Talia Carmichael Wicked Defense

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A Totally Bound Publication

Wicked Defense
ISBN # 978-1-78430-229-0
©Copyright Talia Carmichael 2014
Cover Art by Posh Gosh ©Copyright September 2014
Edited by Rebecca Douglas
Totally Bound Publishing

This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination
and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or
places is purely coincidental.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form,
whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of
the publisher, Totally Bound Publishing.

Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Totally Bound
Publishing. Unauthorized or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil
proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.

The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs
and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator
of the artwork.

Published in 2014 by Totally Bound Publishing, Newland House, The Point, Weaver Road,
Lincoln, LN6 3QN


This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This
story has a heat rating of Totally Simmering and a Sexometer of 1.

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Bonds of Justice


Talia Carmichael

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Book four in the Bonds of Justice series

When life brings you something unexpected, it creates the most interesting adventure…

Spencer West never would have come to an art show if not for one of his best friends. The
pieces he sees are powerful and when a man strikes up a conversation asking his opinion, he
gives it. Craig Scott—the artist—has been watching him all night. Spencer’s curiosity is
piqued by this laid-back man who evokes such strong emotions in his art and just by being in
his presence. Their conversation makes Spencer even more intrigued and he promises to get
to know Craig better. Yet the circumstance of their next meeting makes Spencer realize he
already cares too much. Someone wants Craig dead. Now invested in Craig emotionally and
professionally, Spencer sees there is so much more beneath the surface of who Craig is. If
only he can convince Craig to lie low… From what he has seen of the man, he isn’t one to

Craig Scott spots the most intriguing man who seems out of place, and after their
conversation, Craig knows he wants to see more of the sexy, brawny man. Nothing will get
in his way—not some pesky attempt on his life or everyone wanting to protect him. He
wants to make Spencer his—body, heart and soul. Spencer wants seduction and Craig is
more than willing to tempt all the senses. As for the danger he is in, Craig will not hide from
it but will meet it head on and kick the shit out of it.

Spencer has his hands full trying to protect Craig—who makes him feel all sorts of things—
and he will use a wicked defense to keep him safe.

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To my family, who have believed in me from the very beginning. Thanks for your support.

Trademarks Acknowledgement

The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following
wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

Jameson Irish Whiskey: Pernod Ricard S.A.
Yukon XL: General Motors Company
Chevy Equinox: General Motors Company
Cherokee: Chrysler Group LLC
Jeep: Chrysler Group LLC
Spider-Man: Marvel Comics
The Matrix: Warner Bros. Pictures

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Chapter One

Spencer West kept his body loose and relaxed, even as the sensation of being observed

came over him again—someone was studying him quite intently. He subtly glanced around

the packed gallery and once again couldn’t find who was watching him so intensely that it

was almost like a physical touch. Spencer paused in his sweep when he spotted one of his

best friends, Mercer Nelson, who stood with Giovanni Murray, the owner of GH Gallery,

where he was for the showing. Imagine me, Spencer West, at an art show, he harrumphed. What

the hell did he know about art?

He shook his head as he continued visually searching for the person who was watching

him. As he looked, he categorized the clientele in attendance. Both women and men were

covered in expensive jewels and clothing—those he thought of as the elite and prestigious lot

who would know what art is. Then there were the bohemians, who would probably say

some obscure thing about the art but not actually say anything. The last group was the one

he was a part of—those who didn’t know or give a crap about art, but had come to show

support of a friend or someone they knew who was at the show—or possibly had been roped

into coming and not knowing what they were getting into. Spencer inclined his head toward

Dominic Rossi, another of his best friends. Dominic had a scowl on his face and was glaring

past Spencer. He didn’t have any idea what had Dominic out of sorts. Spencer would

continue his perusal of the room to find who was looking at him before he turned to see what

Dominic was staring at with that heated glare.

Spencer lifted his glass of champagne and took a sip, grimacing at the flavor. He hadn’t

developed a taste for it. He’d rather be having a beer or a whiskey. Yeah, he could so go for a

glass of Jameson Irish Whiskey right about now. Maybe it’d help him get through the

showing. He’d promised Mercer he’d at least stay until they did the unveiling of the central

piece. Spencer stopped looking at the massive, cloth-covered painting on the wall then he

checked the time. From the schedule of events Mercer had told Spencer that Gio had planned

during the show, it would be about another hour before the reveal.

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I need some hard liquor to get through this. Spencer looked at the open bar and wondered if

they would have any Jameson.

The weird sensation came over him again. He turned around and his breath caught

when he met rich blue eyes of the man across the room. They reminded him of the wild and

untamed sea. Spencer looked at the man staring at him steadily. The way the man looked

matched those eyes—his T-shirt that had some design and words on it Spencer couldn’t

make out from where he stood. The ripped, paint-splattered jeans and sandals he had on

made Spencer think he was in the bohemian category. Yet it was the way this man—‘The

Watcher’, as Spencer decided to call him—stood that reaffirmed Spencer’s belief of him as

wild and untamed. The lean man was still, yet looked as if that wasn’t a normal state for

him—that he was controlling himself and holding back his exuberant energy. Even from

where he was, Spencer was captivated by his handsome features. His hair was in sexy

disarray, ranging from gold to dark brown and framing his face like he’d just rolled out of


I wonder how his face would look after a long night of sex. Probably all soft and luscious, making

you want to take him back to bed. Spencer stiffened at the thought. It was so unlike him to even

contemplate such a thing. He stifled a chuckle at himself. It wouldn’t matter if he planned to

approach The Watcher, much less act on being attracted to him. One look at Spencer’s

brawny frame and the delicate looking man would run in the other direction. Not like

Spencer even planned to get near him. A man like that was best left alone, since he would

demand attention from whoever he was with. He glanced away. With his job, Spencer

worked long hours and was often called in, which necessitated him breaking dates or plans.

In many of his previous relationships, his partners had never understood that, then hard

feelings would develop and the inevitable breakup would occur. He didn’t need the drama

and had been single for a few years.

Why the hell am I even thinking about a relationship, or what happens when I attempt to have

one? Spencer lifted his gaze and again met The Watcher’s eyes. He was still staring and

Spencer smiled, amused that he hadn’t even attempted to be subtle about it. Spencer marked

it up as him being curious about what he was doing there. He knew he looked out of place

and he didn’t give a shit. It finally registered that the man wasn’t alone. Spencer glanced to

the man’s left and in moments he had the man with the eerie pale gray eyes pegged as some

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sort of law enforcement—Spencer was so convinced that he immediately nicknamed him The

Law. The Law inclined his head then looked beyond him and smiled wide. Spencer blinked,

not sure who he was gazing at with the expression that clearly said I’m fucking with your head

and enjoying it. A quick glimpse over his shoulder and Spencer was surprised to see Dominic

closing in on him. His face was even more thunderous than before. Spencer followed his line

of sight and when he saw The Law’s pale eyes, he wondered why Dominic was so pissed off

at seeing him. The Law met Spencer’s gaze and winked. He had to be either crazy or very

brave to mess with Dominic. His friend didn’t take shit and loved to teach people lessons

when they tried to use crap to mess on him. He made a mental note to ask Dominic who The

Law was.

Spencer looked to the right and, recognizing another man, he lifted his hand in

greeting. Treat Alexander, an EMT who worked at the same fire station as Mercer and

Dominic, returned the gesture. Treat turned and said something to The Watcher. Spencer had

been resisting glancing at the blue-eyed man again. He gave in and the man in question was

still looking. The Watcher lowered his lids, his lashes sweeping against his skin, then lifted

them, his gaze sharpening as it intensified. Spencer’s breath once again caught and he stilled.

It was like being studied by a wild animal who was deciding how tasty or not he would be.

Spencer frowned. He wasn’t used to people looking at him like that. His height coupled with

his brawn made most people leery of him. Others might be fascinated, but were cautious to

not let him see it.

Yet this lanky man was checking him out very thoroughly, without any of the usual

things Spencer would see on someone’s face. Hell, he couldn’t get a read on if The Watcher

was interested, curious or anything else. The man’s expression gave nothing away and it

bugged Spencer to not be able to tell what he was thinking. Usually he was good at reading

people. The Watcher averted his head then he, Treat and The Law turned and walked into

one of the rooms of the gallery.

Scowling, Spencer faced the painting he’d been studying before, not really seeing it.

“What is that fucker doing here?” Dominic growled as he came to stand by him.


“Isaac.” Dominic growled again, a low reverberation.

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“That man is the Isaac that Mercer mentioned you seem to have an animosity toward?

Have you introduced the man Isaac to your gene you named Isaac?” Spencer glanced at him

sharply then started to laugh.

“Yes, that’s him. And, smart ass, of course I haven’t. It’s not funny. How likely would it

be I’d meet a man who just so happened to have the same name as I named my pain in the

ass gene, and he would also be a pain in the ass? That man is… Ugghhh.” Dominic crossed

his arms over his chest, frowning.

“I wonder why he is getting under your skin. From what Mercer told us, you all barely


“He doesn’t need to speak. It’s just how he looks at you that causes a reaction,”

Dominic said.

Spencer nodded. He could concede to what Dominic had said. The Watcher who had

been staring at Spencer had indeed caused a reaction and Spencer had no idea how he felt

about that. He shrugged it off. After today, Spencer wouldn’t see him again anyway. He’d

chalk it up to a random meeting. Spencer glanced at the room The Watcher had gone into

then, catching himself, slid his hands into the pockets of his jeans. He really didn’t need to be

curious about the man. Spencer knew himself—if his curiosity was piqued then he would

keep at something until he figured it out.

“You need to chill, Dominic,” Spencer said to his friend. “Isaac didn’t do anything. It’s

all in your imagination. Yes, he did interfere in your case and that alone would piss anyone

off. Hell, I’d be pissed too, but the case was solved. And since Isaac doesn’t live in Hollisville,

you only need to see him occasionally when he comes to see Gio and Brooks. I’m assuming

that’s probably why he’s here. Aren’t they friends?”

“I’m not sure what Gio or Brooks is to Isaac. They act like they can barely stand each

other, yet Isaac protected them.” Dominic rubbed his hand along the back of his neck. “Hell,

all of them are confusing. They are contradictory to what they do. I wish I could find out

more about them.”

“Them or Isaac?” Spencer rocked back on his heels. “Seems to me you’re more focused

on this Isaac fellow. Why don’t you just go act all nice and seduce him? Get it out of your


“I don’t want him.”

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“That didn’t sound very convincing. Maybe if you say it a few times you can convince

yourself. Because you sure as hell aren’t fooling me.”

“I hate you, Spencer.” Dominic pivoted on his heels.

“You love me, buddy.” Spencer laughed.

Dominic flipped him the bird. Spencer continued to laugh. Dominic went to Mercer and

started talking. From the way he was gesturing with his hand, Spencer figured he was

complaining about what he’d said. Mercer glanced at him and nodded, letting Spencer know

he was correct. Spencer smiled and strolled over to another painting. He listened as people

discussed the piece but when he looked at it, he didn’t see the valor and all the other shit

they had said. All he thought when he looked at the painting was that the man it depicted

was interesting, colorful and powerful. It grabbed a person by the throat and made them feel.

He didn’t know about valor, but he liked it.

Moving on, Spencer eavesdropped on others as he viewed the other paintings and

sculptures throughout the gallery, which all depicted various men and women. Each time

someone viewing a piece claimed to see something or other in the painting or sculptures, he

wondered what he was missing. To Spencer, the art he looked at didn’t seem to be all the

adjectives people were using to describe them. Instead, they were something much more

primal. It was like the artist had ripped open their feelings and put them on canvas and in

sculptures. Spencer was uneasy walking through an emotional minefield of what he thought

was someone else’s personal journey. He didn’t know how anyone could open themselves

like that for public consumption. Spencer stopped before a painting that no one stood in front

of, but he didn’t look at it. Spencer glanced left and right and saw the rest of the pieces close

to him were filled, yet no one seemed to be paying any attention to the one he was standing


Finally he gazed at the painting. Spencer went still. He drew in a ragged breath and

couldn’t put a finger on what it did to him. He was hot, angry, longing and sad, all at once.

The colors seemed to be of every shade in a color wheel. Each stroke of the brush was

another emotion that punched a person in the gut and demanded they react. The image itself

was breathtaking—the man was embedded in a large cliff and he was stepping out of the

granite, reaching for something. His head was averted, his face partially visible, yet the range

of emotion was plain to see—rage, desire and hope, all blended together. A niggle that he

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should know who the man was filled Spencer. Frowning, he stepped closer but stopped, not

wanting to trip any alarms. He read the plaque—Freedom. It fit the piece perfectly.

“You look like you want to touch.” The sensual, raspy timbre came from his left.

Spencer hadn’t heard anyone approach—he’d been so focused on the painting. Even

now he couldn’t look away to acknowledge the person speaking. “I’m not sure. I can’t decide

if I want to touch it or take a lighter and burn it. It makes me…”

“Now, now, you can’t just stop there,” the man spoke again. “What does it make

you…? Fill in the blank.”

At the demand, Spencer wondered who the man thought he was, telling him to do

something. For some reason, he decided to humor him. “It makes me feel like an emotional

punching bag. Like I’ve taken some major blows but am better for it. Very deep, and I think I

like it.”

“You sound surprised.” The man moved closer. “Didn’t you like the other paintings

and sculptures in the show?”

“They were also very emotional. Makes me wonder about the artist and what hell he

lived through to come up with this. I wonder how he’d even let anyone see all these pieces

that reveal so many personal things about him. It’s either very brave or crazy.” Spencer

crossed his arms over his chest. “But that doesn’t really answer your question. The other stuff

was fine but not my thing. Now this one is…” He stared at the painting again. “Fucking


“Your enthusiasm at the painting pleases me,” the man said.

“Why would you care?” Spencer turned and lowered his head slightly, narrowing his

eyes as he spotted The Watcher. “Hey, why were you staring at me earlier?”

“I was staring at you a lot earlier than that. It just took a while for you to find me.” The

Watcher smiled widely. “It became sort of a hide and seek for me to stare and see how long it

would take you to notice, then be out of sight so you didn’t know who it was. That is, until I

let you see me the last time. You have very great instinct and almost caught me a few times.

Are by chance in law enforcement?”

“I’m a Detective in the Hollisville Police Department.”

“Where do you work out of?”

“The Harris Street station. Why?”

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“I might just come looking for you.”

It sounded like a warning as well as a caress to Spencer. He frowned, not sure what to

make of The Watcher. He was even sexier up close.

“Why were you playing hide-and-seek so I wouldn’t see you were watching me?”

“Because I wasn’t sure what to do about you, Detective.” The Watcher cocked his head

to the side, studying him. “You’re an anomaly and I wondered why you were here. An artist

showing doesn’t seem like your thing.”

“It’s not. I’m here because of my friend Mercer.”

“Ahh… Mercer. He is such a fascinating man. Great character to his face. Now if I could

convince him to let me paint him… No, I would make a bronze of him to capture that

strength and vitality.” The Watcher smiled.

“I’m going to assume that you’re Craig Scott—the artist the show is for—the one who

molested Mercer the first time you saw him.” Spencer chuckled. “It was as amusing as hell

when he told us the story.”

“From the familiar way you speak of him, I’m thinking you’re one of the best friends

he’s mentioned.” Craig put his hands behind his back and smiled again. “I’ve met Dominic,

but not any of the others who Mercer calls best friends.”

“If you go around the room, you’ll get to meet them.” Spencer gestured around.

“Maybe later. For now, I’m having a fascinating conversation with the most intriguing


“Me?” Spencer laughed. “You’re full of a load of shit.”

“No, I’m not.” Craig moved closer. “I am intrigued. You didn’t try to blow smoke up

my ass about my paintings. The one you loved is called Freedom and that, along with the one

to be revealed soon, are my favorites. Yeah, I know as an artist I should love all of them

equally, but this and that”—he pointed at the painting they stood before and the one that

was covered—“showcase all I wanted to portray in this show. And, Detective, I’m both brave

and crazy. You would do well to remember that. I feel deeply and when I do, look out.

Nothing stops me.”

“Why does that seem like a warning?”

“Oh it’s not. It’s a promise.” Craig widened his eyes.

“Stop flirting with me,” Spencer said firmly.

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“Oh good, you picked up on what I’m doing, Detective. I was worried for a moment

you might have missed it.” Craig’s eyes twinkled.

“You’re flirting with me, yet calling me Detective. Why aren’t you calling me by my


“As soon as you tell me your name, I’ll call you by it.” Craig moved closer still. “And if

you’re lucky, maybe even scream it as you fuck me.”

“Wow, we go from meeting to fucking. You move fast.”

“When I see something I want…” Craig shrugged, a lazy yet graceful gesture.

“Well I might see something I want, but I like the foreplay of it—the seduction leading

up to the sex.” Spencer couldn’t help the grin on his face.

Craig might be intrigued by him but Spencer’s curiosity was piqued, and he wanted to

know more about Craig.

“I can do that too, Detective.” Craig moved another step. “I’m good at adapting. It’s one

of my many talents.”

“I’ll make note of it.” Spencer took a deliberate step toward him.

Craig’s eyes widened, then a smug smile curled his lips.

“And my name is Spencer.”

“Ahh… Mr West. I’ve heard some interesting things about you from Gio, Ian, Brooks

and Hunter.” Craig studied him. “It’s good to put a face to the name.”

“Ditto. Your meeting with Mercer was memorable.” Spencer glanced at how close they

were. “But it makes me wonder, from what he stated, why you haven’t tried to touch me. Or

demand to paint me.”

“Because after the way you watched me earlier when I first came over to you as you

stood before this painting, if I touched you, I’d drag you back to my apartment and say fuck

the rest of this showing.” Craig sighed. “And that would piss Gio off. Pissing Gio off is not a

good thing. Now that I know I need to seduce you first, I can control myself.”

“What way did I watch you?” Spencer didn’t know what he was talking about.

“Like you wanted to strip me bare and take me on the spot.” Craig smirked. “I was

more than willing but the whole this is my show thing put a damper on things. And I didn’t

ask to paint you because I figured after we had sex that you’d be unable to move, then I

could do anything I wanted, including painting you.”

