Slow Burn Talia Carmichael

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A Totally Bound Publication

Slow Burn
ISBN # 978-0-85715-668-6
©Copyright Talia Carmichael 2014
Cover Art by Posh Gosh ©Copyright March 2014
Edited by Rebecca Douglas
Totally Bound Publishing

This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination
and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or
places is purely coincidental.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form,
whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of
the publisher, Totally Bound Publishing.

Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Totally Bound
Publishing. Unauthorised or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil
proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.

The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs
and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator
of the artwork.

Published in 2014 by Totally Bound Publishing, Newland House, The Point, Weaver Road,
Lincoln, LN6 3QN


This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This
story has a heat rating of Totally Simmering and a Sexometer of 2.


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Talia Carmichael

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Book five in the Impressions series

After an unexpected kiss, a man finds himself with a dilemma…

Gregory Morris has a problem. He isn’t gay, but he’s attracted to one of his best friends and
has no clue what to do about it. Gregory decides the best way is just to kiss him and let
nature take its course. With that one kiss, Gregory finds himself wanting his friend even
more. Now he just has to prove that he is serious.

Braden Charles notices his friend Gregory seems to be avoiding him and he has no clue what
he’s done. When Gregory finally says he wants to talk, Braden is relieved to find out what is
wrong, that is until Gregory kisses him. After the kiss, the idea that his friend wants him
when he is not gay bothers Braden. He’s not going to be drawn in by a man who is only gay
for him—it is myth and will only lead to heartbreak.

Gregory’s next action is something Braden never expected and he has to face the fact that
Gregory is serious. Braden has a man who he can see in his life forever but does Gregory
think it’s an experiment? Attraction builds in a slow burn that will last forever.

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To my family, who have believed in me from the very beginning. Thanks for your support.

Trademarks Acknowledgement

The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following
wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

Ford Explorer Sport: Ford Motor Company
Dumbo: Walt Disney Animation Studios
Grand Theft Auto: Rockstar Games, Inc.
Rainbow Six: Tom Clancy, game by Red Storm Entertainment
X2: Wolverine’s Revenge: Marvel Comics/ GenePool Software
Lord of the Rings Online: Helm’s Deep: JRR Tolkien/ Turbine, Inc.
Lord of the Rings: JRR Tolkien

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Chapter One

“For a man who’s so smart, you’d think I’d be able to figure out what to do.” Gregory

Morris rubbed his hand on the back of his neck.

Being so unsure about something so important—at least to him—was such a rare thing.

When he had to make any decision, he had a process. He avoided interaction, instead going

somewhere alone to think over the pros and cons of what he had to decide. After all that, he

then went with his instincts. The path he would take became clear to him. His process had

never led him wrong. But this time, although he had been through his process, he was still

wavering over if it was the right thing to do. Gregory placed his elbow on the metal table,

propping his hand under his chin. He stared off into space, not really focusing on the work

he had to do in his lab.

“Gregory, are you okay?” a man said behind him, his footsteps coming closer.

Gregory closed his eyes, wondering why of all the people to come ask him that, it had

to be him.

“I just have a lot of work to do.” Gregory straightened and pulled his notes towards


“Bullshit.” Braden Charles grabbed the notes before pushing them away.

Gregory turned and found himself caught by jade green eyes. He tried to remember

how to breathe. His cock stiffened, and Gregory pulled on his shirt, hoping it covered the



“You’ve been avoiding me, Gregory.” Braden’s usual easy-going expression was absent

from his face.

The intense scrutiny of his gaze was so at odds with what Gregory was used to seeing,

he wondered if he was in an alternate universe. Out of their partners—Enrique, Niall and

Alistair—he and Braden were known as the easy-going duo of the group. Together, the five

of them owned a research and development company called Enigma. Alistair, who was more

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of a silent partner, also had his own company—James Corporation. The buildings housing

Enigma and James Corporation were connected by breezeways on each floor.

When dealing with things for Enigma, since they weren’t easily riled, Braden and he

were the ones who provided calm levity when it came to situations that needed it. The

commonality was what made him and Braden such good friends—Gregory appreciated it

and would never do anything to mess that up.

“I haven’t.” Gregory stood, grabbing his messenger bag, then sliding some files in. He

held it in front of him, turning to face Braden. “I forgot, I’m running late to meet a friend.”

He hurried past Braden then out of the door. Gregory went down the hall, grateful that

the other partners were either not in or busy so he didn’t have to socialise before being able

to leave. He was relieved it was quiet—on this floor, each of the four active partners had their

labs and offices, so he was lucky not to bump into anyone. Besides being business partners,

they were good friends. With the way they worked, they were in and out of each other’s

spaces often, bouncing ideas off each other or just to chat. The only time someone locked

their rooms was if they were working on something and didn’t want to be disturbed. Since

he wasn’t working on anything, he hadn’t even thought to lock his door. At the elevator, he

pressed the call button and waited impatiently for it to arrive.


He jumped slightly, not having heard Braden approach. Gregory steeled himself to

turn, then he did. Immediately he was drawn to Braden’s eyes. The concern in them made

Gregory feel guilty for distancing himself from his friend as well as lying when saying he

was okay. Braden pushed his wild, curly hair of various shades of blond behind his ear. His

hair length was just beyond his shoulders. With the way he looked, along with his casual

attitude as well as the way he dressed—in comfortable T-shirts and jeans with sandals on his

feet—people saw him as surfer dude. In turn, they underestimated Braden, and that was a

mistake. Braden was a smart man who, although he was laid-back, could talk circles around

most people if he chose to. Instead, he liked to learn from others and used his charm and

friendliness to talk with folks, getting them to open up and share with him.

“If you need to talk about anything, I’m here to listen,” Braden offered.

Gregory smiled, looking into his jade green eyes. “That is so you, Braden.” He touched

his shoulder. “When I’m ready, I will take you up on that.”

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He realised his mistake as his shaft shifted in his pants. Gregory jerked his hand away,

trying to act casual about it. The elevator arrived and Gregory got in then pressed the button

for the lobby. He lifted his hand to say bye to Braden. Braden stared at him, then a soft smile

curled his lips and he returned the gesture. When the doors closed, Gregory slumped against

the wall, rubbing his hand over his heart. One little smile and he felt like he was drunk. God,

he had it bad.

He stood up then put his bag strap lengthwise across his body. When the elevator

opened, he went out, striding across the lobby. He nodded to the guard then continued to the

front door. Earlier he’d been so out of sorts, he’d parked in the client area instead of the

underground area reserved for the partners or VIP guests to their facilities. He crossed the lot

to his silver Ford Explorer Sport before he opened the door before taking off his messenger

bag. He stopped in the open doorway and looked up at the building that housed Enigma.

Although Braden’s office was too high up to actually see him, Gregory imagined that Braden

was looking out at the lot at him with a worried look on his face. Again, he felt bad for

causing him concern.

Why is this so hard?

He got into his vehicle then closed the door as he placed his bag on the passenger seat

before staring the engine. He drove out of where he was parked to the exit then onto the

main road. Gregory tapped his finger on the steering wheel, mind still on making a decision.

With that thought, he didn’t go towards his home. The time passed quickly and he made a

left onto Jacen Street. A few moments later, he pulled up to the apartment complex, then

found a space and parked. He grabbed his bag then exited, afterwards hurrying across the lot

to the building door. Gregory pressed a button and waited.

“Gregory, shock of shocks you actually found time to visit me,” the man said over the

intercom. “I didn’t believe you when you said you would last month.”

“Yeah, yeah. I know I’m a bad friend, Clint.” Gregory looked up at the camera where he

knew Clint would be able to see him. “Are you going to let me in or keep giving me a hard


“Let me think about it?” Clint Jacobs laughed then said, “Come on in.”

The door buzzed and Gregory pulled it open before going inside. He crossed the lobby

to the elevator and pressed the button. Waiting for it to arrive, he paced back and forth

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running his fingers through his hair. The doors slid open silently and entered before he

pressed the correct floor. Tapping his foot, Gregory watched the numbers flash as the

elevator car rose. Finally, when it came to the right floor and the doors opened, he exited

right away and strode down the hall rapidly. At the end of the hall, he pressed the doorbell

and in moments, the door opened.

“Well, wonders of wonders, if it isn’t my old friend who I’ve known since childhood,”

Clint spoke as he let him in. “And we went to college together until he deserted me. Yep he

forgot all about me—” Clint finally looked at him, then his eyes narrowed. “What’s wrong?”

The concern in Clint’s voice made him draw a shaky breath. Clint knew him so well.

For a second he thought of Braden and how he’d also picked up on the fact that Gregory was

out of sorts. He tried to smile but knew he’d failed when Clint looked more worried.

“Is it your dad?” Clint grabbed his arm then pulled him inside. “Mom didn’t call and

say anything was wrong with him.”

“No, he’s fine.” Gregory shook his head.

“Whew, you had me worried.” Clint let him go and rubbed his hand over the back of

his neck. “I haven’t spoken to either one since they came back from their honeymoon.”

“Me either. I still have to get used to us being technically brothers now.” Gregory

grinned. “And used to your mom officially being my mom too. Although she’s been acting

like my mom since I was a kid.”

“Yeah, your dad has been the same way with me too.” Clint punched him playfully in

the arm. “It’s weird, I’ve thought of you as a brother for years but now since our parents got

married a month ago you’re actually my brother.”

“Yeah, brothers.” Gregory bit his lip then said, “I’m sorry that I’ve been so busy

working at Enigma that I haven’t had time for you.”

“Please, there is no need to apologise.” Clint smiled. “I’m so proud of you, Gregory. My

friend is part owner of a company that is getting lots of buzz.”

“Brother. I’m your brother.” Gregory smiled widely. “Big brother, since I’m older than


“By one month.” Clint pushed him playfully. “And you never let me forget it.”

“Nope, I don’t.” Gregory slung his arm over Clint’s shoulder. “When you came back

from your trip, I knew the assistant position you had with Mace,” he said, referring to his

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mentor and department head at the college they had both attended, “was only until you

knew what companies you wanted to apply to. And you’ve applied and interviewed for a

few places, but you’ve been very secretive on which companies. As your big brother, you

have to tell me how things are going.”

“Already pulling the big brother card.” Clint snorted. “I’ll be using my little brother one

in a moment to find out what is going on with you.” Clint stared at him intently.

Gregory nodded.

Clint continued, apparently satisfied they would discuss what was bothering him soon.

“I’m starting work in about two weeks at my dream company. I haven’t told you or even

Mace where I applied. Although I know you wouldn’t have intentionally tried to help me get

the job, you might have mentioned knowing me. I didn’t want that—I wanted to do it myself.

Make my mom proud at what I accomplished.”

They had both been raised by single parents and Gregory knew that Clint, like he, had

worked hard to make his parent proud. Gregory wondered why he or Mace would have said

something to anyone who would have influence on Clint getting a job. Then it dawned on

him and he grinned.

“You’re coming to work at Enigma.” Gregory grabbed him then lifted him off the

ground. “That is awes—”

No. I wasn’t hired by your company. You all don’t need another businessman like

myself. You already have Enrique and Braden for that. Oh yeah, I want to meet your

business partners. Especially Braden—he’s a genius with stocks and knows how to read

businesses. I want to pick his brain.”

“I’ve had a lapse in getting around to introducing you to them.” Gregory nodded then

put him down. “Braden is a smart man.”

Clint looked at him sharply then his expression cleared. “Good. My new career is going

to be at James Corporation.”

“What?” Gregory’s eyes widened. “You’re going to be working for Ash?”

“As part of his company.” Clint tugged on his ear. “I met Mr James when I



“Yes.” Clint tugged on his ear again.

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Gregory knew the gesture was a sign of Clint being nervous. He lifted his hand and

stopped Clint from doing it. “Stop that, before you become like Dumbo.”

“God, you and that lame joke. My tugging on my ear won’t make me get big ears like


“Hey, it might.” Gregory flicked his finger on Clint’s ear. “It’s probably why you have

such big ears.”

“Like your big nose.” Clint put his finger on his nose and pushed it in and out.

“Stop that.” Gregory growled. “Take that back. I don’t have a big nose.”

“Only if you admit I don’t have big ears.” Clint walked away.

“Fine. You possibly don’t have big ears.” Gregory followed.

“And you possibly don’t have a big nose.” Clint flopped down on the couch.

“Okay then.” Gregory joined him. “Why are you so nervous about a job you already


“I’m going to be working with and reporting directly to Harrington Alcott.” Clint

yanked on his ear. “He’s the second in command to Mr James.”

“So what? I know you, Clint. You’re going to go in there and knock their socks off.

Work your ass off and make them glad they hired you.” Gregory poked him in the shoulder.

