Lil Gibson Big Bad Bane (pdf)

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Big Bad Bane:

Order of the Mist


Lil Gibson

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© copyright November 2009, Lil Gibson

Cover art by Alex DeShanks, © copyright October 2009

ISBN 978-1-60394-385-7
New Concepts Publishing

Lake Park, GA 31636

This is a work of fiction. All characters, events, and places are of the author’s

imagination and not to be confused with fact. Any resemblance to living persons or events is
merely coincidence.

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Professor Kyra Hart cursed herself for a fool for the umpteenth time, moving faster

toward the intersection. You’d think someone with a PHD in anthropology would be smart
enough to avoid fixes like the one she now found herself in. Just fifty feet more and around the
corner she’d reach the bus stop and hopefully someone who’d deter the ones stalking her.

At the time, it had seemed perfectly safe to walk from the Henry B. Plant Museum to her

bus stop a mere three blocks away, despite the series of murders. They had all occurred after
dark in a run down section of Tampa’s inner city. More importantly it would allow her a few
minutes to breathe in the now cool fresh air after another visit from the detective from the Tampa
Bay Homicide Division. The chilling facts of the mounting gruesome deaths he detailed left her
shaken, both figuratively and physically. She chanced a glimpse back to see another had joined
the two others tracking her like prey. It took all her considerable control not to break into a run.
And it grew darker by the second.

Thinking fast, she inventoried possible weapons at her disposal. Kyra slid a hand into her

purse for the pepper spray on her key ring trying to calculate when she’d purchased it. She knew
the tearing agent lost its potency over time. Someone had once told her keys could be a
formidable tool by holding two keys facing out between your fingers and aiming for your
opponents eyes. Her briefcase, too, felt heavy enough to knock a body into the next block.

She rounded the corner and glanced up to find her bus stop deserted, and now she could

almost feel spurts of hot, acrid breath on her neck. She dropped everything and ran. Sensible,
rubber-soled, shoes and a full skirt aided her flight.

They followed easily; toying with her like a pack of jackals. If she couldn’t outsmart

them soon…she didn’t want to think about it. Her vivid imagination had no problem picturing
the four victims Detective Jamison spoke of.

Kyra spurted around another corner and, thinking she saw a shadow move in a recessed

alley; veered down it only to collide with a huge, warm, solid mass that manacled her to his body
as they left the ground moving straight up faster than any rollercoaster—so fast she felt the blood
draining from her brain and a curtain of black descending.

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Kyra awoke to swishing air gliding over her face and hair while a huge man paced back

and forth outlining her gross acts of stupidity.

“You little fool!” When was the last time anyone called her little, Kyra pondered, through

her mental fog and her savior’s tirade? “Who do you think you are dealing with—a misguided
teen cult playing out a ritualistic role of some sort? A hapless group of pranksters mimicking the
act of vampires as the police and media reported?”

She sat up and looked around noticing her briefcase and purse safely beside her. Thank

goodness she wouldn’t have to explain her momentary imbecilic judgment to her students. She
sat on a rooftop watching her agitated savior. With the full moon rising, it shrouded him in soft
white splendor, casting his eyes in iridescent copper. He looked hard as steel but moved with the
fluid grace of a panther; sleek and silent—making him seem powerful, mysterious
and…otherworldly, like a shade or phantom. Kyra shook her head to clear it, reminding herself
that that myths and legends were just that and there were no such things as ghosts, goblins or
anything else that went bump in the night. The rest of her family may be nuttier than fruitcakes
but Kyra had both feet planted firmly on the ground even if that was currently six stories up. For
a moment she’d believed they’d flown up here but she must have fainted when he lifted her. He
was very tall; easily eclipsing her height by a foot and a half. Probably played football, most
likely an MVP because not only was he tall, but broad; riddled with well defined muscles from
his neck down. He stopped in front of her, giving her an excellent view of another very defined,
er, muscle. She unconsciously licked her lips and gulped unable to pull her gaze from his
pulsing length until he lifted her off the ground standing her up directly in front of him while he
continued his lecture, holding her in place firmly but gently with hands banding her upper arms.

“By accepting a professorship at this time with your specialty in the occult splashed all

over the news—both the university and you have succeeded in making you a target.”

The dark giant incensed her; lumping her into the same category as the rest of her family.

“I’ll have you know I am a doctor of anthropology exploring the origins of myths and legends
surrounding the supernatural then using my research to explain and dispel their mysteries. I do
not believe or support the existence of practices or beings beyond the natural world. Period.”

The fool continued as if she hadn’t spoken. “And then you agreed to assist the police in

the gruesome vampire killings. You may as well have painted a blood red bull’s-eye on your
back. Do you want to die? Temp the fates? Have the blood sucked out of every luscious inch of

“Of course n…”

“I’m not finished. And finally, what do you do?”

“I’m sure you’ll…”

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“You leave the campus alone and unprotected to take a stroll down the street in the dark

sending an engraved invitation to every lunatic and murderer in the city.”

Hell, he wondered if anyone did not know where to find her at any given moment. He

swore to the goddess that if anything happened to her, the place would be crawling with
investigators, experts, reporters, crackpots and worse of all…The Order of the Mist. He and
some other vamps were working around the clock to find and destroy the evil ones then fade
back into anonymity. So far the killings had been limited to street people; a couple of winos, a
prostitute, and a homeless man. But if they drained a renowned anthropologist with a specialty
in ancient folklore; specifically vampires, werewolves, and demons, to name a few, the situation
could explode exposing them all. Bane shuddered, remembering a time when they were hunted
to near extinction. And the world was now advanced enough to finish the job if they were ever
discovered and found to be a threat to humanity.

“What’s your name?” Kyra asked softly, bombarding his line of thought with her soft,

lyrical voice. The deep richness of it tugged at his libido prodding his hard-on until he wanted to
squirm. Good Goddess, three simple words turned him hard as a spike without even the benefit
of her tempting body pressed against him. Marie had spoken of her for years, he’d even
memorized the numerous photos taken from the time she was a small child until fully grown with
lush curves and long platinum blond hair—both she tried her best to disguise through ill-fitting,
dowdy clothing and a spinsterish bun that probably tortured both her hair and scalp. No wonder
she suffered from headaches. She studied him with large, earnest, cobalt blue eyes and he
wondered what she saw? The centuries spent on the surface had changed his grayish skin tone to
more of a dark tan, which he kept that way through sun exposure or the tanning bed in his home.
His eyes were a different story. Even with contacts, the iridescence bled through in certain
lights, plus his eyes remained sensitive to sunlight so he wore dark shades even at night. He
suddenly realized they were missing; lost in an effort to get her to safety.

She smiled slightly and said, “The moon is making your eyes glow. I can’t tell what

color they are.”

Bane shrugged. “Brown. And my name is Bane.”

A dry laugh escaped from Kyra’s lips. “Bane, huh? What, did your mother have such a

terrible time bringing you into the world she decided to make you pay with your name?”

Leaning down until his lips grazed her ear; her nipples poking prominently against her

blouse, he whispered, “How did you guess?” Cursing pixies, it was all he could do not to lean
even further and take a taste of the hardened bud begging for his attention. Immersed in her
scent, another hunger erupted in him, as well. Her heartbeat accelerated rapidly making her
blood sing through her system. He could hear it and smell it making his incisors extend pressing
on his bottom lip. He straightened quickly and whispered, “Kyra.” Before she realized he’d
called her by name without the benefit of an introduction, he murmured, “Sleep.” Tucking her
high in his embrace, he raced to her to the home of her great-grandmother, Marie Mercuro, a
friend to Bane for the last hundred years, or so, and the only mortal he trusted with his origins.
He’d offered to turn her once or twice but she refused the gift. Still, being descended from the
Norse goddess Eir, her life would be a long one, as any in service to the goddess devoting their

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lives to healing. Many within Ybor City came to Mama Mercuro for special herbs or
concoctions when a loved one lies ill. In addition she performed midwife duties delivering half
of all the babies born in the last century within the boarders of the small community nestled in
the city of Tampa.

Bane materialized with his sleeping bundle and slipped in through the back door. Tall

stone walls and a thick lush garden safeguarded his arrival. He sensed the absence of his friend
and quickly carried Kyra into the spare room.

He laid her down and surveyed the changes she had made to the snug sleeping chamber.

Though the room was cast in smoky black, he needed no light to catalog every detail. He’d spent
his first one hundred years within the depths of Middle Earth and on and off since then. Books
lay on every surface, some with clothes draped over them. Bane smiled; Kyra was a slob. Of
course she’d only arrived a few weeks ago, just before the beginning of the semester at the
University of Tampa.

He bent over her, quickly removing her top, skirt, and slip then worked on freeing her

hair, letting it spill over her pillow, chest and arms. She looked like a Ruben painting. Wanton,
innocent, voluptuous. Bane smiled again. He couldn’t recall a time when he’d smiled so much.
Her bra shouted utilitarian with her breasts fairly crushed into it, no doubt in an effort to conceal
her bounty. A sports bra, if he recalled correctly. Her panties, however, were no more than a
swatch of silk and a tiny one at that, the same shade as her eyes. “Come little scholar,” he
whispered, covering her with a thick downy duvet. “Show me your fragile, tempting neck.” He
lit the candle on her night stand wanting to study every inch of his prize.

Bane gently lifted her shimmering strands to reveal the delicate curve of her ear and

graceful slope of her neck and collarbone. Though mesmerized by the creamy softness he found
there, her scent proved to be the ultimate draw. She smelled like sunshine, fresh berries and
musky spice that combined to send his senses reeling. Against his will he revealed more of her.
Easing the comforter down to expose her tortured breasts, he reached for his knife, flicked it
open, then carefully slit up between her breasts then severed the straps. His breath hitched
before exhaling a moan. Need, lust, and overwhelming desire captured and held him in thrall.
He wanted her with a possessive ache he’d not felt in centuries—possibly ever.

He shook his head to clear his thoughts and moved across the room facing the wall.

Curse the Gods, what was wrong with him? Had Marie put a glamour spell on him? He felt like
a boy with his first bicycle. He glanced at Kyra. And boy did he want to take a
ride…thoroughly and often. What an inopportune disaster. Bane had been careful to steer clear
of Marie lest his enemies target her to get to him. And now her great grand daughter had landed
smack in the middle, jeopardizing an already fluid situation. Because now along with defeating
the Spirit Lifters and keeping their existence from the masses, he’d have to make Kyra a
priority—while keeping his hands off her.

Determined, Bane crossed the short distance to her bed and sank down beside her. If he

took some of her blood he could monitor her movements and emotions. He’d know where she
was and if she felt the slightest bit ill at ease or frightened.

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He nuzzled a perfect breast before taking the nipple and drawing it firmly into his mouth.

He cupped the other breast with his hand kneading, pinching the nipple then rolling it between
his fingers. Kyra moaned without waking.

Dizzy with desire and drunk on her scent, he bit into her just above a hardened bud,

drawing her essence into himself, almost disoriented with the rush of it. Kyra groaned in
response whether in arousal or objection, he could not tell. Next he sliced an inch opening
across his wrist and put it to her mouth commanding her to drink. She groaned once again and
began a combination of sucking and swirling her tongue around his wound. More blood flooded
into his cock imaging what that dedicated attention could do to other parts of his anatomy. He
wanted in her with a desire long buried. He told himself it was the thrill of forbidden fruit for
she could split wide his world and that of his allies.

He pulled his wrist from her lips and smiled as she licked them clean, he licked his wrist

to close his wound and then bent over her once again to heal hers. No mark would be left for her
to discover and she’d have no memory of the exchange. She might feel lightheaded and a bit
bewildered about the night’s events but that would be the extent…

Suddenly Bane burst off the bed, hit his head on the ceiling only to land hard on his

backside in the middle of a pile of previously stacked tomes. True the taking of her blood
created a telepathic bond between them but what possessed him to initiate the exchange?
“Thor’s courage, what have I done?” he thundered, eyeing Kyra with dawning horror.

“You stole those words from my mouth,” Marie Mercuro announced from the doorway.

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Bane winced both from the knot he felt forming on his head and the voice behind him.

He’d not even sensed her presence in the casita. He turned slowly and faced his friend of close
to a century. Marie looked mad, disgusted and just a bit worried, like a mother hen over a
cherished chick. He followed her out of Kyra’s room down the hallway to the sitting room.
Casitas, or shot gun houses got their name when they were first built in the late 1800’s because if
you opened both the front and back doors you could shoot a bullet clean through it hitting
nothing but air.

“What have you done?” she quietly demanded settling comfortably in her Lazy-Boy

cattycorner to the over-stuffed sofa where Bane slouched.

Bane felt his skin flush. “Marie, it’s not as it seems.”

“Is it not?”

“No. It’s for her own good.”

Marie smirked. “Next you’ll tell me it was a wholly selfless act.”

“Er, Marie, don’t get upset but Kyra might be in danger. On her way home several

Carnomians tailed her ….

“Don’t have a coronary—breathe; you’re white as a sheet.” Bane quickly knelt in front

of her taking her hand. “I was there, sweetheart, they never touched her. I brought her here but
you weren’t yet home.”


Bane reseated himself, playing for time. What could he say? I got carried away by

Kyra’s intoxicating scent and decided to have an evening snack? I rescued her and took her
blood as payment, but don’t worry I deposited an equal amount through her delectable lips?

“Uh, her reputation as an anthropologist with a specialty in ancient cultures, alone is

problematic. Add researching the origin of superstitions and lore into the mix and you have a
number of nervous immortals. We don’t, as a rule, tolerate surface dwellers who study our kind
too closely. And now she has made herself even more of a target by assisting the police in their
investigation of cult murders. She could expose us, Marie, and prove the instrument of our
annihilation. You must see that. Even if certain factions knew of you, your life would be in
grave danger. I believe that a rogue band of Spirit Lifters are responsible for these attacks,
but…” Bane ran his hands through his hair in frustration. “You must make her stop—”

“Oh, of course,” Marie interrupted, “I’ll simply inform her, when she awakens, that she is

to have no more dealings with the police and to choose an alternate career, while she’s at it. I am
confident that she will obey my every whim with no thought to the impetus behind it. Good
Goddess, Bane, she already thinks I’m off my rocker; are you looking for her to commit me?”

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Bane just stared at her for a moment. “Sarcasm is of no assistance in this matter.”

Rubbing the back of his neck.

“What is, then? I’ve told you enough about her history for you to understand her reasons

for this path. Sh-she will not just walk away.” Marie advised haltingly.

“I…Christ, I know that but…”

Marie stood up. “And so you took her blood?” she proceeded, incredulous. “How could

you! Was there an exchange?” His guilty expression confirmed her worst fears. Color once
again leached from her face and Bane moved to catch her. “Don’t,” she commanded. “Let me
think.” Marie sat with her head in her hands. Bane had initiated the first exchange of the utukku
mating ceremony. Could it be he’d not yet registered the implications? She understood his
primary motivation lay in protecting Kyra. Her great-granddaughter must be in truly dire straits
for him to act so. Marie also realized he did it for her. She loved Kyra above all else and had
been ecstatic when she made the move to Tampa, to live with and take care of her—even if she
didn’t need it. Marie had probably another hundred years to her life and would no doubt see her
favorite child wither and die. Marie had tried to explain that they worshiped and served the
Goddess Eir, the goddess of healing. And that if Kyra refused the path she would have the
lifespan of a normal mortal. Kyra, however, refused to listen and further concluded that Marie
must be becoming delusional, therefore made immediate plans to make Tampa her home. Fate
clearly had a whimsical sense of humor.

But if Bane made Kyra his mate…

“Listen for a moment,” Bane implored. “The reason I instigated the exchange had

everything to do with keeping Kyra safe for you. It would tear your heart out if anything
happened to her and I could not let that occur. You are my staunchest ally and most trusted
friend. I would do anything to protect you and yours. With a blood exchange I can sense her
every emotion and track her movements. I can protect her.” He didn’t add that with the blood
exchange, his scent entwined with hers, warning any who dared harm her risked termination by
his hand. And his reputation being what it was, would hopefully prove a strong deterrent…either
that or an equally strong lure.

“And what if it is not enough, Baneion” she persisted using his given name.

Bane looked as if he’d been shot. “I should have never revealed that name to you. I

knew the oversight would come back to haunt me. What do you require of me, Marie; that I slay
all in her path until I perish?”

Marie sagged into the chair and closed her eyes for a moment. “Nothing so drastic,” she

murmured. “It is enough that she is safe and under your protection. You have my gratitude,
Bane. More than I can express.”

“Do not thank me, Marie, for if the Carnomians are behind these attacks; they are also

hunting for you. And if they suspect your heritage they will attack you both en masse and I am
only one.”

“But you have the support of your brethren…”

“Hardly that when the only tie that binds us is shared secrecy and an unspoken agreement

to ignore one another.”

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“Come, Bane, surely things are changed by now, the vamps are even more likely to be

unmasked than you and are a sight more vulnerable with the dawn.”

“The problem may go much deeper than that, my friend.”

Bane looked utterly defeated, grey pallor showing through his carefully cultivated tan.

She’d never seen this side of Bane and her first instinct was to grab Kyra and take the next flight
out of Tampa…and keep on running. “Tell me,” Marie whispered.

“What do you know of The Order Of The Mist?”

Marie schooled her features allowing no reaction to Bane’s inquiry. As a descendent of

one of the original families serving the Goddess Eir, Marie’s foremothers were instrumental in
forming an alliance with the Order of the Mist a thousand years ago then later founded the Circle
of Mystics with six others of the most powerful in metaphysical sciences. Marie to this day
remained in close touch with Bane’s parents and knew most of the details of Bane’s banishment.
Personally she’d like to give Bane’s father a tongue-lashing he’d not soon forget but Marie had
kept her relationship with both father and son a secret from each other.

She swallowed past the lump in her throat and the lies she must uphold. She hated

secrets but they were necessary in order to protect the lives of them all. And never more so than
now when the Circle of Mysts had a mole within its organization—but Marie could not think of
that now. “Only what I’ve learned through The Circle and what you have divulged. Let’s see. It
was formed many centuries ago to protect those weaker than themselves from supernatural
forces of evil.”

“A fairly apt description. Do you know what makes them powerful enough to

accomplish this feat?”

“No, but you do. You are one of them, aren’t you Bane?” Marie flicked a wrist and

added, “Don’t bother denying it, you possess an aura like few others. I noticed it the very first
time we met. Remember that gypsy camp? I had just become engaged to my darling Count…”

“Marie, pay attention,” Bane burst out. “This is not about a walk down memory lane;

this is about the possible annihilation of the human race.”

The silence in the room grew deafening. “I see,” Marie commented.

Bane cursed silently, regretting his outburst. He stood and held out a hand. “Come sit on

the couch, M&M,” a nickname Bane hadn’t used in many a year.

Marie smiled at the shared memory of the first time a sick child called her Mama Marie.

Bane called her M&M for years afterward. She let him settle her on the couch and told him, “I
am ready to hear you, now.” Though making a mental note to ask Millicent, the Myst’s most
powerful divination psychic, whether she saw a match between Bane and Kyra. Maven, their
psychic matchmaker might know something, as well…

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“Thanks for stopping by this morning, Professor Hart. You must’ve spent a restful night,

you’re positively glowing. I’m glad our case is not causing you too much distress,” Homicide
Detective Jamison commented tiredly, looking up from piles of folders, spreadsheets, printouts
and newspaper files dating back from who knew how long.

“Thank you, I slept like the dead. May I return the observation and say that you look like

the dead? And how many times have I asked that you call me by me first name, CJ? Kyra,
remember?” Kyra fought for levity because her comment was not much of an exaggeration. He
looked worse every time she saw him.

“Thanks for the compliment, Kyra. Your grandmother lives on a nice quiet street, are

you enjoying Ybor City?”