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“Ahh… So that was your plan. Maybe we’ll do that in the future.”

“Definitely.” Craig placed his hand on Spencer’s crossed arms. He stroked his finger

along the skin.

Spencer held back a shiver. “What happened to not touching me?”

“I know I need to wait so I’m in control.” Craig moved closer, almost pressing against

him. “Some day soon I’m going to climb you and then have you. But for now, let’s look at the

rest of the exhibit.”

“You are going to be as wild and untamed as I thought you would be.” Spencer


“Yep.” Craig bounced on his heels.

“I bet you’re rarely still.”

“Most times.” Craig winked. “I can be still when it’s necessary. There is so much life

and I’m always in a rush to live and be part of it.”

“Okay.” Spencer lowered his arms then moved to Craig’s side and slid his hand into

Craig’s. He waited.

Craig looked down at their linked hands then up at him. “You’re holding my hand.”

“Uh-huh.” Spencer gazed into his eyes. “Get used to it.”

Craig didn’t say anything to that, instead leading him to the next painting. Spencer

expected people to stop or flock to him as they went. Many said hello but Craig had a way of

not letting them linger. With each piece Craig showed him, Spencer was more impressed. Yet

they contradicted the man beside him. Craig seemed more happy and affable than the

sometimes violent emotions in his work. If Spencer had had to pick who the artist of the

pieces was, he wouldn’t have chosen Craig. While they walked and looked at the works on

display, they chatted about various topics. Craig moved constantly and Spencer knew his

being still, like earlier, was not his norm. Spencer was surprised they talked so easily.

“And he s—”

“Craig, I need you.” Gio spoke behind them. “Spencer, you come along too.”

Spencer turned to face Gio. The look in Gio’s eyes made him really wish he was

carrying his gun. Gio glanced at their hands still linked together then back at Craig before

focusing on Spencer. The smile that spread across Gio’s face was slow and Spencer wasn’t

sure what to make of it. The sense of danger around Gio increased.

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“Quit it, Gio.” Craig released Spencer’s hand and went to Gio. He pulled Gio a few

steps away then they spoke in tones too low for Spencer to hear.

Gio glanced at Spencer then frowned before going back to Craig.

Gio blew out a breath then said, “Fine, I’ll stop looking at Spencer like I am measuring

him for a coffin.” Gio met Spencer’s gaze. “For now.”

Although it was left unsaid, Spencer saw in Gio’s eyes that it could change at any

moment. Spencer inclined his head, taking the unspoken warning to not hurt Craig. Gio

smiled and the affable look still didn’t dispel Spencer’s unease. Craig returned to his side and

took his hand again, pulling him along. Passing the other people in the gallery, Spencer

noted there were a few who seemed really interested in Craig and him holding hands.

Moments later, Craig stopped before a floor-to-ceiling sized covered painting. While Gio said

a few words, Spencer didn’t really pay attention—instead he was still making note of the

interested looks they had garnered. Isaac strolled over and stood by Brooks. He went stiff

when he saw Craig and Spencer then lowered his head and deliberately stared before lifting

his head. Isaac’s cold expression made Spencer want his weapon even more than he had


Craig squeezed his hand and whispered, “Don’t let them intimidate you.”

“Who?” Spencer asked, to make sure he wasn’t imagining it.

Craig described the location of the people he noticed who were so interested in them

and stopped with Isaac. “My friends tend to be overprotective. They mean well and won’t do

anything to you. I’ll ensure it.”

Spencer frowned, wondering why he would even say such a thing. He glanced at Gio,

Brooks and Isaac then realized he knew the reasons.

“I can take care of myself.” Spencer didn’t add that he didn’t want Craig in danger

because of his association with the men. From what he had seen so far of Craig, he didn’t

know what his friends were. Spencer would bet his badge they were military trained and

from what he had seen of Gio, they were dangerous as hell.

“Okay.” Craig pulled him forward. “Help me pull this off.”

Spencer went to the left side and held the cloth. Craig went to the right and showed him

the cord. When Craig inclined his head, Spencer noticed the cord on his side. He held it and

when Craig nodded, he pulled. The fabric fell and the low-level chatter immediately stopped.

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Spencer glanced at the faces of the audience and the awe on their expressions made him

wonder what the painting was. Craig came to him and stood by his side, looking at the

audience. In that moment what had been bugging Spencer about Freedom—the painting—

became clear.

“The man in the painting is you.”

“Yes.” Craig tugged him out so he could see what they had unveiled and turned him to

look, saying in a low voice, “So is that, but shhh… Don’t tell anyone.”

Spencer glanced at the floor-to-ceiling canvas then realized it wasn’t just a painting. On

the surface of the cloth was a rocky landscape that made up the painting portion. However, a

sculpture seemed to come out of the canvas, looking sort of blurry before smoothing out until

it became more defined. The detailing of the man stepping out of dark, jagged rocks seemed

to be a metamorphosis of sorts. The face of the man was still averted as he looked away. The

large plaque read Escape.

“Wow,” Spencer said, looking at Craig. “I don’t even know what to say.”

“Your expression says it all. It was nice meeting you, Spencer West. I’m sorry to say I

have to leave you for now. Have to go be the ‘artist’”—he made quotation marks with his

fingers—“and meet some folks. We will be speaking soon.” Craig touched his arm then

turned and walked away.

Spencer stared after him then glanced at the painting. He turned and headed toward

the exit. The showing had lost its appeal now that Craig wasn’t by his side. Before he got to

the door, Saul Johnson—Gio’s gallery manager—approached him.

“Spencer, we need your address to arrange delivery.”

“Delivery of what?” Spencer frowned.

“The painting Freedom.”

“I didn’t buy the painting.” Spencer shook his head.

“It’s a gift from Craig.” Saul grinned. “He said that only you understood it and he

wanted you to have it.”

“I can’t take the painting. Hell, there weren’t any price tags on any of the painting or

sculptures, but I know they are expensive.” Spencer waved him off. “Tell Craig thanks but no


He walked away.

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“Craig doesn’t like to hear no,” Saul called after him.

“Well, in this case, he’ll hear it and have to live with it.” Spencer returned and kept


He skirted the people and went to the door then out. His cell dinged then vibrated.

Spencer pulled it out and, seeing that a text had arrived, he swiped the screen. The name on

the screen made him pause then he read the text.

I look forward to seducing you. —Craig.

How the hell did you get your number into my phone?

Spencer sent his reply. Craig’s response came immediately.

I’m good at many things. LOL.

Spencer didn’t know what to think of that.

There are so many things I could say to that but will resist. I’m looking forward to you trying to

seduce me.

I’m not going to have to try. You’re already halfway there. —Craig

Spencer didn’t reply since it was true and he wasn’t about to admit it. He slid his cell in

his pocket and whistled as he headed for his black Yukon XL. Spencer knew he would be

seeing the artist soon and he couldn’t wait.

* * * *

Craig stared out of the window, watching as Spencer’s long strides took him to his SUV.

The sexy, brawny African-American man was even taller than Craig. It was a major turn-on.

At first when Craig had seen him across the room, it was as he’d said—Spencer was an

anomaly and that was what had intrigued Craig. Yet it wasn’t until he’d been face-to-face

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with the man that Craig’s fascination had increased. Everything about Spencer pushed his

buttons—the sexy tilt to his lips, cute dent in his chin and damn, the man had dimples to

boot. Yes, Spencer was a fine specimen of man, but all that paled in comparison to the

gentleness in Spencer’s eyes and the way he’d looked at Craig. It was as if he stripped

everything away from Craig and saw it all. The focus in that gaze made Craig’s pulse race

unlike anything else ever had.

It was exhilarating and disconcerting all at once. Spencer got in his vehicle and in a

moment he left. Craig placed his hand on the glass and said softly, “I’ll be seeing you soon,

Spencer.” Craig turned and went back to work.

As he did, he wished he could just be left alone to create. Yes he knew that the showing

and being there was part of the package of being an artist, but he much preferred his studio

where he didn’t need to deal with people. Craig stopped between Treat, his best friend, and


“You got mighty cozy with Spencer.” Treat sounded amused.

“Cozy is a good way to put it. Craig looked more like he wanted to climb the man and

tell him to drag him off to somewhere private.” Isaac lifted the beer he held and titled the

bottle across the room at someone. He chuckled.

Craig looked toward where he had made the gesture and wasn’t surprised to see

Dominic Rossi—another of Mercer’s best friends—with a furious look on his face. “Stop

messing with Dominic. If he comes over here and tries to beat you up, I’m not going to stop


“Like I need your help to stop him from touching me—if that is what I’m inclined to

do.” Isaac sipped his beer and kept his gazed focused across the room. “But let’s just suppose

I did. I know you’re lying that you wouldn’t help stop him. You’d be right by my side giving

blows as good as you got them. It’d be you and me, side by side, as usual.”

Craig sighed. “Yeah it would.” He bumped shoulders with Isaac then looked at Treat.

“Why do I put up with him?”

“Hell, I have no idea.” Treat lifted his glass and drank deeply before he said, “You like

pains in the ass, I guess.”

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“Hey, that’s Mr Pain In The Ass to you both.” Isaac finally focused on Craig. “So what’s

up with you and Spencer? You might flirt with men but I’ve never seen you act like you did

with him.”

Although he said it as if unconcerned, Craig knew Isaac too well to believe it. “Nothing

yet. I need to seduce him first. I have to go slow with him.”

The men stared at him then started to laugh. Craig joined them, knowing why they

were amused. He didn’t do slow—he went full steam ahead with no holds barred when he

wanted something. The conversation he’d had with Spencer was his idea of slow. If he’d had

his way, after his show he would have been taking Spencer home with him or would have

gone home with Spencer. He didn’t care which. He just wanted the man. Isaac was correct—

Spencer had him acting outside his norm. Yes, he was playful and touchy-feely, but he didn’t

take anyone home, ever. That he wanted to with Spencer was so weird. Spencer wasn’t even

his usual type. The rare times he did have companionship, he liked men who were less

intense and in for a good time. With Spencer, that wouldn’t be the case. Craig bounced, just

thinking of all Spencer’s intensity focused on him.

“Get that smirk off your face,” Treat said, smacking him on the arm. “I can see you’re

plotting something and I don’t want any part of it.”

“Come on. You’re my wingman.” Craig gave him his puppy dog look. “I just need you

to get me into the police station to see Spencer. I know you know many people who work out

of the Harris Street station, since your firehouse is right across the street. Do a buddy a


Treat opened his mouth, and Craig, knowing his expression, knew he was about to


“I’ll take you. How would tomorrow work for you?” Isaac interjected then added, “I

know the chief of police and the fire chief. I planned to stop in to see them both. Smooth the

waters, since I have been butting into cases of both departments lately. Hmmm… Maybe I’ll

even have the fire chief send the fire investigators from the last case. Then the chief of police

send the detectives I had contact with. Make it a big, old fun time. And I’m doing all this for

you, Craig. What do I get in return?”

Craig exchanged looks with Treat and Treat snickered. Rolling his eyes, Craig faced

Isaac. He wasn’t about to turn him down but couldn’t resist. “Sure, you’re doing this for me.

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And as for what you get? How about you get to bug and irritate Dominic? Because I sure

know that’s why you want the fire investigators there.”

“Yeah, that’s a great side benefit.” Isaac glanced toward Dominic and smiled widely.

He laughed then turned to Craig and Treat. “Since we are doing this tomorrow, I’ll move up

my meeting to tonight. I’ll head out. I have a flight to catch. I’ll be back tomorrow afternoon.

We’ll go about two o’clock.”

Isaac hugged him briefly, then Treat, before he departed. Craig didn’t even ask Isaac

how he knew that two o’clock would work for everyone. If Isaac said the time, he would

make it happen. He didn’t protest about Isaac changing his meeting, although he knew it was

in New York. Isaac wouldn’t hear of it anyway. The man didn’t listen to anyone.

“I’d like to be a fly on the wall when Dominic is told he has to be at a meeting with

Isaac.” Treat snickered.

“Me too.” Craig chortled.

“You do know that Isaac will be running a background search on Spencer,” Treat

pointed out. “And tomorrow he will be vetting him to make sure he approves of him for


Craig rolled his eyes. “I know. Damn overprotective man.”

“I saw the look Gio and the others gave him too.” Treat slapped him on the shoulder.

“They are going to all do their own checking on him.”

“Yes. All of them are a bunch of nosy pains in the ass.” Craig couldn’t even fault them.

He’d done the same with Evan, Gio and Brooks when they’d gotten involved with their

partners. At least he’d been more subtle about it.

“You’re being beckoned,” Treat whispered.

Craig glanced up and saw Gio motioning to him. He nodded and with Treat by his side,

he went to schmooze with the perspective buyer of his art. As the night progressed, in

between meeting with buyers and others, Craig fielded questions from his friends about

Spencer. He tried to make sure they wouldn’t overdo it when they used various ways to

meet him. He didn’t even try to tell them not to. Craig knew that would be useless. By the

time the night was done Craig was, as usual, tired yet still wired from the show. In his

apartment above his studio at the GH Gallery, he gazed out of one of the windows facing the

Brewster Street Fairgrounds. At night, the area was illuminated and that made it seem

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magical. This late there weren’t any functions there and very minimal traffic. Restless, Craig

turned and headed to the elevator. He decided to take the stairs instead and went rapidly

down then into the hall. He paused, glancing down the long hallway. At one end was his

place and at the other was Gio’s. There was limited access to this area from anyone in the

gallery—only he or Gio could grant people access. Recently, after someone had burned down

Gio’s house, he had moved once again into the apartment above the gallery.

Craig frowned, recalling the events that had brought back a man who should have been

dead and stayed that way. At least that problem had been rectified. Not wanting to dwell on

it, Craig went to door. He scanned his palm and it opened. Briefly, he wondered if he should

tell Gio or the others about the tails he’d picked up the last few nights on his nightly walks.

He dismissed it and went out—he could handle a bunch of people who were probably just

curious about his art. After shutting the door behind him—he didn’t have to lock it—it

would do that automatically. He crossed the spacious rear area of the gallery to the walkway

gate. He scanned his hand before he went out. The gate also closed automatically behind

him. Instead of his usual left, he went right.

Yeah, I need to start changing up my routine. Gio and Isaac will have my butt if they find out

I’ve become so predictable.

Craig strolled along the gates at the back of the businesses on this stretch of Brewster

where the gallery resided. Although he heard nothing, he knew the men he had spotted a

few nights ago were somewhere nearby. Moments after he turned the corner and came to the

side of Malone’s—the restaurant that took up the right side of the complex—he heard them.

Although they were trying for quiet, they were failing miserably. Not letting on that he knew

they were behind him, Craig smiled and wondered when they would work up their courage

to approach him for an autograph or questions. He continued, and soon he was almost to the

front of the gallery. An awareness Craig hadn’t used in a long time made him pivot and lift

his hand, catching the item that came at him between his fingers. Craig looked at the dart in

disbelief then at the men standing feet away from him.

“You did not just try to drug me with a blow dart.” Craig held the item then he sighed.

“I guess you aren’t art fans. Or maybe you are and want to keep me hostage for ransom or

something. That’d be a bad idea—I don’t tend to stay where I am put.”

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The men glanced at each other then back at him. They didn’t even crack a smile. Craig

stifled another sigh. He really didn’t want to deal with this now. It had been a good night.

He’d had a great show and had met Spencer, who he planned to see a whole lot more of. The

dark-haired man on the left slid the pipe he’d used for the dart under his jacket then

approached. The blond on the right also edged closer.

“Not big talkers, are you?” Craig fingered the dart then in a swift move threw it at Dark


Dark Hair’s eyes widened and he dodged to his right, but having anticipated that, Craig

smiled as the dart struck home. The man dropped to his knees, staring at him with shock on

his face before he pitched forward. The blond stopped, glancing at his partner then back at

Craig. The look on his face was ugly. The blond slid his hand under his jacket before he

yanked out a gun with a silencer and leveled it at Craig.

“You’re coming with me. They might want you alive but I have no problem killing you,

as they should have when you were born.” The blond’s voice was cold and deep.

Craig resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Mr Deep Voice was trying for intimidating, but

Craig had dealt with many men who were more frightening. Craig stepped away and moved

his hand behind his back.

“Don’t move.” Mr Deep Voice came toward him.

That was a dumb move. In one motion, Craig yanked his knife and pivoted before

throwing it. Anticipating where he would shoot, Craig slid to his knees then flowed to his

right as more shots came. The ping of the bullets hitting the sidewalk rang in his ears. He

rolled back and came to his knees then pulled another knife and pitched that one too. He

grinned as that one also struck home, this time in the left shoulder. Mr Deep Voice already

had Craig’s other knife in his right. Mr Deep Voice stumbled backward then held the gun, his

hand shaking. Craig slid flat to the pavement and breathed deeply when even more shots

came from behind him. He had been wondering where the third man—who he had already

recognized as more dangerous—was. He slid out of the way and ended up resting against

the glass doors of the gallery.

The sound of running footsteps came to him and Craig knew he had moments to get

inside or they would take him. He jumped to his feet, slapped his palm on the plate and the

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doors opened. Turning quickly, Craig reached out with both hands and caught the two darts,

one in each hand, then flipped backwards into the gallery. He kicked the door closed.

Breathing deep to center himself, he went to the door and looked out. The man who

hadn’t approached him with the other two—Dangerous, he’d named him—was staring at

him through the glass. The raven hair and his features depicted him as a Native American.

Shades covered his eyes. He lifted his gun and shot directly at the glass repetitively. Craig

didn’t move, knowing the glass was bulletproof. The other two might have been told not to

kill him but Dangerous… Craig saw that he had different priorities. Craig held up the darts

and grinned at the man. Dangerous went still then inclined his head before gesturing, and a

nasty smile curled his lips. Craig looked where he gestured and frowned as he spotted the

small dart right above his heart. That hadn’t come from a dart gun. He hadn’t even felt it.

Craig glanced back at Dangerous then threw the ones he held away before yanking out the

other. He held that up too and smirked. Dangerous stiffened then mouthed, “Dead.”