“And knowing Ash as I do, I know he’s told you to call him Alistair or something like that.

Not this stuffy Mr James crap. So why don’t you?”

“He’s the Alistair James. Christ, it’s always been my dream to work at a company like

his. One that works in so many industries. I’ll get to do so much. I thought I’d have to start in

the mail room or something.”

“Such a big fat liar.” Gregory snorted rudely. “You’re the one who helped with my

patents and shit. Invested my funds to make sure that when I graduated I had money. You

also have some of your own, if I recall. You’re smart.” Gregory rolled his eyes. “Mail room

my ass.”

“There is nothing wrong with working the mail room. There’s a lot to be learned there.”

Clint smiled. “My internships I had when I was in college were in some of the best mail

rooms, and I learned a lot of the inner workings.”

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“I know there isn’t, and if you had to, you would have started there and climbed that

good ole corporate ladder to get the chance you have now. But you didn’t have to. You have

the chance and will rock it.”

“Still nervous.” Clint touched his shoulder. “But thanks for your vote of confidence.

Now stop stalling and tell me what’s wrong.”

“We should go out to celebrate. Hey, how about we go to Alcott’s? Your new boss’

brother owns that place. The food is good.” Gregory rubbed his hands on the knees of his


“Invoking the little brother card. I’m going to interfere and prod you until you tell me.

Don’t make me give you a wedgie!” Clint wiggled his fingers.

“I’ll give you a noogie.” Gregory showed him his knuckles. “And we both know I’m not

the one who hates for someone to mess with his hair.”

“You wouldn’t dare.” Clint rubbed his hand over his light brown hair, neatly restrained

in a single braid that rested on his shoulder.

“I miss the various colours you usually have in your hair,” Gregory said.

“Can’t be a business man and keep changing the colour in my hair. It’s a shame,

because I had this awesome purple I was going to put in.” Clint shrugged.

“Ash wouldn’t care. All that would concern him is what you do, not how you look.”

“If I’d gone into the interview with my hair coloured like I usually do, I wouldn’t have

even got in the door.”

“I think you’re wrong,” Gregory said.

“Stop trying to change the subject.” Clint stared at him, his blue gaze intent.

Gregory shifted on the couch then blurted out, “I think I’m attracted to someone and I

don’t know what to do about it.”

“You usually don’t have a problem going after a girl when you want them.” Clint sat

up and smiled. “Wait. For you to be unsure then it must be serious.”

“It is and I’m…” He didn’t know how to say what he wanted to.

“But you said you’re attracted.” Clint frowned. “Have you even asked her out on a


“No. I’ve been thinking and know I want to, but it’s complicated.”

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“What is so complicated?” Clint patted him on the shoulder. “You just be the wonderful

person you are and ask her. She’d be a fool to say no to you. God, your dad is going to love

that you have found someone.”

“Yeah…Dad. He is one of the things that I’m concerned about if I do this.”

“Why? Your dad doesn’t have a problem with the girls you date. You’re your own man,

and he wouldn’t interfere like that.” Clint looked confused.

“It’s not a girl.” Gregory’s heart raced as he admitted aloud to someone else for the first


“Oh.” Clint kept his expression contained.

Gregory hated that look. It was so unlike Clint, and he only used it in certain


“Don’t do that. Give me your ‘I’m not going to let you see what I am feeling so you

can’t use it against me’ face. I want your reaction, Clint.”

“God, I’m sorry.” Clint rubbed his hand against the side of his neck. “I didn’t know I

was doing it. Umm…”

“You’re surprised.”

“Shocked and wondering who the man you’re attracted to is. Hell, not just attracted,

but serious about it too. You haven’t even been serious about a girl.” Clint turned sideways

on the couch to face him. “I’m hoping it’s not one of your business partners, since they are all

taken. Their partners wouldn’t like it at all. Hell, they might break you. Especially Mr James’

boyfriend Kincaid. He’s a friend of yours, and we both know he’d rip your head off. Now

that I think about it, you know all of them, and any one of them wouldn’t be pleased you are

lusting after their men. Please tell me it is not one of your business partners.”

“I can’t tell you that.”

“For God’s sake, Gregory, why did you have to become attached to one of them?” Clint

clenched his fists. “We don’t have to tell anyone. If you slip up and they find out and any one

of them tries to hurt you, I will fuck them up bad.”

“What are you going to use? Jujutsu, Tai Chi, Kung Fu or one of the other fighting

styles you know? No one would think in such a slender frame you could do some serious

damage.” Gregory teased. “Protect me, little bro.”

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“I’d use Krav Maga. Maybe I’d bring Mom too, since she’s the one who taught me to

fight.” Clint lifted his head, sticking his nose in the air. “Humph, teasing me about being

slender, again. I can’t help it if I could technically eat a horse and gain no w


“Why would you want to eat a horse?” Gregory asked deadpan.

“Ass, you know I don’t mean it literally.” Clint smacked him upside the head.

“I know. If you pull out Krav Maga, I know you plan to kick some major ass.” Gregory

smiled, putting his hand on Clint’s shoulder. “It wouldn’t be necessary. The partner I want

doesn’t have any one.” He scowled. “At least that I know of.”

“All of them—” Clint stopped then he hooted. “Braden. You’re attracted to Braden. I

was wondering how you could be attracted to any of them, but with him I can see it. From

what I’ve heard about him, the two of you would fit.”

“But I’m not gay.” That was the point that kept bothering him. “I only want him.”

“Of course I know you’re not gay. Hello, childhood friend here as well as wingman.”

Clint pointed to himself. “I’ve been with you when you’ve picked up women.”

“But if I want him, shouldn’t I be gay?” Gregory rubbed his hand over his face. He was

struggling to understand why he was feeling this way when he never had before. “I

researched and heard that some people can be gay just for one person.”

“Forget that you ever heard that. It’s a label, and I hate labelling shit. It doesn’t matter if

you’re gay, straight or wanna shit rainbows. You like him and want to be with him. Don’t

label it, just go after him.”

“I don’t understand why you are so accepting of me telling you this.” Gregory shook

his head. “Someone else would be asking all sorts of questions, since until now I’ve been


“I’m not like most folks. By all accounts you are still straight. Which, by the way, is

another label.” Clint gripped his shoulder. “I’m about to impart some of my Jacobs Wisdom

on you. Listen closely. You’re not a label. You’re attracted to what makes Braden who he is. It

isn’t about his gender, but about what is innately him. That essence that is so deep inside that

you see it and want to make it yours. So fuck anyone else who wants to question it, to label it,

and just be you. Be that easy-going Gregory, and go after him.”

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“This is why I came to you. For some of that Jacobs Wisdom.” Gregory chuckled. “You

really need to come up with a better name for your advice. Maybe something that doesn’t

sound so—”

“Sound like if you cut off letters and don’t pronounce it correctly it comes out as Jacobs

Wiz. Makes me think that I need to take a whiz.” Clint cackled.

“And you call my jokes lame.” Gregory couldn’t help but laugh too. “You have a

warped sense of humour.”

“Like an old riddled punching bag that’s taken too many hits.” Clint wiggled his

eyebrows then got serious. “So do you need me to be your wing man?”

“No…maybe.” Gregory blew out a breath. “I don’t know what I should do.”

“Now who’s a big fat liar.” Clint clicked his tongue. “You already know what you’re

going to do. What I can’t figure out is, what’s holding you back?”

“How am I going to tell my dad?” Gregory rubbed the back of his neck. “Tell him that

I’m involved with a man.”

“See, you already are thinking of yourself involved with Braden. That means you know

what you are going to do.” Clint studied him then asked in a quiet voice, “Why do you think

your dad would have a problem with you being with Braden?”

“All my life I’ve dated females. My dad knows that, but now I’m going to be dating a

man. How does someone even tell their parent such a thing?”

“I did it,” Clint said softly. “And when I told my mom, she was cool with it. Hell, your

dad was too. When I needed to have the talk about sex and my mom did it, after she talked

to me, your dad had one with me too. He said he knew how men thought, since he was one,

and wanted me to be prepared for it. God, I was so embarrassed to not just have one but two

sex talks.”

“He talked to you about sex.” Gregory shook his head. “I didn’t know that.”

“Of course you didn’t. You know your dad, he doesn’t like to show his emotion, but

you know he loves you.” Clint smiled. “If it wasn’t for Mom finally making a move on him,

they would still be friends and neighbours instead of married.”

“What? Your mom went after my dad to…” Gregory couldn’t even say it.

“Yep. She sure did.” Clint patted his shoulder. “When a Jacobs knows what they want,

they go after it. Your dad never stood a chance. I really don’t think you have to worry about

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him having a problem about you and Braden. Even if he did, I know that won’t stop you

from pursuing Braden.”

“It wouldn’t. I just don’t want our relationship to change.”

“It is always changing. When you were a kid you were one way, now an adult another

and so on and so on. It changes. It’s just a matter of going with that change and moving

forward, whichever way it leads.” Clint leaned against him. “Now, what are you going to do

to let Braden know you are interested?”

“No clue.” Gregory sighed. “But I know it will be soon that I will do something.

Enough about me. Let’s go celebrate your upcoming job. Have you told your mom and my

dad yet?”

“Nope. I will tell them at Sunday dinner.” Clint rolled his eyes. “That is perfect to show

what I mean about change. Mom and I met on Saturdays, but now since we’re having them

together, it’s on Sundays, like you all used to have.”

“I get it.” Gregory stood and pulled Clint up. “Now get your shoes and let’s go.”

Clint stuck his tongue out. “Bossy.”

“That’s Big Brother Bossy to you.” Gregory gave him a nudge.

Clint chuckled as he went to get his shoes. Gregory slid his hand into his pockets,

thinking about what was the best approach to take with Braden. Even with his easy-going

persona, Braden would be shocked. Gregory hoped he wouldn’t turn him away. He just had

to make sure he approached Braden in a manner so he could lay out all his reasons. Yeah,

that was how he would do it.

“Feed me,” Clint demanded.

Gregory laughed and they left to get some food. Throughout the time with Clint, his

thoughts kept turning to Braden. Later, as he turned onto Corbett Place, he still had Clint

with him. They were going to his place to watch movies and have some fun together.

“Maybe next time we can go to the game store on Kenyon Avenue that Mace told me

about,” Gregory said.

“You’d better make time for us to go soon. From the glowing way you’ve been talking

about this Westfall Games & Teasers place, they sound like any gamer’s dream.”

“They are. They have everything from the brain teasers to blowing shit up. They have

various tournaments for various gamers.” Gregory made the turn into his drive.

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When he parked his truck in front of his bungalow, he glanced at the white antebellum

mansion close by.

“It’s convenient that you all live so close to each other. That way if you want some late

night nookie, you don’t have far to go,” Clint said.

“It’s not just about sex with Braden.” Gregory glared at him.

“I know that. But believe me you will appreciate the closeness of his place when you’re

horny.” Clint leered. “Driving with a hard-on to get laid is no fun.”

Gregory thought about it and nodded emphatically. “Damn right.”

Clint laughed as he got out.

“I remember this one time I almost got pulled over for speeding.” Gregory exited then

grabbed his messenger bag. “I was praying the cop wouldn’t see my erection.”

Clint went up the drive still chuckling. Gregory joined him as he followed. He went up

the steps to the door and opened it.

“I’m glad that you’re laughing,” a man said from the shadows of Gregory’s porch

before he stepped into the light.

Immediately Gregory went hard as he stared into green eyes. Braden smiled and

Gregory caught his breath, staring into his eyes.

“I’m Clint, and I’ll be inside,” Clint spoke, drawing his attention.

Clint was already disappearing from view into the house. Gregory couldn’t for a

moment think what to say. He looked back at Braden.

“That was Clint.”

“Your best friend.” Braden leaned against the railing of the porch. “None of us have

met him. If I recall, he’s been away and recently returned to Hollisville.”

“Yes.” Gregory couldn’t form any other words at the moment.

“So you went to him when you left work earlier. I was worried when you left.” Braden

crossed his arms over his chest. “And was even more so when I got home about an hour ago

and didn’t see your SUV. I’m glad he was able to help you with whatever was bothering


“Yeah, talking with Clint helped.” Gregory stepped closer to Braden. “But he can’t help

me with what is bothering me. Only you can.”

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“Me?” Braden lowered his arms. “Whatever you need. Someone to listen or anything, I

am here for you, Gregory.”

“I—” He fought to get the words out.

“Talk to me.” Braden stepped close and put his hand on his shoulder.

As Braden touched him, Gregory shuddered, need coursing through him. Braden’s

brow furrowed.


“Screw words.” Gregory stepped closer to Braden and kissed him.

Braden stiffened and Gregory chanted in his head. Come on, come on. Don’t push me away.

Kiss me back.

