies. Take it as fast as you want, just make sure not
to spook Kendall. If you want to keep him, let him set the limits for now.”

“I can do that for now.” Thomas pulled the hay through his fingertips. “But when I


“Then jump on and hold tight and get ready to go for a ride. He’ll tire out.” Paxton

patted him on the shoulder.

“Dad! Your advice just keeps getting more and more colorful. Really, tire him out?”

Thomas laughed. “Is that what you did with Windsor?”

“More like it was reverse. Windsor might be a lawyer, but there is a cowboy lurking

under that suit. He knew what he wanted and set out to corral me.” Paxton chuckled.
“Damned if he didn’t succeed.”

“And you’re happy. It’s good to see you happy.” Thomas turned to his dad. “I want

what you had with Daddy and now with Windsor.”

“And Kendall is the one you want that with.”
It wasn’t a question, but Thomas nodded anyway. “He’s…”
He didn’t even know how to articulate what it was about Kendall that made him know

deep in his gut that he was the one. He’d always gone with his instincts and they’d never
failed him.

“The one.” Paxton touched the side of his face. “Nothing else needs to be said. You

know it here.” He pressed his palm over Thomas’ heart.

Thomas placed his hand over Paxton’s and inclined his head. He stood, yanking his dad

up and hugged him. Paxton stiffened, startled, then relaxed against him. Thomas knew it

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was because unlike his brothers, he wasn’t as physically expressive. He inhaled, taking in the
familiar scent of Paxton, the man who’d made Thomas the man he was today.

“I’m glad to see all my sons settled before I’m too old and gray.”
“And I’m glad that Windsor will be by your side.” Thomas stepped back, running his

fingers through Paxton’s thick hair—it wasn’t anywhere close to being gray. “The two of you
together are so cute. All goo-goo eyes and lovey,” he teased.

“Don’t make me kick your ass, son.” Paton cuffed him affectionately across the head.
“You can try, old man.” Thomas smirked. “You can try, but I don’t think you have it in


“Really? Race you to my barn. Loser has to muck out the other’s stalls for a month. Go.”

Paxton shoved him then took off.

“Cheater!” Thomas yelled, running after him.
Paxton’s laugh echoed as he ran. Thomas increased his speed, pumping his arms.

Paxton was fast and Thomas knew he’d need luck to beat him.

“What the hell is going on?” Blayne came out of the office with HC by his side.
Thomas didn’t stop to talk to them. He ran flat out and kept Paxton in his sights, but

lost track of him. He skidded around the corner then ran to the barn. Thomas stopped,
breathing hard and glared at his dad. Paxton leaned against the wall by the open door, a
smug smile on his face.

“You almost had me.”
“Don’t gloat.” Thomas leaned over to blow out a breath.
“Why were you all running?” HC asked as he came up to them.
“What did Thomas lose?” Blayne inquired.
“He has to do chores.” Paxton patted Thomas on the back. “As soon as he catches his

breath. What are you two doing here?”

“Can’t we come visit you and Thomas?” HC harrumphed. “We took time out of our

day to come by to see our family.”

“He wants something.” Thomas straightened and eyed HC then Blayne.
“I have no idea.” Blayne put up his hands. “I just came along for the ride.”
“Shut up.” HC pushed his hand into his pockets. “I’m having a dinner party on

Saturday for the family.”

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“Okay.” Paxton approached HC.
“I want all of you there. Thomas, make sure to bring Kendall.” HC bit his lip.
“What is going on?” Blayne came and stood beside Thomas. “Why’d he ask me to come

here so he could ask me to a dinner party? He could do that at the house.”

“Fuck you, Blayne.” HC flipped on Blayne then focused on Paxton. “Dad, can we take a


“Sure.” Paxton put his hand on HC’s back and led him away.
“It’s something important,” Thomas said quietly.
“Yeah,” Blayne replied, shoving his hands into his pockets. “We’ll get it out of him


“Uh-huh.” Thomas nodded watching as Paxton and HC walked away in deep


“So, how’s Kendall?” Blayne pushed at his shoulder. “He’s a smart ass and I like that.”
“He’s fine. At work and won’t be by today because he is working late.” Thomas

hunched, not happy that he wouldn’t see Kendall today. “And you would like that, Mister
Smart Ass.”

“Is your truck broken?” Blayne studied him.
“No. Why?” Thomas was confused.
“Then have you forgotten how to drive?”
“Huh? W—” Thomas narrowed his eyes as he realized what Blayne was implying.

“You do know you could have just said I could go to town to see him.”

“Nah, that would have been too easy.” Blayne lifted a shoulder. “And no fun for me,

missing out on seeing your clueless expression.”

“I’m not clueless.”
“Yeah, yeah you are.” Blayne clicked his tongue. “It’s adorable really.”
“Don’t make me beat you.”
“You could try, but then I’ll have to use my ninja skills on you.” Blayne held up his

hands in a karate chop then jumped up. “Hi-ya.”

“Don’t ever do that again.” Thomas walked away shaking his head. “That was really


“Come on, Thomas.” Blayne followed him. “You knew you bought it.”

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“Yeah, I was shaking so bad.”
“I hear the sarcasm.” Blayne pinched him then pushed him between the shoulder

blades. “Jerk.”

“Bite me.” Thomas jumped at the sting then whirled. “You did not just pinch me.”
“Yep.” Blayne was backing away then he turned, walking away rapidly.
“Blayne.” Thomas went after him.
Blayne increased his speed. Thomas stopped then shrugged, heading to Paxton’s barn.

He didn’t have time to chase Blayne. He had chores to do before he headed into town to see

* * * *

Kendall typed on the keyboard rapidly, trying to get the paperwork done so he could

head home. He stopped, sighing. Where he’d really like to be was going to see Thomas. He’d
gotten too used to being with him daily for the last few weeks. When he’d left the office each
day, he’d gone right out to the ranch, had his lesson then they’d gone to Thomas’ place. After
a delicious dinner, they’d relaxed, watching TV before going to bed. Kendall smiled, then it
slowly faded. Thomas and him had clicked so easily and Kendall knew that wasn’t a good

I need to keep some distance from Thomas. My not seeing him today is a good thing. Some space

is good.

Kendall went back to work, pushing away any thoughts of Thomas. Focusing on the

next file, he started to enter the data so Luc would be ready for his meeting tomorrow. He
reached for his cup and, finding it empty, Kendall rose and went to the kitchen. Humming,
he got some water before retracing his steps. When his cell rang and vibrated, he pulled it
out. Reading the text, he headed to his office then set down his cup before going out to the
reception area. Kendall paused as he spotted Thomas, who was looking out of the plate glass
window at the sidewalk beyond, where people passed. Kendall studied him, taking in his
braided hair as it rested down his back. Thomas’ hunter green shirt stretched across his
shoulders and his black jeans fit him perfectly. In his hand he held his Stetson, tapping it

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against the side of his leg. Thomas had his legs braced apart and Kendall wondered where he
had gotten his cowboy boots. Making a mental note to ask him, Kendall approached Thomas.

As he turned, Kendall was caught by the look in his gaze—possessive. He had to

remember to breathe.

