TN Easter Egg Hunt 4 6

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Macmillan Polska 2011


Teacher’s Notes

EasTEr Egg HuNT

by Magdalena Kondro

Type of activity: group work
Focus: vocabulary connected with Easter; reading,

listening and speaking skills.
Level: elementary – pre-intermediate
Time: 30 minutes
Preparation: Make a copy of Student’s Worksheet

per each group of 3-4 students.

Write Easter on the board. Elicit which date Easter

falls on this year. Find out if students have any

special plans for Easter. Discuss these in L1 or L2,

depending on the level of the class.

2. Explain in today’s lesson students are going to

play a game of Easter Egg Hunt, in which they will

test their knowledge of Easter and collect Easter


3. Divide students into groups of 3-4 and give each

one a copy of Student’s Worksheet. Students

should prepare a counter each, eg their badges,

rings, pen caps, etc and one coin per group.

4. Explain the rules of the game in L2 and have a

volunteer repeat them in Polish. With a low level

class, give the rules in Polish from the start:

Students place their counters on the Start square

and take turns to toss a coin. If they throw heads,

they move one square, for tails they move two

squares. When they land on a square with a task,

they read the instructions and complete the

activity. If they complete it successfully, they get

the number of Easter eggs indicated on the square.

They must keep the score. If they land on a square

with a member of the Gloom family, they follow

the instructions, ie miss a turn or move forward.

The first person to reach Finish, gets 3 additional

Easter eggs. Students can repeat answers given

by other group members if they land on a square

that someone else has already been on. The

winner is the person with the most eggs collected

at the end of the game.

5. Either set a time limit of 10 minutes or end the

game when all group members have reached the

Finish square. If members of one group finish

earlier than other groups, they can start the

second round of the game and add the results to

their score from the previous game.

6. Monitor the activity, providing help. If students

are unsure of their classmates’ answers, act as

the referee. When the game ends, elicit the

answers to all the tasks from different groups.

The suggested answers are presented below, but

be ready to accept other answers if they are


answers :

1. chick, bunny, lamb,

2. Easter Egg Hunt,

3. To church,

4. Easter Bunny,

5. eg. late, at, cat, hat, hot, cool,

6. cards,

7. In a basket,

8. Easter Bunny, Easter eggs, daffodils, catkin,

Easter basket, lamb, chick, lilies, daffodils,

9. In spring,

10. Easter eggs,

11. It hops,

12. ton, rat, rot, dot, not, tan, tin, it, at,

13. students’ own answers, etc,

14. Easter Monday.

Students write a text describing Easter, using the

facts and the vocabulary from the game.


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