Joel Skelton Jolly Old St Barts

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Jolly Old St. Barts • Joel Skelton


Jolly Old St. Barts

he deeply tanned handsome hunk charged out of the
azure water. A bright-white banana hammock,
leaving little to the imagination and plenty of
expectation, performed its envied duty with a tease.

Pausing on the sun-bleached sand with the ocean swirling in
the background, the hunk raised his muscled arms to the
sun, showing off gorgeous, dark tufts of hair. Then he
turned, paused, and sauntered down the beach, his
curvaceous, naked ass mesmerizing as it shifted from side to

Startled out of his lustful trance by a fat, lazy snowflake

making a direct hit on the tip of his nose, Matt glanced
around the tree lot. Large flakes were beginning to cascade
down all around him, their plump, white bodies changing
colors as they passed by the swooping strings of Christmas
lights outlining the lot. Reluctant to say goodbye to the
smokin’ hot video he’d been watching, he pocketed his phone
and hurried into the makeshift plywood shelter. He glanced
down at his watch—it was already past five. It wouldn’t be
much longer, he thought as he pulled his phone back out
and fired it up.

Wait… go back to the site with the über handsome dude.

The one with those dreamy bedroom eyes.

Matt backed up his search until he found what he’d

been looking for: St. Bart’s Hotties. He had no problem


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remembering where to navigate, and sure enough, his hottie
was waiting patiently for his return.

Hello, Bart! My name is Matt. A sleepover? Sure, I’d love


Page after page showed the model in various swimsuits

and poses both on the beach and off. Matt found himself
gravitating back to one photograph in particular. It wasn’t
the most revealing picture in the collection, but it was the
most satisfying. There was something so familiar about that
handsome face. Had he seen the model featured in a

The memory swooped in out of nowhere—there was a

guy last year on the lot who took his breath away. He had
eyes like the swimsuit guy’s. Matt remembered hating
himself for days after—Emile had only been gone for a

This photo featured the model wearing a red Speedo and

a white muscle shirt, lying on the wet sand. His body
language invited Matt to snuggle up close. Closing his eyes
Matt tried to imagine what it would feel like to be wrapped in
the model’s warm, powerful arms. For now, fantasies like
this were all he had. They were baby steps toward a process
he still couldn’t bring himself to initiate.

Emile would be mad if he knew I was lonely and,

because of his memory, not doing anything about it. He would
never require this.

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Matt was only starting to buy into this notion that life

could move on. He knew this was important. Friends had
begun to encourage him to start dating.

But it seems so soon.

Only a short year separated him from tragedy. His life

had been shattered when he lost his partner of four years,
Emile, in a car accident. Emile was thirty-three, several
years older than Matt. He was killed on a late-November day,
when another driver swerved into his lane, causing a head-
on collision. Driving conditions were excellent and both cars
were thought to be traveling the speed limit on the busy
expressway. The other driver, married and a father of two,
died several days later. It was still a mystery as to why his
car left its lane and entered Emile’s.

Matt had spoken to Emile just minutes prior to the fatal


“Hey, Matty, how are you doing?” Emile almost always

called him Matty unless they were with people they didn’t
know well.

“I’ll be a whole lot better when I see your smiling face.”

Matt cherished his time at home with Emile. They rarely
went out, choosing instead to enjoy one another in the
comfort of their apartment.

“Have you had a chance to think about dinner?” Emile

had asked.

“I’m making BLTs and I have some tomato soup


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“Very good, Matty. If the traffic isn’t too heavy, I’m going

to stop off and renew my driver’s license. I’ll be a few
minutes late, so don’t worry.”

“Okay, sweetie, drive safe.” How ironic, Matt thought

each time he replayed in his mind the last words they had

Why hadn’t I insisted he come right home?

Handsome, loving Emile. Born in France, he had come

to the US as a teenager when his father’s job required the
family to transfer. With amazing clarity, Matt remembered
the first time he met Emile. They both were attending the
University of Minnesota. Emile was in his senior year, and
Matt was just starting out. A party at a mutual friend’s had
been the setting. Emile had come into the small apartment
kitchen to refill a glass of wine, and in an instant, Matt was
a goner. “It’s his voice, his accent that makes me crazy,”
Matt remembered he had joked to friends shortly after they
had started seeing each other, “And his looks aren’t bad,
either—ooh la la.”

In some respects, the holidays this year were even more

painful. Last year had been one big horrific blur. He barely
remembered working the tree lot. A few select scenes were all
he could recall. Several customers had expressed sympathy.
It was always awkward. The enormity of his loss was both
numbing and consuming.

Matt shook his head to clear away the all-too-familiar

feeling of emptiness, a bittersweet remnant of Emile that had
just upstaged “swimsuit guy.” He was starting to gain control

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of these sad spells. It took work to move on, and even though
he recognized the healing process had begun, being without
Emile every single day was an emotional roller-coaster he
begged to be off.

What does swimsuit guy’s voice sound like? Those deep

dark eyes, I bet it’s soft and sexy.

Staring down at the tiny image of the handsome man in

the red bathing suit, he tried once again to imagine himself
wrapped up tight in swimsuit guy’s strong arms. Oh, how
wonderful it would feel to be loved again. Closing his eyes, he
could almost feel those full, wonderful lips brushing behind
his ear and down the back of his neck. A shiver ran through
his body as he savored the moment.

I’m ready. I need someone in my life again. I’m not good

on my own.

He was brought out of his fantasy by the familiar sound

of his uncle’s truck. Matt stepped out of the shelter and
waved as it entered the lot.

“Hello, sport!” his uncle greeted him with a wave. “Had

enough of the tree-selling business this year?”

“Hey, Uncle Ken!” Matt slid his phone into his pocket.

Going back to his teens, Matt had always banked on

working the tree lot for his uncle. In a way, Uncle Ken and
his wife, Aunt Rose, were like a second set of parents, not
having any kids of their own to spoil. Although working the
lot required standing out in the elements most evenings for
weeks leading up to the holiday, Uncle Ken made it well
worth his effort.

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“Here!” his uncle said, reaching into the backseat.

“Hang this on the fence and let’s call it a season.”

Matt accepted a hand-painted sign that read, “All Trees

Now FREE.”

“The cash from today, if there is any, is all yours. Bring

the till with you tomorrow, and I’ll store it away until next

“You sure? There was more action today than I thought

there’d be.” Matt was careful not to abuse the generosity. As
instructed, he hung the sign on the fence post.

“I’m sure. I’d just spend it on beer, and that would

surely piss off your aunt.”

