Bad guys 2 Knife ambush

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Street knife ambush

You still here motherfucker !!!??? Let me show you some basic knife ambush
tactics !!!

Realistic street knife combat is very seldom a situation involving 2 dildos standing in the front
of each other, waving knives in front of the crowd/witnesses.

Most often it will be a situation where 1 person will brutally attack the other one and only the
attacker will know that there is a knife involved.

It has to be mentioned that a knife is one of the most dangerous and effective weapons used on
the streets. These are a few of the reasons:

1. it is difficult to detect, even when the attacker pulls it out.
2. it is easy to handle, with no skill required.
3. because of the size and weight of the knife, it is fast to use.
4. it is difficult to defend against because of the close distance it is used in.

Not everybody will be able to use the knife in street confrontations as it takes a lot of”guts” to
use such a brutal weapon. You have to be so close to the victim that you will feel and smell
his panic, his pain, his body smell and his blood…

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Reasons for using a knife

Knife is used on the streets because of different reasons:

1. to threaten or intimidate people, so as to force the victim to do what I want. When a knife is
pulled out and visible to the victim, the attacker is looking for a psychological effect. During
this type of attack the attacker doesn’t usually want to injure the victim.

2. To hurt and humiliate the victim. In different cultures the aim would not be to kill
somebody, but to cause a visible injury, maybe to the face.

3. To kill the other person. In most of these cases the victim will never see the knife or will
see it much too late.

Any of the above situations may escalate and become more violent and result in the
death of the victim.


Because of the stress in such life and death situations, there are rally only 2 types of grips on
the knife:

1. natural grip
2. ice pick grip

Usually the knife will be held in a very convulsive grip with all fingers around the knife. It
has to be hard enough so that you will not loose it during a fight. The grip may vary slightly
depending on how you are carrying the knife.

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Targets & injuries

You have to understand that almost every knife attack will result in some kind of injury if not
Choosing a target depends partly on:

1. the result the attacker will gain
2. clothes the victim is wearing. If somebody is wearing just a t-shirt he is in deep shit.
3. the way of carrying and pulling the knife

The kind of injury will depend on what target will be attacked. Two different kinds of attacks
are most common:
1. slashes: Hands, arms, throat, face.
2. stabs: Upper left chest/neck area, stomach, kidney area.

It is important to remember that attacks to specific targets don’t mean the victim will instantly
fall down to the ground. He may continue for seconds or minutes depending on the damage.
The realistic attack/ambush will include multiple stabbing and slashing until the victim is
down and out.


We have to understand the criminal is not a complete idiot attacking in such a way that
everybody will see his actions. He is a smart ass. He doesn’t want to be involved in a fight
and he will attack in such a way that nobody will be able to tell the officers how, when and
why. One of the basic rules is: maximum damage/result in shortest possible time.

The following tactics may be used as a basic guide for effective street knife attacks:

1. Ambush / a moment of surprise – a brutal and violent multiple attack. This most

effective when done from behind. The victim can not defend himself and cannot see
who did what.

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2. ”Making a sucker” – if attacking from the front, a different kind of set up is needed to

get the victims attention from pulling the knife and to find out if the victim is ”safe”.
Questioning is one of basic methods of setting up to make a sucker. For example:
”What time is it?”. At the moment the victim looks down at his watch, the knife is
pulled out and used in a violent multiple manner.

3. Concealed carry / knife is not visible to the victim / - the knife is hidden until it is time

to use it. In such a way that neither the victim nor witnesses will have a chance to see
what, how and when it happened.
confrontation may end at the court so he will do everything to prevent it.
Below are some examples of concealed carry. OPEN YOUR EYES and look for
those visible signals.

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The more clothes the more places to hide the weapon

4. Pulling out the knife fast, brutal & multiple attacks / stabs and slashes /.

5. Hide a knife – After an effective attack, the criminal will hide or throw a knife away. This
is often not necessary immediately after the crime.

6. Walking away – after an effective attack the criminal will just walk away. Sometimes walk
or sometimes run fast and start to walk normally after a few yards, trying not to attract
anyone’s attention. Somebody is hurt, down maybe screaming for HELP!!! Most of the
witnesses/people will focus on the person on the ground, getting tunnel vision, and not see the
normal things around. They may not see the attacker walking away. That’s psychology !!!

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Knife attack

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Mental approach / attitude

It takes guts and attitude to attack somebody with a knife. This is a FACT. This is because a
knife attack is done at such a close distance. It is”easier” to shoot somebody, as this is not
personal. It becomes personal when you are in their personal space. To attack and hurt
people with knife means you are in a very close distance. You will feel, see, smell and hear
their voice, body, fear etc… Not everybody can handle it.

The criminal will most often attack from behind as this is the easiest and most effective way
of attacking. The risk for the attacker being injured is minimized. Violent and multiple
attacks are utilized, to gain as much damage as possible in shortest possible time.

Conscious action

A street knife attack/ambush is a very brutal but conscious action. The criminal/attacker is
consciously making decisions. First, actually putting the knife into his pocket. Choosing the
victim. Setting him up. Grabbing and pulling out the knife. The attack is also a conscious
action. The criminal/attacker has all the time possible to stop his actions. He is making
choices all the time!

Legal and moral aspects

The criminal is not bound by either legal or moral aspects which would force him to
stop/withdraw the attack. The legal aspect is taken into consideration because of only one
reason: not be arrested for the crime. Therefore all the tactical aspects of effective ambush are
taken into consideration


Presented information includes basics of realistic and brutal street knife ambush/attack. This
is the information presented partly from the bad guy’s point of view. However to survive such
a violent ambush on the street you have to understand the basics of it. You have to be aware

1. how the criminal will try to set you up
2. how he carries, pulls the knife out of his pocket and
3. how he will use it

So open your fucking eyes and Stay Alive!!!

The info is presented for academic purposes only. The author is not responsible for the
use or misuse of this information.


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