LC (MiGLayout 4.0 API) function windowTitle() { if (location.href.indexOf('is-external=true') == -1) { parent.document.title="LC (MiGLayout 4.0 API)"; } } Overview  Package   Class  Use  Tree  Deprecated  Index  Help   PREV CLASS   NEXT CLASS FRAMES    NO FRAMES     All Classes SUMMARY: NESTED | FIELD | CONSTR | METHOD DETAIL: FIELD | CONSTR | METHOD net.miginfocom.layout Class LC java.lang.Object net.miginfocom.layout.LC All Implemented Interfaces:, public final class LCextends java.lang.Objectimplements Contains the constraints for an instance of the LC layout manager. See Also:Serialized Form Constructor Summary LC()           Empty constructor.   Method Summary  LC align(java.lang.String ax, java.lang.String ay)           Sets both the alignX and alignY as the same time.  LC alignX(java.lang.String align)           Same functionality as setAlignX(ConstraintParser.parseUnitValueOrAlign(unitValue, true)) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls.  LC alignY(java.lang.String align)           Same functionality as setAlignY(ConstraintParser.parseUnitValueOrAlign(align, false)) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls.  LC bottomToTop()           Same functionality as setTopToBottom(boolean false) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls.  LC debug(int repaintMillis)           Same functionality as setDebugMillis(int repaintMillis) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls.  LC fill()           Same functionality as setFillX(boolean true) and setFillY(boolean true) conmbined.T his method returns this for chaining multiple calls.  LC fillX()           Same functionality as setFillX(boolean true) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls.  LC fillY()           Same functionality as setFillY(boolean true) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls.  LC flowX()           Same functionality as setFlowX(boolean true) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls.  LC flowY()           Same functionality as setFlowX(boolean false) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls.  UnitValue getAlignX()           If the laid out components' bounds in total is less than the final size of the container these align values will be used to align the components in the parent.  UnitValue getAlignY()           If the laid out components' bounds in total is less than the final size of the container these align values will be used to align the components in the parent.  int getDebugMillis()           If > 0 the debug decorations will be repainted every millis.  BoundSize getGridGapX()           If non-null (null is default) these value will be used as the default gaps between the columns in the grid.  BoundSize getGridGapY()           If non-null (null is default) these value will be used as the default gaps between the rows in the grid.  BoundSize getHeight()           Returns the minimum/preferred/maximum size for the container that this layout constraint is set for.  int getHideMode()           How a component that is hidden (not visible) should be treated by default.  UnitValue[] getInsets()           The insets for the layed out panel.  java.lang.Boolean getLeftToRight()           If the layout should be forced to be left-to-right or right-to-left.  BoundSize getPackHeight()           Returns the "pack height" for the window that this container is located in.  float getPackHeightAlign()           If there is a resize of the window due to packing (see setPackHeight(BoundSize) this value, which is between 0f and 1f, decides where the extra/surpurflous size is placed.  BoundSize getPackWidth()           Returns the "pack width" for the window that this container is located in.  float getPackWidthAlign()           If there is a resize of the window due to packing (see setPackHeight(BoundSize) this value, which is between 0f and 1f, decides where the extra/surpurflous size is placed.  BoundSize getWidth()           Returns the minimum/preferred/maximum size for the container that this layout constraint is set for.  int getWrapAfter()           Returns after what cell the grid should always auto wrap.  LC gridGap(java.lang.String gapx, java.lang.String gapy)           Sets both grid gaps at the same time.  LC gridGapX(java.lang.String boundsSize)           Same functionality as setGridGapX(ConstraintParser.parseBoundSize(boundsSize, true, true)) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls.  LC gridGapY(java.lang.String boundsSize)           Same functionality as setGridGapY(ConstraintParser.parseBoundSize(boundsSize, true, false)) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls.  LC height(java.lang.String height)           The height for the container as a min and/or preferred and/or maximum height.  LC hideMode(int mode)           Same functionality as setHideMode(int mode) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls.  LC insets(java.lang.String s)           Same functionality as setInsets(ConstraintParser.parseInsets(s, true)).  LC insets(java.lang.String top, java.lang.String left, java.lang.String bottom, java.lang.String right)           Sets the different insets (expressed as a UnitValues, e.g.  LC insetsAll(java.lang.String allSides)           Sets the same inset (expressed as a UnitValue, e.g.  boolean isFillX()           If the layout should always claim the whole bounds of the laid out container even if the preferred size is smaller.  boolean isFillY()           If the layout should always claim the whole bounds of the laid out container even if the preferred size is smaller.  