“Kendall.” Thomas reached for him.
Kendall put his hand into his, letting him pull him into his larger frame.
“I know you’re busy, but I wanted to stop in for a moment.” Thomas’ gaze was steady.
“It’s hectic here today.” Kendall studied his lips. “I’m glad you came to see me.”
“Don’t think being busy is an excuse to get out of lessons.” Thomas’ eyes twinkled.
“I’ll be back in the saddle tomorrow.”
“Good.” Thomas rubbed his finger along the outside of Kendall’s. “I won’t keep you

from work. Oh, before I forget, HC is having a dinner party and asked for me to bring you.
It’s Saturday. Are you free?”

“Sure, I can come Saturday.” Kendall held onto his hand. “Do you have to go back?”
“I’m done working for the day. Just came to town to see you.”
Kendall tried to squash the pleasure that gave him. He reminded himself that he was

trying to go for space between them.

“Then stay. I live not too far from here. You can go to my place and I’ll meet you there

when I’m done. It’ll be about nine or so.” Kendall would make sure it would be that time.
He’d work like the wind. “I’ll make you dinner and you can spend the night.”

“Okay.” Thomas stroked his finger down his cheek.
“Let me just get the key.” Kendall backed away then hurried to his office. He got his

key and jotted down his address then went quickly back to the front. He pressed the key and
directions into Thomas’ palm.

Thomas accepted it then reeled him in, kissing him softly. “See you later.”
“Yes, later.” Kendall watched as Thomas pivoted and left.
He went to the front window and stared as Thomas went down the sidewalk. Thomas

donned his hat and touched the brim as he passed a lady.

“Such a sexy man,” Kendall whispered.
“Damn right he is.”

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Kendall jumped as Delia spoke almost in his ear. “Christ, Delia. You almost gave me a

heart attack.”

“You were too busy thinking how you wanted to gobble up Thomas to hear me.” She

linked her arm with his. “So he came to see you since you are working late. Must be getting

Kendall disentangled himself from her. “Nope. Just having a good time.”
Delia frowned. “Ken—”
“I got to get back to work.” He walked away, not wanting to discuss it.
He didn’t even think of the reason why he couldn’t afford to have more with Thomas. It

was best to just keep it fun and no strings. He knew what having strings did and had learned
his lesson on that front. Kendall thought of Thomas waiting for him at his place and strode
faster to his office. The sooner he finished, the quicker he could go home.

* * * *

Hours later, Kendall went up the steps to his apartment then stopped before the door.

He pressed the bell and waited. In moments, the door opened and Thomas stood framed
there. His crooked grin made heat curl in Kendall’s belly. Kendall pushed Thomas back then
stepped in, closing then locking the door behind him. Kendall dropped his messenger bag on
the floor and reached for Thomas. He grabbed the front of his shirt and yanked him close,
kissing him urgently.

Thomas pushed against him and Kendall moaned, rubbing along him. He released the

scrunched up fabric of Thomas’ shirt, unbuttoning it then pushing it off his shoulders.
Thomas divested him of his jacket then his shirt before going to work on his slacks. Kendall
pushed his hips forward and Thomas slid his hands under his boxers then pushed them,
along with his slacks, off. Toeing off his loafers, Kendall undid Thomas’ jeans and shoved
them and his underwear off. Barefoot, Thomas stepped out of the pooled garments. Kendall
gasped when their naked flesh pressed together. Kissing, a clash of tongues, teeth and lips,
he nipped at Thomas’ lush bottom lip before pulling Thomas down with him to the throw
rug before the door. He reached for his slacks and took a condom out of his wallet. Thomas
lay down on the floor, spreading his legs.

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Kendall paused a moment, gulping as he stared at him. Thomas was so beautiful. He

reached for him, stroking his hand down his chest and Thomas’ muscles rippled under his
fingertips as he moved into his caress. He pulled back his hand then, with shaking hands,
Kendall put the condom on then stopped.

“Shit, lube.”
“I’m ready for you.”
“Before I came here earlier I stopped at the store and when you texted to say you were

on your way, I got myself ready.”

“Pretty sure of yourself.” Kendall knelt between his thighs.
“I know what I want.”
At the timber of his voice, Kendall looked at him, frowning. The inscrutable expression

on Thomas’ face made Kendall wonder what he wasn’t saying. He arched his hips and
Kendall stared at his erection, licking his lips. Thomas lifted his leg, putting it around him
and Kendall sank down. He held his cock and slid it along the line of Thomas’ ass. Kendall
pushed in, closing his eyes as Thomas accepted him into his body. He breathed out and the
scent of them made Kendall shake.

He thrust deep and Thomas’ breath hitched while his gaze darkened with need.

Kendall moved, watching his eyes as he did. Thomas pulled his lips back in a slight snarl, the
intensity sexy to see. Lying against him, Kendall kissed him. Thomas opened up and Kendall
swept his tongue inside, lazily moving Thomas’ tongue with his. He continued his motions
and pulled back to see his face.

“Kendall.” Thomas’s soft tone reverberated between them.
Kendall braced his hands on either side of his head, stroking into him. On each glide,

Thomas tightened, making the sensation increase. Widening his legs, Kendall snapped his
hips, enjoying the breathless gasp that came from Thomas. Thomas’ hard legs wrapped
around him and he kept up the fast thrusts, wanting him too much.

“Thomas,” Kendall whispered. “I need you so much.”
“Me too.” Thomas whimpered then lifted his head back, ecstasy on his face.
Sliding on him, Kendall trapped his cock between them. Deliberately he pushed down,

creating friction between them. Thomas moaned and the wet splash as he came sent Kendall

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over the edge and he shook as he came with Thomas. They rocked together then Kendall
collapsed on Thomas. Thomas smoothed his hands up and down his spine while Kendall
nuzzled the side of his neck, kissing it gently.

“I’m tired.”
“Shhh…I’ve got you. I’ll take care of you,” Thomas said.
Kendall was too beat to even protest. Thomas rolled them and Kendall lay there

blinking blearily. Rising, Thomas then bent down, reaching for Kendall. Kendall squeaked as
Thomas picked him up and stood again. Holding on tightly, his eyes wide, he stared at

“God, you’re strong.” Kendall ran his fingers down his shoulder.
“Comes from working on a ranch.” Thomas strode toward his bedroom. “Relax, I have

you. I won’t let anything happen to you.”

Kendall believed him and he rested against him.
What happened to keeping a distance?
Kendall ignored the inner voice and just enjoyed being with Thomas.

* * * *

Kendall picked up his plate and followed Thomas into the kitchen. Thomas set his dish

down then accepted Kendall’s, taking a kiss. Kendall moved closer to him and put his hand
on his waist.

“What’s up with HC?” Kendall peeked out into the sunroom at the man in question.

“He seems very jumpy tonight.”

“No idea,” Thomas said. “He’s been like that the last few days and neither Blayne nor I

could get out of him what’s wrong.” Thomas slung his arm over Kendall’s shoulders.
“Paxton knows what is going on, but he’s not saying either.”

“Weird.” Kendall rested against him. “I’ve been meaning to ask. Where do you get your

cowboy boots?”

“Most of them I brought with me when I moved to Prentiss. But a few I got at a local

place that makes some really great ones.” Thomas tweaked his nose. “I’ll take you shopping
there for some boots soon.”