Braden softened and his arms came around Gregory, his touch tentative.

Yes. Now open to me.

Braden opened his lips and Gregory almost yelled with victory. Instead, he stroked his

tongue deep inside Braden’s mouth. His knees went weak as he tasted Braden—he tasted

even better than Gregory had thought he would. He’d thought about this moment for so

long, Gregory wondered if he was imagining it. Braden took over the kiss and Gregory

groaned as he accepted that it was oh so very real. Braden pushed deep within his mouth

and made a humming sound. Gregory felt like the sound went straight to his cock and

squeezed it. He widened his stance and moved closer to Braden. When he felt Braden’s cloth-

clad erection against his own, Gregory didn’t freak out as he’d been afraid he would. He

wanted so much more with Braden. He pressed closer, rocking against Braden. Braden

pulled back, pushing Gregory away.

“What the fuck are you doing?” Braden breathed harshly, staring at him, his eyes wide.

“Kissing you.” Gregory licked his lips. “And you kissed me back. You’re hard.” He

pointed to Braden’s tented jeans and grinned. “You’re attracted to me.”

“You kissed me. I haven’t had sex in a while, so yeah, I responded and got hard.”

Braden averted his gaze.

Braden’s words were a dagger to Gregory’s heart, but when Braden couldn’t look at

him, he knew the truth.

“Liar.” Gregory stepped towards him.

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“You’re my friend, Gregory.” Braden stood his ground, meeting his gaze, his face

drawn and eyes cool. “You’re not gay.”

“No. But I want you.” Gregory took a breath then spoke from his gut. “I’ve wanted you

for months but didn’t know what to do about it. I’m not good with words, Braden. All I

know is that somewhere along the way, my friend became more than that to me.”

“Next you’ll tell me that you want to fuck Niall or Enrique too,” Braden said. His tone

matched his expression.

“Yuck. Fuck no.” Gregory closed his eyes briefly. “Damn, why would you put that

image in my head. That’s just nasty.” He shuddered. “I don’t want them.”

“So you just want me, huh?” Braden said in the same emotionless tone. “All of a

sudden you’re just gay for me. Only problem—there is no such thing.”

“No label.” Gregory held his hand open and grinned. “I want you and, Braden, I get

what I want. Think about it. I know it is a little shocking.”

Braden gave him a look of disbelief.

Gregory amended, “Okay, a big shock. But once you think about it, maybe you’ll give

me a chance?” He backed away cautiously, watching Braden.

“I don’t need to think about it.”

Gregory stopped, hope filling him.

“Gay for you, or even if you don’t want to label it…it is a myth. I don’t do myths.”

Braden turned away.

“That’s a good thing, since I’m not a myth.” Gregory refused to give up. “I’m a man. A

man who wants you.” Gregory winced as he said the words. “Damn, that was cheesy.”

“It was.”

“But still true.” Gregory took a step towards Braden then another. “And I wasn’t the

only one who participated in our kiss. Not the only one who got hard”—Gregory reached

around Braden and cupped his cock through his clothing—“from it. Your mind might be

saying no, but your body says yes.”

Braden pushed into his touch then stilled. “Another cheesy thing.”

“It is also still true.”

Braden removed his hand then held it as he turned. “Why are you doing this,


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“You. I want you to be mine.” Gregory snorted. “God, I’m turning into a sap.”

“Maybe.” Braden smiled, but it was sad. “Experimenting with your sexuality is normal,

but I won’t help you.”

“Good. Because I’m not experimenting.” Gregory held up a finger to stop Braden from

speaking. “Instead of saying no, think about it.”

Gregory pulled his hand out of Braden’s and hurried inside his house, closing the door

before he could say anything else. He paused by the front door and glanced out of the side

glass pane. Braden stood on the porch then turned and walked away.

“What are you looking at?” Clint asked behind him.

Gregory jumped not having heard him approach. “Damn, you scared me.” He looked

again outside then turned. “Watching Braden.”

“Why?” Clint lifted his bottle of soda and took a drink.

“I kissed him and told him I wanted him.” Gregory shrugged. “He doesn’t know what

to do about it.”

Clint spat out his soda then said, “You did what?”

“I already said what I did.”

“Why would you just kiss him and tell him you wanted him? I thought you would

work up to it?” Clint asked. “He had no idea you were interested, Gregory. And to believe

that you actually are is going to be hard, especially since you used to date women. He’s not

going to want to get his heart messed with. He’ll think you are using him to experiment with

being gay.”

Gregory bit his lip as Clint said the same thing Braden had. “That’s not what I’m


“I know that, but he needs to too.”

“Did I mess up my chances?” Gregory said. “I’ll go fix it.”

No!” Clint grabbed his arm and led him towards the living room. “Let him think it

over. Then you can talk to him another day. Set up the movie and I’ll be back.”

“Where are you going?” Gregory asked absently as he went to the movie cabinet.

“Bathroom.” Clint left the room.

Gregory opened the doors then stared at the movies, really not focused on them. He

hoped he hadn’t ruined his chances with Braden.

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* * * *

Braden strode into his house and slammed the door. He turned and put his hand, palm

open, on the closed door, bracing himself against the surface. “Fuck. Why’d you go and do

that, Gregory?”

Braden couldn’t even fathom why Gregory would kiss him. You kissed him back and

ground against him too. He had and he couldn’t even explain why he’d done that. Until this

moment, he’d never even imagined Gregory in a sexual way. He’d had Gregory in the same

category he had his other close friends, Niall and Enrique. Hell, he’d never think about

wanting to fuck them. But that one kiss makes you want to bend Gregory over and fuck him until

you both would feel it for days.

“Damn it, where is this coming from?” Braden slapped his hands on the door.

The doorbell rang, making him jerk his hands away and stare. The bell sounded again.

Braden steadied himself. Knowing Gregory as he did, he was on the other side of the door.

He opened the door and surprised filled him as he saw the slender man who had been with

Gregory on his porch.

“Clint Jacobs.” The man put out his hand. “I know I gave you my first name, before


“I know your name and who you are—Gregory’s best friend,” Braden said, not sure

why he was here.

“Good, then we can do away with the bullshit then.” Clint grinned and rocked back on

his heels. “Gregory is serious. And if you think of the man you know, you’d know that too,

instead of dismissing him.”

Braden frowned.

“From your look, you wonder how I knew you would do that.” Clint smirked. “Gay for

you is a myth.”

Braden scowled. “You were listening.”

“To what?” Clint looked confused.

Braden took that as he hadn’t and explained, “I told Gregory that it was a myth and I

don’t do myths.”

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“And his reply is that he isn’t a myth.” Clint lifted his hand before he could speak. “I

know Gregory well enough to know what he might have said. But as I said, he is serious.

Don’t label him or what you might have by anyone’s standard. Just go with what you want.”

Clint put up his hands and did a jig. “Another piece of Jacobs Wisdom. I am on fire today.”

He grinned. “Also, do you know what Krav Maga is?”

“No.” Braden was confused by the change in conversation.

“Look it up. That’s what will happen if you hurt Gregory.”

“Did you just threaten me?” Braden couldn’t believe the man’s audacity.

“Nope. I don’t do threats.” Clint flashed him a grin, dimples appearing on either side of

his mouth. “You might not like me now, but we’ll be good friends. I grow on people.”

“Like an unwanted itch,” Braden quipped.

“Exactly.” Clint waved then winked. “You’re a lucky man to have Gregory want you.”

There was tenderness in Clint’s voice. Braden didn’t know what to make of it.

“You want him.”

“Fuck no.” Clint made a gagging noise. “He’s my brother. Been since he was a snot-

nosed kid of seven who thought he had to protect me from a bully, since I was so much

smaller than the rest of the class. I didn’t need it. My mom started to teach me to fight and I

kicked the bullies’ asses then told Gregory to piss off. He didn’t and was persistent, so we

became friends. The next time a bully tried to beat me up, we kicked his butt together. That’s

something about Gregory—he’s someone you can be depend on to have your back.” Clint

stared at him, his gaze intent. “A man who wouldn’t use someone as an experiment.”

“Even as I said it to him, I knew he wasn’t like that,” Braden admitted reluctantly.

“A step in the right direction.” Clint turned then said over his shoulder, “Now you

need to decide if you’re ready to take the rest of them.”

He went down the steps then across the lawn to the side gate to Gregory’s place. Braden

closed the door and leaned against it.

“What am I going to do about Gregory?” Braden lifted his fingers to his lips. He stroked

across the flesh, remembering the kiss they’d shared.

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Chapter Two

Braden threw down the book he was trying to read but failing miserably. He went to

the window closest to Gregory’s place and looked out. Although he couldn’t see over the

hedges and gates, he imagined Gregory was home. Usually they spent time during the

weekend hanging out. Sometimes Niall and Enrique, or one or the other, and occasionally

their significant others joined them. Lately the others had been busy, so it had been mostly he

and Gregory.

After the kiss two days ago, Braden knew he couldn’t take being alone with Gregory.

Not with the way things had changed. At work yesterday, Braden had been grateful he’d

been able to use the excuse of work to avoid Gregory. He frowned, thinking about it and

realising Gregory hadn’t avoided him as much as he had been recently. Instead, Gregory had

sought him out, but Braden had found reasons to be elsewhere. By the end of the workday,

Braden had been on edge—he’d admit he’d left, making sure Gregory didn’t have a chance

to make plans for the weekend with him.

Now he was stuck in his house not doing anything but brooding over what had

happened. He was thinking too much. He could just let it go and keep things as they had

been before. Braden smiled, thinking of past weekends. Even when they didn’t say much to

each other while in each other’s presence, he and Gregory still had fun. Braden rubbed his

hand over his face roughly.

“God, I need to stop thinking about him.” Braden turned away from the window and

went to get dressed.

Ten minutes later, he got into his SUV and drove out of his driveway. As he passed

Gregory’s, he spotted the man outside and Braden narrowed his eyes as he slowed his

vehicle. Gregory threw his head back, laughing at something Clint said. Braden’s breath

caught at the joy on his face. He could imagine the sound and knew the infectiousness made

anyone who heard it smile. Braden rubbed his hand over his heart. “Son of a bitch, why’d

you put thoughts best left alone in my head, Gregory?”

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Gregory glanced towards his car as if he’d heard him, but Braden knew it was

impossible since he was too far away. Pressing the gas pedal, he drove on. He clenched the

wheel and tried not to think of what Gregory had done. Unconsciously, he touched his lips

then jerked his hand away, cursing himself. Braden turned on the radio and put in a CD. As

the melody of Roarke’s latest album filled the interior, Braden tried to relax. He hummed

along with the song as he headed towards his destination. The drive passed quickly and he

parked then got out of his SUV before striding down the sidewalk. He glanced at the bustling

Kenyon Avenue but then reconsidered—this was his and his friends’, including Gregory’s,

favourite shopping area that they frequented.

It’d be just my luck if Gregory shows up here, today.

Braden passed Westfall Games & Teasers and made a mental note he needed to go in

soon to get some games. But today he was after something that didn’t require him to have to

focus too much. He stopped in front of Noble’s, studying the etched glass logo on the front

window. Through the pane, he saw it wasn’t as busy as it usual was. That was good because

he didn’t feel like being social. He went to the door and pulled it open before entering the

music store. Immediately he started to bob his head to the music playing. He didn’t know

how the owner did it, but he always picked good music that would get people interested in

browsing for a while. Braden headed to the new release section, planning to browse to find

some new music. Yeah, some new music will help me relax and get my mind off things.

He flipped through the CDs and picked up the headphones to sample some of the

songs. When he found a song he liked, he put it to the side for him to buy. Soon he had a pile

beside him. Someone touched his shoulder, and Braden glanced to his left. He smiled and

pulled off the headphones.

“Hey, Taylor.” Braden shook hands with Taylor Noble, the owner of the music shop.

“Hey, Braden.” Taylor grinned. “One of my employees said you were here. I thought

for a moment Niall would be with you.”

“Nah, he isn’t here.” Braden listened then chuckled when he realised the music had

changed. “Playing one of Roarke’s albums Niall hates. You like to mess with Niall.”

“Yep. It’s even more hilarious now that he’s involved with Roarke.” Taylor chuckled.

“Especially when they come in to buy music and I put on one of the CDs he doesn’t let any of

you have. I can practically see Niall plotting ways he could use the CDs to make his, as

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Roarke likes to call it, ‘CD Art’. I love the expression he gets when I put on one of the CDs

here at the store and he can’t do anything to get rid of it. When he and Roarke come together’

Roarke trails him, singing the songs to him. It’s a hoot.” Taylor paused then said, “Where’s


“Umm…he was busy today.” Braden knew he’d asked because for the last little while

they’d been coming in together.