Matt laughed at his uncle’s remark. It was all a smoke

screen. Aunt Rose would buy the beer herself if Uncle Ken
asked her to.

“Oh, your dad called this morning. He and your mom

are planning on showing up ’bout noon. Shoot for that,
okay? Don’t be late if you know what’s good for you!” Uncle
Ken shook his finger at him and winked. “Your auntie’s been
cooking her heart out the last couple of days. She made that
sweet-potato pie you can’t live without.”

“I’ll be on time, you can count on that!” Christmas and

his birthday wouldn’t be the same without one of his aunt’s
scrumptious sweet-potato pies. “Can I bring anything?” Matt
already knew the answer but wanted to ask anyway.

“Just an empty stomach is all I can think of. You

headed over to your parents’ tonight?” His uncle brushed a
snowflake or two off of his bushy eyebrow.

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Matt had to think about the right response. He’d already

made the decision not join his parents for midnight service.
He called his mother earlier in the day to beg off using the
“college friend home for the holidays” excuse everyone knew
was a crock of crap. With Emile gone, the family had, while
still keeping an eye out, stepped back to allow him time to
deal with his loss. Soon he’d have to find a way to thank
them all for their patience. But tonight, he needed to be on
his own. He’d thought about heading out to the bars. It
could happen. He’d spent so much time on his own lately
he’d almost forgotten how alive and energized it felt to be on
a crowded dance floor, held captive by the pulsating music.
Who am I kidding? Most likely he’d pick up takeout and
hunker down in front of the television. His goal this holiday
season—to keep the crying spells to a minimum. This was
something he needed to work out by himself. Tonight,
Christmas Eve, would be a special challenge.

“I’m thinkin’ I’d like to be on my own tonight.” Matt’s

eyes dove to his feet, unable to make contact with his
uncle’s. He couldn’t mask the guilt he felt for abandoning his

“Well, whatever the hell it is you decide to do, stay safe,”

his uncle cautioned, minus his warm smile. “We could see
three to five inches of this junk by morning, and remember,
noon tomorrow and not a minute later.”

“Gotcha! Say hi to Auntie Rose!”
Matt waved as his uncle backed the truck out of the lot.

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little bit of heaven! Man, it’s good to be home!

“Oh the weather outside is frightful, frickin’

frightful, but the fire is so delightful, SOOOO
into the shower spigot. Throwing his head back, he

laughed, the hot water pummeling his chest.

It didn’t matter how plush a hotel his manager put him

in or how long the list of five-star amenities the hotel offered,
his own shower and the comfort of sleeping in his own bed
couldn’t be beat. Nothing came close. Turning to allow the
water to pulsate against the back of his neck, Andy replayed
the highlights of his week in Milan.

This is it, Andy, ol’ boy! You’re about to hit the top of the

heap. This is the explosion you’ve been waiting for.

Milan, the culmination of an intense and frenzied climb

from small, low-budget modeling jobs to A-list shoots, had
been a wild ride. His success in Milan finally put the ball
back in his court. The client was ecstatic and gushed over
the final product. Andy could be selective now, choosing gigs
for the first time in his career. He could regain control of his
life and begin focusing on finding someone special to share
the rewards of all his hard work. There wasn’t a thing he
wanted more right now. It wasn’t that he was lonely, well,
not really. Or desperate. Certainly not desperate. He wasn’t
whole. Finding the right person to share his life with would
be the icing on the Andy cake. He was damn good and ready,
and for once, nothing was standing in the way.

“I am sixteen going on seventeen….”


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Oh God, where did that come from?

“I am twenty-nine going on thirty, want a man to call my

own.” Andy laughed at what a dork he could be. Shutting off
the water, he stepped out of the massive, marble shower.
Grabbing a large, plush bath towel from the brushed-
aluminum shelf nearby, he dried off, savoring the warm,
moist air.

Updating the bathroom last year had been the best

investment he’d ever made. Once the royalties started rolling
in from the exclusive fragrance deal he’d signed a couple of
days ago, he’d have enough money to finish the industrial-
style loft. His plan was to create lush, comfortable pockets
within the old factory space. To date, he’d completed the
large Roman-style bathroom and the dark, richly appointed
master bedroom. The kitchen would be his next project.
Once the holiday was over and the shoppers had run out of
money, he’d start picking out the components for the
gourmet kitchen he’d fantasized for years about having.

Stealing a glance in the mirror, he decided the growth

on his face was still tame enough to skip shaving. Still
steaming from the shower, he strolled through the archway
into his bedroom and from there across the large room into
the huge walk-in closet.

Regular-dude clothes, buddy. Nothing fancy.

Because his work centered around clothes, very

expensive clothes, Andy devoted an entire section of his
closet to what he loved to call “regular dude” clothes. Jeans,
T-shirts, ultra casual attire that felt great to wear and did

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nothing to remind him of the apparel he was usually
required to be dressed in. Comfort food and comfort clothes,
Opening a drawer, he pulled out a pair of soft flannel
boxers, snapping the waist band once they had slid up and
over his muscular butt. Next, he climbed into a pair of
“regular dude” jeans, threw on a white T-shirt, and finished
the look off with a faded U of M sweatshirt. Standing in front
of the full-length mirror, he was pleased with the image
smiling back.

“Hey there, regular dude,” he said, cruising himself with

a sexy smirk, “new in town?”

Pulling on a pair of socks, he stepped into his “regular

dude” boots, slipped on his watch, and headed toward the
front door.

Whoa… hang on a second, buddy boy. Aren’t you

forgetting a couple of things?

Crossing through the main living space Andy entered a

small corner room he used, at least for the time being, for
storage. There he found a box overflowing with lights and
ornaments. Next to it was a tree stand. He carried these to
the opposite corner of the loft and positioned the stand in
the same place he’d had the tree the year before. Ah, the
luxury of having a second year under your belt
, he reminded
himself. Last year he had moved the tree three different
times. Andy liked how you could see the tree, view the
skyline from the expansive bank of windows, and take in the
fireplace, all from the same spot.

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Glancing at his watch, he knew he had to hustle. He

wanted to get home, set the tree up, and kick back with
some munchies and wine. He’d made a few stops on the way
from the airport to pick up groceries and alcohol to have
through the holidays. The tree was last on the list of things
he needed to make his holiday complete. Well, not really.
There was a lot more missing if he stopped to think about it.
Like a family? He’d gotten used to that one, but just barely.
Seemed his family—Mom, Dad, and a younger sister, didn’t
have room in their hearts or their lives for a gay son or
brother. Andy hadn’t had any contact with them for several

Andrew Porter, you know better than that. Don’t go there!