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“Okay.” Kendall pulled him down then kissing him.
“Stop sucking face and come into the sunroom,” HC called.
Kendall went to pull back, but Thomas held him and took his time releasing him from

the kiss. Winking, Thomas then led him to the other room. HC jumped up from the couch
where he had been sitting with Drake. Thomas sat in a chair and he pulled Kendall down
into his lap. Kendall rested against him, watching HC curiously as he paced back and forth.

“Rhinopine, you’ve been acting strange for days.” Drake rose and went to him. “What’s


“Shit, I had a speech all planned, but I can’t remember it.” HC scowled. “This is all your

fault, Drake.”

“Yes, Rhinopine,” Drake said indulgently.
“Why does he call him that?” Kendall whispered.
“I’ll explain later,” Thomas said in a low tone. “This is getting good. I’ve never seen HC

so rattled.”

“Don’t use that ‘I’m humoring you’ tone on me.” HC put his hands on his hips.
“Yes, Rhinopine,” Drake repeated.
“You fucker. You made me love you.”
“Yes, Rhinopine.” Drake smiled smugly.
“So now you’re gonna marry me and if you call me ‘Rhinopine’ after I just proposed,

I’m going to bloody you.” HC held up his fist.

“I didn’t hear you ask, but yes.” Drake yanked HC to him. “Rhinopine.”
HC swung and Drake caught it, kissing his fist. “I love you, HC.”
“Damn bastard.” HC pressed against him. “I love you too, Drake.”
Kendall watched, wide-eyed.
“Well damn. No wonder he was acting crazy.” Thomas pushed Kendall off his lap.


He ran to him and grabbed HC then hugged him. Blayne joined in and the three of

them laughed. Kendall sat on the chair Thomas had vacated, taking it all in. Paxton joined
the men and hugged his son then shook Drake’s hand while Windsor congratulated the two
men, then it was Morgan’s turn followed by Gibson. Thomas glanced at Kendall and he
again had the look Thomas couldn’t read on his face. Thomas beckoned him and Kendall

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went and congratulated the men on their engagement. As people talked, Kendall pulled
Thomas aside.

“I’m gonna go. This is time for family.”
He kissed Thomas before he could say anything then quickly left. Outside, Kendall

gripped the railing and breathed deep. He was happy for the couple, but knew that he didn’t
belong there during such a moment. It was for family and Kendall needed to remind himself
he wasn’t that, and couldn’t possibly ever let himself be that with Thomas. He’d let himself
get too involved with someone else before, and he wasn’t going to let down his guard again.

He rubbed his hand over his chest as it gave a twinge of pain. Kendall pushed it away.

He went down the steps to his vehicle and left.

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Chapter Five

Kendall rolled over, frowning at the sound of someone pounding on his door. He got

out of bed and went out of the door to the hall.

Yawning, Kendall then yelled, “Keep your shirt on.”
He peeked out the peephole and went hard. He blew out a breath before he opened it.


“Thomas.” The man stared at him. “So you do remember me.”
“What? Of course I remember you.”
“Funny. I thought you had forgotten since I haven’t heard from you in a week.”

Thomas leaned against the doorjamb. “You haven’t returned my calls or come for your

Kendall refused to feel guilty. After being there when HC had asked Drake to marry

him, he’d thought it prudent to take that distance. Thomas and his family asking him to be
there had made Kendall know they thought there was more than there was between him and
Thomas. He crossed his arms over his chest, taking in the view of Thomas. Immediately he
wanted to take Thomas to bed. He’d missed him, and seeing him now, Kendall knew it had
been foolish to even attempt pushing him away.

“I’ve been busy.” Kendall shrugged. “Working to make sure I’m up to date.”
“If I didn’t know better, I would think you were avoiding me.” Thomas tilted his head

to the side.

“I have been.”
Thomas frowned. “I didn’t expect you to admit it.”
“Why lie?” Kendall grinned wryly. “I have been avoiding you. Had to get some things

straight in my head.”

“Is it straight now?”
“Good. Get dressed,” Thomas said.
“Wait, what?” Kendall frowned. “Don’t you want to know what I had to get straight?”

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“If you wanted me to know, you would say so.” Thomas gestured. “Get dressed. I’m

taking you to breakfast then boot shopping, then we’re going riding. You’ve been lax in your

Kendall frowned. Since he wanted to spend time with Thomas, he went to get dressed.

Now Kendall had it clear in his head that he needed to avoid the family-oriented interactions
with Thomas so there was no chance for him to misunderstand that there was anything else
but sex between them.

Thomas observed Kendall as he went to change. He didn’t need to ask what Kendall

had to think about. He’d seen the look in his gaze that night when HC and Drake had got
engaged. The dawning realization that he’d let someone close. Thomas had known he was
going to bolt when he’d said he would leave since it was about family. When Kendall had
left, he’d decided to not go after him. Then as he’d started avoiding his calls, Thomas had let
it go to give him some time. Seeing Kendall today, Thomas knew he’d made the right

Kendall was fighting letting him in, but Thomas would wait him out. It was only a

matter of time and Thomas knew it would be worth it. When Kendall returned, Thomas did
as he’d said he would. All through the day, Kendall kept staring when he thought Thomas
wasn’t looking. Thomas didn’t say anything, just treated it like nothing had happened.

At the end of the day, Thomas took him to Bailey’s—the bar Morgan had introduced

him to. Thomas waved at Nick—the owner—who was working behind the bar. He led
Kendall to a booth and let him slide in before joining him.

“I thought we were going riding today?”
“We can do that in the morning.” Thomas touched his hand on the table. “You’re

coming back with me to spend the night.”

Kendall glanced at him sharply then nodded. Thomas squeezed his hand, taking that as

a step back toward where they’d been before, then he’d move them forward. When the
waitress came, he placed an order and so did Kendall.

“How’s work?” Thomas relaxed in the booth.
“Good. I’ve been preparing some papers for Luc.” Kendall chuckled. “This is sure

different than what we did in New York.”

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“I guess it would be, since you are dealing with ranchers.”
“Oh that’s not what is so different.” Kendall waited until the waitress set a beer before

each of them and left before speaking again. “The n-nonsense way that people go about
things is what is different. For the firm we worked in, you had to stroke and soothe egos to
get anything done. Here, the ranchers and others we deal with want to get to the point and
many are blunt and to the point. It is refreshing.”

“Sometimes being blunt is beneficial.” Thomas smiled. “There are also different ways to

be blunt. Some use words, others actions.”

“That sounds like a warning.” Kendall lifted an eyebrow.
“Nope, just an observation of human behavior.” Thomas grinned.
“You seem to have a knack for observing people.” Kendall lifted his beer and sipped.
“I’ve always people watched.” Thomas took a drink of his own beer. “I’m more of an

observer than participator.”

“Do tell.”
“Like that couple to your left.” Thomas inclined his head. “They are on their first date.

He’s more into it than she is.”

“Now I’m gonna have to look.” Kendall glanced at the couple then back at Thomas.

“How’d you know what you said is true?”

“He’s leaning forward all eager to speak with her. She’s stiff and that smile on her face

is fake.”