Kyra smiled. “I love it. Especially the local flavor; but she’s my great-grandmother. I’m

awed by the combined cultures of Cuba, Italy, Spain and Germany. Sometimes I just can’t wrap
my mind around it. What a truly wondrous place for an anthropologist—ordinarily—if not for…

“Uh, how goes the search for the lunatic cultists? Did any leads surface overnight?” she

asked, plopping down on a straight chair that had seen better days in 1922. It creaked loudly and
she fought a blush. She couldn’t help being self conscious about her weight. Everyone else in
her family, except Mama Marie, was tall, lean and lithe. She, on the other hand, was short,
frumpy and klutzy and her clothing never seemed to hang properly. Her blouses worked their
way out from under the waistbands of full skirts too long for her short frame because she
couldn’t find a tailored one that fit both her big behind and her small waist. She felt like a dwarf
walking in a ditch most of the time. And tops! They were not made with breasts in mind. At
least not average to ample, anyway. Everyone did not have the proportions of a stick. At five
foot three and a half, she struggled to keep her weight under one-forty even though she tried to
walk everywhere she went.

Woops, she’d missed most of CJ’s answer but the mention of Ybor City snagged her

attention. “Pardon?”

“I said there were no reported deaths but someone in your area reported a lady being

chased by a group of three or four men. No one’s been found, er, dead or reported missing, so
far, though. We’re holding our collected breaths that the killer hasn’t changed neighborhoods.
You need to be especially careful, Kyra. Someone leaked word that an anthropologist from the
University of Tampa is assisting the police in the four “Ripper Deaths”. We’re trying to keep
your name out of it but you know reporters.”

“Yesss…” Kyra knew the press only too well. They’d hounded her family for as long as

she could remember labeling them anything from fruitcakes to heretics but mostly witches. Kyra

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believed that her grandmother had been murdered because of it, though the one responsible was
never found.

Should she tell him the woman running was most likely her…only her stalkers may only

have been a dream which meant it might have happened to another woman and she’d just picked
up the vibes? It would be the shortest collaboration in history. He wanted an anthropologist not
a psychic. Instead of commenting on the mystery lady she said, “I came across something of
interest I thought could pertain to the case.” Kyra drew out some sheets of paper and a pad that
had been well doodled.

“We’ve been assuming that the persons involved are connected with a fairly recent cult or

club that is trying to emulate vampires or vampire-like behavior but in going over the reports and
forensic materials more thoroughly, there are some aspects that are really beginning to spook me.

“On one side all the attacks have been after dark, the person’s neck has been brutally torn

and their blood suctioned out. The perpetrators were uncommonly strong and none of the
victims seemed to have struggled.”

Kyra blew out a breath, sucked fresh air in and continued speaking without taking a peek

at the Detective for his reaction. “All classic vampire-like behavior. But on the other side…”

“Wait a minute Ms., er, Kyra. How do you figure they didn’t struggle and why

particularly strong? Their bodies were so mangled; it’s been hard to tell much of anything. Not
even much of a stink remained.”

“Strong because aside from being robbed of their bodily fluids, two of the bodies had

some of their bones crushed into rough powder. Now what could do something like that?

“And as far as a struggle,” she continued; her voice rising incrementally, taking on a

breathy texture. “No skin, hair, cloth, a button or anything else was found in their hands, under
their fingernails or at the scene. The same could be said for their mouths and teeth, shoes and
clothing. If someone attacked me I wouldn’t just sit there, I’d fight back no matter how futile I
found the situation. I’d kick, bite, scratch, attempt to pull them to the ground or butt them with
my head. In other words—struggle.

“But aside from the actual wounds and crushed bones, their clothing wasn’t disturbed. In

half the cases their hair wasn’t even mussed. It makes no sense.”

“Okay, I’m with you, continue.”

“On the other side, not just their blood that was taken but bodily fluids, too. All fluids,

not just blood and not a drop of moisture left. Vampire lore propones that not all blood can be
taken from the prey or the vampire himself would follow his victim into death.”

“Kyra, you’re talking lore not reality—Folklore, with pookas, pixies, fairies, and cat

people from outer space stealing women for breeding.

“You are the most down to earth person I know and have done a bang-up job, in the past,

dispelling legends and superstitions in order to solve the mystery. That’s why I approached you
with this serial case. Do you know that people are beginning to call the perpetrator “The
Ripper”? I brought you in for fresh eyes to look at all the evidence and help us catch the terrorist
or terrorists.”

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“And that’s exactly what I’m trying to accomplish. Now listen up. I know you’re too

sleep-deprived to concentrate but hear me out. It’s important.” When CJ slumped in
capitulation Kyra continued.

“You told me that each body has identical multiple drain points; the neck, belly, spleen,

and heart. I hate to bring this up but I seriously doubt there is a technology advanced enough to
do what these monsters are doing. Even the victims’ cells are being drained; something not even
the coroner has seen before.”

CJ had gone ashen. “What are you implying?”

Kyra looked away, unable to say the words. There had to be a rational explanation; she

just wished someone would hurry and come up with it.

CJ summoned a weak “Heh,” before adding, “Are you proposing that we’re after some

kind of other worldly monster? Easy there, hot stuff, I’m about to head out and catch up on
some much needed R&R and you are rapidly ruinin’ my chances for peaceful slumber. I’ll
probably wake up believing some creature took a bite outa me. Course if it’s a female blood-
sucker, I probably wouldn’t mind so much; I haven’t had a good…uh, sorry,” CJ murmured.
“Now I know I need a break…”

Kyra’s answering grin faltered. CJ’s words sparked a fuzzy vision from the night before.

She’d had a similar dream the night before that left her so freaked she actually checked herself in
the mirror that morning for puncture wounds. She brushed her hand across her upper breast in
remembrance and felt an answering rush in her belly. She pretended to be absorbed by her notes
in an effort to hide her blush in recalling the rest of her dream. The part where he took her in his
arms and gave her a kiss so pulsing in its possession she still shivered at the thought. The vision
faded to another much less pleasant.

Kyra wondered for the hundredth time if withholding the information she’d been

presented with a few months ago could have some bearing on the case. It lay buried in the back
of her thoughts waiting to be exhumed but so far she hadn’t breathed a word of its existence,
even to Mama Marie. She’d heard that to voice a thing gave it power—or could it be the other
way around? She hid her gaze, shuffling her papers together before popping to her feet. “I just
realized the time; I’ll be late for my class.” Kyra placed her hand gently on the detective’s
shoulder. “Get some sleep, CJ, and let sugar plums dance in your dreams instead of the cookie
monster.” His chuckle followed her down the hall to the stairs.

Kyra really enjoyed working with CJ Jamison, especially when she could make him smile

or laugh. He reminded her of a young Jimmy Stewart complete with the lanky grace that proved
so appealing to generations of fans. But his aura unmasked a spirit that had seen too much of the
dark side of humanity, for though he looked about her same age, his moss green eyes revealed
fathomless pools of despair and disillusion. His life lacked the balance a good mate could
provide and Kyra knew he’d make a great husband but, for some reason, no glimmer of
awareness sparked between them. At least not on her side.

Her dream stranger proved a different matter. What had been reality and what a dream?

And how could she have no memory of arriving home…and what had happened to her favorite
sports bra? It wasn’t among her discarded clothes from the night before; she’d checked not just

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her room but the entire house. Had everything from the time she’d left campus been a dream? If
so, how could she have blocked out an entire evening? The minute she got home this evening
she intended ask Mama Marie. She executed a mental sigh. Except she didn’t want to spark her
g-grandmother’s already fanciful imagination.

Kyra lost herself in her classes for the rest of the morning and afternoon, allowing the

images of the previous evening to fade.

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Kyra checked her watch, determined to leave the campus long before sunset or call a taxi.

She still had ten essays to grade but decided it more prudent just to take them home. Shoving the
stack of papers, her laptop and computer cords into her briefcase, she gasped in surprised at a
very male pair of hips flanking a credible erection at eye level not two feet to her right. Her gaze
tracked first down to powerful jean-clad thighs and long legs to large booted feet and up again
treating herself to another glimpse of the increased bulge behind his fly, six-pack abs, expansive
chest, corded neck surrounded by inky black hair until it collided with a pair of amused sable
eyes. “Oh my stars,” she whispered, “it was real?” Kyra had almost convinced herself she’d
dreamed the entire episode from the previous night.

Bane glanced down at his twitching dick and grinned. “Can you doubt it?” His low

raspy voice flowed over her like warm maple syrup making her shiver—until his blatant
innuendo registered.

Incensed, Kyra surged to her feet to order him out of her classroom when her stomach

heaved, white blotches crowded her vision and her knees turned to jelly.

“Kyra,” she heard from a great distance.

Bane cursed and caught her before she hit the corner of her desk, immersed in her scent.

Guilt pulled at him for taking so much of her blood the night before. Had she been light-headed
all day or had she simply stood too fast? With no fainting lounge handy he gently laid her on the
floor, motioned the classroom door shut with the flick of his wrist, then stretched out next to her.
He allowed his finger to trace over her forehead, removing the several strands snagged on her
lashes. The varying shades of blonde from strawberry to wheat served as the perfect
counterpoint to her deep tanzanite eyes. Her delicate nose, high cheekbones and rosy lips further
declared her Norse ancestry. He found her soft curves equally fascinating and longed to feel
them beneath him. Her entire package presented him with more temptation than he’d
experienced in centuries…maybe longer. A groan from Kyra brought his gaze to her face and
watched as her heavy lids revealed her unfocused confusion. “Hey there,” he murmured, “I’ve
been told by some that I’m a knock-out, but…”

Kyra gifted him with a half smile and slurred, “Don’t flatter yourself.”

She struggled to sit but Bane thwarted her efforts, pointing out, “You’re white as a sheet,

wait a few minutes.”

She cocked her head and blinked. “I’ve never seen glowing, copper colored contacts

before; you must be a real trend setter.”

His mouth kicked up on one side revealing a dimple. “Think they’ll catch on?” He

rested a hand lightly on her stomach causing her pulse to kick into overdrive.

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“Without a doubt. Where did you find them?” Kyra’s reply sounded breathy and she

could feel the heat pouring off of him and pooling low in her belly. If she didn’t quickly find a
way to break his mesmerizing spell, she’d probably make a complete cake of herself.

Bane shrugged. “Around. How are you feeling, have you been light-headed all day?”

“Of course not, it’s just that I had convinced myself that last night was a, a dream and,”

she hesitated, realizing why he’d asked. “I may have blacked out last night but I assure you I’m
not the missish type. It’s just that I had those three men chasing me and…”

“I admit you’re a cute little thing but three at one time?”

He pinned her in place before she could budge so she gave him her most intimidating

professor glare and then answered him between gritted teeth. “Three criminals out to steal my
money. Your presence must have scared them off. My thanks … Mr. Bane.” Kyra looked at
him suspiciously. “You surprise me, I remember you acting a little more concerned about the
ones after me last night.” As a matter of fact, her imagination painted a much different picture of
him. More akin to a mountain of protective fury, instead of this flirting puddle of insincerity.
Obviously he was just another pretty-image-surfer, trolling for tall, pencil-thin, debutantes with
bullet boobs and matching brains.

“You surprise me, as well. I thought that a professor with your reputation and reputed

intelligence would have a better memory.”

“Normally I have a great memory—until last night, of course. Now I find myself unable

to separate fact from fantasy. Perhaps you could elucidate my recollections…Bane.”

“And which am I?” He leaned slightly forward and brushed some errant strands of hair

between his fingers, then focused his attention on her eyes. “Fact…or fantasy.”

“This is getting us nowhere,” Kyra humphed, scrambling to her feet, giving Bane a clear

view up her skirt. “Stop it. Stop trying to fluster me and stop avoiding my questions. What
happened last night? How did I get home and how did you know where I lived?” Then she
remembered something else. “And—how do you know my name and my profession? And quit
trying to look up my skirt!” Kyra scooted to the opposite side of her desk.

Bane rose with feline grace and simply stared at her. “You certainly know how to shove

a stick through the spokes of seduction,” he finally commented.

“S-Seduction,” Kyra sputtered. Was purposely trying to humiliate her? She knew she

didn’t belong in his dating league. Temptation oozed from his every pore only magnifying his
exotic eyes and panther like grace. Kyra had no doubt women everywhere flung themselves onto
his radar begging for an encouraging word from his perfectly chiseled, masculine lips. Could he
somehow know that she’d been fantasizing about him all night and most of the day? Ashamed
and furious, she decided her questions could wait.

Kyra grabbed her lap top and blazer and marched toward the door refusing him a

backward glance. An instant later he appeared in front of her. How did he do that?

What had happened? Bane believed he’d done a masterful job setting the groundwork for

another mind-blowing kiss when suddenly her anger and anxiety levels shot through the roof.
Ordinarily female attention posed no challenge for him but he’d obviously said or done

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something wrong or they’d be rolling around on the floor right now. Her attraction to him would
make protecting her easier and more effective and hopefully deflect any inconvenient questions
at the same time. He blocked Kyra’s exit and scowled down at her. She did not look in the least
bit intimated. “What in hell’s name is your problem?”

Kyra refused to flinch at the frustration behind Bane’s words. “You are playing me and I

hate being played, especially on the floor of my own classroom. Now let me by.”

“No. And too bad if you don’t like being played with because I like playing with you,

just fine—so I suggest you get used to it; beginning now.” Bane grabbed her shoulders and
crushed his mouth down onto hers. Kyra stiffened like a taser victim but gradually relaxed and
leaned into him curling her fingers into his t-shirt. She felt every bit as good as she had the night
before, even with her generous breasts stuffed into another sports bra. He explored her mouth,
sparring with her tongue while he backed her into a wall rocking into her wanting to get closer.
Her belly cradled his cock and he could feel her tight budded nipples pressing against his abs.
Bane worked his knee between her thighs making her ride him, and her spiked arousal almost
pushed him over the edge. Feeling her both inside his head and plastered against him
skyrocketed his libido to a never before reached pinnacle. He submerged himself in her scent
and her passion. And he wanted more. All of her…

Bane lifted his head and froze, fastening his senses on the faint rustle of clothing and

stealth emanating from the hallway. Careful steps eased steadily toward them, and he pick up
their faint scent. They were close, too close and if he hadn’t been lost in cloud of lust they never
would have gotten this far. Kyra looked at him, confusion creasing her forehead. He covered
her lips with a finger and mouthed “company, shh”. She nodded ever so slightly. Clever girl—
no running, no screaming, and best of all no questions. She waited calmly for instructions;
trusting him implicitly. The little fool.

This was Bane’s chance to neutralize the pack of killers; perhaps the only chance given

him, but not in front of Kyra. Not in front of anyone except perhaps Marie, but even she was not
aware of all that Bane was capable. Thor’s curse, what means could he employ to protect them
all? “Walk as silently as possible to your desk and slide underneath it.” At least she’d be out of
sight; her desk looked like a solid antique and closed off across the front.

Kyra tiptoed toward to her desk and then paused, looking back at him. Bane felt her

indecision clawing at her, in leaving him to fight alone. He shook his head and pointed to the
desk at the same moment he heard a disembodied voice chant.

“Come out, come out, wherever you are. Halloween comes a little early just for you,

little teacher. It’s time to get swallowed by the big, bad vamps.” Eerie giggling followed before
one jumped through the doorway dressed to terrify. The look began with his hair, spiked purple,
continued with thick circles of black around his eyes and mouth, and ended with fully extended
fangs. Bane wanted to laugh at the adolescent tactics but then thought of the murders. And what
they wanted to do to Kyra. Without a sound or warning, he just pushed a fist into the creep’s
chest, grabbed his heart, and lobbed it out into the hallway. Then Bane tipped the still standing
corpse out beside his heart and stepped out of the room so there could be no mistake as to what
he’d done.

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Facing the two left he said, “You see how easily I dispatched your friend. If you don’t

want to join him, take your band of murderers and flee back to your Carnomian catacombs. And
remember, I have now seen you and, even better, know your scent; now go.”

One tried to pull the other back, his eyes never leaving the still beating heart, but the

larger of the two shook him off and tried to tough it out. “Yeah, well maybe we’ll just call our
daddies so they can pluck your heart out. Ewew, you smell like one of those wimpy, self-
righteous Sumerians.”

Bane simply smiled for a long moment then turned back to the carcass, popped his

contacts out and fried the remains of the corpse with a look, then scattered it with a wave of his
hand. When he fastened his gaze on the remaining teens, they screeched, tearing down the hall
around the corner and down the steps. Bane grinned, unrepentant, hoping that the troubled souls
of those they’d bitten and drained would now find a measure of peace.

Replacing his contacts, he announced, “It is safe, Kyra, I will see you home.”

“Who were they?” she asked, standing up, trying to smooth the wrinkles from her

hopelessly rumpled blouse and skirt. “All I heard were some voices, then shrieks when they ran

“They were just some teens playing a Halloween joke.” Bane took her laptop from her,

grabbed her hand, and walked silently by her side for a few minutes before adding. “But it might
have turned out very differently if you were here by yourself. So listen up; until these murderers
are caught, I never want you to be alone. There really is safety in numbers.”

“Thanks for your concern but I’m sure last night was just a fluke. However,” she

continued, putting up a hand to keep the protest from falling from his lips, “I intend to be very
alert at all times and not walk alone unless there are other people about. Will that suffice?”

No, which meant he’d just have to remain close—whether in or out of her sight. And

since skulking around corners and ducking behind trees had never been high on his priority list
he’d just have to insinuate himself into her life. But how to go about it? His half-hearted
attempt at seduction had down right offended her. Hell, what kind of a woman didn’t fall for his
attentions? And what would Marie do if she did? He needed to walk a fine line and he wasn’t
sure he could manage with the way she played with his libido.

“So, why did you lie to me back there?”

“Huh?” he shot back in sparkling repartee, wondering if she referred to this last close call

or before when he’d practically taken her on the floor?

“Are they the ones responsible for the killings?”

“I-I’m not sure.” Not a total lie. Bane hadn’t been there, after all.

Kyra stopped in the middle of the deserted sidewalk and tried to pull away from his tight

grasp on her hand. He wouldn’t let her go so she pulled him to the side of the building they were
passing. “Yes, you are,” she hissed. “What are you hiding and why? I’m working with the
police and know a lot more than the general public. You can trust me.”

“It’s not a matter of trust, Kyra, and remember, I already know about your work with the

police. It is a very bad idea and must stop.”

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“Because it makes you a target. I told you that last night.”

“On the roof?”


“And we flew up there.”

Bane laughed dryly. “Kyra, birds fly—you fainted and I carried you to the roof.” He’d

managed to tell her the truth once again; he just left out the part about the rooftop being across
town. Bane didn’t want to lie to her, she was such a serious girl—and achingly earnest, highly
intelligent, disturbingly honest, annoyingly stubborn, and frighteningly vulnerable—

A true wonder of a female.

“Why am I more of a target than the police?” Kyra wanted to know.

“I can’t be sure. Do you know why?” Bane decided to turn the tables on her. To his

dawning horror she refused to meet his gaze and blushed crimson. Oh, Gods. What did she
think she knew? Bane could feel her uncertainty, apprehension, and fear. What could she be
afraid of? For all of her staunch disavowals of the supernatural could her research have led her
toward an alternate path? Were her protestations an act? Did Marie’s teachings from Kyra’s
childhood finally merge with the knowledge she gained through her anthropological education
and trigger her own mystical powers? Bane suddenly thought of the Ghostbusters and the three
streams of energy used to blow the devil, his two disciples, and all the malevolent ghosts back to
Hell. Somehow that image was a lot more amusing than Kyra accomplishing the opposite as a
Cultbuster uncovering the truths and beings from mythology and exposing them all to the
populace. And she could use her own powers to prove the existence of the others. Flip
everyone’s reality on its ear and create worldwide mass hysteria. What would happen to Marie
and her Circle of Mystics, the utukku, vampires, were-creatures, fairies, and the rest?

Lost in thought Bane didn’t notice when Kyra began to slowly back away from him.

“What is it, Kyra?” Could she have been reading his thoughts? “Do not be afraid; I would
sooner harm my mother than a hair on your head in violence. I am here to protect you,
remember? But if you have come across something that pertains to the deaths here, I must know
of it.”

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Bane led her to a copper Cadillac XLR convertible and tucked her into the passenger seat.