Dangerous pivoted then went to the other two goons. Dangerous picked up the one

Craig had thrown the dart at and put him over his shoulders. The move was seamless and

didn’t even seem to strain Dangerous. He grabbed Mr Deep Voice and helped him as they

walked away.

“What the hell is going on down here? Who are those men? Why are they shooting at

you and fucking with my place?” Gio bellowed.

Craig turned to him. Gio strode into the gallery, shirtless and barefoot, with his gun in

his hand. Mercer came behind him in a similar state.

“I’ll be damned. That was you with Gio and the others with that mob boss when they

got him to confess his crimes. I thought I had imagined you there when I saw you on that

tape. The seemingly eccentric artist couldn’t possibly be there.” Mercer stared at him and in

his eyes, Craig saw his view of him change.

Craig smiled loopily. “I guess they didn’t want my autograph.” He laughed


Gio frowned then looked at Craig’s hand. His eyes widened. “Fuck. They drugged you.

Call Treat, Mercer, tell him to bring an IV. We need to flush his system.”

“I’m assuming if they drugged him, he should be knocked out or dead.” Mercer pulled

out his cell. “Why isn’t he?”

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“Because Craig doesn’t react the normal way to drugs that most people do so no, if it is

to knock him out, it won’t do anything to him. If it is to kill him then we have time, since his

body doesn’t react normally.” Gio approached him. “Craig, can you tell me what they gave


“How the hell would he know that?” Mercer stopped what he was doing and stared at

Craig and Gio.

“By how he feels—the taste and scent. He’s like a human drug detector. Like, I’m a

human lie detector, Craig is a drug one. He can tell any drug just by how he feels if it is in

him—or by scent or taste if he tests it.”

“That’s not possible,” Mercer said, coming closer.

“I’m not going to have a debate with you. Call Treat. We need him here now.” Gio

touched Craig’s shoulder.

Craig looked at Mercer and said somberly, “The other men were to drug me. But the

third man, he used that last dart to kill me. I have maybe twenty minutes before I start to

convulse then my heart will stop and I will be dead. I really would appreciate it if you call

Treat. I’m going to need some liquids.” He focused on Gio and gripped his forearm. “Call

Brooks and tell him to bring the kit. And promise me you won’t call Isaac. Promise me.”

“I’ll call, and I promise not to call him.”

He nodded, seeing the truth in Gio’s words. Craig stepped back then started to jog

around the room.

“Why is he doing that?” Mercer asked.

“To get his adrenaline up. It works to get his system to not metabolize the drug. If he

says he has twenty minutes, it’s more like ten. Get Treat here. I’ll get Brooks.”

Craig heard them each talking on the cell. He didn’t focus on what was being said. I’m

not going to die. Who the hell is trying to kill me?

Spencer’s face flashed in his mind and Craig was even more determined to get over

this—then find out who wanted him dead.

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Chapter Two

“I still can’t believe it,” Mercer muttered as he walked closer to Craig.

If he’d had the energy, Craig would have swiped out at him. Tiredness seeped into him

and he lay down fully on the floor of Gio’s living room then closed his eyes. The drug they

had given him was out of his system but had left him wiped. When Brooks and Treat had

arrived, he’d been in the last throes of the drug and they’d had to work quickly to make sure

he didn’t die. All the while, Mercer had been saying they were crazy and should call the

ambulance. Thankfully, Gio had convinced him otherwise. Craig stilled his shudder at the

thought of being in a hospital. He hated them with a passion.

After he had come back to his senses and the drug’s effect had dissipated, Mercer had

been shocked. Then his questions had started about how it was even possible. Gio, along

with Brooks, had fielded most of them. When they hadn’t been able to, Craig had answered,

in between the calls and visits from people who cared about him. He had expected it and also

knew that all of them would be putting their heads together to figure out who the hell was

trying to kill him. Craig was just thankful Gio hadn’t called Isaac. Having to deal with him

would have been difficult. The sound of the elevator opening came to him and Craig didn’t

even lift his head to see who it was—he assumed it was one of his friends coming to check on

him. A few hadn’t come by yet. The sound of footsteps came toward him and the person

stood over him. Craig rolled to his side and groaned.

“Damn you, Gio. Why did you call Isaac?”

“How the hell did he know it was Isaac? He didn’t even open his eyes,” Mercer asked.

“I’d know his walk anywhere. He’s the only man I know who can say so much with the

way he walks,” Craig answered. He smacked over his shoulder and hit Isaac in the leg. “I

know you had to leave your meeting to get back here so soon. You didn’t have to.”

“Of course I had to,” Isaac said softly. He touched Craig’s shoulder.

Craig gripped his hand and sighed. “I can tell you’re worried. I’m fine.”

“Okay.” Isaac squeezed. “Are you through being lazy and ready for us to go to the

police station?”

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Craig frowned. Isaac was being very calm about him almost dying. He rolled onto his

back and looked at him. Isaac smiled at him gently and stroked a finger down his cheek.

“I’m ready.” Craig glared at Gio, who was just behind Isaac. “I’m mad at you for calling

and worrying Isaac.”

“I kept my promise.” Gio’s cool expression didn’t shift.

Craig glanced at Brooks. The man looked unruffled and unrepentant.

“Then it is you I’m mad at.”

“I didn’t agree to not calling Isaac.” Brooks smiled. “Hell, even though the

circumstances sucked, I enjoyed hearing him curse. Only you can get him to curse like that.”

Craig knew he was the one who’d made Isaac lose his temper. He held out his hand and

Isaac rose then pulled him up. He wobbled and Isaac frowned before sliding his arm around

Craig’s waist and holding him. Craig leaned on him gratefully.

“Maybe he should lie down and go to the station another day,” Mercer said.

Craig opened his mouth.

“Nah, he’s good.” Isaac winked at Craig then released him.

Craig nodded and, pushing away the weakness, he followed Isaac to the elevator. When

he realized Brooks and Gio were coming too, he looked at them.

“Where are you going?”

“With you. I’m going to say hi to Hunter.” Brooks smiled.

“I’m going with Mercer.” Gio shrugged.

Craig was too tired to debate why they men were going. He shrugged and when the

elevator came, they all got in. They descended and Mercer glanced at all of them.

“We’re going to a police station. Is anyone wearing weapons that will get you arrested

for coming armed into the police station?” Mercer looked pointedly at Brooks.

“What? One incident of having weapons and you believe I’m armed.” Brooks shrugged,

trying to look harmless. “Why aren’t you asking your man?” He gestured to Gio.

Craig stifled a smile. Brooks wasn’t fooling any of them and from the looks of things,

Mercer wasn’t buying it either. But short of frisking him, Mercer couldn’t do anything. At

least he was smart enough not to attempt to touch Brooks. Brooks wouldn’t have taken

kindly to it, and Gio would be pissed if Brooks broke something of Mercer’s.

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“Because Gio wouldn’t be crazy enough to walk into a police station armed with

weapons.” Mercer looked at Gio and he didn’t seem to be sure.

Gio said nothing, just gazed at Mercer.

“Fuck. I’m going to have to take out a loan to bail all of you out.” Mercer rubbed his

hand over his face then glared at Gio and Brooks. “Then again, I’m going to leave Brooks to

Hunter. Gio, you and me are gonna have words about this.”

“Yes, dear.” Gio smirked.

“Fucker,” Mercer said fondly.

Gio chuckled and went to Mercer. Mercer pulled him against his side and the

expression on Gio’s face made Craig’s breath catch. It was so peaceful and loving. A longing

hit Craig in the gut. He wanted that with someone too. Unable to resist, he went to the men

and cupped their faces.

“I’m going to paint this.” He rubbed his hands along their cheeks.

“Gio, he’s molesting me again,” Mercer teased.

“Now, now, Craig, what have we said about molesting Mercer?” Gio smiled.

“Feel free to do it anytime,” Craig retorted then stuck out his tongue.

Gio and Mercer chuckled. Mercer was getting used to him being touchy-feely. Gio

already knew how he was. The elevator opened and they went out before exiting the

building. They separated and took different vehicles. In Isaac’s dark blue Chevy Equinox,

Craig expected to be questioned or at least asked about what happened. Surprisingly, Isaac

said nothing. Taking the reprieve, Craig rested as Isaac drove them to the police station.

“We’re here,” Isaac said softly.

Craig blinked, not even knowing when he had fallen asleep. He yawned and stretched

then focused on Isaac. “I’m a little freaked you’re not acting like you.”

“I’m me.” Isaac opened the door. “Come on. They’re waiting for us.”

Craig got out and met him at the hood. “I didn’t even think of it. It’s earlier than we

planned. Hours early.”

“No problem. I changed the time.” Isaac strode toward the entrance.

Craig followed. Gio and Brooks, along with Mercer, fell into step beside him. In the

station, Isaac approached the desk sergeant, but before he reached him, a man came from the

side doorway. Craig watched as the men behind the desk snapped to attention.

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“Chief of police,” Mercer muttered. “Damn, Isaac has some pull.”

Mercer didn’t know that half of it. They were too far away to hear what was said

between the two men but soon Isaac gestured to them. They followed, and the man who

Isaac introduced as the chief led them an elevator. They didn’t say anything further as they

went upstairs, exited, then were led through a door that read Robbery and once inside, Craig

gazed around. The bustling area filled with officers, detectives and other personnel noticed

the chief and they all acknowledged him. He returned the greeting but didn’t say who they

were. Spotting Spencer, Craig winked. Spencer narrowed his gaze and Craig imagined he

was wondering what the hell he was doing there. The chief gestured to Spencer and another

detective sitting facing him at the other desk then he also made a ‘come here’ gesture to the

man at the desk to the left of Spencer. Fascinated, Craig stared at the lavender-tipped spiked

hair of the detective. Craig could also see various piercings, while his bulging forearms were

covered in tattoos, which contrasted with the suit he wore. The lavender-haired man pulled

down his shirt sleeves and shrugged into his suit jacket. Craig had never imagined a cop

with hair like that.

The chief continued and led them to a door. He opened it then said to Isaac, “Let me

know if you need anything else.”

“Thanks.” Isaac shook his hand before going in.

They thanked him too and entered. Craig, the last of his group to enter, frowned when

he spotted Dominic already waiting along with Hunter and Ian. Then he remembered Isaac

mentioning he would be bringing them in. He stood by the door and watched as the others

filed in. The man with the spiky hair came in last. Craig’s attention was on his hair then his

face, which held such a rich tapestry of his life. The man was extremely sexy. They sat

around the table but Craig remained standing by the door. Curious, he looked at Isaac.

“Guys, thanks for coming.”

“We weren’t asked but told to be here,” Dominic said gruffly.

“And I told them to.” Isaac glared at Dominic. “I don’t need your lip at this point,

Dominic.” Isaac’s tone was icy.

Craig lifted an eyebrow at that. Isaac was pissed about something, and a pissed off Isaac

was not a good thing. He exchanged looks with Gio and Brooks. They got up and moved

around the room. Craig went to stand behind the lavender-tipped spiked hair man. He

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nodded to Gio and Brooks. They were ready in case they had to subdue Isaac. They didn’t

need to explain to the police if he attacked anyone. Craig glanced at Spencer and noticed he

was looking at him then at the man he stood behind and frowned. Craig smiled, figuring he

was jealous. Spencer didn’t have to worry. Although the man was good looking, Craig

already had his sights on someone else. He stared at Spencer and let him see he wanted only

him. Spencer’s expression went back to normal. Craig winked again.

“I have a case that I will need all of you on,” Isaac said.

Craig was surprised but he relaxed. “Do you need us to leave? This is wor—”

“Nah, you can stay.” Isaac flicked a look at him. The look in his pale gray gaze gave

Craig pause then it cleared.

Now that he didn’t need to worry about Isaac, Craig focused back on the man in front

of him. He was again caught by the hair. Craig reached for the spikes. The man caught his

hand before he could touch and glanced back at him.

“Before you touch, shouldn’t we know each other’s name first?” the man said softly.

“I’m Mallory Forester—just call me Mal. And you are…?”

“Craig Scott.” Craig stared into his brown gaze. “And I need to paint you. You have

such a presence. There is so much you have lived.”

Mal blinked then gazed at him. “Craig, when you say paint, do you mean naked and all


A growl sounded behind them. Craig glanced up and saw Spencer with his lips curled

in a snarl. He glanced at Mal.

“I’m taken,” Craig said.

“A shame.” Mal studied him. “I’ll be glad for you to paint me. I assume you are an


“Yes.” Craig wiggled his fingers, which Mal still held. “Can I touch now? You know my


“I don’t usually let people mess with my spikes,” Mal said.

“Okay,” Craig said, disappointed. “But I’ll settle for the painting of you.”

“Let me know when,” Mal said.

“It’s good you two are so friendly,” Isaac said. “Makes it easier when Mal here protects


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Mal turned his head. “From your look, I can tell you are some sort of government agent

and from the description my brother gave me, I’m thinking you are that asshole who horned

in on his case.”

“That’d be me.” Isaac placed his hands on the table. “And you, Mal, are perfect for this

assignment. By the agreement of the fire chief and police chief, I’m going to be using all of

you in this room to find out who is trying to kill Craig.”

Craig snapped out of the daze he’d been in when Isaac said Mallory would be

protecting him—it was insulting and laughable.


“Shut up, Craig,” Isaac said mildly.

Craig shut up, recognizing the tone. Isaac was on the edge of losing it. Craig frowned

and observed him. He’d missed how truly upset and freaked Isaac was about him being hurt.

He could only blame it on not having his full facilities from being drugged. Craig hurried to

Isaac and he rose. He hugged Isaac fiercely then stared at him.

“I’m okay.”

“You’re not fucking okay.” Isaac gripped him. “Someone tried to kill you.”

“That’s the second time someone has said that. Explain.” Spencer was curt.

Craig looked at him, surprised. Spencer’s expression was closed off. He looked at Isaac,

who was holding him then back at Craig.

“Last night, someone attacked Craig outside the gallery,” Gio said. “I have the footage.”

Craig frowned at Gio. He had known what Isaac had planned and from Brooks’

expression, so had he. The only ones who seemed surprised were the cops and fire

investigators. Gio cued up the footage. Craig stood in the circle of Isaac’s arms and watched

himself as he fought the men. The sound quality was, of course, the best. Gio wouldn’t have

anything less.

“Last time we got footage from you, it didn’t have sound,” Hunter said.

“We have since upgraded,” Brooks replied. “Seemed necessary, since shit seemed to

keep happening.”

As what happened played out, Craig was caught between watching Spencer and Isaac’s

reactions. Isaac tightened his hold. Craig rubbed his hand along the back of his arm. Spencer

watched the tape, not saying a word. He looked at Craig then where he was touching Isaac.

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Craig didn’t like seeing the closed off look on Spencer’s face and opened his mouth to tell

him the truth.

“And that, gentlemen, is why you are here,” Isaac said. “We need to find out who is

trying to kill Craig.”

“I get there is a case but this should be for homicide. Why bring in us?” an older man

asked. “We do robbery.”

“This is Spencer’s partner, Andrew,” Isaac told Craig before turning to the man.

“Because a car was stolen from the Brewster Park Fairgrounds. It happened to belong to the

mayor’s wife, who had attended the showing of Craig’s art. And before you ask, the fire

investigators are here because after said car was used for those men to get away, they

torched it and left it. The scene is being held for Dominic and Mercer to look into.” Isaac

stared at the men. “And none of that would matter. I have the agreement of your bosses that

you are mine for the duration of this investigation.”

“That’s bullshit.” Dominic rose. “I get we are to look into this. But from what you are

saying and what I just saw, I bet if we try to dig into Craig’s background to get more on him,

we will get stonewalled as we did with these two.” He jerked his thumb to Gio and Brooks.

“At least this time you can hear me in person when I tell you it is of no relevance,” Isaac

replied in a cool tone.

“See, that right there is why I want to deck you or shoot you.” Dominic pointed a finger

at Isaac. “If you tie our hands, why ask us to investigate this?”

“Because he doesn’t think he can trust whoever he is working for,” Spencer said softly.

“He figured bringing us in—the local police—will make it look like Craig believes it is

something random. This will give them a cover to investigate on their side. We’re a front for

whatever they will be doing under the radar to check into what happened.”

Craig stared at him in surprise then looked at Isaac.

“You are a shrewd man, Spencer.” Isaac smiled. “That is exactly it.”

“Okay. We’ll do this.” Spencer rose and he focused on the other detectives and fire

investigators. “No matter the reason, someone tried to kill Craig and we should check as to


Craig’s breath caught at the fierceness in his statement. Even if Spencer believed he and

Isaac were a couple, he was willing to help.

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“Thank you, Spencer.” Isaac pushed Craig toward Spencer. “I’m trusting you with the

most important person to me on this earth. The man I will lay down my own life for.”

“Isaac.” Craig turned to him.

“Go on, little brother.” Isaac cuffed him fondly over the side of the head. “I have some

coordinating to do. No one fucks with my family and gets away with it.” Isaac walked past

him, touching his shoulder, then shook Spencer’s hand. “Fuck with him and I will kill you.”

He walked out of the room without looking back.

“Did he just say Craig is his brother?” Dominic asked. “Mercer, why didn’t you tell


“I had no idea he was his brother,” Mercer said.

“You don’t look anything alike,” Spencer said.

Craig turned to him. “Our parents adopted us. Then they became our parents.” Craig

gazed at the other men in the room. “He is trusting you and I hope you won’t disappoint


“Disappoint him?” Andrew rose. “Your brother just threatened to kill Spencer. And

from the vibes I’m getting, you know Spencer here already. And you are the one in danger.”

“I’m not in danger,” Craig said.

“Someone tried to kill you,” Spencer said.

At the softness, Craig winced. He might not know Spencer well but he sounded just like

Isaac did when he was trying to not freak.

“And they didn’t. The drug wasn’t that bad.”

“What drug?” Spencer demanded.


“I swear, it was the freakiest things I have ever seen. He…” Mercer interjected and


Spencer’s expression changed and Craig stifled a sigh. Now he would look at him

differently. Spencer had already started to after seeing him on the tape but now it was

cemented. He wouldn’t want anything to do with Craig.

“Is this why you said you adapt?” Spencer asked. “You come off as harmless, and no

one would suspect you to be anything else.”