Kendall looked then turned back to Thomas. “Very correct. Do another.”
Thomas did as he asked. They enjoyed their beers then food as he pointed out people

and what he thought about them. Kendall slowly relaxed and Thomas smiled. Kendall filled
him in about work and what he’d been up to for the last week. When they’d finished and left,
they kept up the easy conversation as they stopped by Kendall’s to grab some clothing. After,
they headed for the ranch. Thomas was relieved that they fell back into being at ease. Now
he’d just have to keep it that way as he worked to make Kendall see they were meant to be

* * * *

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“This is beautiful,” Kendall said.
Thomas looked over at him as he sat perched on Prickles. In the last seven weeks,

Kendall had become an integral part of his life. Kendall had slowly let down the guard he’d
put up weeks ago. He and Kendall had spent most of their time together when they weren’t
working. They’d fallen back into the pattern of Kendall coming to his place after work then
he’d give him a lesson before they headed inside to spend the night together. Once Kendall
was past the stage of needing actual guidance for riding, they had started to explore the
ranch as Thomas had said they would. Showing Kendall the ranch and getting him to love
horses as much as he did had been fulfilling.

“It sure is.” Thomas glanced back at the view as the sun came up over the horizon.
Although Kendall had become more open with him and Thomas enjoyed being with

him, Thomas sensed Kendall was still holding back. He didn’t want to push, but he was
getting impatient and wanted Kendall to be completely his. He spurred his horse on and
heard the sound of hooves behind him as Kendall followed. They rode for a bit before
Thomas reined in at the lake. He dismounted then tethered his horse and waited as Kendall
did the same. Kendall strolled toward him with his loose-gaited stride and Thomas stifled a
moan. Every time he saw Kendall, he wanted him. Kendall stood before Thomas and placed
his hands on Thomas’ waist.

“This is an idyllic place.” Kendall glanced around then back at him. “Thank you for

bringing me here.”

“Anytime.” He kissed Kendall briefly. “Let me get the blanket and the backpack.”
He retrieved the items then led him to the shaded tree. Thomas spread the blanket,

kissing Kendall gently as he helped him. As Kendall walked away, Thomas squatted, placing
the backpack on the quilt before he started to rise.

“Stay right there,” Kendall ordered.
Thomas turned his head, staring at him. Kendall was behind him, a familiar look on his

face. Thomas went hard seeing his expression of lust.

“I’ve been meaning to do something.” Kendall walked to him and knelt behind him.
“Shhhh…” Kendall whispered. “Your ass, I want to worship it.”

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Kendall reached out and squeezed his butt gently. Thomas clenched his ass cheeks.
“So firm and full.” Kendall leaned forward and rubbed his face against the jean-clad

flesh. “Naked. I need to feel it naked.”

Silently Thomas rose and removed his jeans and shrugged out of his shirt too. When he

was bare, he turned his head to Kendall. He was still kneeling behind him.

“How do you want me?”
“On your knees.”
Thomas knelt then bent forward. He arched his ass in the air, rocking back. “Like this?”
“Yessss.” Kendall kissed his ass.
Thomas jumped, not expecting the caress.
“It’s okay,” Kendall calmed him.
Thomas relaxed. Kendall kissed his butt again then trailed kisses along the flesh. He

then went up the skin of his ass and Thomas curled his toes, moaning as he moved back into
Kendall’s touch. He didn’t leave any part untouched as he thoroughly kissed then stroked
the skin. When he licked along the line of his ass, Thomas shook.

“Kendall,” he whimpered.
“Yes.” Kendall pushed between his ass cheeks, opened him then licked his hole.
Thomas clenched then relaxed, moaning as Kendall touched him. Kendall licked him

and Thomas gripped the cloth below his hands, shaking. He sucked him, not slowing,
making Thomas weak and strong all at once. The contrasting feeling confused his thoughts
and Thomas groaned. Kendall pushed his tongue into Thomas and licked out then did it

“Kendall,” he cried.
Kendall continued his caresses and Thomas tightened his hold on the blanket, his heart

racing. Pre-cum flowed out of his cock and he needed to come. Kendall pulled away and
Thomas groaned. He heard the sound of Kendall removing his clothing. Then Kendall
touched his hip, ran his sheathed shaft against his hole and pushed in.

“Yes.” Thomas rocked into his thrust.
Kendall held him in place then impaled him slowly. Thomas tried to move quicker, but

Kendall’s grip would not allow him to.


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“Slow,” Kendall countered.
Thomas gritted his teeth, goosebumps breaking out on his skin as Kendall took him

gently and steadily. His breath caught at each motion and he fought to hold off his release.
He didn’t want it to end, but he felt the need clawing at him.

“Come for me, Thomas.”
Kendall’s whispered words resonated in him. Thomas shivered and came, groaning

loud and long. Kendall thrust once, twice then a few more times, before he too shook as he
climaxed. He collapsed against his back and Thomas fell forward under Kendall. His harsh
breaths filtered against Thomas’ skin. Shifting off him, Kendall turned Thomas over then lay
on him, kissing him softly. Thomas returned it, holding him tight. He snuggled into Kendall
and wondered what their future held. He glanced down at Kendall and thought whatever it
was, he knew he would be at Kendall’s side.

“Nap, then we can eat and head back to your place.” Kendall yawned and blinked.
“Sleep,” he urged.
Kendall slumped and just like that, he went to sleep. Thomas made a mental note to

tease Kendall later that he’d worn him out. For now, he held him.

* * * *

Thomas put his boot-clad foot on the lower rail and watched Prickles as he moved

around the ring with the other horses. He glanced at his watch and eagerness filled him.
Kendall would be here soon then they’d go riding.

The sound of a vehicle pulling up made him glance toward his driveway. He stepped

back from the rail and turned, waiting for Kendall. Soon Kendall exited the vehicle then went
to the porch to set down his overnight bag before he turned and came toward Thomas.
Thomas thought of the first time Kendall had come, all nervous and wearing sneakers. Now
Kendall strode toward him in one of the pairs of boots they’d shopped for. He looked good
coming toward Thomas with a confident swagger.

Moving to him, Thomas yanked him into his arms and kissed him softly before pulling

away from their kiss. Kendall put his arms around his neck and scrunched up his nose.

“I have a bone to pick with you.”

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“Afternoon, Kendall.” Thomas smiled playfully. He knew that tone as one that meant

Kendall wasn’t pleased.

“Don’t ‘afternoon, Kendall’ me.” He slid his hand down off his neck and poked Thomas

in the chest. “I happened to be surfing the Internet today and decided to Google you again.
Then I Googled Prickles. Image my surprise to find out he is a champion. You lied to me.”

“Nope.” Thomas tweaked his nose. “You asked if Prickles had won any awards for me.

He won them before coming to me, so what I said was truthful.”

“You’re splitting hairs.” Kendall put his hands on his hips. “You knew what I meant

when I asked you. I didn’t want to possibly injure one of your horses. Especially one worth
so much money. I can’t ride him anymore.”

Kendall looked surprised, then suspicious. “That was too easy.”
“I’m not going to force you to ride Prickles.” Thomas gestured to the ring. “You’re

going to have to let him know though. Here he comes.”