Kyra didn’t even know the luxury automobile maker made a sports car and when she commented
on this Bane launched into a litany of sports car auto-speak that made him sound no more lethal
than the teenaged boy next store. The thought made her smile. He was more male than any of
the species she’d yet encountered in her thirty years and the combination of boyish enthusiasm,
danger, charisma and protector emanating from him had Kyra squirming in her seat. She
literally felt the flow of her juices pushing through her woman’s folds, contributing to the heat of
the day—along with the flush coloring her cheeks—and she could swear Bane knew every one
of her unruly thoughts.

Mama Marie was not home; probably delivering another life into this dangerous world.

She poured them both a glass of red wine before excusing herself to freshen up. When she
returned, Bane had yet to seat himself, probably aware that she’d sit as far from him as possible.
Leaving nothing to chance, he took hold of her arm and seated her on the couch. Ordinarily she
could have made a case for courtly manners but between the smirk playing around his lips and
the fact that he crowded in next to her slinging an arm around her shoulders, blew the image.
Awareness shot through her faster than a speeding bullet. She closed her eyes to block the vision
of his large, roving hands on her body. Grabbing her wine she took one gulp and then another.
Between her unruly imagination and Bane’s physical presence she didn’t think herself capable of
putting two coherent words together let alone divulge the strange events six months past. When
Kyra raised the glass to her lips once more Bane took it out of her hand and placed it on the table
but before she could complain she felt a mental push compelling her to tell him what he wanted
to know.

Outraged Kyra snapped, “Stop that!”

“Stop what?” Kyra saw a split second of guilt masked quickly with one free of guile.

Kyra turned to face him, the knee of her bent leg resting against his thigh. She studied

the contact for a few seconds before responding, “You know very well what—messing with my
mind—that’s what.”

A crooked smile lit his face. “Why Professor Hart, I thought you didn’t believe in such

hocus pocus. You probably just imagined it.”

Kyra blushed at being caught out. “Ha, ha. I shouldn’t even tell you now…” When

Bane opened his mouth to argue Kyra put up a hand and said, “However, since it might be
important I will. Just no more hocus pocus, please.” Gifting him with an artificial sanguine
smile. “Last April, while on the last leg of my journey and wrapping up my doctorial thesis,
someone approached me on a rather obscure island called Anticosti located in the Gulf of St.
Lawrence, Quebec. Sort of a convenient stopping point for travelers between Norway and our

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coast and a purported safe haven with plentiful game for Norse warriors of long ago straight
through to today.” Kyra hopped up and began to pace. “I was researching an occurrence there
that took place in the late 1200s A.D.; spending vast quantities of hours in their libraries,
museums and coffee houses listening to and reading about their ancient stories. After I boarded
a ship that would begin my trek home, a very old woman bowed over by combination of age and
bone disease placed a weathered scroll in my hands and told me it was now mine to guard. Well,
I thanked her for her trust, of course, but when I looked up to tell her I could not accept such a
gift, she’d disappeared. And as silly as it sounds, I mean gone, vanished. I searched the entire
ship for her and no one knew or had seen her.

“I can’t believe I’m confessing this to you when I haven’t told another soul, including


“You call her that, too?”

Kyra started chuckling. “When I was, oh, I don’t know, about five she said it was much

handier than Great-Grandmother Marie.” Kyra did a double-take. “You call her that?”

“Er, yes, for a very long time now. Um, where is the scroll now?”

Kyra took a step back, suddenly wary. “It is safe.”

“I’m somewhat of an amateur historian. It might be interesting…and I think M&M will

be interested too. We could all inspect it together and then decide what, if anything, should be
done about it and if it could have any bearing on current events in Ybor City.”

Kyra studied his too innocent expression for several moments before replying, “M&M

isn’t here; perhaps we should wait.”

Bane twisted and grabbed her shoulders. “I can feel thoughts, Kyra. You are frightened

and the more you ponder this scroll, your trepidation increases. I want you to trust me, honey.
M&M does, I promise. Place your fears in my hands; I swear to keep your council and your
beautiful body locked by my side until all is safe, including your scroll.”

“Oh, stop that.” Beautiful body, her ample arse, Kyra thought. “You are so smooth I’ll

bet no one sees your angle until it’s sliced their hear—dignity to shreds.” Kyra ignored the flash
of hurt in his eyes. That exact look could probably be found in his seduction arsenal, page thirty-
one, paragraph four. She wouldn’t cave in, she wouldn’t, she wouldn’t! “I’ll go and fetch it.”
Retreating to her room, she dove for the hiding place in the floor that she’d discovered as a girl
of sixteen. Leaning back on her calves, she pondered her decision to confide in him. Slow to
trust, why did she feel compelled to share her secrets? She hardly knew him—yet part of her felt
she’d known him all her life. Like she’d waited and yearned for him and now they were bonded
in some intangible way. How lame was that? Kyra closed her eyes and swore to lock her heart
well away, even if she had decided to let him see her scroll. She rose to her feet, walking slowly
through her doorway. All too soon she’d learn whether treachery or trust lay behind his façade.

“M&M is at the door carrying two arms-full worth of groceries,” Bane called out from

the kitchen as Kyra emerged from her room. He greeted Marie with a peck on each cheek before
divesting her of her bags. “Umm, fresh spices and a roast; what do you have planned and am I

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Marie chuckled in delight…until she caught Kyra’s expression and mood. Marie’s sharp

eyes took in the dark shadows clouding around Kyra. Then she noticed the scroll and Bane saw
a tremor skip down her spine. “What is it, child?” Marie asked cautiously.

“Food first, questions later,” Bane declared turning to Kyra. “I’m ravenous.” Bane’s

words took on a whole different meaning when Kyra met his gaze.

“I’ll start the roast and then we’ll attend to business. How do you come to be here,


“I walked Kyra home; it’s such a lovely day …. ”

“Baneion! You’re real name is Baneion?” Kyra exclaimed drawing up beside Bane as

they followed Marie into the kitchen. “What happened to the oft told story where your mother
had such a hard delivery she named you Bane. Just Bane,” Kyra accused, part perturbed and part
teasing. Her eyes literally shimmered and sparkled with humor and Bane found himself helpless
to look away or angry at Marie for mentioning the name he never wanted to hear again, from a
life he never wanted to revisit.

“That’s quite enough, Kyra. I’m terribly sorry, Bane.” She looked from one to the other,

each staring at her. “Ahem, so this, er, news?”

Bane managed to drag his gaze from Kyra and murmur, “We have something to show

you, Marie. Kyra was given a scroll in her travels and it may shed some light on the murder
investigations.” Bane turned to Kyra. ”Is that not correct?”

“Actually, I fail to see how it could possibly be connected but I was given a scroll to

guard and have been torn between wanting to burn it or hide it in a place no one could ever find
it. And what scares me most M, is that it might be meant for you and has some bearing on that
group you belong to.”

“The group of doddering old biddies playing at metaphysical arts?” she quoted from a

long ago confrontation she’d had with Kyra. She pulled out a roasting pan and peeled the meat
from the wrapper. Then after plopping it in the pan Marie grabbed some spices and oil and
began rubbing the seasonings into the meat. Her movements were mechanical and soothing,
drawing some of the sting from her comment.

Kyra smiled weakly. “You know I didn’t mean that; I’ve seen your healing powers at

work too many times to doubt your gift, but I’m not like you .... ”

Marie sighed. “The Goddess was so disappointed when you turned your back on the

way. Your psychic abilities could be very strong if you but worked at it…” Bane turned and
stared at Kyra. If Marie said she had extra sensory perception then she did. Was that how she
knew that Bane tried to compel her to confide in him about the scroll? What else had his little
professor been hiding? Marie finished with the roast and stuck it in the oven.

Kyra tried to hide a frustrated moue which made Bane want to kiss it right off her.

“Please M, don’t start. Look at the scroll and set my mind at ease.”

Marie carefully picked up the scroll and froze. “This document holds great power even

after all this time,” she whispered. “Kyra, get the white candles and place them around the
counter and table; the heart of our home. We must protect the scroll from dark entities and
prying eyes. I must be sure.”

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Kyra paused, confused both with Marie’s intensity and her words. She turned and went

to the pantry without comment. After the candles were lit and Marie had centered herself she
gingerly spread the scroll out on the kitchen table and sat down with Bane and Kyra on either
side of her.

“Dear, goddess,” Marie murmured, “Why was I not warned of its impending arrival?

And how did she know to place it in your hands? Agnes took a horrible chance.”

Marie jerked up tearing her eyes from the scroll and speared Kyra with her stare. It made

the years fall from her countenance until she looked no more than a woman of Kyra’s own age.
Kyra blinked twice to refocus her vision but the aura remained. “How did it come to be in your
possession and where is Agnes? She’s not been heard from in months,” Marie practically

Something cold entered Kyra’s spirit making it hard to retain eye contact with her g-

grandmother. Slight shudders worked their way down her spine until, with a gentle caress down
her back, Bane dislodged the dread building within her. She took a calming breath, gave him a
grateful nod and focused once more on Marie who had gone back to looking like her normal self.

Kyra calmly retold her story to Marie and when she was through, Marie glanced at

Bane.” “Do you know what this is?”

“I have a fair idea. And if so, the Spirit Lifters would definitely like to secure it; but to

go to such lengths they’d risk exposing themselves? I just don’t know.” Bane shook his head
trying to clear his mind. “What in heavens name is going on?” he whispered.

“Uh, someone want to clue me in here? Who are the Spirit Lifters? Why did that little

old lady give me the scroll?” Kyra asked in frustration.

Bane looked at Marie in helpless supplication. He wanted Kyra more than he dared

wish—in every way. What would she do if she knew the truth about him, his people, and his
world? Would she recoil in fear and disgust every time he went to touch her? In addition he
could not discount the fact that she worked with the police and might disclose the knowledge he
imparted and everything they’d discussed so far that night. Goddess what a conundrum. There
was so much at stake, so much to lay on her fragile shoulders…and most daunting, it would
change her perceptions and the way she viewed the world forever. And he would be the
instrument of her new found nightmares.

“Big, bad, Bane, if you have something to say don’t look to Mama Marie for permission.

I seem to have landed smack in the middle of something that wants me dead and I deserve the

“We must tell her, Bane, it is the only way. She will keep our secrets, never fear,” Marie

assured him.

Kyra stood, almost knocking her chair to the floor. “Stop being cryptic! I’m beginning

to feel like I just fell into an episode of The Twilight Zone. What is this scroll? Why, M&M, is
your name on it and how is Bane involved?” Kyra leveled an accusatory stare at both of them
then went to the cabinet over the fridge, pulled out a bottle and poured herself a whiskey neat,
downed it then sat down again, got back up, grabbed the bottle and two additional shot glasses,

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and sat down again. Marie and Bane were astounded into silence. “Well, what are you waiting

Bane rarely imbibed but grabbed the glasses and filled them all to the brim. “I belong to

the Sumerian sect of utukku. We are an advanced species of superior intellect and powers.”
Kyra raised her eyebrows, tilting her head to the left silently expressing her skepticism. Bane
gifted her with a wry grin and continued. “The Daughters of Eir and my people learned of one
another when we both happened to live in the same village where we caught the attention of a
particularly nasty group of priests defaming us as instruments of the devil. Sought after and
hunted, many of us had already been burned at the stake until the healer’s numbers had dwindled
to extinction while many of my people took refuge underground. That day we helped each other
escape and when we found a new village to settle, we did so together. Eventually we made a
pact to band together and protect one another in these dangerous times. In addition, we worked
to locate and kill our enemies. After a time, when our ties evolved and grew even stronger, there
came matings between our two peoples. And in doing so the elders discovered that the blending
of our blood gave each of our talents a boost. Making us almost invincible…”

“Wait a minute,” Kyra interrupted, “if everything you say is true than why are there no

references to it in history? No fanciful tales or folklore, no matter how obscure, exist or I would
have discovered them. My doctorial thesis was on ancient healers across the globe and their
practices, like shamans, alchemists, and wizards—I even found a couple of references linking the
Daughters of Eir to witchcraft but nowhere is there anything close to what you describe. What
I’m trying to say is that it would have popped in some story or legend no matter how far-fetched”

Bane’s mouth twitched in amusement at her naïveté in thinking that every secret would

be written down somewhere for others to speculate upon. True he’d found the occasional snippet
concerning the utukku but nothing that would compromise their location or even hint at their true
nature. The one time someone had been foolish enough to record a truth worthy of note, it nearly
triggered the slaughter of every human in the region and to this day left the Order of the Mist in a
continual state of damage control. “Not necessarily, and most of the time for a very good reason.
Some things are better not known, safer not known.”

“So, the pact you spoke of; is it one and the same as this?” Kyra reverently touched the


“No, this was put in place long after which I’ll explain if given a chance to continue?”

Color raced up the top of her breasts to her neck and cheeks…which Bane would have

chased with his tongue if he’d had her to himself. Soon, he promised.

“Oh, of course. P-please do,” Kyra pleaded, chagrined. Despite the seriousness of their

situation and Bane’s dark tale, Kyra’s eyes glowed with rapt excitement, and avid anticipation
like a child discovering her first butterfly or hearing her first ghost story. Her reaction made him
realize just how at home and immersed his little scholar was in the land of lore—her studies in
anthropology a smoke screen fueling her real passion for metaphysical arts. Did she even realize
it? He intended to find out and add it to his mounting list of tidbits he knew and intended to
uncover about his new obsession. The thought somehow soothed him, allowing himself to relax
and finish his story.

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Marie rose to check on the roast, adding potatoes, onions and carrots to the meat along

with an array of herbs and spices. The comforting aroma wafting through the air further relieved
the tension giving them all sense of comfort. Somehow Kyra’s hand had found its way into both
of his and he brushed a thumb over the back of her delicate framework of warm, satiny skin,
pulsing blood, and fragile bone.

“Following the panic and massacres, those above retreated back to their underground

home and covered up all exits to the surface, believing our people safer without the knowledge
and temptation offered above. The three clans, the Sumerians, my people, the Alterians and the
Carnomians co-existed in relative ignorance and peace.

“But all things come to an end. Many centuries later ancient writings, uncovered by

Carnomian monks, told of an immortal sect of utukku that could shape shift or dissolve into
vapor and travel through the densest substance to emerge in a different world. A surface world
where there existed no ceilings or walls but open space farther than the eye could see and a
sphere of light high above, illuminating it all. In truth, the outer crust of our world where other
less advanced species abounded making up a vast array of delicacies spread like a smorgasbord
just waiting to be consumed. It posed an unholy temptation for our less than civilized
neighbors—and not merely for the limitless supply of human blood and fluids but for the
freedom from darkness that went with it.” Kyra felt the blood race from her head.

“I know what you’re thinking, just let me continue.”

Kyra knew he had absolutely no idea what she was thinking because her mind had gone

curiously blank listening instead to the timbre of his voice; curiously comforting and taking the
sting away from horror of his story. It was impossible to believe yet she weighed the validity of
his claim. She had studied many civilizations in years past but nothing as strange or
preposterous had ever been proposed. It almost sounded as though he thought he came from a
long line of vampires. Did he honestly believe his ancestors drank blood? Marie had obviously
known him for many years, and though Kyra sometimes had doubts about Marie’s extra
curricular activities, her mind was as lucid as any she’d encountered. Therefore Bane’s
disclosures must have merit.

“The information fired exploration,” Bane proceeded, “and from there, the discovery of a

portal to the surface. Many years later there surfaced a theory that an elixir for shape shifting
and mass altering lay in the fluids of certain primitive humans living on the surface, and that the
last drops of this elixir brought with it…the, er, life force or soul of the human. With every
stolen soul, the taker’s life force supposedly increased until finally, he attained powers beyond
comprehension and the gift of immortality.”

Kyra sat up and stared at Bane incredulously. “How incredibly warped,” she declared

breathlessly, feeling her face leech of the rosy bloom created from the shot of whiskey she had
downed moments before.

“’Warped’ does not begin to describe these fanatics.”

“So, you’re telling me that you come from a long line of blood drinkers?” Kyra flashed

back to her dream of Bane bending over her, biting into the top of her left breast and…”Does
that mean you think your people were, uh, um, you believe you are…vampires?” Kyra’s voice

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had risen until the last word came out as more of a gasp. She felt clammy, a little sick to her
stomach and light-headed, probably from the whiskey. She heard Bane curse before everything
went black.

Bane caught Kyra before she slumped to the floor. Scooping her up, he carried her into

the living room and lowered her onto the couch.

“Well, that went well,” Marie commented behind him.

“You’re enjoying this,” Bane accused.

Marie blinked a few times, a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth, and had the grace

to look sheepish. “Yes, I suppose I am. My utterly level-headed, narrow-minded, ‘there is a
logical explanation for everything’ scholar, just took a major hit to her pragmatism.”

Marie’s eyes, filled with love and a touch of sadness, took in Kyra’s unkempt appearance

and bent down to brush a golden lock off her damp cheek and straightened her skirt over her
knees before further explanations. “Growing up was difficult for Kyra. Her father died when
she was five while her mother, my grand-daughter-in-law, a supposed talent, traveled the world
giving séances and private readings for kings and celebrities.”

Bane nodded. “Mary Hart, you’ve mentioned her. Didn’t she remarry?”

Marie sighed. “Yes, to Simon Tremayne, the illusionist, almost immediately after

Cleve’s death, which I thought very suspicious. My grandson conveniently died in a boating
accident that went uninvestigated and declared an accident. Anyway, Mary and Simon had twin
girls almost immediately and while the parents courted fame, the three girls were raised by
nannies. The twins excluded Kyra leaving her alone most of the time unless they had a nasty
trick planned which they explained away as a magic spells gone awry. They put Kyra in the
hospital twice that I know of and have grown up to be mean-spirited sorceresses with little talent
save the ability to pour over every tome on dark magic they can ferret out. I wonder if Frigg
foresaw the future and with the help of Eir armed Kyra accordingly.”

“Friends of yours? I swear you keep the most interesting company Marie,” Bane

commented laconically.

“I wouldn’t be so cavalier if I were you, my friend, it would mean they were messing

with your destiny, as well.” Marie smirked at Bane’s flummoxed expression.

Bane cleared his throat and looked gingerly around the room. Bane knew well the place

the Goddess Eir held in Marie’s life but did she also have a connection with the other Norse
Gods and Goddesses? The thought proved a little overwhelming. “Well, what about her
mother? Why didn’t she step in to protect Kyra?”

“My late grandson, Clive, may have had something to do with that. From the time Kyra

was born the two of them could communicate telepathically—to the exclusion of her. Kyra
inherited her powers from him, you see, and I watched Mary’s jealousy grow with each visit
until it tainted her aura. She hated her own child almost as much as Clive. I’m convinced she
killed him if you want to know the truth and he so loved Kyra and the bond they shared, he never
realized the danger to them both. With Mary’s subsequent marriage and the birth of the twins,
Mary probably nurtured their animosity and behavior toward Kyra…until the last “accident” on
Kyra’s sixteenth birthday when they spiked her tea with poison. Following that episode

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everyone agreed she should come live with me until she departed for college. I doubt she’s had
any contact with them since; including her mother, thank the Goddess. But unfortunately, after
Clive’s death, Kyra turned her back on her heritage and refused to acknowledge her gifts. In
many ways I consider your appearance in her life Goddess sent. It will shake her up and make
her deal with her talents and the existence of the supernatural. Yes, you could be very good for
my Kyra, indeed,” Marie finished smugly. “I’ll leave you to explain the rest, I am off to get this
scroll in a more secure location and convene an emergency meeting with the Mysts.”

“How do you propose to do that, aren’t they scattered all over the globe?”

“We have our ways, my dear, and two of the sisters live not far from here; as to the

rest…” She shrugged. Gingerly rolling the scroll, she slipped it into her robes and made to

“You cannot leave unprotected. I will see you safely to your destination through the


Marie humphed. “Oh, I suppose that would be wise but what about my precious girl?”

“I’ll put a sleep suggestion on her while you put a protection spell around the house.”