boolean isFlowX()           The default flow direction.  boolean isNoCache()           If components have sizes or positions linked to the bounds of the parent in some way (as for instance the "%" unit has) the cache must be turned off for the panel.  boolean isNoGrid()           If the whole layout should be non grid based.  boolean isTopToBottom()           If the layout should go from the default top-to-bottom in the grid instead of the optinal bottom-to-top.  boolean isVisualPadding()           If visual padding should be automatically used and compensated for by this layout instance.  LC leftToRight(boolean b)           Same functionality as setLeftToRight(Boolean) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls.  LC maxHeight(java.lang.String height)           The maximum height for the container.  LC maxWidth(java.lang.String width)           The maximum width for the container.  LC minHeight(java.lang.String height)           The minimum height for the container.  LC minWidth(java.lang.String width)           The minimum width for the container.  LC noCache()           Same functionality as setNoCache(boolean true) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls.  LC noGrid()           Same functionality as setNoGrid(boolean true) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls.  LC noVisualPadding()           Same functionality as setVisualPadding(boolean false) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls.  LC pack()           Short for, and thus same as, .pack("pref", "pref").  LC pack(java.lang.String width, java.lang.String height)           Sets the pack width and height.  LC packAlign(float alignX, float alignY)           Sets the pack width and height alignment.  void readExternal( in)              LC rightToLeft()           Same functionality as setLeftToRight(false) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls.  void setAlignX(UnitValue uv)           If the laid out components' bounds in total is less than the final size of the container these align values will be used to align the components in the parent.  void setAlignY(UnitValue uv)           If the laid out components' bounds in total is less than the final size of the container these align values will be used to align the components in the parent.  void setDebugMillis(int millis)           If > 0 the debug decorations will be repainted every millis.  void setFillX(boolean b)           If the layout should always claim the whole bounds of the laid out container even if the preferred size is smaller.  void setFillY(boolean b)           If the layout should always claim the whole bounds of the laid out container even if the preferred size is smaller.  void setFlowX(boolean b)           The default flow direction.  void setGridGapX(BoundSize x)           If non-null (null is default) these value will be used as the default gaps between the columns in the grid.  void setGridGapY(BoundSize y)           If non-null (null is default) these value will be used as the default gaps between the rows in the grid.  void setHeight(BoundSize size)           Sets the minimum/preferred/maximum size for the container that this layout constraint is set for.  void setHideMode(int mode)           How a component that is hidden (not visible) should be treated.  void setInsets(UnitValue[] ins)           The insets for the layed out panel.  void setLeftToRight(java.lang.Boolean b)           If the layout should be forced to be left-to-right or right-to-left.  void setNoCache(boolean b)           If components have sizes or positions linked to the bounds of the parent in some way (as for instance the "%" unit has) the cache must be turned off for the panel.  void setNoGrid(boolean b)           If the whole layout should be non grid based.  void setPackHeight(BoundSize size)           Sets the "pack height" for the window that this container is located in.  void setPackHeightAlign(float align)           If there is a resize of the window due to packing (see setPackHeight(BoundSize) this value, which is between 0f and 1f, decides where the extra/surpurflous size is placed.  void setPackWidth(BoundSize size)           Sets the "pack width" for the window that this container is located in.  void setPackWidthAlign(float align)           If there is a resize of the window due to packing (see setPackHeight(BoundSize) this value, which is between 0f and 1f, decides where the extra/surpurflous size is placed.  void setTopToBottom(boolean b)           If the layout should go from the default top-to-bottom in the grid instead of the optinal bottom-to-top.  void setVisualPadding(boolean b)           If visual padding should be automatically used and compensated for by this layout instance.  void setWidth(BoundSize size)           Sets the minimum/preferred/maximum size for the container that this layout constraint is set for.  void setWrapAfter(int count)           Sets after what cell the grid should always auto wrap.  LC topToBottom()           Same functionality as setTopToBottom(boolean true) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls.  LC width(java.lang.String width)           The width for the container as a min and/or preferred and/or maximum width.  LC wrap()           Sets a wrap after the number of columns/rows that is defined in the AC.  