Thomas held back a laugh at Kendall’s expression. He and Prickles had bonded.

Whenever Kendall arrived, the horse came running. The horse loved Kendall as much as
Kendall loved him. Kendall glared at him then went to the rail. Prickles neighed and stuck
his head over, nudging Kendall. He held the horse still and stroked his mane then put his
forehead against Prickles. Thomas moved closer.

“You bastard.” Kendall turned his head, eyes narrowed. “You know I can’t do it.”
“Hey, for all I know, maybe you can hurt his feelings.” Thomas petted Prickles. “He’s


“I really want to thump you on the nose,” Kendall muttered.
Thomas chuckled and kissed him before he headed for the barn. He heard Kendall

approaching behind him. They entered the barn and Prickles had already come inside from
the ring and was waiting for them.

“Are you busy tomorrow night?”
“Nope.” Thomas turned to him. “It’s the weekend. You don’t have to work?”
“Nah.” Kendall picked at the hole in his jeans before looking at him. “Luc invited us out

for a drink. Do you wanna go?”

“Sure, I’ll go.”

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“Okay.” Kendall went to saddle Prickles.
Thomas looked after him and grinned. Thomas knew it was a big step. Luc and Kendall

were closer than assistant and boss—they were family. Thomas took Kendall asking him as a
good sign.

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Chapter Six

Thomas laughed at the banter between Luc and Kendall. The men had been playfully

sniping at each other since he and Kendall had arrived an hour ago. The camaraderie
between the men was obvious and Thomas enjoyed seeing Kendall with Luc.

“Let me go to the bathroom before we head out.” Kendall kissed Thomas briefly then


Thomas watched him go with a small smile on his lips.
“You care about him.” Luc wasn’t asking.
Thomas didn’t answer.
“I’ll tell you to your face myself what I told Kendall. If you hurt him, I will hunt you

down and beat you bloody.” Luc drank from his glass.

He said it so calmly, looking so cool, that Thomas almost missed the threat. One that he

believed that Luc would follow through on. They stared at each other and Thomas dipped
his head. Luc smiled a cold grin and they had an understanding.

“What’s going on?” Kendall returned.
“Nothing.” Luc’s smile warmed and he smacked Kendall on the leg. “See you


He stood and patted his shoulder before he held out his hand to Thomas. Thomas rose

and shook it. They said their goodbyes then parted ways. Thomas led Kendall outside and
they got in his vehicle.

“That was nice.”
Thomas murmured his agreement, thinking of Luc’s warning. He wouldn’t hurt

Kendall. They didn’t speak as they drove to Thomas’ place. When they arrived, Thomas went
to check on the animals while Kendall headed for the house. After he ensured the animals
were all settled, he went to the house too. He turned off the lights before he went upstairs to
his bedroom. Thomas paused in the doorway, studying Kendall who was sprawled naked on
his back in the middle of the bed playing with himself.

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Kendall held out his hand and Thomas went to him, stripping along the way. He took

the condom and put it on then pushed into Kendall. Thomas shook as he felt like he was
home. Kendall was his home, and Luc didn’t have to worry that he would ever hurt him.
Thomas thrust into Kendall, watching his eyes as he took him.

* * * *

Thomas dipped his brush into his palette and added the color to the canvas. After he’d

made love to Kendall, he’d been unable to fall asleep. The painting was calling him and he
needed to get it completed. Thomas sat back and stared at the painting, plotting the colors he
would use.

“Wore me out again.” Kendall spoke from the doorway.
Thomas rolled his stool from behind the canvas, glanced at the clock and noted it was

one o’clock in the afternoon then stared at Kendall. He leaned against the doorjamb wearing
only Thomas’ T-shirt. Thomas licked his lips as he got a peek of the tip of his cock. His mind
turned to other plans.

“Can I see?” Kendall asked.
“Sure.” He moved back from the painting. Kendall padded toward him on bare feet. He

came around the easel and stood by his side, leaning against Thomas.

“Thomas.” He gasped then turned Thomas face to him. “That’s me. Is that how you see

me?” He looked back at the canvas and pointed out the items. “You have a few of the cats
you mentioned I was like and then me laid bare. I get the sense as if they are my soul.”
Kendall met his gaze again. “Thomas, you—”

“I love you, Kendall,” Thomas said what he had been holding in since the first day

they’d met. He’d fallen in love with him that day, but hadn’t been able to admit it out loud
until Kendall had seen his emotions laid out on canvas. Thomas knew he was better with
showing than telling. He’d penciled this painting in his free time when Kendall hadn’t been
able to see. Now that he had started to lay color, he was ready for him to see it. See what he
meant to him.

“You can’t love me, Thomas.” Kendall’s sadness was palpable.
“I do.” He studied Kendall. “Why do you think I can’t love you?”

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“I should have known you would ask me a question.” Kendall blinked, tears filling his

eyes. “I’m not loveable. My ex said so. He showed me each time he cheated on me and when
he tried to hit me.”

“He what?”
“He tried.” Kendall wiped at his cheeks. “He didn’t get very far. I kicked his ass for it

then he tried to claim I was the one who was abusive. He had me arrested. But he didn’t
count on Luc.”

“Luc?” Thomas listened and was relieved he hadn’t been imagining there was

something Kendall wasn’t telling him. But he’d never expected it to be this.

“When Luc cares about you, he is fierce in protecting you, even when you don’t know

you need it.” Kendall moved away. “Luc had started to document my boyfriend’s erratic
behavior. The threats he left on my voicemail at work and on our home phone. Luc asked a
private investigator we know to bug my phone. At first, I was livid he’d done it but actually
ashamed it had to come to him knowing that about me. At the time, I was just his assistant,
but Luc saw me as more. He thought of me as his friend and he protected me. Gave me the
tools I needed to get my ex out of my life.” Kendall hugged himself. “The fucker—my ex—
the idiot he was, tried to go after Luc. Thinking Luc was an easy target. Luc put him in the

Thomas tried to imagine the well-groomed man being able to do that. He couldn’t

picture him beating anyone up enough to hospitalize them. Thomas could envision him
doing the rest of what Kendall said—getting information to use for the benefit of burying
someone else.

“When he did that, I was livid. I made sure my ex paid for it.” Kendall smiled a fierce

grin. “Luc isn’t the only one who fights for those he cares for. Luc became my family and I’m
as protective of him as he is of me.”

“You care for me, Kendall,” Thomas said.
“I can’t afford to trust you. My ex shattered my trust. If I love you and then you hurt me

like he did, you would destroy my soul.” Kendall turned and walked to the door.

Thomas moved the stool so he could see him. “If you leave—”
“Yeah, I know, don’t come back.” Kendall lowered his head. “Bye, Thomas.”

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He walked out of the room. Thomas sat there staring at the empty doorway. The sound

of the door closing in the distance sounded very final. He moved back to the painting then
picked up his brush again and started layering more color on the canvas. As he painted, he
lost track of time, becoming caught up in his work.

“Eat something.” HC shoved a plate with a sandwich under his nose.
Thomas blinked, shocked, not knowing when HC had gotten there. “Where did you

come from?”

“We’ve been here for hours,” Blayne said from behind him.
Thomas turned and saw him sprawled on the couch with Paxton sitting by his side.