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“Okay, let’s say all you’ve told me is true; how could this have remained a secret all

these years—and why haven’t the Spirit Lifters annihilated everyone?” Kyra sat sipping the
glass of merlot Bane had returned with, firing non-stop questions at him.

“My cla … er, the Sumerians formed a group of powerful utukku called the Order of the

Mist whose mission is to protect your people. We stand between you and the Spirit Lifters and
forged a pact with the daughters of Eir which later expanded to include a group of mystics who
study metaphysical sciences, and protect both our kinds against any potential threat. The
document that the old woman handed you is the original pact signed by both parties. In the
hands of the Spirit Lifters, the list of signatures would be used to hunt down every healer named
and, in the process, make these fanatics more powerful than you can possibly imagine.”

“But surely everyone who signed is now dead.”

Bane reached across the table and covered one of her hands with his. “The truth is that

most of the signers are probably gone but their families would be easy to trace and your family’s
name, I am certain, is toward the top of the list.”

“I am obviously missing something here; how would killing those on the list and their

descendants make them more powerful? Surely you don’t believe that clap-trap about stealing
life forces…” Bane turned away and bent down in front of the oven to check the roast, for the
third time, in hopes of distracting her train of thought. The timer sounded in the nick of time and
Bane took the large pan out and rested it on a couple of towels. He and Kyra set about their meal
both deciding to postpone their discussion of pacts, death, carnage and blood until after dinner.
Instead they chose general topics that dating couples everywhere engaged in—while he silently
recited the litany of complications inherent in acting on his sexual hunger for Kyra making it
harder and harder to keep up their light banter. Something else was getting harder and harder,
too, causing beads of perspiration to pop out on his forehead.

His torture finally at an end, Bane hopped up and grabbed their dishes. If only he could

escape Kyra’s gaze following his every move like a physical touch.

“I still can’t believe Mama Marie left before this marvelous roast was done,” Kyra


“I already explained; she decided the list needed to be secured without further delay.”

“I suppose,” she replied, distracted.

“Like what you see?” Bane muttered, and turned to watch the color stain her high

cheekbones, graceful neck and the sensuous hollows of her collarbone. Her heartbeat
accelerated, growing louder, until he caught the scent of her arousal. Goddess help him but he
craved a taste of her juices. She looked like a ravished and rumpled angel. Her hair, normally in
a tight bun, had come loose during her fainting spell, with a little help from his deft fingers. It

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now fell in disarray around her shoulders down to her ample globes. Her nipples budded and
strained against her sports bra and white cotton blouse which hung loose. And her full skirt had
ridden up to show off one dimpled knee and an expanse of creamy white thigh where she’d
tucked one leg up underneath her leaving a shoe behind. Bane couldn’t remember a sight quite
so erotic or utterly alluring. His intensions not to touch her again evaporated into mist.

Kyra squirmed on her seat and cleared her throat. “Er, getting back to our previous


Bane swung around, cutting her off. “I want you to know that I have tried in every way

to keep my hands and thoughts off you but the fates have other plans for us and I have decided to
quit fighting them.” He grabbed her arm, hauled her up against his chest and crushed his mouth
down on hers. Taking advantage of her surprised “Oh”, he immediately deepened the kiss,
conquering her moist cavity the way he intended to plunder the one between her legs. His senses
were drunk on her; the taste, the feel and the smell of her driving him with a desperation he’d not
felt in centuries, not since…NO! He slammed the door on his line of thought; he would not let it
ruin this moment with this woman. She deserved all of his considerable attention and he
intended to give it to her. He ended the kiss to plant a trail licks, kisses and nips from the corner
of her mouth to her jaw and down her throat, unbuttoning then divesting her of her shirt. “Tell
me you want me, baby. Tell me before it’s too late.”

“I, uh, ohhhh…I can’t think. What are you doing? I’ve never felt like this…”

Bane reached into his pocket for the silver switchblade he always carried and released the

blade. The sound roused Kyra and when she saw the blade expelled a breathy yelp but before
she could pull away Bane had it between her breasts and effortlessly slit the sports bra up the
middle and peeled it off her.

“What are you doing? That’s not the way to get it off; you’ve just ruined an expensive


“I dislike it and it can’t be good for your beautiful breasts. I’ll buy you new ones that

both fit and flatter.” Kyra looked like she was about to argue so he kissed her again until she
melted into him, once more. He loved her passionate response to his touch. It held no artifice;
no inhibition or restraint just unbridled surrender to him and what he made her feel. Goddess, he
had to get inside her before he embarrassed himself inside his jeans. “Say the word, Kyra, say

Using preternatural speed, he picked her up and had her across the hallway and in her

room where he gently placed her on the bed and stripped her of her skirt and slip before she
could utter another word. With just a scrap of cotton over her mons, he surveyed every inch of
her with careful precision.

Kyra felt vulnerable, exposed and incredibly aroused as she watched her fully clothed

man peruse every part of her. Only he wasn’t a man but something else. A blood drinker and
heavens knew what else. She should be screaming in fear and running as fast as she could
instead of reveling in wanton spender. He wanted her; Kyra still couldn’t credit it. His eyes, a
swirling iridescent copper, looked like they wanted to devour her…again and again. And it felt

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right…perfect. He actually found her beautiful…while she found him irresistible. Kyra hadn’t
dated much and when she had, the guys were usually scholarly types with pale skin, weak chins,
and potbellies that never saw the inside of a gym or had a close encounter with the tanning rays
of the sun. They certainly bore no resemblance to Bane’s Mediterranean, football physique,
exotic slanted copper-brown eyes or velvet-over-gravel-deep voice. No wonder the few times
she’d had sex never resulted in a climax. One of the three even accused her of being frigid. She
certainly didn’t feel frigid now. Every bone in her body melted from the torrid pumping of her
blood. Kyra gulped when Bane peeled off his T-shirt and then unbuttoned his jeans. When the
last button gave way his dick sprung forth like a jack in the box. Both long and thick, the heavily
veined shaft was topped with a plum shaped head—that bobbed and jerked, increasing in size
before her curious stare. Kyra licked her lips in anticipation of her first taste. Her thought must
have broadcast because seconds later his naked body pinned hers to the mattress.

His eyes turned fiercely savage. “You can suck me until your heart’s content. Later.

Right now I have to be inside you.” He grabbed her thighs, pulled them apart and rammed
himself home making Kyra gasp and tense up in pain.

“Kyra, ah baby, did I hurt you? You are so tight; I should have asked if you were


Kyra began to push ineffectually at his shoulders. “I’m not, uh, untried; it’s just that

you’re too big to fit.”

He gently soothed her hair away from her forehead. “Relax for me, baby. I’m going to

fit perfectly, just let me love you,” he murmured, planting light kisses on her eyelids, forehead,
cheeks and the sensitive place behind her ear. “We’ll take it nice and slow until you’re ready.”
He slid one hand into her hair while the other began to knead her shoulder, collarbone and down
to a breast. Kyra groaned, yielding to Bane’s soft command—the discomfort turning into
something else altogether as she moved taking more of him inside. “That’s it,” he crooned,
moving to pull a nipple into his mouth.

Kyra cried out shoving her fingers into his hair to hold him to her. He chuckled, sucking,

swirling his tongue around the areola and gently nipping it before beginning again with the other
nipple. In just moments he had Kyra mindless with desire arching her hips, trapping him with
her legs wrapped securely around his waist, wordlessly begging for more.

Bane answered by grabbing her hips and moving all the way in and then out until only his

head remained before charging home, once again. The cadence of his movements became faster
and harder, relentless. All her senses riveted to that joining until Kyra screamed her release, only
Bane didn’t stop, if anything his strokes increased in depth and intensity, angling her hips
slightly up surprising Kyra when another orgasm rocked her, stronger than the first. Still Bane
continued, sweat slicking their bodies; the friction driving them impossibly higher until the
power of it pulled Kyra down into a vortex of wonder and terror that seemed to realign them
from separate entities into one, their energy merging and flowing into and around them forging a
bond Kyra did not know could exist. Her womb tightened for a blinding instant when all stilled
until Bane’s growling shout of release provoked her own, rocketing her into black oblivion.

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Bane’s fangs sank deep into the base of Kyra’s neck drinking deeply catapulting his

release to a never before reached plateau of bliss…and prolonging it until it became almost too
much to bear. But he couldn’t stop. Could not pull away; mindless ecstasy trapped him in thrall.
And then he registered Kyra’s heart growing weaker and her arms falling lifeless to her sides.
He shot up on all fours, panting, staring at Kyra in horror. Goddess what had he done. Had he
killed her? Fear like none he’d ever felt raced along his limbs and burst through his chest cavity
and head, whiting out his sight for brief seconds. The enormity of his actions throwing him back
to the time of his adolescence; to the young couple playing, laughing, teasing, loving and taking
that first step to mating—the dangerous step requiring careful control and caution. Most of all
requiring reign over one’s passion…which Bane had not mastered. And as a result lost
everything—Amoria, the girl/woman he’d loved to death by taking too much of her life’s
essence, his name and his family who banished him from their lives for all eternity, and lastly
himself along with any self-respect and future he’d held as the eldest of seven brothers. And

He heard a moan behind him and whirled around. Kyra lived! He rushed to her side, tore

open his wrist and commanded her to drink although he shook so hard not a lot dripped into her
mouth, at first. Not until she grabbed his wrist and suckled greedily. Bane almost laughed at the
strength in her grasp. Kyra had saved him from himself and relief misted his eyes to a blur.
Finally he commanded, “Enough, my heart.” And closed first the wound on Kyra’s delicate neck
and then his own.

Bane realized he was more relaxed and sated than he could remember. He could almost

feel the bond between them knitting together. It felt strong; destined. He settled in beside Kyra,
tucking her gently into his much larger frame, and drifted peacefully toward slumber. Her body
felt right snuggled up to his, so did her scent and everything else about her. His… Yes, she felt
like his.

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Amoria lay with her latest nourishment loving the feel of his strong, powerful muscles

rippling at her touch. Such a young, eager pup he was in learning all the ways she liked to be
pleasured. She’d picked him up on her first night in Ybor City and after she’d gotten him
cleaned up, buffed and clothed, he’d fucked and fed her with regularity. He even procured
others like him to join them in sex games. With all that ripe, healthy, young blood she’d attained
peak strength and power. Too bad she’d have to let him go soon; his life force was beginning to
falter and his murder really would cause a stink. The homeless could easily disappear but not a
student from a good family. Amoria sighed. She couldn’t really complain; she’d already met the
one to take his place.

“Detective CJ Jamison.” She couldn’t help crooning his name aloud. His tall, lanky

build, unkempt sandy colored hair and lazy smile tickled her…fancy. Add to that his assignment
to stop the serial killings and bring the one responsible to justice, made him the perfect mark.
Oh, yes, he would keep her amused for a very long time. The irony of it alone made her
positively giddy; humans could be vastly entertaining. Midnight Sonata played close to her ear
signaling an incoming call. She reached over and snatched it from the bed stand and checked the
number before flipping it open. The sisters though tedious brought with them a bonus. Their
father and hopefully the purported scroll. “Yes, Ruby, dear,” Amoria chimed. Ruby always
spoke for both her and her sister Pearl. Amoria intimidated Pearl so much she rarely uttered a
peep which only went to prove her the smarter of the two or the dumber, come to think of it.

“We arrived in Jacksonville this evening, Amoria, and it’s positively stifling. They find

the scroll and torch the place yet? The sooner we get what we want, the sooner Pearl and I can
get out of this stifling heat.”

“Ruby, dear, must I remind you that cell phones are not secure? Besides it’s not your job

to ask questions but follow orders. Is that clear?”

“Uh, of course but…”

“Ruby, shut up. Just stay there, enjoy the air conditioning and wait for your father.

Understood?” Amoria closed her phone.

“Everything alright, honey?” Boy Toy asked.

“Oh yes, darling, just business. Now are we ready for another lesson?”

Eric grinned, his eyes glazed and bloodshot. “Yes teacher, I’m always ready for you.”

Amoria rolled toward him.

* * * *

Sari sat staring at the speaker, troubled concern marring her delicate brow. Despite their

many centuries together Eli never tired of his mate. Still breathtakingly beautiful, she now

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possessed an ethereal glow that had begun with the birth of their first child and remained to this
day. “Do you think we should warn your brother? The mortal he is with could die from smoke
inhalation before they awaken.”

“I told you before, Sari, Baneion is no longer my brother and we will not warn him.

Clearly, he can take care of himself or he wouldn’t still be walking this Earth.”

“Oh for heavens sake, don’t you think you and your family have punished him enough?

It was an accident, you said so yourself. You all are without a doubt the most stubborn lot of
bullheaded Neanderthals I have ever encountered and given that I am almost one thousand years
old, that’s saying something.” Sari crossed her arms under her breasts and glared at her mate.
“And what if the rumors we’ve heard have merit? What if Amoria has indeed risen from the
dead, so to speak, and the one havocking all hell in Ybor City? Then what will your
stubbornness dictate? And whose shame will it be that you sided with your enemy against your
own brother?”

Eli ground his teeth and through them answered, “Enough! It can’t be true. I put no

credence in rumors and neither should you. Amoria is a common enough name among our kind
and don’t forget that Baneion almost caused an irreparable breech between our two clans.”

“Oh, poppycock! The Carnomians have been our enemy for as long as we have been

mated. And if you want to lay blame, I almost caused a breech of my own between your clans
and no one banished me.

“Goddess, how could you have done that to your own brother; how could your father

have done it to his eldest son, for that matter? Your family workings baffle me. You betrayed
your brother…”

Eli sliced a hand through the air. “It was just the times. If the same happened today…”

He shrugged. “But after all this time it’s too late. He’d probably try to kill me if he got the
chance, and possibly you, as well. I’ll not risk it. How did he end up in Tampa of all places?
And apparently friends with one of the pillars of the circle, no less. She must have been
shielding him on her own because there are no secrets between the Circle and our Order.”

Sari smirked. “Apparently there is one. And I’m glad Baneion has someone he can trust

and care for. He seems equally caring toward Marie’s great-granddaughter, too.”

Eli grunted. “As long as he doesn’t try to mate with her she should be safe enough.

Anyway, she looks a little on the short, curvy and nerdy side—definitely not my brother’s type.
He likes them long, lean and lame-brained.”

Sari huffed. “I don’t know who to be more outraged for, Kyra or your brother.”

“Uh, yeah well come on, we’d better make sure they get out in time; I won’t have my

brother’s blood on my hands. But stay out of sight; we don’t want to tip off the Carnomians to
our presence.”

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Bane came awake in an instant. He heard careful footsteps close to the house creeping

around the perimeter. Then he smelled gasoline. Changing to mist, he floated through the crack
in Kyra’s one window. Two punks, humans, were about to torch Marie’s house and, looking
around, he found the reason. Four Carnomians stood across the street under a tree watching the
progress and Bane bet he knew exactly what they were after. They’d traced the scroll to Kyra
and Marie. Ready to intervene, he paused. What if they indeed burned Marie’s house to the
ground? Until Kyra’s arrival, he’d been trying to convince his most steadfast friend to come live
with him where he could better look after her. Now he contemplated taking Kyra to mate which
would leave Marie alone once again…unless. It would be the most natural thing in the world for
Marie to come live with them in her own quarters. That way he’d have both the women most
needing his protection under his roof.

Kyra jerked awake and felt for Bane. The place beside her still retained his body heat so

she knew he’d only recently arisen. Malevolent whispering in her head matched the voices of
those outside scheming to harm her and Marie. But how could she both hear and read their
thoughts? She’d buried those powers for good after her father died.

As a babe on her father’s knee, Kyra assumed everyone could read each other’s thoughts;

most of the time it was how she and her father communicated. She remembered believing
something must be wrong with mommy that she couldn’t. Of course when she got older she
understood that the rare gift she and her father shared came from the Goddess and should be
treasured and kept safely hidden from others. By that time she could also occasionally predict
events unfolding in the present and future. She knew the moment her father died; it tore through
her even though it happened a continent away. After that she buried her supernatural gifts deep,
unwilling to experience again the horror of a severed connection caused by the death of a loved
one. And it had worked until a few years ago when a vision crashed through her erected barriers
allowing her to aide the police in the rescue of a small child buried alive by ritualistic cultists.
Of course she credited her achievement to her studies in myths, legends and rituals of occult
behavior. Her latest insight led her to work with the TPD. The flashes she’d received smacked
of sorcery; dark forces with satanic influences. And they were coming faster, closer,
endeavoring to encase her and her talents. Of course she could just be imaging the entire
situation, she was hardly infallible, except for the feeling that her sisters and step-father were
involved—and the indisputable fact that her powers were growing stronger with every passing
hour she spent with Bane. Could his proximity be responsible for magnifying her powers or
possibly their lovemaking? Kyra could have sworn she felt them fuse at the point of climax.
Which brought her back to the present and his whereabouts. Kyra relaxed, opening her senses.

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“Sweet Goddess,” she squeaked, scrambling out of bed. Several men were in the process of
torching Marie’s house with her in it.

Where was Bane and why hadn’t he warned her? More damning questions followed

while she threw on sweatpants, a Tee, some flip-flops and grabbed the bat resting inside her
bedroom door.

Bane quickly weighed the pros and cons of letting the Carnomian’s plan succeed.

Perhaps they’d believe the scroll perished in the fire and cancel further plans to steal it. Bane
figured that with the amount of planning they’d gone to in order to grab the parchment, chances
were slim they’d give up but it would at least give Marie and Kyra a plausible explanation if, on
the off chance, the Spirit Lifters did capture either woman. He was only one being and could
trust no one else with their welfare. Even the good intentions of Detective Jamison would serve
as no deterrent; they’d simply use him and any of his team as food.

He shook his head in consternation because no matter how satisfying it would be to force

Kyra and Marie under his roof, he couldn’t cause them distress when in his power to prevent it.
They had all their treasures under that roof plus he considered the house itself a part of
irreplaceable history. Bane seeped back through the window, instantly aware of Kyra’s absence.

Kyra followed the kerosene smell to the kitchen where she spied a man in a ski mask

dousing the stove. Without thinking she swung the bat and connected with the back of the
pyromaniac’s neck. He grunted and went down, dropping the can. Thanking the Goddess that
he hadn’t yet lit a match, Kyra heard a movement behind her and saw another hooded man with a
gun pointed at her. Before she could wrap her mind around that situation, however, Bane
materialized in front of her and took the bullet meant for her. Kyra screamed, prepared to catch
him as he fell but instead he lunged for the gunman knocking the weapon across the floor before
Bane grabbed his throat. Kyra rushed around him and latched onto his hand in an effort to
loosen his hold. “Bane stop, don’t kill him. The police will want to question him and we need
some answers, too. Bane!” she shrieked, yanking at his steal-like wrist, once again. When that
failed she kicked him in the shin.

“Ow, ow, ow, my foot,” Kyra screamed hopping a few times before landing ungracefully

on her tush by way of the kitchen table corner, clipping her hip.

Bane knelt by her side in the next instant. “Baby you kicked me with your bare foot; next

time remember to don steel toed boots. How is your hip, can you stand?” He lifted her off the
floor and into a chair.

“Thanks for that tip but I don’t think even steel would suffice. I-Is he…?”

“No, just unconscious,” Bane replied, gingerly checking Kyra’s toes one by one.

Kyra stifled a groan, for despite the pain radiating from her middle toes, the sight of Bane

kneeling in front of her with his warm hands engulfing her foot, triggered all sorts of erotic
images. She had to focus on something else…

“Oh my God, you’re bleeding, Bane. We have to call 911 and get you to a hospital, then

notify the police about the two thugs littering up Marie’s kitchen.”

“No hospitals, baby, it’s just a scratch. The bullet only grazed me and will probably heal

by tomorrow.” Bane stood from his crouching position beside Kyra, grabbed the phone and said,

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“Here, call your detective friend but don’t mention me. Tampa’s finest and I don’t exactly play
nice together.”

Kyra took the phone, speed-dialed a number and got an answer almost immediately. CJ,

as Kyra called him, oozed concern and anger on her behalf and promised to be there in less than
five minutes.