“Okay.” Taylor studied him and the intensity of his gaze made Braden shift.

“How’s Davey doing?” Braden asked about Taylor’s little brother, trying to change the

subject so he’d wouldn’t have to answer anything else about Gregory.

“Excited that Savage will soon be able to start giving him those guitar lessons.” Taylor

smiled wryly. “Kids never forget shit. Although Roarke promised Davey to get Savage to

give him lessons, the timing hasn’t seemed to work out. The band was wrapping up their

album then getting settled. After that, Savage had obligations—he’d agreed to play for other

musicians on their album. Savage never forgot the promise that was on his behalf. He’s been

in touch with Davey by email and sometimes by phone.”

“That’s good.” Braden picked up his CDs.

“Let me get those for you.” Taylor took them and walked towards the back of the store

where he usually checked people out. There were different check out areas placed

throughout the store, but Taylor favoured the one in the back.

Braden followed him. “Have you got any new vinyl I should look at?”

“Yeah. Let me show you.” Taylor made a left into one of the aisles and Braden


They stopped before the vinyl record section, and Taylor set down the CDs and flipped

through the albums. Noble’s had a great collection of records. People who had them and no

longer wanted them knew they would get a good price if they sold them to the shop. That

was good for collectors like him, because he was always on the lookout for a great music. He

loved the sound that records had.

“Here it is.” Taylor handed it to him then gave him another one. “And this would be

one Gregory would like. Just got them in today and I was going to call you both to come get


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Braden took both, not telling him to hold Gregory’s for him. When either of them came

to the store without the other, if there was something they liked that Taylor knew of, it was

the norm for him to give it to whoever it was. Since Taylor knew they were good friends, it

would seem weird if Braden said no. Taylor picked up the other music then they continued

on to the counter. Once there, Taylor checked him out. As he watched him, Braden bit his

lips, debating. Taylor was a friend of his too—not as close as Niall, Enrique or Gregory, but

still a friend. Braden also knew he was good at giving sound advice. He handed over his

credit card then waited for the receipt.

When Taylor handed him it and the bag Taylor arched an eyebrow. “Something is

bothering you.”

“How do you know?”

“Usually you’re talking about the new music you got. Then after that you’d be trying to

convince me to let you invest some more of my money.” Taylor smiled. “Explaining to me

about having a nest egg and planning for retirement. Also, when we were looking at the

albums, you didn’t look yourself and started to mutter about the albums. You mutter when

you get passionate about a topic, and I’ve come to expect that from you. Music and money

are the two that you usually find a way to work in.” Taylor braced his hand on the counter.

“So what’s wrong?”

“It’s noth—” Braden blew out a breath. “If you have a moment, I’d like to ask you a

hypothetical question.”

“Sure, I have time.” Taylor gestured. “Do you want to go to the office?”

“Okay.” Braden followed Taylor as he led the way.

When they were inside and Taylor closed the door, the sound from the store was cut

off. From past visits, Braden knew the room was soundproof and that there were video

cameras set up so Taylor could keep an eye on store while he was in office.

Taylor sat on the couch closest to the door and Braden slumped in the armchair, setting

his bag on the floor next to it. They were silent for a while, then Braden glanced at Taylor.

“It can’t be that bad,” Taylor said.

“It might be. It could change things.” Braden rolled his shoulders. “What would you do

if someone you know who isn’t gay tells you they want you? They are gay for you.”

“There is no such thing.” Taylor leant back on the couch.

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“Exactly.” Braden leaned lower in the chair and tried to define what he was feeling after

hearing Taylor agree with him.

“‘Gay for you’ is a pretty phrase that people like to use.” Taylor shrugged.

Anger and regret filled him. Although he hadn’t wanted to even contemplate it, Clint

coming to see him had made him not just dismiss Gregory as he had planned. He’d decided

to think about them possibly being together—that maybe the idea hadn’t been so out of the

realm of possibility. But it kept coming back to the whole Gregory wasn’t gay thing and that

was what had him hesitating. Now to have Taylor see what he did and not as Clint had tried

to convince him of that, it wasn’t an experiment.

“It’s actually that the person wants who you are, despite the gender. It’s that they are

drawn to what innately makes you, you.” Taylor stared at him. “It’s easier to label it as ‘gay

for you’, but it really isn’t, in my opinion, that. It shouldn’t have to be defined for you or

whoever this person is. You and they can set what you all want it to be. Just like any

relationship, you and the individual set what your expectations are.”

“It’s not that easy.” Braden leant forward.

“Why wouldn’t it be?”

“Beca—” Braden couldn’t think of any reason it couldn’t be. Then he yelled, “He’s not


“But he is gay for you,” Taylor said gently.

“You just said there is no such thing. That it’s just a pretty label of something that

doesn’t need one.” Braden pointed at him. “Now you’re backtracking on that. What about

what you said?”

“I still stand by what I said.” Taylor leant forward, mirroring him. “But you seem to be

hung up on one word—gay. It makes me wonder if there isn’t something else that makes you

afraid to give whoever it is a chance.”

“What if it doesn’t work?” Braden bit his lip then shook his head. “I can’t chance that.”

“What if it doesn’t? So what? Things happen. People date, and it doesn’t always lead to

happy ever after.” Taylor tapped his finger on the seat beside him. “Do you want to regret

not trying with this person because it might not work out? What if your not being willing to

try makes you miss out on something wonderful?”

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“I’d regret not trying,” Braden said, then he muttered, “But what if I do then it crashes

and burns?. Then where would I be? Damn it, I don’t know.”

“Well there is your muttering. That to me signals you are passionate about whoever this

is already. So all you need to ask yourself is—are you willing to pass up a chance at

something great because of ‘what if’?”

Braden stared at him then sighed. “Why’d you have to ask me that? Now I’m going to

keep thinking about what you said. I was trying to clear my head from thinking about what

couldn’t be.”

“Change that to might be, then you’ll be on the right track.” Taylor rose and touched his

shoulder, squeezing it gently then going past him.

Braden stared off into space. Taylor returned and held out a CD to him.

“Here’s a little something to help you think.”

Braden took it then looked at the title and image on it. “You’re a bad, bad man. You

know Niall is going to find this CD then make me some trinket, since I shouldn’t have

Roarke’s music he deems not good.”

“I know.” Taylor laughed evilly. “Why do you think I keep ordering more of those

albums Niall hates? It’s so much fun fucking with Niall.”

Braden laughed and put the CD in his bag. He rose then impulsively hugged Taylor.

Taylor stiffened briefly before returning it.

“Thanks.” Braden stepped back. “Talking with you helped.”

“Glad I could.” Taylor walked towards the office door.

Braden strolled beside him and they went out to the store. More people had come in

and were browsing.

“See you soon.” Braden lifted his hand.

“Definitely.” Taylor slid his hands into the pockets of his jeans.

Braden walked away, skirting people as he headed for the door. Moments later, he was

outside and went rapidly to his vehicle. Once he was headed home, Braden couldn’t get what

Taylor had said out of his head. He thought of the pros and cons of getting involved with

Gregory as more than friends. By the time he arrived home, he still didn’t have any answers.

Braden parked, got out then went next door. He noticed that Gregory’s vehicle wasn’t in the

drive. He went up the steps and took out the album before he placed it against the front door

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then retraced his steps to his house. Inside, he went to the living room and back to the

window he’d been standing at before he’d gone to the music store. He placed the bag with

music on the window seat and crossed his arms over his chest.

Braden touched his lips but again jerked his hand away. Am I willing not to try because of

a what if? Braden had no clue, and he didn’t know what could possibly make him decide to

take a chance on ruining a friendship with Gregory.

Why would you think it would be ruined? Maybe it will grow and become so much more. He

couldn’t resist stroking his finger over his lip, imagining Gregory’s kiss.

* * * *

Braden touched his lips softly but cursed silently and stopped himself. He’d been doing

that for the last week. Reliving the kiss he and Gregory had shared. It was foolish and best

forgotten, yet Braden couldn’t seem to.

“Now who is avoiding who?” Gregory demanded behind him.

Braden glanced towards him, startled since he hadn’t heard him come in. “Umm…my

door was closed and locked.”

“Yeah, I know that usually means you are working on something and don’t want to be

disturbed.” Gregory held up the key for Braden’s lab. “But I used this, since I know you’re

probably just avoiding me.”

“I am,” Braden said. “I can’t just change my way of thinking to believe you want me.

That because of me, you want to try being gay.”

“I want to try being with you. If that make me gay then fine. I want a relationship,


“We only kissed once and you already want a relationship.” Braden shook his head.

“See, that’s what I mean. You can’t just say things like that and expect me to accept it as fact.

We haven’t even been on a date.”

“Technically no. But I’ve known you for a few years. How many times have we eaten

together? Either in a group or just with each other. Hung out.”

“A lot.”

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“Yes. And we’ve got to know each other, and things about each other. Maybe not the

more intimate things that couples do, but we can build on that.” Gregory came close to him.

But only if you give me a chance. Give us a chance.”

“I thought you weren’t good with words,” Braden retorted.

“Usually I’m not, but I felt you needed to hear it.”


“Braden, what are you so afraid of?” Gregory’s eyes narrowed. “In all the time I’ve

known you, I’ve seen you date people. Some were quick then others for a while, so what is so

different about doing that with me? Just dating.”

“Because those didn’t matter. This would matter.” Braden paused, eyes wide, then he

said softly, “You would matter, and if it didn’t work, it would break me.”

“Oh, Br—”

A ding sounded and Braden turned away, feeling laid bare. He glanced at the computer

and saw the meeting notification. “We’ve got to go. Meeting with the partners.” He stood.


“Leave it alone, Gregory,” Braden said firmly then went past him without looking at


Gregory didn’t say anything further as he walked beside him. They went to Enrique’s


The other partners were already there. Braden took a seat at the table between Enrique

and Niall, although there were open ones so he and Gregory could have sat together as they

usually did. Enrique and Niall looked between him and Gregory askance. Alistair didn’t, but

Braden knew he’d noticed too—nothing got past Ash, and though he might not comment or

acknowledge it now, he eventually would. Enrique started the meeting. Braden listened

absently but didn’t say much and neither did Gregory. The time seemed to drag as they went

through the things on their agenda.

Finally Niall said, “Is there anything else?”

Braden got ready to leave. Usually there wasn’t, since they often had more informal

meetings when they needed to. They had covered everything.

“Yes,” Gregory said then rose. “I have something.”

The others seemed as surprised as Braden felt when they looked at Gregory.

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“It matters to me and if it didn’t work it would break me too, Braden,” Gregory said

softly. “But I’m still willing to take the chance for there to be an us.”

The tone was so unlike him, Braden noticed the others looked between the two of them.

Gregory walked out. Braden gripped his hands together, not sure what to say or do.

“Why are you still sitting there?” Ash asked.

Braden met his gaze and saw his smug smile. “What? Why are you smiling?”

“You should go after him. And this smile is because I won a bet with Kincaid.”

“You bet on me and Gregory.” Braden sat forward. “I didn’t even know how he felt

until a week ago. How did you know?”

“I bet that Gregory being out of sorts was about someone—although I thought it would

be a female—and not something. Like Kincaid and the others thought.”

Braden was still not sure what he was talking about.

“Gregory went for advice from Mace and he’s been worried, so he asked Aidan—” that

was Gregory’s other mentor and Kincaid’s brother—“if Gregory had talked to him. It got

back to Kincaid and the family. They have all been concerned because usually Gregory

doesn’t act as he has been.”

“Aiden never said anything to me,” Enrique—Aiden’s partner—said.

“Because they thought it was that Gregory was planning to become a teacher at the

University of Hollisville, as he had originally planned. Aidan didn’t want to be the one to tell

you but let Gregory do it.”

“He’s not going anywhere,” Braden said firmly.

“I know. And I have known because I’ve seen Gregory working here. He is where he

wants to be.” Ash laced his fingers together, the smug smile still on his lips. “So thus I made

the wager and now I have won since I am right.”

“Fuck the wager.” Niall slammed his hand on the table. “I want to know when this

happened. Why didn’t you tell us, Braden?”

Braden heard the concern behind Niall’s words. “I just found out myself. I’ll—”

“Gregory dates women.” Niall shook his head. “Getting involved with a man who

dates women is a b—” Niall rolled his eyes. “Fuck, who am I to talk? Roarke is bi and used to

date women before me.”

“I don’t think Gregory has ever dated a man before,” Enrique said.

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Enrique had met Gregory first, before introducing him to the others.

“He hasn’t.” Braden was sure of that. “He just wants me.”

“Really?” Niall smirked. “What have you two been up to all those times you were

‘working late’?” Niall snickered.

“Not that.” Braden punched him in the shoulder. “Pervert.”