LC wrapAfter(int count)           Same functionality as setWrapAfter(int) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls.  void writeExternal( out)               Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait   Constructor Detail LC public LC() Empty constructor. Method Detail isNoCache public boolean isNoCache() If components have sizes or positions linked to the bounds of the parent in some way (as for instance the "%" unit has) the cache must be turned off for the panel. If components does not get the correct or expected size or position try to set this property to true. Returns:true means no cache and slightly slower layout. setNoCache public void setNoCache(boolean b) If components have sizes or positions linked to the bounds of the parent in some way (as for instance the "%" unit has) the cache must be turned off for the panel. If components does not get the correct or expected size or position try to set this property to true. Parameters:b - true means no cache and slightly slower layout. getAlignX public final UnitValue getAlignX() If the laid out components' bounds in total is less than the final size of the container these align values will be used to align the components in the parent. null is default and that means top/left alignment. The relative distances between the components will not be affected by this property. Returns:The current alignment. setAlignX public final void setAlignX(UnitValue uv) If the laid out components' bounds in total is less than the final size of the container these align values will be used to align the components in the parent. null is default and that means top/left alignment. The relative distances between the components will not be affected by this property. Parameters:uv - The new alignment. Use ConstraintParser.parseAlignKeywords(String, boolean) to create the UnitValue. May be null. getAlignY public final UnitValue getAlignY() If the laid out components' bounds in total is less than the final size of the container these align values will be used to align the components in the parent. null is default and that means top/left alignment. The relative distances between the components will not be affected by this property. Returns:The current alignment. setAlignY public final void setAlignY(UnitValue uv) If the laid out components' bounds in total is less than the final size of the container these align values will be used to align the components in the parent. null is default and that means top/left alignment. The relative distances between the components will not be affected by this property. Parameters:uv - The new alignment. Use ConstraintParser.parseAlignKeywords(String, boolean) to create the UnitValue. May be null. getDebugMillis public final int getDebugMillis() If > 0 the debug decorations will be repainted every millis. No debug information if <= 0 (default). Returns:The current debug repaint interval. setDebugMillis public final void setDebugMillis(int millis) If > 0 the debug decorations will be repainted every millis. No debug information if <= 0 (default). Parameters:millis - The new debug repaint interval. isFillX public final boolean isFillX() If the layout should always claim the whole bounds of the laid out container even if the preferred size is smaller. Returns:true means fill. false is default. setFillX public final void setFillX(boolean b) If the layout should always claim the whole bounds of the laid out container even if the preferred size is smaller. Parameters:b - true means fill. false is default. isFillY public final boolean isFillY() If the layout should always claim the whole bounds of the laid out container even if the preferred size is smaller. Returns:true means fill. false is default. setFillY public final void setFillY(boolean b) If the layout should always claim the whole bounds of the laid out container even if the preferred size is smaller. Parameters:b - true means fill. false is default. isFlowX public final boolean isFlowX() The default flow direction. Normally (which is true) this is horizontal and that means that the "next" component will be put in the cell to the right (or to the left if left-to-right is false). Returns:true is the default flow horizontally.See Also:setLeftToRight(Boolean) setFlowX public final void setFlowX(boolean b) The default flow direction. Normally (which is true) this is horizontal and that means that the "next" component will be put in the cell to the right (or to the left if left-to-right is false). Parameters:b - true is the default flow horizontally.See Also:setLeftToRight(Boolean) getGridGapX public final BoundSize getGridGapX() If non-null (null is default) these value will be used as the default gaps between the columns in the grid. Returns:The default grid gap between columns in the grid. null if the platform default is used. setGridGapX public final void setGridGapX(BoundSize x) If non-null (null is default) these value will be used as the default gaps between the columns in the grid. Parameters:x - The default grid gap between columns in the grid. If null the platform default is used. getGridGapY public final BoundSize getGridGapY() If non-null (null is default) these value will be used as the default gaps between the rows in the grid. Returns:The default grid gap between rows in the grid. null if the platform default is used. setGridGapY public final void setGridGapY(BoundSize y) If non-null (null is default) these value will be used as the default gaps between the rows in the grid. Parameters:y - The default grid gap between rows in the grid. If null the platform default is used. getHideMode public final int getHideMode() How a component that is hidden (not visible) should be treated by default. Returns:The mode: 0 == Normal. Bounds will be caclulated as if the component was visible. 