prezentacja produktu słuchawki

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Good morning. My name is Damian Ch.

Today I would like to talk about my modern product. It will be active headphones.

Firstly .I tell about specification
I called it Sound gear

briefly present

SG, model 1.0 . The headphones are very light, only 65 grams.

My product may have 3 colours black ,red or white. A cable with mini jack has 1,2 meters. A
headphones costs 1300 zlotys
Now I tell something about sound and magic active system.
A sound is very clear and when you listen your favourite song , you can hear new sounds which you
never hear , because the headphones give you great quality. A bass is very smooth and expressive.
If you like great quality of sound, you must buy my headphones.
A magic active system is automatic regulation of volume and reduction a loud . For example when
you drive on the bus ,headphones allows you to enjoy the music in big loud and you hear only music,
nothing else, but if you are close to the street where are very much cars, headphones reduce the
volume and allows that you hear the cars ,to save you.

I hope that you will buy my product.
Thank you for attention.


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