“Yeah, yeah and proud of it.” Niall’s expression became serious. “What are you going

to do?”

“At least talk to him. Beyond that, I have no idea.” Braden rose.

“Whatever happens, we’re here,” Enrique said, touching his arm.

Niall touched the other one.

Braden nodded to his two friends then glared at Ash. “Whatever you won, I want half.”

“I think Gregory would have a problem with that.” Ash’s smile was devilish. “King

would too.”

“Never mind. I’ll think of something for you to do for me since it was because of me

you won the wager.” Braden left the room.

In the hall, he paused before he went to Gregory’s office. The door was open and

Braden went in. Gregory was sitting behind his desk, partially turned, gazing out of the

window. Braden closed the door and Gregory looked at him. The desire in Gregory’s eyes

made Braden harden. He walked over to him before going around the desk. Gregory turned

his chair towards him. Braden leaned against the desk and stared down at him.

“I was all prepared to come in here and say I’d think about it. Give me some time.”

Gregory sat forward, pleasure filling his face.

“But I can’t.”

Gregory slumped in the chair and averted his head. Braden leant forward and made

him look at him.

“I can’t, because I’m going to go with what I’ve come to realise that I want. That’s a

chance with you. I want to go out with you tonight on a real date.” Braden watched as

Gregory’s eyes filled with joy. “Yes, we know each other, but I want to get to know those

intimate things. The ones couples find out about each other.” Braden stood and moved to

stand before him. “Such as—I like moments where I can just be with someone, close and

holding each other.”

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“I’ll go out with you. You’re a cuddler.” Gregory chuckled. “I’d already figured you



“You’re always touching people you care about. The first one to give someone a hug

when they need it.” Gregory pulled him down into his lap and in his arms. “I wonder if your

hugs will feel different since we’re going to be involved.”

“Let me know.” Braden slid his arms around him and hugged him tight.

“Ummm…yes it feels like more.” Gregory chuckled. “There I go again being sappy.”

“I’m going to enjoy the sap now because I know you’re not going to be sappy all the

time.” Braden stared at him. “And last time you kissed me, I didn’t get to truly enjoy it. I was

too surprised.”

“Let’s try that again.” Gregory leaned closer and pressed his lips to Braden’s.

Braden opened and groaned as Gregory’s tongue slid into his mouth. Gregory kissed

him with surety—like they had been kissing forever. That sounded like a good idea to

Braden. He did hope that they would have that…forever. Yes, it was too soon to be thinking

that way since they hadn’t even dated yet. But as Gregory said, they already knew a lot about

each other as friends. Now it was time to take it to the next level. He leaned against Gregory

and enjoyed each swipe of his tongue and the taste of him.

“No nookie in the office,” Niall said.

“Niall, we only came to check on them since it was so quiet.” Enrique laughed. “I didn’t

think they would be kissing.”

“I think Gregory was trying to swallow his tongue.” Niall sounded like he was closer.

Braden lifted from their kiss. “Stay right where you are.” He glared at Niall “No

inspecting to see if I still have my tongue.”

“Well, since you are using it, you obviously have it,” Niall said, still getting closer.

“Sometimes I want to knock Niall out.” Braden sighed. “Especially when I’m kissing


“Hey, it’s a new thing,” Niall said.

Braden looked to him and saw he was leaning on the desk. He turned his head and as

he expected, Enrique was on the other side.

“Come on, guys.”

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“Uh-uh,” Niall said, and pulled him from Gregory’s lap. “Now that Gregory is going to

date you, we need to know his intentions. You know the drill.”

“But as you said, you know him. You don’t need to interrogate him,” Braden protested.

“We do. For Enrique, we ran a background check on Aidan and questioned him when

he met us.” Niall pushed him gently away from the desk. “You all did the same to Roarke.

Now it’s Gregory’s turn. Now go and find something to do. Gregory will be fine.” Niall


Braden recognised what the smile meant and didn’t think leaving Gregory alone with

them would be a good idea.

“I’ll be fine,” Gregory said. “Go on and figure out where you’re taking me tonight.”

Braden took him at his word and went to do just that.

* * * *

Braden wiped his hand on his dark blue slacks then went up the steps to Gregory’s

front door. He pressed the bell and waited for him to open. Braden smoothed the front of his

light blue shirt then tugged on his open vest. The door opened and he relaxed as he met the

mischievous look in Gregory’s indigo eyes. It was going to be fine. This was a man he knew

and although they were trying to date, that didn’t change who they were—friends. He

reminded himself that he and Gregory had a lot in common. Gregory’s smile was that easy-

going smile he usually had on his full lips. Braden studied the big, rugged man who wasn’t

just handsome, but someone he could count on. The pale cream shirt unbuttoned at the neck

with the dark brown jacket and matching slacks fit Gregory well.

“You look good,” Braden blurted out.

“I clean up nice. Although I prefer jeans and a T-shirt.” Gregory laughed that robust

laugh he had. “Dad knows that, so he drags me out to get some dressy duds, as he says. Just

so I have them if I ever need them.” He lifted his arms. “This is as dressy as I get.”

“I’m the same. Casual is better for me.” Braden smiled. “But there are moments dressy

is good. Moments like this. Niall is the one who drags me and Enrique to get fancier clothing.

Although he says it pains him when he does.” Braden snickered. “We give him a hard time

when we go. It’s fun to see that pained look he gets on his face. He has a fit when I always

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want to get dressy sandals instead of loafers or something to wear with my clothing.” Braden

looked at his sandals then back to Gregory and grinned. “He’s doesn’t buy me loafers

anymore. Although he still bitches about my wearing them with my fancy duds.”

“I don’t mind loafers in cases like this. Otherwise sneakers, or barefoot as often as I can

be. Maybe next time we should let Niall and my dad go buy us fancy clothing and stay

home.” Gregory thought about it. “Nah. I wouldn’t do that to either one of them. My dad

only does it because he figures if he doesn’t, I wouldn’t. I wouldn’t want him to get stuck

with Niall shopping for clothing.”

“True. Niall can be intense when he shops.” Niall was a fashion-plate. “Your dad is a

level-headed guy, and I wouldn’t set Niall on a shopping spree loose on him.”

“Dad is…” Gregory looked contemplative.

“What’s wrong?”

“I have to tell my dad about you.”

“You don’t have to,” Braden said. He knew Gregory’s dad but as Gregory’s friend, not

someone who was dating his son.

“Let me rephrase that. I want to tell my dad about you.” Gregory touched his arm.

Braden didn’t let the pleasure he felt at hearing that show. “We’re just going on our first


“Stop, I already know where I want this to go. Even if we try and it fizzles out, I don’t

think it will be for a while.” Gregory cupped the back of his neck. “And I’m not going to hide

or lie about you to anyone. Neither are you. Okay.”

Although it wasn’t a question, Braden answered anyway. “Okay. Are you ready for


“Sure. Where are we going?” Gregory stepped outside.

Braden stepped back then moved forward. He couldn’t wait any longer. Sliding his

hands along Gregory’s cheeks, he felt the slight stubble from his five o’clock shadow. He’d

always been fascinated by the way Gregory could be clean shaven in the morning but by

later in the day, he had scruff on his face. He pressed a soft kiss to his lips, feeling the hair

above Gregory’s lips against his. Braden moaned and kissed him, moving his mouth to open

Gregory’s then stroking his tongue in. Gregory held him around the waist, returning his kiss.

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Regretfully, Braden pulled back, knowing they couldn’t get carried away or they would be

late for their reservation.

“We’ve got to go. Oh, we’re going to Savor.” Braden pressed another quick kiss on his

lips then stepped back.

“Savor! How did you get a reservation at that place?”

“Ash, I asked him to help me as payment for the bet he won because of me. He knows

the owner, Paul Warner. He’s the one who owns all the Warner hotel and resorts?”

“Yeah, I’ve stayed at them when I’ve travelled.” Gregory closed the door and they

walked down the steps.

They parted at Braden’s brown Ford Explorer Sport. Braden went to the driver’s side

while Gregory to the passenger. In moments, they were in the vehicle and on their way.

“Check the glove compartment.” Braden smiled.

Gregory did and pulled out a CD then laughed. “Niall must not know you have one of

Roarke’s albums he hates.”

“I bought it earlier today.” Braden shook his head. “I’m going to listen to it as long as I

can before he finds it.”

“I don’t know how he does it.” Gregory put the CD in and the music came on. “How

does he always seem to know when someone has one of Roarke’s albums so he can get rid of


“No clue. He just does. He has Roarke sense.” Braden laughed. “And he’s dating

Roarke too. Drives him crazy when they practise the music he hates. They have sound

cancelling earphones for him.”

“Crazy.” Gregory leant back in the passenger seat. “We all are crazy. That’s why we’re


“Yep.” Braden took one hand off the wheel and put it on seat between them. “And you

and I are trying for more.”

“Yes.” Gregory put his hand over his.

They drove like that the rest of the way while they talked about friends, work and

various other topics. Braden enjoyed the level of comfort they had. He’d thought it would be

weirder for them, and maybe uncomfortable, but it wasn’t. Their conversation continued into

their delicious dinner, dessert and as they headed back home. Braden pulled up into his

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driveway then they got out and headed to Gregory’s. He held Gregory’s hand while they

walked up his drive to his house. Once they arrived at his door, Braden stood staring at


“I had a real—”

Gregory kissed him urgently, cutting him off. Braden held onto him as Gregory backed

him up against the door. He lifted Braden and pressed forward, moving against him.

Braden’s cock, which had been semi-erect all night, hardened, then he lost himself for a

moment in the pleasure. Gregory moaned, making his tongue vibrate under the sound.

Braden pulled away and pushed at him. “Stop.”

Gregory did, blinking open passion-glazed eyes. Braden almost gave in when he saw it,

but then he pushed down his need.

“I want to take our time. Get to know each other,” Braden said.

You’re so full of shit. You want to fuck him here and now but want to be sure he knows what he

is getting into before you have sex. Yeah, he wanted to do that too, because he wanted Gregory

to be sure.

“How long?” Gregory was disappointed.

“There is no time limit.” Braden rubbed his hand along his shoulder. “Let’s just let it

play out as it will.”

“Fine.” Gregory sighed but smiled. “I’m going to kiss you a lot. Push to get to the next

step, but will back off and slow down when you say.”

Oh, boy. I hope my control can handle it.

* * * *

Braden looked at the walls of video games, but his attention was really on Gregory. As

it had been for the last seven weeks of their dating, if Gregory was near, Braden could sense

it and seemed to become in tune with his every move. When they were at work, they made

sure to try to remain professional. Gregory bit his lip as he looked at the shelves filled with

games, and Braden could almost imagine what he was thinking. Which one would he get?

Braden, on the other hand, could only focus on the bottom lip Gregory had between his

teeth. The bottom lip that Braden wanted to pull from between the teeth and kiss.

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“I’m getting these.” Gregory held up the latest Grand Theft Auto and Tom Clancy’s

Rainbow Six games. “I’m getting the Tom Clancy for my dad. He loves Tom Clancy’s books.”

“Yeah, I love his books too,” Braden replied.

“What are you getting?” Gregory asked.

Braden had no clue, since he hadn’t actually been looking at games. He did a quick

glance then picked something knowing he’d like it. “This.”

X2: Wolverine’s Revenge.”

“Hugh Jackman is sexy.” Braden smirked.

“If you say so.” Gregory laughed. “I only think you’re sexy.”

Braden rubbed his chest where a warm feeling formed, as it always did when Gregory

causally said such things.

“I’m glad we finally got to come to Westfall Games & Teasers,” Gregory said, looking

around. “Too bad Clint couldn’t make it.”

“Yeah. It’s a great place.” Braden glanced at the busy store. “Clint is going to definitely

love it here.” He’d come to know Clint and found he did like him—they had become friends.

“Let’s get him something. That way he’ll know we’re thinking of him and maybe entice him

to get his butt here.”

“He’s been busy settling into his work at James Corporation.” Gregory turned back to

the wall. “Yeah. Let’s get him something. This would work.” Gregory took the game off the


“The Lord of the Rings Online: Helm’s Deep. Why that one?”

“He’s a big Lord of the Rings fan. Loves the books and movies. Has a thing for Legolas,

which only increased when Orlando Bloom played the role in the movies.”


“Yes. If you ever watch the movies with him, don’t talk when Legolas is on the screen.

He gets really pissy.”

“I’ll remember that. Whose is your movie crush?”

“Halle Berry.” Gregory wiggled his eyebrows.


“Hello! She is a beautiful woman.” Gregory touched his cheek. “I don’t look at any

other men.”

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Braden turned his head and kissed his palm. “Charmer.”

“Just speak the truth.” Braden squeezed his shoulder. “Let’s get checked out and then

go have our lunch at Alcott’s.”