“That’s my talent.” He shrugged, putting on his cool face.

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Craig wasn’t about to let Spencer see it affected him that Spencer wasn’t looking at him

like he had before. There was no longer desire in Spencer’s gaze—instead it was as if he’d

just found out Craig wasn’t what he seemed. Spencer’s eyes narrowed.

“Son of a bitch,” Dominic said. “He was the one who picked up Brooks when we went

to get Gio. I wondered why whenever I saw him in his Cherokee, it bugged me.”

“He was at the mob boss’s, too,” Mercer said.

“You’re right,” Dominic muttered. “Damn men. Never what you expect.”

“Get used to it,” Gio retorted.

He and Brooks laughed. The others bickered back and forth.

“I don’t need protection,” Craig said. He gestured to the images on the screen. “As you

can see, I can take care of myself.”

“That might be all well and good, but I’m not one to slack in my duty.” Mal rose. “I’m

going to get my things and I’ll meet you at my Jeep.”


“When you arrived, you came with your brother and seeing as he left, I’m guessing he

expected you to get a ride with me.” Mal glanced between Craig and Spencer. “Seeing as

Spencer here is taking lead and will be busy getting started on finding out who wants to kill

the man he is planning to fuck.”

“Mal,” Andrew said in exasperation.

“What?” Mal shrugged. “Sex is a natural part of life. It releases endorphins and is plain


“Oh God, he sounds like my cousin.” Gio laughed.

“Have I met him?” Mallory asked.

He led the way out of the room. The others followed then when the last one departed,

closing the door behind them, Craig suddenly found himself alone with Spencer.

“I better go meet Ma—”

“Where is the exuberant man I met last night?” Spencer closed the distance between


“A lot has happened since last night.” Craig stared at him.

Spencer stopped before him. “Yes. But I wouldn’t have thought you would all of a

sudden hide because of what was on the tape.”

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“Don’t tell me what you saw didn’t change how you see me.” Craig crossed his arms

over his chest. “I saw it on your face.”

“Of course it changed how I see you.”

Disappointment filled Craig. He should have expected him to admit it. From what he

had been told about Spencer, he was blunt.

“Do you know it’s hot to see you get all ninja-like on those assholes?” Spencer winked.

“Made me not want to wait for you to keep your promise.” He turned and walked away.

Craig followed. “What promise?”

“To climb me.” Spencer opened the door and went out.

Craig went behind him. He opened his mouth to reply but stopped when he saw the

busy squad room. Although he already knew Spencer was out at work, he figured he

wouldn’t want his business broadcast to everyone. He strode after him.

“Well played, Detective,” Craig said in a low voice. “I’ll only climb you when you are

ready for us to have sex. Otherwise, why tempt each other with what isn’t on the table…yet.

See ya later.”

Craig passed him and headed toward the door where Mal was waiting instead of at the

jeep. He paused by Mal. “I really don’t need protection.”

“Yeah I know, but you have it. Are you gonna cooperate or will I have to get rough?”

Mal smiled widely.

“Fine.” Craig looked him up and down. “But, dude, the suit you have on so doesn’t fit

in my studio.”

“I have a change of clothing here.” He held up the duffel bag. “Learned to always be

prepared when I was undercover.”

“You can share what you can about that with me.” Craig hopped. “And with you at my

studio, I can do drawings of you.”

“Oh boy.” Mallory bounced too. “Let’s go then.”

Craig laughed and went through the door Mal held open for him. He looked back and

noted Spencer watching them. He winked and left.

Spencer stared as the door closed behind Craig. He hadn’t stopped thinking about him

all night. Now Craig had shown up and there was someone trying to kill him. He clenched

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his fists. He wasn’t going to let it happen. Spencer turned and went to his desk. Andrew

looked at him when he sat.

“So that’s the artist that has you in a tizzy.” Andrew leaned back in his chair. “Seems

happy. Well, that is until you try to kill him, then he becomes like a corkscrew of death.”

Spencer laughed. That was Andrew for you. He was right, that was how Craig had

looked when he’d swept across the sidewalk with such grace. He still couldn’t believe it was

Craig. The man indeed didn’t look like someone dangerous. But seeing him in action, he

couldn’t deny that Craig was deceptive. The layers he’d sensed in Craig went much deeper

than he’d thought. Last night at the show, the paintings as well as the sculptures had made

him figure there was more, but seeing Craig fighting had confirmed it.

“Yeah. That’s him.” When Andrew had asked him earlier how the show had been, he’d

mentioned Craig. Not what he’d said, but about meeting him. Andrew was shrewd enough

and had been working with him long enough to know there was something more than he’d


“Well, I trust you to not let your personal feelings for him get involved. So since you are

lead on this, what do you think?”

Spencer put his hands under his chin then said what had been niggling him. “That

while Isaac and whoever else he has working on this is focused on whatever covert shit they

did, that we think of what the men who tried to take Craig said. They mentioned Craig dying

as a child. Why would they do that? From what Craig said, he was adopted, along with Isaac,

so what if this has something to do with that?”

“Partner, I’ve said it a million times. We’re on the same wavelength.” Andrew gestured

from his head to Spencer’s.

“Yep.” Spencer smiled. It was what made them such good partners. Many times before

he was able to articulate it, Andrew was already on board and knowing what he was

thinking. They had very similar instincts. “But first, did you run the image of the men from

the video.”

“Yes.” Andrew frowned. “And they have no record. I’m thinking Isaac ran it too and he

didn’t get anything on it, or he would have told us. That is, unless he has and doesn’t want to

tell us.”

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“Well one way to find out. Let’s call him.” Spencer glanced at his partner then sighed.

“Shit, we don’t even have his numb—”

The phone rang and they looked at the phone, then each other.

“It can’t be.” Andrew stared at the telephone.

Spencer picked up the phone. “West, how—?”

“Do away with the spiel,” Isaac said.

“How the hell did you know we were going to try to get your number to call you?”

Spencer frowned.

Andrew leaned back and shook his head. “He is one freaky man.”

“I am.” Isaac laughed.

“How the hell did you hear that?” Spencer said.

“I have great hearing.” Isaac sobered. “Now, Detective, I know you well enough to

know that you are probably wondering if I got a hit on the men from the video. The answer

is no, which is a bad thing. In the databases I have, they should have shown up, no matter if

they have a record or not. Someone wiped them from it. That takes power and pulling some

high strings. I also know you and your partner well enough to know that you think this has

something to do with Craig’s childhood before he was adopted.”

“Do I even want to know how you would know that?” Spencer asked.

“I ran a check on you, of course. Do you really think I wouldn’t check out a man my

brother is interested in?” Isaac sounded like it was a normal thing.

Maybe to him it was. Spencer left it alone for now. He didn’t have anything to hide, so

Isaac could look into his background all he wanted. Somehow he knew that Craig wouldn’t

want to know about Spencer, except from him directly.

“Anyway, your reports and the other things your superiors say about you suggest you

see what others don’t in cases. That’s why you have such a good closure rate.” Isaac sighed.

“I didn’t want to let Craig know it was about his childhood. He has never searched for who

his birth parents were. Every time I’ve suggested it, he said no and I abided by his wishes.

It’s pissing me off now more than ever that because of this attempt on his life, I have to break

my word to not find out who they are.”

“I think it is best for you not to find out—for neither one of us to look to find the

information,” Spencer said.

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“Detective, are you by chance trying to keep me in my brother’s good graces? I’m

touched,” Isaac said.

“I don’t give a damn either way. What I am thinking is that whoever wiped the

information about who the men are in the video would be monitoring for any searches in a

system—such as the one we use here in the police station, firehouse or whatever you use. We

don’t want to tip them off.” Spencer thought of it briefly. “I have a private investigator who

can…well, find out information, and no one would be tipped off we are looking.”

“Good point. A good choice in enlisting another of your best friends’ help. Tell Mr

Geoffrey Delaney that I appreciate his assistance.”

“You really are a pain in the ass. Acting like you know everything is aggravating.”

“I know.” Isaac laughed. “If Geoffrey needs anything, let me know. Better yet, tell him

to contact me on the number I am texting to you now. You can use the number also if

needed. Please don’t share it with anyone else.”

Spencer’s cell buzzed and he blew out a breath. “I won’t ask how you have my number.

It’s unlisted.”

“I have my ways.” Isaac laughed again. “Speak with you soon, Spencer.”

He hung up. Spencer put down his phone and looked at his partner. “Let’s take a ride

to Crowley Street.”

“Why are we going to see Geoff?” Andrew stood.

“I’ll explain in the car.” Spencer didn’t know if he was being suspicious for nothing, but

he didn’t want to say anything there. For good measure he said, “I think we were wrong

with his childhood being involved. That seems like a long time to hold a grudge. Let’s focus

on the present and work our way back.” He stared deliberately at Andrew.

Andrew paused and Spencer saw understanding fill his gaze. “Yeah. You’re right.

Working our way back sounds good.”

They walked toward the door of the squad room. Spencer glanced around causally and

wasn’t sure if anyone was listening. He set it aside for now and followed his partner.

* * * *

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Hours later, Spencer slammed the door of his Yukon closed and walked up the

driveway of his house on Moreno Avenue. Briefly, he thought about taking a walk to the

area close by to get some dinner from the Moreno Grill and something sweet from RJ’s

Bakery. He dismissed it, since he didn’t feel like going out. All day it had felt like he was

chasing his tail. He’d told Andrew what Isaac said then they’d met with Geoffrey. They’d left

him to do what he did best—dig where they couldn’t. Then they’d gone to the site of the

burned out car and met Mercer and Dominic there. They had left the men then gone to

interview the Mayor’s wife. The woman hadn’t been able to give them any leads. The one

thing she was very into was Craig’s art—he’d spotted a few pieces from Craig’s show at her

house already on the walls. After, they had returned to the station to work on Craig’s case, as

well as others they had. By the time they had called it a night, they hadn’t really gained any

ground about Craig’s case.

Spencer stretched and went up his steps. On the porch, he paused a moment to take in

his neighborhood. He loved this area and it was usually a safe place. The fire at Gio’s place

was the most excitement they’d had in a long while. He went to his door before heading

inside then closed the door behind him. After kicking off his shoes, he padded in his socks

into his living room. He’d get a drink before he went to bed. He turned on the dimmer

slightly so he could see then went to the mini-bar. Spencer glanced toward the television,

wondering if he was in the mood to watch anything to unwind. He stopped and looked up,

his gaze riveted to the painting that had moved him so powerfully last night. It hung over

the TV and it hadn’t been there when he’d left this morning. He went closer and put his

hands on his hips. Spencer took the note off the TV.

This is where it needs to be. Yes, I broke into your house. And no, you can’t arrest me. I brought

a cop with me and all he did was laugh. The idiot didn’t even help or stop me when I broke in. He did

help me hang this for you. Keep safe. – Craig.

Spencer chuckled. Craig was a determined man and Spencer couldn’t resist him, even if

he’d wanted to. Lucky for them both, he didn’t plan to. He figured that Craig had found out

where he lived from Gio or Mercer. More likely Gio, since if he’d asked Mercer, he’d have

had to tell him why he wanted to know. And even if he hadn’t told him, Mercer would have

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warned Spencer that Craig was up to something. Suddenly not as tired, Spencer went to the

bar, grabbed a bottle of Jameson then went and put it by the door. He pulled out his cell and

placed an order from Monroe’s for food then RJ’s for dessert. Spencer headed upstairs for a

quick shower then he would go see a man about painting and his stubbornness.

* * * *

An hour later, Spencer went inside the back door of GH Gallery.

“Thanks, Mercer.”

“No problem,” Mercer replied. “He’s in his studio. I saw the lights were still on when

you called.”

“Thanks. Is Mal still here?”

“As far as I know.” Mercer grinned. “Isaac called and said the protection is twenty-four

seven, so he’s sleeping over.”

“The hell he is.” Spencer scowled.

“Hey, Gio volunteered to keep an eye on things but Mal was like ‘a duly authorized law

enforcement officer should be here’.” Mercer rolled his eyes. “That left me out too, since I’m a

fire investigator. It doesn’t matter that I carry a gun and can arrest people too. I was tempted

to arrest Mal just for the hell of it.”

“Believe me, it’s a standard feeling he invokes in people.” Spencer headed down the


“Have a nice night.”

“You too. Tell Gio I said hi.”

“Hi, Spencer,” Gio said.

Spencer didn’t see him but assumed Gio was looking at them from the monitors he had

and using whatever audio system he had to speak to him.

Spencer stopped before the door going to the studio then realized he couldn’t get in.

The lock clicked and he tried the door. It opened and loud music poured out.

“Thanks, Gio,” he said softly.

He knew Gio would be able to hear him. Spencer went in and was immediately drawn

toward the man who was perched across the room on a high stool before the massive easel.

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Craig didn’t even seem to know he was there. He glanced at Mal sitting on the couch close to

where Craig worked.

Mal rose, striding over to him. “Took you long enough. He hasn’t eaten dinner and I

was getting hungry. I’m heading out.”

“What, no comment about a law enforcement officer protecting him?” Spencer teased.

“That’s you, buddy.” Mal slapped him on the shoulder. “When you can’t be here at

night, I’ll be, but if you are, I can go home. See you tomorrow.”

“And what is this about you laughing as he broke into my house?”

“Man, if you had seen it, you would have laughed too.” Mallory shook his head. “Took

him less than two seconds and he had your alarm disabled in another second. I’ve never seen

anyone break in that fast. If I didn’t know better, I would think he was a criminal. Then he

gave me this innocent look and said you needed better security. I even had him try my place

and he got in. So yeah, I’m talking to him about better security to keep people like him out.”

“I…don’t even have any words,” Spencer said.

Laughing, Mal left. Spencer set down the bags he carried on the two-seater table then

approached Craig. Craig glanced at him with glazed eyes, which cleared when he grinned.

“Hey. I didn’t think you were coming by.” Craig looked beyond him. “Ohh… You

brought food. Do you mind if we take a walk first? I like to take a nightly walk.”

“I remember that you do. It’s how they attacked you.” Spencer frowned. “It’s not a

good idea to go walking alone in the dark.”

“Really…?” Craig walked toward him, his movements slow and sensual. “You see what

happened to the men who tried to take me. I don’t fear to walk around my neighborhood.”

“I can see nothing I say will change your mind. Just be more careful.”

“I always am.” Craig reached him.

Spencer gazed at Craig standing there and smiling at him. He leaned down and kissed

him. Craig gripped his shoulders and opened up. Spencer pulled Craig to him and slid his

tongue deep into his mouth. The sweet, sultry taste of Craig filled his senses and Spencer

wanted so much more. Craig pulled away, licking along his lips then moved back.

“I want to seduce you. Take my time and build up to my having you. So come and walk

with me.”

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Spencer let Craig lead him outside. They strolled through the neighborhood and talked.

He was again awed by how easily they shared things. Later, after their walk, they returned

inside and shared dinner and dessert, still talking and laughing. When they were done, Craig

looked at him.

“I need to get back to work.” Craig rose. “I have another showing in three months.”

“Why so close?”

“It’s a two-part exhibit. The first was last night and showed the raw emotion. The other

one in three months is about depth.” Craig shrugged. “If you want, you can go upstairs and


“I’ll just rest here on the couch.” Spencer sat on the couch.

“Okay.” Craig leaned over and kissed him thoroughly. “I might do that a few times to

keep me going.” He winked.

Spencer cupped his cheek. “Anytime.”

Craig went to his easel and sat. He picked up his paintbrush and in moment, was

engrossed in his work. Spencer relaxed on the couch and watched him. Craig swayed on his

stool and muttered as he painted. From time to time, he came over and kissed Spencer, who

gladly took in each caress. Spencer shifted on the couch, hard and aching.

I don’t know if my control will hold long enough for Craig to do this seduction he has planned.

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Chapter Three

Spencer stared off into space, smiling as he thought of the last month with Craig. They

had fallen into a pattern. He’d work during the day then, unless he was on a case that made

him late, he’d go at night to Craig’s. Mal would leave from his guard duty then Spencer and

Craig would take a walk before having dinner. Spencer touched his lips. Craig had been

slowly seducing him, as he’d said he would. Spencer had come to long for the kisses, to enjoy

the random touches Craig gave him. Every time he didn’t strip Craig bare was a testament to

his control.

Yeah, I’m an idiot and should just fuck him already. Spencer knew he could but he wanted

Craig to be the one to initiate when they would go any further.

A paperclip bounced off his forehead. Spencer swiped at his head and glared at

Andrew. “What?”

“Stop mooning over your…” Andrew scowled. “Hell, I don’t even know what to call

him. What is the politically correct term these days?”

“Boyfriend,” Craig said.

Spencer glanced at him, surprised to see him next to their desk. He looked at Mal.

“I go where my charge wants to go.” Mal shrugged.

“I’m taking you to lunch,” Craig said.

Spencer glanced at Andrew.

“Go ahead.” He waved his hand. “I’ll get Mal here to do some of the paperwork. Seeing

as he’s been on the cushy assignment for a month already.”

“Hey, I’m just as surprised as you are they haven’t pulled the detail yet, since nothing

has happened.” Mal sat on the edge of Spencer’s desk.

“Isaac.” Craig sighed. “He’s been keeping you protecting me. I’ve been trying to

convince him that I don’t need you. No offense, Mal.”

“None taken,” Mal said.

Spencer rose and grabbed his jacket. “I’ll be back soon.”

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He and Craig walked across the squad room, Spencer greeting some of his fellow

officers as he went. They went into the elevator and down to the ground floor. After they

exited and crossed the lobby, Spencer waved at the desk sergeant then opened the door for


“Where do you—?” Craig stopped suddenly.

Spencer almost plowed into him. “Why are you standing there?”

He had barely gotten the words out before Craig took off. Spencer frowned then

glanced to where he was running. He spotted the man who had shot the last dart—the one

that had almost killed Craig. Swearing, Spencer grabbed his cell and called as he ran behind


“Andrew, the man who went after Craig is here.”

“Okay.” Andrew hung up.

Sliding his cell into his pocket, Spencer ran behind Craig. Craig was moving so fast he

barely saw him dodging through the crowd. The perp bowed to them then he took off.