1 == If hidden the size will be 0, 0 but the gaps remain. 2 == If hidden the size will be 0, 0 and gaps set to zero. 3 == If hidden the component will be disregarded completely and not take up a cell in the grid.. setHideMode public final void setHideMode(int mode) How a component that is hidden (not visible) should be treated. Parameters:mode - The mode: 0 == Normal. Bounds will be caclulated as if the component was visible. 1 == If hidden the size will be 0, 0 but the gaps remain. 2 == If hidden the size will be 0, 0 and gaps set to zero. 3 == If hidden the component will be disregarded completely and not take up a cell in the grid.. getInsets public final UnitValue[] getInsets() The insets for the layed out panel. The insets will be an empty space around the components in the panel. null values means that the default panel insets for the platform is used. See PlatformDefaults.setDialogInsets(net.miginfocom.layout.UnitValue, net.miginfocom.layout.UnitValue, net.miginfocom.layout.UnitValue, net.miginfocom.layout.UnitValue). Returns:The insets. Of length 4 (top, left, bottom, right) or null. The elements (1 to 4) may be null. The array is a copy and can be used freely.See Also:ConstraintParser.parseInsets(String, boolean) setInsets public final void setInsets(UnitValue[] ins) The insets for the layed out panel. The insets will be an empty space around the components in the panel. null values means that the default panel insets for the platform is used. See PlatformDefaults.setDialogInsets(net.miginfocom.layout.UnitValue, net.miginfocom.layout.UnitValue, net.miginfocom.layout.UnitValue, net.miginfocom.layout.UnitValue). Parameters:ins - The new insets. Must be of length 4 (top, left, bottom, right) or null. The elements (1 to 4) may be null to use the platform default for that side. The array is copied for storage.See Also:ConstraintParser.parseInsets(String, boolean) getLeftToRight public final java.lang.Boolean getLeftToRight() If the layout should be forced to be left-to-right or right-to-left. A value of null is default and means that this will be picked up from the Locale that the container being layed out is reporting. Returns:Boolean.TRUE if force left-to-right. Boolean.FALSE if force tight-to-left. null for the default "let the current Locale decide". setLeftToRight public final void setLeftToRight(java.lang.Boolean b) If the layout should be forced to be left-to-right or right-to-left. A value of null is default and means that this will be picked up from the Locale that the container being layed out is reporting. Parameters:b - Boolean.TRUE to force left-to-right. Boolean.FALSE to force tight-to-left. null for the default "let the current Locale decide". isNoGrid public final boolean isNoGrid() If the whole layout should be non grid based. It is the same as setting the "nogrid" property on every row/column in the grid. Returns:true means not grid based. false is default. setNoGrid public final void setNoGrid(boolean b) If the whole layout should be non grid based. It is the same as setting the "nogrid" property on every row/column in the grid. Parameters:b - true means no grid. false is default. isTopToBottom public final boolean isTopToBottom() If the layout should go from the default top-to-bottom in the grid instead of the optinal bottom-to-top. Returns:true for the default top-to-bottom. setTopToBottom public final void setTopToBottom(boolean b) If the layout should go from the default top-to-bottom in the grid instead of the optinal bottom-to-top. Parameters:b - true for the default top-to-bottom. isVisualPadding public final boolean isVisualPadding() If visual padding should be automatically used and compensated for by this layout instance. Returns:true if visual padding. setVisualPadding public final void setVisualPadding(boolean b) If visual padding should be automatically used and compensated for by this layout instance. Parameters:b - true turns on visual padding. getWrapAfter public final int getWrapAfter() Returns after what cell the grid should always auto wrap. Returns:After what cell the grid should always auto wrap. If 0 the number of columns/rows in the AC is used. LayoutUtil.INF is used for no auto wrap. setWrapAfter public final void setWrapAfter(int count) Sets after what cell the grid should always auto wrap. Parameters:count - After what cell the grid should always auto wrap. If 0 the number of columns/rows in the AC is used. LayoutUtil.INF is used for no auto wrap. getPackWidth public final BoundSize getPackWidth() Returns the "pack width" for the window that this container is located in. When the size of this container changes the size of the window will be corrected to be within this BoundsSize. It can be used to set the minimum and/or maximum size of the window as well as the size window should optimally get. This optimal size is normaly its "preferred" size which is why "preferred" is the normal value to set here. ":push" can be appended to the bound size to only push the size bigger and never shrink it if the preferred size gets smaller. E.g. "pref", "100:pref", "pref:700", "300::700", "pref:push" Returns:The current value. Never null. Check if not set with .isUnset().Since: 3.5 setPackWidth public final void setPackWidth(BoundSize size) Sets the "pack width" for the window that this container is located in. When the size of this container changes the size of the window will be corrected to be within this BoundsSize. It can be used to set the minimum and/or maximum size of the window as well as the size window should optimally get. This optimal size is normaly its "preferred" size