Gibson was lying on the floor reading.

“Kendall texted me,” Gibson said. “Said you needed us. That he’d hurt you.”
“Morgan wanted to go rip his heart out. Drake said he’d hold him,” Blayne said.
“That’s not what I said.” Morgan strode into the room. “I said I would tie him to my

horse and drag him all over. Mess him up a little.”

“And I’d help by pouring salt in his wounds.” Drake came in behind him and went to

stand by HC. “But HC said it wasn’t necessary. I’m surprised that your family is so calm
about this.”

“When a horse balks, you set it free to run a little, then it will come back to you.”

Thomas took the plate from HC. “Kendall is running, but he’ll come back to me.”

“What if he doesn’t?” Morgan asked.
Thomas lifted his head and stared at him. “What would you do if Blayne left you and

didn’t come back?” He looked at Drake. “Or if HC left you?” He settled his gaze on Paxton.
“Dad, what would you do if Windsor left you and didn’t plan to come back?”

“Hunt him down and make him realize the error of his ways,” Windsor said as he

walked in. “At least that’s what I’d do, if Paxton left me and didn’t want to come back.”

“Christ, what time is it?” Thomas took a bite of his sandwich.
“Six o’clock,” Paxton said.
“Oh.” He wolfed down the sandwich then gave the plate back to HC before he accepted

the glass of lemonade. “Are you all staying the night?”

“Yes,” Paxton said. “You’ll get something else to eat in a few hours.”

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“Okay.” He picked up his brush and went back to work. Everything else but the

painting faded.

* * * *

Is Thomas okay?

Kendall texted to Gibson. Although he had all of Thomas’ family’s numbers, he didn’t

contact them. Windsor was in the office, but Kendall didn’t ask him, since he didn’t want to
open a discussion he couldn’t possibly defend himself against. He figured Gibson was a safe
bet. When his cell dinged, Kendall read the text from Gibson.

He’s fine. Didn’t sleep all night or even today.

He clenched his hand on the phone, his heart aching for causing Thomas any pain.

Kendall put down his cell and rose, going out of his office and heading to the kitchen. He
passed Windsor and although he wanted to avoid the condemnation in his eyes, Kendall
kept his head up and stared at him. Windsor inclined his head and there was no
recrimination in his look. Instead, Kendall could swear it was knowing, as if Windsor knew
something he didn’t. Confused, Kendall went to the kitchen and made himself a cup of tea.
He added a cinnamon stick then stirred in the sugar and stared off into space.

“Instead of mooning around like you lost the love of your life, maybe you should just

tell him you love him and then live happily ever after,” Lucian said, coming up to him. He
leaned against the counter beside Kendall.

“Mind your own business.”
“You are my business.” Lucian glared. “You’re letting what happened in your past

dictate your future. I though you said you were over him?”

“I am over him.” Kendall sipped his tea.
“Oh? Then I guess you think Thomas is a cheating asshole? That he would go psycho

on you?” Lucian clicked his tongue. “I always felt he was.”

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Kendall lowered his cup setting it on the counter. “That’s not true, he is not like that. He

would never cheat on me. Or go crazy to pull the shit my ex did.” Kendall stopped, realizing
what he’d said, then scowled at Lucian. “You think you’re so smart.”

“I know. You must really be hurting to forget that.” Lucian smirked then sobered. “If

you know this, why did you walk away from him?”

“Insta-love doesn’t last.”
“Says who?” Lucian rolled his eyes then shook his head. “Only you and Thomas can

decide what you all have. Just let yourself feel for him what you know subconsciously, but
won’t admit to yourself.”

“Thanks for the insight, but I’m going to do as I need to.” Kendall pushed past him and

exited the kitchen.

Lucian came after him. “Kendall, I’m not through talking with you.”
“And I’m not going to be as nice if I have to track you down again.” A man’s voice

similar to Windsor’s, but with a deeper bass, said.

When Kendall looked down the hall, his eyes widened. The man leaned against the

wall, the right side of his face to them. They’d have to go around him to get by. He’d thought
Morgan was big and broad, but this man was even bigger and broader. Gauging by
Morgan’s height, the man had to be at least over six-foot-five and he made Kendall feel like a
pipsqueak. The man turned his head to face them and he had similar features to Windsor,
but had a scar on the left side of his face from the middle of his ear to the bottom of his jaw.
Braided, silky-looking raven-black hair rested over his shoulder and trailed down his chest,
all the way to his knees.

Shrewd brown eyes studied Kendall then the man said brusquely, “So you’re Kendall.

The one who turned Thomas’ head.”

“Kaden, I assume? How do you know that?”
“I guess you’re no dummy, since you know who I am. I know lots of things. Keep up on

what is going on with my family.” Kaden Broadhurst looked past him to Lucian. “I don’t
have time to cater to a willful pain in the ass who won’t learn to ride. Don’t make me come
and get you so I can teach you.” He straightened then pivoted and walked away.

“Then don’t teach me,” Lucian called cheerfully. “I don’t need a rude asshole who

thinks he controls everyone coming to get me for anything.”

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Kaden paused at the head of the hall and looked over his shoulder. “One day your

mouth will get you in trouble, Lucian.”

“My mouth keeps me out of trouble.” Lucian strode past Kendall, a fierce grin on his

face. “If you ever need my help to out-talk someone or get out of trouble, you’ll see what I

“All I need from you is to get your ass into gear and come for your lessons.” Kaden

bared his teeth. “Make me come to find you again—”

“Yeah, yeah I’ll regret it.” Lucian waved his hand. “You delivered your suggestion. Is

that all? I have work to do.”

Kaden didn’t say another word, just turned and walked away.
Kendall blew out a breath. “Whew. So that is Kaden Broadhurst. Why didn’t you tell

me he was—?”

“Such an arrogant ass.” Lucian shrugged. “Windsor inherited the charm between the

two of them.”

Lucian went down the hall and disappeared.
“That’s not what I was going to say,” Kendall said softly. He shrugged then went back

to his office.

He sat at his desk and set down his cup then stared off into space once again. He

remembered what Thomas said about Kaden and Lucian and wished he could call and tell
him what he’d witnessed. As he did, Kendall realized that he wasn’t going to be able to talk,
cook, have fun or grow old with Thomas.

Where did that thought come from? Kendall sat forward, scrubbing his hand over his face.

He lowered his hand then scrambled to his feet. Grabbing his messenger bag, he ran out of
his office then down the hall and out of the front door, to where he’d parked his car.

“Where’s the fire?” Delia called from where she had been standing by the receptionist

desk talking to the woman there.

He didn’t reply as he rushed out. Kendall strode rapidly to his Infiniti then got in and

went on his way. The trip passed in a blur and he didn’t register it until he pulled into
Thomas’ drive. He got out and ran up the steps to the door. Lifting his hand, he knocked
then waited impatiently. The door was yanked open and HC stood in the doorway. He
crossed his arms over his massive chest and stared at Kendall.

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“I need to see Thomas.”
“He’s sleeping,” HC replied then studied him. “He was up all night painting and just

finished a half an hour ago then went to bed.”

“Get out of my way, HC.” Kendall stepped forward.
To his surprise, HC stepped back. Kendall paused in the entryway, not sure what he

was up to.