“Fucker!” Craig screamed then redoubled his efforts.

Spencer picked up his pace when the men dodged the pedestrians as they ran. People

were looking at them weirdly and Spencer was losing sight of the men. Suddenly, someone

flew past him and all Spencer saw was the lavender spikes. He shook his head and ran flat

out to catch up to the men. They turned the corner and Spencer skidded around then pulled

up short as he almost plowed into Craig again. He and Mal weren’t even out of breath.

“Where is he?” Spencer frowned at the empty alley.

“Either he is Spider-Man or a ghost.” Mal looked up.

Spencer felt an itch between his shoulders and he pivoted, dropping to one knee and

drawing his gun. He spotted the man with his gun trained on Craig a second before he shot.

A knife whizzed past his ear then another shot came over his head. The fugitive dodged then

screamed. It was a sound of rage and he grabbed his shoulder, glaring as he turned and ran.

“Did you see that? That was some Matrix bullshit.” Andrew came up, huffing as he

stared after the man. “He just dodged your bullets. But the knife got him.” He glanced past

Spencer. “I’m not going to even think about how the hell you got into the police station with

that long hell of a knife, Craig.”

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Spencer rose and looked at Craig. Craig was pacing and muttering too fast for him to

understand what he was saying. Mal came over and stood by Spencer with Andrew to his

other side. They looked at each other, not sure what to do about the obviously angry man.

Suddenly, Craig sat on the floor, crossing his legs beneath him. He placed his hands palm-up

on his knees and closed his eyes. They cautiously looked at each other.

“He’s your boyfriend,” Andrew said.

“Yeah.” Mal slapped him to the shoulder. “Take care of whatever it is that he is doing.

We’ll just be over here, keeping the scene contained so maybe we can get some useful


The men left him. Spencer went to Craig and squatted before him.

“Craig, honey, what are you doing?”

“You call me honey for the first time after I just knifed a man?” Craig opened one eye.

“I’m trying to get my Zen back.”

“Ummm… What Zen?”


Spencer had no idea what he was talking about. Craig opened his other eye.

“I finally had Isaac almost convinced he was worrying for nothing. That after a month I

was safe, and it was probably just some overzealous person trying to kidnap me—that they

rethought it and he could ease up his hovering.”

“Hovering?” Spencer frowned. “I haven’t seen Isaac since the day we spoke about your


“You might not have seen him, but he is there. Lurking.” Craig looked behind Spencer

and blew out a breath. “You are right. I’m still in danger.”

Spencer glanced and Isaac had on shades. His face was impassive and he was staring at


“I know I was.” Isaac turned and went to join Mal and Andrew.

“See, that there. Just for that, I will kill this man and whoever the fuck sent him. I don’t

like making Isaac worry.” Craig met Spencer’s gaze. “When your back was turned, he was

going to shoot you. He almost killed you because of me.” Craig blew out another breath. “I

need my Zen because I’m going to find this fucker.”

“Okay, Craig. Get your Zen.” Spencer rose.

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“Don’t think I don’t hear your ‘humoring the crazy man’ tone.” Craig closed his eyes.

Spencer debated for a moment if he should leave him sitting on the dirty floor of an

alley unprotected. A movement in the shadows made him look up. Spencer’s eyes narrowed

as he recognized a man he had seen at Craig’s show, as well as in passing when he’d been to

see Craig. Another came from the other side of the alley then the men nodded at him before

disappearing from view.

“See, I told you he was hovering. They all are. I’m never alone. The fucker who came

after me is good if he escaped notice from everyone.” Craig sighed, eyes still closed, then

waved his hand. “Go and plot with Isaac and the others. I’ll just stay here and grab Zen by

the throat and say come calm me the fuck down.”

“I didn’t know you had such a potty mouth.” Spencer held back a laugh.

Craig flipped him the bird. Spencer left, chuckling. Craig hadn’t even opened his eyes.

He joined Isaac and the others.

“His being Zen is a good thing. Although you might want to hose him down because

the ground he is on is rank.” Isaac curled his lips in distaste.

“With him swearing as he is, I don’t think he’ll find Zen any time soon,” Mal said.

“Oh, he’ll be fine in about ten minutes. Then whoever did this better look out.” Isaac


“Why?” Spencer glanced at Craig.

“Because until now, Craig didn’t believe the danger was still there. Now he knows, and

they came after not just him but someone he cares about. They unleashed the Zen.”

“I thought Zen was calm?”

“It is excluding all else to focus. And a focused Craig is a powerful weapon.” Isaac

smiled and it wasn’t pretty.

Spencer didn’t take his attention away from Craig, even when the forensics guys came.

It wasn’t until Isaac left with Craig that he focused on something else.

This man is getting bold. And being bold will cause him to make a mistake. Next time I will be

ready. No one will hurt you, Craig.

* * * *

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Spencer looked at Craig perched on his stool. He was painting and Spencer was grateful

for that. For days after the last attempt, Craig had been pacing and muttering, cursing for

Zen. It seemed like it was missing and Craig wasn’t happy about it. Hell, he and Andrew

were getting nowhere either. As the days passed with no leads, Spencer kept reminding

himself that they were all watching out for Craig and they would hopefully get a break soon.

He really wanted something to go on. Even Geoff hadn’t gotten anywhere with finding out

more about Craig’s birth family. Spencer frowned. He hadn’t spoken to him in a few days. If

there had been something, Geoff would have contacted him, but Spencer made a mental note

to get in touch with him.

Spencer focused back on Craig. That he was painting again was a relief. It seemed to

calm him and with Craig’s show fast approaching, he needed to get his stuff ready. Craig set

down his brush then stretched. Spencer’s cock went hard—usually when Craig set aside

what he was working on, it signaled he was coming for a kiss. Craig stood in a lazy motion

then turned to him. Spencer stifled a groan and rose as Craig came toward him with sleek

strides. Craig stopped a hairsbreadth from him then licked his lips. Spencer spread his legs,

bracing himself for the kiss. Each one was more powerful than the last. Craig glided forward

then hopped. Spencer caught him instinctively. This is new. He cupped Craig’s ass.

“So strong,” Craig said, then hummed. He used his legs then climbed up Spencer until

they were eye to eye. Spencer’s eyes widened then he smiled.

“Oh yes, that’s the look I want.” Craig pressed kisses along the side of his face. He

licked along each of Spencer’s dimples then the dent in his chin. “Now that I’ve kept my

promise to climb you, what ya going to do with me?”

Spencer couldn’t decide what to do first. In the next moment, he went with what he had

been anticipating. He kissed Craig deeply and thoroughly. Craig opened up and he moaned,

the sound vibrating on Spencer’s tongue. They kissed—a carnal clash of tongues. Spencer sat

and shifted Craig in his lap. Craig straddled him, rocking his cloth-clad erection against

Spencer’s own aching shaft. Craig pulled back from their kiss and lifted up. He tugged

Spencer’s shirt off and Spencer did the same to Craig’s T-shirt. He ran his hands down

Craig’s sun-kissed chest, staring as his blunt fingers smoothed over his skin. Craig was also

touching him but he slid his hands lower, going to work on his belt. Soon he had it open, as

well as his slacks. With a firm touch, Craig pulled Spencer’s cock out of his pants and boxers

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then stroked along his hard length. Spencer pushed into his touch, moaning. Craig slid off

his legs and to his knees. He pulled on Spencer’s pants and Spencer lifted his hips so he

could remove them. Craig rose and Spencer shoved his jeans and boxers off at the same time.

When he was bare, Spencer stared at the beautiful man before him. Craig’s muscles

moved under his ribcage as he breathed deep and moaned. The sound broke the little control

Spencer had. He reached for Craig but paused as he realized he didn’t have protection. As if

reading his mind, Craig strolled away before pulling something out of his set of paints on the

table. He returned to him and held out the tube of lube and a packet of condoms.

“You’ve been planning this.”

“For weeks.” Craig grinned. “If you knew how often, when I stopped to come kiss you,

I looked at that table wanting to grab the lube and condom and have you fuck me, you’d be


Spencer frowned, remembering he had seen him look. He’d thought he’d been planning

what paint he would use next. “I hope you have more condoms handy because these aren’t

going to be enough.” Spencer took the items and dropped the extra condoms on the table by

the couch.

“I have a lot and will get more.” Craig stretched. “I plan for us to be doing this for a

long time—and often.”

The motion caused Spencer’s mouth go dry. Craig’s cock bobbed as he moved with a

sensuality that made Spencer want to hear more of those sounds he’d been waiting to pull

from Craig. He slicked his fingers and pulled Craig into his lap. Spencer readied him and the

soft moans and urging made him even harder. Soon, he donned the condom then laid Craig

on his back on the couch. Spencer went over to him and, holding his leg up, he slid along his

crease before he pushed into the welcoming clutch of Craig’s body. Craig’s breath hitched

and he tightened around him then relaxed, letting him in. Spencer slid deep and stroked


Craig met him and widened his legs then he rocked in counter to Spencer’s motions.

Spencer breathed in, taking in the scent of them. Groaning, Spencer kissed him as he thrust

into this one man who had managed to get under his skin. Spencer enjoyed each catch of

Craig’s breath and soft sound he let out as he worked them into a frenzy. He hissed as Craig

dug into his back with his nails.

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“Harder,” Craig gritted out.

Spencer was only too happy to oblige. He moved faster and Craig whimpered as he

tightened his muscles, making each thrust even more devastating. All too soon he felt the

familiar heaviness in his sac and he fought not to come. But he was powerless, and he arched

then shook under the power of his release. Craig held him as he moved with him.

“Yes. Like that Spencer. So good.”

He slumped over Craig then frowned when he felt that Craig was still hard. Spencer’s

cock jumped and he started to fill again. He pulled out of Craig then took off the condom,

tying it. He grabbed another and slid it down on Craig’s hard shaft. Craig jerked, pushing

into Spencer’s touch. Spencer reached for the lube but Craig took it. Spencer put one foot on

the floor and held himself up. Craig coated his fingers then slid them along Spencer’s ass.

Spencer shivered at the cold wetness. When Craig pushed into him he shivered, tightening

around his fingers.


At the sound of his name in Spencer’s deep voice, Craig was undone. He smoothed his

fingers over Spencer’s hole then pushed in again. As Spencer clenched, Craig shuddered,

wanting the sensation on his cock. Craig finished getting Spencer ready then Spencer

balanced over him while Craig held his erection. Spencer lowered himself onto his shaft and

Craig shook. Soon he was fully seated and Spencer locked his gaze to his and moved.

Spencer.” He moaned.

Spencer hummed and kept thrusting. Each motion forward then back made Craig

harder. He grabbed Spencer’s ass and pushed up as he rocked. Soon they set a fast rhythm

and Craig stared into his gaze. The lust in Spencer’s eyes made him gasp then Spencer

squeezed his inner muscles and it turned to a moan. He repeated the motion over and over,

making Craig weak with what Spencer was doing to him. Spencer braced his leg on the floor

and rolled his hips, setting off a sensation of pleasure, which caused Craig lose his breath.

“Take it.” Spencer repeated the motion of his hips. “I want to hear all those sweet


“I don’t do sweet.” He grabbed Spencer and dragged him down. He nipped Spencer’s

bottom lip.

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Spencer chuckled, a decadent sound, before he did the same movement, making Craig

gasp. He laughed and Craig pinched him on the side.

“Fucker,” he moaned.

“Yep.” He kissed him deeply. “Sweet sounds.”

“Bastard.” He gasped then whimpered as Spencer drove him higher toward release.

The slide of his cock into Spencer mixed with his tightening was too much. Craig got

lost in the dual sensations. He gripped his ass, rocking with him. His release came over him

and Craig held onto Spencer as he shook under the power of it. Spencer leaned over him,

grinding down and Craig felt his now revived erection. Wetness splashed between them as

Spencer came again, joining him in pleasure. He slid his hand up Spencer’s sweat-soaked

back then into his hair. He pulled his head until he was able to kiss Spencer. Stroking his

tongue into Spencer’s mouth, he dueled lazily with Spence’s tongue. Slowly, Spencer pulled

away from the kiss then lay against Craig’s body. Craig continued to smooth his hand up

and down Spencer’s side.

Soon Spencer’s breath calmed and he shifted off him, sliding beside him and turning

Craig until his back was to Spencer’s front. Craig removed the condom and disposed of it.

Spencer put his large hand over Craig’s stomach then nuzzled along the side of his face.


Craig opened his mouth to argue but decided to just wait him out. He was silent and

soon Spencer’s breath deepened as he went to sleep. After waiting a little while longer, Craig

disentangled himself then rose. He looked down at Spencer and grabbed the quilt from the

back of the chair to cover him up. Staring at him, Craig wondered for a moment if he should

distance himself to keep Spencer safe. It was what he had been thinking for the last few days.

The gun pointing at Spencer had shaken him and he didn’t like it. Didn’t like the idea of

Spencer being in danger or in harm’s way because of him.

He stroked Spencer’s hair from his face and knew he wouldn’t be walking away. It was

too late—Spencer had gotten under his skin and Craig wasn’t about to let him go. Now he

was determined to find this man who was trying to kill him, then find out who was behind

it. In his gut, he knew someone was pulling the strings. Now he just needed to find out why.

I won’t let anything happen to you, Spencer.

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Rising, he went back to his painting but changed his mind on the way and went to


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Chapter Four

The sound of his cell dragged Craig from his work. He took it off his workstation, from

between the paints he was using. Glancing at the screen, he smiled and his cock hardened.

Spencer had that effect on him and Craig was enjoying every moment of them being

together. He couldn’t believe it had been three weeks already since that first night. Since

then, they had made up for lost time.

“Hey there.” Craig leaned against the high-back stool.

“Hey, yourself. Whatcha doing?” Spencer sounded playful.

“Working,” he replied in a similar tone.

“Come play hooky with me.” Spencer’s voice deepened. “I’m outside.”

“I…” Craig looked at the studio and what he still had left to do before his showing.

“My show is less than a month away.”

“And you’ve been working hard and need a break.” Spencer voice lowered. “I want to

show you something.”

“I’ve seen what you want to show me. Many, many times.” Craig chuckled.

“Although that is the plan later, that’s not what I want to show you. Come on. I promise

it will be worth it,” Spencer enticed him.

Craig went to the table by the door, grabbing his keys and wallet. “Where are you


“At the front entrance of the gallery.”

Craig exited from his studio through the doorway to the main hall behind the gallery.

Quickly, he scanned his palm then went into the gallery. As usual, it was busy. He lifted his

hand as he spotted Gio and his store manager.

As he went, he greeted the people he knew but didn’t stop to chat. Outside, he saw

Spencer’s Yukon at the curb. The door opened and, seeing the man, Craig did a hop then

went to the vehicle. He got in and slid over before kissing Spencer then he buckled himself

into the passenger seat.

“I love that you’re always so excited.” Spencer put his hand on his knee.

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Craig placed his on top and squeezed gently. “That’s just me.”

“I know.” Spencer pulled out then asked, “What have you been up to today?”

“I finished the sculpture.”

“Have you decided what to call it yet?”

“Still working on it.”

“Now that it is finished, can I see it?”

“Nope. You have to wait until my show.” Craig lifted his hand and kissed the knuckles

before putting it back on his knee. “Where are we going?”

“My house,” Spencer replied.

Craig stared at him. They had been spending all their time at his studio or his

apartment. “Sounds good. How was your day?”

“Still trying to get a hold of Geoff. The last message I got from him was that he was

going out of town to follow a lead on your case. That was almost three weeks ago.”

“If you’re worried something happened to him, why not tell Isaac? He can find him.”

Craig said.

“Nothing happened to him.” Spencer frowned. “I’m not worried about that. It’s just not

like him when he is working on a case for him to be out of touch so long.”

“Then I don’t get why you don’t have someone track him down.”

“I’ll give him a few more days then take care of it.”

Craig shrugged. He’d only met the investigator Spencer had hired once. Craig had no

idea what lead the PI was working on with Spencer since Spencer only shared the bare bones

of the case. Spencer had said he couldn’t tell Craig too much in case they arrested the man

trying to kill him and Craig needed to testify in court. They didn’t want the prosecution to

have the ability to ask him about stuff that he shouldn’t know just by being the victim in the

case. As they drove, Spencer changed the subject and filled him in on a general level on some

of his cases. Craig enjoyed that he had started to share more frequently about what he did at

the job. Spencer didn’t get too specific, since much of what he worked on was sensitive. Soon

they were at Spencer’s place and he parked. Craig had been here once, briefly, when he had

given him the painting. He exited and Spencer came to join him.

“Before we head in, let’s get some dinner at Monroe’s and dessert from RJ’s Bakery.”

Spencer slid his hand against Craig’s, stroking his thumb along his palm.

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Craig smiled at the touch. He’d gotten used to Spencer touching him or holding his

hand as they walked. “I could make us something?”

“You cook?”

“Don’t sound so surprised.” Craig bumped his shoulder. “I do. Isaac and our dad

taught us. Me and Mom were useless in the kitchen.”

“I don’t have any groceries but next time, I’ll take you up on it.” Spencer led him down

the drive and to the sidewalk. “You don’t talk much about your childhood. When you and

Isaac were adopted.”

“Hmmm… You’re right. I don’t really think about it. I met Isaac when I was eight and

he was ten. He was this bossy kid who I detested on the spot. Even back then he acted like he

knew everything.” Craig laughed. “It ticked many of the kids and foster parents off too. But

he didn’t give a shit. He still doesn’t care what people think of him.”

“Yeah. He still ticks people off too.”

“He says it’s his talent.” Craig slid his hand into Spencer’s as they walked. “Anyway,

by the time I first met Isaac, I had a chip on my shoulder. In hindsight, I realize now I had

some great foster parents but I wouldn’t let any get near me. Wouldn’t get emotionally

attached. I was under the delusion that my ‘real parents’”—he made quotes with his

fingers—“would come to get me. I was told I was abandoned at a church when I was a day

old. As I got older, I was sure that it was a mistake and my birth parents would come for me.