which is why "preferred" is the normal value to set here. ":push" can be appended to the bound size to only push the size bigger and never shrink it if the preferred size gets smaller. E.g. "pref", "100:pref", "pref:700", "300::700", "pref:push" Parameters:size - The new pack size. If null it will be corrected to an "unset" BoundSize.Since: 3.5 getPackHeight public final BoundSize getPackHeight() Returns the "pack height" for the window that this container is located in. When the size of this container changes the size of the window will be corrected to be within this BoundsSize. It can be used to set the minimum and/or maximum size of the window as well as the size window should optimally get. This optimal size is normaly its "preferred" size which is why "preferred" is the normal value to set here. ":push" can be appended to the bound size to only push the size bigger and never shrink it if the preferred size gets smaller. E.g. "pref", "100:pref", "pref:700", "300::700", "pref:push" Returns:The current value. Never null. Check if not set with .isUnset().Since: 3.5 setPackHeight public final void setPackHeight(BoundSize size) Sets the "pack height" for the window that this container is located in. When the size of this container changes the size of the window will be corrected to be within this BoundsSize. It can be used to set the minimum and/or maximum size of the window as well as the size window should optimally get. This optimal size is normaly its "preferred" size which is why "preferred" is the normal value to set here. ":push" can be appended to the bound size to only push the size bigger and never shrink it if the preferred size gets smaller. E.g. "pref", "100:pref", "pref:700", "300::700", "pref:push" Parameters:size - The new pack size. If null it will be corrected to an "unset" BoundSize.Since: 3.5 getPackHeightAlign public final float getPackHeightAlign() If there is a resize of the window due to packing (see setPackHeight(BoundSize) this value, which is between 0f and 1f, decides where the extra/surpurflous size is placed. 0f means that the window will resize so that the upper part moves up and the lower side stays in the same place. 0.5f will expand/reduce the window equally upwards and downwards. 1f will do the opposite of 0f of course. Returns:The pack alignment. Always between 0f and 1f, inclusive.Since: 3.5 setPackHeightAlign public final void setPackHeightAlign(float align) If there is a resize of the window due to packing (see setPackHeight(BoundSize) this value, which is between 0f and 1f, decides where the extra/surpurflous size is placed. 0f means that the window will resize so that the upper part moves up and the lower side stays in the same place. 0.5f will expand/reduce the window equally upwards and downwards. 1f will do the opposite of 0f of course. Parameters:align - The pack alignment. Always between 0f and 1f, inclusive. Values outside this will be truncated.Since: 3.5 getPackWidthAlign public final float getPackWidthAlign() If there is a resize of the window due to packing (see setPackHeight(BoundSize) this value, which is between 0f and 1f, decides where the extra/surpurflous size is placed. 0f means that the window will resize so that the left part moves left and the right side stays in the same place. 0.5f will expand/reduce the window equally to the right and lefts. 1f will do the opposite of 0f of course. Returns:The pack alignment. Always between 0f and 1f, inclusive.Since: 3.5 setPackWidthAlign public final void setPackWidthAlign(float align) If there is a resize of the window due to packing (see setPackHeight(BoundSize) this value, which is between 0f and 1f, decides where the extra/surpurflous size is placed. 0f means that the window will resize so that the left part moves left and the right side stays in the same place. 0.5f will expand/reduce the window equally to the right and lefts. 1f will do the opposite of 0f of course. Parameters:align - The pack alignment. Always between 0f and 1f, inclusive. Values outside this will be truncated.Since: 3.5 getWidth public final BoundSize getWidth() Returns the minimum/preferred/maximum size for the container that this layout constraint is set for. Any of these sizes that is not null will be returned directly instead of determining the correspondig size through asking the components in this container. Returns:The width for the container that this layout constraint is set for. Not null but all sizes can be null.Since: 3.5 setWidth public final void setWidth(BoundSize size) Sets the minimum/preferred/maximum size for the container that this layout constraint is set for. Any of these sizes that is not null will be returned directly instead of determining the correspondig size through asking the components in this container. Parameters:size - The width for the container that this layout constraint is set for. null is translated to a bound size containing only null sizes.Since: 3.5 getHeight public final BoundSize getHeight() Returns the minimum/preferred/maximum size for the container that this layout constraint is set for. Any of these sizes that is not null will be returned directly instead of determining the correspondig size through asking the components in this container. Returns:The height for the container that this layout constraint is set for. Not null but all sizes can be null.Since: 3.5 setHeight public final void setHeight(BoundSize size) Sets the minimum/preferred/maximum size for the container that this layout constraint is set for. Any of these sizes that is not null will be returned directly