This would be the last year he spent the holidays alone,

he had decided on the plane home. At the very least, this
would be the last year he didn’t at least feel good about
making an attempt to find someone to spend his life with.

All the decorations in the world won’t brighten up a life

like a boyfriend, buddy boy.

“But as long as you hold me tight, do-whap-a-doobie.”

Andy wrapped a scarf around his neck, threw on a coat,
grabbed his keys, and bolted out the door.

The flight back from Italy had been uneventful. The

luxury of flying first class had afforded him a much-needed
opportunity to catch up on his sleep. At the moment, he felt
energized as he navigated his SUV through the snow. A good
inch had fallen from the time he’d gotten home, showered,
and back out on the road. Pulling into the mall, he was

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thankful to see lights illuminating the tree lot. Andy parked
the car and jumped out into a giant snow globe.

There didn’t appear to be anyone around. He spotted the

“All Trees Now FREE” sign posted on the wooden fence. A
bad omen.

Shit! I don’t have any rope.

He didn’t care about the price. He was hoping someone

would be there to help him load the tree onto his car.

You know that’s not the only reason you’re disappointed

no one’s around. Come on, fess up! You were hoping to see

Adorable, wholesome Matthew had that special look

Andy found irresistible. It was a look that no amount of
money or expensive clothing could duplicate. He had cast
the dude as the lead in his late-night jerk sessions on several
occasions, to great success.

Andy smiled, remembering his lame attempt at trying to

make a move last year.

You hid behind a tree and spied, you idiot!

One of the first things he’d observed, while spying from

behind the large Fraiser fir he’d strategically moved near the
tree-bagging area, was how serious and sad Matthew had
looked. On others this might have diminished their overall
appeal, but not with this guy. Andy remembered a
vulnerability that spoke to him so strongly he’d fought off an
urge take this handsome man into his arms and hold him

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tight until he was rewarded with a smile. This guy had an
“off-limits” aura that begged to be challenged.

Just give me a shot. One shot is all I ask.

Fueled by as strong a desire as he had ever experienced,

Andy remembered he’d decided upon two objectives: one,
confirm Matthew was gay, a showstopper if he was off on
this one—life experience had provided him with a knack for
instant qualification that escaped many; and two, to charm
the socks off this guy so he came away with either a date or
a phone number. He took a deep breath before stepping out
from behind his evergreen blind. As he was closing in on his
target, a young woman approaching from the opposite
direction got to Matthew first. Andy did his best to appear
busy, to mark time, but after a few awkward moments
retreated back to the safety of his fir tree.

He had tried to eavesdrop, but people crossing between

them and the voices of excited children nearby had made it
almost impossible for him to stay connected to their

“Mom’s book club… Matthew.”

Matthew… wow, that’s his name. I love that name!

Matthew, funny, he sort of looks like a Matthew. Shut up,
Andy! What the hell does a Matthew look like, anyway?

“I’m so sorry… Mark and Rita’s son, Emile… It was such

a shock to us. Called your mom. You’re in our prayers.”

After the woman had hugged Matthew and moved on,

Andy had tried to piece together the gist of their

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You’re in our prayers. Someone close to Matthew had

died. That explains his sadness. The death was unexpected,
because the woman had said something had been a shock.
God, maybe it had just happened. Who was Emile? A friend,
oh no… a brother? Was it his boyfriend?

The memory reminded Andy of how deflated he’d felt

having been sent away from the tree lot without any hope of
getting a phone number, or even making an impression on
the handsome stud.

“That’ll be forty-seven for the tree.” Matthew had been

all business. “Set it over by the bagger, and I’ll be there in a
minute.” His distant smile, displayed in limited quantity,
came off as obligatory at best. A keen sense of frustration
had stuck with Andy for weeks afterward.

You dumb shit! Why didn’t you head right over here from

the airport? It’s Christmas Eve, for God’s sake! Maybe he
doesn’t work here anymore so it wouldn’t have mattered

Andy was disappointed and as expected, it was slim

pickings, with some of the rows totally bare. He spotted a
clump of trees over on the left side of the lot. As long as the
tree had a triangular shape to it, and it was over five feet in
height, he could make it work. After all, most trees, even the
skimpiest, looked great after they were loaded up with lights
and decorations. Toss back a few glasses of wine and the
damn thing would look like it was hand delivered by Martha

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Andy pulled a tree off the rack, spinning it around until

he had eyeballed it from every angle.

Hmmm… not tooooo bad.

Setting it back against the rack, he did the same with


Argh. No way! Poor guy, looks like you had your stomach


“Hey, how’s it going?”

The voice startled him. Twirling around, surprise gave

way to jubilation when he spotted Matthew lumbering down
the pine-covered pathway.

“Hi there!” Andy couldn’t hold back the huge smile that

had launched on its own. Caught off guard, he bounced back
over to the first tree and pretended to inspect it. The goofy
smile wasn’t going anywhere. Matthew’s presence made him
feel giddy. He couldn’t believe his good fortune and struggled
to mask his delight.

“Are all the trees really free?” he asked, still trying to

defuse his excitement to a manageable level.

“Yep. An hour earlier and I’d have to get”—Andy held his

breath when Matthew moved in closer and examined the
tree—“fifty-five smackers from you. I’m surprised this one
was left behind. The short-needled trees are really popular.”

“Is there any chance you still have some string around I

can use to tie my tree to the car?”

“Oh sure, that’s no problem. I have a few things to do

before I shut the lot down. Shop around if you want….” The

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handsome man stood on the tips of his feet to give the lot a
once-over. “But it looks like you’ve already spotted the cream
of the crop. Wait… wait a minute. The last time I looked
there were a couple clusters of trees leftover on that side you
might want to check out.”

Andy looked in the direction he was pointing.

I’ll look, but I know already what I want. Let’s hope…

please, Santa… you’ll want the same thing too.

“Okay, thanks! I’ll check ’em out.” Andy forced himself

to step in that direction.

“I’ll be up by the shed. Drag your tree there, and I’ll get

you all set,” Matthew said with a wink.

“Thanks!” Dude, was that a wink? I mean, seriously,

was that a boner-fide wink? Oh man, what’s going on here?
The urge to merge was even stronger than it had been last
year. And the oddest thing—in his profession, he was
surrounded by hot guys. Dozens. He rarely considered
hooking up with any of them because they all seemed the
same. Only on rare occasions did anyone stand out, and
when someone did stand out, it often wasn’t a good thing.

Wait, that’s it!

It was a lightbulb moment. His dick understood the

difference. Only moments ago he had been standing next to
a real live “regular dude.” Not some pretty boy who had a
black belt in bitch-slapping.