But as the years progressed, I realized I was foolish. That was when I got the chip and

decided it wasn’t worth it—giving a shit about anyone. That was until Isaac.” He shook his

head. “Damn, he was stubborn back then. Hell, he is that way now too. Isaac was determined

he wanted to be my friend. To this day, I have no idea why, but eventually… Well, after a

few fights between us, he succeeded. We were in the same boys’ home for two years when

Isaac was adopted by the Scotts. Both of us were surprised as hell because, like I was, Isaac

was a tough kid to get close to. But the Scotts saw something in him.”

Craig thought about that time and smiled. Spencer rubbed his finger up and down his


“When we heard he was being adopted, it was hard. More for Isaac than me because I

was used to being alone and disappointed.” Craig sighed. “What I didn’t realize was that I

was the first real family Isaac had ever had. The thought of losing me was too much for him.

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He went home with the Scotts and I’ll never forget the look on his face. It was so broken. I

was hurting too but didn’t want anyone to see it, so I put on my usual front. I spent the rest

of the day by myself and didn’t eat or anything. I don’t know when I fell asleep but I woke to

find Isaac on the floor sleeping by my bed. The idiot had snuck out. He’d sneak back to the

Scotts each morning before they woke. I was so glad but couldn’t let him take the risk alone

so we would rotate back and forth. I would sneak out and go to his new home or he would

come to me. We did that for a while. Surprisingly while we did it, we never got caught—or

so we thought. Then one day the Scotts came and adopted another boy.”

“You,” Spencer said softly.

“Yes. They had wanted us both but there was some red tape that made them have to

wait. When they could, they came for me too. I was…shocked. When we got home they sat

Isaac and me down and told us they had known we were going back and forth to sleep at

night together.” Craig laughed. “We thought we were so slick but Dad knew and told Mom.

Dad was in the military.”

“Is that how you and Isaac got into the military? Because of your dad?”

“Yes.” Craig looked at Spencer. “If you ask, I can’t tell you about what we did.”

“I’m not going to. I sort of know that already—from things I’ve picked up from Mercer

and Gio.” Spencer squeezed his hand. “A man is entitled to his secrets. As long as you don’t

keep secrets that will affect our relationship, I don’t want you to have to break whatever

word you gave to whomever.”

“Okay.” Craig swung their hands. “Our dad was a great man. He had patience because

Isaac was really a pain in the ass when he was younger.”

“Somehow, I think that hasn’t changed.”

Craig laughed at his words.

“And I bet you were also a handful,” Spencer said.

“Maybe.” Craig wasn’t about to admit anything.

“Tell me some stories about your childhood.”

“Hmmm… Well, there was this time I was mad at Isaac and decided to put superglue in

his shampoo.”

“You didn’t?” Spencer laughed.

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“I sure did.” Craig wiggled his eyebrows. “He had to be cut bald and had no


“Oh…” Spencer stopped and his eyes widened. “Man, the image of that is…” Spencer

laughed uproariously.

“It was funny at first. Then I felt bad so I shaved my head and eyebrows in solidarity.”

Craig shook his head. “Mom was beside herself. But Dad? He just shook his head at us. He

said he was glad we had each other’s backs. And that’s what we do even now. Isaac has my

back and I have his. Hey, if Dominic happens to tell you I threatened him, would you believe


Spencer glanced at Craig. “What did you do?”

“Hey, you’re my boyfriend. You should believe that I’m innocent.”

“Yeah, I know you too well to believe that. You might look harmless but that ship on

believing that you’re innocent as you look has sailed a long time ago.” Spencer laughed.

Craig rolled his eyes. “Fine. But you could have at least hesitated like you were thinking

about my not doing something. Since, technically, I haven’t done it yet.”

“Ahh… So you have an intention to threaten.” Spencer led him toward the bakery.

“Yes. I don’t know why Dominic pisses Isaac off, but he does.” Craig frowned. “As his

little brother, I need to step in and tell Dominic to stop.”

Spencer stared at him with disbelief on his face. “You are really serious.”

“Yes. Dominic makes Isaac…act weird. I don’t like it.” Craig scowled.

“And you have no idea why?”

“No, should I?” Craig turned his look on him glaring. “You know why? Tell me why

Isaac is acting like he does when he gets around Dominic?”

“Nope. Not telling you. When you figure it out, let me know.” Spencer coughed.

Craig narrowed his eyes. Spencer knew something he didn’t and he wondered what it

was. He replayed what Isaac had said about Dominic and the interactions between the men

then it dawned on him.

“No.” His gaze widened.

“Yes.” Spencer laughed until tears were in his eyes.

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“He’s my brother. Hell, I’ve never even seen him date, much less show interest in

anyone.” Craig rubbed his hand over his face. “Now I’m definitely going to have to threaten

Dominic. Isaac is sensitive and he better not hurt him.”

Spencer choked and stared at him like he was crazy. “Isaac is sensitive? Where? What


“His heart.” Craig poked Spencer in the side. “I bet when you met Gio, you didn’t think

he was sensitive either. But when he is around Mercer, he is. Well, as much as Gio can be

sensitive. Same with Brooks. That’s how Isaac is. He’ll be as sensitive as he can for him.

Hmmm… I’m rethinking my threat to Dominic. Instead, I might send him a sympathy card

because my brother is really a pain in the butt.”

“I… Never mind.”

“What?” Craig was curious.

“Have Isaac ask Dominic about the gene he named.”

“He named a gene?” Craig laughed. “He is as strange as Isaac. What is this gene and the

name of it?”

“Not saying. Just have Isaac ask.” Spencer laughed again, tears falling down his cheeks.

“Okay, laughy man. I’m going into the bakery. When you calm yourself, come in.”

Craig left him outside.

As he perused the goodies, Craig wondered if he looked at Spencer how Gio looked at

Mercer. The bell sounded over the door and he glanced over and saw Spencer. Craig

returned his attention to the glass behind the counter and grinned at the soft expression he

saw reflected back at him. Spencer joined him and, seeing the look on his face, Craig’s heart

raced. Spencer pointed out a slice of cake and he glanced at it but his mind wasn’t on the

pastry. As they made their choices and later when they got dinner, all his thoughts were on

that look. The stroll back to Spencer’s passed in silence. He stood back, holding the bakery

bag as Spencer opened the door. Craig stepped in and when Spencer came in behind him, he

took his bag and the one he held and set them on the table. He faced Spencer again.

“It’s too soon for you to love me.” Craig took a step to him.

Spencer blinked then matched his step. “And for you to love me.”

“But you do.” Craig stared into his eyes. “You love me. It’s in the way you look at me.”

“The way you look at me too.” Spencer came closer. “I love you, Craig.”

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“Damn it, how did you make me fall in love with you and not know it?” Craig scowled.

“Maybe it’s the same way you didn’t realize that Isaac wants to kick Dominic’s ass as

much as he wants to fuck said ass.”

“Just… Ewww… Don’t mention sex and my brother in the same sentence.” Craig

yanked Spencer to him.

“I’m going to be teasing you about this for a long time.” Spencer chuckled.

“Hush up and kiss me.” Craig pressed his lips to his.

Spencer kissed him and Craig’s knees went weak. Craig held Spencer close and kissed

him deeply. Craig slipped his arms around Spencer, holding onto this man he loved. He

pulled back then hopped, wrapping his legs around his waist to pull himself up. Spencer’s

hand on his ass helped him upward. Craig rubbed against his erection.

“Skin,” he said nipping Spencer’s lip.

Spencer moaned and he fumbled under him. Then he opened Craig’s pants and pulled

his cock out. He scooted downward a little then whimpered as Spencer’s bare erection slid

along his. Spencer encircled their erections, putting them together. Craig pushed into his

hold, moaning at the stimulation of their shafts moving alongside each other.

Spencer licked Craig’s lips then said, “In you.”

Craig slid down and Spencer turned him. Spencer shoved down his jeans and Craig

kicked off his sandals then his own jeans. He got to his knees and heard the rustle of clothing.

In moments, Spencer’s blunt fingers pressed against his crease. He opened up for him,

rocking back onto his finger. Spencer gasped then readied him. Each time he touched him

like this, Craig fought to catch his breath. The firm press of Spencer against his flanks made

him moan and clench in anticipation. Spencer gripped his shoulder with one hand. Craig

widened his legs and he settled between them. The glide of his condom-covered erection as

Spencer stroked inside him made him hiss at the initial burn then moan as pleasure filled


Spencer slid his other hand to his cock. He stroked and Craig closed his eyes, moaning

as he moved with him. With a hard thrust, Spencer filled him just the way he liked it. Each

movement made his body feel it and he loved it. Bracing his hand on the floor under him,

Craig got leverage and pushed back into him. Spencer tugged on his cock as he stroked.

Craig whimpered at the sensation of being taken and stroked off. He was lost in the pleasure.

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He rolled his hips and when Spencer’s breath caught, he shook. The slap of flesh came in

time with his motions. Clenching his fist, Craig tried to hold on but the need was too fierce.

With one more pull from Spencer, he came, shaking as his release flowed out of him.

“Craig.” Spencer moaned as he trembled, coming with him.

Craig fell to his knees and Spencer slumped beside him. Spencer pulled him close,

kissing the side of his face. Craig turned his head and kissed him. He pushed him away

gently then rose, locking his shaky legs. He held out his hand to Spencer.

“Come on. We’re going to bed.” Craig smiled widely. “I have a lot of plans for you.”

Spencer’s cock jumped as it started to fill again. He took Craig’s hand and stood beside

him. They went up the stairs together.

* * * *

Spencer pushed his toes against Craig’s thigh. Craig swatted at him absently and kept

his focus on the sculpture he was working on. Snickering, Spencer did it again and Craig

squinted and flicked his toes with his finger.

“Ow. Damn that hurt.” Spencer grabbed the stinging appendage.

“That’s what you get for messing with me at this particular moment.” Craig glared at

him. “I have less than two weeks to get this last piece completed for my show. I’m minutes


“You look so cute when you are focused. How can I resist?”

Craig bared his teeth and snapped at Spencer.

“Okay, okay.” Spencer held up his hands laughing.

He rose and went to look out of the window of his house. He’d given Craig space in one

of his spare rooms for him to bring over some of his art so he could work on it. When

Spencer had offered, he had done so because he wanted Craig—who tended to get up all

hours of the night to work—to have some stuff near so he could create. Spencer crossed his

arms over his chest, watching the flowers sway in the backyard.

I wonder where in the hell Geoffrey is?

“Stop thinking so hard, you’re going to hurt your brain,” Craig said absently. “You’re

thinking of Geoffrey again.”

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He opened his mouth to tell Craig that he was—and why—but again decided to wait.

Telling Craig that Geoffrey was looking into when he was born and his birth parents was

more difficult than he’d anticipated. He didn’t have anything and he didn’t want to get

Craig’s hopes up, especially after his story of believing his birth parents had made a mistake

abandoning him and waiting for them to come get him.

“Now that is done,” Craig said behind him. “Now I’m ready for bed.”

“It’s not even two o’clock yet.” Spencer looked at the bright sunlight outside. “You can’t

possibly be sleepy.” He turned and swallowed hard.

Craig stretched, holding onto the doorway and stared at him. Spencer took in his naked

body. He’d been so focused on looking outside that he hadn’t heard him strip.

“Who said anything about sleep…yet.” Craig stepped back, staring at him. “First, we’re

gonna celebrate my finishing my last piece. Then you’re gonna to be too tired to carry on and

might need a nap.”

“I’m not the one who will need to sleep.” Spencer pulled off his clothing then followed

that bare ass.

Craig laughed and ran up the steps. Spencer headed up after him and he turned the

corner of the landing toward his bedroom then down the hall through the doorway into his

room. He frowned when he didn’t see Craig.

“Mine,” Craig said behind him.

Spencer turned and Craig moved from by the door where he was leaning and hustled

him backward, kissing him urgently. He stopped and pushed Spencer back onto the bed.

Craig reached for the lube and condom on the nightstand. Craig knelt between his spread

legs and kissed the top of his thighs. Spencer moaned and lifted up. Craig readied him

quickly then put on the protection before he lined up and stroked into him.

“Craig.” Spencer groaned.

“Mine, mine.” Craig grunted as he punctured each word with a thrust.

Spencer whimpered and held on as Craig pounded into him. Craig clenched his jaw—

his gaze was intense as he moved above him. He thrust faster and Spencer held on as he

stroked. All too soon, Spencer’s sac went tight and he gritted his teeth, trying to hold off from

coming. Craig stiffened and gasped. Spencer groaned as he too came. Still pushing in and

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out, Craig kissed him and Spencer returned it, holding him. Craig lazily swirled his tongue

against his then pulled back, staring into his eyes. His smug grin made Spencer laugh.

“If that’s the way you wrap up finishing your projects for your show, I love it.”

“I’ll make sure to keep you around then.” Craig yawned then shifted back, pulling out.

Spencer clenched, wanting him to stay deep inside. Craig disposed of the condom then

stretched out on top of him again. He crossed his hands then put them on Spencer’s chest,

setting his chin on them.

“Let’s get tested so we can get rid of the condoms.” Craig licked his lips. “I want to feel

you in me and feel you around me.”

“I do too.” Spencer kissed him and rubbed his nose against the side of his face. “I love


“Love you too.” Craig yawned again.

Spencer rubbed his hand over his ass. “Nap.”

“Yeah.” He snuggled in.

Spencer held him, closing his eyes.

* * * *

The sound of his cell woke him. Spencer reached for it and when he felt the weight on

his chest, he automatically steadied Craig as he grabbed his phone. Craig grumbled, not

really forming any words as he yawned.

“Sorry.” He kissed his nose.

“Okay.” Craig rolled off him and stretched out, sliding his hands under the pillow.

Spencer lifted his cell and read the text.

I need to see you urgently. Come to my office immediately.—Geoff.

Spencer frowned. Nothing from Geoffrey, now this cryptic message. He sat up then

glanced at Craig.

“I have to go meet Geoffrey.”

Craig sat up too, wiping his eyes. “He finally got back to you.”

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“Yes. I’m going to his office.” Spencer kissed him. “I’ll be back shortly.”

“Okay. I’ll be here waiting for you.”

Spencer nodded then rose. He quickly got ready then left the room. Descending the

stairs, Spencer grabbed his keys from the entryway table and opened the front door. He

stopped when he saw Craig’s Cherokee blocking in his Yukon.

He turned back inside and went to the base of steps and yelled, “Craig! I’m taking your

car because you are blocking me in.”

“What?” Craig called.

Spencer went to yell again but instead headed back up the steps. He stopped as Craig

appeared on the landing naked. Spencer got sidetracked as he stared at him.

“What did you say?”

“I’m taking your Cherokee, since you are blocking me in.”

Craig started coming down the steps.

“For God’s sake, put on some clothing, the front door is open.” Spencer went back

down the steps before he scrapped going to see Geoffrey and stayed here.

“It’s not like some of them don’t have the same things I have,” Craig teased.

“But they don’t need to see what is mine.”

“Ohhh, all possessive. Growl at me again. Makes me shiver,” Craig said.

Spencer turned and waited until he was beside him at the base of the steps then swatted

him on the ass.

Craig moaned, pushing back into his touch. “Don’t start something you can’t finish.”

Spencer’s eyes widened at the sultry look Craig gave him. He squeezed his ass then

kissed him fiercely. Reluctantly, he released Craig and pushed him toward the closet where

they had some extra things.

“Get a sheet or towel or something to cover up.”

Craig sighed before doing what he’d been told. He took the sheet and fixed it around

himself then turned to Spencer.

“How do you like my toga?” Craig posed.

“Very stylish.” Spencer laughed.

Craig looked so cute with the sheet draped around him. Spencer went back out of the

door, snagging Craig’s keys.

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“Hurry back,” Craig called. “I’ll wear this till you come back.”

Spencer turned and walked backward as he talked to him. “I’ll hurry.” He clicked the

keys to Craig’s car.

The whoosh caught him off guard and Spencer flew through the air then dropped hard

to the ground. The heat of flames licked over him.

“Spencer!” Craig screamed.

Coughing, he dragged himself away, looking back at the burning car. He glanced

forward and saw Craig coming toward him.

“Stay there,” Spencer said, but his voice was weak. He staggered to his feet and ran to

him then pulled Craig back up the steps. Suddenly, his gaze went dim then black. As he

collapsed, Spencer’s mind screamed, I have to protect Craig. He tried to blow him up.

Everything went black.

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Chapter Five

Spencer woke in the dark and he jerked up. “Craig.”

“I’m right here,” he said, beside him. Craig snapped on a light and sat forward in the

chair by his bedside.

“You’re okay.”

“I’m not the one who got blown up,” Craig said softly.

“Yeah. I feel like I was hit by a truck.” Spencer shifted, groaning. “My head aches.”

“A few more steps and you’d have been badly injured or dead, Spencer,” Craig said in

the same soft voice.

The tone made Spencer look at him sharply. “They planted the bomb in your car, Craig.

What if you had left early like you usually do before I head to work? It would have been


“Fuck that. Because of me, you were hurt.” Craig stood and stepped back.

“I ache too much to come chase you, so come here.”

Craig glared at him.

“Now.” Spencer held out his hand.

Craig looked at it, then him. He came to Spencer and slid his hand into his. Spencer

pulled him closer gently.

“Climb in with me.”

“I don’t want to hurt you.”

“Although I hurt, I don’t think it’s anything too dire. What did the doctor say?”

“You’ll feel like one big bruise and have a slight concussion.” Craig rubbed his finger

along his hand.

“There, you see? I’m fine.” Spencer tugged. “Now come lie on me or next to me—

whichever. I just need to touch you.”

Craig climbed into the hospital bed with him. Spencer held him, kissing the top of his

head. Thoughts of Craig possibly being blown up filled his mind. Crag shivered and Spencer

focused on him, rubbing up and down his back.

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“Don’t be afraid. I will protect you,” Spencer assured him.

Craig lifted his head and the rage in his eyes gave Spencer pause.


“Spencer.” Geoffrey spoke from the doorway, his usual deep, melodious voice with a

hint of Scottish sounded weary.

Spencer glanced at his friend then wondered where everyone else was.

“They’re in the waiting room.” Craig kissed him on the chin. “The doc kicked everyone

out. There was too many of us. We only got so many in to start with, since Doc was a buddy

of yours. I’ve never met him before today, and he said you had a hard head and would

survive. He surprisingly calmed me to the idea of you in a hospital, and me being here too.”