instead of determining the correspondig size through asking the components in this container. Parameters:size - The height for the container that this layout constraint is set for. null is translated to a bound size containing only null sizes.Since: 3.5 pack public final LC pack() Short for, and thus same as, .pack("pref", "pref"). Same functionality as setPackHeight(BoundSize) and setPackWidth(net.miginfocom.layout.BoundSize) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls. For a more thorough explanation of what this constraint does see the white paper or cheat Sheet at Returns:this so it is possible to chain calls. E.g. new LayoutConstraint().noGrid().gap().fill().Since: 3.5 pack public final LC pack(java.lang.String width, java.lang.String height) Sets the pack width and height. Same functionality as setPackHeight(BoundSize) and setPackWidth(net.miginfocom.layout.BoundSize) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls. For a more thorough explanation of what this constraint does see the white paper or cheat Sheet at Parameters:width - The pack width. May be null.height - The pack height. May be null. Returns:this so it is possible to chain calls. E.g. new LayoutConstraint().noGrid().gap().fill().Since: 3.5 packAlign public final LC packAlign(float alignX, float alignY) Sets the pack width and height alignment. Same functionality as setPackHeightAlign(float) and setPackWidthAlign(float) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls. For a more thorough explanation of what this constraint does see the white paper or cheat Sheet at Parameters:alignX - The pack width alignment. 0.5f is default.alignY - The pack height alignment. 0.5f is default. Returns:this so it is possible to chain calls. E.g. new LayoutConstraint().noGrid().gap().fill().Since: 3.5 wrap public final LC wrap() Sets a wrap after the number of columns/rows that is defined in the AC. Same functionality as setWrapAfter(int 0) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls. For a more thorough explanation of what this constraint does see the white paper or cheat Sheet at Returns:this so it is possible to chain calls. E.g. new LayoutConstraint().noGrid().gap().fill(). wrapAfter public final LC wrapAfter(int count) Same functionality as setWrapAfter(int) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls. For a more thorough explanation of what this constraint does see the white paper or cheat Sheet at Parameters:count - After what cell the grid should always auto wrap. If 0 the number of columns/rows in the Returns:this so it is possible to chain calls. E.g. new LayoutConstraint().noGrid().gap().fill(). noCache public final LC noCache() Same functionality as setNoCache(boolean true) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls. For a more thorough explanation of what this constraint does see the white paper or cheat Sheet at Returns:this so it is possible to chain calls. E.g. new LayoutConstraint().noGrid().gap().fill(). flowY public final LC flowY() Same functionality as setFlowX(boolean false) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls. For a more thorough explanation of what this constraint does see the white paper or cheat Sheet at Returns:this so it is possible to chain calls. E.g. new LayoutConstraint().noGrid().gap().fill(). flowX public final LC flowX() Same functionality as setFlowX(boolean true) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls. For a more thorough explanation of what this constraint does see the white paper or cheat Sheet at Returns:this so it is possible to chain calls. E.g. new LayoutConstraint().noGrid().gap().fill(). fill public final LC fill() Same functionality as setFillX(boolean true) and setFillY(boolean true) conmbined.T his method returns this for chaining multiple calls. For a more thorough explanation of what this constraint does see the white paper or cheat Sheet at Returns:this so it is possible to chain calls. E.g. new LayoutConstraint().noGrid().gap().fill(). fillX public final LC fillX() Same functionality as setFillX(boolean true) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls. For a more thorough explanation of what this constraint does see the white paper or cheat Sheet at Returns:this so it is possible to chain calls. E.g. new LayoutConstraint().noGrid().gap().fill(). fillY public final LC fillY() Same functionality as setFillY(boolean true) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls. For a more thorough explanation of what this constraint does see the white paper or cheat Sheet at Returns:this so it is possible to chain calls. E.g. new LayoutConstraint().noGrid().gap().fill(). leftToRight public final LC leftToRight(boolean b) Same functionality as setLeftToRight(Boolean) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls. For a more thorough explanation of what this constraint does see the white paper or cheat Sheet at Parameters:b - true for forcing left-to-right. false for forcing right-to-left. Returns:this so it is possible to chain calls. E.g. new LayoutConstraint().noGrid().gap().fill(). rightToLeft public final LC rightToLeft() Same functionality as setLeftToRight(false) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls. For a more thorough explanation of what this constraint does see the white paper or cheat Sheet at Returns:this so it is possible to chain calls. E.g. new LayoutConstraint().noGrid().gap().fill().Since: 3.7.2 bottomToTop public final LC bottomToTop() Same functionality as setTopToBottom(boolean false) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls. For