A plan was forming. He headed back to the first tree.

Wrapping his hands around the middle of its trunk, he half

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carried, half dragged it up and leaned it against the side of
the plywood shed.

It’s go for broke time, Andy.

“Perfect timing,” Matthew said, poking his head out from

inside the shack. A single bare bulb dangling from the ceiling
was bright enough for Andy to catch a better look. This guy
was the epitome of wholesomeness. Youthful with blond hair
cropped short, Andy’s breath was taken away when he
caught site of those remarkable blue eyes. How could I have
forgotten thos
e? Maybe it’s because you were staring at
something other than his eyes,
he answered himself. Shorter
than him, Matthew had a solid build, a tough, scrappy thing
going on that Andy found insanely irresistible.

Okay, you have one shot here, buddy boy.

With an expert flair, Matthew cut off an inch of the

trunk with a saw, guided the tree through the bagger, and
carried it over to the car. “Let me grab some rope from the
shed and I’ll get this tied on.”

Ask him over for a drink. He can say yes, or he can say

no. You have nothing to lose.

“I sure wish I had a helper like”—Exactly like!—“you at

home. Lugging a tree up two flights of stairs is no picnic.”
Andy struggled to finalize his game plan.

Brilliant. Not!

“Well I’m glad I was still around to bag it for you,”

Matthew answered with a warm smile.

Go for it. Just do it!

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“I’m Andy, by the way. Say, care to stop by for a drink? I

live about a mile from here.” I am sixteen going on seventeen!
“What am I thinking?” he continued with what he hoped was
the right amount of disappointment. “It’s Christmas Eve, you
probably have a million things to do already.”

Matthew appeared to ignore his invitation. That sucks!

Oh well, you can’t fault me for trying, but really? You’re not
even going to acknowledge my offer?

Andy was just about to give up hope when Matthew

turned to him and asked with a million dollar grin, “You’re
close by?”

“Yes!” Andy chimed without realizing it. “I mean yes, I

live really close.”

Matthew secured the rope from the tree already on the

top of Andy’s car to the bumper. “It’s been a long, hard day
at the old tree lot. A drink sounds great! Sure, let’s do it. I’m

Of course you are! You don’t know it, but we’re old


truggling to control his excitement at the thought of
having a cocktail with Andy, Matt found
concentrating on driving a challenge. Without any
effort on his part, his life was being sidetracked—his
date with loneliness delayed by an unexpected

change of plans. This would be the first time since Emile’s


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passing he would be alone with another man. Alone in a
way… Matt let the thought drift away and then brought it
right back. Let’s go there. It’s time. He would be alone with a
man, and if anything else were to develop past a simple
drink, he’d have an opportunity to either pass or play along.

He remembered Andy from last year the instant he

turned and said hi. How could you forget that handsome
Matt even remembered what the guy had been
wearing—much the same as he had on tonight: jeans, a
bulky coat, and boots. Without the required X-ray vision to
see through his winter wear, Matt just knew the dude had a
hot body. He’d caught glimpses of Andy’s masculine, cocky
swagger while at the same time helping other customers. He
had thought at the time that Andy had to have someone
waiting at home. Someone he could laugh with, and enjoy
decorating the tree with. Perhaps a family. Nobody that hot
could possibly be alone. Alone like Matt was. When it had
come time for Andy to pay for his tree, he’d felt his face
flush. He remembered how his hands shook when he
returned Andy’s change. I can’t believe he invited me over for
a drink.

Matt followed closely behind Andy’s black SUV as it

weaved through side streets until it pulled up to what looked
to be an old factory of some kind. The first floor was dark,
the second floor brightly lit, and the third floor had a few
lights on, but for the most part, it too was dark.

Are you sure you know what you’re doing?

He hopped out of his truck and walked over to meet

Andy, who had already started to untie the rope on the tree.

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“Here, why don’t you let me do that. I’m a pro,” Matt

offered when he saw Andy struggling with the knots.

“Thanks! This is sure nice of you to stop over. I know it

looks kind of scary from the outside, but I live in a loft on the
third floor. It’s not for everybody, but I love it. I have the
entire floor.”

Matt finished untying the tree and lifted it off the car. “I

tell you what, if you can get the door and clear the way, I can
manage the tree.”


Matt saw the instant relief in Andy’s face. “Sure! I think

two of us trying to get this up the stairs would be a mistake.
I’ll let you know if I need a hand. Ready?” Matt lifted the tree
off the ground and tilted it sideways.

“Let’s do it!” Andy jogged ahead and unlocked the

entrance to the building.

The scent of freshly cut wood made the old building

smell new. Lights every few feet illuminated the stairs. Andy
led the way.

Wow! That’s a really, really hot butt.

Matt lugged the tree up the stairs. After each turn, he

rewarded himself with a glance at the butt leading the way.
Oh man….. He’d been invited over to have a drink, not a
playdate with Andy’s ass he reminded himself as he trudged
ahead. With each flight of stairs, his decision to accept the
invitation seemed more and more like the right choice.

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That’s the hottest ass I’ve seen in a long time. I wonder

what it looks like out of those jeans? Yummy!

At the top, a short hallway extended from the stairwell

to a door, which Andy opened, stepping aside while Matt
followed with the tree.

“I have a stand set up over here in the corner.” Andy

snapped on a few lights and guided Matt across the huge
living space to the opposite end of the loft. Matt placed the
tree into the stand.

Andy got down on his knees and began to secure it.

“How does it look, is it straight?” he asked.

Are you straight?

“I think so.” Matt suppressed a giggle while adjusting

the tree slightly. “Go ahead and tighten it up. We can fine
tune later if it leans to the side.”

“There!” Andy stood up after tightening the last fastener.

“That should do it. I really appreciate the help. Now, I
promised you a drink, what’s your pleasure? Beer? Wine? A

If you only knew….

“Hmm… I’ll have what you’re having.” Matt followed

Andy into the kitchen.

“Are you into red wine?” His host examined the labels of

the bottles on a small wine rack on the kitchen counter.

“Sure, love wine,” Matt answered.

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“Great! I fell in love with a red from Portugal and ended

up buying a case. Let’s give it a shot. Oh, go ahead and
throw your coat on the bench over there. I’ll be back in a

Matt took off his coat and scarf and laid them on the

bench. He walked into the large living area, where they had
put up the tree. The space was, as Andy had described,
industrial looking. Matt wasn’t sure if he liked it. He did like
the wide expanse of windows stretching across the entire
wall. They offered up tremendous views of the city. That

“Sorry,” Andy said as he strolled into the kitchen minus

his coat, “I was floating, had to pee. Oh man, I’m hot.” He
removed his sweatshirt and placed it on the counter.

