First Aid quiz. Work with a partner and choose the correct answer for each question.
1.What is normal body temperature?
a. 33 degrees C b. 35 degrees C c. 37 degrees C
2. How many heart beats a minute is normal for a healthy adult?
a. 40-60 b. 60-80 c. 80-100
3. How many breaths a minute is the normal breathing rate for a healthy adult?
a. 16 b. 18 c. 20
4. What should you do to help someone who s having an asthma attack?
a. Help the person sit in a comfortable position and take their medication.
b. Help the person sit in a comfortable position and breathe into a paper bag.
c. Advise the person to do some stretches and run around the block.
5. If someone is bleeding from a wound, what can you do to help?
a. Let the blood drain out.
b. Put pressure on the injury.
c. Tie a tourniquet above the injury.
6. What should you do if you think someone has broken a leg?
a. Ask them to lean on their leg to check if it is painful.
b. Help them support their leg using a cushion or some clothing.
c. Leave it for a while to see if the pain gets better.
7. What is the most important thing to do to help someone who has a burn?
a. Wrap the burn in cling film or a clean plastic bag.
b. Wipe the burn with antiseptic wipes.
c. Cool the burn under cold running water.
8. What should you do to help someone who is choking?
a. Encourage them to breathe through their nose.
b. Help them drink some water to dislodge the object.
c. Hit them firmly on their back between the shoulder blades.
9. If someone is having a diabetic emergency, what should you do?
a. Give them a low-calorie drink, like diet cola.
b. Give them a sugary drink or sugary food.
c. Give them bread or pasta.
10. Which item below would be the best thing to apply to a head injury to reduce
a. A bag of frozen vegetables wrapped in cloth.
b. A wet cloth.
c. A can of cold soft drink.
11. How can you help someone who is having a seizure?
a. Put something in their mouth.
b. Restrain them.
c. Keep them safe from injury.
12. If someone is unconscious and breathing, how do you help keep their airway open?
a. Roll them on their side and tilt their head back.
b. Lie them on their front and tip their head back.
c. Make sure nothing is obstructing their nose.
13. If you find a person who is unconscious and they are not breathing, what should
you do?
a. Call 999 and push in the centre of their chest at a regular rate.
b. Call 999 and wait for the paramedics to arrive.
c. Call 999 and roll them on their side with their head back.
14. If a casualty is stung in the mouth what can you give them?
a. Nothing to eat or drink.
b. An ice cube or cold water.
c. Warm water.
EXERCISE 1 Read the text below and complete the gaps with words from the box.
prevent emergency loosen minor severe resuscitation vomiting
unconscious supervision suspected
First Aid  general rules
First Aid is 1)__________ treatment given before a physician can arrive. Exact knowledge
of First Aid may save human life.
·ð Keep cool. Send at once for a doctor in all except 2)__________ accidents.
·ð 3)__________ panic and keep the crowd at a distance. The patient needs fresh air
to breathe and space around him.
·ð 4)__________ the clothing or anything else that may interfere with breathing.
·ð If breathing has stopped carry out mouth-to-mouth 5) __________.
·ð Attempt to control any 6) __________ bleeding.
·ð If the person is 7) __________, place him in the recovery position. The recovery
position means lying face downwards with the head turned to one side and with the
arm and leg on that side pulled up to prevent the casualty from flopping down
completely on his front. The chin should also be pulled up to keep the airway clear.
·ð If there is 8) __________, turn the head to one side, so that the mouth can drain.
Usually, the quickest way of obtaining emergency medical treatment is to take the person
by car to the nearest Emergency Department or to the local hospital. DO NOT attempt to
take him / her yourself in either of the following circumstances:
·ð If the person has a 9) __________ back injury or any other injury that makes moving
risky (e.g. broken leg, head injuries)
·ð If you are alone, and the person needs 10) __________ because he / she is very
distressed or unconscious.
In such cases call for an ambulance at once.
EXERCISE 2 Match each injury or illness with the best piece of advice.
A snake bite D eye injury G sprained ankle J nosebleed
B sunburn E earache H poisoning K shock
C faintness F blister I cut finger
1. Speak calmly and put a light coat over the person to keep him warm.
2. Take off all tight socks and shoes as quickly as possible.
3. Sit down, put your head between your knees and have a sweet drink.
4. Do not try to make the person sick. Find out when he/she swallowed it.
5. Put it under a cold water tap until it stops bleeding. Then press a cold, clean cloth on it.
6. Describe the snake to the doctor. It may be poisonous or it may not.
7. Move the person into a cool, shaded area and cover him/her with wet towels.
8. Bathe in a little warm water and lie down. If you start to go deaf, see a doctor.
9. Bend your head slightly forward over a bowl and breathe through your mouth. If it
continues to bleed for a long time, call a doctor.
10. If it very painful and you can t see things clearly, cover with a bandage or cloth.
11. Prick it with a very clean needle and then put a plaster on.
LISTENING 1 Instructions from a paramedic
Listen to the student nurse receiving instructions from a paramedic. Underline the
correct option in italics.
The patient had a stroke / a cardiac arrest.
1. The nurse gives two / three breaths into the patient s mouth.
2. The paramedic counts up to three / four after each push down on the chest.
3. The nurse pushes down on the chest fifteen / sixteen times.
4. They set the charge on the defibrillator at 100 / 200.
5. The nurse applies the pads on each side of / above and below the heart.
6. The patient starts to respond after the first / second charge from the defibrillator.
7. The patient is given Lidocaine / Atropine.
8. The dosage is 200 ml over one minute / 100 ml over two minutes.
Complete each sentence with a verb from the list, then listen again to check.
1 ____________ him CPR.
2 ____________ him mouth-to-mouth first.
3 ____________ his head.
4 Right, ____________ his nose closed, then &
5 ____________ your hand on his chest.
6 ____________ clear of his body.
7 & then ____________ the buttons and hold for two seconds.
8 ____________ his pulse again.
9 OK - ____________ the procedure.
10 Well done. Now ____________ an IV and give &
LISTENING 2 You will hear a radio talk about first aid. For questions 24-30, choose the best
answer (A, B or C).
24. What is the purpose of first aid?
A) to treat the patient yourself
B) to avoid calling a doctor
C) to make sure the victim doesn't get worse until help arrives
25. What procedure is recommended to stop bleeding?
A) washing the wound thoroughly
B) changing the bandage often if bleeding continues
C) raising the bleeding part above the heart level and bandaging it
26. Second-degree burns are characterised by
A) the red colour of the skin.
B) severe damaging of the skin.
C) blistering of the skin.
27. In which case should you not use cold water?
A) first and second-degree burns
B) third-degree burns
C) second and third-degree burns
28. What result will bursting a blister have?
A) It will stop further contamination.
B) It may lead to further contamination.
C) It will relieve the pain.
29. How could you relieve the pain caused by sunburn?
A) by applying yoghurt
B) by applying cold water
C) by applying any type of oil
30. Next week Dr Moore will talk about
A) chemical burns.
B) serious sunburn.
C) first-degree burns.


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