“Sounds good.” Braden turned then stopped, startled as he almost knocked into a man

behind him.

“Careful there.” The man smiled, his hazel eyes studying him, then looking beyond him

at Gregory. “Gregory, right? Mace described you and said you might be in soon. Did you

find everything you need?”

“Yes I did.” Gregory stepped forward by Braden’s side and placed his hand on

Braden’s waist. “Terrance?”

“Yep. That’s me.”

“Braden, this is Terrance Westfall. He owns the store. He’s Gabe’s cousin.”

“Nice to meet you.” Braden looked at the man again and could see the resemblance to

Gabe, although Terrance didn’t have his bulk.

“And you too…Braden. Wait, you’re one of the men Kincaid has mentioned before.”

Terrance looked between them, speculation is his gaze.

Braden saw it and tried to step away from Gregory. As far as he knew, Gregory hadn’t

told anyone but their partners, and they’d probably shared with their significant others.

Gregory held him firmly and said, “Yep. And he’s mine.”

“Okay.” Terrance chuckled. “I’ll check you out when you’re ready. Just come to the

counter.” He walked away.

Braden glanced at Gregory frowning. “Why’d you say that?”

“He was looking at you.”

“He was not,” Braden scoffed.

“Yes, he was,” Gregory retorted. “You never notice men when they do. But they do.

Let’s go.”

Gregory escorted him to the counter. Terrance checked them out and when Braden

reached for his wallet, Gregory waved it away. Braden did notice then that Terrance was

checking him out. He lowered his head and tried not to feel happy that Gregory was jealous.

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“Now that I’ve netted you in my game web, you’ll be back often.” Terrance sounded

confident. “I look forward to seeing you again, Gregory and Braden.” Terrance looked

Gregory up and down then smiled, giving them their bags.

“We’ll be back for sure. See you, Terrance.” Braden waved and they left.

When they were outside Braden said, “He was checking you out too.”

“Please, you’re just saying that because I said it.”

Braden didn’t try to convince him. They went back to Gregory’s vehicle. When they

were inside and on their way, Braden glanced at Gregory.

“He was looking, and I don’t blame him. You’re an irresistible man.” Braden touched

his arm.

“Humph, if I’m so irresistible, then why haven’t we slept together yet?” Gregory

glanced at him briefly. “Anytime we get past kissing, you stop me.”

“We’re taking it slow, remember?” Braden stroked his arm.

“That was a load of crap when you said it weeks ago, and it is today.” Gregory looked

at him again. “I let it go then but not now. You’re holding back to make sure I’m really into

being with you. I wonder what it will take for you to believe me.”

Braden didn’t know what to say.

“We’ll keep going at your speed, Braden.” Gregory shrugged. “I want you to be as sure

about this as I am.”

Braden gazed out of the window, wondering why he couldn’t just accept what Gregory

was saying. When they arrived at Alcott’s, Gregory kept the conversation going and didn’t

say anything more about Braden’s resistance to going further than they had. By the time they

went back to their homes, Braden still didn’t know. Gregory parked at his house and they got

out. As was their norm, the person who drove would escort the other home—since they had

used Gregory’s vehicle, he followed Braden home. When they arrived at Braden’s door, he

opened it and Gregory entered. He placed the bags of the games on the entryway table then

turned to Braden and started to lead the way to the living room. Braden stopped him with a

touch on his arm.

“No kissing on the couch tonight.”

“Is it because of what I said?” Gregory faced him.

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“Yes.” Braden then amended, “In a way. You’re right, I’ve been keeping myself

distanced to make sure you were sure. God, that’s a tongue twister.” He smiled then sobered.

“Trying to protect myself from you possibly changing your mind. But I’ve been foolish. Even

if you changed your mind. I’m already invested in this. In us.” He held out his hand. “No

holding back.”

Gregory’s surprised expression made Braden laugh. A surety filled him as he watched

this man he knew would mean more to him than anyone else he’d ever been with. Gregory

rushed him, picked him up and threw him over his shoulder. Braden flailed, off-kilter.

Gregory put his hands at the back of his legs and on his ass, holding him steady.

“Whoa. I have you.” He strode rapidly across the foyer then up the steps.

“Why do I feel like you are carrying me off to your cave?” Braden chuckled. “But this is

my house, so maybe instead my cave.”

“If that’s what you believe, that’s fine.” Gregory reached the landing then made the left

to his bedroom.

“I could have walked,” Braden pointed out.

“I know.” Gregory set him on his feet and kissed him.

Gregory’s previous kisses had made him want more, but this one made Braden crave

for him to take him. He grabbed Braden’s T-shirt and stripped it off, pausing only briefly to

pause in kissing him. Braden made sure to take off Gregory’s shirt. Once they were both bare

from the waist up, Braden took over the kiss. Gregory made that humming sound that

turned him on. He slid his hand under the waistband of his jeans then opened the button and

the zipper to push off Braden’s jeans and underwear. Moving his body back slightly without

releasing the kiss, Braden reached for Gregory’s jeans, quickly removing them. Once he had

them off, he stepped back into Gregory’s body.

Braden shuddered as their naked skin brushed for the first time. Gregory moaned and

rocked his erection on Braden’s. Braden widened his stance and moved with him. They

created a delicious friction, but it wasn’t enough.

“Not like this,” Gregory murmured against his lips.

“Bed.” He grabbed Gregory’s hand and pulled him with him.

He let go of his hand then opened the nightstand table. Braden took out the lube and a

condom. He dropped the lube on the bed then turned and held the condom out to Gregory.

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“No. I want you in me.”

Braden’s erection bobbed at the thought of being in him, but he shook his head. “We

can work up—”

“In me.” Gregory grabbed the back of his neck and kissed him hard then said, “I’ve

umm…been stretching myself and using a dildo to see how it feels with someone there.”

“You’ve been what?” Braden couldn’t believe it. “Did you like it?”

“Yes.” Gregory bit his lip.

“It’ll be different with a live person.”

“Yes, I hope so.” Gregory sounded so earnest.

“It will be.” Braden chuckled. “Better but also might take more preparation to accept


Gregory reached down and cupped his shaft. “We’ll figure it out.”

Braden pushed into his touch, groaning. Gregory tightened his hold, moving his hand

back and forth firmly on his member. Braden grabbed his shoulder and held on, pushing into

his grip and moaning.

“Yes. That’s it, Braden.” He kissed him, a hard peck on his lips. “I want this in me. You

taking me.”

“Yes.” Braden was powerless to resist him.

Gregory took the condom Braden had forgotten he still held. He opened it and

smoothed it on Braden’s shaft. Then he turned and stepped backward, moving them to the

bed. Gregory sat, grabbed the lube then lay down, scooting until his head was on the pillows.

He held out the lube to Braden.

“Will you get me ready?” Gregory stared at him, the trust and need in his indigo gaze

was humbling.

Braden took the tube and leaned over him, kissing him gently. He knelt between

Gregory’s legs. He placed one foot flat on the bed and canted his hips towards Braden. After

coating his fingers, Braden placed his hand under Gregory and watched his face as he

readied him. Gregory hissed as Braden stretched him, but he pushed into his touch. Each

sound and movement made Braden want him even more. He withdrew his fingers from

inside Gregory then wet them again, before putting lube on the condom. He threw the tube

aside then covered Gregory and lined up.

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“I’m tired of slow,” Gregory snapped.

Braden pushed past the ring of muscles steadily. Gregory hissed then moaned as

Braden filled him. Braden resisted the urge to plunge into him. The tight clench of his body

around him made Braden shake. Finally, when he was fully seated, Braden took a breath,

whimpering as their scents filled his nose. Unable to control himself, he pushed in and out,

moving inside Gregory. Loving each noise he made and the clench of his crease around him.


The urgency with which Braden said his name made Gregory’s cock bob. Pre-cum wet

the tip and he moaned as Braden lay on him, pinning his erection between them. Each thrust

caused friction against his member, and Gregory enjoyed the dual sensation of being filled

and his cock being rubbed. He arched into Braden, moaning, so glad to finally have him.

“Braden,” he groaned.

Braden’s gaze was fierce and he plunged into him faster and faster. The veins in his

neck stood out, and Gregory licked his lips, wanting to taste him. As if reading his mind,

Braden leaned over and kissed him. Gregory sucked his tongue in time with his movements.

The slide of Braden, in and out of him, made Gregory’s pleasure climb higher and higher.

His sac tightened and Gregory moaned, shuddering as he came. Braden came with him, and

he held him as he quivered. He collapsed on Gregory, breathing hard, nuzzling Gregory’s

neck then pressing kisses along the sweat-slicked skin.

“Ummm…keep that up and we’re going to do that again.”

Braden stopped, looking at him startled. “You can’t possibly be ready to go again.”

“Yes, I am.”

“It was your first time,” Braden pointed out. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

“Yes. But there are other things we can do.” Gregory smiled. “I’ve been researching and

there are many things I want to try…there’s frottage.”

“We’ve started to do that but didn’t finish it,” Braden said. “I’m wondering what other

things you’ve researched that you want to try.”

“I’ll let you know as we try them. One by one.” Gregory placed his hand on his cheek.

“I see lots and lots of sex in my future.”

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“Damn right.” Gregory kissed his smiling face.

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Chapter Three

Gregory lifted his beer to his mouth and couldn’t help the smile that came across his

lips. He thought of how he’d left Braden in his bed breathing hard, as he’d had to run or be

late for Sunday dinner with his family. He’d told Braden to wait for him but was sure he

would probably be drawn to his own house and work. It was a month since they had first

slept together, and they were working through what he’d researched. He didn’t tell Braden

he’d found even more stuff he wanted to experience.

“There’s something going on with you.” His dad walked up to stand beside him.

“What’s up?”

Gregory wasn’t surprised his dad could tell, but that he’d asked. He usually would wait

for Gregory to say something. He looked at his dad and, although he’d planned to tell him a

long time ago, he’d always hesitated. Until this moment, Gregory hadn’t even admitted to

himself that he had been putting it off. Shame filled him—he’d told Braden he wasn’t going

to hide, yet he hadn’t told those important to him. First he’d tell his dad, then he had some

others he needed to speak with.

“I meet someone.” Gregory let his happiness show. “And it’s serious.”

“Congrats, son.” Ted—his dad—nodded. “Lizzie thought it might be something like

that. She’s been trying to get information out of Clint, but he’s not saying anything.” Ted

chuckled. “Told her you boys share your secrets with each other and won’t tell us poor


“Guilt trip doesn’t work on me.”

“I know, damn it.” His dad shook his head. “You were always immune to it.”


“So when are you going to bring by the woman you’re serious about?” Ted crossed his

hand over his heart. “I promise not to pull out the photo albums of you as a baby with your

bare butt hanging out. Unless she asks me about seeing pictures of you.”


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“What? It’s only polite to accommodate guests.” Ted smiled and put his hand on his

shoulder. “So, why don’t you bring her by for Sunday dinner?”

Gregory took a breath and said, “I’ll do that. But it’s a he, not a she.”

His dad’s smile faded from his face and he removed his hand. “A what?”

“Male. You know him. Braden.”

“One of your business partners.” Ted stared at him. “But he’s gay and you’re not.”

“I care about him, Dad.” Gregory stared at him, wanting him to understand. “He’s the

one, like you always told me you felt for mom. And you got a second chance with Lizzie.”

“Don’t tell me that,” his dad snapped.

“Dad—” He reached for him, but Ted stepped back, turning away and shaking his

head. Gregory let his hand drop as pain filled him. He set down his beer. “I guess that’s it

then. I expected better from you, Dad. That you would accept me for me. I’m your son and

you turn your back on me and won’t even let me touch you.” Gregory turned.

“I expected my son to know me better,” his dad said in return.

“I thought I did.” Gregory gulped, refusing to cry, and walked away. He went around

the side of the house, ignoring Lizzie calling to him.

He went to his vehicle.

“Gregory, where are you going? I know I’m late, but dinner can’t be done already.”

Clint called from the porch then came towards him.

Gregory got in the SUV, then started it and lowered the window. Clint came by the

window, confusion on his face.


“You were wrong. Dad might accept you being gay. But his son dare not be involved

with a man.” His tone was bitter, and he didn’t try to contain it.


“I can’t. Not right now,” Gregory said. “I’ll talk to you later.” He backed his car out of

the drive and went down the street.

He didn’t even register the drive from his dad’s house to his own. He parked in his

drive before he got out and went up the walkway. Briefly, he glanced at Braden’s house next

to his and thought of going to him. Then he changed his mind and went to his house instead.

In moments he was inside, and the sound of the television from the living room made

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something inside him relax. He went to the doorway and stopped there looking at Braden

sprawled on the couch.