“Guys, Kendall came back on his own,” HC called out. “No need to plot. You took all

the fun out of it.” HC pouted and Kendall realized the last part was for him.

“I have no idea what you mean.”
Blayne, Paxton, Gibson, Morgan and Drake came into the hall. Kendall wondered what

they were all doing there. The men filed past him without a word, but Kendall didn’t think
they were mad at him. HC went with them, but Paxton, who was the last person in line,
stayed behind.

“Thomas feels deeply and when he does he expresses it through his art.” Paxton stared

at him. “He sometimes forgets to take care of his needs, like eating and sleeping, until he is
done. Take care of him, Kendall.” Paxton touched his shoulder, squeezing gently before he
left, closing the door behind him.

Kendall locked the door then went upstairs. He strode down the hall to Thomas’

bedroom. In the doorway he paused, staring at the man. Thomas was sprawled on his back
looking out of the glass doors for the balcony. He turned his head and looked at Kendall.

Thomas lifted his hand. “Come here.”
Kendall went and sat beside him. He took his hand, lifting it to his lips and kissing the

knuckles. He lowered it, staring into those familiar brown eyes.

“I love you, Thomas,” Kendall whispered.
“I know.”
“Well damn, I was going to be all romantic and shit.” Kendall smiled.
“You can still be romantic. Just wanted to clear up that I knew you would eventually

get your head out your ass and come back to me.”

“You were sure, huh?”
“Yep.” Thomas squeezed his hand. “Now romance me.”

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“From the time I met you, I had an unbound reaction. So unlike myself and I didn’t

know what to make of it. Of you. I was afraid to even try.” Kendall sighed. “I fought the idea
of being in love with you, but it was too late. I’d already fallen.”

“Now that is romantic.” Thomas drew him close and kissed him softly.
Kendall went to rise over him.
“Naked first,” Thomas said.
Kendall stood and took off his clothing. Thomas gave him a condom and the lube. He

placed the protection on Thomas then straddled him, readying himself. When Thomas held
his erection, Kendall lowered himself onto him. He moaned as Thomas groaned. Moving
with him, Kendall felt complete. Relieved that he had declared himself to Thomas. He leaned
down and kissed him deeply before he spoke again. “Love you.”

“Love you, too.” Thomas arched under him.
Kendall gripped him with his knees, tightening and pressing down into each stroke. He

moved with him in unison as they rose to the pinnacle of release. Kendall tilted his head back
as Thomas licked along his neck. Kendall grunted, pounding himself onto Thomas’s cock.
Soon he felt that heat that made him shiver—he stroked his erection then played with the
head. Thomas placed his hand over Kendall’s, jerking him while filling him. The dual
sensation made him pant, then Kendall gasped as he shuddered and came. Thomas shook as
he joined him, going over into pleasure. Kendall leaned fully against Thomas then kissed him
again. Thomas rubbed circles along his back. Kendall slid off him then removed the used
condom before he threw it into the wastepaper basket. When he turned back, he saw a flash
of color and looked toward the dresser.

Kendall sat up, staring at the painting. “You really finished it.”
“Yes. Worked all night and into today.” Thomas sat up beside him, kissing the side of

his face. “It’s you. Every complex inch of you that I love.”

“Thomas,” he whispered, letting Thomas pull him down beside him.
He stared at the painting of vivid colors and in each brush stroke, he could see Thomas’

love. Feel each emotion.

“You’re not the only one who had an unbound reaction.” Thomas held him close. “And

I expect that we will continue to have it.”

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Talia Carmichael



Kendall turned to him, kissing him and knew he was right. He was ready for it and

anything that Thomas had to offer.

Also available from Totally Bound Publishing:

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Impressions: Slow Burn

Talia Carmichael


Chapter One

“For a man who’s so smart, you’d think I’d be able to figure out what to do.” Gregory

Morris rubbed his hand on the back of his neck.

Being so unsure about something so important—at least to him—was such a rare thing.

When he had to make any decision, he had a process. He avoided interaction, instead going
somewhere alone to think over the pros and cons of what he had to decide. After all that, he
then went with his instincts. The path he would take became clear to him. His process had
never led him wrong. But this time, although he had been through his process, he was still
wavering over if it was the right thing to do. Gregory placed his elbow on the metal table,
propping his hand under his chin. He stared off into space, not really focusing on the work
he had to do in his lab.

“Gregory, are you okay?” a man said behind him, his footsteps coming closer.
Gregory closed his eyes, wondering why of all the people to come ask him that, it had

to be him.

“I just have a lot of work to do.” Gregory straightened and pulled his notes toward him.
“Bullshit.” Braden Charles grabbed the notes before pushing them away.
Gregory turned and found himself caught by jade green eyes. He tried to remember

how to breathe. His cock stiffened, and Gregory pulled on his shirt, hoping it covered the

“You’ve been avoiding me, Gregory.” Braden’s usual easy-going expression was absent

from his face.

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The intense scrutiny of his gaze was so at odds with what Gregory was used to seeing,

he wondered if he was in an alternate universe. Out of their partners—Enrique, Niall and
Alistair—he and Braden were known as the easy-going duo of the group. Together, the five
of them owned a research and development company called Enigma. Alistair, who was more
of a silent partner, also had his own company—James Corporation. The buildings housing
Enigma and James Corporation were connected by breezeways on each floor.

When dealing with things for Enigma, since they weren’t easily riled, Braden and he

were the ones who provided calm levity when it came to situations that needed it. The
commonality was what made him and Braden such good friends—Gregory appreciated it
and would never do anything to mess that up.

“I haven’t.” Gregory stood, grabbing his messenger bag, then sliding some files in. He

held it in front of him, turning to face Braden. “I forgot, I’m running late to meet a friend.”

He hurried past Braden then out of the door. Gregory went down the hall, grateful that

the other partners were either not in or busy so he didn’t have to socialize before being able
to leave. He was relieved it was quiet—on this floor, each of the four active partners had their
labs and offices, so he was lucky not to bump into anyone. Besides being business partners,
they were good friends. With the way they worked, they were in and out of each other’s
spaces often, bouncing ideas off each other or just to chat. The only time someone locked
their rooms was if they were working on something and didn’t want to be disturbed. Since
he wasn’t working on anything, he hadn’t even thought to lock his door. At the elevator, he
pressed the call button and waited impatiently for it to arrive.

He jumped slightly, not having heard Braden approach. Gregory steeled himself to

turn, then he did. Immediately he was drawn to Braden’s eyes. The concern in them made
Gregory feel guilty for distancing himself from his friend as well as lying when saying he
was okay. Braden pushed his wild, curly hair of various shades of blond behind his ear. His
hair length was just beyond his shoulders. With the way he looked, along with his casual
attitude as well as the way he dressed—in comfortable T-shirts and jeans with sandals on his
feet—people saw him as surfer dude. In turn, they underestimated Braden, and that was a
mistake. Braden was a smart man who, although he was laid-back, could talk circles around

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most people if he chose to. Instead, he liked to learn from others and used his charm and
friendliness to talk with folks, getting them to open up and share with him.