You’ve got that right. Hot as Georgia asphalt!

“We should get some water in this stand so the tree can

start drinking,” Matt cautioned, “or, it will shut down and
you’ll have a bunch of dry needles in no time.”

“Oh yeah, I forgot about that. After I get a glass of wine

in your hand, I’ll take care of getting a drink for the tree.”
Andy busied himself with the wine.

Matt walked toward the kitchen. Andy’s back was to

him as he opened the bottle. Minus the additional top layers,
Andy had on a simple white T-shirt and jeans. Matt could
finally see what this guy had been hiding underneath his
bulky coat and sweatshirt. Wide, muscled shoulders
narrowed down to a trim waist—perfection. Hi again, butt!
I’m Matt. Whew!

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Andy poured the wine, turned, and handed Matt a glass.

“Cheers! And thank you for your help tonight,” he said,
locking eyes with Matt and smiling.

Oh my God!” Matt gasped as Andy leaned into the pool

of light beaming down on the counter to hand him his glass.
He staggered backward in disbelief until he bumped into the
bench. Losing his balance, he collapsed onto his coat.

It can’t be! But it is. I know it is! That’s where I’ve seen

those eyes.

“What’s the matter?” Andy hustled from behind the

counter over to where he sat on the bench. “Are you okay?
Matt, what’s wrong?”

“You… you… you’re….” Matt struggled to comprehend

what he’d just realized.

“Oh, I get it now,” Andy said with an embarrassed

chuckle, holding a hand out to help Matt back to his feet.
“This doesn’t happen very often, but let me guess, was I by
any chance in a swimming suit the last time you saw me?”

The ability to speak had left Matt. All he could do was

nod back as he accepted the glass of wine Andy had
retrieved from the counter.

Swimsuit guy—I’m standing in swimsuit guy’s kitchen!

“St. Bart’s Hotties, was it?”

“Yep… St. Bart’s Hotties,” Matt mumbled back after

finding his voice.

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“Interesting thing about that shoot. Wait, take a sip.

You look like you’re about to keel over.”

Matt took a huge sip of his wine. “I can’t believe it. This

is incredible! I was on the St. Bart’s Hotties site minutes
before you showed up to buy your tree. Frickin’ spooky. I
mean… good spooky.” Fucking lucky!

“Not sure if you’d be interested, but there’s a story

connected with that shoot.” Andy strolled back behind the
counter and sipped his wine.

“Sorry. I sort of freaked out there for a second. Please

tell me.” Matt was starting to relax again.

“Not a problem. I’d have freaked out too. I mean, what

are the odds?” Andy took another sip and smacked his lips.
“Say, I should be a good host and ask if you’re okay with the
wine. Is it going to work for you?”

“Oh, it’s great!” Matt sipped again and this time paid

attention to the wine. It was smooth and tasty.

“Well, first of all, the photos weren’t taken anywhere

near St. Barts. The client had a shoe string budget and the
shoot location was down in the Keys. The other thing, this is
funny now but it sure wasn’t at the time. It was so cold”—
Andy’s body appeared to shiver at the memory—“that I was
certain my nipples would look like Madonna’s cones on the
contact sheet. I froze my ass off.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me. You look so… warm.” Matt

caught himself before he used the word hot.

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“It was one of the worst experiences of my life. I caught

a really bad cold and ended up missing two other important
jobs. But, hey, I did my part. Wait! Did you like what you
saw?” Andy looked over with concern. “That’s the important

“How could I not? Your body is incredible. There isn’t a

gay man on this earth that wouldn’t want to be in my shoes
right now.” Matt took another sip and felt his face flush at
his reckless comment. “I bet you’re going to tell me you’re
straight. I heard most of you guys are straight.”

“Oh hell no, nothing that awful. Gay, proud, and single,

here. How about you?”

“I think you know the answer to that one already,” Matt

said, still embarrassed he’d inadvertently advertised his

“That was kind of fun, actually. If you could’ve seen the

look on your face.” Andy chuckled and then stopped. “I’m
sorry. I didn’t mean to poke fun at you. It’s just that I’ve only
been recognized a few times, so it’s a real treat when it
happens. Here, I’ll grab the bottle and let’s go into the living
room. Are you in a hurry to be somewhere?”

Are you kidding me? Why would you leave heaven? No

one is going to believe this. Nobody!

“I was headed home to an empty apartment,” Matt

confessed, “and probably a movie I’ve already seen a million
times. No plans for tonight. Hey, how about you? I don’t
want to impose.”

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“No plans here, either.” Andy plopped his hand down on

Matt’s shoulder. “Why don’t you hang with me tonight.”

It’s a hand on your shoulder. Can you imagine if…? You

know you want to stay.

“That is, if you feel comfortable. I’d sure enjoy the

company.” Andy waited for Matt to respond.

“I’d like that very much.” Matt offered his empty glass

for Andy to fill.

What a sweet guy. Totally contrary to what I would have

expected from someone with a body like his, who I assume
has traveled the world. Dude, you’re beautiful.
Matt followed
Andy into the living room.

“Would you mind if I started throwing some lights on

the tree? I have to be honest, decorating it is one of my
favorite things to do during the holidays. I’ve been waiting all
day for this.” Matt couldn’t help but notice Andy was stoked.

“Sure. Can I help?” Matt walked over to the box of

decorations to scope it out.

“Really? I’d love it if you helped.” Andy pulled out a

string of lights. “I like to wrap these around a few of the
individual branches to make sure the tree doesn’t look

“Somebody taught me to make sure a few of the lights

are nestled deep into the tree for depth,” Matt advised and
then laughed. This is great: he’s picky, like me. “I’m kind of
into this too, sorry!”

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“No, that’s cool. I have a feeling this is going to turn out

to be the best tree I’ve ever had.”

Together they covered the tree with lights from top to

bottom, deciding together which branch would receive
special treatment.

Andy had a way about him that made Matt feel right at

home. And he was having a blast. Never in his wildest
dreams would he have thought tonight would have turned
out like it was.

“These ornaments are all so cool. Where did you get

them?” Matt admired a tiny little man steering a paper-thin
glass gondola.

“A couple of years ago, I started to collect ornaments

from all of the destinations my modeling career took me. It’s
fun and gives me an excuse to check out the local shopping

When all the ornaments were in place, Andy brought

out a small stepladder from an adjacent room and placed a
naked male angel on the top of the tree.

“There, what do you think?” Andy asked, stepping down

from the ladder.

“He’s… it’s perfect. The tree is beautiful,” Matt was

overwhelmed by beauty—the tree, the angel, Andy.