“Elliot has a calming effect on people.” Spencer rubbed his back, knowing how hard it

was for Craig to be in hospitals.

“I’ll leave you two to talk.”

Since he wasn’t sure what Geoffrey had to say, Spencer let him go. Walking out, Craig

closed the door behind him. Geoffrey came closer and the door opened behind him. The men

who filed in were the ones working on Craig’s case with him. Isaac came in last and shut the

door. Since he knew his friends would also be outside, he didn’t ask who was watching

Craig. They all looked at Geoffrey.

“Spencer finding out who Craig was led me down a rabbit hole.” Geoffrey rubbed his

hand over his nose. “Whoever was behind this covered their tracks well and meant to kill


“Why?” Isaac said softly.

“Craig’s birth family’s last name is Lawson.” Geoffrey looked at the men in the room.

The name niggled at Spencer then his eyes widened as he recalled they had recently

been on the news. It said something about passing on the torch to the only surviving Lawson.

That the reins of the family business were finally being taken hold of by the man taking over

as CEO of the company.

“Wait. Craig is a Lawson—as in Lawson Industries.” Isaac frowned. “I’ve met his father

and mother in my dealings and never knew. Wait, there is another… I think his name is…

Carey. Yeah that’s it.”

“Have you ever met Carey?” Geoffrey asked Isaac, stepping up to him.

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“No.” Isaac shook his head. “He was always traveling. He was, from what his dad said,

learning the family business. What a small world. I know…well, knew Craig’s parents. But it

doesn’t make sense. Why would someone try to kill him because he is a Lawson?” Isaac

stilled. “It’s his brother. He was trying to kill him so he can inherit it all. I’ll kill him.”

“No, you will not.” Geoffrey’s tone was soft and deadly.

Spencer exchanged looks with Mercer and Dominic. They had only heard him use that

voice a few times.

“Let’s see if you can stop me.” Isaac grinned and his gaze was cold.

Geoffrey pulled out a piece of paper and unfolded it. “Maybe all of this wouldn’t have

happened if you had ever met Carey Lawson.” He held up the paper—a photo.

Spencer stared, shock filling him.

“I’ll be damned. He’s Craig’s twin,” Mallory said.

“Yes,” Geoffrey said, looking at Spencer. “And like with Craig, someone was trying to

kill him. I got there just in time to stop it. I was gone trying to hide him and find out who it

was. I knew you all had Craig covered.”

“What the hell is going on?” Mercer asked.

“Greed. Their uncle has been pulling this off from when they were born. His brother,

their dad, was so distracted that his wife had almost died giving birth to his son, he sat by

her bedside and left his brother to handle anything to do with the baby.”

“You said son,” Isaac said.

“Yes.” Geoffrey looked grim. “The uncle got rid of Craig, so his brother never knew he

had two sons that actually lived. They thought Craig died during his birth so never even told

Carey he was a twin.”

“But why get rid of one and not the other?” Mallory sounded confused.

“Because faking there was one child that survived was easier than getting rid of two.

He kept Carey because he was the sickly one and no one thought he would survive, much

less live to today. But big surprise to the uncle, he did. And his brother’s wife survived and

then they kept their son near, fighting to keep him alive after losing the other child. Then in

later years, they kept doing that, so he didn’t get a chance again.”

“But why didn’t he kill Craig?”

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“Craig was supposed to die.” Geoffrey wiped his hand at the back of his neck. “But the

man who he gave the baby to didn’t have it in him to kill a child. Instead he left him in a

church, figuring the elements would do him in or he would be found. Either way, he

wouldn’t have a death of a child on his hands.” Geoffrey looked at Spencer. “This man has

been in the employ of the uncle since that day. A lot of years have passed and he isn’t as


“He’s the one that has been trying to kill Craig,” Spencer said.

“Yes.” Geoffrey folded the paper. “The uncle sent him to, and I quote, ‘Get rid of his

problem he should have dealt with years ago.’ The man is despicable.”

“Carey’s parents died in a plane crash. Did the uncle kill them too?”

“Yes. He was tired of waiting to take over the company. And with his brother grooming

his son to pass on the reins, he had to make a move. But he miscalculated. Carey was

supposed to be on the plane with his parents for a family vacation but he had a last minute

meeting and decided to go later. That’s why he wasn’t killed. With his parents gone, Carey

didn’t want anything to do with the company at first. He blamed it and himself for putting a

meeting before his parents. He basically left it to his uncle, even though he was technically

the CEO and owner. Then he had a change of heart a few months ago and decided to take

over the reins. The uncle wasn’t about to let that happen. What the uncle didn’t know is

Carey was already suspicious of him and had started digging. That was when he stumbled

upon the fact that he had a brother. He saw Craig in a newspaper article here from

Hollisville. But somehow the uncle got tipped off and sent the man after Craig and he went

after Carey. It’s a mess. The New York cops will be contacting you guys soon with what they

get from questioning the uncle. Hopefully it can help you catch this guy who’s after Craig.”

“Wow.” Andrew shook his head. “All of this was over money.”

That was the same thing Spencer was thinking. Craig’s life was in danger because of

one man’s greed.

“Where is Carey?” Isaac asked.

“I have him stashed in my apartment over the office I work out of.”

“Is that safe? Suppose this man figures out he is in town?” Mallory asked.

“I own the building and designed the security myself. No one is getting in or out unless

I know it,” Geoffrey said.

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The door opened and Gio peeked in.

“So when I find this man, I will kill him.” He smiled widely and walked in.

Brooks and the other men—who were Craig’s friends—came in and they all nodded.

When Spencer saw his friends come in, he frowned when he didn’t see Craig.

“How the hell did you hear?” Mercer narrowed his gaze then glared at Isaac.

He shrugged. “They have a right to know.”

“Where is Craig?” Spencer said.

“He went to your house to get some clothing for you. He said those hospital gowns

would be too small for you. He wasn’t letting anyone see what was his,” Gio said then

frowned. “Mallory, why aren’t you with Craig? He said he was coming to get you so you

could go with him.”

“He ditched everyone!” Isaac roared. “You all are the fucking best of the best and you

let him walk out.”

“Don’t forget. He is also good,” Brooks said drily.

“And being good, he knows this man would know his bomb failed and we would be

distracted by Spencer here in the hospital. Craig slipped you all to go after him himself.”

Isaac spun on his heel and headed for the door. “You better not fucking die, Craig, because

I’m going to kill you myself.”

“Who are you talking to?” Mallory asked.

“Craig. I have him on the phone line. He heard everything.” Isaac yanked open the

hospital door. “Fucker, I will beat you when I find you, Craig.”

“I’m coming with you.” Spencer got out of the bed.

“You better hurry, Detective, because I’m not waiting.” Isaac went out of the door.

Ignoring his aching head, Spencer grimaced at the hospital gown—it really didn’t fit a

man of his size in length as well as width, not to mention being open in back—then went

after him.

Please don’t let Craig get hurt.

* * * *

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He fucking tried to kill me and missed. He hurt Spencer instead. And all over fucking

money. Craig punched his hand on the steering wheel.

Yes he had heard it all. Isaac had called him and thinking he had found he was gone,

he’d answered to assure him then listened as Geoffrey had told them why he was in danger.

Hell, he had thought it was something to do with what he had done for the military, yet it

was because of his birth. Craig didn’t even want to process that he had a brother—a twin at

that. Isaac was his brother.

Yeah but now you have one who is by blood. Craig snorted. “Probably pampered, since

he was coddled by Mommy and Daddy.”

Craig turned the wheel then slammed on the brakes in front of Spencer’s house. The

shell that was left of his Cherokee was gone but the crime scene tape was still there. Craig

noticed that the guard he knew should have been there to protect the scene was missing. He

smiled. Good, then the man was there. He pushed open the door and exited the vehicle.

Slamming the door loud so he would hear him coming, Craig went around the Yukon then

toward the drive.

“Craig,” a man called in a voice so familiar it was eerie.

Craig closed his eyes and groaned. “Look, I don’t have time for a brother right now. I

need to kill someone. Wait here and I’ll be back.”

He stepped forward. A hand gripped his arms and Craig was shocked he hadn’t sensed

him. He swung around and stared into the face of his twin. Craig noted he looked a lot like

him. His hair was all neat, yet the T-shirt and jeans he wore were holey and were worn, just

like Craig would love to wear.

“I saw the man go in.” Carey narrowed his eyes. “I could have darted him but resisted.

I won’t let you kill him—he needs to be brought to justice.”

“Yeah, see, that’s where me and you differ.” Craig jerked away. “He tried to blow me

up but blew up my boyfriend instead. And I get kinda prickly about such things.”

“He tried to blow you up”—Carey’s eyes narrowed further—“and instead hurt your

partner? Fuck now.” He strode past Craig.

“Oh for the love of God. I just got a brother and he is going to get himself killed.” Craig

ran behind him and grabbed him.

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Carey slid right from under his touch. Craig stared at him, shocked. He moved like he

was trained.

“Sorry, instinct.” Carey bit his lip. “Dad made sure I knew how to protect myself. Not

that it did me any good. He forgot that sometimes deception comes from family.”

Having heard it was their uncle, Craig felt sorry for him. The man had killed Carey’s

parents. Yes, they were Craig’s parents by birth, but he hadn’t known them so felt nothing

about it.

“Sorry your trust was betrayed. Shit happens, but you deal.” Craig gestured. “Now you

might know some moves but I’m trained for this, so let me go in handle this then we can


“Why don’t you wait here and I can take care of this?” Carey smiled widely and the

demand in his tone suggested he expected to be obeyed.

“Nope. That tone won’t work on me. My big brother Isaac tries that on me all the time

and it doesn’t work.”

“I heard you have a brother.” Carey smiled a bittersweet smile. “I’m glad you had a big

brother to look out for you. Mine was taken from me and I just found him.” He looked at

Craig deliberately.

“I’m older. Good, then as big brother, stay here.” Craig headed up the walk.

Carey walked beside him. Craig glared at him.

“Yeah that doesn’t work on me either. I guess we are more alike than we think,” Craig

said cheerily.

“I know you are still on the line listening, Isaac, and laughing your ass off. I see now

what having a younger brother can do. It makes you want to drink.” Craig sighed. “Okay, do

as I say. I don’t have time to knock you out. Also I can’t chance if the man gets past me he

would then have a chance to kill you.”

“Kane. His name is Kane and he trained me.”

“Why would he do that?”

“I’ve thought a lot about that lately and I think it amused him because it aggravated my

uncle.” Carey shrugged. “I thought of him as a friend.”

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“Sucks.” Craig went to the door and pushed it open. “Hey, Kane, you’re an inept killer.

You tried three times and failed. Wait, make that four since you were supposed to kill me

when I was a baby. I hope my uncle gets a refund, because you suck.”

“Why are you pissing him off?” Carey asked curiously.

“Pissing him off? I’m the one who is pissed.” Craig looked into the living room and

frowned when he didn’t see him. “Are we really going to play hide and seek?”

“You have quite a mouth on you, Craig Scott.” A man spoke from upstairs. “Hell, you

even had one as a baby. You cried so loudly.”

Craig went up the steps and ignored Carey as he went with him. The man laughed and

Craig frowned when he realized where the sound was coming from. He went onward to the

room Spencer had given him for his studio. Craig entered and immediately caught the two

blow darts that came at him. Another whizzed by him and he glanced at Carey, noting he

had caught it.

“I’m really thinking your heart just isn’t into it to kill me.” Craig smiled and he knew it

wasn’t pleasant. “I don’t have the same problem. I will kill you and won’t lose any sleep. My

brother here, on the other hand, was thinking mercy but see, I’m the older one and I’m not

inclined to show any.”

“Ahhh… So you are the bloodthirsty one and Carey is the kinder one. It’s nice to see

you again, Carey.” Kane smiled from where he was seated on the stool that Craig usually

used when he worked.

He’d have to burn it. Craig went in and he threw the darts on the ground.

“Are you going to keep blowing shit at me?”

“Maybe.” Kane took the blow pipe he had and threw it to the side. In the next moment,

he pulled a gun then stared to fire.

Craig dove right and Carey went left. He scuttled behind a table. He peeked over,

noticing Carey had cover too. He looked at him and the determination on his twin’s face was

so much like his that Craig groaned.

“Yeah, I am paying for all those times I went against what you said, Isaac.” Craig stared

at Carey. “If I don’t make it out of this, at least you have a new brother. He looks like me.

Hell, I think he acts like me too.” From his cell in his pocket, he heard the yelling. “Tell

Spencer I love him.”

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He focused on Carey. He took out a knife and showed it to him then mimed Carey

throwing it. Carey nodded then showed him he had a blow dart pipe. Craig made a mental

note to ask him about it if he got out if here. He wanted to know what was with using that as

a weapon. They exchanged looks then slid the weapons over to each other.

“Changing weapons won’t help you.” Kane’s voice was cold.

Craig motioned three on his fingers. Then he counted down. At two, Craig rose and,

using the blow dart, blew it at Kane. Kane dodged then smirked.

“I learned from our previous encounters. You went opposite to where I planned to

throw at you so I did that just now. Didn’t count on that, did you?”

“You didn’t count on my brother being the one to throw the knife.” He did three on his

hand and Carey stood and threw.

Kane went to move but it was too late. The knife embedded itself in his chest and he

stared, shocked. Rage filled his face and he grabbed the handle of the knife, yanking it out

then ran toward Carey. Craig went to intercept and grabbed the sculpture he had finished

earlier. He swung, knocking Kane off his feet then followed him down, beating him with the

sculpture. Hands grabbed him and pulled him off.

“He’s dead, Craig!” Carey yelled, yanking him back.

Craig shook him off, looking at the dead man. “Okay, I’m good.”

“It was nice meeting you, Craig.”

Something in his tone made Craig turn to him. Carey yanked the dart out and Craig

recognized it as the smaller one that he had experienced before that was poison.

“I’m going to die.” Carey laughed. “Figures, with my bad luck, I get to meet you then


“You’re not dying.”

“I am.” Carey glared. “Why are you so cheerful all of a sudden? Are you glad I am

dying? You will inherit the Lawson company and fortune.”

“God no. I’m so not a suit.” Craig went to him. “I have this thing with drugs. I don’t

react to them like other people.”

“Hey, I have that too,” Carey said.

“I figured you would. I was told it was a genetic anomaly. So you’re not dying. Once

my friends get here, they will have you patched right up. Since this asshole started shooting

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blow darts of whatever the hell he had in them, we have a kit. We just need to get your

adrenaline pumping.” Craig stared to do jumping jacks. “Come on, exercise with me.”

“You want me to exercise and I’m dying.” Carey looked at him like he was a few bricks

shy of a load.

“If you do as I say, you’ll see you won’t die.” Craig glared at him. “Now jump.”

Carey lifted an eyebrow, sighed then started to do jumping jacks. “There, before I die I

will look all buff.”

“You really are a smart ass.” Craig rolled his eyes.

“Just like you are.” Isaac walked in. “I’m going to kill you, Craig.” He came to him and

hugged him fiercely.

Craig looked over his shoulder at Carey. “Keep jumping.”

Carey sighed again and did. “I think this is some sort of hazing for the walking dead


“Yep, smart ass like you.” Isaac snorted.

“Carey, I’m about to sic Isaac on you,” Craig said.

Carey’s eyes narrowed. Craig smiled.

“Isaac, Carey came in here too. I’m your brother and he’s my brother, so that makes him

your brother too. Get him.” Craig stood back and rocked on his heels.

Isaac looked between the two of them and groaned. “Oh God. Help, there are now two

of them.”

Craig and Carey snickered.

“You better go downstairs before Spencer tries to make it up here.” Isaac waved him

away. “Gio and Brooks are keeping him down there. He doesn’t look too good.”

“You brought Spencer from the hospital?” Craig scowled. “He’s hurt. Now I’m the one

who is going to kill you if he gets hurt more.”

He ran out of the room. Craig passed Geoffrey in the hall—he looked mad. Craig

stopped briefly. Geoffrey went inside.

“How the hell did you get through my security to get out?” Geoffrey yelled.

“You have sucky security,” Carey said.

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Craig laughed as he continued down the hall then descended the stairs. He saw Spencer

sitting on the bottom step and he was glaring at Gio and Brooks, who both looked too


“I’ve got this, guys.”

They nodded and left. Craig plopped down beside Spencer. Spencer hugged him and

kissed his cheek.

“I’m going to lock you up,” Spencer said.

“Oh cuffs… Kinky.” Craig winked

“I’m serious.” Spencer scowled.

“I know, dear.”

“I know that tone. It’s the one Gio uses on Mercer or Brooks uses on Hunter. Hell, I’ve

even heard Evan use it on Ian. I’m not falling for it.” Spencer snarled. “I will lock you up. I

want to keep you safe.”

“And I want you safe too. I had to do this,” Craig said firmly. “I had to come to your

defense. Protect you and our life.”

Spencer blew out a breath. “For some reason, that turns me on.”

“I think it turns you on that I wanted to defend your honor. Well, sort of.” Craig

hugged him. “And we’re taking you back to the hospital to make sure you’re okay. I have

plans for you when you are better. I’m going to let you come to my defense.”


“Definitely.” Craig stared into his eyes. “In a very wicked manner, of course.”

“So I’m your wicked defense.”


“Sounds good to me.” Spencer kissed him briefly. “I’m still locking you up, because you

need to stop getting into trouble. What do you think of your brother?”

At the abrupt switch of topic, Craig shrugged. “I don’t know yet. Isaac likes him.”

“How would you know? He just met him.”

“He didn’t pull his gun on him.”

“I must be loopy, because that made a weird sort of sense.” Spencer looked at him.

“Carey seems like a smart ass, like you are.”

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“He is.” Craig stood. “Now, enough of my family drama. God, it’s like we’re in a movie

or something. People trying to kill me for money from the time I was born. Only to come

back years later to finish the job but wait, that is not all. I have a twin I never knew about.

This shit is so weird it can’t possibly be real.”

“It is, and it’s your life.” Spencer held out his hand.