a more thorough explanation of what this constraint does see the white paper or cheat Sheet at Returns:this so it is possible to chain calls. E.g. new LayoutConstraint().noGrid().gap().fill(). topToBottom public final LC topToBottom() Same functionality as setTopToBottom(boolean true) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls. For a more thorough explanation of what this constraint does see the white paper or cheat Sheet at Returns:this so it is possible to chain calls. E.g. new LayoutConstraint().noGrid().gap().fill().Since: 3.7.2 noGrid public final LC noGrid() Same functionality as setNoGrid(boolean true) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls. For a more thorough explanation of what this constraint does see the white paper or cheat Sheet at Returns:this so it is possible to chain calls. E.g. new LayoutConstraint().noGrid().gap().fill(). noVisualPadding public final LC noVisualPadding() Same functionality as setVisualPadding(boolean false) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls. For a more thorough explanation of what this constraint does see the white paper or cheat Sheet at Returns:this so it is possible to chain calls. E.g. new LayoutConstraint().noGrid().gap().fill(). insetsAll public final LC insetsAll(java.lang.String allSides) Sets the same inset (expressed as a UnitValue, e.g. "10px" or "20mm") all around. For a more thorough explanation of what this constraint does see the white paper or cheat Sheet at Parameters:allSides - The unit value to set for all sides. May be null which means that the default panel insets for the platform is used. Returns:this so it is possible to chain calls. E.g. new LayoutConstraint().noGrid().gap().fill().See Also:setInsets(UnitValue[]) insets public final LC insets(java.lang.String s) Same functionality as setInsets(ConstraintParser.parseInsets(s, true)). This method returns this for chaining multiple calls. For a more thorough explanation of what this constraint does see the white paper or cheat Sheet at Parameters:s - The string to parse. E.g. "10 10 10 10" or "20". If less than 4 groups the last will be used for the missing. Returns:this so it is possible to chain calls. E.g. new LayoutConstraint().noGrid().gap().fill().See Also:setInsets(UnitValue[]) insets public final LC insets(java.lang.String top, java.lang.String left, java.lang.String bottom, java.lang.String right) Sets the different insets (expressed as a UnitValues, e.g. "10px" or "20mm") for the corresponding sides. For a more thorough explanation of what this constraint does see the white paper or cheat Sheet at Parameters:top - The top inset. E.g. "10px" or "10mm" or "related". May be null in which case the default inset for this side for the platform will be used.left - The left inset. E.g. "10px" or "10mm" or "related". May be null in which case the default inset for this side for the platform will be used.bottom - The bottom inset. E.g. "10px" or "10mm" or "related". May be null in which case the default inset for this side for the platform will be used.right - The right inset. E.g. "10px" or "10mm" or "related". May be null in which case the default inset for this side for the platform will be used. Returns:this so it is possible to chain calls. E.g. new LayoutConstraint().noGrid().gap().fill().See Also:setInsets(UnitValue[]) alignX public final LC alignX(java.lang.String align) Same functionality as setAlignX(ConstraintParser.parseUnitValueOrAlign(unitValue, true)) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls. For a more thorough explanation of what this constraint does see the white paper or cheat Sheet at Parameters:align - The align keyword or for instance "100px". E.g "left", "right", "leading" or "trailing". Returns:this so it is possible to chain calls. E.g. new LayoutConstraint().noGrid().gap().fill().See Also:setAlignX(UnitValue) alignY public final LC alignY(java.lang.String align) Same functionality as setAlignY(ConstraintParser.parseUnitValueOrAlign(align, false)) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls. For a more thorough explanation of what this constraint does see the white paper or cheat Sheet at Parameters:align - The align keyword or for instance "100px". E.g "top" or "bottom". Returns:this so it is possible to chain calls. E.g. new LayoutConstraint().noGrid().gap().fill().See Also:setAlignY(UnitValue) align public final LC align(java.lang.String ax, java.lang.String ay) Sets both the alignX and alignY as the same time. For a more thorough explanation of what this constraint does see the white paper or cheat Sheet at Parameters:ax - The align keyword or for instance "100px". E.g "left", "right", "leading" or "trailing".ay - The align keyword or for instance "100px". E.g "top" or "bottom". Returns:this so it is possible to chain calls. E.g. new LayoutConstraint().noGrid().gap().fill().See Also:alignX(String), alignY(String) gridGapX public final LC gridGapX(java.lang.String boundsSize) Same functionality as setGridGapX(ConstraintParser.parseBoundSize(boundsSize, true, true)) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls. For a more thorough explanation of what this constraint does see the white paper or cheat Sheet at Parameters:boundsSize - The BoundSize of the gap. This is a minimum and/or preferred and/or maximum size. E.g. "50:100:200" or "100px". Returns:this so it is possible to chain calls. E.g. new LayoutConstraint().noGrid().gap().fill().See Also:setGridGapX(BoundSize) gridGapY public final LC gridGapY(java.lang.String boundsSize) Same functionality as