“The detective has a hard-on for you, baby, and after taking one look at us together in this

cozy kitchen, he’ll put two and two together and want a piece of me for getting a piece of you.
It’ll be better if I go now.”

“Oh, Baneion, aren’t you being a tetch paranoid?”

He let his gaze caress her for a few long moments and then stood, eyeing the men

apparently still out cold. “Look, I’ll stay and then disappear when they pull up. Tell him I all
ready went to the hospital, or something, but whatever you do, don’t tell him my name.”

“Detective Jamison is a fair and honorable man. And when I tell him you saved my


“He’ll accuse me of masterminding the entire scheme and throw me in the clink leaving

you unprotected.” He leaned over and pressed his hand to Kyra’s cheek. “I won’t do that,” Bane
finished quietly.

“Bane, please stay.” Kyra stood and laid her small white hand on his chest for a moment

before limping to the sink. Opening a drawer, she plucked out a clean towel then turned. “We
need to put some pressure on your ‘scratch’ until it stops bleeding—and I think one of these guys
is coming to. Now sit.”

Bane groaned and sank into a chair. The bullet had plowed a deep grove into his left side

almost level with his nipple. Kyra swayed and leeched white while she placed the towel across
it. The good news was that Bane could use his arm to apply the pressure needed to staunch the
steady flow of blood. He dreaded the coming confrontation with the cops and prayed they didn’t
decide to arrest him over Kyra’s protestations. Now that the Spirit Lifters were getting bolder,
he deemed it critical to stick close to her. For the first time in centuries he thought of his
brothers and wished they were there to help him. He didn’t trust anyone else with Kyra’s safety.
Sirens sounded, getting closer and Bane chuckled with the realization that Kyra’s detective
would make it in under five minutes. He must be really smitten. What would he do when he
found the hen house already raided and the chick forever beyond his grasp? Bane hid a smirk.

“Was that a smirk? What are you thinking? I swear if you do anything stupid to get

yourself arrested I’ll shoot you myself. Then they can just take both of us in.”

Bane reached out and grazed Kyra’s cheek and mouth with his knuckles. He couldn’t

seem to keep his hands off her and with every touch he could feel the bond they’d forged
strengthen. The mating bond. Bane knew he should be riddled with guilt, initiating the ritual
that would forever bind her to him without giving her a choice, but it only seemed to increase his
primitive instincts to claim the woman he wanted. “I had a much better night planned, baby.
I’m sorry it got interrupted. When the police are through with their questions we will adjourn to
my home where the security is tight and I can keep you safe until this is over. There will also be
fewer intrusions giving us more time to…communicate.”

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CJ burst through the front door with ten armed officers and a team of paramedics and

rushed right to Kyra grabbing both her hands and peering closely into her eyes. “Are you alright,
Kyra? Jesus, look at all the blood. Were you shot? Medic,” he shouted.

“I’m fine, just a sore foot. I hit it into the wall during the scuffle. They shot Bane-ion,

though. He jumped between me and the gunman and took the bullet meant for me. Allow me to

“You! Don’t I know you?” CJ accused, pulling his attention from Kyra to center it on


“Nice to see you again, Detective Jamison.” Bane grinned, his body language and

manner, indolent.

“Riley, get over here and arrest this man.”

Kyra shot to her feet. “What are you doing, CJ, didn’t you hear a word I said? Bane

saved my life and, further, he is a close family friend. You want to arrest him, fine, arrest us
both. And then you can explain everything to Mama Marie and her lawyers.” Kyra had her head
up, shoulders back and arms folded under her breasts. Bane thought she looked like a miniature
Valkyrie…and the Detective like a beaten dog. Bane grinned widely.

“Now Kyra,” CJ gently oozed, in an effort to placate her.

“Out,” she barked, pointing to the front door.

CJ shook his head. “You know I can’t do that, sweetheart. Just calm down. I’m sorry I

jumped to conclusions; it’s just that every time something nasty happens in Ybor City lately,
your boy here is in the middle of it.”

“Probably in an effort to help but instead of thanks you give him a ration of grief,” she

accused, and turned to Bane. “I apologize for not listening when you said the police in this area
are pig-headed, stubborn, prejudiced, idiots. Next time I’ll pay more attention.”

“Said all that; did he?” CJ asked, chagrined. “Sounds more like the thoughts of a certain

irate lady.”

Kyra didn’t rise to the bait. “Oh, and if this is an example of the kind of support I can

expect when I am burglarized and almost killed, probably as a result of my work with the police,
which has been splashed all over the papers; then you can just go and find yourself another
unsuspecting patsy with a doctorate in ancient myths and lore. I quit!”

Bane kept silent while the paramedic named Joe work on his side. He was pleasantly

stunned at the passion Kyra radiated in his defense and whole-heartily relieved that she quit.
He’d been dreading the conclusion of that confrontation. Now he just held his breath praying
that she meant it.

He almost laughed at CJ’s expletive but turned it into a cough when Kyra glared at him.

He didn’t want to lose the ground he’d just gained.

Joe swatted his back. “I’m fine,” he wheezed, the jolt reverberating to the wound in his

side “but the lady hurt her foot. Could you take a look?”

The paramedic nodded edging CJ out of the way so he could bend down in front of Kyra.

She gave him her right foot.

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The Detective looked down at the paramedic in confusion as if wondering how the

situation had gotten out of his control. Then shaking his head he ordered, “Riley, get that vermin
off the floor and down to headquarters. I want two men posted at the front and back doors and
the rest gone. I’ll take the vic’s statements.”

Large and lumbering, Riley directly everyone out leaving only Joe as he quietly

explained that Kyra’s first two toes were badly bruised but not broken and issued instructions on
their care.

Nodding first to Bane then the detective, the medic silently left.

CJ cleared his throat. “Uh, look, uh Bane, can you make it to the other room? I need to

talk to Kyra alone and don’t want her on that foot.”

“Sorry, detective,” Bane drawled, “this hurts like the dickens…”

“Anything you have to say to me you can say in front of Baneion. We have no secrets

from one another.”

CJ’s face turned a mottled red making Bane sure he was about to be arrested…again.

Instead the detective inquired politely, “Mind if I have a seat?”

Bane shrugged. “S’okay with me. Kyra?”

“Yes, yes fine. I didn’t mean to lose my temper, CJ, but I won’t have you maligning my

friends.” She touched his arm softening her expression. “I’d do the same for you, CJ.”

“Thanks, Kyra,” he replied, briefly squeezing the hand on his forearm. “Now, you want

to tell me what happened here?”

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Bane’s side hurt like a son of a bitch but he had too much to put in place. After CJ, as he

insisted Bane call him now, finished getting the pertinent information, he told Bane and Kyra the
perps would be charged with b&e, arson and attempted murder with no chance of bail.

The Spirit Lifters would have to find alternative muscle, which Bane knew would not

take long.

He looked down at Kyra, fast asleep on the couch, marveling at her innocent beauty, and

humbled by her utter faith in him. Never had anyone given him so precious a gift. Only he
wanted more from her…he wanted everything.

Bane closed his eyes and tried to resurrect his long abandoned skill of telepathy so he

might warn Marie of the danger she was in. Hell, she probably already knew—the way she
knew so many things. He hadn’t tried to reach someone with his thoughts in centuries. Who did
he have to communicate with that would actually want to hear from him—or that he wanted to
communicate with, for that matter? No one until Marie and now Kyra. He centered his spirit
and willed himself to relax in body and mind. He tried to envision, not Marie’s physical being
but her life force; that pinpoint of infinite energy that defined his steadfast friend. Sweat beaded
his forehead and dripped into his eyes with the effort to concentrate. This ability used to come
so naturally that it required no effort. But that was at a time when he felt part of all things living,
anchored by the love of his family, friends and ideological purpose to protect humankind.
Before all had been stripped from him by one misbegotten adolescent act of lust. Bane cursed,
feeling his telepathic stream veer wildly out of control, careening this way and that like a
drunken pinball. He wiped his face on a sleeve and when he looked up a vision of Marie stood
before him smiling.

“M-M&M?” he croaked. Never before had he seen a spirit. Goddess above, could she be


“Calm your mind, Baneion, I am well. But you are broadcasting to half the known

hemisphere, focus on my image and speak directly to it.”

Bane felt himself blush and hoped she couldn’t see. The scope of Marie’s mystical

abilities never ceased to catch him unawares. Dutifully he concentrated on her image and spoke.
“You are in danger. Tonight the Spirit Lifters sought to burn down your cottage with Kyra and
me still inside. I’m convinced it was a ploy to steal the scroll, which proves they believe Kyra
and you have it and further, that they are turning desperate enough to seize it at any cost. Can
you make your way to my house? I intend to take Kyra there as soon as I secure things here.
The Spirit Lifters obviously know nothing of my ability to shift and so believe the three of us are

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“Goodness why try to contact me now; get Kyra out of there before they try the more

direct approach of firearms or spirit draining.” Marie’s image flickered, demonstrating her

“The police have guards surrounding the place so I doubt they’ll try anything more

tonight but just in case we’ll be out of here as soon as you and I finish formulating a strategy to
keep you, Kyra and the scroll safe.”

“I am safe where I am, as is the scroll. I petitioned the Goddess for assistance to protect

the document but she refuses, saying only that the parchment is of the Earth and must remain
there until its purpose is fulfilled. She intimated that she intends to use it as a lure to unmask the
traitor in our midst and right an ancient wrong. I hope all her plotting does not end poorly for the
Circle; for I can feel dark forces surrounding us; slowly closing in, trapping us within. That is
why I must remain with the other Mystics; for that is my first duty. Yours is to keep Kyra safe
for she is the key…” Marie’s image shimmered then vanished.

“Marie, Marie wait. What do you mean, Kyra is the key? The key to what?” Bane

cursed. Damn cryptic hocus pocus. Why couldn’t anyone just tell him what’s going on so he
could formulate plans to defeat…whatever is out there that needed defeating? A chill slithered
down Bane’s spine making him freeze. It could simply be Marie’s message that made him
jumpy but still… He cast his utukku senses out beyond their surroundings ultra aware of any
movement. He felt the guards. The two out back were quietly playing a game of poker with a
flashlight for light while one out front slept and the other smoked one cigarette after another, lost
in contemplation. If anyone wanted past them it would be a simple matter. And it appeared that
“anyone” thought the same way for here they came. Quickly he assembled an incendiary device
using a candle and the gas stove. Not enough to do much damage but it would make one hell of
a bang. He then went to Kyra’s room; the smell of sex mingled with Kyra’s own unique scent
gave him an inconvenient boner when he needed all that blood going to his other head. He
stripped two pillowcases from their pillows and began jamming them with Kyra’s possessions.
Ugly skirts, unflattering blouses and utilitarian underwear cushioned books, briefcase, laptop and
finally her toiletries. He dissolved into mist with the heavy heaps, flew to his home, dumped
them on his large octagon ottoman and rushed back for Kyra. Lifting her carefully, silently
apologizing for not waking her to explain their predicament, he shifted once again just before the
kitchen exploded. That ought to create enough chaos to alert the guards and foil any plans to
dispose of them in order to enter the small shot-gun structure.

Kyra opened her eyes to see Bane hunched over her and she smiled shyly. “Hi, how long

have I been asleep?” Her voice sounded husky and Kyra didn’t miss the way Bane’s pupils
dilated with desire. He gifted her with a sexy grin and she felt her cheeks flood with color
remembering that same expression when he’d exposed her breasts.

“Not long. I brought you to my home. It was no longer safe at Marie’s; I felt our

enemies preparing for another attack and was concerned for the guards. They wouldn’t stand a
chance against my brethren so I engineered a small mishap in the kitchen, to attract attention, and
brought you here. Let me show you around.

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Kyra marveled at the beautiful, large sunken living room complete with a panoramic

view of Tampa Bay dissected by a huge stone fireplace. The wraparound leather sectional faced
both the floor to ceiling windows and an impressive entertainment center on the adjacent wall.
Kyra looked up to a terraced hallway with a beautiful wrought iron railing then turned around to
a well appointed kitchen separated from the living room by a wide stairway leading up. Bane
guided her down a hallway leading to the laundry room which made her smile. Apparently even
vampire-types needed clean clothes. What did he call himself? Ah yes, utukku. A different
species than vampire, he’d insisted. Utukku drank all fluids from living warm blooded mammals
whereas vamps were only interested in blood. Yep, that made her feel oh so much better about
him. Just a pussycat amidst millions of plump mice. Mother, may I sleep with danger? Ha, ha,
she may as well be Superwoman sleeping with kryptonite.

They passed an office and Kyra wondered what Bane did for a living? How could she

have made love with him and felt like they were somehow bonded? Soul mates even. And not
know anything about his life separate from Marie. Stairs leading to the basement housed his cars
along with a safe room and storage area. Retracing their steps, he took her upstairs to a beautiful
bedroom with another spectacular view of the bay. The bed sat on a platform in the middle of
the room and looked larger than a standard king. The master bath was easily twice the size of
her bedroom with a sunken tub slash Jacuzzi.

“Perhaps we could share a bath later,” he whispered close to her ear, making Kyra

shudder in anticipation.

Back in the kitchen, Bane pulled a chilled bottle of champagne from the fridge and told

her, “I spoke with Marie and…”

“Half our clan could have heard your broadcasted query. You are rusty…brother.”

Bane swung around in a blur at the unfamiliar voice and Kyra looked up in time to see

the stranger hit one side of the huge fireplace, with a solid thwack. Bane stood ramrod still but
his body radiated suppressed fury, all of his senses riveted to the dark, massive stranger pinned to
the wall by some invisible force. Kyra had about a thousand questions beginning with ‘Who is
this guy? Where did he come from and why is he stuck to the fireplace like a bug pinned to a
board?’ but Bane’s reaction to the man kept her silent. He looked remarkably like Bane only
taller and not quite as broad. Their eyes, though identical, differed imperceptibly. While Bane’s
held an ancient weariness and barely leashed violence, the stranger’s crinkled with humor tinged
with wariness and some other emotion Kyra could not discern. Slowly Kyra moved to stand next
to Bane, grasping his hand in hers. He squeezed hard enough to break a bone but she merely
strengthened her grip to let him know that whatever it was, they faced it together.

The stranger cleared his throat. “I was going to say your abilities had grown rusty but I’ll

amend that statement to one of your abilities. Others seem to work just fine. Mind if you let me
off this wall, I feel like I’m being vertically steamrolled.”

Whatever mental grip Bane had on him disintegrated leaving the stranger to stagger

before regaining his footing.

He nodded to Kyra. “Hello, I’m Elicean, Baneion’s brother.” He sniffed the air. “You

are newly mated, congratulations.”

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“Uh, we’re just friends but it’s nice to meet you, anyway.” Only Bane drowned out her

initial words by saying “Thank you.” It was all she could do not to gape at the bald-faced lie but
Eli’s purported identity kept her silent. This was Bane’s brother and from the look on Bane’s
face they had not parted amicably.

Kyra’s invitation of “Won’t you sit down” was once again drowned out by Bane’s order

to “Get out.” She rolled her eyes expelling all the air in her lungs.

Elicean ran a hand through his already unruly hair and said, “Look, you need me.”

“You could not be more wrong. I need nothing from you, or my so called family, or the


“Kyra is in danger.”

“Kyra is mine to protect, not yours.”

“You’re sitting on a powder keg that is ready to explode.”

“This is my town and under my protection. You have no right to encroach on it for any

reason. Leave.”

“There are too many of them, Baneion, and they are organized…”

“The name is Bane.”

That declaration rooted Elicean in place; staring at his brother for what seemed like

eternity. Bane could hardly countenance the reality of seeing his brother again. The last
thousand years fell away like a curtain revealing not just his brother but his best friend—up until
the day before his official banishment. Elicean looked as if he hadn’t aged a day. His eyes,
however, now twinkled with wry good humor and were free of the dark spirits that defined Bane.
He almost couldn’t stand to watch him yet couldn’t look away; reliving feelings he thought long
dead. Bane thought if he moved even one muscle those horrid memories would swallow him

“I heartily regret what happened, Baneion,” he softly admitted. Elicean took a cautious

step toward his brother. “I have thought of you often through the years and missed your
company. We used to be close; do you remember those times?”

Bane began to shake in anguish. “Yeah, we were so close you couldn’t wait to toss my

ass into the closest gutter without a backward glance.”

Kyra sucked in a breath, her features a study in outrage. She rounded on Elicean, kicked

him hard in shin and shouted, “You heard your brother. Get out!”

Elicean bent over cradling his leg, hopping around awkwardly.

And like the sun bursting through on a stormy day, Bane smiled. And then began to

chuckle. Kyra moved to his side and gently kissed his chin. Kyra once again took his side and
strove to protect him. He knew he now sported a goofy grin and didn’t care.

Elicean hobbled to a chair and sat down. “OW, what an aim. Man, that’s a mean left

foot; I never even saw it coming.”

“You got off easy, my right foot inflicts more damage but it’s temporarily out of


“Ah, I’ll remember that, thanks. Sari is going to love you.” As if on cue a small, dainty

beauty with long, platinum hair and large blue eyes winked into the room.

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“Hello, please excuse the intrusion. I am Sarkinda, Eli’s mate. I am very pleased to meet

you Baneion. So very pleased.” She glided to Bane’s side and gave him a fierce hug, earning a
frown from Kyra until the vision of perfection turned to her and smiled. “Like my husband said,
good aim. I know we’re going to be great friends; we’re already sisters through the bonding. I
only wish the circumstances were different.”

Kyra felt like she’d fallen into a Bewitched episode where everyone but Daren simply

popped in without benefit of a door or window. And what was this porcelain doll talking about?
Could the couple somehow discern she and Bane had made love? Surely that didn’t constitute
marriage in their culture because with Bane’s prowess in bed she was positive he’d had lots and
lots of practice. “Uh…” Kyra articulated looking first at Bane, who looked abashed and
uncertain, then at Elicean who looked wary. Sarkinda looked perfectly relaxed as if all was right
in her universe. Her iridescent, Caribbean blue eyes blinked in feigned innocence and serenity.
When Kyra peered deeper, though, she noted her aura bursting with healing strength, similar to
that of Marie’s.

She wrapped an arm through Kyra’s and murmured, “Come, let’s find some refreshments

and give the brother’s time to get reacquainted.”

Sarkinda, or Sari, as she’d asked Kyra to call her, found the abandoned bottle of

champagne, and another bottle of what looked like thick red wine and some fruit while Kyra
found four wine glasses, a plate, and tore off paper towels to use as napkins. Kyra eyed the
crimson liquid again and wondered why the idea of taking a taste didn’t repulse her.
Surprisingly, she even licked her lips in anticipation.

She looked away, slightly horrified at her thoughts, and cleared her throat. “Uh, Bane

told me that utukku need blood and other human fluids to survive yet I’ve watched him put away
a plateful of stew and now…”

“Sari smiled. “We began adding food to our diet centuries ago and have become quite

dependant on it for taste but it will not sustain us unfortunately. Down under we have perfected
synthetic fluids that allow us to live independently of mammals but up here we have no such

“Oh, I er see.” Which of course she did not. “So, what caused you to drop in?” Kyra

asked as nonchalantly as she could muster.

Sari rolled her eyes. “Reasons too numerous to mention, I’m afraid. Part of it has to do

with a missing scroll and the latest threat to mortals and immortals. We’ve been monitoring the
situation and Ybor City quite suddenly became a hot bed for the Spirit Lifters and their friends
so, naturally, it drew us, as well. There is also unfinished business with Baneion who has been
unfairly estranged from his family for too long. The time has come to put a stop to it. I know
how it affects Eli and can only guess at Baneion’s torment. I am very happy that he finally found
you Kyra.”

“But he hasn’t. Er, what I mean is, you have the wrong impression; there really is

nothing between us but friendship. It is my great grandmother that he is closest to. We only met
a few days ago.”

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Sari just stared, open-mouthed. “Really? Do you mean to say that Bane and your, um,

great-grandmother are mated?” she asked weakly.