“Ah, it does look great.” Andy stepped back to admire

their work. “Thank you for your help, Matt. Be right back.”

Andy replaced the ladder and returned beside him.

Please don’t let this evening end.

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“Um… Matt, can I talk you into at least one more glass

of wine?”

Matt felt Andy’s shoulder brush up against his own.

Something special was happening. He felt a connection to
Andy. Matt gulped and answered, “Sure. I’d like that.
Portugal, is that where you said this wine is from? It’s so

“Yeah, Portugal. I was there, what else, on a shoot a few

years ago.” Andy seemed apologetic for the fact he had
traveled so much. “I don’t think a lot of people know that
about Portugal. They produce very good, affordable wines
and they grow the cork for the bottles too. There’re cork trees
everywhere you look.”

Matt followed his host toward the kitchen. “Dopey me. I

thought cork came from the ocean,” Matt replied before
wishing he hadn’t. But it was true—he had thought cork
came from the ocean.

Andy busted out laughing. “You’re not thinking about

sponges, are you?”

“That’s it! Sponges!” Matt laughed along with Andy.

“Are you hungry? I stopped on the way home from the

airport and picked up a few of my favorite indulgences. Give
me a minute to organize, and then let’s at least have one
more glass in front of the tree. You up for that?”

In the few seconds it took for Andy to cross from the

living room to the kitchen, Matt experienced a wave of
uncertainty. Could he allow himself to relax and enjoy his
time here? Was he being disrespectful to Emile? This was a

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sacred night, Christmas Eve. Not a night to be out entertaining
thoughts of… oh God, don’t go there. Get a hold of yourself.
You can let good things happen to you, dummy.

“Hey! You okay?” Andy had returned to his side. “Look,

I’m just going to say this. I’d love it if you hung around for a
while. I’d like to get to know you better.” Andy patted Matt
on the shoulder for a second time, his hand lingering long
enough to produce a shiver of anticipation.

Emile… I want to stay. Please don’t be angry at me. I

really need this.

Matt had developed a habit over the past few months of

having discussions with Emile concerning a variety of topics.
Attempting to analyze his need for these imaginary chats, he
eventually came to the conclusion it was the beginning of the
end. It was an attempt to keep the memory of Emile alive
and real. It was time he started contemplating a replacement
who was alive and real.

“I’ll stay if you promise to open another bottle of wine.”

With the demons of doubt reconciled, Matt took a giant step

“Fantastic. Let’s see… your glass is empty, better do the

wine first.” Andy selected a bottle from the rack. “Then I’ll
load up a tray with some food, and we can park our butts
down by the tree.”

“Where’s your bathroom?” Matt had lost his bearings.

“Oh, follow me.”

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Matt followed Andy around the corner of the kitchen

and down a short hallway. “Eventually there will be a guest
bedroom across from this bathroom. Shout if you have
trouble finding your way back.”

When Matt returned to the kitchen, Andy had loaded a

tray up with a variety of munchies.

“That should do it. I also have a pizza we can throw in

the oven later if we feel like it. My turn for the bathroom, be
right back.”

Matt carried the wine with their glasses over to the

leather club chairs Andy had scooted up to the tree. “It’s
beginning to look a lot like Christmas,” voices sang from
speakers somewhere nearby. Matt giggled. “Yes, it is.”

hat was that all about? Matt seemed a million miles
away. Maybe he’s got a boyfriend. He wouldn’t stay
if he didn’t want to. If he seems uncomfortable, I’m
going to ask. Maybe I can help.

Returning to the kitchen, Andy grabbed the tray and

joined Matt by the tree. “You tired of Christmas music yet?”
Earlier he had turned on a mixed set of his holiday favorites.

“Not at all. I’m usually buzzing around so much, I

hardly ever get to just sit and enjoy it.”

Oh good, he seems okay now.

“I know what we need.” Andy walked over to the mantel

of the fireplace and picked up a remote. A fire leaped into


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action. “There, I knew I’d forgotten something. I’m so happy
you’re here. I hate spending the holidays alone, but that’s
the way it’s been for several years now. I like making money,
living comfortably, and to some extent, the travel. But
honestly, I can’t wait for the next phase in my life to begin so
I can start growing roots like everyone else does.” Andy
stopped short of including Matt on his wish list.

“Whew! I thought you were going to say you wanted to

accumulate huge debt and let yourself go,” Matt said with a

“Let myself go?” Andy tossed his head back and

laughed. “You know sometimes I fantasize about doing that.
But I’m too vain. And I’m too used to eating what it takes to
keep in shape. Tonight is a rare exception when I kick back
and throw all the rules right out the window.”

“Where did you grow up?” Matt asked when he had

returned to his chair.

“Northern Minnesota.” Andy picked up a cracker and

topped it with a piece of cheese. “I moved to the Twin Cities
seconds after I graduated from high school. It was messy.”
You might as well tell it like it was. “To make a long story still
long, I come from a strict Baptist family. When I finally
figured out who I was, I took a chance and came out to
them. I was sixteen at the time. Big mistake. I think in their
eyes I died that day. After my father beat the living daylights
out of me, he threw me out of the house. My mom did
nothing to stop him. I’m pretty sure she thought he was
right. I ended up living with an aunt who, I think, only
offered to put me up for the free labor she managed to guilt

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out of me. It was hell. I haven’t spoken to anyone in my
family for years, including my sister. We used to be so close.”
The separation still stung.

“I’m so sorry,” Matt replied softly.

“Don’t be. I’m not. I think coming from such a vile

environment has made me who I am today. And you know
what?” Andy perked up.


“I’m pretty damn happy without them.” Not the best time

to start lying. You’re lonely, dude. It wouldn’t be the worse
thing in the world to admit this.
“Someday soon I hope to
have a replacement for them in my life. I’m still working on
that one.” Andy wasn’t sure what else to say. They sat in
silence for a few moments.

“Hey! Enough about me. What’s your story, Matt?” Andy

sat back and crossed his legs.

Matt looked away and sipped his wine. A lush, beautiful

orchestration of “Silent Night” played in the background.
Seconds passed, and Matt still hadn’t answered or
acknowledged his question.

“Matt….” Andy uncrossed his legs and leaned toward his


“The holidays are difficult for me,” Matt began.

Andy listened, barely able to breathe as Matt told the

story of his precious Emile and the details of his tragic

Emile was his lover. Emile… oh God, no wonder.

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His heart ached for the love Matt and Emile shared and

lost. Even now, after a year, Matt’s voice was laden with
sadness, a testament to the powerful bond the two of them
must have enjoyed. Andy wrestled with his own emotions
each time Matt’s voice cracked. When he had finished, they
sat in silence—the large flakes falling gracefully outside the
bank of windows.