He suddenly stood and yelled, “Run you bastard. Run!”

Gregory glanced at the screen and saw he was watching football.

“Touchdown!” Braden pumped his fist then did a spin in place, stopping when he saw

him. “Gregory? You’re home early… What’s wrong?”

Gregory walked up to him and hugged him tightly. Braden hugged him and rubbed his

hand up and down his back. Gregory inhaled, taking in the scent of Braden. Some of the pain

eased. As long as he had him, he would be fine. Gregory released him and kissed him gently

before turning away.

“Finish your game. I’m going to lie down.” He left the room before Braden could speak


Soon he was in the bedroom. He stripped to his boxers and lay on the bed, on top of the

covers. Gregory put his arm across his eyes, trying to forget what happened. The bed dipped

as Braden lay beside him, scooting close to press against him.

“Don’t think I didn’t notice you didn’t answer my question.” Braden rubbed his hand

on his stomach.

His proximity and touch made Gregory harden. He focused instead on his question. “I

told my dad.”

“And I guess it didn’t go well.” Braden sighed. “I’m sorry, Gregory.”

“Why are you sorry?” Gregory lowered his arm.

“Because if it wasn’t for me, this wouldn’t have happened.”

Gregory grabbed him and rolled him under him. “Forget that. My dad’s opinion is his

own. I’m my own man and I choose you. You are the one I want. The one who I love. Got it?”

“Yes, sir.” Braden smiled softly. “You love me.”

Gregory realised what he’d said, then he nodded. “I do.”

“I love you too.” Braden blinked a carefree grin covered his face. “We’re such saps.”

“Your sap.”

“My sap. And I’m yours.” Braden kissed him.

Gregory returned it and, as always, lost himself in Braden. They rolled on the bed and

rubbed against each other. Quickly Braden stripped him, and he stripped Braden. They

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moaned and moved together, so familiar with each other, yet each time it was such a thrill to

be with Braden.

“I need you,” Gregory said.

“Take me.”

Gregory stopped. They had done so many things, but not that. “Next time, I want


“You say that every time. Not this time. I want you in me,” Braden said firmly.


“Why are you hesitating?”

“I want that so bad. But I don’t know if I can control myself enough to give you

pleasure.” Gregory bit his lip.

“Then take what you need, then I’m sure you’ve researched enough that you can think

of some way of pleasing me.”

Gregory moaned, reaching for a condom and the lube on the bedside table before

putting it on his erection and readying Braden, as he had him so many times.

“Enough. In me now,” Braden demanded.

Gregory lay on him and lifted his legs then pushed into his welcoming warmth. Braden

tightened on him then relaxed, and Gregory slid deep within him. He paused, shaking at the

sensation of Braden squeezing his cock.

“Move.” Braden grabbed his ass and yanked him close.

Gregory grunted and stroked into him. He increased his speed, filling Braden. Braden

matched him move for move. He shook with each clench as he slid into Braden. Fighting to

not come, but the pleasure built fast.

“Love you, Braden,” Gregory said then grunted as he quickened his pace


Braden held him, pulling him down to kiss him and arching up against him. Gregory

sucked his tongue, rocking into Braden and wanting to be there forever. He pressed Braden

deeper into the bed, quickening his pace. Suddenly he stiffened as his sac tightened, then he

shook, coming hard. Braden held him, moaning as he clenched. Gregory slumped on Braden

briefly then pulled out, removing the condom before throwing it into the wastebasket by the

bed. He slid down the bed and licked along Braden’s stomach.

“Gregory.” Braden’s voice was hoarse.

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He lowered his head and drew the tip of Braden’s erection into his mouth. Braden

thrust upward. Gregory opened and took him in, sucking him urgently, enjoying the taste of


Braden moaned then looked down. Gregory’s blissful expression almost made him

come. He curled his toes, trying to hold off his climax. Gregory made a humming noise in his

throat and that was almost his undoing.

“Please,” he whimpered.

Gregory sucked him harder and put his hand on his sac. He tugged on his balls while

he suckled his cock. He moved off him then licked the tip of his erection. Gregory pushed his

tongue around the mushroomed head before scraping his teeth along the sensitive tip. Heat

filled Braden’s belly as Gregory caressed him the way he liked it. He moaned, arching

upward. Gregory swirled his tongue on Braden’s cock then swooped down and took him all

the way in. Braden jerked, sitting up on the bed then collapsed back. The ball of need in his

belly released, and he shuddered as pleasure overcame him. Gregory took all his seed and

Braden lay on the bed breathing harshly.

Gregory crawled up his body and kissed him. Braden opened and returned it. Slowly,

Gregory gentled the kiss and he moved to lie beside him. Braden turned over, snuggling into

his favourite place to sleep—with head resting against Gregory’s chest. They were silent and

Braden waited for Gregory to fall asleep as he usually did after they had sex.

After some time, Gregory was still awake and stiff. Braden lifted his head and placed

his hands on Gregory’s chest, gazing into his face. Gregory was frowning.

“What are you doing to do about your dad?”

“There is nothing to do,” Gregory said and his voice broke. “My dad couldn’t even

stand me to touch him. No matter if we disagreed on anything, I always knew I could count

on him being there. Now he isn’t.”

Gregory closed his eyes, but not before some tears flowed down his face. Braden

stroked them away, kissing his cheek and murmuring words of comfort. His heart ached for

Gregory. He knew how close he was with his dad. For him to do that to Gregory… Braden

wanted to kill him. Since he knew Gregory wouldn’t want that, he just held him, feeling


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* * * *

“How’s he doing?”

Braden gripped the phone and rubbed the bridge of his nose. “He’s still the same, Clint.

Since that day a week ago, he’s still not saying anything else about his dad.”

“With me either. When I talk to him.” Clint made a frustrated noise. “Mom says Ted is

being stubborn too. He won’t budge, saying Gregory will come to him when he is ready.”

“Why would he think Gregory would come to him after he rejected him?” Braden

clenched the phone tighter. “I respected Ted until this. Now I think he’s an asshole.”

“I don’t understand at all. Ted has always accepted me,” Clint said.

“No offence, because I knew you were close to Gregory and his dad growing up, but

folks can sometimes be accepting of things when it is someone else’s child. But when it’s their

own, it’s harder for them to take.”

“I never would have expected that from Ted.” Clint sounded sad.

“Sometimes people surprise you, and not for the better.” Braden thought of Gregory.

“And sometimes, like with Gregory, there is something you never expected to happen but

then it does.”

“You all are good for each other.” Clint’s tone was intense. “Don’t let him go, Braden.

No matter what happens.”

“I won’t. I can’t. He’s mine, and I’m his.” Braden glanced at the clock. “I have a meeting

to get to.”

“Okay. I’ll see you all later for dinner,” Clint said.

“You’re cooking,” Braden said. Since what had happened with Gregory’s dad, Clint had

been sticking close. He’d been by every night to see them, eat dinner with them and relax for

a while. Gregory laughed when Clint was around, but when he left, he got that faraway look

in his eyes. Braden knew there was nothing he could do, but hated to see it.

“Okay.” He hung up.

Braden replaced the phone and stood then went to his meeting. After his meeting, he

went into Gregory’s lab and paused, watching him. Gregory was sitting on a stool, staring off

into space. The look was on his face again. Braden approached him and Gregory met his

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gaze. He smiled, but it didn’t fill his eyes as it usually would. Braden leaned against him and

kissed him on the ear. He rubbed his hand across his five o’clock shadow.

“You ready to go home?”

“Yeah.” Gregory stood, and they left.

* * * *

“Tomorrow is trash day. I’m going to put out the garbage,” Braden said as he rose from

his spot beside Gregory on the couch.

“Okay,” Gregory and Clint said together without looking away from the movie they

were watching.

“I thought Clint was the one who loved the Lord of the Rings trilogy,” Braden said to


“They have good fight scenes.” Gregory patted his hand.

Braden tugged Gregory’s ear then went to get the trash. He took the bag from in the

house and put it in the bin then pulled it to the kerb. Braden glanced at the clear California

night sky. He was glad that for a while at least Gregory wasn’t thinking about his dad. He

turned and went back up to the front door. The sound of a car turning into the drive made

him look. When he spotted the old classic truck, Braden’s eyes narrowed. The man parked

next to Gregory’s SUV then turned off the engine before he got out and strolled up the walk


“Braden.” He came up the steps, his gaze steady on Braden’s face.

Braden stared at the man. “Ted.”

As he and Ted watched each other, Braden wondered what he was doing there. He

wasn’t going to let Ted hurt his son again.

“It’s best you go home, Ted.” Braden crossed his arms over his chest.

“I’m not leaving until I see my son.” Ted braced his legs apart, also crossing his arms

over his chest.

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Chapter Four

“If I have to, I will remove you from this property,” Braden said.

“Do you love my son?” Ted’s tone didn’t have any inflection.

“What does that matter?” Braden resisted the urge to deck him.

“You want to hit me.” Ted sounded surprised.



“I love your son.” Braden stalked towards him. “And you hurt him when you turned

your back on him.”

“I’m not going to explain myself to you.” Ted leaned against the rail. “Go get my son.”

“I won’t.”

“You will.” The surety in Ted’s tone was like his expression.

“Fuck you.” Braden clenched his fist. “Go a—”

“What’s ta… Dad?” Gregory’s voice went low. “Why are you here?”

“Apparently to get my ass kicked by your—” Ted stopped, looking uncomfortable.

“Partner,” Gregory said, sliding his arm around Braden’s waist.

Ted looked from where he held him to Braden’s face. “My son loves you too.” He

focused on Gregory. “Can we talk?”

“You can talk in front of Braden.”

“Nope. Can’t do that. This is between me and you.” Ted’s face was hard. “Like when

you told me about him.”

Gregory opened his mouth.

Braden put his hand on his arm. “I’ll go in. Call me if you need me, and I’ll help you get

rid of him.”

Braden glared at Ted. He grinned at him, and Braden wondered if Gregory’s dad was

crazy. He was acting like he hated them but then not. He went inside then partially closed

the door, standing behind it so he could see and listen without them seeing him. Ted and

Gregory just stood there staring at each other.

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“What are you doing?” Clint came out of the living room.

“Shh…” Braden hissed. “Gregory’s dad is here.

Clint came over to stand beside him and looked out. “They aren’t saying anything.”

“No.” Braden watched them, concerned.

“Gregory will break first,” Clint said. “I’ve seen them stare off before and he usually

does. But it’s never been something like this though.”

“You owe me an apology, son.” Ted’s tone was the same one as before, with no


“Well I was wrong,” Clint whispered beside him.

“Hush,” Braden said looking at Ted’s face. Something there made Braden hope for


“I owe you an apology.” Gregory’s tone was bitter. “You turned your back on me when

I told you I cared for Braden.”

“Did I?”

“What?” Gregory shook his head. “You did. Don’t act like you didn’t. You sai—”

“What did I say?” Ted straightened and looked at Gregory intently. “Exactly. What

happened, and say what I said exactly.”

Gregory repeated what his dad said then finished with, “Then you said I expected my

son to know me better. And I replied I thought I did and left.”

Braden, hearing the whole thing, knew it would be okay. He moved from the door,

pulling Clint along with him.

“Hey, I want to hear Ted explain what he said.”

“What did he say?”

Clint looked confused then it cleared. “It’s—”

“Going to be fine. Once they figure it out.” Braden led him to the living room.

* * * *

“Yes, you left.” Ted shook his head. “I expected you, my son, to know me better. I raised

you, boy.”

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“You did and I never thought you would turn your back on me.” Gregory crossed his

arms over his chest.

“I didn’t turn my back on you,” Ted said.

“You did, Dad.” Gregory rubbed his hand along the back of his neck. “When I told you

I cared for Braden, you couldn’t accept I was gay.”

“That’s an insult to me.”

“What?” Gregory frowned. “That’s what you did.”

“What I did was act like a parent who was surprised by their child. A child who

decided to spring on me, after dating women since they were old enough to date, he was

involved with a man.” His dad rubbed his hand behind his neck. “You took me by surprise,

son. Then when you mentioned your mom and how I felt about her, then that I was lucky

enough for a second time to find it with Lizzie, it was too much.”

At the mannerism he got from his dad, Gregory thought of what happened. “Dad—”

“I’m not perfect, son. I’m not going to blow smoke up your ass.” Ted’s eyes widened.

“Shit, that’s the wrong choice of words.” He rubbed his hand across his eyes.

Gregory laughed.

“No laughing at your poor dad.” His dad blew out a breath. “Let me try this again. This

isn’t a movie where everything wraps up all perfect. I’m not going to promise you that I’ll

understand what you have with Braden. But you’re my son, and I love you.”