Kyra giggled. “No, no, of course not; they are just, uh, friends, too.” Or were they?

Could Mama Marie and Bane have had an affair at one time? It would explain a lot. Like the
reason they were so close. Kyra thought she might be sick. She glanced up to find Sari’s
attention directed solely on her.

“Kyra, the utukku mate only once and can be quite underhanded in securing their mate. I

know Eli was,” she said, somewhat chagrined. “Have you noticed an increase of your senses?
Sensitivity to sounds, smell, or touch?”

Good Goddess, what was Sari telling her? Wasn’t it her inherited talents coming back to

her when she needed them most? Could Bane be that underhanded? She almost laughed at her
last thought. Of course he could but did she want to become like him and his family, dependant
on…she glanced, once more at the bottle Sari had provided and gulped. She needed to get Sari
out of the kitchen so she could think. Get away; maybe go to a hotel. She could stop at an ATM
and get needed funds to pay a taxi. She looked out the window; Kyra didn’t even know where
she was. She went to the built in kitchen desk and found some bills with the address. After Sari
took the drinks out to the brothers she’d say she wasn’t feeling well and retire for the evening
then slip out of the house to meet the cab. Her palms were sweating; she hated to lie, she did it
so poorly.

“Why don’t you take the champagne and glasses in and have Bane open the bottle. I’ll

follow just as soon as I finish with some munchies.”

Sari nodded. “I’m sure anything in Bane’s pantry will be suitable. I’ll go make sure the

brothers don’t need a referee.”

Kyra dove for the phone and made an appointment with the cab company for twenty-five

minutes giving her plenty of time to make a toast, feel queasy and excuse herself. Shoulders
back, plate in hand, she joined the others.

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The shrill sound of a burglar alarm made Kyra shriek, and then try to swallow her heart

that had leapt to her throat. She’d completely forgotten about the security system. Bane charged
to the basement door. Kyra, busted, decided to concoct a lie about needing fresh air. What else
could she do, chastising herself for such a foolish move?

“Who did you invite in?” Bane demanded, grabbing her upper arms and shaking her like

a rag doll. He turned to Eli who’d followed on his tail. “You sense anything?”

“No, but you’re scaring your mate to death…if the alarm itself wasn’t enough to

accomplish the deed.”

Bane dropped his hands, went over to the keypad and killed the alarm. The silence

seemed even louder than the siren to Kyra. Then the doorbell rang and Kyra thought she’d faint.
She specifically told the taxi to wait and not approach the house. She needed air.

“Who is at the door, Kyra?” Bane asked quietly.

Taking a deep breath, standing up straight like she was facing a firing squad she

answered. “A cab company. I planned to slip away to a hotel and let you visit with your family.
I don’t really belong here and…I needed time to think,” she offered weakly. Bane’s gaze drilled
into her, slicing her thoughts to ribbons, exposing every insecurity she possessed.

A squawking noise interrupted Bane’s interrogation and Kyra heard a voice coming from

a closed off room down the hall.

“Is that a police radio?” Eli asked curiously.

Bane shrugged. “It comes in handy. They’re probably dispatching a car to check on my

house. I didn’t call with the false alarm.” The next words rooted them all to the spot.

“I want a full swat team at Six Deer Trail. Suspect’s home alarm just sounded. Red Cab

confirmed that a female called wanting to leave the premises just before the alarm sounded. Use
extreme caution but if you get a clear shot at the male, shoot to kill. He murdered four officers
earlier tonight with the same MO as our serial killer. We had an eye witness at the scene that
made a positive ID so we know Bane’s our man.”

“Oh my stars, they’re talking about the officers guarding Mama Marie’s house. But they

were fine when we left.”

Kyra lifted her hand to Bane’s cheek. “You would never harm an innocent but CJ won’t

believe that. Maybe we should leave…” Kyra began.

“No. If I run or if I’m arrested I won’t be here to protect you,” Bane stated, capturing her

hand and kissing her palm. He turned to his brother. “Kyra has a scroll that the Spirit Lifters are
desperately trying to steal, or I should say Marie does, because earlier tonight she took it to the
Circle of Mystics where it and she will remain until we neutralize the threat.”

“Sari and I can protect Kyra…”

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“No, she is not yours to protect.” Bane cut him off. “She stays with me.”

“I feel like a bone,” Kyra commented to Sari.

“Welcome to my world,” Sari quipped back, grinning despite the situation.

“You don’t sound worried. Look, they were fine when we left. Someone is setting Bane


Sari shrugged, “I hate to be repetitive but, welcome to my world. We’ll think of

something, we always do.”

A thought struck Kyra and she barked, “Wait, I have an idea.” All three stopped, looking


“Bane has an alibi. Since leaving Marie’s we’ve been here entertaining Bane’s relatives

from out of town. We already have the opened champagne and wine celebrating your visit and
we set off the alarm by mistake getting firewood for the fireplace. When the cops arrive we’ll
open the door like everything is normal.”

Sari clapped. “You see? You thought of the perfect solution.”

“What about the cab?” Bane asked.

“We’ll say it was for Sari and Eli, only they changed their mind when we invited them to

stay overnight. I’ll call the cab company and cancel now.” Kyra flipped open her phone and hit

Bane and Eli wore identical grins making them look more like twins than brothers.

“Let’s get moving,” Bane said, rubbing his hands together. “I’ll call the alarm company, Eli, you
get the wood and start the fire and girls, you refill the glasses and when the doorbell rings answer
it like we are expecting pizza or something.”

When pounding on the door commenced ten minutes later they were prepared. Kyra

smoothed down the fresh outfit of jeans she’d paired with a bulky sweater, plastered a smile on
her face and opened the door. Four fully armored officers looked momentarily stunned to see
her before one tried to grab her and drag her out. “Kyra, thank God you’re safe,” one of the
officers exclaimed.

Kyra batted at the arms reaching for her. “Hey, take your hands off me. What are you

doing here? Where’s the pizza guy?” Sari joined her side, anchoring her from being pulled out
the door while Eli and Bane piled in behind them.

All four gaped when a crash sounded at the back door. Bane and Eli appeared perplexed

and they were off to the charades.

Twenty minutes later CJ arrived to four mutinous expressions. He cleared his throat.

“One of the officers told me you claim to have an alibi for earlier this evening.” His gaze took in
a stunning beauty with wheat colored hair and Kyra seated in the middle of a wraparound, tan
leather sectional, their legs tucked under them sipping bubbly, and a polished gentleman with
shoulder-length hair the color of Banes seated next to the unfamiliar woman. Bane stood
between two officers off to the side sporting a sardonic expression. Damn, Bane had made him
look like an idiot again. But their eyewitness had been specific. She’d also been a real stunner
with straight coal black hair that kissed her fanny, large slanted eyes that matched her hair color,
high cheekbones and lush ruby red lips. Best of all she came on to him, letting him know that

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she’d welcome his advances—unlike Kyra who never seemed to notice he was a man. Damn,
what reason would Amoria have to lie unless?

“You know a woman named Amoria?” CJ asked bluntly. If they’d ever had an affair he

wanted to know about it. At the mention of her name Bane went grey and actually flinched. He
had his answer. Damn.

“The only woman I knew by that name died when we were teenagers. She your eye


It was CJ’s turn to flinch. “I never said we had an eye witness.” All expression left

Bane’s face. He looked completely inscrutable.

“One of the officers mentioned it,” Eli volunteered.

CJ pinned him with his cop glare and inquired, “Are you willing to sign a sworn

statement to the fact that you and…”

“Sarkinda is my wife. My name is Eli and Baneion is my brother,” Eli supplied.

CJ nodded once. “Uh huh.” Obviously dubious. “That you and your wife have been

with the suspect since midnight?”

Eli raised an eyebrow. “I believe it was earlier than that. Say about eleven fifteen.”

Damn, thought CJ.

“I’m very sorry about the officers you lost, CJ. They must have been attacked as they

were preparing to leave.”

CJ’s expression softened at Kyra’s words. “Thank you, Kyra. I fear that I have made

you a target.”

“You should have thought of that before making her such a public part of your

investigation,” Bane spat.

CJ just stared at Bane for a moment fairly telegraphing his animosity and regret through

his weary gaze. He truly did care about Kyra and probably used her knowledge and gift as a
reason to be near her. Bane knew exactly how the bastard felt. He nodded his understanding and
CJ seemed to understand for he said, “Well team, let’s leave these folks to enjoy the rest of their
visit. Oh, and I’ll send someone out to fix your back door tonight.” He leveled Bane with a
glance and added. “Don’t leave town; you’re not in the clear yet. And don’t let her out of your
sight,” he added, causing Bane to raise an eyebrow, gifting him with a smirk.

When they heard the click of the lock following the procession of uniforms Kyra

swooshed out a breath. “Well, I’m glad that’s over. Goddess, they easily could have thrown us
all in jail.”

“CJ would never arrest his heart’s desire,” Bane scoffed. “Only now she belongs to me

and I refuse to relinquish my prize.” Bane’s heated stare seared her with angry intent.

Kyra crossed her arms under her ample breasts. “Does the prize have a say in said


Eli cleared his throat. “So, do you think it’s your Amoria?”

Kyra stamped her sore foot and accused, “How many possessions do you own?”

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Bane cursed and lifted her high on his chest. “She was never ‘my Amoria’.” He nuzzled

into her hair and then looked pointedly at Eli. “She wanted my blood, not me, if you know what
I mean.”

Eli and Sari gifted him with twin expressions of horror.

“I don’t understand,” Kyra said.

* * * *

Maria Mercuro wrung her hands for the hundredth time while pacing back and forth

behind the large globe that had gone dark a few minutes before.

“That great-grand-daughter of mine keeps glancing off one disaster to the next. What if

she’d succeeded in escaping Bane’s protection?” Not waiting for an answer from her long-time
mentor, she answered, “Her evil step-sisters might have gotten their clutches into her; is what!”

“Is Simon still a member of the Mysts?” Eir wanted to know.

“An associate member which means he can attend regular meetings but is not privy to

any inner workings within our organization. For which he is continually displeased. I am fairly
certain he is our leak and responsible for Kyra’s problems.”

“Some immediate ones, it is true but there is something else,” Eir mused.

“What something precisely.”

“I am the Goddess of Healing not Divination. Settle down Marie or I’ll have to make you

a tincture.” Eir hid her amusement by concentrating on another experimental topical rub for
muscle spasms. If she allowed herself to become as worked up over events yet to come, she
would accomplish nothing at all and that truly would spell disaster for them all. Instead she
looked up and advised, “Have faith that Kyra will acknowledge the talents inside herself and put
them to good use in time to do us all some good. I swear that child is every bit as stubborn as
you used to be but I’m thankful she also has your brain…and your soft heart.”

“That is what concerns me most. She hides her fragile heart behind a wall of academic

principles and, and scientific bull-hooey. After surviving her father’s demise, her mother’s
ridicule and her stepsisters’ abuse; it’s no wonder she denies her metaphysical gifts. And while
before she only hurt herself by not developing her goddess given talents, now her lack of training
has given the dark forces an unfair advantage and landed her on the front line of the battle
between good and evil with only Bane for protection. Bane, who has known nothing for the last
thousand years but hatred, scorn and betrayal.”

Eir cocked her head. “My, aren’t we in a positive frame of mind. Goodness, Marie, do

you really believe it’s as serious as all that? You are forgetting that Kyra is your offspring and
for all her pragmatism, she exhibits extraordinary resourcefulness and uncanny ingenuity which
she has been employing with greater and greater ability in the last five years. Have you not seen
this for yourself?”

Marie took a seat next to the Goddess Eir and smiled. “Of course, you are right. Ever

since she began working with the police to solve missing persons and murder investigations, her
talent and ability have grown exponentially with each case.” Marie clapped her hands, fairly
jumping up and down in her seat, jarring an amused Eir. “She is using her talents without even
realizing it. That’s why you are not so worried,” Marie concluded.

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Eir nodded. “The powers inside us are a living, breathing entity growing and maturing as

we hone and utilize them. Kyra’s gifts have been hibernating inside her until she needed them.
Now that they have awakened they’re insinuating themselves into the core of her being,
becoming a natural part of her. Kyra has always thought of our powers as eccentric, unnatural,
even dishonest. Only look at the viper that birthed her. The odious woman that is her mother
uses what small talent she possesses to cheat and exploit others’ vulnerabilities and only married
your grand-son to elevate her status and credibility. Kyra’s half-sisters, also sub-talented,
physically harmed Kyra with their so called spells.” Eir took a small sip of wine and continued.
“It is no wonder she mistrusts anything mystical—and an unqualified wonder that she will accept
Bane as her mate—not that he intends to give her a chance to deny him. If you ask me Bane is
our wild card to disaster, Marie. He is unstable, self-serving, ruthless and obdurate in the
extreme. What you see in him mystifies me.”

“I know it does, it mystifies me too sometimes and yet at others…he has a tremendous

amount of integrity, his own kind of justice, and boundless compassion, though he would deny it
to his last breath. He cannot be bought and though he mingles with Ybor’s miscreants, he never
compromises his ethics—because at the end of the day he still protects those weaker than himself
and does more to keep the peace in our city than any law enforcement official. He has come to
me countless times, when someone needed a healer, and led me into the very bowels of
humanity, but never have I suffered even a hair out of place. I trust him with my life and even
more importantly, the life and wellbeing of Kyra, the child of my heart.”

“I hope your instinct is sound because we have received intelligence that Kyra may be the

focus of this new wave of evil.”

“It heartens me that Bane’s blood, mixed with her own, will make her a formidable force

for if your instincts are correct which I am sure they are, she will need every advantage. And
then of course there is Bane himself. I am sure he will stand between Kyra and any threat that

Eir turned to face Marie. “Rumors say it is rather the other way around. That Bane is

after Kyra’s blood to make him more powerful.”

“Oh bosh! That boy can turn to mist; and more, can mist anyone touching him, as well.

How do you think I got here so quickly for heavens sake? And my blood would have done as
well as Kyra’s and he has never asked nor needed it since the first time he appeared.”

“Amoria boasts to anyone who will listen…”




“A spade is a spade and etcetera. Bane knew exactly what Amoria wanted and he only

let her believe she succeeded and in return she made sure he was banished because of it. But all
has finally come to rights. He has found his mate, his destiny and the way back to his family
who will be extremely chagrined at their very poor judgment where their son is concerned. And
I know a secret you apparently do not.”

Eir lifted an eyebrow, waiting.

“Baneion with his brother Eli were the founders of the Order of the Mist.”

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Eir smirked. “I always wondered how much you knew about Bane’s past.”

“You knew all along and let me go on? That is very devious, my Goddess.”

Eir grinned, unrepentant. “Well, you must admit that the Goddess of Fate certainly

knows how to keep things interesting—for Bane is the most unlikely hero I can imagine. And I
can imagine quite a lot.”

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The silence had grown in direct proportion to Kyra’s level of anxiety as she looked

everywhere in the room but at Bane—while he watched her with the lazy intent of a predator that
had run his quarry aground and had it cornered. In retrospect, escape from the safety of Bane’s
protection had been a foolish move motivated in part by their earlier love-making. No one had
ever touched her the way Bane had; with reverence coated in balls out desire. And somehow
their joining created an intimacy she’d never guessed possible between a man and woman—that
self same intimacy had her spooked beyond reason—stripped naked and vulnerable. A feeling
she’d often felt at the hands of her step-sisters. A feeling she abhorred. Did Bane feel the
tangible link fusing them together, or did her lack of sexual experience trick her into believing
something that didn’t exist. Lord, she knew she was behaving like a skittish virgin but couldn’t
seem to stop herself. And while one silent second heaped on another, her discomfort grew.
Good Goddess, she’d escaped adolescence and the cruelty of her family more than a decade ago.
How had Bane traversed her emotional shields? She loathed this weakness; hated even more that
Bane bore witness to it. Kyra closed her eyes in an effort to regroup—grow a spine—shore up
her self-esteem—face her demons. And then she relaxed and could swear she felt Bane wrap her
psyche in comforting warmth like an invisible blanket. It breathed slowly in and out relaxing
her. Then she hitched in a surprised breath when Bane’s actual arms and body surrounded her,
drawing her head into the safe harbor under his chin and against the rolling planes of his hot,
hard chest. Holy cow patty hell; tenderness at a time like this portended tears, a red nose and
blotchy skin—humiliation just gave birth to mortification that thankfully threw a bucket of
tenacity, self-preservation and determination over her.

Kyra lifted her head and stared into flaming iridescent eyes filled with tenderness, hunger

and a touch of humor. She shook her head and grinned back.

“I love you,” slipped from Bane’s mouth while astonishment flashed across his features.

He didn’t know who looked more startled but even in the aftermath of his statement the
sentiment played along his lips. It was true. He adored, and appreciated everything about her.
He’d found his mate though why the discovery surprised him, he had no clue; he’d marked her,
taken her blood and given her his to bond them within an hour of touching her. After almost a
millennium of isolation he’d found his mate. Joy burst through his reticence and shoved his past
betrayals aside to create a place of prominence in his heart and spirit. He’d finally found his
home—Kyra. Now he simply needed to win her heart, overcome her distrust of him and his kind
and gain her permission to turn her into his mate by the final exchange of blood. He wanted to
groan but instead mustered a weak smile awaiting her next words.

Wonderment suffused with terror at his last thought. Should he first confess his actions

initiating their bonding? The exchange of blood not only heightened their sexual pleasure, it

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played a pivotal role entwining both spirit and body, and in most cases, allowed a telepathic
connection to grow strong. Would Kyra find the practice revolting or react the way she had the
last time they’d made love when he put her under compulsion. He sighed. He dare not make
love to her again until she understood that the consequences would forever join them together
and further, cause them excruciating discomfort should they ever be separated by distance. Bane
already felt the unmistakable pull and wondered if Kyra felt it too. Along with the sharpening of
her senses. She hadn’t yet mentioned it, but he’d caught her surprised expression on a number of
occasions when she cocked her head or squinted her eyes noticing her improved sensory
awareness. He’d bet that Kyra’s metaphysical powers were growing, as well. When forced to
confront her heritage would she continue to disavow her gifts or finally embrace them as an
integral part of her being?

“We must talk. I…”

Kyra held up her hand. “I know you are vexed with me for trying to leave. I don’t quite

know what got in me but I now realize that until this killer or killers are found that I am indeed in
some danger. As a matter of fact I’ve been wondering whether it wouldn’t be best for me to join
Granny Marie. I could…”

“No. I know where she resides and you can’t reach her. I know all about your gift, Kyra,

and I am intimately acquainted with Marie’s. But since you refuse to acknowledge let alone
utilize your Goddess granted abilities, you are stuck with me until the end. And longer. Forever
if I have my way. Now, do you understand?”

Kyra’s eyes grew larger with each volley he slapped her with until the last, which made

her gasp in horror. Bane’s past had cost him everything he most valued; if he lost Kyra too ....
He would not let that happen. He had to believe that she desired and wanted him as deeply as he
needed her. Failing that, the bonding ritual itself might trigger her acquiescence. If those proved
unsuccessful, however, the compulsion demanded that he complete the Triangle of Life even
without benefit of her consent. His father caught his mother in the same manner and she
worshipped him. It made him wonder how Eli had handled his bonding with Sarkinda. At one
time he wouldn’t have hesitated to ask but things between them were still tenuous. He doubted
Eli would contact him again once the Spirit Lifters were disposed of. Just the thought made his
stomach clench. He missed his family badly, even after so many years and longed to introduce
them all to Kyra. So much turmoil and disaster waited around every corner along with precious
gifts and challenges for the future; and to think, he’d complained to Marie just the month before
about how mundane his life had become. Goes to show; be careful what you ask for.

He focused on Kyra to find her watching him curiously, a million questions sparking in

her beautiful aqua marine eyes. He gently traced a knuckle from her cheek across her jaw line.

“I apologize, baby, for everything, except giving you a choice in mates. I want you too

badly, need you worse than my next breath.”

Kyra cocked her head in wry bemusement, a grin flirting with her gaze, “You did not

force me to have sex with you, hot shot. I could have just said no and your integrity would have
halted you in your tracks.”

