test no 6

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Test No. 6

1. Przeczytaj tekst i połącz poniższe nagłówki A-E z odpowiednimi
akapitami 1-4. Jeden nagłówek został podany dodatkowo i nie pasuje do
żadnego akapitu:
adapted from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goofy
A. The debut
B. Family
C. Nicknames
D. Personality
E. General appearance
1. … Goofy is a funny animal cartoon character created in 1932 at Walt Disney
Productions. Goofy typically wears a turtle neck and vest, with pants, shoes, white
gloves, and a tall hat originally designed as a rumpled fedora.
2. … He is a close friend of Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck and is one of Disney's
most popular characters. He is normally characterized as extremely clumsy and
having little intelligence. Occasionally, Goofy is shown as intuitive and clever, albeit
in his own unique, eccentric way.
3. … Goofy appeared in animated cartoons, starting in 1932 with

Mickey's Revue.

During the 1930s he was used as part of a comedy trio with Mickey and Donald.
Starting in 1939, Goofy was given his own series of shorts which were popular in the
1940s and early '50s. He also co-starred in a short series with Donald.
4. … Originally known as Dippy Dawg, the character is more commonly known simply
as "Goofy," a name used in his short film series. In his 1950s persona, Goofy was
called George Geef, or G. G. Geef in many other sources, both animated and comics,
the surname Goof continues to be used.
2. Przeczytaj tekst i zaznacz czy stwierdzenie 1-5 są prawdziwe (TRUE) czy
fałszywe (FALSE):

How to behave in a London pub

As a tourist in London it’s probable that you won’t know some of the unspoken rules
of pub culture. Here is an interesting, brief guide of what to do and what not to do in
a London pub.

Firstly, England is a very receptive place. If you’re nice to people they’ll do anything
they can to help you but if you’re mean or rude you will be treated badly. When
standing at the bar waiting to order, don’t shout for attention. The bar staff are
aware you are waiting and if you shout or raise your hand they will just make you
wait even longer. If you stand quietly with a smile on your face they will rush over to
you because they know that you’ll be a nice customer.

Manners play a huge part in pub culture and a simple “please” or “thank you” go a
long way. Never tip in a pub. It’s just not the done thing. By all means tip in a

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restaurant but not in a pub. For instance, if you really want to be nice to the bar staff
you can offer to buy them a drink.

People won’t think you’re rude if you don’t introduce yourself. You’re never going to
see the bar staff again apart from when you order a second drink and they won’t
remember you anyway because they deal with hundreds of customers a night. If you
do feel the urge maybe just say “Hi” but if you follow it with “My name is...” they’ll
think you’re trying to sell them something.

If you plan to stay a while you should buy a round of drinks. But it’s not just you that
does it, everyone does. Don’t think that no-one will notice if you try to avoid it!
Anyone who doesn’t buy a round will be called a ‘cheap skate’ if not something

1. In a pub there might be some rules which are little known to a visitor.


2. If you shout waiting at the bar, you will get your drink quickly.


3. Leave a tip if you want to thank the bar staff.


4. It’s not rude if you don’t say your name.


5. It’s popular with people to buy drinks for everyone.


3. Uzupełnij zdania za pomocą słów podanych w nawiasach w
odpowiedniej formie:

1. Jenny ................... it was her money. (


2. Believe me or not – it’s ................... place in the world. (


3. Has anyone ................... what happened? (


4. It’s been the ................... time I saw you smoking cigarettes. (


5. Come on! Stop ................... and get back to work. (cry)

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4. Przetłumacz fragmenty zdań wykorzystując słówka z nawiasów:

1 .................................. sisters are married. (o

bie jej)

2. The cat was .................................. to move. (

za leniwy)

3. In August we .................................. (jedziemy nad morze)

4. .................................. people spend too much time watching TV and surfing the
internet. (w

dzisiejszych czasach)

5. .................................. the match, he will become a champion. (

jeśli John wygra)

5. Zaznacz kółkiem poprawne słowo w każdym zdaniu:

1. My ant/aunt bakes the most delicious cookies.

2. I have got nothing to do. I am so bored/boring.

3. They took a 40% stake/steak in the company last year.

4. The damage here was only miner/minor.

5. You never know what might/mite happen in the future.

6. Uzupełnij zdania za pomocą odpowiednio odmienionych słów podanych
po prawej stronie:

1. In ...................... kids learn how to ride a bike.


2. We spend some money on ......................


3. She said it ......................


4. Pam is so ...................... - she can sing very well.


5. It is ...................... today.



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