Ask him.

“Matt?” Andy slid off his chair and kneeled. “Would you

let me hold you?”

His eyes connected with Matt’s for only a second before

Matt nodded, his lower lip quivering. Andy took him by the
arm and brought him down onto the rug. Huge sobs erupted
as Andy scooted behind so he could envelop Matt in his

“I’m in no rush,” Andy whispered when he had his arms

wrapped tight around Matt’s chest. “I can hold you all night
if you’d like.”

When Matt had regained control of himself, Andy

nestled his chin on his shoulder, and before he knew what
he was doing, his lips brushed Matt’s neck with a soft kiss.
He waited for Matt to respond.

Try it again.

Andy planted another kiss on Matt’s neck, this one

intentional. Matt responded by tilting his head back with his
eyes closed, as if savoring Andy’s advances.

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“I’ll stop if you want me to,” Andy whispered into his

ear. Andy let several seconds pass before he planted another
exploratory kiss.

att had no idea how much he’d missed another
man’s hands on his body. He responded to Andy’s
kiss by moving up and out of his arms. Turning
around, Matt cupped the back of Andy’s head
bringing him forward until their lips met.


Matt fought off an urge to laugh. He caught himself

before Emile turned this wonderful moment with Andy into a
freaky three-way. “How far do you want this to go?” he
asked, staring into Andy’s eyes.

“Well, I’d like to shoot for the bedroom tonight, and after

that, to the moon and back,” Andy purred, his eyes
twinkling. “Is that what you want too?”

Matt moved in for another kiss. “Yes.” Andy tasted so

good, his lips full and inviting. Matt’s tongue taunted and
teased. Andy eagerly played along. Soon, hands were
involved, caressing and exploring until Matt felt Andy begin
to manipulate the button of his jeans.

“I could use a shower, if you have one,” Matt said when

their lips parted.

“Would you settle for a sponge bath in the laundry tub?”

“Huh?” Matt wasn’t sure he’d heard correctly.


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“Come with me, smelly boy.” Andy grabbed Matt by the

hand, leading him past the kitchen, down the hall, and into
the master bedroom.

“Wow! This is incredible.” Matt couldn’t believe his eyes.

“Thanks! It’s the first room I finished after moving in. I

couldn’t stand the thought of sleeping in the middle of a
home-remodeling project. This way!” Andy led Matt through
the bedroom and into the master bath. “Will this do the

“Absolutely! It’s like staying at the Wynn.” Matt was

bowled over by how opulent and lavish Andy’s bedroom and
bath were in comparison to the rest of the loft. This man
could never be allowed to see his ramshackle apartment.

“This is the second room I did after moving in. Now,

come here.”

Matt took a few tentative steps toward Andy.

Andy took both of Matt’s hands and placed them around

his waist. “Can I ask you something?”

“Yes,” Matt answered, embarrassed by the special

attention Andy was giving him.

Where is this going? Do I care?

“Am I the first man you’ve been with since Emile?”

Andy’s beautiful eyes searched into his own.

“You are.”

“I’m so honored. Matt… let’s see… how to say this and

not sound like a moron…. I’d like to try and make tonight

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special, if you’ll permit me. Let’s see… I’d like to dedicate
tonight to you and… well, a new beginning. I don’t believe for
a minute I could take Emile’s place. I wouldn’t want to. But
maybe tonight can be a new beginning for us. Is that
possible? Gosh, I’m doing a lot of talking here.”

“I like your idea. I’m enjoying being with you very much.

It feels… it feels right.” It felt better than right, it felt

“It does, it really does.” Andy hugged him tight.

tarting first by removing his shirt, Andy slowly
stripped Matt until he stood naked on the warm tiled

“You’re so hot, Matt.” Andy stripped himself, his

clothes heaped in a pile at his feet. “Let me know if you start
to feel uncomfortable.” He brushed his fingers across Matt’s
cheek. “This can go any direction you’d like it to. Tonight is
all about you.”

Once more he reached for Matt’s arms, putting them

around his waist. Parting his legs, he allowed Matt’s cock to
slide between them and then clenched them back together,
holding his guest captive. Reaching forward, he brought
Matt’s face toward his, planting warm soft kisses on his
eyelids and neck until his tongue met up with Matt’s mouth.
Minutes passed as they swayed from side to side, sharing
deep kisses. Pulling away, Andy noticed his dripping cock
had painted up a good portion of Matt’s muscled stomach.


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Stepping out of their embrace, he turned on the shower.
Reaching for Matt’s hand, Andy felt resistance as he took a
step forward.

“What’s wrong? You can talk to me.” Andy needed to

know Matt was a willing participant or this wasn’t going to

“It’s been a long time. I might not last too long,” Matt


“No worries. For me this is already a night to remember.

Besides, I don’t recall you saying you were in a rush to be
anywhere tonight. I’m all about the slow and easy.”

“Slow and easy….” Matt smiled.

Andy stepped into the shower, pulling Matt along with

him. Grabbing a bar of soap off the ledge, he began to skate
it across Matt’s skin. Methodically, he visited every inch of
Matt’s rock-hard body. He stroked and teased, more than
once bringing Matt very close to the finish line.

“I’m so close.”

“You think you are, baby. Relax, I’m just getting


When all the suds were rinsed out of Matt’s hair, Andy

stepped out of the shower and held open a large bath towel.
Matt stepped into it. Wrapped together in the lush towel, he
held Matt. Moments passed without either of them moving or
saying anything.

“You enjoying this?” Andy asked, brushing the towel up

and down Matt one last time.

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“More than you could ever know.”

Andy dropped the towel, scooped Matt into his arms,

and placed him on the center of the bed. Moving around the
room, he lit candles, dimmed the lights, and then crawled
onto the bed.

feel wonderful,” Matt gushed, cranking his head back
to meet Andy’s eyes. “Thank you. I had no idea how
much I needed to be with someone.”

“I have a confession to make.” Andy’s body spooned

him, and Matt closed his eyes when a warm hand took hold
of his cock and held it. Andy squeezed, off and on, while at
the same time planting dozens of soft, gentle kisses behind
his ear.

“What’s… what’s your confession?” Matt was unable to

keep his voice steady, his body reacting to the gentle grip
Andy had on him.

“I had no idea how much I needed this either. It’s been a

while for me too.”

Several seconds passed.

Andy buried his head in Matt’s neck. “What are you


Matt knew what he wanted, but he wasn’t sure how to

ask for it.