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“I doubt that, my one. You are a voluptuous beauty that I can’t get enough of; will never

get enough of,” Bane confessed softly.

“You can’t mean it. It’s just the circumstances and responsibility you feel to keep me

safe for M&M. When this is all over you’ll wonder at your impromptu declaration but in the
meantime I intend to have my way with you.” Kyra advanced on Bane backing him up until his
legs hit the back of his massive platform bed. And when he toppled onto it Kyra climbed up him
and crushed her mouth down on his, rending a moan of defeat from him. He had to put a halt to
her seduction long enough to warn her of its consequences and the nature of his utukku blood
pushing him to complete the mating bond. He rolled her under him and broke off the kiss.
Staring down at her brought a halt to every conscience thought in his brain. With eyes shut, her
tongue made a languid sweep across her lower lip succeeding in bursting his honorable
intentions. He intended to show her exactly how far off the mark she was concerning his
feelings if it took the rest of the night and morning until neither could walk straight.

“Just remember that your actions will have sparked your final destiny. By the time I am

finished with you, danzii, you will understand the error of your ways and yield your soul to
merge with mine.” His strange declaration ended in a groan as her thigh brushed against his now
painful erection.

Kyra never felt so hot and bothered in her life. Every time they made love only seemed

to wet her appetite for more. More of him under her, over her, inside her. Tiny electric shocks
shot through her nipples, down her tummy and exploded into her womb making her wet,
swollen, tight, and wanton. She hardly recognized the creature Bane had freed. Wild and
uninhibited she played on Bane with almost child-like exuberance, knowing that anything she
did would be relished. She found the realization utterly empowering. Kyra always believed she
lacked the libido gene until she’d come in contact with this being from inside the Earth. Now it
clearly pumped into overdrive and Kyra reveled in it. Bane returned her kiss with fervor while
her hands traced over his chest, lightly pinching his nipples then continued down his rippling

When her hand found and began massaging his engorged flesh he shouted, “Enough,”

into her head momentarily stunning her. And then she seemed to get sucked into his mind
feeling what he did and how her hand felt curling around his almost purple head oozing a drop of
cum. When her own erotic desires entwined with his their eyes collided with burning hot

Bane turned rabid. He tore her shirt open, buttons flying everywhere revealing her last

sports bra which he rent with his bare hands then grabbed her upper arms and brought a breast to
his mouth and suckled hard. The pleasure pain catapulted Kyra into an orgasm that poured over
her in waves.

Bane watched her neck and jaw tense as her frame arched with the muscle of her release

and he knew a fierce satisfaction when she cried out for him. At that moment he wanted nothing
more than to initiate the final exchange of blood but knew he had to wait another day. The
metabolic changes were remolding her metabolism into that of an utukku and initiating the final
Triangle of Life too soon would overload her system and possibly end her life but he could feed

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on her. A smile slashed his face. At least he’d reconciled to turn her with or without her
permission. Bane had her on her back in an instant and stripped her jeans and panties off in one
swift motion then took care of his own and came over her. He kissed her slowly, intently before
moving to her breasts, taunting them thereby pulling Kyra from her after shocks to renewed
anticipation. She shook uncontrollably, a sheen of perspiration forming on her forehead and
flushed cheeks. Damp tendrils lovingly clung to her neck and temples and Bane thought he’d
never seen a more wondrous sight in all his life until he met her deep sea green gaze filled with
tenderness, desire and…love. Kyra loved him. The knowledge burned through all the hurt,
betrayal and anguish in his soul and replaced it with his danzii’s cleansing, joyous, bewitching
spirit. He drilled into her hard once, twice, then angling her hips up for deeper penetration,
drove in so deep he butted against her womb triggering twin orgasms. Kyra screamed his name
as Bane spilled his seed into her then bit into her left breast just above the nipple and suddenly
they were in each others minds, feeling each others intense pleasure tipping them into yet another
release so powerful Kyra blacked out while Bane fell on top of her. Boneless, he rolled to his
side molding Kyra to his body and fell asleep, a smile claiming his mouth.

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Something brought him awake in an instant. With a serial killer, or killers still on the

loose with the evidence almost certainly pointing to Spirit Lifters, Bane lately slept with one eye
open. But in this case the disturbance came from Kyra. Again. Her nightmares were
strengthening along with their bond allowing Bane an occasional glimpse of the reoccurring
scene that played over and over in her head. “Kyra, baby, wake up. It’s just another nightmare,
sweetheart. Come on open up your eyes for me.” He tried entering her mind but someone had
blocked him out. A layer of perspiration coated her body but she felt cold, clammy. He began to
shake her then wipe her tearstained cheeks and damp hair off her face. This was not a simple
nightmare; something, some spell had her in its grip. He could feel her heart beating frantically
as she fought whatever demon had invaded her consciousness. Long welts began to raise on her
skin streaking her face, arms, and chest.

Bane roared in frustration. Who was strong enough to do this?

“Elicean,” he shouted into brother’s mind and then blinked to clear his vision when he

and Sari appeared at the foot of his bed. Sari didn’t waste any time. She rushed to Kyra’s side,
felt her pulse, lifted her eyelids then drew her arm back and thwacked Kyra hard across the face.
Bane rose up to push her away but Eli held him back.

“Watch,” Eli commanded.

Kyra’s eyes snapped open. “Ouch,” she exclaimed, sitting up, holding her hand to her

cheek and in the process showing off her rose-peaked globes. Sari melted into the bathroom
returning with a cold, damp towel and pressed it against her cheek. Then the three froze,
watching the welts marring her complexion slowly fade away.

Bane blinked twice and then, realizing what they were all staring at, grabbed a pillow and

slapped it against her front.

“Uh, what’s going on?” Kyra asked carefully, confusion colored with fear evident in her

uncertain tone.

“Good question,” Eli muttered to no one in particular.

“You’re naked,” Kyra told Bane.

He grinned at her. “Glad you noticed, sweetheart.”

Sari clapped her hands. “Eli, go down stairs and get the fire going again, I’ll make us

something hot to drink and you two,” she nodded to Bane and Kyra, “get some clothes on and
join us,” Sari ordered.

Moving cautiously off the bed she avoided eye contact with Bane. She felt weak from

battling the robed demon in her nightmare and could still feel the thrashes he and his minions
inflicted though when she looked down she could find no traces of the fiery welts she’d suffered.
She rubbed her forehead. What was she thinking; it was only a dream. She must be losing it.

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Only she very much doubted it. Fiendish features floated through her mind’s eye; black hair
flowing around his head and shoulders like snakes, his tongue and fangs dripping with blood,
and iridescent red eyes lit with power and triumph coated in insanity. Nightmare or vision;
either way Kyra felt her psychic abilities pounding through her like a live entity after so many
years of hibernation. Shut way down the never used corridor in her mind. What had sparked
them back into existence and increased them tenfold? These last weeks between vivid
nightmares, dark premonitions and flashes of random thoughts from strangers made her want to
lock herself away on a faraway deserted island. Were they trying to warn…or destroy her? This
last episode trumped all the others both visually and physically and if they continued to increase,
how much longer could she survive them? She collapsed to the floor. Kyra could not remember
a time where she felt more frightened or vulnerable. How could she hope to protect herself from
something that did not exist on the physical plane? How could she protect herself even if it did?

When Bane stepped from the shower Kyra’s distress propelled him to her side. “Enough.

You are not alone and I will protect you, even from your dreams or any other entity that pops up.
Always.” Bane lifted her into his arms and put her under the still hot spray of the shower,
whispering reassurances while he washed her hair and body. At that moment, if Eli and Sari
were not awaiting them, he would have confessed his part in her transformation and every other
secret he possessed just to take her mind off the vile images passing through her mind like a

* * * *

“What happened,” the sorceress demanded.

“I don’t know. I had her. Siphoning her life force into mine felt glorious. Next time she

will be mine. I will pluck her soul right out of her.”

“Not if Bane completes her transformation; then she will be strong enough to lock you

out doubly enforced by the Sumerian’s telepathic abilities. Then we’d have to find another way
to kill her. She must not be allowed to conceive.”

Her partner shrugged. “In that case why not wait until she does conceive and go after the

child’s spirit? I can kill it right in the womb with no one the wiser and if she is even a fraction of
what the Oracle predicts, sucking her soul will surpass nirvana.”

“It won’t work.”

“You don’t know that and it’s too soon to worry about it. Come back to bed, I’m not

done with you yet.”

* * * *

“I’m alright now. You need to go down and entertain your brother and wife while I get

dressed.” Kyra separated from him, walked to the dresser and grabbed a brush which Bane took
from her trembling fingers and began working the tangles out of her hair.

“Let me care for you, danzii, you frightened years off my life with your fear.”

“Ha. You’re immortal,” she grumbled, but leaned her head back in supplication.

“What’s taking them so long?” Eli frowned and took a sip of the dark brew…and almost

spit it out. “What is this stuff?”

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“Twig tea. It’s calming and good for the digestion,” Sari informed him. “And if I have

to answer your first question, clearly we’ve been together too long.”

He grinned, snatching his mate out of her chair and onto his lap. “They make tea out of

sticks?” he asked, nibbling on her earlobe.

Sari slid a hand down and rubbed his growing erection. “Would you prefer coffee?”

“Yes, Sari,” Bane answered. “With brandy, please.”

Eli let his squirming mate up and added. “Lots of brandy.”

“How is she?” Sari asked, pouring their drinks. Bane had slipped in moments ago

looking grim and worn.

Bane rubbed the back of his neck. “I’m worried about her; this is not the first time she’s

been trapped in a nightmare by some sorcerer’s web. She hasn’t eaten a proper meal for days
and the bags under her eyes and leeched color of her face tells me it’s affecting her more than
she will admit. I can tell you for a fact that every time she’s fallen asleep in the past two days,
she’s woken with a in the midst of some terror-mare. I’m going to go check on her.”

“No need,” Kyra answered. “I’m here. I overheard a comment about twig tea; I believe

I’d like to try some.”

“You’re too pale,” Bane replied, while Sari fixed a tray.

“Let’s go sit by the fire,” Sari directed, “and you can tell us about these visions you’ve

been plagued with. When did they begin?”

“A couple of weeks ago, after I agreed to assist the Tampa PD with these murders.”

“Do you often help the police solve crimes?”

Kyra shook her head. “Not really. I’ve only worked a few of cases but unfortunately

they were high profile. And then I moved here and this and, well, you know the rest.”

“So I take it you solved your other cases?” Eli wanted to know.

“Yes. This is going to sound a little nutty, but I dreamed about the crime and the people

involved, which led to enough physical evidence to prosecute the offenders.”

“So, there’s sufficient reason for someone not to want you on the case. But haunting

your subconscious, if that’s what’s occurring; that’s a different kind of Sorcerer’s Apprentice

“If my theory is correct these murders merely served as a lure to draw Kyra onto the case

and provide a convenient reason for her demise when the time comes,” Bane stated.

Kyra gasped making Bane immediately want to recall his words but he had to make his

brother…and Kyra understand just what they were up against. He still quaked over the possible
repercussions had she’d successfully escaped him earlier.

Sari rubbed her forehead in confusion. “Why the interest in Kyra?”

“Her lineage and a certain list she collected a few months back that the Spirit Lifters find

of great interest.”

Sari gasped in dawning comprehension. “You are a healer, Kyra? But I thought…”

“My great-grandmother is a daughter of Eir.”

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Eli turned to Bane. “If Amoria is behind the attacks then she knows or suspects Kyra’s

lineage but if she doesn’t then maybe you are the target and Kyra meant only to be a snack on the
side after she’s done with you. Did you never share blood when you two were an item?”

“Obviously not or the Carnomians wouldn’t still be searching for the magic potion to

omnificence. It was so long ago but I recall putting a glamour on her to appease her endless
machinations for an exchange. I’d grown wary of her motives and meant to end it the last time
we met…only, er,” he slid a covert glance toward Kyra and muttered, “she wanted one last time.
Sort of a goodbye fuck. Geez, I’d forgotten.”

Eli jumped up and faced him. “Goddess, she set you up. Made you believe you’d killed

her when your blood didn’t give her any extra gifts. It all makes sense now. And we fell for it at
your expense.” Eli sank down onto the couch and put his hands on his head. “I’ll never forgive

“Eli, don’t.” Bane reached over and clasped his shoulder.

“What has your blood or my blood or anybody’s blood got to do with it? You’re not

going to start with the fairytale again.”

“Afraid so,” Bane replied.

Sari stood and shoved her hands on her hips, spearing Bane with her outraged stare. “She

doesn’t know? You haven’t told her? You,” she pointed at Bane, “are no better than your
Neanderthal brother.”

Kyra jumped up and screamed, “Well somebody better tell me or I swear I am out of


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Amoria opened the door of her hotel suite before Simon had a chance to knock. “Simon,

how lovely to see you again though I have to admit your timing could have been better.”

“Who is your next conquest, Amoria?”

“A police detective and he’s due here in about twenty minutes. The one in charge of the

vampyre murders.”

Simon laughed as he crossed to the bar and poured himself a scotch neat. “That’s rich.

I’ve been following the bodies you’ve left behind with interest; is your plan working?”

“But of course, darling. She’s here, isn’t she? And working on the case just as I

promised. Now it’s up to you to get her away from Bane. I tried fingering him for those cop
killings but he apparently had an alibi. However, in the process I made a date for tonight with
the good Detective.”

“Hmm, I may have an idea. Has your Detective recovered all of your leavings yet?”

“Of course not, I only left a couple so the police would call in your daughter.”

“My step-daughter. Not that I care to acknowledge her.”

“Excuse the blunder,” Amoria murmured hiding a smirk. She loved pricking Simon. His

own daughters were useless appendages compared to Kyra; at least she had more than two brain
cells to rub together.



“He’s not mine and his name is Jamison.”

“Does Detective Jamison know of your connection to Bane?”

“Of course not…”

“Do you have your trophies close at hand?”

“Of course. What are you getting at?” Amoria slipped out of her robe revealing her lush,

alabaster curves in all their glory save for the tiny swatch covering her pubic hair…or lack

Ordinarily Simon wouldn’t have hesitated to take advantage of the situation but Amoria

made his skin crawl—reminding him of a black widow. He wanted what she had. Badly. But
not at the cost of his life. Or more succinctly, his existence. He’d just make sure she changed
him before her use for him ran out. Her blood combined with his powers would make him
untouchable. And if Amoria was right about that list, he’d take a taste of his step-daughter and
become the most powerful, omnipotent being on the planet.

He brushed the back of one hand sensually down her arm in deference to her beauty. “I

think I have the perfect plan.”

* * * *

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“You’ve been pacing for,” Kyra glanced at her watch, “ten minutes. We’ve had nice nap

followed by breakfast, a shopping spree and an early dinner. When exactly does the explaining

“Kyra, Danzii, you are my life…”

“The truth, Bane. All this, your feelings come down to my blood…”

“No danzii! God no. Who did this to you? You are voluptuous, beautiful, smart, kind,

funny and far too serious for your own good. I’ll love you forever. Only you, and not for your
lineage or your bodyline. I swear this to you.

“Kyra, my family, we are the Order of the Mist. I am a product of both the utukku and

the Daughters of Eir. I am a powerful creature. My skills include shape shifting, even turning to
mist. I am strong and can move faster than the eye can track. Very little can kill me.”

Kyra’s last gasp of pre-conceived reality blasted to the heavens, piggybacked on a

lifetime of truths that she’d taken for granted. And with them the blinders she’d put into place to
block her own “talents”. Though not on a scale of Bane’s she could clearly read the truth of his

Surprises heaped on surprises had colored the last week, most delivered by the beautiful

man/beast standing in front of her, legs apart and braced, hands on hips. It was about time she
delivered one of her own. She sauntered over to him and put her hand on Bane’s chest just
above his heart.

“So, you want me,” she purred into his mind.

Bane grinned. “Oh, yeah.”



“And you’re not going to change your mind.”

He chuckled at her audacity. “No way, sweetheart.”

“Hmm.” She leaned in and replaced her hand with her lips while she worked the buttons

on his shirt.

“Baby, I want you so bad.” He went to remove her sweater but she batted his hands

away. Bane cupped her cheek in his hand and looked deeply into her eyes…and slipped into her
mind to find a cacophony of confusion, chaos and an overwhelming need to take control of some
part of her life. He understood the feeling all too well and dropped his hands to his sides in a
silent message of surrender. Her new outfit, one of nine that he’d bought her that day hugged her
curves lovingly revealing her gorgeous body rather than camouflaging it. The stunned
expression on her face the first time she caught her reflection in the mirror was priceless. She
blinked three times and then turned beet red at Bane’s lecherous grin.

Kyra slipped the shirt off his hot, hard shoulders and planted small licks and kisses along

his collarbone and down his chest finding a brown nipple, pinching the other between her thumb
and index finger. Bane groaned. Her wandering hands feathered downward and soon freed his
heavily veined, sex. She sank to her knees shoving his jeans past his hips to his knees and let
them drop brushing her hair over his bulging purple head and nipped the top of his thigh. Bane
locked his knees to stay upright making her smile around the now moist erection. She lightly

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nudged his blood-gorged appendage with hands, cheek and mouth. She’d felt his shudder and
reveled in her new found dominance.

Goddess, she would kill him at this rate. She was moving too slow; her touches too

gentle testing his restraint further than any had ever dared. A glance down told him she knew it
too. She boldly met his gaze, taking a long lick along the underside of his manhood which sent
another involuntary shudder shooting through him. He wanted to give her sway as long as she
wished but much more of her teasing would catapult him over the edge. He gritted his teeth and
fisted his hands to keep him from grabbing her, forcing her under him, pushing into her then
filling her to bursting again and again until flooding her with his seed. She’d unleashed the
pounding craving to instigate the change—sink his teeth into her fragrant, satiny skin to absorb
her essence and give her his in return so he’d never lose her to an ageing death. He could protect
her from every other danger but that one and he simply couldn’t bare a world without her in it if
she spent the rest of their days hating him. He could not give her a choice even if honor
demanded it. This seduction would end with the consummation of the Triangle of Life. The
death of Kyra’s old life and the birth of a whole new one. With him.

Unfortunately his resolve only spurred him further toward orgasm.

“Bane, you’re eyes are glowing,” she remarked in wary wonder.

“Yes,” he rasped. “It is time.”


He moved so fast Kyra found herself stripped of her clothes, hands on the dresser, facing

the mirror over it and meeting his feral gaze through it. She had done this. Made him as crazy
for her as she was for him. It amazed her that he possessed such strength and power yet he
touched her with unfailing care. Her thoughts made her cream stream down her right leg. How
could he affect her in such a way? Bane froze literally and sniffed the air causing a blush to
suffuse what felt like her entire body. His eyes fused with hers changing once again from
iridescent to a dark, blood red masking the copper. Amazingly the sight didn’t frighten her
rather it made her fearless. She pushed her bottom against him, cradling his cock between her
cheeks. She wanted him—all of him. His cock buried deep inside her, his sperm nourishing her
uterus and ovaries, and the taste of his sweat and blood under her fingernails, on her tongue and
filling her mouth, washing down her throat; quenching her as nothing had before. She wanted to
be a part of him; and he a part of her like she had seen in his mind the last time they had made
love. Forever. As equals. Now.

Kyra pushed back hard, amazing Bane with her strength of purpose. She literally threw

them back onto the bed and flipped on top of him licking and nipping him all over his chest and
down to his penis where her mouth and tongue engulfed him. Almost swallowing him. He
grabbed onto the sheets to anchor his desire to feed from her. On the brink of orgasm he
commanded, “Impale yourself, danzii.” And she did as told forcing his hiss. Her body gyrated
on him, wetting his groin, anointing his body with her juices. Soon it would be over and she
would be his for eternity. He’d never witnessed such glorious abandon from his buttoned up
professor and it made him feral.