Gregory’s throat clogged when Ted said that. His dad wasn’t very verbal about how he

felt—he believed in showing instead of telling. “I love you too, Dad.”

His father came closer before he slid his hand at the back of Gregory’s neck and pulled

his head close to his. Their foreheads rested against each other and Gregory blinked so as not

to cry at the familiar gesture. It was the way his dad usually showed he loved him—their

special thing. Ted released him and stepped back. His dad put his hand on his shoulder.

“Bring Braden by for Sunday dinner tomorrow. I want to get to know the man my son

is…dating, better.”

“I will.” Gregory put his hand on his dad’s arm. “Thanks, Dad.”

“Don’t thank me. You’re my son.” Ted patted his shoulder then squeezed it gently.

“That Braden is overprotective of you.”

“I know.” Gregory remembered Braden facing off with his dad. He smiled.

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“Tomorrow we need to find time to go over the birds and the bees again.”

“Why? We already did that many years ago,” Gregory protested.

“That was when you dated girls.” Ted shook his head. “Son, it’s a whole different

conversation when you deal with men. I know because I am one. Men have a whole different


Gregory laughed when he heard that. He realised what Ted was doing what he’d done

for Clint all those years ago. Making sure Gregory knew he would be there if he needed him,

if he needed to talk about who he was dating or if he wanted advice. His dad might not be

ready to fully accept what he and Braden had, but at least he was willing to try. For now, that

was enough. Gregory hugged his dad tight—Ted returned it and patted him on the back. He

released Gregory and stepped back before walking away. When he got to his truck, he

paused and lifted his hand to say bye. Gregory returned it then Ted got in his vehicle and


He stood there for a little while then went inside. When Gregory entered the living

room, Braden and Clint looked at him.

“I knew Ted wouldn’t turn his back on you,” Clint crowed. “I was right. Admit it. I was

right, he understood.”

“You eavesdropped.”

“It was Braden,” Clint pointed.

“Tattletale.” Braden punched Clint on the arm.

“It was. You coerced me into it.”

“How did I do that?” Braden glared at Clint. “I didn’t threaten you. You willingly stood

and listened like I did.”

“You all can keep fighting about it tomorrow at Sunday dinner.” Gregory focused on

Braden. “Bye, Clint.”

“Sunday dinner?” Clint rose and walked towards him. “See you tomorrow.”

Clint went around Gregory, patting his shoulder as he left. A few moments later, the

front door slammed behind him.

“I’m not going to Sunday dinner with you.” Braden crossed his arms over his chest.


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“I cursed at your dad and he knows I wanted to deck him.” Braden stared at him. “Can

you imagine what kind of dinner conversation that would create? It’d go like this—‘So you

told me ‘fuck you’ and were about to punch me when my son came outside. Pass the peas’.”

Braden rolled his eyes. “Yep, I’m saving you from uncomfortable dinner conversation.”

“You’re saving yourself.” Gregory sat beside him and pressed his face against the side

of his. “But you’re going.”

“I’m glad you worked things out with your dad.” Braden put his hands around his

neck. “Just a misunderstanding.”

“About him turning away from me, but he still doesn’t know how to take us being

together.” Gregory held Braden. “Time will tell.”

“Another reason for not going to dinner.” Braden turned his head, lifting his chin.

Recognising his motion, Gregory kissed along his neck. Braden made a hmmm sound in

his throat. Gregory licked over his pulse and nibbled on the skin. Braden shivered and

Gregory smiled.

“You’re going to dinner.”

“Convince me.” Braden’s voice was husky.

Gregory shifted him to fully face him and kissed him deeply. He kept kissing him as he

took off his clothing then his own before laying Braden on the couch, then pulling out the

condom and lube from the side table. He quickly put the condom on and readied Braden

then Gregory lined up and pushed into him. Placing his hand over Braden’s head and staring

in his eyes as he stroked deep. In slow, measured thrusts, he filled Braden. The pleasure on

Braden’s face made Gregory’s heart fill.

“I love you,” he said softly.

“Love you.” Braden’s breath hitched and he clenched around him.

Gregory moaned, continuing to move. As their passion rose, Gregory enjoyed knowing

Braden would be in his corner for many years to come. They shook as they both came

together. As he caught his breath, Gregory kissed the side of Braden’s face.

“Fine, I’m half-way convinced to go to dinner.” Braden chuckled. “What have you

researched lately?”

“Massages.” Gregory grinned.

“I’m thinking you’re not referring to the traditional type of massage,” Braden said.

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“Because you are a smart man.” Gregory lowered his voice.

Braden hardened again then whispered, “Tell me.”

Gregory did just that.

* * * *

Gregory lifted his drink and glanced at Braden then pushed his shoulder along his.

“Admit it. Dinner hasn’t been so bad.”

“It hasn’t been.” Braden leaned against him.

Gregory lowered his head and kissed him gently. When he looked back up he saw his

dad standing across the room staring at them. His dad turned away and Gregory sighed.



“Braden, can I see you a moment. Alone,” Ted called from the glass door leading from

the patio and went inside.

“Oh boy, here comes the uncomfortable conversation.” Braden glared at him. “See what

the promises of massages gets me.”

“Remember it’s a special massage.”

“For God’s sake, don’t say that. I can’t go talk with your dad if I have a boner.” Braden

blew in and out. “Thinking non-sexual things. Okay, I am good.”

“Good luck.” Gregory pushed him towards the doors.

Braden rolled his eyes and went inside the house. Gregory watched him then joined

Clint and Lizzie. He kept looking at his watch, and when he noted his dad and Braden had

been inside for thirty minutes already, he excused himself and went inside. He headed

towards the murmur of voices. In the living room doorway, Gregory leaned against the

doorjamb, a warm feeling filling him. Braden and his dad had his were looking at a photo


His dad looked up then said, “I’m being polite.”

“You looked so cute as a bumble bee.” Braden chuckled.

Gregory went over to join them, sitting beside Braden and placing his hand on his knee.

His dad looked at where his hand was, then went back to showing Braden his baby pictures.

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They had started as friends and Gregory knew their love would continue getting

stronger and stronger. He leaned against Braden, enjoying that they were building a

foundation of something that would deepen as they continued their journey that had started

with a slow burn.

Also available from Totally Bound Publishing:

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Bonds of Justice: Wicked Pursuit

Talia Carmichael


Chapter One

Giovanni Murray sped towards his home, spurred on by the earlier alarm signal he’d

got on his cell. He whipped his Sequoia around the corner of Moreno Avenue, pressing on

the gas and speeding down the block to the middle of the area. Disbelief filled him as he saw

the fully engaged blaze. Giovanni jerked the wheel and executed a precise turn, then stopped

in front of the burning building. He opened the door and stepped out before slamming it and

striding to the hood of the car. He stopped and stared at his home—the one he’d

meticulously built to his specification as his oasis and fortress of protection—as it burned to

the ground.

When he’d got the signal earlier, he hadn’t believed it and had thought it was a mistake.

But standing here now, with the smoke billowing out of the windows and flames eating

away at the structure, Gio faced not only the fact that it was real, but what the repercussions

would be.

“Someone burned my house down.” His tone was calm and low.

Gio took out his cell and sent a text to a few people before slowly putting the phone

away. He clenched his fist briefly then strode towards the house. The fire sizzled and

crackled and the scent was one he hoped he would be able to forget. Gio broke into a lope,

heading to the burning building. Although there was no sound or anything to let him know

he wasn’t alone, Gio instinctively pivoted then studied his attacker. Curly hair in varying

shades of brown framed a craggy face and dark-brown eyes that were expressionless and

seemed to see everything. He was bulkier and more muscular than Gio, but they were the

same height.

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The man rushed him, and in a quick move, Gio caught the clenched fist of his assailant

then flipped him. The man dropped onto his back hard, making his teeth rattle. He blinked

when he went down but immediately he drew a gun before coming to knees and sweeping

out with his leg. Gio calmly blocked his kick before punching out, hitting him in his shoulder

then taking his gun. Gio jumped and lashed out with a high kick, knocking him across the


The man fell back with a shout, cursing. “Fuck!” He was up again in a moment, moving

out of strike range. The calculation in the assailant’s gaze implied he was evaluating the best

way to attack. The intensity of his stare was unnerving. “I’m not going to let you run into

that house.”

Gio saw the moment he decided to attack again. Gio cocked the gun and held it on him,

a cold smile spreading on his face. “Burning my house down was a bad idea. Who the fuck

sent you?”

“Burn your house down?” He looked startled then straightened, staring at him as if he

was crazy. “I called it in when I saw it. I didn’t burn your house down.”

“Likely story. You just happened to conveniently come by when my house was

burning”—Gio marked where he would shoot him—“and you happened to have a gun with

you. Not to mention you attacked me.”

“Attacked you?” He laughed, a bitter sound. “You’re the one who has my gun. What

the hell are you? I’ve never seen anyone move that fast.”

“Don’t.” Gio dropped his tone lower. “I will shoot you.”

“If you shoot me it’ll be murder,” the man scoffed. “You won’t commit cold-blooded


“Whoever sent you didn’t do a good job of informing you about me.” Gio lowered his

lids and smiled. “I don’t mind a little blood.”

“No one sent me. As for not minding a little blood—” He stopped, his expression

hardening. “Are you a criminal? Is that why someone burned your house down?”

“You tell me why you burned my house down.” Gio levelled the gun at his head.


“I’m getting really tired of you holding my gun on me.” He crossed his arms over his

chest. “And of being accused of something I didn’t do. Let me say this slowly so you can

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understand. I was out for a run from my house. I live on Tate Street. When I came this way

and found that this house was burning, I called it in to the fire station where I work since

they are the closest. Now if you’ll let me get my ID from my back pocket, it’ll show you my

credentials.” The man glared at him. “I’m not an arsonist. I investigate fires.”

“And carry a gun?” Giovanni could sense the truth behind what he was saying—that

was one of his talents, being a human lie detector.

“That is part of the job

I can arrest people when I find they are guilty of a crime.” He

looked at Gio. “Like someone who takes a gun from me.”

“Not my fault you can’t keep your gun.” Gio smiled widely, baring his teeth, before

flipping the gun and holding it out to the man.

“You’re just going to give me the gun?” The man looked at him then got the baffled

look on his face again. “Why would you do that? Just because I say I’m in law enforcement

doesn’t mean you should trust me. I could be a killer. Hell, I could be the one who burned

your house down. I could be lulling you into a false sense of security to get the drop on you.”

“Your being law enforcement would make me more prone to keep your weapon.” Gio

shrugged. “If you try anything I would just put you on your ass again and take your gun.

This time I’d knock you out.”

“Okay,” he said slowly, taking the weapon. He slid it behind his back where Gio

assumed he had a holster.

Gio turned and headed towards the house. He shifted to the side as the man reached

out to grab him. Gio sighed and in a quick motion lifted his hand and punched out, knocking

the man on the side of his head. He staggered and went down.

Gio crouched over him. “I warned you.”

“I was just trying to stop you from running into the house,” he managed before he

passed out.

Gio looked at fire investigator sprawled on the grass. His black sleeveless T-shirt was

stretched across his chest and had ridden up to show his matching shorts. White socks

tucked into black sneakers covered his large feet. He reached out and searched his pockets to

find his billfold. He flipped it open and saw his credentials and his name.

“Well, Mercer Nelson, seems like you are, indeed, who you say you are. Just as I

assumed. Now to figure out why you wouldn’t listen to me when I said not to grab me.” Gio

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shifted on his heels, looking at the burning house a little distance away then sat cross-legged

next to the man. He took his gun and placed it between them then rubbed along the bridge of

his nose.

Who the hell burned my house down?

Order your copy here

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About the Author

Talia Carmichael is a romantic who believes that family, no matter if it is by blood or
those you choose as family, is integral to who you are. She is an author who writes
sexy stories in a variety of genres. She believes in creating stories that encompass all
that falling in love or lust entails, from the highs of that first blush of attraction to the
lows of not knowing if you can make your coming together as a couple work, and
then finally to the acceptance of the reality of making a life together. It’s all about the

Among her books you’ll find contemporary, futuristic, fantasy, and paranormal
settings with M/M themes that will have a happily-ever-after. Her books are
passionate, intense, and real…to fill the craving.


Talia loves to hear from readers. You can find her contact information, website and
author biography at


Also by Talia Carmichael

Impressions: Reckless Behaviour

Impressions: A Tender Roughness

Impressions: Opposing Rhythms

Impressions: One Good Man

Prentiss: Ralston’s Way

Prentiss: Long Hard Ride

Prentiss: Opposites Attract

The Right Choice: After the Fall

Bonds of Justice: Wicked Intentions

Bonds of Justice: Wicked Alliance

Bonds of Justice: Wicked Pursuit


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Totally Bound Publishing


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