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I need to feel you inside of me. I miss that feeling more

than I can explain.

Matt reached behind and quickly found what he was

looking for. Arching forward, he guided Andy into place.

“I’ll be there in a moment, babe. I promise.” Andy licked

his ear.

He felt Andy’s body move away and then heard plastic

being ripped, a sound he’d almost forgotten. More soft kisses
dampened the back of his neck. Andy placed a finger on
Matt’s mouth. The finger probed and pried, until it parted
Matt’s lips and slowly slid inside. Matt sucked on the warm,
thick finger. It tasted sweet. It slid in and out of his mouth
several times and then it was gone. Surprising him, the
warm, moist finger soon found another home.

“Oh yes…,” Matt moaned as Andy expertly prepared him

for his cock.

I’ve waited long enough for this, haven’t I, Emile?

Andy reached forward with his free hand and cupped

Matt’s forehead, pulling him backward until his body was
arched, taut and ready. Matt lost himself in Andy’s warm
kisses, and before he knew what was happening, felt Andy’s
swollen cock begin its slow glide into his body. Matt tensed,
and Andy reacted by pausing. Hands caressed Matt’s chest
and arms. Again Matt felt Andy push forward. Again he
tensed, and Andy paused.

I want more.

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Without being told, Andy closed the gap, and Matt felt

the warmth of Andy’s groin pressing against his butt. He felt
Andy’s teeth tease and nibble his ear, causing a shiver to
rocket throughout his body. Matt could feel Andy pulsating
deep inside. More kisses, and then, with his strong arms
wrapped around Matt’s chest, Andy began to slowly pump
back and forth.

“Yes!” Matt begged, another shiver of pleasure jolting


Andy quickened the pace. Matt reached behind to rest

his hand on Andy’s muscular hip, a move he’d perfected long
ago with Emile. Matt felt Andy’s strength as he began to
make long, slow thrusts in and out.

I never thought it would ever feel so good again.

Matt whimpered, unable to maintain control.

Andy growled behind him and picked up the pace. The

bed began to rock back and forth. Matt reached for a pillow
and buried his head in the soft, sweet-smelling fabric. Andy
pulled Matt’s head back and held it firmly against his chest.
He stroked Matt’s cock with his free hand, working the thick
shaft from top to bottom. Matt felt Andy’s muscled ass
contract, pounding him rhythmically. Dripping with pre-
cum, the full length of Matt’s cock glided effortlessly in
Andy’s large hand.

“Oh… oh… I’m so close,” Matt hollered out. “Oh yes….”

Seconds later, his body tensed. Matt yelped as his cock

unloaded into the air. Andy was merciless as he stroked him
clean of every last drop. He twisted and turned, but Andy’s

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grip was too powerful to escape. His body rocked and shook
as he weathered one of the most powerful orgasms he’d ever

Andy had slowed his assault, or at least Matt had lost

track of that part of the action while his body had been
short-circuiting. Bending him forward with his powerful
arms, Andy pummeled him with several strong, full thrusts.

“I’m coming,” Andy roared from behind.

Matt felt Andy’s body shake and quiver, his grip

tightening, bringing Matt up hard against his chest.

“Oh… oh… oh yeah!” Andy jolted from side to side,

clenching and unclenching Matt in the process. It took
minutes for the strong man behind him to calm.

His body dripping with sweat, Matt was dazed. He was


Minutes later, he became aware of Andy’s labored

breathing behind his ear, his long, thick cock still buried to
the root deep inside of him.

“We’ll… work… on this,” Andy promised between

breaths. “It’ll… get better… not to worry.”

Giddy with satisfaction, Matt began to giggle. Giggles

turned into full-fledged belly laughs, and soon, Andy was
forced to pull out, clutching his stomach, laughing joyously.

After a serious cuddle-and-tease session, it was back to

the shower to clean up. They spent the rest of the evening in
plush robes in front of the tree, watching the snow fall and
stuffing themselves on pizza.

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“What are you doing tomorrow?” Andy asked with a

mouthful of crust.

“I’m due over at my aunt and uncle’s at noon. Why?”

Matt wiped pizza sauce off of Andy’s chin.

“Just wondering, that’s all.”

“What are you doing tomorrow?” Matt stuck a chocolate

covered cherry into his mouth.

“I’ll be here. Missing you.” Andy launched a huge,

exaggerated sigh.

“You’re not doing anything tomorrow?” Matt was


“Sad, isn’t it?”

“You’re coming with me. My family would love to meet

you.” Matt reached for a slice of pizza.

“Matt, that’s not necessary. It’s important you spend

time with your family. I’m a big boy.”

“You’re a very big boy, but that’s not the point. My

family would love for you to join us. That’s the way they are.”
Matt gave Andy’s shoulder a squeeze.

“I don’t know… I’d probably sit there smiling like a dope,

watching a healthy family interact. So rare. They’d think I
was some kind of an idiot.”

“Andy, it’s been a long time since my family has

associated me with a smile of any kind. Besides, they’re all
goofy dopes. And the food, trust me, is worth showing up

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Jolly Old St. Barts • Joel Skelton


“Well, let me think about it.”

Hoping for maximum persuasion, Matt leaned in to

plant a kiss on Andy’s cheek. “Have you come to a decision

“Oh yeah… I’m there!”

Merry Christmas, Emile. I’ll never forget you, promise.

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Come home for holiday romance.

Get the whole package of stories at

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About the Author





lives with his partner in the thriving

Minnesota arts community commonly referred to as the Twin
Cities. Writing is the latest destination in the author’s tour of
the arts. When he’s not writing, scamming on a character,
creating a chapter outline, or editing a portion of his
manuscript on the bus in and out of the city, he’s playing
law firm—a whacky, highly entertaining way to put food on
the table.

Visit his website at


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More Daily Dose

and Advent Calendar packages

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Jolly Old St. Barts ©Copyright Joel Skelton, 2011

Published by
Dreamspinner Press
382 NE 191st Street #88329
Miami, FL 33179-3899, USA

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the
authors’ imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead,
business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

Cover Art by Paul Richmond

This book is licensed to the original purchaser only. Duplication or distribution via any means is
illegal and a violation of International Copyright Law, subject to criminal prosecution and upon
conviction, fines, and/or imprisonment. This eBook cannot be legally loaned or given to others. No
part of this eBook can be shared or reproduced without the express permission of the Publisher. To
request permission and all other inquiries, contact Dreamspinner Press at: 382 NE 191st Street
#88329, Miami, FL 33179-3899, USA

Released in the United States of America
December 2011

eBook Edition
eBook ISBN: 978-1-61372-292-3

Document Outline


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