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He roared, grabbing her hips and arching up so hard she cried out, pistoning faster than

any human was capable. Deeper, prodding her G spot over and over until she screamed her

Bane grabbed her shoulders, drawing her down. He pierced her left luscious breast and

fed claiming what was his. She bracketed his head and held him to her, eliciting yet another
orgasm that milked his cock—pumping even more of her warm, fragrant elixir into his mouth—
intoxicating him as nothing could. His. He wanted to inhale her; all of her. On the verge of
draining her, Kyra pushed him away and instead of climbing off him in horror, bit hard into the
hard muscle surrounding his nipple. Pain quickly turned to ecstasy, marveling at her aggression,
her trust, her very audacity.

Instantly hard once again he flipped them over supporting her head so she wouldn’t lose

her grip on him and began moving inside her bringing both of them to a slow glorious release
that drew a shudder from him as it went on and on.

“Kyra. Ah, Goddess, Kyra. I should have done things differently. I’m sorry.”


“Love, do you know what you are doing? The curse I have forced upon you?”

His Kyra actually growled, but took the time to carefully disengage her newly sharpened

canines to slurp at one last trickle before looking him dead in the eye. “You think I’m stupid?”

“Er, of course not…”

“Obviously you do since you believe me incapable of putting two and two together.”

“What do you suspect?” Bane asked uncertainly.

“Where should I start .... ” A loud crash froze her words.

“Police! Give yourself up Bane, and come out with your hands in the air.”

Kyra gasped when both of them were instantly clothed. “What’s going on?

“I don’t know, baby, but they sound serious so I want you to stay up here …. ”

“Not on your life.” Kyra scurried off the bed and straightened and wearing a beautiful,

royal purple sweater over tight leather pants. “Whoa.”

Bane grinned. “Another outfit for your new wardrobe.” Pounding interrupted their

moment as five swat officers swarmed into the room followed by Detective Jamison.

“Freeze,” he yelled.

“Oh, please, CJ. Get a life. What are you doing here?”

“This is police business, Kyra. You chose the wrong boyfriend.” He turned to one of the

team and ordered, “Cuff him.”

“I’ll call Eli on the way and then follow you,” Kyra told Bane.

“I’m afraid we’re holding you as a material witness. You’ll be coming along with me.”

“You gonna cuff me too, CJ?” Kyra held out her arms.

“Of course no…sarcasm does not become you, Kyra.”

“Well, stupidity doesn’t do a whole lot for you either.”

Detective Jamison motioned to his team. “Take him to the station; I’ll be there in a

minute with the witness.”

Kyra waited in stony silence for him to speak.

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“We have him dead to rights for the serial killings. A witness, and old girlfriend, to be

precise, has a piece of jewelry taken off one of the victims. A distinctive bracelet given to her by
your boyfriend just three weeks ago. It was sheer luck I recognized it while enjoying a quiet
dinner at her home.

“A trophy. The killer has been taking trophies from each kill? When were you going to

enlighten me about this, CJ? Goddess above, how did you expect me to do my job with so many
missing pieces…or did you set me up as bait from the beginning; shoving me into the limelight
in hopes of drawing out the killers?” At CJ’s guilty expression, she knew she’d nailed it.

“And now you’ve taken my only protection against them. Do you want me dead, CJ?

What have I ever done to you to deserve a death sentence?” Kyra shouted. She knew she’d lost
all of reins of her temper but she couldn’t help it. What an idiot she’d been from the start. Could
CJ be in league with the Spirit Lifters? She shook her head at the thought; she would have felt
the evil inside him if that were the case…and yet. She peered closely at his aura. Something had
altered. Nothing obvious but… “Sit down CJ. Sit!” she barked when he opened his mouth to

He licked his lips nervously. “You don’t understand, sweetheart.” Flinching at her sneer

of condemnation at his use of the endearment. “We may have leaked the news to the press but
you were well guarded at every moment.”

“Oh really. Where were you when the last three attempts on my life took place? If not

for Bane I’d be cold in the ground by now.”

“No, you don’t understand. He’s our murderer and was only using you for an alibi. First

he created the situation and then saved you from it to gain your trust. He’s been using you from
the first.”

“Like you, CJ?” She smiled sweetly. “Then who were the thugs who almost burned

down Mama Marie’s house with Bane and me still in it? How could he have been in two places
at once?”

“He could have snuck out at any time. It’s not as if you were in bed…”

“Together? Now that you bring it up, yes we were. Do you think someone like Bane

could not possibly find me attractive? Or are you about to intimate that I am so hard up it
wouldn’t matter to me if he had some ulterior motive for sleeping with me.” Kyra leveled him
with a glare impossible to misinterpret; that only an idiot would question and wisely kept his
mouth shut. “And who murdered your own men after Bane took me to the safety of his home,
guarding me himself and entertaining his brother and sister-in-law?”


“Or will you accuse me of lying next? Hmm, maybe your brilliant mind will deduce that

he’s the boss of a whole pack of serial killers when the guy has loner practically tattooed on his
forehead. Honestly CJ, where has your logic disappeared?”

CJ rubbed his temples. “But I have proof,” he offered weakly. “The bracelet; it’s the

dead girl’s. And Amoria saw him kill the officers guarding your house. She’s an eyewitness.
You’re being played by a master manipulator…”

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“No, you are the one being played, CJ. Using your prejudice against Bane, that bitch

created the perfect fall guy to hide her own crimes. And you fell for it. She has the gang; she is
your master manipulator and she is your murderer.”

CJ shook his head. “That can’t be. She’s small, dainty, a lady. The murderer had to

have been immensely strong; in some instances the head of the vic’s were torn right from their

Kyra knew she must tread carefully here; Bane and his people had to be protected at all

cost. Very few humans had the sort of strength CJ described. “She clearly had accomplices.”

“Yes, perhaps. But that still implicates your boyfriend. He and Amoria only broke up a

couple of weeks ago.”

“CJ, Bane and Amoria were childhood sweethearts—briefly. He already confessed that.

Hell hath no fury and all that. And make no mistake, it didn’t end well. He didn’t even know
she was still alive, let alone in town until Eli told him yesterday.”

“They’re all connected somehow, aren’t they?”

“Well, yes, I guess you could say that. They’re all from the same village and grew up

together, only Bane left home when he was still a teenager. Yesterday was also the first time
he’d seen his own brother since he left.

“Amoria has got some sort of strange vendetta thing going on, CJ, and I swear to you that

she is your killer.”

“How can you be so sure, Kyra?”

“The same way I solved all the other cases, CJ. Now just trust me for a change. It is,

after all, why you hired me.”

“Yes, CJ darling, maybe you should have trusted her,” Amoria drawled from the


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Bane worked hard to keep himself from losing control while to police finished processing

him. It wouldn’t do to evaporate while they were fingerprinting the first finger of his left hand.
He’d left Kyra unprotected and his instincts were crawling toward panic. A feeling he hadn’t felt
in…he couldn’t remember when. “Eli.”

“Tone it down, I’m here.”

“Has Kyra contacted you?”

“No and there’s no message on Sari’s phone, either. Where are you?”

“Jail—and I think Kyra’s in trouble. Can you get over to my place and check on her?

She’s supposed to be on her way here but…

“Amoria! Amoria’s there and she’s frightened.”

“Sweet Goddess, Baneion, we’re with father and mother explaining everything. We’ll

never reach her in time. You finished the turn, right?”

“Yeah, just before we were interrupted by our favorite detective, Jamison.”

“Well then she should be able to take care of herself.”

“Think, Eli, she knows nothing about our powers, what is possible and what is not. Hell,

she successfully blocked her own powers for most of her life.”


big-bad-loner-wolf-hero-of-Ybor-City-lately-come-lifemate; hold the fort.

We’re on our way.”

“Eli, we must go now,” Sari mind-spoke to him.

“First we must tell our family. They may want to join us.”

“Why aren’t you more concerned?”

Eli shrugged. “Baneion can take care of himself and his mate. I feel it down to my


Sari looked at him, incredulous. “You’re proud of him.”

Eli nodded. “Always, my one. Always.”

“So much for the “He got what he deserved” spiel you fed me,” Sari grumbled.

* * * *

Before Bane could curse, he felt Kyra’s voice in his head. His relief propelled him down

onto the worn cot in his cell. “You are frightened.”

“Your girlfriend stopped in for a visit. I am reading a definite desire for my blood. I fear

she is doomed to failure.”

“Listen carefully, danzii, visualize you body melting into mist and float through any

opening large enough to leak air.”

“I can’t leave CJ here. She’ll kill him.”

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“Who cares? This whole situation—bringing you here, publicizing your role, putting you

in danger, trusting the wrong people—all of this is his doing. Now I order you to get out of there
or it will not go well for you when we next meet.”

“Ooooo, I’m so scared. I’m in the same room with your certifiable psycho, ex-girlfriend.

She knows something’s up. I have to go.”

“No! Keep your mind open so I can monitor you.”

“If I do that she’ll be able to read me too.”

“No she won’t. Trust me danzii. Please.” Bane felt her mind open to him and blew out

the breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding.”

“Are you listening to me, little Miss Professor?”

Kyra looked right into her lifeless eyes and suppressed a shudder. “I can hardly avoid it,

now can I?”

“So, do you know why I am here?” Amoria licked her lips.

Kyra smiled, showing more bravado than she felt. “For my head?”

Amoria laughed. “Close.”

CJ took a step toward her. “What is going on, Amoria? I thought we had a good time the

other night. Tell Kyra she’s wrong about everything and let’s get out of here.” CJ slowly
approached but when he touched her arm she turned on him and tore into his neck then tossed
him past Kyra against the wall. And turned back revealing a bloody smile.

“So little professor…”

Kyra took and involuntary step back and shuddered but forced a laugh, relieved when CJ

emitted a groan beside her. “I probably out weigh you by fifty pounds; little is hardly the
descriptive adjective appropriate…”

“Shut up you fat whore. You think Bane would give you the time of day without your

supposed bloodline? He loves me and when I do away with you I will have him again…if I

“Lady, you are a legend in your own mind.”

“Don’t bait her. I am being taken through the arrest process. Fingerprinting, mug shots,

prison clothes; nothing I haven’t been through before but unless absolutely imperative, turning to
mist would be bad form at this moment. Get out of there.”

Amoria inched toward Kyra, her incisors fully extended compelling something inside

Kyra to swell and take over. Normally she would think it an overabundance of adrenaline but
her own powers seemed to swirl into a foreign energy heightening her eyesight and other senses.
Empowering her, defeating her fear and educating her as to how to proceed. The feeling of
exhilaration almost caused her to miss Amoria’s attack. She ducked at the last moment and
found herself in front of CJ, protecting him from further harm.

“How did you do that?” she hissed. “You shouldn’t be able to do that. My Goddess, it’s

true. Baneion actually turned you. You must possess the sought after fluid that enhances our
powers. Finally—a rumor with some truth behind it. And you’re all mine. He’ll never be

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accepted by the council now. It is illegal to turn one who is not your mate and there is no

“Sorry to disappoint but we are mated.” Amoria eyes swirled to a dark iridescent puce

that slowly turned to blood red while stalking toward her.

Only this time Amoria tried mesmerizing her as she advanced. When she began

humming, Kyra felt herself being lost in the melody, drawing her into another place of peace.
And tranquility.

“Kyra, watch out!” Bane shouted into her mind. Kyra shot an arm out hurling Amoria to

the opposite wall without so much as touching her.

“Leave now, Amoria. Don’t make me harm you; I’d like to leave that to Bane when he

gets here. You have much to answer for.” Behind her CJ groaned and when she glanced back
Amoria was gone.

Kyra grabbed the portable phone off the bed and began dialing. “CJ, can you hear me?

I’m calling for help; everything will be alright.”

“I don’t think so,” Amoria taunted. She’d returned with Simon, her step-father, and her

two wicked step-sisters, Ruby and Pearl, along with five other men all sprouting fangs. If she
and CJ hadn’t been standing so close the wall shared by the master bath, she had no doubt they
would now be surrounded. And all hope extinguished.

I’m coming now, Bane messaged. Kyra blinked in relief. All she had to do was stall

until he arrived. She had absolute faith that Bane would save them. “I might have known you
four would have found each other. Birds of a feather and all that. Did she change you daddy
dearest? You seem…diminished.”

“Why you little bitch—always better than the rest of us. Well now I’m as powerful as

you and when I get done with you I’ll be strong enough to rule the world and ones like you,
Marie and your precious Bane will good for nothing more than my nourishment.”

“You’re nothing but a sycophant Simon. You fed off my mother to boaster your

reputation, off Amoria for her blood and now you want to feed off me. The truth is you have no
abilities of your own and you are nothing without the things you take from others to empower
you. I can’t even imagine what Amoria wants with you unless…have you killed my mother

Ruby stomped her foot. “How dare you imply daddy would hurt our mother. That’s just

sick. Tell her daddy.”

Simon smirked, evil pouring from his eyes, and did not even look at his daughters. “We

will discuss it later. Right now we have business to attend to.”

“Oh God,” Pearl whispered, “You did kill her. I can see it in your mind. You killed our

mother—your wife. How could you…”

“Enough! I did it for us. We don’t need her any longer. If it will make you feel any

better, I killed Kyra’s father, too, for which you should be profoundly grateful or we would not
be where we are today.”

“I had no idea you had so much evil inside you, Simon,” Kyra stated calmly. “You will

die for that. I will kill you myself.”

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Mist appeared beside her and materialized into Bane. “So, did I miss anything?”

“Ah, Baneion, right on time. The conversation had been getting off track but here you

are to clarify everything. If you want to observe a real sycophant, I believe is the word you used,
Professor, you should look beside you. For Baneion is the guiltiest of us all. At least we are
telling you we are taking your blood, Baneion cheated it out of you. He used pretty words to
fool you into giving him what he needed and I’m sure he’ll do away with you, too, when your
usefulness is through.”

“You are wrong Amoria. The only thing I need from Kyra is her love and friendship.

Two words foreign to your experience,” Bane replied softly, lacing his fingers through Kyra’s.

“Ha, I had you already. If you’d had any special gifts they would’ve transferred to me.

But the only thing I walked away with is a good laugh—at your expense.”

“Well here’s another tickler for you Amoria. I put a glamour on you to make you think

the exchange had taken place. Do you really think I would have given my gift to one such as
you? My family and I are the original members of The Order of the Mist.” At Amoria’s gasp
Bane smiled. “I see you know what that means. For everyone else here I will explain. Anyone
who is a threat to my mate will die this day.” Muffled screams could be heard from outside the
window and downstairs and suddenly chaos reined.

Kyra stared in disbelief as Amoria, her stepfather, step-sisters and the rest of their crew

vanished into dust. An instant later with all evidence of her step family disintegrated, Kyra felt
herself fall into a void.

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“There’s nothing we can do,” Kyra heard, awakening. She sat up and took in the scene.

CJ sprawled on the bed next to hers with a huge gash on the base of his neck with Eli, Sari and
Bane on either side of him.

“Is he dead?” she asked, rolling off the bed.

“Almost. He’s lost too much blood.”

“But you must save him. Can’t you make him one of us?”

Bane eyed her; a dangerous undertone in his quiet voice when he asked, “Why must we

save him? What is he to you or is there something you wish to tell me?”


Eli cleared his throat. “It’s too risky, Kyra. It takes three exchanges, if we try it in one or

even two the metabolic changes would almost surely kill him. And he won’t live long enough
for that to occur. Added to everything else, he’s a police officer; if he did die during the
transformation there’d be an autopsy for sure.”

“Well, what’s there going to be now? The police should be here any moment looking for

Bane and we have no bad guys to hand over while our one credible witness is on the floor dying
with a huge gash in his neck similar to the other victims of the serial killer.”

The entire group looked at each other and then at Kyra. “Well shit,” Bane muttered.

Pounding feet tore up the stairs until the entrance to the bedroom was filled with

concerned faces.

“Kyra, may I present the rest of my family.” Kyra nodded coolly and then another

disturbance interrupted the first.

“Goddess, this place is worse than an airport and now is not the time, CJ has been

unconscious for too long,” hiccupping her distress between the declaration while kneeling beside
her friend.

“Sirens are approaching and will be here within the next three minutes,” a new voice

lightly commented. “Hey bro, how they hanging? Thought you might need some help but I see
all is well in hand.”

“Leon!” Bane jumped up and hugged the newcomer. “I indeed need your help now;

Kyra, this is my main partner in crime, Leon. Leon, Kyra. More introductions later but first
change the near-dead-detective staining up my carpet. Fast man; he’s our only witness.”

“That’s why I love hanging with you, dude. Always stuff happening.”

“Now, Leon.” Leon eyed the detective, bent down and went to work.

Bane pulled up Kyra and led her from the room. “He can change CJ safely though he

won’t be able to tolerate daylight, eat food and be solely dependant on blood for nutrition. But
it’s different these days with blood bags readily available. He’ll live though, baby, and have a

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lifespan like ours. I guess I’ll have to learn to tolerate young pup now that I know you’re tied to
me for all time.”

“So sure of yourself.”

“You bet.” Taking Kyra’s mouth, he devoured it like his last meal.

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I can’t believe your whole family showed up to help you after ignoring your presence

for…” Bane place a hand gently over her mouth.

“A long, long time. And my youngest brother is missing. They said he left shortly after

they disowned me. He was only fifteen. Too young to be on his own; especially for one of our

“Why would he leave so young?”

“Eli said my banishment hit him the hardest. He always kind of worshipped me—being

the oldest and all, I guess.” Bane rubbed his hand down his face looking suddenly fatigued.
Kyra waited for him to continue.

“Anyway he said if they could turn their back on me so easily what chance did the rest of

them have. He left sometime the next day; they thought to search for me.”

“Dear Goddess. And no one has heard from him since? What is his name?”

“Tobias. Missing all these years…”

Kyra put a gentle hand on his back, rubbing slowly. “We’ll find him, Bane. I promise.

And he’ll be alright. Now tell me about the others and we’ll see if I can keep them straight. And
by the way I can already tell you that Leon is my favorite.”

“He’s not blood related,” Bane intoned deadpan, making Kyra giggle.

“I don’t know, there’s a certain similarity between you two. Both knights in shining

armor. There when you need them most. How do you think he and CJ will get along?”

Bane laughed out loud. “CJ will deserve everything he receives and I can hardly wait.”

Kyra giggled. “I really like Leon; let’s invite him over when we get rid of your

incredibly large family.”

“He liked you too, danzii.” Leon was big, black, mean and all attitude—with a heart of

gold. “Now, back to my family. We can’t hold them off forever.”

Bane looked down and gently smoothed a lock of hair behind her ear. Let’s see there’s

Tellor and his mate Fauna, and Sari’s er, cat, Lithrasir, Ridge, Storm, and Case. Don’t worry
over their names, you’ll get them eventually.”

“Alright then I’ll worry over something else. How about CJ; will he make it?”

Kyra, dressed in one of her new outfits appropriate for meeting his family, glowed in

breathtaking perfection. She was his and he would never leave her side. Bane cocked his head.
“Why is this so important to you, danzii?”

“Sheesh, men can be so dense. You are my true mate, the one I want to spend forever

with. CJ is my friend. Okay, he put me in danger but he’s a cop first and was only trying to do
his job. He is one of the good guys and didn’t deserve Amoria or anything else that happened.
And now he’ll be invaluable to the force. Just think; the supernatural will be a growing

background image

challenge, I feel it, and CJ will be the only law enforcement here who will be able to spot and
take care of it. Next year we will be heading west.”

“Yes, oh intuitive one; I believe I see a family in our future—within the coming year.”



“You’re a smart kind of guy, you figure it out.”

Bane jumped up, glad that they were alone for the moment, and grabbed his mate. “You

have made me the happiest of males in the universe. Danzii, you are well and truly caught—and
I will never relinquish my prize.”

background image



“Their enemies did not succeed,” the Dark Lord pondered.

“Such a gift for understatement you have, my love.”

“I will go back into her dreams this eve and see if I can finish what I initiated.”

The sorceress tetched. “You are too late. He turned her and they are now fused; you will

now be fighting both and even you are not strong enough for that.”

He shrugged. “We will see if she conceives and then decide what can be done. Between

the two of us I am certain we will end victorious.”

The End


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