setGridGapY(ConstraintParser.parseBoundSize(boundsSize, true, false)) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls. For a more thorough explanation of what this constraint does see the white paper or cheat Sheet at Parameters:boundsSize - The BoundSize of the gap. This is a minimum and/or preferred and/or maximum size. E.g. "50:100:200" or "100px". Returns:this so it is possible to chain calls. E.g. new LayoutConstraint().noGrid().gap().fill().See Also:setGridGapY(BoundSize) gridGap public final LC gridGap(java.lang.String gapx, java.lang.String gapy) Sets both grid gaps at the same time. see gridGapX(String) and gridGapY(String). For a more thorough explanation of what this constraint does see the white paper or cheat Sheet at Parameters:gapx - The BoundSize of the gap. This is a minimum and/or preferred and/or maximum size. E.g. "50:100:200" or "100px".gapy - The BoundSize of the gap. This is a minimum and/or preferred and/or maximum size. E.g. "50:100:200" or "100px". Returns:this so it is possible to chain calls. E.g. new LayoutConstraint().noGrid().gap().fill().See Also:gridGapX(String), gridGapY(String) debug public final LC debug(int repaintMillis) Same functionality as setDebugMillis(int repaintMillis) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls. For a more thorough explanation of what this constraint does see the white paper or cheat Sheet at Parameters:repaintMillis - The new debug repaint interval. Returns:this so it is possible to chain calls. E.g. new LayoutConstraint().noGrid().gap().fill().See Also:setDebugMillis(int) hideMode public final LC hideMode(int mode) Same functionality as setHideMode(int mode) only this method returns this for chaining multiple calls. For a more thorough explanation of what this constraint does see the white paper or cheat Sheet at Parameters:mode - The mode: 0 == Normal. Bounds will be calculated as if the component was visible. 1 == If hidden the size will be 0, 0 but the gaps remain. 2 == If hidden the size will be 0, 0 and gaps set to zero. 3 == If hidden the component will be disregarded completely and not take up a cell in the grid.. Returns:this so it is possible to chain calls. E.g. new LayoutConstraint().noGrid().gap().fill().See Also:setHideMode(int) minWidth public final LC minWidth(java.lang.String width) The minimum width for the container. The value will override any value that is set on the container itself. For a more thorough explanation of what this constraint does see the white paper or Cheat Sheet at Parameters:width - The width expressed as a UnitValue. E.g. "100px" or "200mm". Returns:this so it is possible to chain calls. E.g. new LayoutConstraint().noGrid().gap().fill(). width public final LC width(java.lang.String width) The width for the container as a min and/or preferred and/or maximum width. The value will override any value that is set on the container itself. For a more thorough explanation of what this constraint does see the white paper or Cheat Sheet at Parameters:width - The width expressed as a BoundSize. E.g. "50:100px:200mm" or "100px". Returns:this so it is possible to chain calls. E.g. new LayoutConstraint().noGrid().gap().fill(). maxWidth public final LC maxWidth(java.lang.String width) The maximum width for the container. The value will override any value that is set on the container itself. For a more thorough explanation of what this constraint does see the white paper or Cheat Sheet at Parameters:width - The width expressed as a UnitValue. E.g. "100px" or "200mm". Returns:this so it is possible to chain calls. E.g. new LayoutConstraint().noGrid().gap().fill(). minHeight public final LC minHeight(java.lang.String height) The minimum height for the container. The value will override any value that is set on the container itself. For a more thorough explanation of what this constraint does see the white paper or Cheat Sheet at Parameters:height - The height expressed as a UnitValue. E.g. "100px" or "200mm". Returns:this so it is possible to chain calls. E.g. new LayoutConstraint().noGrid().gap().fill(). height public final LC height(java.lang.String height) The height for the container as a min and/or preferred and/or maximum height. The value will override any value that is set on the container itself. For a more thorough explanation of what this constraint does see the white paper or cheat Sheet at Parameters:height - The height expressed as a BoundSize. E.g. "50:100px:200mm" or "100px". Returns:this so it is possible to chain calls. E.g. new LayoutConstraint().noGrid().gap().fill(). maxHeight public final LC maxHeight(java.lang.String height) The maximum height for the container. The value will override any value that is set on the container itself. For a more thorough explanation of what this constraint does see the white paper or cheat Sheet at Parameters:height - The height expressed as a UnitValue. E.g. "100px" or "200mm". Returns:this so it is possible to chain calls. E.g. new LayoutConstraint().noGrid().gap().fill(). readExternal public void readExternal( in) throws, java.lang.ClassNotFoundException Specified by:readExternal in interface Throws: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException writeExternal public void writeExternal( out) throws Specified by:writeExternal in interface Throws: Overview  Package   Class  Use  Tree  Deprecated  Index  Help   PREV CLASS   NEXT CLASS FRAMES    NO FRAMES     All Classes SUMMARY: NESTED | FIELD | CONSTR | METHOD DETAIL: FIELD | CONSTR | METHOD Copyright © 2007-2011. All Rights Reserved.


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