“If you need to talk about anything, I’m here to listen,” Braden offered.
Gregory smiled, looking into his jade green eyes. “That is so you, Braden.” He touched

his shoulder. “When I’m ready, I will take you up on that.”

He realized his mistake as his shaft shifted in his pants. Gregory jerked his hand away,

trying to act casual about it. The elevator arrived and Gregory got in then pressed the button
for the lobby. He lifted his hand to say bye to Braden. Braden stared at him, then a soft smile
curled his lips and he returned the gesture. When the doors closed, Gregory slumped against
the wall, rubbing his hand over his heart. One little smile and he felt like he was drunk. God,
he had it bad.

He stood up then put his bag strap lengthwise across his body. When the elevator

opened, he went out, striding across the lobby. He nodded to the guard then continued to the
front door. Earlier he’d been so out of sorts, he’d parked in the client area instead of the
underground area reserved for the partners or VIP guests to their facilities. He crossed the lot
to his silver Ford Explorer Sport before he opened the door before taking off his messenger
bag. He stopped in the open doorway and looked up at the building that housed Enigma.
Although Braden’s office was too high up to actually see him, Gregory imagined that Braden
was looking out at the lot at him with a worried look on his face. Again, he felt bad for
causing him concern.

Why is this so hard?
He got into his vehicle then closed the door as he placed his bag on the passenger seat

before staring the engine. He drove out of where he was parked to the exit then onto the
main road. Gregory tapped his finger on the steering wheel, mind still on making a decision.
With that thought, he didn’t go toward his home. The time passed quickly and he made a left
onto Jacen Street. A few moments later, he pulled up to the apartment complex, then found a
space and parked. He grabbed his bag then exited, afterwards hurrying across the lot to the
building door. Gregory pressed a button and waited.

“Gregory, shock of shocks you actually found time to visit me,” the man said over the

intercom. “I didn’t believe you when you said you would last month.”

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“Yeah, yeah. I know I’m a bad friend, Clint.” Gregory looked up at the camera where he

knew Clint would be able to see him. “Are you going to let me in or keep giving me a hard

“Let me think about it?” Clint Jacobs laughed then said, “Come on in.”
The door buzzed and Gregory pulled it open before going inside. He crossed the lobby

to the elevator and pressed the button. Waiting for it to arrive, he paced back and forth
running his fingers through his hair. The doors slid open silently and entered before he
pressed the correct floor. Tapping his foot, Gregory watched the numbers flash as the
elevator car rose. Finally, when it came to the right floor and the doors opened, he exited
right away and strode down the hall rapidly. At the end of the hall, he pressed the doorbell
and in moments, the door opened.

“Well, wonders of wonders, if it isn’t my old friend who I’ve known since childhood,”

Clint spoke as he let him in. “And we went to college together until he deserted me. Yep he
forgot all about me—” Clint finally looked at him, then his eyes narrowed. “What’s wrong?”

The concern in Clint’s voice made him draw a shaky breath. Clint knew him so well.

For a second he thought of Braden and how he’d also picked up on the fact that Gregory was
out of sorts. He tried to smile but knew he’d failed when Clint looked more worried.

“Is it your dad?” Clint grabbed his arm then pulled him inside. “Mom didn’t call and

say anything was wrong with him.”

“No, he’s fine.” Gregory shook his head.
“Whew, you had me worried.” Clint let him go and rubbed his hand over the back of

his neck. “I haven’t spoken to either one since they came back from their honeymoon.”

“Me either. I still have to get used to us being technically brothers now.” Gregory

grinned. “And used to your mom officially being my mom too. Although she’s been acting
like my mom since I was a kid.”

“Yeah, your dad has been the same way with me too.” Clint punched him playfully in

the arm. “It’s weird, I’ve thought of you as a brother for years but now since our parents got
married a month ago you’re actually my brother.”

“Yeah, brothers.” Gregory bit his lip then said, “I’m sorry that I’ve been so busy

working at Enigma that I haven’t had time for you.”

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“Please, there is no need to apologize.” Clint smiled. “I’m so proud of you, Gregory. My

friend is part owner of a company that is getting lots of buzz.”

“Brother. I’m your brother.” Gregory smiled widely. “Big brother, since I’m older than


“By one month.” Clint pushed him playfully. “And you never let me forget it.”
“Nope, I don’t.” Gregory slung his arm over Clint’s shoulder. “When you came back

from your trip, I knew the assistant position you had with Mace,” he said, referring to his
mentor and department head at the college they had both attended, “was only until you
knew what companies you wanted to apply to. And you’ve applied and interviewed for a
few places, but you’ve been very secretive on which companies. As your big brother, you
have to tell me how things are going.”

“Already pulling the big brother card.” Clint snorted. “I’ll be using my little brother one

in a moment to find out what is going on with you.” Clint stared at him intently.

Gregory nodded.
Clint continued, apparently satisfied they would discuss what was bothering him soon.

“I’m starting work in about two weeks at my dream company. I haven’t told you or even
Mace where I applied. Although I know you wouldn’t have intentionally tried to help me get
the job, you might have mentioned knowing me. I didn’t want that—I wanted to do it myself.
Make my mom proud at what I accomplished.”

They had both been raised by single parents and Gregory knew that Clint, like he, had

worked hard to make his parent proud. Gregory wondered why he or Mace would have said
something to anyone who would have influence on Clint getting a job. Then it dawned on
him and he grinned.

“You’re coming to work at Enigma.” Gregory grabbed him then lifted him off the

ground. “That is awes—”

No. I wasn’t hired by your company. You all don’t need another businessman like

myself. You already have Enrique and Braden for that. Oh yeah, I want to meet your
business partners. Especially Braden—he’s a genius with stocks and knows how to read
businesses. I want to pick his brain.”

“I’ve had a lapse in getting around to introducing you to them.” Gregory nodded then

put him down. “Braden is a smart man.”

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Clint looked at him sharply then his expression cleared. “Good. My new career is going

to be at James Corporation.”

“What?” Gregory’s eyes widened. “You’re going to be working for Ash?”
“As part of his company.” Clint tugged on his ear. “I met Mr James when I



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About the Author

Talia Carmichael is a romantic who believes that family, no matter if it is by blood or

those you choose as family, is integral to who you are. She is an author who writes

sexy stories in a variety of genres. She believes in creating stories that encompass all

that falling in love or lust entails, from the highs of that first blush of attraction to the

lows of not knowing if you can make your coming together as a couple work, and

then finally to the acceptance of the reality of making a life together. It’s all about the


Among her books you’ll find contemporary, futuristic, fantasy, and paranormal

settings with M/M themes that will have a happily-ever-after. Her books are

passionate, intense, and real…to fill the craving.



Talia loves to hear from readers. You can find her contact information, website and

author biography at



Also by Talia Carmichael

Impressions: Reckless Behaviour

Impressions: A Tender Roughness

Impressions: Opposing Rhythms

Impressions: One Good Man

Impressions: Slow Burn

Prentiss: Ralston’s Way

Prentiss: Long Hard Ride

Prentiss: Opposites Attract

The Right Choice: After the Fall

Bonds of Justice: Wicked Intentions

Bonds of Justice: Wicked Alliance

Bonds of Justice: Wicked Pursuit

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Totally Bound Publishing

Document Outline


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