Craig held it as he rose. Spencer put his arm over his shoulder and they went to the


“And I got the hero.” Spencer grinned. “Who I will wickedly defend soon.”

“I’m looking forward to it.”

Spencer lowered his head and kissed him. Craig enjoyed being with this man who’d set

his heart racing from their first meeting. He knew that life with him would always be


Also available from Totally Bound Publishing:

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Prentiss: Unbound Reaction

Talia Carmichael


Chapter One

“You can at least say you came to make an attempt to learn to ride.” Kendall Weston

clenched his hand on the steering wheel of his Infiniti QX60, fighting the urge to turn on the

ignition and leave. “Paxton is a reasonable man and you can explain that no way are you

getting on a four-legged demon that could crush you with their big legs.”

With those words, the fear filling Kendall receded to a more manageable level. He

glanced out of the windshield of his parked vehicle at the GTPM Stables where he was

supposed to learn to ride. Paxton Lawson, one of the co-owners of the place, would be

teaching him. On his drive here, as he’d passed the scenic views of Prentiss, he’d appreciated

having made the move to Texas to accept the job. At first, Texas had been a big adjustment

after living in New York. But having lived here for as long as he had, Kendall thought he was

adapting well. He had a job he loved and a little apartment that was within walking distance

of where he worked. Also, he was now driving—it was a necessity since they went to visit

many of the ranches they served.

Now he was here to do another thing that had been deemed a must—learn to ride a

horse. Kendall and Lucian ‘Luc’ Russell—his boss—had been stalling on actually learning,

but Windsor Broadhurst, the other partner of the law firm that employed Kendall, had made

it clear they needed to do it. Windsor’s partner, Paxton, had offered to teach Kendall months

ago and Kendall had kept coming up with excuses. Today those excuses had run out and

now he was here on the ranch.

GTPM Stables was on a portion of the land that made up the MGR Ranch. He’d heard

of the MGR Ranch, which was one of the five biggest spreads in Prentiss, but hadn’t been

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there until today. Kendall could admit he had been avoiding coming here so he wouldn’t

have to learn to ride.

“Stop stalling and get out of the car and make your explanation then you can be on

your way.” Kendall opened the door and got out.

The scents of the ranch filled his nose and he smiled that he’d gotten used to it. Hell, he

now found it to be a soothing scent. Yeah moving here was a great thing. Now to get out of

possible death-by-horse and I’m good.

He closed the door then slid his hands into the front pockets of his jeans as he strode

toward one of the riding rings. From the description he had been given, he knew where

Paxton had his stables. Kendall headed that way, noticing the men and women coming and

going as they worked on other things. They all waved or greeted him in some way and he

did the same, but none questioned him being there. He found that curious. Finally he arrived

at the ring and he stood at the rails, staring at a horse in the enclosure. It was breathtakingly

beautiful and frightening all at once as those powerful legs moved as the horse ran. It shook

its luxurious mane and stomped the ground before taking off again.

“Hell no, I don’t ride anything that has more legs than I do.” Kendall turned to leave,

not caring if Windsor was mad he didn’t get a lesson, or even about giving his reasonable

explanation to Paxton.

He walked into what felt like a brick wall and his breath whooshed out of him as he

stumbled back. Hard arms caught him, pulling him close. His gaze followed those arms to

the man they belonged to. Kendall stared into the sexiest dark brown eyes he’d ever seen.

God, I’ve always been a sucker for eyes. They are a mirror into the soul. From his gaze, I can tell he is a

man who is strong, kind and has a wicked streak. His shaft started to harden. The man released

Kendall and stepped back slightly.

“Kendall Weston.” The man’s deep voice with a tinge of a British accent surprised



“I’m going to give you your lesson.” The man’s stoic expression made Kendall want to

know what was hidden behind it.

Kendall studied the tall, lanky, muscular man in the pale brown, short-sleeved shirt,

which had a few buttons opened at the collar. He continued his perusal, taking in the black

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jeans and scuffed cowboy boots. Kendall focused on the man’s captivating face and had to

hold back a moan—the ridges and angles made him want to explore each line with his

tongue. Curly red hair fell around the rancher’s face, shaded under a cowboy hat. Kendall

met his eyes and although the expression or look hadn’t changed, he sensed he’d amused the

man. Come on and smile at me.

“You’re not Paxton.”

“Nope.” The man studied him solemnly. “I’m Thomas, his son.” He held out his hand.

“Oh, you’re the one that is a horse whisperer like your dad.” Kendall bit his lip, not

believing he’d said that.

“Maybe,” Thomas replied.

Again, Kendall had the impression he had amused him, although Thomas didn’t show

anything in his expression to make him know he had.

“Ready for the lesson?”

“I thought Paxton was going to show me?”

“He’s busy today so I’m doing the lesson.” Thomas was brusque. “Let’s go.” He

touched Kendall’s arm, guiding him away from Paxton’s stable.

Kendall’s thoughts scattered at his touch and he had to remember to breathe. When he

did inhale, the scent of man, sweat and horse all blended together enticingly. Kendall

stumbled as lust overcame him. Thomas smelled as good as he looked and Kendall was

having a hard time trying not to grab and kiss him. At the uncharacteristic thought, Kendall

winced and silently cursed his lack of control.

Fuck, what is wrong with me? I don’t just fall into insta-lust with anyone. I’m careful and

deliberate when I do decide to get involved with someone. He glanced at Thomas and it was then

he realized the man was shortening his strides to match Kendall’s. They were the same

height, but being befuddled, Kendall was walking slower than normal. Kendall increased his

strides and Thomas again adjusted his. Kendall stared at the powerful motion of his thighs

and gulped. He licked his lips, wanting to see Thomas from behind so he could watch his ass

as he moved. With another stumble, Kendall dragged his mind to recalling how to walk,

since he didn’t want Thomas to think he was a bumbling idiot. He prayed Thomas wouldn’t

comment on his lack of gracefulness.

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“Maybe since you are having such problems walking around the ranch in your

sneakers, you should wear boots next time.”

Mortified, Kendall rolled his eyes then grinned wryly before meeting Thomas’ gaze.

“The sneakers aren’t the problem. It’s my lack of attention.”

“Why aren’t you paying attention?”

“Damn, why’d you have to ask that?”

“Because what you stated obviously led to curiosity as to what has you not paying

attention.” Thomas shifted to hold Kendall’s hand.

Kendall’s distraction increased at the sensation of Thomas’ calloused hand holding his.

Earlier, when Thomas had touched his arm, he hadn’t registered that his palm and fingertips

were rough. He looked down and stared at their intertwined hands. Thomas’ skin was sun-

kissed, from what Kendall figured was due to hours outside, compared to his own paler

hand. Thomas’ long fingers had Kendall imagining all sorts of things he would do and how

the calluses would feel wrapped around his cock. He shivered, biting back a moan.

For God’s sake, what is wrong with me? Get a grip, Kendall. Thomas can get a grip on you and

that would be awesome. Ughhhh, I am losing my mind. Kendall scowled at his uncontrolled

thoughts and his erection softened.


“Huh? What?” He dragged his gaze away and met Thomas’ again.

“I’m waiting for the answer.”

“What question?”

“About what has you distracted.” Thomas’ expression stayed stoic, but Kendall noticed

the amusement lighting his gaze. “Do you have a problem keeping a thought in your head?”

“Why does that feel like your roundabout way of asking me if I am flaky?”

“If I wanted to know that I would ask. I don’t mince words. Wastes time when you

could get a straight answer with a direct question.”

“Okay. I’ll make note of that.” Kendall thought of the lesson. “Although this will be the

only lesson you will give me so I will make sure to keep it straight.”

Thomas didn’t respond to what he’d said, instead he prompted, “Are you going to

answer my question? And if you again ask me ‘what question’, I’m going to think you are a

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flake who can’t keep a thought in your head and who is clumsy. Or that you are deliberately

trying to not answer.”

“The first time it was because I didn’t remember what you asked. I was distracted by

something else. And don’t ask because I won’t tell you. This time if I had asked ‘what

question’ I would be doing the latter—trying to get out of answering.”


“Do you always have to ask questions?”

“It’s the way you get to know things. Why, don’t you ask questions?”

“Not so many. Where are we going?”

“You just asked a question,” Thomas pointed out.

“Smart ass.” Kendall snorted. “It was a legitimate question since we have been walking

for a little while.” He glanced around at the area—no one was in sight. “And since you seem

to have taken me to someplace where there aren’t others around, it makes me wonder if you

have nefarious plans.”

“Nefarious?” Thomas stared at him, surprise on his face.

“Yep. Using my stellar vocabulary to let you know I’m not a flake.” Kendall grinned.

Thomas blinked then stated softly, “Kendall, you are turning out to be quite a surprise.”

“Good. I like to surprise people.” Kendall pursed his lips. “And to answer your earlier

question, I wasn’t paying attention because you are a distracting man, Thomas Ward.”

“Why’d you say my whole name?”

“Again with the questions.” Kendall shrugged, feeling silly. “Because I felt like it and

wanted to know how it would feel to say it. Hey, does anyone call you Tommy?”

“Not if they want to keep their teeth,” Thomas said then growled.

“Okay. Note to self, don’t call him Tommy unless you want to hear that sexy growl.”

Kendall widened his eyes then nodded vigorously.

“You’re making fun of me.” Thomas scowled.

“Hell yeah.” Kendall grinned and squeezed his hand. “But it’s so you can smile. Do you

ever smile, Thomas?”

“That’s a question.”

“Which you will answer,” Kendall said cheerfully.

“Bossy man.”

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“Sometimes.” Kendall laughed. “My boss would say all the time, but it is only to keep

him in line. Otherwise I’m a pussy cat.”

“I’m thinking more of a wilder, untamed cat from the jungle with long-ass claws you

use if thwarted.”

“You did not just say that. Why didn’t you just call me a specific type of cat?” Kendall


“Because I don’t think any would suit you specifically, but you would have

characteristics of each. Territorial like a tiger, speed like a cheetah, feel like you are king of

jungle like a lion, a stalk-and-ambush predator like a jaguar and… Do you want me to


“I’m wondering if I should let you because this is a fascinating view into me.” Kendall

was amazed at Thomas’ description, which was spot on except for one thing. “I wonder at

the jaguar reference, though. I don’t stalk and ambush anyone.” Although at this point, looking

at you, I might have to rethink that and take you down to have my way with you. Behave, Kendall,

don’t scare off the nice man.

“I didn’t mean in the traditional sense of a stalk-and-ambush predator. I figure you use

people underestimating you and then make a point of pointing out the error of their ways to

close in like a predator and take them down with words, if necessary. Or if you feel they

don’t need to be taken down, you change to a leopard’s way of thinking and adapt as needed

for your environment or situation.” Thomas stared, unwavering.

Kendall thought of what he’d stated then realized Thomas had indeed nailed the

essence of who he was. “Well, fuck me, Thomas, you just took all the mystery of who I was

from our interaction. How the hell did you even know that about me?”

“I’ve heard Windsor and Paxton mention things about you. Also I’m good at reading

people, and meeting you solidified what I had started to figure out about you.” Thomas

stopped by an enclosure close to another stable.

“Makes me wonder what they said about me. And I still don’t know how you could

come to such conclusions by just meeting me. We’ve barely spoken to each other.”

“It’s not the quantity, but the quality of what you said.” Thomas lowered his gaze to

Kendall’s lips, then lifted it. “And I’m enjoying listening to you speak, Kendall Weston.”

“Now you’re the one who is saying my whole name.”

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“Because I also felt like it and wanted to know how it felt,” Thomas replied.

“Since we met, I keep feeling like you are amused by me, but you don’t show it. Do I

need to ask my question again?”

“Unlike you, although I’m distracted too, I do remember the question.” Thomas

winked. “I do smile.”

“Well, I’m waiting for it,” Kendall said.

“Can you handle it?”

“Arrogant man.”

“Of course.”

Kendall chuckled. “Most people would act humble or deny it.”

“That’s good for most people,” Thomas said solemnly.

“I’m going to have to keep on my toes with you.” Kendall squeezed his hand again then

realized what he was doing and went to withdraw from his hold. “I think you’re many steps

ahead of me and I’ll have to be on my game to keep up. Why aren’t you releasing my hand?”

he said in exasperation.

“Toes are nice, but even if you are on them it wouldn’t work. I’m a planner and

although your coming here today and my seeing you is unexpected to me, by the time I see

you again I’ll have a plan.” Thomas smiled a slow, devastatingly sensual grin. “I’m not

releasing your hand because I feel like keeping it for a while.”

“God, I really couldn’t handle your smile.” Kendall stared, dazed at the power of

Thomas’ smile. His heart raced and his cock went instantly hard. “Stop smiling at me before

I…” He bit his lip, not stupid enough to finish his statement.

“What?” Thomas demanded.

“I plead the fifth because I don’t want to incriminate myself.”

“You sound like a lawyer.”

“I work for a lawyer, so you pick up a few things.” Kendall smirked then looked

deliberately at his hand. “You might feel like keeping my hand for a while, but it’s attached

to me so…”

“I know. Keep the hand, keep the man.” Thomas’ eyes twinkled.

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The combination of his smile and look in his gaze made Kendall warm all over. A hot

breath blew on the back of his neck and Kendall jumped, skidding forward into Thomas. He

caught Kendall as he made an oomph sound when he knocked into Thomas.

“Whoa.” Thomas chuckled. “It’s just Filmore coming to say hi.”

Kendall, eyes wide, gulped and put his hand over his heart. “I didn’t hear anything

then this hot breath came on my neck. Oh, God, I swear my heart stopped.”

“Distracted again.” Thomas grinned. “I like being a distraction. Before you freak out

again, Isis is going to say hi too. She likes to tug on your clothing.”

“What? Tell her not to do that.” Kendall stiffened.

A nicker came then a tug on his shirt sleeve made him look down. Kendall gasped,

staring at the beautiful black horse that was holding onto his sleeve. It made a neighing

sound then nudged him and he pushed against Thomas. Thomas shifted, bracing his legs

apart and holding him. Another horse’s head appeared, this one bay-colored. Kendall stared

as the animals seemed to study him.

“What do they want?” Kendall demanded, trying to inch away, but Thomas was

blocking his escape.

“For you to pet them.” Thomas’ amusement was in his voice this time. “Come on now,

Kendall. Pet my horses.”

“Don’t use that whisperer voice on me,” Kendall said, smacking behind him at Thomas’


“How’d you know that’s what I was doing?”

“Because your voice went all silky and soft like you were trying to get me to do what

you wanted.” Kendall glared at Thomas. “I’m not r—”

“Earlier you mentioned fucking you, but that will wait until we date first.”

“What? I didn’t—” Kendall frowned as he remembered what he’d said. “You’re taking

that out of context.”

“Yes, but it is still relevant.”

“Stop trying to distract me. I’m no—”

“What would be the first date we should go on?”

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“I have to get a riding lesson on a horse that will possibly kill me and you’re asking me

on a date?” Kendall put his hand on Thomas’ forehead. “Are you sick? Or high or


“Nope.” Thomas pulled down Kendall’s hand off his head and held that one too.

“Come on, let’s ride and you can think about it.” He stepped back, starting to lead him

toward the stable.

“Stop.” Kendall dug his heels in. “I’m no—”

“I’m thinking a nice dinner at my house and watching a movie would be a good date.”

Thomas kept pulling him along without any problem. “What movies do you like?”

“Anything that has stuff that blows up in it. If it also has fast cars then I’m in heaven.

That’s my weakness.” Kendall scowled when he answered without thinking. “Wait, you’re

distracting me.” He stopped. “Your house for dinner and movie? You could be an ax

murderer for all I know.”

“I’m not, I assure you.”

“So an ax murder would say.” Kendall shook his head. “I’m not going anywhere near

your house—”

“Too late.” Thomas nodded to his left. “That’s my house.”

Kendall stared at the sprawling ranch-style house.

“It’s two levels and I’ll give you a tour when you come for dinner. And I have a great

movie library with lots of blow them up movies. Have you ever seen Tango and Cash?”

“Are you trying to entice me with movies?” Kendall glared at him. “How’d you know

Tango and Cash is my favorite movie?”

“I’m clairvoyant,” Thomas deadpanned.

“Sarcasm will not make me come for dinner and a movie at your house. Hell, I haven’t

even agreed to a first date,” Kendall said.

“It’s only a matter of time. ‘You will be assimilated’.” Thomas grinned.

“Quoting movie lines to me is a dirty trick.” Kendall scowled.

“Are you finished stalling on your lesson?” Thomas stared at him. “Where is the man

who thinks he is the King of the Jungle?”

“You do know even though people say that, lions don’t actually live in jungles.”

“Yeah, but it sounds good.”

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Kendall gripped Thomas’ shoulders then blew out a breath, looking back at the horses.

They still looked big, hulking and able to crush him. He then focused on Thomas and the

gentleness he saw in his gaze made Kendall warm.

“Okay. Let’s do this.” Kendall strode toward the stable and yanked Thomas along

behind him.

Order your copy here

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About the Author

Talia Carmichael is a romantic who believes that family, no matter if it is by blood or
those you choose as family, is integral to who you are. She is an author who writes
sexy stories in a variety of genres. She believes in creating stories that encompass all
that falling in love or lust entails, from the highs of that first blush of attraction to the
lows of not knowing if you can make your coming together as a couple work, and
then finally to the acceptance of the reality of making a life together. It’s all about the

Among her books you’ll find contemporary, futuristic, fantasy, and paranormal
settings with M/M themes that will have a happily-ever-after. Her books are
passionate, intense, and real…to fill the craving.



Talia loves to hear from readers. You can find her contact information, website and
author biography at



Also by Talia Carmichael

Impressions: Reckless Behaviour

Impressions: A Tender Roughness

Impressions: Opposing Rhythms

Impressions: One Good Man

Impressions: Slow Burn

Prentiss: Ralston’s Way

Prentiss: Long Hard Ride

Prentiss: Opposites Attract

Prentiss: Unbound Reaction

The Right Choice: After the Fall

Bonds of Justice: Wicked Intentions

Bonds of Justice: Wicked Alliance

Bonds of Justice: Wicked Pursuit

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Totally Bound Publishing


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